Sexual Education in Malaysia. Acceptance or Rejection?

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Sexual Education in Malaysia.

Acceptance or Rejection?
“ In fact, I believe that we need better sex education in our own culture, here in America,
so that young folk learn about things like venereal disease before they encounter it” - Piers
Anthony ( A English Writer in the fantasy genres and science fiction and most famous for
his long-running novel series set in the fictional realm of Xanth.)

1.0 Introduction

The outbreak of AIDS and other dangerous sexual transmitted diseases are caused by the

uncontrolled free sex; without prevention it has aroused the importance of sex education. At the

same time, this has raised the awareness of sexual education among the countries especially in

developed countries like America, Japan, China and etc where teen pregnancy is a common

phenomenon. Nonetheless, the sexual education is thus important to the teenagers as it exposes

about the human sexuality. This includes the relation between emotions and

responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, reproductive health

and rights, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence(Wikipedia,2008)

According to Kearney (2008), sex education was defined as "involving a comprehensive

course of action by the school, calculated to bring about the socially desirable attitudes, practices

and personal conduct on the part of children and adults, that will best protect the individual as a

human and the family as a social institution.” From the traditional perspectives about sexual

education it is a taboo or it should not be exposed to the adolescents due to the reason that they

are still not suitable to learn it yet unless they are in marriage stage. This kind of notion which is

known as “traditional thinking” has given various conflicting opinions from different aspects
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either from the viewpoint of responsibility, for fun and pleasure, for maturity or curiosity and

even for learning. Thus, in this matter, the sexual education at its early implementation usually

had been scrutinized over by those certain authorities or jurisdictions who still be bounded by

traditional thinking. However, as the role of sexual education has become more important in

preventing the social problems in tandem with the changes of times, the efforts to expand the

roles of sexual education and to “strengthen” the learning of it has become one of the priorities in

the school curriculum. But, the only concerning matter regarding the sexual education is that the

acceptance of its role in society especially related to teachers and school, parents as well as the

students. Indeed, this is not a common occurrence since different countries have different stances

regarding the sexual education and Malaysia is not an exceptional in this matter as well.

Malaysia also implements the sexual education in the secondary school curriculum since 1989

and later on in primary schools in 1994.

2.0 The arguments and opinions.

School and Teacher

“Since most parents are reluctant to talk about sex, schools have tried to fill the gap. In
America, when we decide to ignore a subject, our favorite form of denial is to teach it
incompetently. Familiarity without true understanding is not only the basis of our families
but of our educational system as well.” - Bob Smith (An American Politician)

This clearly explains that the school and the teachers also have their role in implementing the

sexual education as an important subject at school. To begin with, the school is a place to

nurture and widen the students’ knowledge. But, in Malaysia’s curriculum of education, the

question is, how to center the attention and utilize the sexuality genre in education? However, in

spite of this, the sexual education is not a standalone subject but it is incorporated with the
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subjects at school such as Science, Biology, Moral Education and Islamic Education. Based on

the study Analysis on Sex Education in schools Across Malaysia (Johari, Maharam, Maznah &

Zulkifli, 2011 ) expose that 95% of the respondents who consists of teachers and parents

believed that sex education was not taught properly at school. The science teachers did a good

job in explaining about the sex organs, fertilization process and reproductive system but it is just

for the sake of teaching and completing the syllabus. To add to this point, this can be related to

the teachers who were not actually passionate and eager in delivering the right message about the

sex education. Thus, this is actually resulting to the teaching process which was considered

vague, incomplete, lack depth and insufficient. Suganya (2015) states that “Some teachers

expressed their doubts over the teaching of this subject to primary school pupils as it was still

seen as a taboo subject. One of them said teachers was having difficulty explaining and

answering pupils’ questions as sexual health was not a subject one could comfortably discuss

with children.” This was stated clearly in a magazine article entitled “in Sex education – a

premature start?”

However, according to a research “Sexual Education in Malaysia: Accepted Or

Rejected?” (Siti, Ruzianisra 2012) affirm that nearly half of 49.3% of the respondents accept that

sexual education helps to control the social problems among teenagers. Regarding this matter,

the teachers and schools should be more open-minded to teach the students about the sexual

education. Tami lSelvan (2013) states that “sex education should to be taught by sex-positive

teachers, not individuals who see sex as something sinful and filthy, so that the kids will be

exposed to unbiased information about human sexuality” .

