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Journal of Cleaner Production: Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Feybi Ariani Goni, Ji Rí Jaromír Klemes

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Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Sustainable enterprise resource planning systems implementation: A

framework development
Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh a, *, Feybi Ariani Goni b, Jirí Jaromír Klemes a
Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory e SPIL, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno, Technicka
2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The permeation of sustainability concept into the main programme of local, regional, and international
Received 28 December 2017 governments affecting a global transformation of various types of the industry towards a sustainable
Received in revised form future. The government enforces the organisations to embed sustainability into their vision, mission, and
30 April 2018
business strategy. To effectively implement the sustainability initiatives, the organisations need to
Accepted 9 July 2018
Available online 11 July 2018
integrate the data, information, and processes from all sustainable business functions into a consolidated
database. This integration process can be executed by a Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning (S-ERP)
system, which allows practitioners to centralise all sustainable business activities of an organisation into
a single system so that they can monitor their sustainability performance. However, the implementation
Development of this system is a challenging task. Ineffective S-ERP systems implementation can increase the imple-
Sustainable enterprise resource planning mentation time, cost, and even lead to failure. A master plan consisting of a roadmap, framework, and
Integrated system guidelines is required to lead the practitioners in implementing the S-ERP systems. Previous studies had
Implementation underscored the important idea of the S-ERP systems as well as the development and evaluation of the S-
ERP roadmap. This study aims to develop a framework that offers various aspects that need to be
considered in the implementation of S-ERP systems. A conceptual research method, which is a funda-
mental method in grounded theory, is used to formulate the structure of the S-ERP framework as there is
no available S-ERP framework in the literature. The S-ERP framework includes two main components
including sustainability paradigm (society, environment, and economy) and decisional paradigm (stra-
tegic, tactical, and operational levels). These components are identified by incorporating various concepts
including sustainability indicators, conventional strategic management, sustainability strategic man-
agement, success factors of the ERP systems implementation, and project management. The proposed S-
ERP framework would assist the practitioners to capture the important aspects of the S-ERP systems
implementation and facilitate them to effectively implement the systems.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction respect for the environment (Chofreh et al., 2016b).

There were several local and international conferences that
Sustainability has become a main concern of the academic and emphasise the importance of the sustainability initiative. However,
the business world (Goni et al., 2015). Its notion has been coined the majority of academic and practice often refer to the Brundtland
since the environmental issues such as resources depletion (Ingrao Commission in 1987 as a formal declaration that interlink envi-
et al., 2017), climate change (Lee et al., 2017), and pollution (Liu ronmental issues with economic development and social re-
et al., 2017) affect the human life. The United Nations World sponsibility (Alwan et al., 2017). The outcome of this commission
Commission on Environment and Development stated that the was a publication of a Brundtland Report that summarises several
fundamental concept of the sustainability is the need to maintain achievements from the discussion and provides a formal definition
an ecological balance, prevent the exploitation of resources, and of sustainability (Campagna et al., 2017). Since this period, the
sustainability idea acquired political interest from the people all
over the world (Paul, 2008).
* Corresponding author. The next conference that underscores the importance of the
E-mail address: chofreh@fme.vutbr.cz (A.G. Chofreh).

0959-6526/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1346 A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354

