Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing
Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing
Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing Standard Costing
Total Material Cost Variance = Material Price Variance + Material usage Variance
Material Usage Variance = Material Mix Variance + Material Yield Variance
Detailed Explanation :
(i) Setting the standards :
As we saw, the actual results are to be compared with the Standards and for this purpose, we
must have comparable Standards.
The material cost is a variable cost item and the amount of cost that one incurs entirely
depends on the quantity of output. Thus, if the standard material cost per unit is ` 5, and if the
actual output is 100 units, then, the standard cost is ` 500. In other words in the case of
material cost, the standards are always for the actual output. If the production manager
has produced, say, 1000 units, then we should find out the cost that he should have incurred
for 1000 units and this cost should be compared with the actual cost to get the variance.
Standards for 1 unit of product X :
Material Quantity Price per Kg. Total Cost (` )
A 5 Kgs. 2 10
B 10 Kgs 3 30
15 Kgs. 40
The production manager has produced 1000 units and incurred the cost as shown below.
Material Quantity Price per Kg. Total Cost (` )
A 4800 Kgs. 2.5 12,000
B 10600 Kgs. 2.9 30,740
15,400 42,740
Very obviously, the given standards which are for the output level of 1 unit (` 40) can't be
compared with the actual for 1000 units ( ` 42,740). The given standards are to be revised to
make them represent actual output level, so that they become comparable.
This process of revising the standards is extremely simple. Since the cost is variable in nature,
the quantity figures and therefore the total cost figures are just to be revised proportionately. For
example, 1 unit of X needs 5 Kgs. of Material A and therefore 1000 units should need 5000 Kgs.
of material A. The revised standard are shown below.
Material Quantity Price per Kg. Total Cost (` )
A 5000 2 10,000
B 10,000 3 30,000
15,000 40,000
In order to solve the problem, one should first pick up the information about the output level
represented by the given Standards. One should, then pick up the actual output figure. If these
two are same, then they are comparable and one should proceed further to calculate the
variances. If they are not same, then given the Standards are to be proportionately revised to
make them represent actual output level. Thus, whether the given Standards need to be
revised or not depends on whether the output levels are same or not.
(ii) Calculation of Variances :
Total Material Cost Variance :
This variance shows the total loss or gain because of change in the total material cost.
The variance is the difference between the total Standard material cost (obviously for
actual output) and the total actual material cost.
Thus Material Cost Variance is :
Total Std. Material Cost Total Actual Material Cost
Material Price Variance : (see also notes on Single / Partial Plans)
This variance accounts for that part of the total material cost variance which comes into
being because of change in the material purchase price. Here, our aim is to know the total
gain or loss because of change in the material purchase price.
The loss / gain per unit purchased and consumed can be calculated by simply comparing
standard purchase price with the actual purchase price. However, we want to know the total
gain or loss. The total loss / gain depends on the actual quantity purchased and consumed.
Thus the price variance is :
Actual Quantity X (Standard Price - Actual Price)
Material Usage Variance :
This variance accounts for that part of the total material cost variance which comes into
being because of change in the consumption of raw material. Here, our aim is to know the
total gain/loss because of the difference between material quantity consumed and the
material quantity that should have been consumed.
Obviously, therefore, we have to compare the standard material quantity with the actual
material quantity, the difference being the quantity of material lost or gained. In order to quantify
this loss in money terms, we need to multiply this difference by the price of raw material.
We have two prices: Standard Price and the Actual Price.
Which price should be used?
We have to use standard price for this. This is based on the following reasons.
It is possible that there is some difference between the standard price and the actual
price. However, it is the job of the price variance to take care of that difference and once
that is taken care of, we are left with standard price alone. The difference between the two
prices always gets transferred to profit & loss account.
In the organisation, there is division of labour. For change in the price, purchase manager is
answerable whereas for change in the consumption of raw material, production manager is
accountable. Now, if we multiply the quantity difference by the actual price, then the efficiency
or otherwise of the purchase manager would affect the variance for the production manager.
The price, therefore, has to remain constant and only Standard price remains constant.
The standards are developed well before the period commences and we let our production
manager know the quantity of raw material that he should consume and in case the actual
consumption is more (or less) then we also let him know the rate at which the penalty, or
reward, will be calculated. That means the price has to be known to the production
manager well before the budget period commences. Obviously only the standard price can
be known in advance.