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Thus, to “counterattack” the issue, the teachers should undergo the trainings or seminars

to help themselves to be well erudite about sexual education rather than being shrugged about it.

Of course, by providing the trainings and drillings for the teachers, this will indirectly assist the

teachers to be more familiar with the sexual education. With regarding to this matter, the

government should provide seminars, conferences or campaigns for the teachers. According to

Maria Chin Abdullah, stated her concern that teachers should be trained adequately because

"Some teachers can't bring themselves to say the words “sex” and “condom”. Take the examples

from other countries, the campaigns, seminars, trainings or conferences about sexual education

have been carried diligently and successfully in other countries. For example, in America,

sexual educators should attend the national conference or workshop on sexuality. There are two

organizations, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapist

(ASSECT) and Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (QUAD-S). Both of these

organizations will focus on sexuality education and they will hold annual conference. In this

way, those who attend the seminars will be able to understand the importance of sexual

education. That is the reason for Malaysia’s governments should hold the events that promote the

goodness of sexual education among the teacher. With this solution, this will help the teacher to

widen the knowledge about sexual education.


“Before the child ever gets to school it will have received crucial, almost irrevocable sex
education and this will have been taught by the parents, who are not aware of what they
are doing” - Mary Calderone (a physician and a public health advocate for sexual education.)

Parent is the “first educator” at home as regards to the sexuality thing. Just imagine, what if a

child comes back home and asks what is sex or what is intercourse to the parent? How would the
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parent react to these questions? According to Sol Gordon who is an author of a lots of books

about parental and child communication and sexuality states that in this matter, it is necessary for

the parent to be "open and frank" when they have a discussion with their children about the sex

matter. In the same way, the parent should be more openness about sexual education. However,

in Malaysia context, Malaysia is known as a Muslim majority country with two other large

ethnic groups, Chinese and Indians. Malaysia as in some respects is a socially conservative

country regarding to reproduction and sexuality subject. Indeed, being a moderate Muslim-

majority nation, sex and related issues are sensitive and considered taboo for many in the three

main ethnic ( Pin Wong, 2012). Thus, according to Athar (1996) states that “although the Qur’an

has placed so much emphasis on acquiring knowledge, and in the days of Prophet Muhammad,

Muslim men and women were never too shy to ask him questions including those related to

private affairs such as sexual life, for Muslim parents of today, sex is a taboo subject”. To add to

this point, the parent who is still be bounded by traditional thinking will still believe that neither

children nor the adolescents should study the sexual education.

Take a look into a cultural environment where children’s knowledge about sexuality is at

dangerous level, meaning that, they know too much about porn as stated in (appendix A) have

caused many Muslim parents today are in dilemma about sexual education. They are “confuse”

whether sex topic should be talked at home or at school. However, in this period of radical social

change, children actually don’t need parents and school to educate them about sexuality. Every

day they are bombarded with substantial information on sex by the mass media and peer group

(Low, Ng,Fadzil, & Ang, 2007). This could be one of the adversities that will be normally faced

by certain authority such as school, Education Ministry and etc when the sexual education is

implemented in the school’s curriculum.

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From the other view, the non-Muslim such as Chinese, Indian and etc also voiced out their

concern about the sexual education. This was supported in Chinese Daily Newspaper, 2010

stated that Chinese parents need help with sex education. Same things happen among Indian


In a broader scope from the perspective of other country such as Nepal, there are conflicting

opinions between teachers, parents and students about sexual education at school. It is because,

parents are more interested in moral education compared to the sexual education (Netsanet,

Tsion, Fessahaye & Fentie, 2012). In this aspect especially in Malaysia context, the parent

should be more openness regarding this matter by explaining about the sexuality to the child. In

another word, it means that the parent should be able to discuss and confronting with their child

about the sexual education in a proper way. It is because, by discussing and telling the truth

about sexuality to the child will at least allow the child to be able to understand more about the

sexuality before they learn about the sexual education at school. Through this way, as states in

research entitled “by parent and sex education – parents attitudes to sexual health education in

Western Australia (WA) schools” Demonstrates that young people from families who maintain

a good communication are more likely to “postpone” their sexual initiation compared to the

families with poor communication. It depends on parents to create a good family bonding where

sex can be discussed without feeling shy or anxiety.

This means that the parents should be more supporting to the implementation of sexual

education in school’s curriculum. With the seminars and campaigns about the sexuality

education, the parent should be allowed to see how far the sexual education has achieved in

Malaysia. It is because, the implementation of sexual education could reduce the social problems
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and this will be able to convince the parents about the successfulness of sexuality Education in

Malaysia. Thus, the active relationship with parents and teachers about sexuality and health

programs will be able to overcome some misunderstandings about the sexual education.


