SAEP-385 - Oct 2017 PDF
SAEP-385 - Oct 2017 PDF
SAEP-385 - Oct 2017 PDF
1 Scope ........................................................................ 2
2 Applicable Documents .............................................. 2
3 Definitions and Acronyms ......................................... 4
4 Instructions................................................................ 7
5 Responsibilities ....................................................... 10
Revision Summary......................................................... 14
1 Scope
2 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following documents shall apply to the extent
specified in this procedure:
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
3.1 Definitions
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
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Quality Assurance (QA): The planned and systematic resources and activities
implemented within the quality management system to provide adequate
confidence that QC plans, resources and procedures will fulfill the requirements
for quality.
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Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
3.2 Acronyms
EC Energization Certificate
EIS Equipment Inspection Schedule
FEL Front-End Loading
ID Inspection Department
IPT Integrated Project Team
MSAER Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
PC&MCP Pre-commissioning and Mechanical Completion Plan
PFR Preservation Failure Rate
PQP Contractor Project Quality Plan
RFI Request for Inspection
RIO Saudi Aramco Regional Inspection Office
SAIC Saudi Aramco Typical Inspection Checklist
SAIR Saudi Aramco Inspection Representative
SA PQP Saudi Aramco (Master) Project Quality Plan
SATIP Saudi Aramco Typical Inspection and Test Plan
SATR Saudi Aramco Typical Test Report
4 Instructions
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4.1.2 Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal
company procedure SAEP-302.
4.2.1 All project quality planning documents shall identify and adopt project-
specific manufacturer’s preservation plans, procedures and instructions
as minimum requirements. If Saudi Aramco requirements exceed
manufacturer’s preservation requirements, then Saudi Aramco
requirements shall also be specified and adopted.
4.2.3 The Saudi Aramco Project Quality Plan (SA PQP) shall establish general
quality policy, objectives, and levels of QA and QC needed for
preservation and condition assessment of all project materials and
a) The SA PQP shall designate roles and responsibilities between CA,
IA, and Contractor for effective control and assurance of materials
and equipment preservation on projects.
b) The SA PQP shall address general preservation requirements and
quality planning in procurement phase for classes of equipment and
materials, and in construction and pre-commissioning phases as well.
4.2.4 The Contractor’s Project Quality Plan (PQP) shall establish specific
quality objectives, measurements, reports and detailed QA and QC
requirements needed for preservation and condition assessment of all
project materials and equipment.
a) The PQP shall specify and schedule preservation processes,
procedures, inspection and testing in procurement, construction and
pre-commissioning phases for all project equipment and materials in
accordance with Appendix A and project-specific manufacturer
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4.2.5 The Commissioning and Startup Plan (CSP) and Equipment Inspection
Schedule (EIS) shall include system and equipment preservation and
mothballing requirements in planning and procedures as contingency for
startup delays.
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4.4.7 If the cumulative PFR exceeds the specified target, a Company NCR is
issued and a Focus Assessment on preservation shall be conducted.
5 Responsibilities
5.1.1 Review and issue or approve MPP, SA PQP, PQP, CSP, and EIS with
preservation requirements as specified in Section 4 of this procedure.
5.1.6 With SOR, plan and provide project support to the Proponent on
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5.2.1 Review MPP, SA PQP and PQP for preservation requirements and
approve/reject/comment as applicable.
5.2.3 Review, verify and approve all quality metric and reports on preservation.
5.2.4 Ensure MPP and SA PQP preservation requirements are used to draft
and issue a project-specific contract Schedule Q, Attachment VI.
5.3.1 Review MPP, SA PQP and PQP for preservation requirements and
approve/reject/comment as applicable.
5.3.3 Coordinate with RIOs as needed to provide Saudi Aramco inspection and
assessment of preservation in procurement phase.
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5.4.2 Plan for and avail all preservation required tools, equipment, materials,
personnel, adequate warehouse size, and storing conditions prior to
material receiving at site.
5.4.3 Avail program to preserve materials and minimize corrosion during the
delivery, storage, construction, and commissioning activities shall be
developed in accordance with paragraph 8.7 of SAES-L-133.
5.4.4 Identify, flag, and list all inspection schedules, activities, QCP’s,
checklist forms, and test report forms planned for preservation of all
project materials and equipment.
5.4.8 Timely assess, survey, inspect and test project-procured materials and
equipment for compliance with preservation requirements in accordance
with the jobsite PQP.
5.4.9 Maintain, provide, and make available quality records and other
evidence as needed to demonstrate preservation requirements have been
successfully performed by vendors, manufacturers, and Contractor for
the full scope of work.
5.4.10 Ensure all personnel responsible for special preservation are fully
qualified to do so and are supplied with predetermined work and
inspection instructions.
5.4.11 Collect, summarize, analyze, measure and report data, results, findings,
non-conformances and action items from preservation activities in all
project phases, in accordance with the project contract and approved
5.4.12 Track, measure and report on a weekly basis, quality of equipment and
piping preservation; after delivery to jobsite, through receiving, storage,
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Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
5.5.1 With PM, plan and specify procedures for preservation and mothballing
of facility systems and equipment in the CSP and EIS.
5.5.2 With PM and the Acceptance Committee, plan and implement a system
of partial ECs and MCCs where project equipment and facilities can be
timely pre-commissioned, handed-over, commissioned, and started-up
without delay.
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5.5.6 Monitor and report the quality of preservation and mothballing of facility
systems and equipment during commissioning and startup.
5.7.3 CEG shall only review and approve lay-up methods not specifically
discussed in SAES-A-007 prior to the hydrostatic testing.
Revision Summary
25 October 2017 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure that establishes minimum requirements for the
preservation of project materials and equipment, in alignment with project specifications and
manufacturer’s instructions. Also provides coverage through the project lifecycle procurement,
construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup.
