Research Chapter I Grade-12

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Culasi, Antique

Online Game addiction and ItsEffect on the Academic Performance of Selected Grade-12
Senior High School Students of Northern Antique VocationalSchool

Chapter I


Background of the Study

As time passes by technology continue to evolve, because of technology new things were created
sustained and lightened human’s work. Computers were created because of technology. In the modern
age, computers have become a part of man’s life, computers with the aid of modern machine made almost
all the things around us. Online gaming is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through
the internet or any computer network available. Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming
platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first person
shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG).Some
students are addicted in online gaming that can may affect to their studies. Students learning takes place
unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing online games also leads in some problems such as
being distracted in school. Furthermore, it is where the attention of the child were divided that even their
health and social life is an unknowingly affected. An Example of it is the lack of time to study, being lazy
to go in school and lack of time management.

The research will be conducted at Northern Antique Vocational School. Northern Antique Vocational
School is one of the public schools here in Culasi Antique located at Centro Poblacion. This school is
popular for producing students who are achievers and talented.

Playing video games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance. This anecdotal
idea is supported by some research. In 2000 a study found a negative correlation between GPA and time
spent playing video games (Anderson and Dill, 2000). The correlation was relatively small. Time alone
accounted for a 4% variance in GPA yet the findings are significant. However, several order studies
content that the result of research have been mixed. A 1997 the study suggest that there is no clear Casual
relationship between video game playing and academic performance (Ernes, 1997, P. 413) it is does on to
say that the research is” sparse and contradictory” (Ernes, 1997, P. 413).

There are approximately 2-2 billion games in the world. Out of the estimated 7.6 billion people living on
catch, as of July 2018, that means almost third of people on this planet plays games. Out of 2.2 billion
gamers 1.2 billion of those who play games are playing on a Pc. 22% of pc gamers spent between 61%.
80% of their time playing multiplayer online games. (Statista2017) 26% in United States, 59% of gamers
with ages 50 and over play games.

The researcher observed here in Northern Antique Vocational School many students are involve in
playing online games some are escaping from their classes just to go in a computer shop and play online
games such as Mobile Legend, Rule of Survival (ROS), League of Legend (LOL) and DOTA. The
Culasi, Antique

researcher asked some students of their reason why they are playing online games? According to them
online gaming is enjoyable, it improves their ability to multitask, and gaming keeps their mind active.
Online gaming adverse effects on health: excessive gaming can have an adverse impact on the teen’s
health as they spend more time playing virtual games rather than having some physical exercise. This
practice increases the risk of childhood obesity. Sometimes, children also escape meals and sleep to play
games they are addicted into.

This study is to identify the effect of online gaming in the academic performance of selected senior high
school students in northern antique vocational school.
Culasi, Antique

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the relationship between online game Addiction and Its Effect on the
Academic Performance of selected Grade-12 Senior High School Students of Northern Antique
Vocational School for school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it will seek to answers to the following research question:

1. What is the level of Online Game addiction of selected grade-12 students when they are taken as an
entire group and when classified according to Sex, Age and their Strand (HUMSS, TVL, ABM)?

2. What is the academic performance of selected Grade-12 students in Northern Antique Vocational

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of Online Game addiction of selected Grade-12 Senior High
School Students when classified according to their Sex, Age, and their Strand (HUMSS, TVL, ABM)?

4. Is there a significant relationship between Online Game addiction and the Academic Performance?


Based on the aforementioned problems, the following hypotheses will be tested:

1. There is no significant difference in the level of Online Game addiction and Academic Performance of
selected Grade-12 students when classified according to Sex, Age and Strands (HUMSS, TVL, ABM).

2. There is no significant relationship between Online Game addiction and Academic Performance.

Significant of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:

Students this study will give awareness to the students of the possible effects of online-gaming addiction
on their academic performance.

Teachers it helps them to discipline their students in a right way and why students are playing online

Parents it helps them to be aware of what should they do to discipline their children.

SchoolFacilitators it helps them lessen the bad behavior of the students inside the school campus.

Delimitation of the Study

This Descriptive/ Correlational Design study aims to determine the online gaming and it’s effect on the
academic performance of selected senior high school students, in northern antique vocational school.
Culasi, Antique

This study will be conducted in (October 2019-2020). The respondents will be senior high school
randomly selected the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences in which the respondents are 20 students
from the renaissance of grade-12, 20 students from section nirvana of grade-12 and 20 students from
section novelist of grade-12. Respondents categorization will include sex, age, strand (HUMSS, TVL,
ABM) and average grade from the midterm first semester as the basis of academic performance.

The academic performance of the students will be measured according to the level of their grades:
Outstanding 90-100 passed, very satisfactory 85-90 passed, satisfactory 80-84 passed, fairly satisfactory
75-79 passed, did not meet 74 below failed.