“I flip ahead in the textbook. There's an interesting chapter about acid rain. Nothing about
sex. We aren't scheduled to learn about that until eleventh grade.” ― Laurie Halse
Anderson (an American writer best known for children's and young adult novelsand won
Margaret A. Edwards Award from the American Library Association in 2009)

Mudassir, Syed, Keivan & Tahir, (2010) stated that “school students have average level of

knowledge about STIs even though they are sexually active. Interventions such as reinforcing the

link between STIs and HIV/AIDS, assessing the current status of sexuality education in schools

and arranging public talks and seminars focusing on STIs prevention education are needed to

improve their awareness”. Children nowadays are being exposed to sex widely within the

general environment, including the entertainment, social medias and even among their friends.

With this situation, a good positive sex education has become essential to control this

phenomenon. This was stated in the same research entitled “by parent and sex education –

parent’s attitudes to sexual health education in Western Australia (WA) schools”. Thus, since the

free sex is unable to be controlled in this nowadays, what is the proper age for the child and

adolescents to learn about the sexual education? How about their expectation about the sexual

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In a broader perspective for example, ninety-seven percent of the students actually do imitate

positive attitude towards the importance of having sex education. This finding was conducted in

Nigeria where the students supported sex education introduction into the school curriculum. This

shows that their students accept the sexual education as their curriculum and demonstrates the

students are supporting the sexual education in their country. As stated in Sexuality Education in

Schools: The International Experience and implications For Nigeria(James, Nancy, Scott, 2004)

in Mexico, a key study in Mexico showed that the students taking a pilot sex education course

were more likely to use contraception but no more likely to have sex than students who did not

take the course. It shows the benefits of sexual education being implemented in the education

curriculum. Thus, the acceptance of the students in regard with the sexual education has

produced good results in other country but how about Malaysia? Is it the rejection or


According to Kaiser (2010), students report that they want more information about sexual and

reproductive health issues than they are receiving in school. The habit of attending

church/mosque, religion, watching romantic movies, reading romantic materials and listening to

romantic radio programs were found to the most predictors of students' supportive idea on

starting /presence of school sex education (Netsanet, Tsion, Fessahaye & Fentie, 2012). In

Malaysia Context, the students will be exposed about the sexual education when they are coming

to the age of 15 years mean that Form 3. Correspondingly, they will learn basic about sexuality

at school and at least this will allow them to be more open minded about the sexual education

before they will learn further in biology subject in form 4.

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Adolescents are the age of 13 to 21 years old. This range of age is always related to the attitude

of curiosity and eagerness to learn something new or different. This range of age and attitudes

are actually crossing together with the sexuality education. The study also indicated that sexual

activity among adolescents in Malaysia often begins at the age of 13 (Man, & Abidin, 1996;

Abdul Razak, 1997; Dato’ Chua Jui Meng, 2003). Not only that, (Azlinda, 2005) in a survey of

adolescents’ knowledge and behaviors regarding sexuality education in Malaysia stated that

“The adolescents, too, indicate their needs for sex education”. This supports that Malaysian

student need to learn about the sexual education since it is considered as one of the necessity in

curriculum. Indirectly, it is hoped to reduce the teen pregnancy and abortion as well. Of course,

being aware of Malaysian adolescents’ sexual practices and attitudes will eventually contribute

to the maturation and performance of relevant sex education program. Thus, the purpose of

educating Malaysian teenagers and adolescents with the proper knowledge about sexuality will

help nation to reduce risky behavior and social problems. One of the interviews with a teacher

regarding this topic ensures that the students are already known about the sexual things from

media, movie and books. This is stated in the appendix B (interview with teacher)

Once the students need the sexuality education, the government will give the fully support to the

sexuality education. (Azlinda, 2005) states that the Malaysian government and related NGOs

recognize the importance sexual education among the adolescent population. This is most

obvious from various efforts and training programs that the government and NGOs had

developed to train welfare workers, social workers, counselors, and volunteer workers. These

efforts are to help adolescent to understand about sexuality matters and become aware of it. This
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is a rationale way to instill the positive relationship between age and opinion on the need for sex

education which is closely related to individual’s maturation.