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Appendix A
Summary of Preservation Requirements
Table A-1001 Documentation Requirements
a) Preservation Procedure shall be established prior to material receiving during the construction phase
b) Contractor shall establish a tracking system to register the preservation results
1) All manufactured materials shall be delivered in the original unopened packages and stored as per manufacturer's
2) At least once every 2 months, the material shall be visually inspected to check its conditions are still in compliance
with the engineering requirements
3) The date FBE coated reinforcing steel goes outdoors without protective covering shall be recorded on the
CONCRETE identification tags on the bundled steel. In addition, FBE bars shall be protected off against corrosion and damage of
4) Coating materials used at a construction site must be covered with appropriate canvas, tarpaulins or equivalent for a
temporary storage period not to exceed 14 days
5) The coatings materials shall be stored in well ventilated buildings at storage temperatures as recommended in the
Manufacturer's data sheet
6) Water curing shall be continuous until the compressive strength has reached 70% of the specified strength, but not
less than what is specified in Table 1 of SAES-Q-001
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Protect from soil
Structural Steel 12-SAMSS-008
SATIP-M-100-03 contamination, moisture,
Materials and ALL ALL SAIC-M-1068
SATIP-M-100-04 and uncalculated/not
Components SAIC-M-1031
engineered stressing
Schedule Q
Protect the material
Metal Doors and Manufacturer's from moisture,
ALL ALL SAES-M-009, SATIP-M-100-07
Windows Specification contamination with soil,
and damage
Ceramic Wall, Floor Manufacturer's
Tiles and Accessories Specification
Schedule Q
Acoustical False Manufacturer's
Ceiling System Specification
Schedule Q
Resilient Vinyl Floor Manufacturer's
Tile and Base Specification
Schedule Q
Raised Equipment Manufacturer's
Floor Materials Specification
Schedule Q,
Table A-2001 Documentation Requirements
a) Ensure manufacturer recommended preservation Procedure to be established prior to shipment, PID to verify
preservation compliance during shipment at time of materials/equipment arrived at site
b) Company preservation procedure and/or manufacturer recommended preservation Procedure shall be provided and
approved prior to material/equipment at all phases of preservation requirements (Procurement, packing, handling,
transportation and construction phases until startup) (Schedule Q)
c) Contractor shall establish and maintain proper tracking system to ensure registration of material/equipment
preservation compliance during all phase of preservation requirements to record results periodically, these activities
shall be periodically part of quality meeting discussion and evaluation (For construction phase it shall be weekly
d) Lay-up procedure shall be approved by proponent before start of pressure testing (SAES-A-007)
e) For yard or shop fabricated piping systems that are constructed, hydrostatic tested, then shipped, PMT shall submit
the lay-up procedure, including water quality, to the Group Leader, CEG/MED/CSD, for approval (SAES-A-007).
f) For all materials not specifically covered in SAES-A-007 and for acceptance of other lay-up methods, obtain prior
written approval from the Group Leader, CEG/MED/CSD.
General Requirements
Packing and Transportation
1) PID shall inspect and evaluate materials and equipment upon arrivals at site to ensure proper packing,
transportation and preservation measures were implemented as per requirements
2) Stainless Steel pipes bundles shall be wrapped in plastic, and packed in fully covered wooden boxes if the pipe size is
equal or less than 6-inch OD as per (01-SAMSS-046 paragraph 18.4)
3) Butt-welding pipe fittings shall be supplied with a protective coating for corrosion protection. The coating shall be
hard and dry, either a clear coating or a thin opaque coating. The maximum dry film thickness shall be 76 micron
(Except for clear coatings) (02-SAMSS-005, paragraph 10.4)
4) Butt-welding pipe fittings must be packaged in steel-banded wooden crates or secured to skids to prevent
mechanical damage (02-SAMSS-005, paragraph 10.5)
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5) Forged steel and alloy flanges shall be coated with a protective coating capable of protecting against corrosion
during transportation and at site, coating on the forged steel and alloy flanges butt ends shall be suitable for
welding, or acceptable alternate shall be employed (02-SAMSS-011, Section 13)
6) Fabricated steel piping (spools) welding ends shall be protected against damage during handling and shipment by
means of a securely fastened bevel protector as per (01-SAMSS-010 paragraph 10.4.3)
7) RTR (Fiberglass) Pressure Pipes, fittings, O-rings, gaskets, locking rings, and adhesives shall be packed in a manner to
withstand rough handling. The size and type of packing shall permit long-term storage
8) RTR (Fiberglass) Pressure Pipe and Fittings end protectors shall be provided and securely attached to open ends of
all pipes
9) Pickling and passivation for stainless steel piping shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM A380 or other
alternatives as agreed with project
10) Piping components shall be perfectly degreased and cleaned, free of contaminants such as greases, oil, water, dirt,
lubricants, filings weld splatter, rust, tape, paints, cleaning agent in accordance with eiga doc 13/12/e (oxygen pipe
line and piping system
11) Stainless pipes shall be segregated from carbon steel pipes during shipment, handling and storage, fabrication,
construction and testing activities
12) Piping components shall be preserved until they are assembled in site, by using means as:
a) Hermetically sealed wrapping, containing desiccant bag, for small items;
b) Firmly secured end-caps or plugs to seal all openings on
c) Non-hermetically packaged items.
Commentary Note:
At the bid phase, manufacturer shall submit the degreasing/cleaning, handling and packing procedures for
Contractor review and approval.
Lay-up Execution
For piping system pressure tested at site/manufacturer/shop drainage, lay up and preservation shall be
implemented as per SAES-A-007
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Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Carbon Steel Pipes a, b, c, d, e, f,
CS All 01-SAMSS-043, Section 5 SATIP-L-350-01
(On-Plot Piping) g, 1, 1 - 15
a, b, c, d, e, f,
Stainless Steel Pipe SS All 01-SAMSS-046, Section 18 SAIC-L-2006
g, 2, 3, 1 - 15
Saudi Aramco supply
To be evaluated SATIP to be created
and stored material
a, b, c, d, e, f,
Piping Lay-Up CS, SS All SAES-A-007 SAES-A-007 SAIC-A-2007
g, 16 - 41
Butt Welding Pipe a, b, c, 4, 5, 1 -
CS All 02-SAMSS-005, Section 10
Fittings 16
Forged Steel and Alloy
CS All 02-SAMSS-011, Section 13 a, b, c, 6, 1 - 15
Bare and Coated Pipe SAIC-L-2005
Sections 7 & 8 a, b, c, d, e, f,
Storage and All All SAIC-L-2006
SAES-H-200 g, 1 - 15
Section 5
a, b, c, d, e, f, 1
Fabricated Steel Piping All All 01-SAMSS-010, Section 10
- 15
RTR (Fiberglass)
SAES-S-070 SATIP-S-010-01
Pressure Pipe and Non-metallic All 01-SAMSS-034, Section 13 a, b, c, 1 - 15
Section 5 SAIC-S-056
High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Non-metallic All 01-SAMSS-051, Section 6 a, b, c, 1 - 15
Pipe and Fittings
Scraper Trap Station All All SAES-L-420 SATIP-L-420-01 a, b, c, 1 - 15
Construction site handling, storage and preservation of valves shall be as per SAEP-35.
