Management of Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia of Children in Developing and Developed Countries

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Management of severe community-acquired

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
pneumonia of children in developing and
developed countries
Nicola Principi, Susanna Esposito

Department of Maternal and ABSTRACT Medline, Current Contents and the reference lists
Paediatric Sciences, Università Childhood community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is of the relevant articles. The search terms were
degli Studi di Milano, ‘community-acquired pneumonia’, ‘severe pneu-
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda common, and recent data have shown that the number of
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, children with severe CAP is increasing worldwide. monia’ and ‘complicated pneumonia’. Only articles
Milan, Italy Regardless of geographical area, severe cases are those written in English and related to the paediatric
at the highest risk of hospitalisation, prolonged population (aged 0e18 years) were considered.
Correspondence to hospitalisation and death, and therefore require prompt Given the large number of published papers, we
Nicola Principi, Department of
identification and the most effective treatment in order to have restricted ourselves to citing the most recent
Maternal and Paediatric
Sciences, Università degli Studi reduce CAP-related morbidity and mortality. This review papers (2003e9) unless they were useful for back-
di Milano, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ evaluates the available data concerning the diagnosis and ground purposes. Since opportunistic agents may
Granda Ospedale Maggiore treatment of severe and/or complicated cases of cause the majority of episodes in the immuno-
Policlinico, Via Commenda 9, compromised host, we will not deal with pneu-
20122 Milano, Italy;
paediatric CAP in developed and developing countries. It also underlines the fact that any evidence-based monia in children with impaired host defences.
recommendations require more research in various areas,
Received 12 May 2010 including the aetiology of severe cases and the reasons for ASSESSING SEVERE CAP
Accepted 2 September 2010 the complications, the better definition of first-choice
Published Online First The estimated incidence of childhood hospital-
21 October 2010 antibiotic treatment and when surgery may be useful, and isation due to CAP is 8.7% of all cases of CAP in
the role of chest physiotherapy. developing countries4 and 0.3% in the developed
world.6 7 However, it is not possible to compare the
two because the criteria used to define CAP and its
severity, and the prevalence of risk factors for the
INTRODUCTION development of severe CAP, are very different (see
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is table 1).
common among children all over the world, but its Given the limited availability of radiological
incidence and mortality rate are significantly higher equipment in the developing world, CAP is usually
in developing countries than in the industrialised diagnosed only on the basis of clinical signs and
world.1e3 It has been estimated that there are symptoms.8 This often leads to an overestimate of
about 151 million new episodes a year among Third the total number of cases because it is often
World children aged <5 years, leading to an inci- confused with other respiratory diseases, mainly
dence of 0.29 episodes per child-year and bronchiolitis. However, it may also be under-
a mortality rate of 1.3e2.6%,1 2 or >2 million per estimated because the poor organisation of the
year. In industrialised countries the total number of health services in many developing countries means
new episodes in the same age group is about 4 that many children with severe CAP are not
million (an incidence of 0.05 episodes per child- admitted to hospital but die at home.
year), and the risk of mortality is extremely low in The fact that the severity of CAP is defined on the
otherwise healthy children and relatively important basis of clinical signs and symptoms can also lead to
only in subjects with severe chronic underlying erroneous estimates because it has been shown that
diseases.3 4 chest indrawing and increased respiratory rate have
These differences are due to a number of factors. positive and negative predictive values as indicators
First, the incidence of risk factors such as malnu- of lung consolidation of only 45% and 83%,9 and
trition, crowding, low birth weight, HIV and the these percentages may be significantly lower in
lack of measles and pneumococcal immunisation is children aged >36 months.10 As shown in table 1,
much higher among children in developing developing countries use the WHO classification to
countries.1e4 Second, they are more likely to be define CAP severity, and severe CAP is diagnosed
affected by other likely or possible risk factors such when, in addition to all the signs and symptoms
as zinc and vitamin A deficiency, poor maternal used to diagnose lower respiratory tract involve-
education and living in polluted areas.1e4 Finally, ment, a child shows lower chest wall indrawing,
there are profound differences between developing nasal flaring and (if young) grunting.11 Very severe
and developed countries in the organisation and CAP requires at least one more sign or symptom of
efficiency of their health systems.5 respiratory, central nervous system or gastrointes-
The aim of this review is to consider the available tinal involvement. It has been calculated that, on the
data concerning the diagnosis and treatment of basis of these criteria, more than 75% of the children
severe cases of paediatric CAP. The data used in this hospitalised because of CAP have severe or very
review were identified by searching PubMed, severe disease.12e15

