De Guzman v. de Dios (2001) (Odsey, V.)
De Guzman v. de Dios (2001) (Odsey, V.)
De Guzman v. de Dios (2001) (Odsey, V.)
SUMMARY: Atty de Dios appeared as counsel for complainant de Guzman for the establishment of a
corporation. Eventually, de Guzman was removed from the corporation for unpaid shares of stock, while
Atty De Dios became the president. The court ruled that there was evidence of collusion between the
Board of Directors and the respondent, while the respondent was engaged in attorney-client privilege
with the complainant. Clearly, respondent violated the prohibition against representing conflicting
interests and engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
There is lack of explanation on why complainant got ousted from the corporation considering
the amount of her investments
o Complainant was majority stockholder. She was subscribed to 29,800 shares, amounting
to P2,980,000
o Granting that the sale of the delinquent shares was valid, there was no explanation of
what happened to her original sales
DISPOSITION: the Court finds respondent Atty. Lourdes I. De Dios remiss in her sworn duty to her
client, and to the bar. The Court hereby SUSPENDS her from the practice of law for six (6) months,
with warning that a repetition of the charges will be dealt with more severely.