sustainability concept is the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Paul (2008) are the aspects that need to be considered in the implementation of
mentioned that this conference is considered the largest historical the S-ERP systems. To answer the research question, a conceptual
event held by the United Nations, which gathered 10,000 repre- research method is used to design the structure of the framework.
sentatives from 178 countries. The main results of this conference This method emphasises on the literature review to build a new
were the Commission on Sustainable Development, Rio Declara- concept. In this regard, four research areas are examined: (i) sus-
tion, and Agenda 21, which underscored the critical issues in sus- tainability implementation frameworks, (ii) Enterprise Resource
tainability and collect an agreement of leaders to move towards Planning (ERP) implementation framework, (iii) decisional para-
sustainable future (Paul, 2008). This event is the root of a global digm, and (iv) project management. The analysis revealed that the
business transformation to deliver significant sustainability out- S-ERP framework comprises two main perspectives including sus-
comes through an embedment of sustainability into the govern- tainability (environment, economic, and social) and decisional
ment programmes and regulations in national, regional, and (strategy, tactic, and operation) paradigms.
international levels (Goni et al., 2017).
Enforcement of government regulations to integrate sustain- 2. Literature review
ability into business practices and increasing customer demand for
sustainable products force the organisations to change their Chofreh et al. (2016c) claimed that the implementation of the S-
method of doing business (Stafford-Smith et al., 2017). They need to ERP systems is not trivial and it needs a considerable effort to
incorporate the sustainability initiatives into their business func- accomplished. The process involves a wide range of knowledge
tions and activities to achieve sustainable outcomes (Goni et al., covering managerial and technology. Practitioners require a holistic
2013b). Melville and Whisnant (2012) stated that effective sus- framework to ascertain the important aspects of the S-ERP system.
tainability implementation and valid sustainability reports entail To obtain the holistic framework, the present study investigates
accurate and reliable data and information. However, the sustain- four related research fields containing sustainability implementa-
ability reporting activities and its performance evaluation are still tion frameworks, ERP implementation frameworks, decisional
manually managed using spreadsheets. This technique is not paradigm, and project management. The literature analysis of these
effective and efficient when the practitioners need to provide a four areas is presented in the following sub-sections.
frequent basis report to the stakeholders. As sustainability became
a key aspect of strategy and operations, the emergence of a new 2.1. Sustainability implementation framework
generation of enterprise systems would advance the business
processes (Chofreh, 2015). The management of sustainability data, Research interests in the sustainability area have been signifi-
processes, and reporting need to be integrated into Sustainable cantly growing. A number of studies have investigated the sus-
Enterprise Resource Planning (S-ERP) systems, which enable the tainability implementation from various viewpoints, such as
practitioners to coordinate the sustainable business activities sustainability reporting (Ahmed and Sundaram, 2012), Process
(Odenwald and Berg, 2014). The S-ERP system simplifies the data Integration (Chofreh et al., 2014a), sustainability implementation in
collection, calculation, evaluation, and reporting processes across higher educations (Goni et al., 2017), supply chain (Bendul et al.,
sustainable business functions (Chofreh et al., 2014a). 2016), and operations (Font, 2017). Different research perspec-
The implementation of the S-ERP systems is favourable for or- tives have different approaches, strategies, and methodologies to
ganisations; however, it needs a broad endeavour as well as mul- solve the problem and the phenomena under investigation. In
tiple skills and knowledge. The practitioners require having a getting a general idea to develop the S-ERP framework, the present
holistic plan that guides them to implement the system. In the first study examines numerous existing studies that highlight the
part of the study, Chofreh et al. (2016a) had presented an S-ERP development of sustainability implementation frameworks from
master plan concept that shows a strategic plan and action to various viewpoints. This technique is convenient since there are
implement the S-ERP systems. It comprises of three interlocking limited studies that observe the S-ERP system implementation.
components including a roadmap, framework, and guidelines. The British Standards Institution (BSI) (2003) introduced a man-
roadmap provides process groups to complete the S-ERP imple- agement framework for the implementation of sustainability in
mentation. The framework offers numerous aspects that need to be organisations. They argued that the sustainability implementation
included in the system implementation. The guidelines provide means embedding sustainability into the primary business pro-
sequential activities that need to be executed throughout the sys- cesses in order to improve and preserve five capitals including
tem implementation. natural, human, financial, social, and manufactured capitals. Burke
The design of the S-ERP roadmap has been formulated by and Gaughran (2007) developed a framework for managing sus-
Chofreh et al. (2017a) in the second part of the study adapting the tainability in small manufacturing companies. The outcomes of the
project management concept. As an outcome, the roadmap com- case study revealed that the top management support and contri-
prises of three phases including pre-implementation, imple- bution of all staffs are the key aspect of successful sustainability
mentation, and post-implementation. Chofreh et al. (2017b) management in organisations. The framework was valuable for the
validated the content of the S-ERP roadmap using experts' re- practitioners in enhancing the efficiency of operations. Loorbach
view, which is the third part of studies. They found that the initial et al. (2009) introduced a conceptual framework to manage the
structure of the S-ERP roadmap needs to be reformed. It needs to be business transition from unsustainable organisations towards
divided into two main parts including sustainable enterprise and sustainable organisations. They claimed that the transition process
sustainably integrated enterprise roadmaps. The sustainable en- needs persistent process and structural alterations in culture,
terprise roadmap concerning the process groups to transform an technology, economy, and organisational aspects. They used a
organisation from unsustainable to the sustainable organisation. transition management and complex systems theories, then, relate
The sustainably integrated enterprise roadmaps concerning the it to the government policy to formulate the framework.
process groups that need to be completed to achieve a sustainably Ahmed and Sundaram (2012) introduced an integrated frame-
integrated organisation. work as a part of the sustainability transformation systems for
The fourth part of the study is completing the formulation of the implementing the sustainability reporting. In the analysis, they
S-ERP master plan concerns on the development of an S-ERP used various concepts, such as sustainability systems and business
framework. This study would target to answer a question of “What process engineering, to provide an integrated approach that links
A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354 1347