Thus the usage Variance is :
Standard material price X (standard raw material quantity-actual raw material quantity)
Material Mix Variance and Material Yield Variance
These two variances, put together account for the total material usage variance. If the raw
material consumed is not same as standard, then, that could be because of two reasons
in all. Either the mix of the input may change and/or the absolute quantity of material may
change. Consider the following example :
Material Standard Quantity Actual Quantity
(1) (2) (3)
X 50 Kgs. 40 55 55
Y 50 Kgs. 60 55 60
Total 100 Kgs. 100 110 115
As can be seen, in the first case, though the total input quantity is same as the standard,
10Kgs. of Y have replaced 10Kgs. of X. Thus, total quantity remaining same, the mix of
input has changed. In the second case, though the mix of input items (1:1) has remained
the same as the standard mix, the absolute quantity has gone up by 10Kgs. Thus, mix
remaining constant, this time the actual quantity has changed. In the third case, the mix
and the absolute quantity, both, have changed. In other words, change in the mix and / or
change in the quantity account for total material usage variance. For the purpose of
calculation of these variances, each of them is to be calculated by keeping the other of
them constant. Thus, when we speak about the mix variance, we presume that the
quantity consumed is quite upto the mark and when we take-up yield variance, we
presume that the mix is quite upto the mark.
Material Mix Variance :
Here our aim is to know whether the actual input of raw materials is as per standard or
has changed. For this, we pick up the figure of total actual input and we apply the standard
mix ratio to it and we get the mix that ought to be, given the actual input. W e compare this
standard mix with the actual mix and multiply the difference by the standard material price.
Thus material mix variance is :
Std. Material Price x (Std. Material Mix Quantity for Actual Input - Actual Mix Quantity)
Material Yield Variance :
This variance accounts for that part of the usage variance that comes into being because
of change in the quantity of raw material consumed, the mix remaining constant. There are
four methods for the calculation of this variance, as shown below :
1. Based on Input :
We just compare the total standard input quantity with the total actual input quantity
and we multiply the difference by the standard average cost. The standard average
cost is the total standard cost divided by the total standard input quantity.
Thus Material Yield Variance is :
Std. Weighted Average Cost P.U. of Input x (Total Std. Input - Total Actual Input)
2. Based on process loss.
Based on the actual input quantity, we find out the Standard process loss and we
compare that with the actual process loss. The difference is output lost / gained
because of excess / less rejection. We multiply this difference by the Standard average
cost per unit of output.
Std. Average Cost P.U. of Output x (Std. Loss for Actual Input - Actual Loss)
3. Based on yield / output :
Based on the actual input quantity, we find out the Standard output and we compare
that with the actual output. The difference is the output lost / gained. We multiply this
difference by the Standard average cost per unit of output.
Std. Average Cost P.U. of Output x (Std. Output for Actual Input - Actual Output)
4. Based on mix :
This time we compare the Standard mix of standard input with the Standard mix based on
actual input (developed for the purpose of mix variance) and we multiply the difference by
the Standard price of relevant material item.
Std. Material Price x (Std. Mix for Std. Input - Std. Mix for Actual Input)
The following is the chart of the labour cost variances :
Check :
Total Labour Cost Variance = Rat of Pay Variance + Labour Time Variance
Labour Time Variance = Idle Time Variance + Mix Variance +Efficiency Variance
Detailed Explanation
(i) Setting the Standard :
Like Material cost, even this cost is also a variable cost item and therefore, like
material cost, here also the Standards are to be for actual output. This means if the
given Standards for labour cost do not represent actual output level, then, they must
be proportionately revised to make them represent actual output level.
(ii) Calculation of variances :
The variance chart here almost resembles material variance chart with minor changes. In
most of the cases the cost changes from material to labour and the variances are same.
Accordingly, the explanations provided in respect of material cost variances is equally
applicable to labour cost variances and therefore these details are not repeated.
Total Labour Cost Variance :
This variance is the difference between the total Standard labour Cost (for actual
output) and total actual labour cost.
Thus Labour Cost Variance is :
Total Std. Labour Cost - Total Actual Labour Cost
Rate of Pay Variance :
This is just like material price variance. The Variance is actual number of hours paid
for multiplied by the wage rate difference.
In other words, it is :
Actual Hours X (Standard Rate - Actual Rate)
Labour Time Variance :
This is just like material usage variance. The variance is Standard wage rate multiplied
by the difference between Standard hours and actual hours paid for.