Thorax 2011;66:815e822. doi:10.1136/thx.2010.142604 815


However, it has also been shown (in developing and developed

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Criteria used in developing and developed countries to define
the severity of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) countries) that influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus
Developing countries play a major role in causing severe and/or complicated CAP.25e27
Severe CAP In children with CAP diagnosed on the basis of fast The recent spread of the new influenza virus A/H1N1 has clearly
breathing and on possible evidence of lower respiratory shown that viral infection can cause CAP with a negative
tract involvement, severe cases are identified in the
presence of cough or difficult breathing plus at least one of outcome in all age groups.28e30
the following signs: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae (including
< lower chest wall indrawing non-typeable strains) and Staphylococcus aureus are the most
< nasal flaring
frequently cultured bacteria in severe paediatric cases,31e35
< grunting (in young infants)
Very severe CAP In children with a diagnosis of CAP or severe CAP, although some studies have also found that Streptococcus pyogenes
a diagnosis of very severe CAP is based on the presence of and Gram-negative enteric bacteria are common.36 37 The
at least one of the following: importance of ‘atypical’ bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and
< central cyanosis Chlamydophila pneumoniae) in severe and/or complicated CAP
< inability to breastfeed or drink, or vomiting everything
< convulsions, lethargy or unconsciousness has not been completely defined worldwide, largely because of
< severe respiratory distress difficulties in identifying them.21 However, recently published
Developed countries data indicate that a considerable number of children with CAP
Severe CAP caused by atypical bacteria show a complicated course, mainly
Infants Temperature >38.58C because of the presence of pleural effusion.38
Respiratory rate >70 breaths/min The role played by different pathogens has significantly
Moderate to severe recession changed over recent years, particularly in the developed world.
Nasal flaring However, prevention of CAP is a major effort that is being
carried out by different organisations such as the WHO also in
Grunting respiration
developing countries. The widespread use of H influenzae type
Not feeding
b vaccine and, more recently, the heptavalent pneumococcal
SaO2 <92%
conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) has nearly eliminated CAP due to the
Older children Temperature >38.58C
first39 40 and significantly reduced the number of cases due to the
Respiratory rate >50 breaths/min
Severe difficulty in breathing
second pathogen.41e43 Considering the efficacy of these two
Nasal flaring vaccines, they have to be strongly recommended
Cyanosis worldwide.41e43 However, S pneumoniae is still the most
Grunting respiration important aetiological agent of severe and/or complicated CAP
Signs of dehydration throughout the world:44e46 pneumococcal serotypes 1 and 3
SaO2 <92% have been significantly more often associated with complicated
Adapted from the World Health Organization11 and the British Thoracic Society.7
than with non-complicated CAP,42 43 47e49 and pneumococcal
SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation. serotypes 5, 7F, 14, and 19A have frequently been associated
with severe and/or complicated CAP.50 51