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Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Angle Valves
Check Valves,
Gate Valves,
Globe Valves, Carbon Steel, ALL (Class 150 SAES-K-100
MSS SP 80 2013
Bypass Valves, Malleable Iron, Bronze min) SAES-S-060
Flush Valves, SAES-L-108
2way/3way ASME B16.34
Balancing Valves
Carbon Steel, ALL (Class 150
Butterfly Valves MSS SP 67 2002
Malleable Iron, Bronze min) SATIP-L-108-1
Pressure Relief SAIC-L-2041
Per heater vendor ASME A112.4.1-1993 SAIC-L-2040
Valve Bronze
(Class 150 min) (R2002) SAIC-L-2074
(Water Heater) SAES-S-060
Pressure Relief Calc. CSA Z21.22b-2001
Valve (Class 150) (R2003)
SA-2787, ISS (Pressure a, 4, 5, 6, 7
SA-8020-711, ISS
Control Valve Bronze 1” min. (Class 150 SAES-K-100
(2way/3way) SS min) SAES-J-700
SA-8020-712, ISS (Ball)
SA-8020-713, ISS
(Butterfly/ Rotary Plug)
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7) For vessels made completely of stainless steels and vessels internally cladded or weld-overlaid with these materials,
in addition to vapor phase corrosion inhibitors applied per 19.2.2, nitrogen blanketing shall be used during shipment
or periods of storage at the construction site. To apply nitrogen blanketing, dew point to be measured before
applying nitrogen pressure to confirm dryness of the internal surfaces, pressurize the vessel to 60 psig or MAWP,
whichever is lower, with nitrogen and then bleed down slowly to 5 psig. Pressurization in this manner shall be
repeated 3 times. Bleed down must be slow and controlled to minimize the loss of vapor phase inhibitor. The vessel
shall be clearly marked with a warning: asphyxiation hazard--preserved with nitrogen.” As per 32-SAMSS-004
paragraph 19.2.2.
8) For pressure vessels accumulator/cylinder to be provided to compensate the pressure during transportation or
storage period. Moreover, pressure gauge to be attached to vessels in order to maintain the nitrogen pressure
inside the equipment for continuous monitoring.
Commentary Note:
The vessel shall be clearly marked with a warning: "Warning: asphyxiation hazard--preserved with nitrogen"
9) Telltale holes in reinforcing pads shall be protected with wooden plugs or packed with rust preventative grease
10) Flanged connections and all other machined surfaces shall be protected by a coating suitable for the metallurgy of the
vessel and can be easily removed in the field.
11) Spare bolts shall be protected with a rust preventative compound to prevent corrosion during shipment, storage, and
12) Davits shall be preserved, drain holes/notches shall be checked for blocks, and greasing shall be done periodically
through grease fitting.
13) After erection, in situations where nitrogen pressure cannot be maintained at 35 psi fully assembled heat exchangers,
spray interior surfaces with suitable vapor phase inhibitor. If possible, vapor phase inhibitor powder shall be sprayed
directly into the tubes so that it can be easily detected exiting from the opposite end of the tube. Exchangers must be
sealed vapor tight using metallic covers for the inhibitor to be effective.
14) Unless otherwise specified, after site installation machinery shall be stored with dry nitrogen purge or vapor phase
inhibitors and desiccant bags till final piping connection. If preservation gas purging required then equipment shall be
equipped with pressure gauges and the purge pressure shall be routinely monitored and documented. In other cases
where VCI/desiccant bags are present inside, care shall be taken to track the validity and expiry of these bags.
Also, clear external notice about presence of VCI/desiccant bags shall be available on the equipment to remind
removal before final connection.
Equipment Pressure Testing and Lay-up
15) For equipment pressure tested at site/manufacturer/shop drainage, lay up and preservation shall be implemented as
per SAES-A-007
16) For equipment with no drain points, Contractor/ manufacturer shall provide a procedure that will insure water is fully
removed and dried
Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Pressure Vessel Stand-alone/skid mounted All 32-SAMSS-004 SATIP-D-001-01 All
Fire Heaters Check SATIPS/SAIC
Shell and Tube Heat TEMA Shell and Tube
All 32- SAMSS-007 SATIP-E-004-01 All
Exchanger heat exchanger
Air-Cooled Heat
Stand-alone/API STD 661 32- SAMSS-011 SATIP-E-007-01 All
Plate and Frame
All All 32- SAMSS-019 All
Heat Exchangers
Water Tube Boiler All 32- SAMSS-021 SATIP-F-001-04 All
Electric Heat Exchangers All All 32- SAMSS-027 All
Double Pipe Heat
All All 32-SAMSS-028 All
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11) The corrosion resistant metal tag shall be stamped in accordance with the Purchase Order, (31-SAMSS-004
Section 8.4.5)
12) Equipment shall be suitably prepared for the type of shipment specified, including restraint of rotors when
necessary. Restrained rotors shall be identified by means of corrosion resistant tags attached with stainless steel
wire, the preparation shall make the equipment suitable for six months of outdoor storage from the time of
shipment, with no disassembly required before operation, except for inspection of motor seals, (31-SAMSS-010
Section 9.3.1)
13) The Vendor shall provide any instructions necessary to preserve the integrity of the storage preparation after the
equipment arrives at the job site and before startup. (31-SAMSS-010 Section 9.3.2)
14) Flanged openings shall be provided with metal closures at least 5 mm thick with elastomeric gaskets and at least
four full diameter bolts, For studded openings, all nuts required for the intended service shall be used to secure the
enclosures, (31-SAMSS-010 section 9.3.5)
15) Threaded openings shall be provided with protection plugs
16) Exposed shafts and shaft couplings shall be wrapped with waterproof, moldable waxed cloth or volatile corrosion
inhibitor paper, The seams shall be sealed with oil proof adhesive tape, (31-SAMSS-010 Section 9.3.8)
17) All valves spindles exposed shall be covered with grease tape
18) General clean up routine and good housekeeping is a prerequisite for successful execution of preservation.
19) Unsupported piping shall not be installed on the machinery. Temporary supports shall be installed as specified by
design to minimize piping applied strain on the machinery. The casual addition or deletion of piping supports during
field construction can result in piping stresses not anticipated by the piping designer and is prohibited.
20) Bearing shall be filled with vendor recommended Oil , Shaft shall be rotated with a strap wrench or other non-
marring devices on frequency as specified in vendor IOM or API 686, which ever more stringent. If the rotor was
initially blocked for shipment, unblock before turning and re-block (per the manufacturers recommendation) after
turning, will be required.
21) During short and long term storage till erection machinery shall be preserved as per manufacturer instruction, all
openings shall then be closed and sealed tightly, nozzles shall be closed using temporary metal blinds, temporary
protective coverings shall allow free air circulation to prevent humidity condensation and collection of water.
Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Centrifugal API RP 686 SAES-K-402 SATIP-K-402-01 A, b, c
API 617
Reciprocating API RP 686 SAES-K-403 SATIP-K-403-02 A, b, c, 1
API 617
Steam Turbine SAES-K-502 A, b, c, 2
Pumps API 610 Centrifugal 31-SAMSS-004 SAES-G-005 SATIP-G-005 A, b, c
Pump with Canned
Centrifugal 31-SAMSS-004 SAES-G-005 SATIP-G-005 A, b, c
Gas Turbines Combustion All 32-SAMSS-008 All
SAES-G-005 Note: for
50 HP and less refer to
Centrifugal Pumps Centrifugal All API STD 610 SAIC-K-402 a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ASTM A276 XM19
Submersible Pumps All SAES-G-007 a, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
ASTM D4745 Type 8
Type 316 S.S.
