B.TECH. Ist Yr TIMETABLE ODD SEMESTER 2019, JIIT-128 (Effective From 28/08/2019)
B.TECH. Ist Yr TIMETABLE ODD SEMESTER 2019, JIIT-128 (Effective From 28/08/2019)
B.TECH. Ist Yr TIMETABLE ODD SEMESTER 2019, JIIT-128 (Effective From 28/08/2019)
TE1(CI111)-225/AKB LF5F6(CI111)-256/SHAILESH
LF7F8(PH111)-256/ADV LF7F8(CI111)-256/RP
PF7(GE111)-GS02/DEEPAK KUMAR TF4(MA111)-121/DCB LE3E4(MA111)-256/PINKEY LF5F6(CI111)-254/SHAILESH
TE3(CI111)-225/RP LE1E2(CI111)-256/HM LF5F6(MA111)-254/PINKEY TF8(MA111)-113/NEHA
LF3F4(PH111)-226/SD LF1F2(PH111)-254/SKA
LE3E4(HS112)-259/EKTA LE3E4(MA111)-259/PINKEY
B.TECH. Ist Yr TIMETABLE ODD SEMESTER 2019, JIIT-128(Effective from 28/08/2019)
9-9:50 AM 9:55-10:45 AM 10:50-11:40 AM 11:45-12:35 PM 12:40-01:30 PM 1 1:35-2:25PM 2:30-3:20 PM 3:25-4:15 PM 04:20 -5:10 pm
1 A : E1-E8 for students of ECE .Each section will consists of batches of approximately 30 students.
B : F1-F8 for students of CSE.Each section will consists of batches of approximately 30 students.
118A, 118B, 117, 254, 259, 255, 257, 148, 153, 244 are Lecture theatres; 116, 116, 127, 126, 121, 225, 229 are Tutorial Rooms.
Example: LF1F2 (HS112) - 118A/EKTA means lecture class of F1+F2 of the course HS112 in the LECTURE HALL 118A to be taught by faculty Ms. EKTA SRIVASTAVA(EKTA)
TF7 (MA111) - 116/DCB means tutorial class of subsection F7 of the course MA111 in tutorial room 116 to be taught by faculty Dr. Dinesh Bisht(DCB)
PE1 (CI171) - 31/AKB means practical class of subsection E1 of the course CI171 in COMPUTER LAB 31 to be taught by faculty AKANSHA BHARDWAJ(AKB)