More reliable data regarding the incidence of severe and very

severe CAP are probably collected in the developed world where TREATMENT
most cases of CAP are confirmed by chest radiography.7 In most cases it is not possible to identify the aetiology of CAP in
Furthermore, although there is no childhood score similar to that clinical practice.1e3 7 18 22 34 Moreover, co-infections of bacteria
used in adults with CAP,16 17 experts agree that blood oxygen- and viruses are common worldwide and cannot be distinguished
ation is an essential factor for evaluating CAP severity and the from infection due to a single pathogen.1e3 7 18 22 34 This means
best indicator of the need for hospitalisation,7 and the British that antibiotic therapy is prescribed for all children with
Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines for the management of chil- a strongly suspected or confirmed diagnosis of CAP, particularly
dren with CAP state that <92% oxygen saturation is indicative if the clinical signs and symptoms are severe; however, there are
of severe CAP.7 Using these criteria, a recent multicentre study differences in the therapeutic regimen usually used in developing
carried out in 13 hospitals in north-east England by Clark et al and developed countries.1e3 7 11 16 22 34 In this regard, it should
found that 59% of children with radiologically-confirmed CAP also be remembered that, in developing countries, some aetiol-
aged 0e15 years had severe disease and, when the analysis was ogies are common (such as tuberculosis and malaria) and should
restricted to infants, the incidence of severe CAP increased to also be considered for treatment in complicated cases2 4 5; this
71%.18 These data confirm the previous findings of Tan et al19 explains why antibiotics are almost always prescribed in
and Michelow et al.20 patients with CAP.
Some authors have tried to use chest radiography to improve
the definition of severe CAP but, although some studies indicate Antibiotic treatment in developing countries
that lung consolidation is associated with greater clinical In developing countries the main goal of treatment is to reduce
involvement, this is not confirmed by a global evaluation of all the risk of death as cheaply as possible.11 52 53 Table 2 shows the
of the available data.21e24 antibiotic treatment suggested by the WHO for severe and very
severe paediatric CAP cases diagnosed in the Third World.11 The
AETIOLOGY AND CAP SEVERITY recommended first-line drugs for severe cases are benzylpeni-
It has long been known (mainly on the basis of lung puncture cillin, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol, whereas ampicillin or
studies carried out in developing countries) that mild and amoxicillin plus gentamicin are recommended in the case of very
moderate CAP is mainly caused by viruses, particularly in the severe CAP.11 The choice of an alternative regimen, the duration
first years of life, whereas most cases of severe CAP are caused by of therapy and hospitalisation, and the possibility of continuing
bacteria.1e4 antibiotic administration orally at home are all conditioned by