the sustainability modelling to the sustainability reporting. Hahn formulation of the framework. The relationship between variables
et al. (2015) introduced a systematic framework to manage the in the developed framework was then assessed using a case study
tensions in sustainability implementation. They argued that the method.
sustainability implementation need s to be seen as an integrative Sahran et al. (2010) proposed a framework for the imple-
process in which the sustainability dimensions (environmental, mentation of ERP systems in small and medium organisations.
social, and economic) need to be integrated simultaneously at all According to the literature analysis, the framework should have
levels of an organisation. They found that the framework should three important aspects including success factors, implementation
have three main aspects including context, change, and level. This activities, and implementation methodologies to attain effective
framework was then used to analyse the tensions emerged during ERP systems implementation. Chofreh et al. (2011) developed an
the sustainability transformation. Panagiotakopoulos et al. (2016) ERP framework based on project management approach. They
analysed a Viable System Model (VSM) framework introduced by observed that the ERP systems implementation is a complex proj-
a manufacturing company to align the sustainability standards with ect that needs to be managed by a robust project management
the business process of an organisation. The development of the methodology. This approach facilitates the practitioners to execute
VSM framework adopted the viable system model theory. It con- the implementation process as it provides detail flow of the project
tains three main aspects including environment, management, and implementation. Table 2 encapsulates the research analysis on ERP
operations. The authors analysed the content and relationship be- implementation frameworks. Further explanation concerning the
tween elements of the framework. Nawaz and Koç (2018) proposed conceptual research method is given in Section 3.
a conceptual framework for managing the sustainability trans-
formation at the organisational level. They claimed that the pro-
2.3. Decisional paradigm
posed framework is valuable as it involves numerous important
aspects, such as stakeholders, transparency, and assessment sys-
As revealed in the prior section, the decisional paradigm is a
tems. Table 1 presents a summary of the literature analysis.
decision-making structure of management consisting of strategic,
tactical, and operational levels. Chofreh and Goni (2017) argued
2.2. ERP implementation framework that the decisional paradigm needs to be systematically influenced
by the operational activities of an organisation. In this regard, the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the basis of the S-ERP operational analysis and activity are planned and executed based
systems in which its implementation is critical for organisations. on the specific level in the paradigm. Each decision-making level
The experience of ERP systems implementation can be applied in S- creates decisions that impact the long-term business.
ERP systems implementation since their general idea is similar. Montana and Charnov (2008) briefly explained the strategic,
Goni et al. (2013a) stated that the ERP systems implementation tactical, and operational levels in decision-making. Strategic level
requires support by the top managers of an organisation and refers to activities and decisions associated with the strategic goals
commitment by the project team to ensure success. A compre- and objectives of an organisation. It determines how the business
hensive plan, which identifies all the requirements and important linked to the external and internal organisation. The strategic ac-
aspects, is necessary for successful ERP systems implementation. tivities and decisions should be performed by top managers as they
The ERP systems research has been steadily growing since 2000 will influence the entire business processes in an organisation.
(Sadrzadehrafiei et al., 2013). Its research streams were scattered Tactical level refers to activities and decisions concerned with
into various subjects, such as success and failure factors, organ- planning development to attain the strategic goals and objectives
isational readiness assessment, systems implementation, and sys- defined by the top managers. The tactical activities and decisions
tems evaluation. There are numerous studies proposing a are performed by middle managers in an organisation. The char-
framework for successful ERP systems implementation in organi- acteristic of the strategic activities and decisions are general since
sations. Al-Mashari et al. (2003) introduced an ERP framework by they are pertinent to all departments. Conversely, the characteristic
combining the critical success factors with the implementation of the tactical activities and decisions are more explicit and action-
activities. They argued that the ERP benefits can be realised by oriented. These activities and decisions can be made faster and
aligning the technical and managerial capabilities in the imple- continuously changed.
mentation process. The proposed framework provided these Operational level refers to activities and decisions involved in
important capabilities and reflected the essential aspects of ERP the daily operations of an organisation. The characteristic of these
systems. Zhang et al. (2005) developed a framework for successful activities and decisions is short-term and administrative. The
ERP systems implementation in China. They adapted numerous operational activities and decisions are planned to complete the
existing frameworks from various related studies for the implementation of the strategic and tactical decisions. They can be

