Exam Prof Ed Part 3 and 4 PDF
Exam Prof Ed Part 3 and 4 PDF
Exam Prof Ed Part 3 and 4 PDF
2. When a teacher teaches the idea that it is wrong to think that Filipino lifestyle, products and ideas are
inferior to those of other nationalities, he fights against ______.
a. Acculturation c. Ethnocentrism
b. Xenocentrism d. Culture shock
3. Teacher Lolita, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of
teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to attend. Is her actuation and thinking in accordance
with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
a. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to go through continuing
professional education
b. No, non-attendance to seminars means no professional growth
c. Yes, because she has taught for forty years and may have mastered the trade
d. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating
4. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lessons in Science, and then she had them published
with her name printed as author. Which is unethical in this case?
a. She was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules
b. She burdened her teachers with work not related to teaching
c. She had the modular lessons published when they were worth publishing
d. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers
5. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte in her classroom every Friday?
a. Yes, that strengthens values education
b. Yes, that is religious instruction which is allowed by the Constitution
c. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of his/her religious
interest in the classroom
d. No, proselyting is no longer necessary in this age
8. You want to report on a colleague's act of immorality. You don't have the courage to confront her. To end
her illicit affair with a married man you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous letter
against your fellow teacher. What should have been done instead?
a. If the charge is valid; present such charge under oath before your school head
b. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent yourself from being involved
c. Talk to the married man with whom she is having illicit affair
d. Secretly give the anonymous letter only to the two people concerned
9. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does
this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with their teaching?
a. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job
b. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated
c. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership in activities for the betterment of the communities where they live
and work
d. No, they are also baby sitters especially in the pre-school
10. My right ends where the rights of others begin. What does this mean?
a. Rights are not absolute c. Rights are inalienable
b. Rights are alienable d. Rights are absolute
11. History books used in the schools are replete with events portraying defeats and weaknesses of the
Filipino people. In the spirit of nationalism, how should you tackle them in the classroom?
a. Present them as they are and tell the class to accept reality
b. Present the facts and use them as means to teach and inspire your class
c. Present the facts and express your feelings of regret
d. Present the facts including those people responsible for the failures or for those who contributed
12. Should an association of teachers obey a Supreme Court’s decision even if it conflict with its interest and
a. No
b. Yes
c. Yes, provided they can make a bargain
d. No, as a minority group they have the right to express their rejection
13. A teacher does not agree with the selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks against it in
her classes. Is her behavior ethical?
a. Yes, provided she got the permission from her superior to talk
against the policy
b. No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree
c. No, in fact she is quite confused and passes on her confusion to others
d. Yes, she is entitled to her opinion just as everybody is
14. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step towards resolution should be for you to:
a. Talk directly with the teacher involved
b. Ask your fellow teachers to intercede on your behalf
c. Ask your fellow teachers for their suggestions
d. Discuss it with your principal
15. What is ethical for you to do if deep within your heart you do not agree with the school policy on student
a. Be vocal about your feeling and opinion against the policy
b. Understand the policy and support the school in its implementation
c. Argue with your superior to convince him to change the policy
d. Keep your feeling to yourself but make insinuations that you are against it while you teach
CASE #1 – Mrs. Domingo developed a lesson on the concept of fraction this way: First, she presented one
pizza, and then asked a pupil to cut it into two. She called one part of the pizza 1/2 and the two parts of 2/2.
Then she wrote 1/2 and 2/2 on the board. She proceeded to ask another pupil to divide the half parts of the
cake into two again, and then wrote 1/2, 2/4 and 3/4. Then she used the model of fractions (wooden circles)
divided into 2, 3 and 4 show 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 2/4. Then she went back to the fractions she wrote on the board.
She asked her pupils for the meaning of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/4.