816 Thorax 2011;66:815e822. doi:10.1136/thx.2010.142604


therapy cannot be systematically prescribed in all cases of severe

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Antibiotic treatment of children with severe and very severe
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) according to the WHO guidelines CAP. Consequently, the therapeutic approach suggested by the
recommended for developing countries WHO remains the best compromise between the lowest risk of
Severe CAP Benzylpenicillin IM or IV for at least 3 days. When the child failure and the greatest simplicity of therapy.
improves, switch to oral amoxicillin for a total course of One possible further simplification leading to a significant
treatment of 5 days
If the child does not improve within 48 h or deteriorates, look reduction in the duration of hospitalisation could theoretically
for complications and treat accordingly (high-dose amoxicillin- be based on data concerning the predictors of a treatment
clavulanic acid with or without a macrolide). If there are no response. In this regard, the proportion of children with pneu-
apparent complications, switch to chloramphenicol 75 mg/kg/
day IM or IV until the child has improved. Then continue orally monia who fail to respond adequately to conventional antibiotic
for a total course of 10 days and supportive treatment varies from 9% to 21%, regardless of
Very severe CAP Standard therapy: ampicillin IM or IV and gentamicin IM or IV the antibiotic used,60 and it has been demonstrated that data
for 5 days; if the child responds well, complete treatment with
derived from a patient’s history and first examinationdsuch as
oral amoxicillin plus IM gentamicin for a further 5 days
Alternative therapies: (a) chloramphenicol IM or IV until the younger age, previous use of antibiotics, breastfeeding, living in
child has improved and then continue orally for a total course of an overcrowded home, higher respiratory rate and immunisation
10 days; (b) ceftriaxone IM or IV once daily for 10 days statusdare independent predictors of possible treatment
Treatment in case the child does not improve after 48 h of
standard or alternative therapies: gentamicin IM or IV and failure.57 61
cloxacillin or dicloxacillin or flucloxacillin or oxacillin IM or IV. When available, blood oxygen saturation offers substantial
When the child improves, continue cloxacillin (or dicloxacillin) advantages in identifying possible treatment failures. Studies
for a total course of 3 weeks
from Indonesia, Kenya, Zambia and Gambia have found that the
Adapted from the World Health Organization.11
IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous.
risk of death is 1.4e4.6 times higher in children with hypoxia at
baseline than in those without.53 61e67 Chest radiography,
the evolution of the disease, the development of complications which enables identification of the characteristics that correlate
and the presence of risk factors.11 54 more with a bacterial or more with a viral aetiology, is often not
It is clear that this approach causes a number of problems due available in developing countries.2 4 5 On the other hand, a pulse
to the risk of nosocomial morbidities and greater healthcare costs, oximeter is significantly easier to use than chest radiographic
which is why various studies have investigated whether it is equipment, less expensive, easier to calibrate and easier to
possible to treat severe CAP orally at home without significantly maintain and repair.53 Consequently, its use (together with the
increasing the number of treatment failures or the risks of consideration of clinical data) would seem to be the best way of
complications and death.53 55e59 Unfortunately, only a few of deciding, after a brief period of observation, whether a child risks
these are sufficiently adequate methodologically to allow firm failure on oral antibiotic treatment or can be safely managed at
conclusions.55e59 Nevertheless, despite their differences in terms home. Unlike in developed countries, fever and laboratory
of the antibiotics used and efficacy criteria, they all indicate that examinations are generally not used in developing countries for
there is no significant difference between oral and parenteral CAP assessment.2 4 5
therapy in the rates of treatment failure or clinical success at the
end of therapy and the end of follow-up (table 3). However, these Antibiotic treatment in developed countries
studies do not take into consideration the relative benefits and In industrialised countries the initial treatment of severe CAP
harms of oral antibiotics in children with CAP associated with includes hospitalisation and the intravenous administration of
bacterial confirmation, radiographic lobar consolidation or antibiotics.7 16 22 68e70 The choice of antibiotic mainly depends
progression to empyema, which means that oral antibiotic on the patient’s age, and a single drug active against the most

Table 3 Oral versus parenteral antibiotics for severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children
Author Methods Study population Interventions Outcomes
Campbell, 1988 Multicentre controlled 134 children of mean age Randomly assigned to oral Improved after 7 days: 66.6% in the oral
study 22 months and WHO-defined co-trimoxazole for 5 days or only group and 60.3% in the combined
severe CAP in Gambia procaine penicillin + benzylpenicillin group
one dose followed by oral ampicillin Treatment failure after 14 days: 7.6% in
for 5 days the oral only group and 7.3% in the
combined group
Addo-Yobo, 200457 Multicentre randomised 1702 children aged 3e59 months Randomly assigned to oral amoxicillin Treatment failure after 48 h: 18.6% in the
open-label equivalency with WHO-defined severe CAP in or IV penicillin G, both groups for 48 h amoxicillin group and 18.8% in the
trial developing countries (Africa, Asia, followed by oral amoxicillin for penicillin group
and South America) another 5 days Treatment failure between 48 h and
5 days: 1.8% in the amoxicillin group and
2.2% in the penicillin group
Treatment failure between 5 and 14 days:
2.2% in the amoxicillin group and 1.5% in
the penicillin group
Atkinson, 200758 Multicentre randomised 246 children aged $6 months Randomly assigned to oral amoxicillin Treatment failure: 2.4% in the oral group
controlled non-blinded with radiologically-confirmed CAP for 7 days or IV benzylpenicillin, and 5.8% in the IV group
equivalency trial in England changed to oral amoxicillin after
a median of six IV doses for a
total course of antibiotics of 7 days
Hazir, 200859 Multicentre randomised 2037 children aged 3e59 months Randomly assigned to ambulatory Cured: 90% in the ambulatory group and
open-label equivalency with WHO-defined severe CAP group (oral amoxicillin for 5 days) or 88% in the hospitalised group
trial in Pakistan hospitalised group (IV ampicillin for Died: 0.09% in the ambulatory group and
48 h followed by 3 days of oral (0.04%) in the hospitalised group
IV, intravenous.