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Table A-3001 Documentation Requirements
a) The Contractor shall include procedures for handling, storage, and preservation of material as specified in all
applicable specifications, manufacturer recommendations and Saudi Aramco's standards
b) Contractor shall establish a tracking system to register the periodically preservation results
c) The procedure shall list all inspection schedules for maintaining the quality of the material or equipment as well as
provide for documentation that the required activities have been performed
General Requirements
1) Electrical equipment should be moved and stored in an upright position
2) Outdoors Equipment- electrical equipment wooden boxes, crates and panels shall be supported off the ground and
provided with a weatherproof (i.e., rain and dust-tight) cover
GENERAL - 3) Electrical equipment wooden boxes, crates and panels shall be stored away from construction equipment, road
traffic, falling or flying objects, and areas where there is a risk of physical damage
4) Indoor Equipment- Electrical equipment shall be stored indoor in a clean dry area
5) Periodical inspection by Contractor QC and routine surveillances by Saudi Aramco Inspector as stated on approved
preservation procedure
6) Verify that the storage area provided is not located near water sources nor flammable materials.
7) Verify that the storage area is well secure and provided with environments control for the protection of the equipment
8) For indoor storage, verify that the storage area provided is well ventilated and the room temperature maintained in
accordance to manufacturer recommendation.
9) Internal parts of electrical equipment shall not be damaged or contaminated by foreign materials such as paint,
plaster, cleaners, abrasives, or corrosive residues. There shall be no damaged parts that may adversely affect safe
operation or mechanical strength of the equipment such as parts that are broken, bent, cut, or deteriorated by
corrosion, chemical action, or overheating
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4) Batteries / cells must be stored indoors in a clean, level, dry, and cool location; extremely low or high ambient
temperatures or localized sources of heat should be avoided; and the top protected from falling moisture, dirt, and
5) Batteries / cells must be stacked and secured to palette to prevent slipping, falling over or damage during transport.
Batteries must not be in contact with the ground.
6) Batteries to be stored upright.
7) Batteries / cells must be stored in a dry room, and the top protected from falling moisture dirt and dust.
8) Ensure adequate air flow around the battery storage area.
9) The temperature of the room used to store the batteries must be maintained between 10 and 30°C. (Batteries are
not to be stored in direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat).
10) Battery to be stored for a long period of time (more than one month) must be checked frequently for damage and
11) Protect battery terminal posts from damage during transporting and lifting. Temporarily place a piece of non-
conducting material over the top of the battery until lifting activity is complete.
12) Batteries / cells are stored uncharged and empty, transport plugs are to be left in place till filling and charging
activities are ready to start.
13) Storage and Handling areas should be equipped with Eyewashes and Safety Showers. (SAES-B-069)
14) Conditions to avoid; contact with organic materials, combustibles, strong reducing agents, metals, strong oxidizers,
and water.
15) The shelf life of vented lead-acid batteries shall be minimum 2 years when stored at 35°C room temperature.
16) If batteries are to be delivered to the Buyer in a fully charged condition, the Vendor shall recommend a method of
maintaining the battery in charged condition until the battery is commissioned. Detailed instructions and required
equipment shall be provided for dry charged batteries requiring on-site activation.
17) Vent caps should be in position securely.
18) Valve-regulated cells and modules shall be shipped in a fully charged condition.
19) Store and Handle in a well ventilated area. Mechanical Ventilation should be used to control hazardous conditions.
Ventilation systems to be corrosion resistant. Exhaust directly to outside.
20) Do not use with incompatible materials such as strong acids, nitro aromatic, nitroparaffinic, or organohalogen
compounds and metals such as aluminum, zinc, and tin.
21) Inspect storage areas weekly for any deficiencies, including corrosion damage, leaking containers, or poor
housekeeping. Correct all deficiencies as soon as possible.
22) Weekly preservation inspection shall be conducted by Contractor QC and Saudi Aramco Inspector.
23) If stored at site and mounted or positioned on designated location (e.g., battery room), batteries/cells, and
associated equipment shall be protected from physical damages that may be inflicted due to ongoing work in the
area or room.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Notes
"Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6"
"SAES-P-100 Section 3.2" Table A-3001
UPS, DC Equipment SAIC-T-5001
SAES-P-103 & Table A-3002
NEC 110.3 (B)
Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6
SAES-P-100 Section 3.2
Vented Ni-Cad Wet Cell SAIC-P-3101
SAES-P-103 All
Battery SATIP-P-103-01
NEC 110.3 (B)
Battery 17-SAMSS-511 Section 18
Vented Lead-Acid Wet Cell IEEE 484, Section 6.1 SAIC-P-3102 All
Valve Regulated Lead-Acid
SAIC-P-3103 All
(VRLA) Gelatin Cell
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Grounding and "Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6"
Bonding Conductor “SAES-P-100”, NEC 110.3 (B)
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4) Construction of Bundles for PVC Conduit - Master bundles of PVC conduit should be secured with at least two bands
of steel strapping meeting the requirements of ASTM D3953-83.
5) Transport conduits by methods in accordance manufacturer's instructions to avoid product damage; deliver in
undamaged condition in manufacturer’s packaging, dry.
6) Remove conduit from a stack from the ends of the stock.
7) PVC-coated rigid steel conduit shall be handled in a manner that prevents injury to the PVC coating by stones and
any other material.
8) Store conduits in a planned and orderly manner that does not endanger employee safety. Ensure stacks and tiers
are stable and stacked to aid safe handling and loading.
9) Conduits shall be stored in a clean, dry, and secure location. Especially avoid places where water might accumulate
or where significant dust or dirt is present. If such a location is not available, materials shall be stored on pallets or
other means to rise above the floor and possible water levels, and wrapped in protective plastic sheeting at both
ends of the bundle.
10) Should any event such as water leaks occurs, that could damage stored materials, the affected material shall be re-
inspected for damage and necessary replacement shall be obtained.
11) All equipment and materials that could be damaged or deteriorate from exposure to the elements shall be stored
indoors, off the ground in suitable warehousing. Storage shall offer full protection from outside elements and shall
be properly ventilated.
12) Place steel conduit bar stock in racks or stack and block them on a firm, level surface to prevent spreading, rolling,
or falling. Use either a pyramided or battened stack. Step back battened stacks at least one unit per tier and
securely chock them on both sides of the stack.
13) Plastic (e.g., PVC) materials suitable for direct-burial shall be stored on flat surface to prevent curvature.
14) Plastic (e.g., PVC) materials not identified as "sunlight resistant" shall be stored in areas shaded from direct sunlight.
15) All conduits shall be always stored with end caps at both ends.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
Boxes (Junction,
Terminal, and Pull) Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6, SATIP-P-104-04
ALL ALL Table A-3001
Wire Troughs, and NEC-110.3 and 110.12 SAIC-P-3002
Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6,
NEC-110.3 and 110.12 SATIP-P-104-05
Conduit, Fittings, ALL ALL ALL
ASTM D3953-83 SAIC-P-3310
and Accessories NEMA RN2 Section 1.1
Schedule Q Att. IV Section 6,
Below Grade
NEC-110.3 and 110.12 SATIP-P-104-05
Conduit and Duct ALL ALL ALL
ASTM D3953-83 SAIC-P-3310
Bank NEMA TC18 Section 3.1
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condensing moisture.
