Neurological System
Neurological System
Neurological System
5. Cerebral Angiography
- To visualize cerebral vessels
- To detect tumors, aneurysm, occlusion,
hematomas, abscesses
1. Ischemic Stroke
- Cause by thrombus & embolus
- Large artery thrombotic stoke: due to
atherosclerotic plaques in large BV of brain
- Small penetrating artery: Thrombotic stokes,
affect 1 or more vessels, most common type
of ischemic stroke
- Cardiogenic embolus strokes: associated
with cardiac dysrhythmias, usually atrial
- Cryptogenic stroke: obscure in origin
Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage: most common in
patient with hypertension & cerebral
- Inflammation of the lining around the brain & - Degenerative disease
spinal cord - Demyelination of the nerve fibers
Cause: Bacteria (Neisseria Meningitides), - Chronic, slowly progressive
viruses, other microorganisms. - Charaterized by periods of remission &
*Administer large dose of antibiotics IV as exacerbation.
ordered *Promote physical mobility (walking, use of
- enforce respiratory isolation for 24hrs after assistive device).
initiation of antibiotic therapy - warm packs (minimizes spacity & contractures)
- provide bed rest, keep room dark & quite - X hot baths (inc. risk of burn injury)
- administer analgesics for headache as ordered - X strenuous exercises
- maintain fluid & electrolyte balance - instruct to prevent cuts & burns
- monitor VS & neurological assessment - eye patch for diplopia
frequently. Daily body weight.
- high calorie, High protein, small frequent 10. GULLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME
- prevent development of pressure ulcers & - auto immune attack of the peripheral nerve
pneumonia. myolin
- acute, rapid, segmental demyelination of
peripheral nerves and some cranial nerves
6. ENCEPHALITIS - neuromuscular disease
- Acute inflammatory process of the brain - more frequent in males
tissue cause: unknown/post viral infection
*Monitor VS *Mostly supportive
- perform neurological assessment frequently - maintain adequate ventilation
- provide nursing care for confused/ unconscious - incentive spirometry
- pomfort measure to reduce headache: - chest physiotherapy
dim light, limit noise, give analgesics & prevent - perform range of motion
injury. - asses gag reflex before feeding
- monitor VS
7. SEIZURES - check cranial nerves
-Sudden abn & excessive electrical discharge - administer Corticosteroids to suppress immune
from the brain can change motor or autonomic function.
function, consciousness or sensation.
Epilepsy –chronic neuro disorder characterized 11. PARKINSONS DISEASE
by recurrent seizure. - A slowly progressing neurologic movn’t
Status Epilepticus – one or series gran mal disorder that leads to disability
seizures (last >30mins) with out waking interval. - Decreased levels of dopamine
*Before *Improves mobility: walking, riding stationary
- remove harmful objects bicycle, swimming, gardening, provide warm
- ease client to the floor baths & massage.
- protect the head - increased OFI to prevent constipation
- observe & note for duration, parts of the body - aspiration precaution
affected, behavior before & after seizure. - provide semi-solid diet & thick fluids
- loosen constrictive clothing like belt - use of small electronic amplifier to lessen
- do not restrain, or attempt to place tounge hearing defect.
blade or insert oral airway. *Heath Teachings during LEVODOPA therapy
*After - SE: N/V, orthostatic hypotension, insomnia,
- document the events during & after seizure agitation, mental confusion, renal damage
- side-lying position to prevent aspiration - Block the effect: Phenothiazines, reserpine,
- suction equipment should be available pyridoxine (vit.B6)
- place bed in low position - x tuna, pork, dried beans, salmon, beef liver
– ICF is low to high (osmosis)
– Pulls water and excretes via urine
– Urine 30ml/hr
– Monitor I&O