Thorax 2011;66:815e822. doi:10.1136/thx.2010.142604 817


probable infecting agent has long been suggested.7 16 22 68e70 combination with beta-lactams in order to cover atypical bacteria

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
However, the recent demonstration that atypical bacteria can (which have only rarely shown resistance to macrolides).22 68
play a role in causing severe CAP has led some experts to suggest Finally, in each antibiotic class the choice has to be restricted
using a combination of a beta-lactam and macrolide antibiotic in to the drug that is most active against the possible infecting
all children aged >3 months.16 22 Table 4 summarises the current agents and has the best tolerability and safety profile, the
therapeutic approach to severe CAP in developed countries narrowest spectrum of activity and the lowest cost.1e3 7 22 34
recommended by a large group of experts. It appears clear that Once a clinical improvement has been demonstrated, patients
age is the most important factor to determine aetiology. who can tolerate oral medications and do not have diarrhoea
Although viral aetiology plays a major role in children aged should be switched to oral therapy in order to reduce patient
<2 years while in older children bacteria (especially atypical discomfort, favour hospital discharge and limit healthcare costs.
bacteria) are more common, the large overlap in clinical, labo- The total duration of treatment is usually 10e14 days. In the
ratory and radiographic findings between the different aetiol- case of complications, broader spectrum antibiotics (eg, piper-
ogies supports the systematic use of antibiotics in severe CAP.22 acillin plus a beta-lactam inhibitor or a carbapenem combined
The global pandemic of antibiotic resistance of the isolated with vancomycin) are recommended for longer periods
pathogens commonly found in children with respiratory disease (3e6 weeks).
has had a marginal impact on the antimicrobial management of
severe and complicated paediatric CAP.22 This is because,
although S pneumoniae strains have progressively developed TREATING COMPLICATIONS
multiple resistance mechanisms over the last 20e30 years and Parapneumonic effusion
resistant strains (including some with multidrug resistance) The rates of parapneumonic effusion have been increasing in the
have spread to several regions of the world,71 72 it has been USA and Europe over recent years, and it is now encountered in
found that the risk of failure after treatment with penicillins and approximately 40% of all patients with bacterial
cephalosporins is not significantly different from that usually pneumonias.19 83e85 Some authors have suggested that the use
found in adults and children with CAP due to antibiotic-sensi- of PCV-7 may be involved as a result of the so-called ‘replace-
tive S pneumoniae strains.73e78 Moreover, in most of the cases of ment phenomenon’19 41e43 83e85dthat is, by reducing the
failure, it was difficult to define whether the negative result was circulation of the strains included in the vaccine, PCV-7 favours
a true bacteriological failure due to the resistance of the infecting diseases due to non-vaccine serotypes, including the serotypes 1,
organism or a clinical failure due to other concomitant 3, 5, 7F and 19A that are frequently associated with empyema.
factors.73e78 The success of treatment with beta-lactam antibi- However, this hypothesis requires confirmation because the
otics, even in the presence of resistant strains, can be easily effect of serotype replacement on invasive disease rates in chil-
explained on the basis of the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- dren has so far been marginal,86 87 and it has been shown that
dynamic principles predicting probable clinical success.79 80 the increasing incidence of infections due to serotypes such as
The question of the resistance of S pneumoniae to macrolides is 19A is independent of the use of PCV-7.88 In most cases of
more important22 because the risk of the failure of macrolide empyema, fluid volume is minimal and the fluid is not
monotherapy in cases of bacteraemic CAP has been clearly contaminated and contains only marginal amounts of fibrin and
documented.81 82 This explains why macrolide monotherapy is cells.19 However, in the presence of bacteria (about 20e30% of
not suggested for the initial treatment of severe paediatric CAP cases), fluid volume tends to increase and its composition
and, when macrolides are prescribed, why they are always used in changes, with progression to the fibrinopurulent and