3) Batteries shall be maintained as per manufacturer’s instructions prior to generator energization.
4) Exterior surfaces, except for machined surfaces, shall be primed and painted.
5) After having been thoroughly drained and cleaned, internal areas of bearings and all auxiliary equipment in oil
lubrication systems using carbon steel shall be coated with a suitable oil-soluble rust preventive.
6) Weekly inspection by Contractor QC and surveillance by Saudi Aramco Inspector
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
SAIC-P- 3420, SAIC-P- 3103
Diesel Generator Set ALL ALL "Schedule Q Att. IV Section SAIC-P- 3002, SAIC-P- 3421 ALL
6" SATIP-P- 113 -03
“SAES-P-100”, “NEC 110.3
Diesel Generator Set
VRLA Battery
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AND 3) All exposed unpainted machined surfaces shall be coated with rust preventive wax.
4) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care and cleanliness of the equipment during off-loading, handling,
storage and construction period and shall ensure a standard of care and cleanliness appropriate to the type and duty
of the equipment. Outdoor storage is only acceptable for equipment prepared for it by the supplier.
5) Maintenance preservation shall be performed during storage period. For special or sensitive equipment, designated
store rooms shall be vented and clean. The storage environment shall have to fulfil manufacturer’s requirements.
6) A temporary protective slanting roof with sidings shall be erected around equipment skids and such special
equipment as inline instr. valves, pumps, electric motors, etc. This temporary protection shall be non-flammable.
7) All in/outlets from units/skids shall be plugged/blanked. Flanges shall be blanked with oil resistant rubber gaskets
and steel or water resistant plywood plate with galvanized bolts sufficient to provide mechanical protection and
water/dust tight sealing.
8) Lubricate door hinges, grease nipples, and fastener as required.
9) General clean up routine and good housekeeping is a prerequisite for successful execution of preservation.
10) Packing of equipment for transportation and under erection shall protect the equipment against humidity, dust, and
mechanical strain which may occur during outdoor storage, loading and construction. The enclosure used for this
purpose shall allow access for stripping down the unit, enable receipt control, maintenance preservation and be
provided with hatches for lifting, hook-up of piping, electrical/instrument cables and tubing without removing the entire
11) Sensitive equipment shall be stored indoors in temperature controlled storage areas as recommended by manufacturer.
Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
vapor compression SAES-K-001
Limitations per 6000014872
(Offshore, Data Processing, SAES-K-001 SATIP-K-001-05
Chillers SAES-K-001 6000001828 a
Industrial, General 27-SAMSS-006 SAIC-K-4002
Section 7 tables 4 & 5 6000001883
Application) 27-SAMSS-001
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Absorption SAES-K-101
(General Application) 6000012733
Direct Expansion Offshore, Data Processing, 6000001882
System General Application 6000013333 SATIP-K-001-06
6000001881 SATIP-K-001-011
Split System General Application SAIC-K-4037
Package System General Application SAES-K-001
Cooling Tower Forced Draft Per Design 27-SAMSS-003
AHRI 430
Air Handling Units General Application ≥ 5000 CFM Per SAES-K-001
Fan Coil Units General Application Per Design
Exhaust Fans General Application ASHRAE 62 SATIP-K-001-01
SAES-K-001 SAIC-K-4001
Supply Fans General Application ASHRAE 62
Electric Duct Heaters General Application Per Design SATIP-K-001-03
Duct Humidifiers General Application Per Design SAIC-K-4011
Battery Exhaust ASHRAE 62/ SAES-P- SAES-K-002 SATIP-K-001-01
Corrosive Environment SAES-K-100
Fans 103 SAES-P-103 SAIC-K-4001
Pre/Final Filter Hepa Filters SATIP-K-001-08
Air Filters Varies SAES-K-101 SAES-K-001
ULPA (MERV17 and above) SAIC-K-4028
Expansion Tank -
SAES-K-100 SATIP-K-001-05
Chilled Water, HVAC General Application Per Design SAES-K-001
6000014442 SAIC- K-4022
Air and Dirt SAES-K-100 SATIP-K-001-05
General Application Per Design SAES-K-001
Separators 6000014911 SAIC- K-4022
Equipment and Blast General Application
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Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Duct Sections
ASTM A653 /
Duct Fittings
Volume Damper SMACNA
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type and duty of the equipment. Outdoor storage is only acceptable for equipment prepared for it by the supplier.
Maintenance preservation shall be performed during storage period. For special or sensitive equipment, designated
store rooms shall be, vented and clean. The storage environment shall have to fulfil manufacturer’s requirements.
3) A temporary protective slanting roof with sidings shall be erected around equipment skids and such special
equipment as inline instr. valves, pumps, electric motors, etc. This temporary protection shall be non-flammable.
4) All valves spindles exposed shall be covered with grease tape.
5) Sensitive equipment shall be stored indoors in temperature and humidity controlled storage areas.
6) Drain out ensuring that no water is trapped in system
Standards Quality
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Notes
Requirements SATIP/Checklist
Emergency ANSI Z358.1 SATIP-B-069-01
9COM Specs SAES-B-069
Eyewash/Shower ISEA Z358.1 SAIC-B-4001
UL 1206-2003 SATIP-S-060-01
Electric Water Heater 9COM Design SAES-S-060
UL 174-2004 SAIC-S-4027
Drinking Fountain 9COM Design UL 399-1993 SAES-S-060
Skid Mounted RO Water WQA S-300-2000 SATIP-S-060-03
175-325400 32-SAMSS-033 SAES-S-060 a
Treatment System NSF 58-2007 SAIC-S-4033
Plumbing Fixture and SATIP-S-060-04
9COM Design IAMPO SAES-S-060
Fittings SAIC-S-4036
Field Sensors and SATIP-J-300
175-030100 34-SAMSS-913 SAES-J-100 SAES-J-100
Devices SATIP-J-400
Table A-5001 Documentation Requirements
a) Quality procedures for Storage, Handling and Preservation (SH&P) and Identification and Traceability (I&T) of
equipment, including partially fabricated assemblies, shall be provided and approved as part of project quality
b) The procedures shall adopt and implement requirements from applicable MSAER’s, project specifications,
manufacturer instructions, and recommendations. The I&T procedure shall address both permanent and
temporary identification requirements (e.g., anti-theft, anti-tampering and anti-counterfeiting devices) – on the
equipment, on equipment packaging and in documentation. The SH&P procedure shall address preservation
requirements ex-works; by distributors, vendors, Contractors and in shipping.
c) The procedures shall schedule required inspections, testing and QA/QC resources for preserving identification,
COMMUNICATIONS traceability, and quality of indoor electronic equipment in shipping, handling, customs clearance, delivery,
storage, assembly, installation, inspection, testing, and reinstatement.
d) The procedures shall specify the documentary evidence to be issued and maintained on implementation and
EQUIPMENT acceptance of required QA/QC activities.