Thus Labour Time Variance is :
(Std. Hours - Actual Hours) x Standard Rate
Idle time Variance : This is abnormal idle hours for various categories multiplied by
applicable standard wage rates If there are two or more categories, then category wise
break-up of idle time would, normally, be given. If not given, we must put presumption to get
the break up. Preferably, the presumption should be that idle hours were in standard ratio.
Thus Idle Time Variance is :
Idle Time x Standard Rate
Labour Mix Variance :
This is just like material mix variance. Thus, we apply the Standard mix ratio to the actual input
of hours worked and we get Standard mix for actual total hours. If there is idle time, it should
be deducted from the gross input hours and the Standard ratio should be applied to the
actual or productive hours paid for. This is because, out of gross hours, Idle time variance
accounts for idle hours. Therefore, we now have to account for net hours worked.
Thus Labour Mix Variance is :
[Std. Mix for Actual Net Hours - Actual Mix (Net)] x Std. Rate Per Hour
Labour Efficiency Variance :
This is just like material yield variance based on input. We compare total standard hours with
the total actual (but net i.e. excluding idle time) input hours and we multiply the difference by
Standard average rate per hour (Total Standard Cost ¸ Standard input hours)
Thus Labour Effeciency Variance is :
(Total Std. Hours - Total Actual Net Hours) x Std. Weighted Average per hour
The following is the chart of the fixed factory overheads cost variances under absorption costing:
We just compare the volume or the output figures and the difference is to be multiplied
by the recovery rate per unit. If the actual output is more than the budgeted output, the
variance is favourable (because higher output reduces the overheads cost per unit)
and if the actual output is less, the variance is adverse.
The analysis of volume variance is required to know the precise factors responsible for
change in the output. The output depends on so many factors like number of working
days, number of hours in working days, unproductive (idle) time and efficiency level.
Calendar Variance
Now if, instead of working for 250 days, the workers work for 251 days, then, other
factors remaining constant, hours would increase by 500 and the output would increase
by 100. The variance that comes into being because of change in number of days is
called calender Variance. We should compare the number of days as per budget with
actual number of days and the difference should be multiplied by the recovery rate per
day. If the actual number of days is more, then, the variance is favourable because the
more the days, the more the hours and the more the output.
Capacity Variance
Now, days remaining constant, if the workers work for more or less than 500 hours per
day, then, again the output would change. The variance that comes into being because
of change in such capacity utilization is known as capacity Variance. We find out the
number of hours that should have been paid for in actual number of days and we
compare this with the actual number of hours paid for. The difference is multiplied by the
recovery rate per hour. If the actual number of hours is more, then, the resultant variance
is favourable because the more the hours, the more the output.
Capacity Variance = (Std. hours for Actual Days - Actual Hours) Absorption Rate per Hour
Sometimes in the problem, the student is not given information about number of
days. In such cases, the calender variance cannot be calculated. Even the capacity
variance, in the manner shown above, cannot be calculated. In such cases, we
compare budgeted hours with actual hours paid for. The difference is to be
multiplied by the recovery rate per hour. This comparison takes care of calender
and capacity both. Therefore, if the information about days is not given, then, we
calculate this variance and call it capacity variance. If the information about days is
given, then we calculate calender variance and capacity variance in a normal way
but we use this variance (direct comparison of hour) as crosscheck. This variance
has to be equal to calender variance plus capacity variance.
Capacity Variance = Budgeted hours - Actual hours) Absorption per hour Rate
Capacity Variance by Alternate Method = Calendar Variance + Capacity Variance by Normal Method
The idle time variance is calculated by multiplying idle hours by recovery rate per hour.
The Efficiency Variance can be calculated in one of the two possible ways, as shown below:
i) We find out the number of units that should have been produced in actual number of
hours (net, excluding idle time). W e compare this with the actual output and the
difference is to be multiplied by the recovery rate per unit.
Efficiency Variance = [(Std. output in Actual Net hours - Actual output)] x Absorption rate p.u.
ii) We find out the number of hours that should have been taken for the actual production
and we compare this with actual number of hours (net, excluding idle time) taken.
The difference is to be multiplied by the recovery rate per hour.
Efficiency Variance = (Std. hours for Actual Output - Actual Net hours) Absroption rate per hour
The following is the chart showing variable factory overheads variances.