Table 4 Suggested drug treatments for severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in developed
Age group Main bacterial causes Antibiotic of choice
Birth to 3 weeks Group B streptococci, Gram-negative Administer IV ampicillin and IV gentamicin
enteric bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, or IV cefuroxime or IV cefotaxime (dose
Staphylococcus aureus based on gestational age or birth weight)
for 10 days*
4 weeks to 3 months Streptococcus pneumoniae, Chlamydia If patient is afebrile, give oral or parenteral
trachomatis, Bordetella pertussis, erythromycin or oral or parenteral
Staphylococcus aureus clarithromycin for 10e14 days or oral
azithromycin for 3e5 daysy. If patient is
febrile, administer IV cefuroxime or IV
cefotaxime or IV ceftriaxone until fever
disappears, followed by oral cefuroxime
axetil or oral amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
for a total course of 10e14 days*
4 months to 18 years Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma Administer IV cefuroxime or IV cefotaxime
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae or IV ceftriaxone until fever disappears,
followed by oral cefuroxime axetil or oral
amoxicillin-clavulanic acid for a total
course of 10e14 days combined with oral
or parenteral erythromycin or oral or
parenteral clarithromycin for 10e14 days
or oral azithromycin for 3e5 days*
*Staphylococcal pneumonia is unusual; however, if blood or pleural fluid cultures grow Staphylococcus aureus, oxacillin or, in areas
where methicillin-resistant S aureus is a reasonable possibility, vancomycin should be added.
yIn infants aged <6 weeks, treatment with clarithromycin or azithromycin should be considered because there have been reports of
hypertrophic pylotic stenosis in infants receiving erythromycin.
IV, intravenous.

818 Thorax 2011;66:815e822. doi:10.1136/thx.2010.142604


organisation phase.11 In case of CAP, the fluid is caused by On the basis of these data, it seems that the stepwise algo-