16. Did Mrs. Domingo follow Bruner's three stage development of knowledge?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Only in the first stage
d. Cannot be determined because the lesson was not developed fully
17. In the context of Bruner's principle of knowledge representation, which is the enactive phase of the lesson
on fractions?
a. Presenting the pizza and cutting it into two and four
b. Using the model of fractions
c. Writing the fractions 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 on the board
d. Asking the meaning of 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3
18. Would it be easier to understand and retain the concept of fractions if Mrs. Domingo began the lesson on
fractions with the meaning of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.?
a. Yes, provided we proceed to the concrete
b. No, for better learning we proceed from the concrete to the abstract
c. It depends on the teaching skills of the teacher
d. Yes, provided we include a concrete application of the abstract
20. Does the development of the lesson on fraction conform to the bottom-up arrangement of the learning
experiences in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience?
a. No c. Yes
b. Cannot be determined d. Up to the second phase of the lesson only
CASE #2 – In a faculty recollection, the teachers were asked to share their thoughts of the learner, their
primary customer. What follow is the gist of what were shared:
Teacher A - “The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He is determined by his
Teacher B - “The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.”
Teacher C - “The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with other.”
Teacher D - “The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop his rational and moral powers.”
24. If you identify yourself with Teacher D, you adhere to what philosophy?
a. Progressivist c. Existentialist
b. Behaviorist d. Perennialist
29. Which does School Head Amilia want her teachers to do?
a. Require their students to come up with a construct of the lesson
b. Make their students derive meaning from what is presented
c. Let their students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson
d. Give the meaning of what they present in class
CASE #4 – On the first day of school, Teacher Yveta oriented her class on procedures to be observed in passing
papers, getting textbooks from and returning the same on the bookshelf, leaving the room for necessity, and conducting group work.
She arranged the chairs in such a way that students can interact and can move around
without unnecessarily distracting those seated. She involved the class in the formulation of rules to ensure
punctuality, order and cleanliness in the classroom.
32. Teacher Yveta involved her students in the formulation of class rules. Which describes her classroom management style?
a. Benevolent c. Democratic
b. Authoritarian d. Laissez-faire
34. Was it sound classroom management practice for Teacher Yveta to have involved the students in the formulation of class rules?
a. No, it weakens the teacher's authority over her students
b. Yes, it makes students feel a sense of ownership of the rules
c. Yes, it lessens a teacher's work
d. No, it is a students' act of usurpation of teacher’s power
37. Which question technique/s of Mr. Santo do(es) not enhance interaction?
I. Asking high-level questions
II. Calling only on those who raised their hands
III. Calling on someone before asking the question
39. To connect the lesson on water conservation to the life of the students, which question is most appropriate?
a. How can you help conserve water?
b. Based on you observations, in what ways for people contribute to water wastage?
c. What maybe the reason why even if Family B is not as big as Family C, it consumes much more water than Family C?
d. Among the families, who contributes most to water conservation?
CASE #6 – With a topic on the human circulatory system, Teacher Jan formulated the following lesson
1. Given a model of the human circulatory system, the student must be able to understand the route of blood
2. After discussing the process of blood circulation, the teacher must be able to lead the pupils in enumerating
circulatory system-related diseases and in citing the causes and prevention of such diseases.
43. Do both objectives include a criterion of success, an element of a lesson objective cited by Robert Mager?
a. Only objective #1 has c. No, they don't
b. Only objective #2 has d. Yes, they do
CASE #7 – Teacher Fantina has a hard time getting the attention of her class. When she checks for
understanding of the lesson after a usual forty-five minute lecture, she finds out that only one or two can
answer her questions. This has become a pattern so one time, when the class could not answer, she gave a
46. What does the inattentiveness of most of Teacher Fantina's students confirm?
a. The “ripple effect” of behavior
b. The lack of academic preparation of some teachers
c. The strange behaviors of today's students
d. The stubbornness of student groups
47. Which method in dealing with classroom management problem is better than that of Teacher
a. Low level force and private communication c. High level force and private communication
b. Low level force and public communication d. High level force and public communication
48. Can the inattentiveness of Teacher Fantina's class be attributed to her use of the lecture method?
a. Yes, if the lecture was not interactive c. No, if the students are intelligent
b. Yes, if Teacher Fantina is an experienced teacher d. Cannot be determined
49. With the principles of learning in mind, which one can help Teacher Fantina solve her student
disciplinary problem?