Table 1
Research analysis on sustainability implementation frameworks.

Reference Area of research emphasis

BSI (2003) Sustainability integration into business practices in organisations.

Burke and Gaughran (2007) Sustainability management in small manufacturing organisations.
Loorbach et al. (2009) Business transitions towards sustainability systems in organisations.
Ahmed and Sundaram (2012) Sustainability modelling and reporting systems implementation.
Hahn et al. (2015) Tensions analysis in sustainability implementation.
Laurenti et al. (2016) Sustainability systems implementation in organisations.
Panagiotakopoulos et al. (2016) Sustainability transformation in manufacturing organisations
Gallotta et al. (2016) Sustainability systems implementation in organisations.
Sroufe (2017) Sustainability integration in organisations.
Blanco-Portela et al. (2017) Sustainability transformation in higher education institutions
Nawaz and Koç (2018) Sustainability management in organisations.
Adams et al. (2018) Sustainability transformation in higher education institutions
1348 A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354

Table 2
Research analysis on ERP implementation frameworks.

Reference Area of research emphasis

Al-Mashari et al. (2003) Critical success factors for ERP systems implementation.
Bajwa et al. (2004) ERP systems implementation in organisations.
Yusuf et al. (2004) Important dimensions of ERP systems implementation in large manufacturing organisations.
Zhang et al. (2005) ERP systems implementation in China.
Basoglu et al. (2007) General ERP systems implementation.
Pellerin and Hadaya (2008) Business process redesign towards ERP systems implementation.
Sahran et al. (2010) ERP systems implementation in small and medium organisations.
Chofreh et al. (2011) ERP systems implementation form project management perspective.
Goni et al. (2012) Segments and elements influencing the ERP systems implementation.
Jayawickrama et al. (2016) ERP systems implementation in the United Kingdom industry.
Jagoda and Samaranayake (2017) An integrative approach to ERP systems implementation.

implemented quickly by junior managers in an organisation. Fig. 1 and evaluating possible solutions. In S-ERP systems implementa-
illustrates the decisional paradigm of an organisation. tion, the decision-making activities and decisions are important
Information flow in an organisation is formally structured. The processes to achieve defined goals. They are a sequential process
employee that is allowed or obliged to participate in a decision- starting from the identification of the problems until the systems
making process is generally defined by the rules of the organisa- implementation begins. The participation of all management levels
tion. Kezar (2012) specified that two information processing and is necessary to manage the S-ERP systems implementation. Based
knowledge sharing strategies that are commonly used in the sys- on this perspective, therefore, the decisional paradigm needs to be
tems consist of the top-down and bottom-up process. The top- incorporated as one of the main aspects of the S-ERP systems
down process enables top management levels to control the flow framework.
of information and ensures that each employee in the bottom level
has required information to complete the relevant tasks. The
bottom-up process needs input from multiple levels for making the 2.4. Project management
final decision. The top managers will inform and discuss the op-
tions with the lower-level managers. Nobel (2010) stated that ERP Project Management Institute, Inc. (2017) has definedthe project
systems a decentralising technology that enables lower-level management concept as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools,
managers to make decisions without consulting their top man- and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements”.
agers. This strategy can be reflected in the S-ERP system as these This concept has been frequently applied to manage various types
systems have a similar concept. of projects. The formal structure of the project management con-
The decisional paradigm has been considered in a number of sists of two main components including five process groups and ten
studies on sustainability and ERP implementation frameworks. knowledge areas. Fig. 2 presents the general idea of the project
However, the majority of them did not concurrently include the management concept.
three decision-making levels. For example, Gallotta et al. (2016) The project is an identified process that is carefully planned to
only considered the tactical and operational activities and Zhang accomplish a specific goal (Project Management Institute, 2017). Its
et al. (2005) only considered the strategic implementation activ- implementation involves people from internal and external orga-
ities. The application of this concept depends on the determined nisations with a variety of roles and responsibilities. For this reason,
scope of the study. the project needs to be proficiently managed by experts using a
Chofreh and Goni (2017) stated that decision-making activities specific tool, such as project management.
and decisions at all levels of management are important for a sys- Chofreh et al. (2015) mentioned that the project management is
tem implementation. They are a process of making an alternative not only a tool for practitioners but also an important capability
through ascertaining a decision, collecting data and information, that the project implementation experts should have. It enables the
experts to coordinate and manage a project within the specified
schedule and budget. Application of the project management has a
positive impact on organisation results and society.
In the academic perspective, the project management concept
has been adopted in various studies, such as sustainability and ERP
systems implementation. It can be understood from the work of
Gallotta et al. (2016) in sustainability implementation study and
Sahran et al. (2010) in ERP implementation study. It can be
concluded that the application of project management concept is
significant and it cannot be ignored particularly in the systems