General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment is suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling, water, humidity,
condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with requirements
of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for both
temporary and permanent identification.
3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state
storage conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
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4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed.
5) Equipment is handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready access,
foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and impact.
6) Equipment is stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC procedure,
manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s.
7) Equipment is not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors, construction
equipment, road traffic, falling or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping, handling,
customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection, etc.) is
timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation. Desiccant
packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment, unloading
and handling.
11) Equipment in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
Indoor electronic equipment shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity,
condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
Direct Current Power Battery SATIP-T-151-01, SAIC-T-5001
SAES-P-103 (A)
Systems Charger SAIC-P-3002, SAIC-P-3112
SATIP-T-481-01, SAIC-T-5001
Powered In-Plant Page Party SAES-P-100 SAIC-P-3002, SAIC-T-5203
Communication Handstation, LBA, SAES-T-481 SAIC-T-5204, SAIC-T-5205 (A)
Systems and PA Speaker NFPA 70 (NEC) SAIC-T-5206, SAIC-T-5207
RF / Wireless Equipment,
Wired Distribution SATIP-T-492-01, SATIP-T-916-01
Equipment, SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-P-3002
Communication SAES-T-492
Wired Transmission SAIC-T-5302, SAIC-T-5304 (A)
Systems SAES-T-916
Equipment, SAIC-T-5305, SAIC-T-5306
Building PDS SAIC-T-5909, SAIC-T-5910
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General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment and materials are suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling,
water, humidity, condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment and materials (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with
requirements of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for
both temporary and permanent identification.
3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state
storage conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready
access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications and MSAER’s
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving
inspection, etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and
preservation. Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Nickel-cadmium cells shall be shipped empty and electrically uncharged. The electrolyte shall
be shipped in solid or liquid form in a separate container.
(B) Vented lead-acid cells shall be shipped in dry charged condition (without electrolyte). A local representative of the
battery manufacturer shall supply the electrolyte and fill the battery.
(C) Valve-regulated cells and modules shall be shipped in a fully charged condition.
(D) If battery cells are delivered in a dry-charged or fully-charged condition, the Manufacturer shall provide
instructions for maintaining cell charge until the battery is commissioned.
(E) Batteries / cells must be stored inside a dry room, and the top protected from falling moisture, dirt and dust.
The temperature of the room must be maintained between 10°C and 30°C.
(F) The shelf life of vented lead-acid and nickel-cadmium battery cells shall be a minimum of two (2) years when
stored at 35°C room temperature.
(G) Battery cells must be fitted with transport plugs. Transport plugs remain in place until filling and charging activities
are ready to start.
(H) Aqueous Sulfuric Acid - Hazardous Material - Special procedures and training are required. Store in a cool, dry,
well-ventilated storage area with acid resistant floors and good drainage. Protect from physical damage and
freezing. Keep out of direct sunlight and away from heat and incompatible materials.
(I) Dry Potassium or Sodium Hydroxide - Hazardous Material - Special procedures and training are required.
Minimize amount of corrosive material in storage. Inspect storage areas regularly for any deficiencies, including
corrosion damage, leaking containers, or poor housekeeping. Correct all deficiencies as soon as possible.
(J) Indoor equipment shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity,
condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
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construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical
8) Equipment and materials are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping, handling,
customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection, etc.) is timely
repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation. Desiccant packing
materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
SAES-T-744, 12-SAMSS-007 SATIP-T-744-01, SAIC-T-5601
Communication Tower
Guyed Steel
SAES-T-744, 12-SAMSS-007 SATIP-T-744-01, SAIC-T-5602
Communication Tower
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construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving
inspection, etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and
preservation. Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Cable reels shall be shipped, handled and stored on edges of flanges only (not on flat side of flanges). Reels shall
be chocked to prevent damage from rolling or shifting.
(B) Cable reels shall be shipped with a cable protective covering. Lifting equipment, tools, rope, slings, personnel
and soil shall not contact the cable or cable protective covering during shipping and handling. Mechanical force
or pressure shall not be applied to the cable surface during handling.
(C) Cables with an exposed metal sheath or armor shall be stored indoors.
(D) Cable jacket material not tested and rated for exposure to sunlight shall be stored under a sunshade or indoors.
(E) Cable ends shall be sealed for water and dust, and firmly secured during shipping and storage. If cable ends are
exposed for on-reel testing or sampling, they shall be re-sealed and firmly secured for subsequent storage and
(F) Cable reels shall be supported off the ground and provided with a weatherproof, rain-tight, and dust-tight cover.
(G) Indoor equipment and materials shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water,
humidity, condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(H) Cables shall be tested on-the-reel, after delivery and prior to installation in accordance with SAES-T-624 and
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(D) Cable jacket material not tested and rated for exposure to sunlight shall be stored under a sunshade or indoors.
(E) Cable ends shall be sealed for water and dust, and firmly secured during shipping and storage. If cable ends are
exposed for on-reel testing or sampling, they shall be re-sealed and firmly secured for subsequent storage and
(F) Cable reels shall be supported off the ground and provided with a weatherproof, rain-tight, and dust-tight cover.
(G) Indoor equipment and materials shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water,
humidity, condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(H) Cables shall be tested on-the-reel, after delivery and prior to installation in accordance with SAES-T-629,
SAES-T-916, and SAES-T-634.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
Copper OSP SAES-T-629 SATIP-T-628-01, SAIC-T-5501 (A) - (H)
Cable SAES-T-634, SAES-T-920 SAIC-T-5502, SAES-T-634
Copper Building SAES-T-916 SATIP-T-628-01, SAIC-T-5501 (A) - (H)
Cable SAES-T-634,SAES-T-920 SAIC-T-5504,SAES-T-634
Copper Building PDS Category 6 SAES-T-916, SAES-T-634 SATIP-T-916-01, SAIC-T-5501 (A) - (H)
Cable UTP/STP SAES-T-920, NFPA 70 (NEC) SAIC-T-5905, SAES-T-634
Copper SAES-T-916 SATIP-T-628-01, SATIP-T-916-01 (G)
Cable SAES-T-632, SAES-T-634 SATIP-T-938-01, SAIC-T-5501
Accessories SAES-T-920, NFPA 70 (NEC) SAIC-T-5505, SAIC-T-5907
SAIC-T-5908, SAIC-T-5909
SAIC-T-5910, SAIC-T-5801
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ready access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration
and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved
QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications and MSAER’s
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving
inspection, etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and
preservation. Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Indoor equipment and accessories shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water,
humidity, condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Handling and storage of NEMA TC conduit and accessories shall be in accordance with manufacturers’ directions
and NEMA TC-B2.