Check :
Total Variable Overheads Cost Variance = Spending Variance + Utilization Variance
Detailed Explanation :
i) Setting the Standards :
This cost, being variable in nature, depends on the actual output and therefore, like
material cost and labour cost, the Standards are always for actual output.
ii) Calculation of Variances :
Total Variable Overheads Cost Variance :
This is the difference between total Standard Variable Cost and total actual variable cost.
Variable Overheads Cost Variance = Total Standard Cost - Total Actual Cost
Variable Overheads Spending Variance :
This is just like labour rate of pay variance. Thus, we multiply the rate difference by the
actual labour hours paid for.
Variable Overheads Spending Variance = (Standard Rate - Actual Rate) Actual hours
Variable Overheads Utilization Variance :
This is just like labour time variance. Thus, we multiply the labour hours difference by
the standard variable overheads rate per hour.
Variable Overheads Utilisation Variance = (Standard Hours - Actual Hours) Standard Rate
Here, the actual no. of hours to be used should be gross no. of hours if the variable
overheads cost is incurred during the idle time. if it is not incurred during the idle time,
then, we should use net no. of hours.
Note :
Though the analysis of Variable Overheads Cost Variance, as explained above is
possible, normally people calculate only the total variable overheads cost variance.
The other variances are not calculated normally. There are some obvious reasons for
this. The Spending Variance is rarely controllable. (Example: Increase in the electricity
rate) The Utilization variance comes into being if workers take more or less time and
this factor is looked into when we calculate labour time variance. There is no point, in
real life situation, in repeating the investigation. Thus, once workers take more time,
variable overheads utilization also increases. Therefore, the people are not interested
in analysing the total variable overheads cost variance.
It may also be noted that labour hours are common for labour cost variances and
variable overheads cost variance.
The chart is as shown below :
Market Market
NOTES : Share-Variance size variance
1) Budget for Comparison : The sales targets are always for a period. The budget to be
compared with the actual result has to be for the same period for which the actual
results are given. Thus, whenever the budget is for the same period for which the
actual results are given, the given budget itself is comparable with the actual and no
revision is required. On the other hand, if the budget is not for the same period for
which the actual results are given, the given budget has to be revised to make it
represent the same period for which the actual results are given. Since we are talking
about revenue and not the expenses, it is obvious that if actual quantity or price is
mroe than the budget, then it gives us favourable variance.
2) Total sales value variance : This is the difference between the budgeted sales and
the actual sales.
Total Sales Value Variance = Total Budgeted Sales - Total Actual Sales
3) Sales Price variance : This is just like material price variance and we get it by
multiplying the sales price difference by actual quantity sold.
Sales Price Variance = (Standard Sales Price - Actual Sales Price) x Actual Sales Quantity
4) Volume Variance : This is just like material usage variance and we get it by multiplying
the sales quantity difference of each product by standard selling price.
Sales Volume Variance = (Budgeted Sales Qty. - Actual Sales Qty.) x Standard Sales Price
5) Sales Mix Variance : This is very usual mix variance. Accordingly, we apply standard
ratio to the actual total quantity sold and we develop standard sales mix.
We compare this with the actual sales mix and the difference is to be multiplied by
standard selling price of each product.
Sales Mix Variance = (Standard Sales Mix for Actual Total Sales Qty. - Actual Sales mix) x Std. S.P.
6) Sales Qty./Sub-Volume Variance : This is just like material yield variance based on
input and we get it by multiplying the total sales quantity difference by the standard
average selling price per unit.
Sales Qty. Variance = (Total Std. Sales Qty. - Total Actual Sales Qty.) x Std. Weighted Avg. Sales Price p.u.
7) Market Share Variance : This is the change in total sales quantity due to change in market
share. We multiply the actual market size by standard market share percentage to get
standard sales quantity figure. We compare this with actual sales quantity and multiply the
difference by standard average sales price per unit.
Market Share Variancce = Change in Sales Qty. due to charge in Mkt. Share x Std. Weighted Avg. S.P.P.U.
8) Market Size Variance : This is the change in total Sales quantity due to change in market
size, multiplied by standard average sales per unit. We multiply the market size difference
by standard market share percentage to get the change in total sales quantity.
Market SIze Variance = Change in Sales Qty. due to Change in Mkt. Size x Std. Weighted Avg. S.P.P.U.
The Chart is as shown on the last page of notes on this chapter.
1) Like Sales, the profit targets are also for the period and whenever the given budget is
not for the same period for which the actuals are given, the given budget has to be
revised. Also, the actual profit being more would be a favorable variance.