Fig. 1. Decisional paradigm. Fig. 2. Project management concept.

A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354 1349

implementation. Consequently, this concept is necessary to be The present study has defined two main processes in developing
applied in S-ERP systems implementation as it considered as a the framework: review the relevant studies and design the struc-
multifaceted project requiring a holistic managerial concept. ture of the framework. Four related research areas are reviewed
consisting sustainability implementation framework, ERP imple-
2.5. Summary of literature review mentation framework, decisional paradigm, and project manage-
ment. The literature search revealed that there are various aspects
Research in S-ERP systems has been in the initial phase (Chofreh and methods considered in the previous studies. These aspects are
et al., 2014a). There is a few studies that observe the implementa- collected and analysed to find the concept used for the develop-
tion of the system. This limitation urges the present study to ment of the S-ERP framework. As a result, knowledge gaps and
observe related research areas in sustainability and ERP imple- contradictions in the literature are defined.
mentation to get a hint for developing the S-ERP framework. The As the next step, this study develops the structure of the S-ERP
existing sustainability and ERP implementation frameworks have framework by integrating various important concepts that need to
been analysed. It found that the majority of the studies adopted be reflected in implementing the S-ERP systems. These concepts
sustainability paradigm, decisional paradigm, and project man- include sustainability paradigm (environmental, social, and eco-
agement concepts. However, they did not consider the whole as- nomic) and decisional paradigm (strategic, tactical, and opera-
pects of the concept. This gap stimulates the present study to tional), which are further elaborated in Section 4. Fig. 3 illustrates
formulate the structure of the S-ERP framework by incorporating the development procedure of the S-ERP framework.
all aspects of sustainability paradigm, decisional paradigm, and
project management concepts. The S-ERP framework needs to 4. Development of the S-ERP framework
deliver the following features:
This section elaborates the development procedure of the S-ERP
1) It should combine and relate the relevant aspects into a cohesive framework that entails several steps of literature analysis. As
form, mentioned in Section 3, there are two main processes to develop
2) It should provide a general perspective for implementing the S- the framework comprising review the relevant studies and design
ERP systems, the structure of the framework. The detail steps of each process are
3) Each aspect should have a work breakdown structure. explained in the following sub-sections.