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Table A-6001 Documentation Requirements
a) Quality procedures for Storage, Handling and Preservation (SH&P) and Identification and Traceability (I&T) of
equipment and materials, including partially fabricated assemblies, shall be provided and approved as part of project
quality planning.
b) The procedures shall adopt and implement requirements from applicable MSAER’s, project specifications,
manufacturer instructions and recommendations. The I&T procedure shall address both permanent and temporary
identification requirements (e.g., anti-theft, anti-tampering and anti-counterfeiting devices) – on the equipment, on
equipment packaging and in documentation. The SH&P procedure shall address preservation requirements ex-
works; by distributors, vendors, Contractors and in shipping.
c) The procedures shall schedule required inspections, testing and QA/QC resources for preserving identification,
traceability, and quality of equipment and materials in shipping, handling, customs clearance, delivery, storage,
assembly, installation, inspection, testing, and reinstatement.
d) The procedures shall specify the documentary evidence to be issued and maintained on implementation and
acceptance of required QA/QC activities.
e) Handling, storage, and preservation data for equipment and materials shall be included in monthly Materials
Procurement Status reports and shall be available prior to shipping.
General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment and materials are suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling,
water, humidity, condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment and materials (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with
CONTROL requirements of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for
PANELS both temporary and permanent identification.
AND 3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state storage
CABINETS conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed. Personnel responsible for special handling, storage, and
preservation shall be fully qualified to do so, and supplied with predetermined work and inspection instructions.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready
access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications and MSAER’s
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection,
etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation. Desiccant
packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
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Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
Specific Requirements
(A) All control panels and cabinets shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity,
condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) All control panel and cabinet openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic
screwed plugs or caps.
(C) All control panels and cabinets shall be boxed or covered with a suitable plastic sheet.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Notes
SAES-J-902, SAES-Z-001,
NFPA 70, NEC Art. 110.3(B) SATIP-J-902-05
34-SAMSS-820, 23-SAMSS-010 SATIP-J-902-06
Instrument Control SAES-J-505, SAES-J-510, SAIC-T-5001
Panels and Cabinets SAES-J-601, SAES-J-602, SAIC-P-3002
SAES-J-603, SAES-J-604, SAIC-J-6802
SAES-J-607, SAES-Z-003, SAIC-J-6803
SAES-Z-004, SAES-Z-008
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
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7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection,
etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation.
Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Flow instruments shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity, condensation,
dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Flow instrument openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic screwed
plugs or caps.
(C) Flow instruments shall be dried and cleaned after hydrostatic pressure testing.
(D) Flow instruments shall be prepared for shipping and storage by including desiccant with air-tight plastic shrink-
wrapping or equivalent.
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etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation. Desiccant
packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Pressure instruments shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity,
condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Pressure instrument openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic screwed
plugs or caps.
(C) Pressure instruments shall be dried and cleaned after hydrostatic pressure testing.
(D) Pressure instruments shall be prepared for shipping and storage by including desiccant with air-tight plastic shrink-
wrapping or equivalent.
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment and materials are suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling,
water, humidity, condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment and materials (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with
requirements of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for
both temporary and permanent identification.
3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state storage
conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed. Personnel responsible for special handling, storage, and
preservation shall be fully qualified to do so, and supplied with predetermined work and inspection instructions.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready
access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s.
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection,
etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation.
Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Level instruments shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity, condensation,
dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Level instrument openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic screwed
plugs or caps.
(C) Level instruments shall be dried and cleaned after hydrostatic pressure testing.
(D) Level instruments shall be prepared for shipping and storage by including desiccant with air-tight plastic shrink-
wrapping or equivalent.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
Sight Glass SAES-J-100, API RP 551 SATIP-J-300-01,
Gauges/Switches 34-SAMSS-010 SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6301
Magnetic SAES-J-100, API RP 551 SATIP-J-300-01,
Gauges/Switches 34-SAMSS-010 SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6302
Displacement SAES-J-100, API RP 551 SATIP-J-300-01,
Instruments 34-SAMSS-010 SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6303
Automatic Tank SAES-J-100, API RP 551, SAES-Y-301, SATIP-J-300-01,
Gauging (ATG) 34-SAMSS-319, 34-SAMSS-321 SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6304
Ball Float SATIP-J-300-01,
SAES-J-100, API RP 551 All
Instrument SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6305
Diff. Pressure SAES-J-100, API RP 551 SATIP-J-300-01,
Instruments 34-SAMSS-010 SAIC-T-5001, SAIC-J-6306
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
Specific Requirements
(A) Temperature instruments shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity,
condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Temperature instrument openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic
screwed plugs or caps.
(C) Temperature instruments shall be dried and cleaned after hydrostatic pressure testing.
(D) Temperature instruments shall be prepared for shipping and storage by including desiccant with air-tight plastic
shrink-wrapping or equivalent.
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment and materials are suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling,
water, humidity, condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment and materials (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with
requirements of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for
both temporary and permanent identification.
3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state storage
conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed. Personnel responsible for special handling, storage, and
preservation shall be fully qualified to do so, and supplied with predetermined work and inspection instructions.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready
access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications and MSAER’s
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection,
etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation. Desiccant
packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Detection systems and instrumentation shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water,
humidity, condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(B) Detection system openings shall be sealed. Threaded connections shall be protected with molded plastic screwed
plugs or caps.
(C) Detection systems and instrumentation shall be prepared for shipping and storage by including desiccant with air-
tight plastic shrink-wrapping or equivalent.
(D) Detection instrumentation and components typically have a finite lifespan (expiration date) from the date of
manufacture. Manufacturer and Vendor requirements for product expiration date shall be addressed by Contractor
in scheduling procurement, shipping, delivery, storage, installation, and commissioning.
(E) Manufacturer requirements for detection system, test gas expiration date shall be followed.
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
threaded connections and fittings shall be sealed by molded plastic plugs, plastic caps, or PVC tape.
(D) Control valves, actuators and accessories shall be stored in an enclosed building that provides protection from blown
dust, mud, rain, etc. Valves and actuators with electronic components shall be stored indoors; with environmental
controls provided for water, humidity, condensation, dust, solar radiation, and ambient temperature.
(E) New control valves are hydrostatic pressure tested by the manufacturer. There is no need to hydro-test new control
valves in the field. Control valves shall be dried and cleaned after hydrostatic pressure testing.
(F) Control valves, actuators, and accessories shall be stored above grade or above finished floor using suitable pallets.
(G) Control valve and actuator electrical cabinets, enclosures and junction boxes shall be closed and monitored for
moisture, to ensure dryness. Desiccant bags shall be used inside electrical cabinets, enclosures, and boxes to prevent
damage from moisture.