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
changes in local factors and is represented by exudate (ie, it rithm for pleural empyema suggested by Proesmans and De
differs from transudate because it is characterised by one of the Boeck can be considered acceptable.90 This considers antibiotics
following: ratio of pleural fluid protein to serum protein >0.5; alone whenever the pleural fluid volume is <1 cm; if this is not
ratio of pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) to serum LDH the case, intercostal tube drainage should be used, with the
>0.6; pleural fluid LDH >0.7 times the normal upper limit for addition of fibrinolytics when the fluid seems to be organised.
serum). VATS is only considered as a salvage procedure in cases where
The aim of treating parapneumonic effusion is to sterilise the the previous therapies fail.
pleural fluid and restore normal lung function. Once again, the Finally, children with parapneumonic effusion should be
choice of antibiotic is different in developing and developed carefully observed for signs and symptoms of haemodynamic
countries. The WHO recommends the administration of chlor- deterioration due to pericardial effusion.90 98 99 Although the
amphemicol 25 mg/kg intramuscularly or intravenously every amount of pericardial fluid is usually very small and does not
8 h until the child has improved, and then the same drug orally give rise to symptoms, pericardiocentesis is sometimes needed.
for a total of 4 weeks.11 In the case of documented infection due
to S aureus, the WHO suggests cloxacillin 50 mg/kg intramus- Necrotising pneumonia and pneumatoceles
cularly or intravenously every 6 h together with gentamicin During the course of bacterial CAP, necrotising pneumonia and
7.5 mg/kg intramuscularly or intravenously once a day until the pneumatoceles develop as a result of localised bronchiolar and
child has improved, and then oral oxacillin four times a day for alveolar necrosis.100 Although bacteria such as S pneumoniae, H
a total of 3 weeks.11 influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli may be
In the developed world, because S pneumoniae is the most involved, the main cause is S aureus,100 which means that an
frequent cause of empyema,19 83 84 86 primary therapy is based intravenous antistaphylococcal drug should be immediately
on high intravenous doses of an antibiotic capable of assuring administered once the diagnosis has been made. The choice of
good pneumococcal coverage.7 16 22 As there is no correlation drug depends on the incidence of the methicillin resistance of S
between the development of empyema and the presence of S aureus in the area in which the case occurs: if this is more than
pneumoniae resistance to antibiotics,89 the recommended antibi- 20%, vancomycin should be used.
otic is the same as that suggested for severe cases. In the case of The duration of intravenous antibiotic administration has not
necrotising pneumonia, progressive disease or underlying been codified, but it is reasonable to assume that it should be
immunodeficiency, broader spectrum drugs combined with an continued until the child shows signs of improvement, and then
antistaphylococcal antibiotic are indicated in very young chil- be followed by oral administration for a total antibiotic course of
dren. The duration of administration has not been codified, but at least 3 weeks.
most authors suggest intravenous therapy for 1 week after the Most pneumatoceles spontaneously disappear and the radio-
resolution of fever followed by oral therapy for a further graphic alterations within the first 2 months, although this may
1e4 weeks.90 take as long as 6 months. Complicated cases should continue to
Regardless of age, the drainage of pleural fluid is not indicated be followed up, including those with more than 50% involve-
unless its ultrasonographically-detected volume exceeds 1 cm.86 90 ment of the hemithorax and severe atelectasis, and the devel-
If the volume is higher, drainage is useful to confirm the diag- opment of broncopleural fistulae with tension.100 When these
nosis by excluding other causes of pleural effusion, define the occur, image-guided catheter drainage is indicated and, if this
quality of the fluid, identify the infecting organism and reduce fails, surgical excision is the only solution.100 101
respiratory symptoms, thus accelerating disease resolution.
Theoretically, the fluid can be drained in four ways: thor- Lung abscesses
acocentesis, by means of a chest tube (with or without fibri- Lung abscesses occur as a result of the acute destruction of the
nolysis) or surgical debridement.90e93 A single tap can be used pulmonary parenchyma, usually due to bacteria gaining access
when ultrasound indicates that the fluid volume marginally from the oropharynx,102 103 although less frequently they are
exceeds 1 cm and lateral decubitus radiography shows that it is caused by an underlying bronchial process, the evolution of CAP
freely flowing in the pleural space,90e93 but when the volume is or a septic embolus.
greater or the fluid becomes loculated, it is necessary to use Anaerobic bacteria (Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus
repeated taps or insert a drain.90e93 Although non-randomised and Bacteroides) are the most frequent agents recovered from lung
studies have shown that the two procedures are comparable, abscesses and account for 70e90% of all isolates.104 105 S aureus is
many authors prefer drain insertion because repeated punctures most frequently found when there is associated empyema,106 107
are more traumatic.90e93 and facultative pathogens include a-haemolytic streptococci,
Fibrinolytic medication is advocated when the pleural fluid Enterobacteriaceae, S pyogenes and S pneumoniae.108 109
becomes organised.86 90 93 94 However, the efficacy of fibrinolytic Evolution to a lung abscess is often insidious. Approximately
agents is debated and the most recent data seem to suggest that half of such patients have cough and fever and produce sputum,
they do not significantly reduce the duration of fever, chest tube and chest pain and haemoptysis may also occur. However,
drainage or hospitalisation, and that surgery may still be putrid breath is occasionally the sole or predominant manifes-
necessary regardless of the stage of the disease.95 tation.102 103 The diagnosis is based on the chest radiographic
Data concerning the efficacy of video-assisted thoracoscopic finding of an air-fluid level indicating a cavity at least 2 cm with
surgery (VATS) are also controversial. Avansino et al found that a defined wall.110 However, chest x-rays are initially non-diag-
the patients who underwent primary surgery experienced less nostic in about one-fifth of cases.110 CT scanning is a useful
mortality and required shorter periods of hospitalisation, tube means of defining the extent of the disease, any underlying
thoracostomy and antibiotic therapy.96 On the other hand, anomalies and the presence of a foreign body. Ultrasonography
Sonnappa et al found that VATS and tube thoracostomy with may also be useful for follow-up purposes.110
intrapleural urokinase were substantially equivalent in terms of The mainstay of treatment is prolonged antibiotic
failure rates and median post-intervention hospitalisation.97 therapy.111 112 Most experts advocate a 2e3-week course of