a. Call on their first names c. Change seat plan of the class
b. Do interactive teaching d. Assign monitors in class
1. Teacher Leon gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much learning
results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher Leon’s conviction anchored? ______
a. Behaviorist c. Cognitive
b. Associationist d. Humanist
2. Which philosophy approves of a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to
memorize the rules of grammar?
a. Existentialism c. Pragmatism
b. Realism d. Idealism
3. Teacher Nikka wants to check prior knowledge of her pupils about water pollution. She writes the main
topic water pollution in the center of the chalkboard and encircles it. Then, she ask the pupils to provide
information that can be clustered around the main topic. Which technique did the teacher employ?
a. Vocabulary building c. Demonstration
b. Semantic mapping d. Deductive teaching
4. The current emphasis on the development of critical thinking by the use of philosophic methods that
emphasize debate and discussion began with:
a. Aristotle c. Confucius
b. Socrates d. Plato
5. Which refers to a single word or phrase that tells the computer to do something with a program or file?
a. Computer program c. Computer language
b. Password d. Command
6. In instructional planning, which among these three; unit plan, course plan, lesson plan is most specific?
_________ plan.
a. Course c. Resources
b. Unit d. Lesson
8. By which process do children become participating and functioning members of society by fitting into an
organized way to life?
a. Socialization c. Accommodation
b. Acculturation d. Assimilation
10. Which is a teaching approach for kindergartens that makes real world experiences of the child the focal
point of educational stimulation?
a. Situation approach c. Montessori approach
b. Traditional approach d. Eclectic approach
11. Which among the following graphic organizers used helps to show events in chronological order?
a. Time line and story map c. Series of events chart and story map
b. Time line and cycle d. Time line and series of events chart
12. Which schools are subject to supervision, regulation and control by the state?
a. Public, private sectarian and non-sectarian schools c. Sectarian and non-sectarian schools
b. Public schools d. Private school
13. Which among following can help student development the habit of critical thinking?
a. Blind obedience of authority
b. A willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is presented
c. Asking convergent questions
d. Asking low level questions
14. Teacher Nelda wants to develop in her pupils comprehension skills. What order of skills will she develop?
I. Literal comprehension III.Critical evaluation
II. Interpretation IV. Integration
15. An integrative, conceptual approach introduced by Roldan that has as its highest levels in the development
of _____ thinking skills.
a. Interpretative c. Critical
b. Creative d. Literal
16. If a student thinks about thinking, he is involved in the process called ________.
a. Higher order thinking c. Critical thinking
b. Metacognition d. Creative thinking
17. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on Thorndike’s law of:
a. Readiness c. Exercise
b. Effect d. Belongingness
20. For city-bred students to think that their culture is better than those from the province is a concrete
example of ____.
a. Ethical relativism c. Cultural relativism
b. Ethnocentrism d. Xenocentrism
23. Which program is DepEd’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors to
support programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages?
a. Chili-Friendly-School System
b. Adopt-A-School-Program
c. Every Child A Reader Program
d. Brigada Eskwela
24. Researchers gave rats a dose of 3-m butyl phthalide and measured changes in the rats blood pressure. This
statement is best classified as
a. Experiment c. Hypothesis
b. Prediction d. Finding
25. The right hemisphere of the brain is involved with the following functions except:
a. Visual functions c. Intuitive functions
b. Nonverbal functions d. Detail-oriented functions
26. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth, which should be done?
a.Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizer
b.Re-study our history and stress on our achievements as a people
c.Replace the study of folklores and myths with technical subjects
d.Set aside the study of local history
27. Which is in accordance with the “with-it-ness” principle of classroom management of Kounin?
a. Students agree to disagree in class discussions
b. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in his classroom
c. Student is with his teacher in everything he teaches
d. Both parents and teachers are involved in the education of children
28. Below are questions that must be considered in developing appropriate learning activity experiences except
one. Which is it?
a. Can experiences benefit the pupils?
b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning difficulties?
c. Are the experiences in accordance with the patterns of pupils?
d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire further?
31. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less. Then it is better to be a generalist,” claims Teacher Patty. On which
philosophy does Teacher Patty learn?
a. Essentialism c. Perennialism
b. Progressivism d. Existentialism
32. I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students. Which one should I do?
a. Ask my students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in the graphs
b. Direct my students to point out which part of the graph are right and which part is wrong
c. Ask my students to answer the questions beginning with “what if”
d. Tell my students to state data presented in the graph
33. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of the following was established?
a. Informal c. Pre-school education
b. Special education (SPED) d. Alternative learning delivery system
34. Tira enjoys games like scrabble, anagrams and password. Which type of intelligence is strong in Tira?
a. Interpersonal intelligence c. Logical and mathematical intelligence
b. Linguistic intelligence d. Spatial intelligence
35. Teacher Milla observes cleanliness and order in the classroom to create a conducive atmosphere for
learning. On which theory is her practice based?
a. Psychoanalysis c. Behaviorism
b. Gestalt psychology d. Humanistic psychology
36. Which learning principles is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?
a. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent c. Learners have different IQ level
b. Intelligence is not measured on one form d. Learners have static IQ
37. Who asserted that children must be given the opportunity to explore and work on different materials so
that they will develop the sense of initiative instead of guilt?
a. Kohlberg c. Maslow
b. Erickson d. Gardner
38. Teacher Ada uses direct instruction strategy. Which will she first do?
a. Presenting and structuring c. Guided student practice
b. Independent practice d. Reviewing the previous day’s work
39. The free public elementary and secondary educations in the country are in the line with the government
effort to address educational problems of _________.
a.Productivity c.Access and quality
b.Relevance and quality d.Effectiveness and efficiency
40. Here are raw scores in a quiz 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. To get a picture of the group’s performance which measure of
central tendency is most reliable?
a. Median c. Mean
b. Mode d. None, it is best to look at the individual scores
42. “Using the six descriptions of elements of good short story, IDENTIFY IN WRITING THE SHORT STORY BY
O. HENRY, with complete accuracy.” The words in capital letters are referred to as the ____________.
a. Criterion of success c. Performance statement
b. Condition d. Minimum acceptable performance
43. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you ask if there are any questions. There are none. You
can take this to mean that ______.
a. The students are not interested in the lesson
b. You need to ask specific questions to elicit responses
c. The students did not understand what you were talking about
d. The students understood everything you presented
44. Teacher Vina feels offended by her supervisor’s unfavorable comments after a classroom supervision. She concludes that her
supervisor does not like her. Which Filipino trait is demonstrated by Teacher Vina?
a. Extreme family-centeredness c. “Kanya-kanya” syndrome
b. Extreme personalism d. Superficial religiously
45. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessments such as:
a. De-contextualized drills c. Answering multiple choices test items
b. Unrealistic performances d. Real world application of lessons learned
46. What does the principle of individual difference require teachers to do?
a. Give less attention to gifted learners c. Treat all learners alike while teaching
b. Provide for a variety of learning activities d. Prepare modules for slow learners in class
47. The source of energy responsible for life on earth is the ______.
a. Moon c. Star
b. Wind d. Sun
49. I’d like to test whether a student knows what a particular word means. What should I ask the student to
a. Give the word a tune then sing it c. Spell the word and identify its part of speech
b. Define the word d. Give the etymology of the word
50. Study this matching type of test. Then answer the question below.
Which among the following is a way to improve the above matching test?