3.0 Conclusion.

To put it briefly, sexuality education is indeed important as it can be one of the ways to prevent

the social problems such as teen pregnancy, transmitted dangerous and deadly diseases, abortion

and others related teenage’ problems that keep on arising in Malaysia. Other countries are

already well aware of the importance of sexual education and thus, will keep on stressing it from

time by time. It just depends on how the society will react to and perceive the sexual education

since some of them are still be bounded by the taboos and traditional thinking.
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1. Kamrani MA, Sharifah Zainiyah SY, Hamzah A & Ahmad Z ( 2011). Source of Information on
Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Secondary Schools’ Girls in The Klang Valley.
Malaysian Journal of Public Health medicine, Vol. 11 (1) : 29 – 35.

2. Pute Rahimah Makol – Abdul, Abu Sadat Nurullah, Syed Sohail Imam & Saodah Abd.
Rahman (2009). Parents’ Attitudes Towards Inclusion of Sexuality Education In
Malaysia. International Journal bout Parents in Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, 42 – 56.

3. Johari Talib, Maharam Mamat, Maznah Ibrahim & Zulkifli Mohamad(2012).

Analysis on sex education in schools across Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences, Vol 59, 340 – 348.

4. Juliette D.G Goldman (2011). External Providers’ Sexuality Education Teaching and
Pedagogies for Primary School Students in Grade 1 and Grade 7. Routledge. Taylor &
Francis Group, Sex Education, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 2011, 155 – 174.

5. Sue Dyson(2012),Parents and Sex Education,Parents’ attitudes to sexual health education

in WA schools, Department of Health, Western Australia.

6. Siti Syairah Mohd Mutalip & Ruzianisra Mohamed (2012). Sexual Education In
Malaysia: Accepted Or Rejected? Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 41, No.7, pp.34-39.

7. Li Ping Wong (2012). Qualitative Inquiry into Premarital Sexual Behaviours and
contraceptive Use among Multiethnic Young Women: Implications for Education and
Future Research. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51745. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.

8. Chris Smerecnik, Herman Schaalma, Kok Gerjo, Suzanne Meijer & Jos Poelman (2010).
An exploratory study of Muslim adolescents' views on sexuality: Implications for
sex education and prevention. BMC Public Health.
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Appendix A (Interview with Parent)

Interviewer : ermm Salam.. ermm.. I am currently collecting data for my term paper, Sexual
education. Acceptance or Rejection from the prospective of parent. Will you
ermmm.. corporate with me in sharing your opinions with regard to this matter?

Interviewee : Wasalam.. okay.. innsha ALLAH. I will try to well… emmm.. sharing whatever
I think about what again.. haaa.. sexual education right?

Interviewer : yeah.. it is.. okay.. aaa.. before we proceed, may I know about your personal or
family background like how long you have been married until now and how many
children do you have and what age they are? If you don’t want to share, it is okay.
I wont like…. force you.

Interviewee : Never mind, it is nothing actually. Hurmm.. To begin with, I am a mother with
two sons and one daughter. I have been married for 8 years when I was 21. My
sons are twin and they are 7 years old. My daughter is 4 years old. Hahahahahaa.
(clear throat). So, what do you want to know my opinion about?

Interviewer : Ohhh I see. It is good to be married at young age. The children are totally cute.
Ohh.. sorry.. Ok, like this, I am doing a term paper regarding sexual education as I
told earlier (clear throat). So, I would like to know about your opinion regarding
do you agree with the implementation of sexual education in Malaysia.

Interviewee : Ohhh (clear throat) quite hard for me to answer actually. In my own opinion, it is
not a matter of agree and disagree. It is about how it being implemented. Yes, I
know that having sexual education like encourage youngsters to involve in errrr
what again.. sex bebas ermmmm… free sex I guess… so, I am neither agree or
disagree with sexual education. Because, the sexual things, all begin at home and
how you didik your children about good and bad.

Interviewer : Could you please explain little bit deeper?

Interviewee : Ok. Like this. You see that hearing the words “sex” actually bring
1001(pronounce in malay ) speculations and negative vibes right. But, the thing is
if a parent that still berfikiran kolot will definitely reject it saying that this is not
good for their children la apa la and all. But, we are living in 20 centuries where
porn can get easily even the movie apa ntah hah 50 shades of Grey also be
released last year in 14 feb right. My own cousin willingly pergi ke Singapura
just to watch the movie because Malaysia did not allow that movie to be entered
in pawagam. Alhamdulilah for that. Plus, the kids are also learning the term like
you know tak senonoh one like “tetek, nenen, konet and all” dari their own
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friends. So, sexual education is important so that these youngsters know how to
control their lust. Don’t underestimate these kids because if their curiousity level
jadi high, they willingly to do anything to belajar all these things to a point of
having incest relationship and rape.