Thorax 2011;66:815e822. doi:10.1136/thx.2010.142604 819


parenteral antibiotics followed by a course of oral antibiotics to tracheobronchial secretions, removing airway obstructions,

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.2010.142604 on 21 October 2010. Downloaded from on September 26, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
complete a total of 4e6 weeks. The chosen antibiotics should reducing airway resistance, enhancing gas exchange and
provide aerobic and anaerobic coverage (ie, a penicillinase-resis- reducing the work of breathing.117 118 However, its real useful-
tant agent active against S aureus and clindamycin or piperacillin ness is debatable because there is no scientific evidence that it
plus a beta-lactam inhibitor or meropenem).111 112 If Gram- modifies the course of CAP, even in severe cases or in the pres-
negative bacteria are suspected or isolated, an aminoglycoside ence of complications.119e122 Although not completely exhaus-
should be added.111 112 tive because there are a number of types of chest physiotherapy
Between 80% and 90% of all lung abscesses resolve with the whose efficacy may be different (ie, chest percussion and
use of antibiotic therapy alone. Most children become asymp- vibrations, the use of oscillating devices and the use positive
tomatic within 7e10 days, although the fever may persist for as expiratory pressure), these findings further support the recom-
long as 3 weeks.111 112 In the case of severely ill patients or those mendations of the BTS that chest physiotherapy should not be
who fail to improve after 7e10 days of appropriate antimicro- recommended in children with CAP.7
bial therapy, surgical intervention should be considered. Mini-
mally invasive and often CT-guided percutaneous aspiration
techniques are increasingly being used, but drainage may also be CONCLUSIONS
necessary if the abscess is >4 cm in diameter and causes Although severe CAP and the complications of bacterial CAP
a mediastinal shift or leads to ventilator dependency.113 In rare have become less frequent since the advent of the widespread
complicated cases, thoracotomy with lobectomy and/or decor- use of effective antibiotics early in the course of infection and
tications may be necessary.113 the possibility of preventing CAP by means of vaccines, they
continue to contribute to paediatric morbidity, require invasive
investigations and management, and prolong hospitalisation.
SUPPORTIVE THERAPIES The limited number of existing guidelines concerning the
Oxygen management of paediatric CAP only marginally consider severe
Oxygen administration is considered essential in the treatment and/or complicated cases,7 68 69 and further international
of severe CAP in both developing and developed countries, guidelines are urgently needed in both developing and developed
although there are some minor differences in target oxygen countries. However, in order to develop evidence-based recom-
saturation (SaO2) levels. The WHO suggests giving oxygen to mendations, more research is required in various areas such as
children with severe CAP and severely low chest indrawing or the aetiology of severe cases and the reasons for the complica-
a respiratory rate of $70 breaths/min, and to all children with tions, the better definition of first- and second-line antibiotic
very severe CAP.11 Oxygen administration is recommended until therapy (including the doses and duration of parenteral and oral
the signs of hypoxia disappear or, if pulse oximetry is available, antibiotic treatment) and when surgery is really useful, clarifi-
until SaO2 remains stable at >90%. The BTS guidelines indicate cation of the role of different types of chest physiotherapy
oxygen administration in all cases of severe CAP and suggest depending on patient status and definition on how to follow up
maintaining SaO2 levels of >92%.7 patients with the different types of complications. Finally,
There are greater differences in the methods used to deliver further efforts have to be made to prevent CAP so that a very
oxygen because the WHO recommends nasal prongs or a nasal high vaccination coverage against H influenzae type b as well as S
or nasopharyngeal catheter and stresses the fact that a face or pneumoniae can be reached worldwide and the impact of the use
head mask is not indicated,11 whereas the BTS guidelines of these vaccines can be monitored through active surveillance.
suggest using nasal cannulae, a head box and face mask, while
Funding This review was supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Health,
highlighting the fact that there is no strong evidence indicating Bando Giovani Ricercatori 2007.
that any of these methods is more effective than the others.7 On
the other hand, feeding is easier with nasal cannulae, although Competing interests None.
they do not allow the delivery of oxygen flow rates of >2 l/min. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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