3. Research methodology 4.1. Concept analysis

Various research methods were adopted in previous sustain- This study reviews two research areas in sustainability and ERP
ability and ERP implementation framework studies ranging from implementation frameworks to find the concept used in the pre-
conceptual researches, case studies, interviews, peer reviews, or vious studies. In this regard, all important aspects considered in the
combination of these methods. The selection of the research previous frameworks are gathered and analysed. Tables 4 and 5
methods depends on the research question that the researcher shows the identified aspects in the literature.
seeks to answer. For instance, Morse and Richards (2012) stated Table 4 indicates that there are various aspects identified in the
that the conceptual research methods are generally used to answer sustainability and ERP implementation frameworks. The sustain-
process questions about changing experience over time or its stages ability frameworks normally applied two concepts comprising
and phrases such as “What is the process of becoming … ?” or sustainability and decisional paradigms. The sustainability para-
understanding questions such as “What are the dimensions of this digm refers to environmental, social, and economic perspectives of
experience … ?”. preservation and transformation towards a better future. Afgan and
A conceptual research method is generally combined with case Carvalho (2010) interpreted it as knowledge and metrics that are
studies and peer reviews to evaluate the developed concept. Yin potential for human social development. The decisional paradigm
(2013) argued that the case study methods implicate in-depth refers to a decision-making structure of management encompass-
analysis and observation of similar circumstances in different or- ing strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It is an approach used
ganisations, where the research problem is similar to the experi- to categorise various decisions that affect and shape the business
ence of the organisations. The case study method helps researchers direction of an organisation.
to answer ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’ research questions. Interview Table 5 shows that there are numerous aspects needed for the
methods are a technique for collecting relevant data and informa- successful implementation of ERP systems. The majority of the
tion for the purpose of research through verbal conversation frameworks applied to project management concept by consid-
(Wilson, 2013). This method allows the interviewer to explore the ering a phase-gate process in which the ERP systems imple-
interviewee's viewpoint on a specific idea. Tavakoli (2012) mentation is alienated into distinct phases. Goni et al. (2011)
mentioned that peer review methods are generally used to observed that the application of the project management concept
improve the research process and outcomes by involving a number is vital for a successful ERP implementation as it is a complex
of qualified experts. For example, this methods can be applied to process requiring a combination of technological and organisa-
evaluate the usability of a developed framework. Table 3 presents tional issues. For dealing with this process, the project manage-
the overview of research methods that have been applied in the ment methods are stressed in order to manage the implementation
previous studies. activities from initiating until closing (Chofreh et al., 2014b). The
The present study intends to respond to a question of “What are project management considered one of the important skills that
the aspects that need to be considered in the implementation of S- project managers and team members have to possess. The current
ERP systems?”. To answer the question, a conceptual research study classifies the identified aspects according to the concepts
method is considered appropriate as claimed by Xin et al. (2013), it used in the literature. The detail of this process is given in Table 6.
assists the researchers to develop a new concept. It is a basic Based on the classification of aspects given in Table 6, the ma-
methodology in the theory-building research providing in-depth jority of sustainability implementation studies included sustain-
literature analysis (Chofreh, 2015). However, there is a lack of ability and decisional paradigms in the frameworks. For instance,
standard process to perform the conceptual research methods. Hahn et al. (2015) considered all aspects of sustainability and
1350 A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354

Table 3
Overview of applied research methods.

Reference Research field Research method

Sustainability ERP

Al-Mashari et al. (2003) ✓ Conceptual research and case study

BSI (2003) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Bajwa et al. (2004) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Yusuf et al. (2004) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Zhang et al. (2005) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Basoglu et al. (2007) ✓ Conceptual research
Burke and Gaughran (2007) ✓ Interview with experts and case study
Pellerin and Hadaya (2008) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Loorbach et al. (2009) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Sahran et al. (2010) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Chofreh et al. (2011) ✓ Conceptual research
Ahmed and Sundaram (2012) ✓ Conceptual research and peer review
Goni et al. (2012) ✓ Conceptual research
Hahn et al. (2015) ✓ Conceptual research
Jayawickrama et al. (2016) ✓ Interview with experts
Laurenti et al. (2016) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Panagiotakopoulos et al. (2016) ✓ Conceptual research
Gallotta et al. (2016) ✓ Conceptual research and case study
Jagoda and Samaranayake (2017) ✓ Conceptual research
Sroufe (2017) ✓ Interview with experts
Blanco-Portela et al. (2017) ✓ Conceptual research
Nawaz and Koç (2018) ✓ Conceptual research
Adams et al. (2018) ✓ Conceptual research and case study

