Batch Planning and Resource Allocation Master MDE
Batch Planning and Resource Allocation Master MDE
Batch Planning and Resource Allocation Master MDE
Master MDE
Lesson 2
The optimal decision of the manufacturer, concerning the optimal size of the batch of PROD1 and PROD 2,
with the manufacturing process using as resources the machines of types M1 and M2, is modelled by the
LP primal problem:
P : max cT x
s.t. Ax b, x 0
where x1 0 and x2 0 are the quantities of PROD1 and PROD2, respectively, and x 1
1 2
A the constraints matrix
1 0
Remark: the number of rows in A =the number of resource types and the number of
columns in A =the number of decision variables
b the limits on available quantities of resources M1 and M2, expressed in time units;
Remark: each resource can be occupied a time up to the time limit
BPRA C2_S2, conf. V.E.Oltean 2
STEP1. The accountant wants to evaluate the resources at a minimum cost, constrained that the
production has to be sustained, so his decision is modelled by the
LP dual problem
D : min T b
s.t. AT c, 0
where: 1 is the vector of dual decision variables. Remark: their optimal values are “shadow prices”
1 [mu/1 time unit used to occupy M1] is the unit price of the resource M1
2 [mu/1 time unit used to occupy M2] is the unit price of the resource M2,
The dual problem can be formulated as follows: what are the optimal values of the unit prices of resources
M1 and M2, that is the optimal price paid to occupy/use each resource for a time unit (tu), such that:
M1: 1 x1 2 x2 6 [time units for M1] PROD1: 1 1 1 2 1 [money units income from pu1]
M2: 1 x1 0 x2 3 [time units for M2] PROD2: 2 1 0 2 1[money units income from pu2]
a a 1 2 b1 6
With symbolic notations, for A 11 12 , b and cT [c1 c2 ] [1 1] :
a21 a22 1 0 b2 3
Classroom exercise:
Draw in the (1, 2 ) -plane the feasibility set 1 R 2 : 1 2 1, 21 1, 1, 2 0 . Hint: draw the
frontier lines (1): 1 2 1 and (2): 21 1.
Analysis: Show that so the dual problem is feasible (that is there are solutions).
Geometric solution: Draw the dual objective line f ' () 6 with f ' () 6 1 3 2 .
f '
Draw the direction of the gradient f ' 1 . The value of the dual objective (cost of resources)
f ' 3
decreases in the direction of the anti-gradient f ' . Show that the minimum cost f ' (*) 4.5 is
1 1
attained for *1 and *2 , when the dual objective line reaches the point D(1 / 2,1 / 2) =(1)(2).
2 2
D : min bT
s.t. AT c, 0
b a a21 1 2 1 1 c1 1
where b 1 [6 3] , AT 11
1 0 2 0 , c c 1 .
2 a
12 a 22 2