Afib NCP
Afib NCP
Afib NCP
Review patient’s EKG. EKG can reveal previous MI, or evidence of left
ventricular hypertrophy, indicating aortic
stenosis or chronic systemic hypertension.
Check symptoms for
chest pain. Low cardiac output can further decrease
myocardial perfusion, resulting in chest pain.
Note changes in
lethargy, confusion, May indicate inadequate cerebral perfusion
disorientation, anxiety, secondary to decreased cardiac output.
and depression.
Administer supplemental
oxygen as indicated.
Increases available oxygen for myocardial
Give anti-arrhythmic drug uptake to combat effects of hypoxia.
as prescribed
Amiodarone is a primarily a class III
antiarrhythmic. Like other antiarrhythmic
drugs of this class, it works primarily by
blocking potassium rectifier currents that are
responsible for repolarization of the heart
Give anti-hypertensive during phase 3 of the cardiac action potential.
drug as ordered
It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can
flow more easily and helps prevent strokes
Monitor bowel function. and heart attacks.
Provide stool softeners as
ordered. Tell patient to Straining when defecating that results in the
avoid straining when Valsalva maneuver can lead to dysrhythmia,
defecating. decreased cardiac function, and sometimes
Provide quiet
environment: explain
therapeutic management, Psychological rest helps reduce emotional
help patient avoid stress, which can produce vasoconstriction,
stressful elevating BP and increasing heart rate.
situations, listen and
respond to expressions of