For doing this process, various concepts are used to complete the
structure of the S-ERP framework.
For the aspects of the sustainability paradigm, the present study
uses the sustainability indicators proposed by Fern andez-Sa nchez
and Rodríguez-Lo pez, 2010. For the aspects of strategic level, this
study integrates two approaches comprising conventional strategic
management from the work of Hitt et al. (2012), and sustainability
strategic management from the work of Barney and Hesterly
(2009). For the aspects of the tactical level, this study uses the
work of Sun et al. (2005) that proposed numbers of success factors
for the success of the ERP systems implementation including
management, process, technology, data, and people. For the aspects
Fig. 3. Development procedure of the S-ERP framework. of operational level, this study adopts ten project management
knowledge areas introduced by Project Management Institute
(2013). Fig. 5 provides the aspects of the S-ERP framework.
decisional paradigms. A number of sustainability frameworks The proposed S-ERP framework incorporates various important
simultaneously adopted the concept of the sustainability paradigm, aspects for implementing the S-ERP systems. It is a part of the S-ERP
decisional paradigm, and project management, such as Ahmed and master plan structure that delivers a holistic perspective of the S-
Sundaram (2012). In ERP implementation studies, Chofreh et al. ERP systems. The framework shows the important involvement of
(2011) envisaged full aspects of decisional paradigm and project key players from all organisational levels. Each of them has roles
management. The rest of the studies included just some aspects of and activities that need to be accomplished towards the systems
decisional paradigm and project management concepts. implementation. The framework also provides numerous sustain-
The present study adopted all aspects of sustainability para- ability aspects of the triple bottom line that should be aligned with
digm, decisional paradigm, and project management concepts for the business strategies and processes. All decisional and sustain-
the development of the S-ERP framework. This conception is ability aspects need to be fully considered throughout the
necessary to provide a holistic S-ERP framework, which enables the systems implementation phase. An effective assimilation and
practitioners to have multi-dimensional thinking and integrative adoption of the S-ERP framework with the involvement of all
action in implementing the S-ERP systems. stakeholders in an organisation would deliver effective S-ERP sys-
tems implementation.
4.2. S-ERP framework design and discussion
5. Conclusions
The S-ERP framework consists of two main components con-
sisting of sustainability and decisional paradigms. These compo- The employment of the S-ERP systems is vital to improving the
nents are then combined and linked into a visual appearance as a sustainability processes in organisations. This system in an inno-
logical structure intended to provide a comprehensive represen- vation of intelligent efficiency that enables the integration of
tation of the S-ERP systems. Fig. 4 illustrates the visual appearance business functions across the sustainable extended value chains. It
of the S-ERP framework. facilitates the management of an organisation to improve the
As the next step, the identified components are then specified business decision. The organisations require a framework providing
into numerous important aspects of the systems implementation. numbers of important aspects to implement the system. For this
A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354 1351

Table 4
Identified aspects of sustainability implementation frameworks.

Reference Aspect

Hahn et al. (2015) 1. Context: spatial and temporal 4. Sustainability dimensions (environmental, social, and economic)
2. Change
3. Level: systemic, organisational, and individual
Laurenti et al. (2016) 1. Plan: defining, forecasting, and organising 3. Check: controlling and coordinating
2. Do: demanding and executing 4. Act: standardising and correcting
Panagiotakopoulos et al. (2016) 1. Operations
2. Management
3. Environment
Gallotta et al. (2016) 1. Analyse 3. Implement
2. Design 4. Monitor and control
Sroufe (2017) 1. Drivers 3. Evaluators
2. Enablers 4. Change management
Blanco-Portela et al. (2017) 1. External: stakeholder expectations, government programs, global challenges, external financing, quality certifications, social
legitimacy, and credibility.
2. Connecting: top management support, stakeholder expectations, institutional policy framework, the institutional framework
for sustainability, sustainability leader, office and sustainability team, sustainability in the strategic plan, and external financing
3. Improving participation, improvement of information, size of the institution, environmental management, interdisciplinary,
leadership, committed staff, institutional culture, cooperation, and quality.
Nawaz and Koç (2018) 1. Vision, scope, and principles. 4. Preparation and organisation.
2. Criteria, risk assessment, and objectives. 5. Implement, monitor, and analyse.
3. Sustainability initiatives for risk reduction. 6. Review and continual improvement.
Adams et al. (2018) 1. External stakeholders 5. Operational optimisation
2. Non-teaching staff 6. Organisational transformation
3. Teaching faculty 7. Systems building
4. Students

Table 5
Identified aspects of ERP implementation frameworks.