The school where the study would be conducted at northern antique vocational school in which it serve as
the locale of the research investigation. This public institution is located at Barangay Centro Poblacion,
Culasi, antique.

Data in the study will be gathered using the adopted format from gaming Q-C by Richard Lick namely
Online Gaming Questionnaire- Checklist for the Level of Online Gaming addiction.

All statistical computations will be processed through the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)
software, version 22.0.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the work of brown 1989, Situated Cognition Theory, this theory is based on the
premise that knowledge is formed and supported by the cultural, social and physical experiences and
situation of an individual. Learning occurs in the everyday life experiences of an individual and the
theoretical model emphasizes an authentic context for skill acquisition. Learnings is organic, meaningful
and effective when material are rooted in personal connections and reflect real-life experiences. Students
persist academically when course lessons and materials are made relevant to the lived experience (Park &
Choi 2009).

Digital games-based learning aligned with many of the suggested parameters outlined by theories of
Situated Cognition and Adult Learning promotes effective adult learning (kearsley, 2010). The digital
gaming experience provide learning within a specific problem-solving context which allows adult learners
to use their experience and as a gage for learning. In many case, games are related to real life experience
or careers skills found in the work environment. Digital game-based learning provides nontraditional
learners with more authentic context for skill acquisition (Trybus, 2014). Important features connecting
adult learning and digital games are: (1) genuine context which mirrors how information is utilized in real
in real life, (2) present authentic activities, (3) numerous points of view and roles, (4) games can give
linked assessment of the learning can scaffolding learning or instruction decisive points (Herrington &
Olive, 1995).
Culasi, Antique

Conceptual Framework

Sub Variables Independent Variables Dependent Variables


Sex Online Game Addiction Academic Performance


Figure1. A paradigm showing the relationship between Online Game Addiction and Academic
Culasi, Antique

Chapter II

Related Literature

As of today, most people relate online games to low academic performance. Through the years, studies
have yielded different results. Some of them say that they are co-related when some say that they are not.

According to Anderson and dill (2000), there is a negative correlation between the two. Thus,
meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played and his grades.

At times, the student defend the games they are playing by saying that they do learn something
from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting that the faculty learn and know
about these games. So as to help students in class learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2005).

Furthermore, another paper claims that these games are not just for entertainment (Shaffer, Squire
Halverson & Gee, 2005). They claim that these games may be used to learn and experience different
things and interact with other people and belong to a virtual community.

Online games have both positive and negative effects on people, especially students. One of the
negatives in this. Many cases among students are addiction and this addiction may lead to worse
problems. The students might steal money.

They may become lazy when it comes to studying and prefer playing the whole day long. Some
even skip school in order to have more playing time. (Sujat Ali Hamzah).

Addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their personal relationships get neglected and
sometimes disappear altogether. Among addicted gamers who are married, up to 50 percent report a strain
in their marriage as a result of their addiction, addicted gamers also neglect the responsibilities of
everyday life such us school work (UNC-OASIS).

In the world of today, there are different genres of online games. First are the console games,
console games are more commonly referred to as video games. They are played on device specially made
for game through a controller, a hand-held device with buttons and joysticks or pads. Video and sound are
received by the gamer through a television. Examples of consoles include the Microsoft xbox, sony Play
station, Nintendo Game cube, and Nintendo wii.

Second are the real time strategy games. This a type of video game in which players exercise
strategy along the way, typically to conquer enemies and reach a final destination without being
eradicated. For example, to win, players decide which routes to take, what needs to be done and how to
do it. Contrast with first person shooter.

Third are the cross-platform online games. Developing software for, or running software on, more than
one type of hardware platform. The most universal cross platform application is the web browser.
Culasi, Antique

Both differences and similarities exist in game preferences and play patterns of men and women.
Men play more action and simulation genres, while women play logic and skills training games or do not
play at all (Quaiser-Pohl et al. 2005). Female gamers usually very gender specific games, such as dress up
on (lqbal et al. 20100, or family oriented simulations related to pregnancy and maternity.
(lomanouska and Guitton 2013). In general, women prefer to play games where they can correct mistakes
easily and who functions (Wang 2013).

There are also gender differences in various roles use play. Females are more role players,
friendship seekers and achievement seekers, whereas males are “manipulators”, “uninvolved users” and
“relationship seekers” (Hassounch and Brengman 2013). Males are also found to seek social dominance
and power over women in games (Fox and Tang 2013).

Some similarities exist in gaming as well, when it comes to making money in virtual words,
studies report that both women (Hassounch and Brengman 2014) and men enjoy it (Zhou et al. 2011).
Both men Gmadagno et al. (2011) and women (Hassounnch and brengman 2014) like to build objects and
work on their virtual property. Further, both genders play the role of a relationship seeker equally
(Hassounch and Bringman 2014). Finally, the number of males and females found in sex related
simulations are almost the same (Lomanouska and Guitton 2013).

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