(H) To prevent moisture condensation in actuators and hydraulic power units with electric motors (stored in
uncontrolled, potentially humid environments) space heating must be utilized. Space heating should maintain motor
winding temperature at a minimum of 5°C above ambient temperature.
i. If factory-installed space heaters are supplied by the manufacturer, they should be energized and monitored
while in storage. Manufacturers shall label enclosures with permanent space heater power, voltage, and current
parameters, to alert personnel to supply electrical power to the heater.
ii. If factory space heaters are not provided, manufacturers may require single-phase "trickle" heating be utilized
(energizing one phase of the motor's winding with a low voltage).
iii. As a third option, manufacturers may require the use of temporary, auxiliary space heaters located inside
packaging or inside the enclosure.
(I) If hydraulic actuators or power units are to be stored for more than three (3) months, then fluid reservoirs shall be
completely filled with hydraulic fluid (per manufacturer’s instructions). Storage fluid shall be tested prior to
commissioning and startup (34-SAMSS-717).
(J) Manufacturer’s special shipping and handling procedures shall be followed for linear actuators equipped with gas
hydraulic tanks (to prevent the loss of hydraulic fluid when shipped in a horizontal position).
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
CONTROL CABLE 3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state
storage conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed. Personnel responsible for special handling, storage, and
preservation shall be fully qualified to do so, and supplied with predetermined work and inspection instructions.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for
ready access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration
and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications and MSAER’s
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving
inspection, etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation.
Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-385
Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
General Requirements
1) Prior to shipping, equipment and materials are suitably packaged with compliant packing materials for handling,
water, humidity, condensation, dust, chemical contaminates, solar radiation and ambient temperature.
2) Equipment and materials (including packaging and documentation) are labeled and identified in compliance with
requirements of the approved QC procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s for
both temporary and permanent identification.
3) Shipping crates shall be marked with handling and storage instructions. Labels on shipping crates shall state storage
conditions, date of shipment, and the date beyond which the equipment must not be stored.
4) Personnel shall be fully aware of manufacturer's special handling instructions prior to shipping, unloading or
handling. Special handling instructions shall be followed. Personnel responsible for special handling, storage, and
preservation shall be fully qualified to do so, and supplied with predetermined work and inspection instructions.
5) Equipment and materials are handled, placed, and stored in accordance with manufacturer requirements for ready
access, foundation- / floor- / shelf-loading, stacking, orientation, leveling, rigging, lifting, moving, vibration and impact.
6) Equipment and materials are stored in a secured area that is in compliance with requirements of the approved QC
procedure, manufacturer’s instructions, project specifications, and MSAER’s.
7) Equipment and materials are not stored in an area with water sources, flammable materials, chemical vapors,
construction equipment, road traffic, falling, or flying objects, and where there is a risk of flooding or physical damage.
8) Equipment, materials, and accessories are readily traceable and verifiable to the manufacturer through shipping,
handling, customs clearance, distribution, delivery, storage, assembly, installation, testing, and reinstatement.
9) Equipment and materials packaging that is damaged or disturbed (e.g., for customs clearance, receiving inspection,
etc.) is timely repaired and fully reinstated for subsequent shipping, handling, storage and preservation.
Desiccant packing materials exposed to moisture or humidity shall be replaced with new materials.
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of shipment,
unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Cable reels shall be packaged and shipped with a weatherproof (rain- and dust-tight) cable protective covering.
Lifting equipment, tools, rope, slings, personnel and soil shall not contact the cable or cable protective covering during
shipping and handling. Mechanical force or pressure shall not be applied to the cable surface during handling.
(B) Cable ends shall be sealed (waterproof and dustproof) and firmly secured during shipping and storage.
(C) Cable reels shall be shipped, handled and stored on edges of flanges only (not on flat side of flanges). Reels shall be
chocked to prevent damage from rolling or shifting.
(D) Cable shall be stored indoors; with environmental controls provided for water, humidity, condensation, dust, solar
radiation, and ambient temperature.
(E) Cable reels shall be stored to provide easy access for lifting and moving.
(F) Cable reels shall be stored away from open flame, fire, arc welding, brazing, grinding, and other sources of high heat
or ignition.
(G) Cables shall be tested on-the-reel, after delivery and prior to installation in accordance with EIA/RS-455. Cable ends
exposed for on-reel testing or sampling shall be re-sealed (waterproof and dustproof) and firmly secured.
Material/Equipment Type Size Specification Standards Requirements Quality SATIP/Checklist Notes
SAES-J-902, NFPA 70 (NEC) SATIP-J-902-04
On-Shore Indoor,
Fiber Optic Cable SAES-Z-020, EIA/RS-455, SAIC-T-5501 All
Single-mode Outdoor
SAES-J-902, NFPA 70 (NEC) SATIP-J-902-04
On-Shore Indoor,
Fiber Optic Cable SAES-Z-020, EIA/RS-455, SAIC-T-5501 All
Multimode Outdoor
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
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Issue Date: 25 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 25 October 2020 Preservation of Project Materials and Equipment
10) Equipment and materials shall be inspected for visible damage by Contractor QC prior to acceptance of
shipment, unloading and handling.
11) Equipment and materials in storage shall be inspected by Contractor QC on a weekly basis.
Specific Requirements
(A) Tubing drums, reels and fittings shall be packaged, shipped and stored with a weatherproof (rain- and dust-tight)
protective covering. Lifting equipment, tools, rope, slings, personnel and soil shall not contact the tubing
protective covering during shipping and handling. Mechanical force or pressure shall not be applied to the
tubing during handling.
(B) Tube ends shall be sealed (waterproof and dustproof) and firmly secured during shipping and storage.
(C) Tubing drums and reels shall be shipped, handled and stored on edges of flanges only (not on flat side of
flanges). Drums and reels shall be chocked to prevent damage from rolling or shifting.
(D) Tube fittings shall be protected to prevent any contamination or damage during shipment and storage.
Fitting openings and threaded connections shall be sealed with molded plastic plugs or caps.
(E) Tubing and fittings shall be stored either indoors or under a sunshade. Jacketed and insulated tubing shall not be
stored where exposed to sunlight.
(F) Tube fittings shall be stored above grade or above finished floor using suitable pallets.
(G) Instrument tubing drums and reels shall be stored to provide easy access for lifting and moving.
(H) Instrument tubing and fittings shall be stored away from open flame, fire, arc welding, brazing, grinding, and
other sources of high heat or ignition.
(I) Fabricator or jobsite pressure testing of instrumentation tubing shall be in accordance with SAES-L-150, using dry
instrument air or inert gas.
(J) Hydrostatic pressure testing of instrument air piping and tubing is not permitted.
(K) When pneumatic testing is not practical, testing with liquid is permitted for instrument impulse tubing.
Impulse tubing shall be flushed of all liquid and debris and shall be blown dried. If water is the testing media,
its quality shall not affect the integrity of impulse tubing.
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