Finex Iron Making Process

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The main differences between the FINEX process and a conventional blast furnace route are:

1. Direct use of non-coking coal

Various non-coking coal types can be charged directly to the smelter gasifier making a
coking plant unnecessary. The high dome temperature exceeding 1,000 °C results in entire
cracking of the coal’s relieved hydrocarbons and avoiding the formation of tar.
2. Direct use of fine iron ore
The typical iron oxide mix for FINEX is hematite fine ore with a typical mean grain size
of 1 to 2 mm. Operational results also proved stable operations with a magnetite pellet feed
in a ratio of up to 30%.
3. Use of pure oxygen
While blast furnace operators aim to enrich the hot blast with oxygen, the FINEX Process
already uses high-purity oxygen, resulting in an export gas with only low amounts of
nitrogen. As its net calorific value is more than two times of the blast furnace top gas, it
can be partially recycled for reduction work or used for heat or energy generation.
Depending on the steelworks demand, additional value can be created with the produced

Advantages of the FINEX technology

 Direct utilization of low grade fine iron ores as oxide feed

 Direct utilization of non-coking coals as reducing agent
 Favorable economics - significantly decreased CAPEX and OPEX
 Flexibility in raw materials selection and in the operation e.g. utilization of lower grade
iron ores possible (e.g. iron ores with higher Al2O3 content)
 Production of hot metal which is identical to blast furnace hot metal quality
 Valuable export gas - can be utilized for different purposes (e.g. power generation, DRI
production, chemical products)
 Commercial proven alternative iron making process to the blast furnace
 Brownfield application at integrated steel works gives synergies with the blast furnace
 Environmental benefits, including reduced emissions of NOx and SOx by 90% and 95%,
respectively, compared to the conventional blast furnace route
Limitations (Demerits) of FINEX Process

As said FINEX, COREX, HISMELT are the latest alternative methods for producing liquid iron
(Hot Metal) through Smelting Reduction (SR) process. Some of the limitations (disadvantages)

 Ease of obtaining FINEX technology is uncertain

 FINEX processes need a large amount of oxygen.

 The major criteria for an initial evaluation of coals or coal blends for the FINEX Process
are: 1. Fix carbon content at a minimum of 55%, 2. Ash content up to 25%, 3.Volatile
content lower than 35%, 4. Sulphur content lower than 1%

 Additional to these qualities the coal must have a good thermal stability to ensure the
formation of a stable char bed in the smelter gasifier.

Utilization of the FINEX export gas

The export gas is a mixture of the not recycled off-gas, excess gas and the tail gas of the Pressure
Swing Adoption (PSA) plant. Even the calorific value of the direct reduction export gas is higher
than blast furnace top gas, FINEX export gas can substitute natural gas, oil, coke and coal for
numerous applications, including:

 electrical power generation

 DRI production
 Heating purposes
 steam generation
 raw material drying
 pelletizing plant
 production of synthesis gas
 bio fermentation
Reactions involved during the iron making process

The prevailing chemical reactions for the process are those of three iron oxides— Fe2O3 (hematite),
Fe1-xO (wüstite) and Fe3O4 (magnetite) — with CO and H2. The reactions are all heterogeneous

Hematite (Fe2O3) reduction to Fe3O4 (magnetite)

3 Fe2O3 + CO = 2 Fe3O4 + CO2 +ΔH

3 Fe2O3 + H2 = 2 Fe3O4 + H2O –ΔH

Fe3O4 (magnetite) reduction to Fe1-xO (wüstite)

Fe3O4 + CO = 3 FeO + CO2 +ΔH

Fe3O4 + H2 = 3 FeO + H2O +ΔH

Fe1-xO (wüstite) reduction to metallic iron

FeO + CO = Fe + CO2 –ΔH

FeO + H2 = Fe + H2O +ΔH

Below 570 °C the wüstite phase is unstable and magnetite reduces directly to metallic iron:

Fe3O4 + 4CO = 3 Fe + 4 CO2 +ΔH

Fe3O4 + H2= 3 Fe + 4 H2O –ΔH

The equilibria in the hydrogen- and carbon monoxide reduction reactions are shown below:

C + H2O = H2 + CO +ΔH

C + 2 H2O = 2 H2+ CO2 +ΔH

CO + H2O = H2 + CO2 –ΔH

The Boudouard reaction has an equally important impact on the reduction of the iron oxides

CO2 + C = 2 CO +ΔH

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