CNPJ Contingency Plan

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CP FORM 1: Hazard Identification


1. JAILBREAK/RIOT Most of the PDL of CNPJ are Males Some of the PDL is suffering from
ranging 18-40yrs old 80% are mentally and emotional disorder
NOISE BARRAGE awaiting trials and the remaining depression and anxiety which
3 are sentenced of 6yrs imprisonment 3 affects their behavior and daily 3 5
to maximum (life imprisonment) 60 activities.
% of them has abandoned by their Injury, loss of lives and damage to
family . property.
2. EARTHQUAKE The Guinyacan Fault of Quezon Loss of lives, Injury and Damage to
Province affects the Province of Property. Use the situation as a way
Camarines Norte. The municipality of escape. Normal operation can be
2 of Daet according to research is one 2 prejudice. 2 7
of the directly affected areas where
the Camarines Norte Provincial Jail
was located.
3. FIRE The Camarines Norte Provincial Jail Loss of lives, Injury and Damage to
(CNPJ) building built on March 1997 Property. Use the situation as a way
have an outdated wiring for escape. Normal operation can
installation, most of the cells are be prejudice.
5 using octopus connection for 5 5 1
lighting and fans.
Using of gas stove for cooking.
When severe earthquake occurs.
4. TYPHOON Typhoons frequently pass through Loss of lives, Injury and Damage to
1 the area accompanied of heavy 1 Property. Use the situation as a way 1 9
rainfall with speed of 185 kph to for escape. Normal operation can
250 kph be prejudice.
5. FLOOD Flood originates from different Relocation of the affected PDL.
condition such as typhoon, La Nina, Normal Operation can be Prejudice.
Southwest monsoons, Tail end of Use the situation to create
the cold front and inter tropical untoward behaviors.
3 convergence zone with contribute 2 2.5 6
rains from heavy torrential.

6. Building Collapse The Guinyacan Fault of Quezon Loss of lives, Injury and Damage to
Province affects the Province of Property. Use the situation as a way
Camarines Norte. The municipality for escape. Normal operation can
of Daet according to research is one be prejudice.
1 of the directly affected areas where 2 1.5 8
the Camarines Norte Provincial Jail
was located.
Old building structure.
7. Terror Attacks Some of the P’sDL are member of Use this institution to gain
the terrorist group. Armory contains attention from the Government by
of some high powered fire arms. organizing attack. Loss of lives,
3 Visitation of relatives are conducted 5 Injury and damage to property. 4 3
everyday that the access of Normal Operation ca be prejudice.
communication from outside is easy
to perform.

8. Hostage Crisis One of the rights of the PDL are Loss of lives, Injury and Damage to
inter action to the community as Property. Use the situation as a way
part of their rehabilitation, different for escape. Normal operation can
4 religious organization, students, 5 be prejudice. 4.5 2
NGO’s etc. are conducting Jail
Visitation at least twice a week.
Open House are Regularly
implemented during special
holidays we are allowing their
relatives to enter their cells for
them to celebrate the occasion.

9. Epidemic 4 Every cell has a maximum number 3 Transfer of infection from one 3.5 4
of person to accommodate but due another is easy. Normal operation
to court orders committing of PDL can be prejudice.
in this institution cannot be hamper
resulting from exceeding its
maximum capacity.
Proper Ventilations are not
applicable due to Security
CP FORM 2: Anatomy of the Event
Event to Plan for: TYPHOON
Existing Mitigating
Root Causes Early Warning Signs Triggering Factors Measures
 Northwest and  Warning Signal  Continuous  Typhoon
Southwest  Strong wind rain fall tracking
Monsoon  Heavy rainfall  Continuous  Alerting all
 Tropical strong wing personnel
Cyclone including off
 Conditioning of
all equipments
CP FORM 2: Anatomy of the Event
Event to Plan for: FLOOD
Existing Mitigating
Root Causes Early Warning Signs Triggering Factors Measures
 Deforestation  Sudden rise of  Continuous  Preparing for
 Poor Drainage water rain fall safe area in case
system  Discoloration of relocation
 Illegal of water  Alerting all
construction of  Debris flow is
including off
houses and visible duty
building on no  Over flowing of  Conditioning of
build zone area water waste all equipments
on the needed
CP FORM 2: Anatomy of the Event
Event to Plan for: JAILBREAK/RIOT
Existing Mitigating
Root Causes Early Warning Signs Triggering Factors Measures

Congestion in cells
Poor feeding of PDL
 Over thinking  Ignored the  Full alert status
 Harsh punishment  Complaints reports and  Turn over the
 Lack of court appearance
 Poor medical attention  Arguing with complaint situation from

and facilities
Deprivation of certain their fellow  Lack of other agencies.
perceived rights and PDL and personnel on
 Lack of Supervisions/Poor Personnel duty
 When
 Poor communication  Organizing and
/relationship between
staff and PDL/poor
Planning opportunity
grievance policy arrived
 Trafficking by staff and PDL
CP FORM 2: Anatomy of the Event
Event to Plan for: FIRE
Existing Mitigating
Root Causes Early Warning Signs Triggering Factors Measures
 Combustible  Smoke  Hot surface  Full alert status
Materials  Smell  Electrical  Report to the
 Flammable  Loud noises Overload line agencies
liquids and  Alarm  Faulty electrical
gasses wiring
 Electrical  Unattended
CP FORM 2: Anatomy of the Event
Event to Plan for: HOSTAGE TAKING
Existing Mitigating
Root Causes Early Warning Signs Triggering Factors Measures
 Emotionally or  Over thinking 

Congestion in cells
Poor feeding of PDL
 Full alert status
mentally disturbed  Harsh punishment  Turn over the
 Escape from  Lack of court appearance
incarceration  Poor medical attention situation from
and facilities
 Trade lives of the  Deprivation of certain
other agencies.
perceived rights and
hostages for privileges’
whatever specific  Lack of Supervisions/Poor
goals they want to
 Poor communication
achieve /relationship between
staff and PDL/poor
grievance policy

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