2) Total Profit Variance :
This is the difference between total budgeted profit and actual profit.
(A) Profit Variance due to change in Sales :
This part of the chart is very similar to sales value variance chart. The only difference
being the sales quantity difference is to be multiplied by standard sales price in sales
value chart whereas the same quantity difference is to be multiplied by standard profit
per unit in this part of the chart. The quantity variances in the two charts would be
different only because of the difference between standard sales price and standard
profit. The sales price variance in both charts is the same.
(i) Profit Variance due to change in S.P.
This is usual price variance which we get by multiplying actual sales quantity by the sales
price difference.
(ii) Profit Variance due to change in sales volume :
We get this variance by multiplying the sales quantity difference of each product by
the standard profit per unit.
(iii) Profit Variance due to change in Sales Mix :
This is usual mix variance and we get it by multipying standard profit by the mix difference.
(iv) Profit Variance due to change in Sales Qty.
This is usual quantity variance and we get it by multiplying the total sales quantity
difference by standard average profit per unit.
(a) / (b) : These Variances are same as those in the sales chart, the only difference
being, we multiply the quantity difference by standard average net profit per unit.
(B) Profit Variance due to change in Cost :
If only the total standard cost and actual cost per unit are given without breakup into
material cost, labour cost etc., then we calculate only the total variance in the same
way as we calculate sales price variance. Thus, we get it my multiplying the cost
difference by the actual quantity Produced per unit.
If the break-up of cost is given then all variances in respect of each cost item are to
be calculated by following usual priciples applicable to a particular cost item.
(i) Change in Material Cost :
These are usual material cost variances and we compare the standards for actual
output with the actuals and get normal Material Cost Variances.
(ii) Change in labour Cost :
We follow usual principles applicable to labour cost variacnes and get the normal variances.
(iii) Change in Variable Cost :
We follow usual principles applicable to Variable Overheads cost Variances and get the
normal variances.
(iv) Change in Fixed Overheads Cost :
We follow usual principles applicable to Fixed overheads cost variances and get the
normal Variances.
(v) Change in Administration / Fixed S & D overheads : (under financial accounting)
As regards fixed expenses, we calculate only one variance which is Fixed Overheads
expenditure variance. We calculate the same by comparing budgeted fixed overheads
with actual Fixed Overheads. It should be noted that whereas Fixed production
overheads cost variance is to be analysed into expenditure and volume variance, under
absorption costing, the admn. and S & D fixed cost variance is only in respect of
expenditure and there is nothing like volume variance here.
Under marginal costing, there would be only expenditure variance for all types of fixed overheads.
If there is variable S & D overheads given then we develop the standards for actual
quantity sold and the standard S & D variable cost would be compared with actual S
& D cost to get Total variable S & D cost variance.
Valuation of raw material stock and calculation of price variance
There are two methods for accounting for variances and the stock valuation as well as the
calculation of price variance would depend on the method of accounting selected. The
methods are :
a) Single Plan b) Partial Plan
A) Single Plan :
Under this method the price variance is based on actual quantity purchased and accordingly the
stock would be obviously valued at standard price. The usual stock valuation methods like
FIFO, LIFO, etc. have no relevance because the opening stock and closing stock would both
be valued at standard price.
In case the standards are revised, then the opening stock valuation would be revised by
valuing the quantity at revised standard price and the difference would be treated as the
price variance of the period in which the revision takes price.
B) Partial Plan :
Under this method, the price variance is based on actual quantity consumed and accord-
ingly, the stock has to be valued at actual purchase price.
If the opening stock is there, purchased at a price other than the current purchase price, we need
to follow FIFO or LIFO method for valuation of stock as well as calculation of price variance.
If may be noted that revision of standards would not effect the opening stock valuation
because the opening stock is valued at actual price.
Q. 1. Stick - well Ltd. is operating a standard costing technique. Standards for one batch
revealed the following :
A 30 4 120
B 25 2.4 60
C 45 4 180
Input 100
Loss 10
Output 90 360
In a particular period, when five batches were produced, records revealed the following data :
B 160 3 480
C 260 3 780
Input 600
Loss 150
Q. 2. XYZ company manufactures product ABC by mixing three raw materials. For every 100 kgs of
ABC, 125 kgs of raw materials are used. In April, 60 batches were prepared to produce at output
of 5600 kgs of ABC. The standard and actual particulars are as follows :
Standard Actual
Raw Material - II 30 20 20 16
Q. 3. The standard material cost for 100 kg. of chemical D is made up of :
Chemical A - 30 kgs. @ ` 4.00 per kg.