Reference Aspect

Al-Mashari et al. (2003) 1. Setting-up

2. Deployment
3. Evaluation
Basoglu et al. (2007) 1. Technology 3. Organisation
2. User 4. Project management
Sahran et al. (2010) 1. Critical success factors
2. Implementation activities
3. Implementation methodologies
Chofreh et al. (2011) 1. Initiating 4. Controlling
2. Planning 5. Closing
3. Executing
Goni et al. (2012) 1. Functional capability 3. Implementation capability
2. Managerial capability 4. Technological capability
Jayawickrama et al. (2016) 1. Improve information quality through enhancing knowledge competence.
2. Improve system quality by enhancing knowledge competence.
3. Improve individual impact through enhancing knowledge competence.
4. Improve organisational impact through enhancing knowledge competence.
Jagoda and Samaranayake (2017) Pre-implementation:  Preparing an ERP system implementation plan
 System options  Implementing the ERP system
 Selection methods Post-implementation:
 ERP readiness assessment  ERP system impact assessment
 Partner selection and negotiation

reason, the current study has been focused on the development of development of the S-ERP systems research. The proposed S-ERP
the S-ERP systems framework. framework has completed the arrangement of the S-ERP master
A conceptual research method has been applied to develop the plan. For practice, the S-ERP framework presents a general guide for
framework. This process involves an in-depth review of several decision-makers to implement the S-ERP systems in organisations
areas of study. As a result, the structure of the S-ERP framework was from various industries. The practitioners can adopt the considered
designed based on two main components containing sustainability aspects and their elements and align them with the business
and decisional paradigms. The detail aspects of the components strategy and process of an organisation. An understanding of
were identified based on several concepts, such as sustainability numerous important aspects enable the decision-makers from all
indicators, conventional strategic management, sustainability organisational levels to have multi-dimensional thinking and
strategic management, success factors of the ERP systems imple- integrative action in implementing the S-ERP systems.
mentation, and project management. The S-ERP systems implementation would contribute to the
This study gives a positive involvement to academic and prac- enhancement of cleaner production processes, particularly to the
tice. For academic, this study would advance the research sustainability performance evaluation. Monk and Wagner (2012)
1352 A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354

Table 6
Classification of the identified aspects according to the concept used in the literature.

Reference Research area Concept used in the literature

Sustainability paradigm Decisional Paradigm Project Management

Environmental Social Economic Strategic Tactical Operational Process groups Knowledge areas

BSI (2003) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Al-Mashari et al. (2003) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Bajwa et al. (2004) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Yusuf et al. (2004) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Zhang et al. (2005) ERP implementation ✓ ✓
Burke and Gaughran (2007) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Basoglu et al. (2007) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓
Pellerin and Hadaya (2008) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Loorbach et al. (2009) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sahran et al. (2010) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Chofreh et al. (2011) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ahmed and Sundaram (2012) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Goni et al. (2012) ERP implementation ✓ ✓
Hahn et al. (2015) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Laurenti et al. (2016) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Panagiotakopoulos et al. (2016) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Gallotta et al. (2016) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Jayawickrama et al. (2016) ERP implementation ✓ ✓
Sroufe (2017) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Blanco-Portela et al. (2017) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Jagoda and Samaranayake (2017) ERP implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Nawaz and Koç (2018) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Adams et al. (2018) Sustainability implementation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

stated that the capability to integrate the data and activities from
different business functions using the sustainable integrated sys-
tems, such as S-ERP systems, speeds up the sustainable business
operations and decision-making processes by eliminating the
possibility of data redundancy and overlap, and reducing the en-
ergy consumption until 40%.
The constraint of the S-ERP framework is its usability and
applicability that have not been evaluated. It is only limited to the
conceptual description, which is derived from the existing concepts
in sustainability and ERP implementation areas. Therefore, further
studies need to be carried out to improve the reliability of the
framework, such as an evaluation of the content of the S-ERP
framework and its inter-relationship using a qualitative analysis.
This future study would provide an experts' idea and confirmation
regarding the reliability and usability of the framework.
The applicability of the S-ERP framework might be assessed
Fig. 4. Overview of the S-ERP framework.
using a case study method. However, this study is challenging as
there is a limited number of organisations that have implemented
the S-ERP systems. Implementing a huge system, such as S-ERP

Fig. 5. S-ERP systems implementation framework (Figge et al., 2002, Goldman and Nieuwenhuizen, 2006).
A.G. Chofreh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 198 (2018) 1345e1354 1353

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