Chemical B - 40 kgs. @ ` 5.00 per kg.
Chemical C - 80 kgs. @ ` 6.00 per kg.
In a batch, 500 kg. of chemical D were produced from a mix of :
Chemical A - 140 kgs. at a cost of ` 588
Chemical B - 220 kgs. at a cost of ` 1,056
Chemical C - 440 kgs. at a cost of ` 2,860
How do the yield, mix and the price factors contribute to the variance in the actual cost
per 100 kg. of chemical D over the standard cost?
Q. 4. X Ltd. manufactures product X, each unit of which requires two kgs. of raw materials
Y and 3 kgs of raw materials Z, to be bought at ` 5/- and ` 10/- respectively.
During the year, the company completed the production of 6,000 units. The details about
purchases and stocks are given below :
Particulars Type Qty. Actual price
i) Opening stock Y 2000 ` 6/-
Z 4000 ` 8/-
ii) Purchases Y 14000 ` 4.50/-
Z 17000 ` 11/-
iii) Closing stock Y 3000 ?
Z 5000 ?
Calculate the material cost variances. Solve by single & partial plan.
Q. 6. X Ltd. manufactures product X which requires 2 hours of skilled men, 3 hours of semi-skilled
men and 5 hours of unskilled men per unit at ` 5, 3 & 2 per hour respectively.
During January 2018, the production department reported output of 5000 units of product
X. The labour cost incurred was as detailed below :
Type Hours paid for Rate per hour
Skilled 9,000 ` 7
Semi-skilled 17,000 ` 2.75
Unskilled 30,000 ` 1.50
The total hours paid for included 1000 idle hours due to machine break down etc., out
of which 500 hours pertained to skilled men, 400 hours pertained to semi skilled men
and balance to unskilled men.
Required :
1. Calculate labour cost variances.
2. Recalculate the labour cost variances, given that the break up of 1000 idle hours
is not given.
Q. 7. A company produces a single product from a single material, It operates a standard cost
system and furnishes you the following information.
Particulars Standard Actual
Production 8,000 6,000
Materials :
Total Quantity - Kgs 16,000 13,000
Total Amount 32,000 27,300
Labour :
Total hours 2,400 2,000
Total amount 3,000 3,000
Variable overheads expenses :
Total Amount 2,400 2,200
You are required to compute the necessary variances.
Q. 8. ABC Ltd. had prepared the following estimation for the month of April:
Quantity ` ) Amount (`)
Rate (` `)
Material-A 800 kg. 45.00 36,000
Material-B 600 kg. 30.00 18,000
Skilled labour 1,000 hours 37.50 37,500
Unskilled labour 800 hours 22.00 17,600
Normal loss was expected to be 10% of total input materials and an idle labour time of 5%
of expected labour hours was also estimated.
At the end of the month the following information has been collected from the cost account-
ing department:
Quantity `) Amount (`
Rate (`) `)
Material-A 900 kg. 43.00 38,700
Material-B 650 kg. 32.50 21,125
Skilled labour 1,200 hours 35.50 42,600
Unskilled labour 860 hours 23.00 19,780
The company has produced 1,480 kg. finished product by using the followings:
You are required to calculate:
(a) Material Cost Variance;
(b) Material Price Variance;
(c) Material Mix Variance;
(d) Material Yield Variance;
(e) Labour Cost Variance;
(f) Labour Efficiency Variance and
(g) Labour Yield Variance.
Q. 10. Vinak Ltd. has furnished you the following information for the month of August.
Budget Actual
Output (units) 30,000 32,500
Hours 30,000 33,000
Fixed overheads 45,000 50,000
Days 25 26
Ideal Hours ---- 200
Calculate the fixed overheads cost variances and ratios.
Q. 13. Compute the missing data indicated by the question marks from the following :
Particulars A B
Q. 14. From the following information about sales, calculate necessary sales variances.
The company's Budget market share was 20% and the actual market size was 90,000 units.
Q. 15. Modern Toys Ltd. had budgeted the following for a month :
The standard costs per unit of A, B, C were ` 45/- ` 85/- and ` 65/- respectively whereas
actual costs per unit were ` 50/, ` 80/- and ` 70/- respectively.