Interviewer : I see, it is quite a shock and frightening for me.. ahahaha (clear throat). So, could
you explain more about to educate the child at home regarding this matter?

Interviewee : emmmm.. You mean how to educate the kids about sexuality begin at home?

Interviewer : yeaaaa… Kind of. Will you share a little bit about it.

Interviewer : no probs at all ( clear throat ) I am a mother with two sons and a daughter.
Honestly, raising kids need challenges, patient and devotion. If you neglect your
tugas, the kids will be the one who neglects. In this case, as a parent you should
not neglect your child. Ermmmm.. how should I say.. like this. Everything mula
dengan didikan di rumah. If they are close to their parent, they wont be involved
in this rape and incest relationship, because.. you see… if these kids having good
relationship( grip her hand together) with their parent, they can talk openly and
ask for advices. Like mother and daughter, bapak and sons. Like that, these
children kan.. will not having sex at early age. Of course la, dari sudut point of
religion, you need to didik halal and haram for your children so that they will
know which is halal and haram, sins and pahala in their life. That’s what we call
education at home.

Interviewer : I see. Ermmm. Sorry this is out of random. Actually I would like to know about
your opinion regarding the implementation of condom campaign at school like in
USA. Do you agree or not? It is for my presentation.

Interviewee : what HAHAHAHA.. condom campaign? Aduh.. Well, I definitely not agree to
this ridiculous campaign. For other countries, it will be good but for Malaysia, I
don’t think it will work. Because, it kinds of encouraging the youngsters to do the
sex over and over. Some more ili, like this akan memalukan nama Malaysia
which is an Islam country ok. It will be bad sebab we as a muslim could not
control this matter.

Interviewer : I see. A point is there. Well.. I have gain a lot of information today and beside
(chuckles) the weather is so jealous of us, I guess.. so.. can we stop now. And
ahhh.. don’t worry your details is confidential.

Interviewee : I guess so.. so lets stop here ok.

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Appendix B (Interview with teacher)

Interviewer : Salam.. I am sorry for disturbing you. I am currently collecting data for my term
paper, Sexual education. Acceptance or Rejection from the prospective of a
teacher. Will you (clear throat) corporate with me in sharing your opinions about
this matter?

Interviewee : Salam too.. okay.. errr. No problem at all. innsha ALLAH. I will do my best to
help you and share about what the sexual education, correct?

Interviewer : Thank you, alhamdulilah.. I am sorry before we proceed, could you please share
with me about your personal background such as how long you have have been
in teaching field and what subjects that you teach. If you don’t want to share, it is
okay. I am fully understand it.

Interviewee : Never mind, it is nothing for me though. So, I have been teaching for the past
decade and my subjects are of course science and Sivik.

Interviewer : Ohhh I see. Thank you. Again, I am doing a term paper regarding sexual
education as I told earlier (clear throat). So, I would like to know about your
opinion regarding do you agree with the implementation of sexual education in

Interviewee : Ohhh hmmmmmm it is actually quite hard for me to answer. In my own opinion,
it is not really about errrrr… a matter of agree,disagree and whatnot. It is about
how it being conducted and errrrrr dilaksnakan ahhh performed in school. Sorry
for my English (clear throat) Yes, I know that having sexual education for
students like trigger them to involve in intercourse but in another way illi, it
seems like it educates these students to beware about Aids, Syphilis and teen
pregnancy. As teacher, it is quite hard for us to explain this matter and I myself
got the difficulty to answer the questions about this matter from the students.

Interviewer : Ahhhh I see… if you don’t mind, could you please explain more about this case?

Interviewee : Ok, in this matter, You see (pause) to speak the scientific words like sex,
menstruation, intercourse and others will be quite difficult. Some of us might
feels shame but we force ourselves to teach it. It is in join in science subject so we
got the reasons to teach sexual education but only on the surface. Hello.. they are
teens like around 14 years old (clear throat) and you expect them to learn this
things ?Unless only if….. they are mature enough to learn this thing.
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Interviewer : Don’t you think ermmm that these students are already well exposed to the
sexual things, involve in incest relationship and rapes since they are kids and
that’s why sexual education is needed and not just based on need to wait them to
be mature to learn this thing.

Interviewee : Yes I know it, that they are well exposed with these kind of things since kids
because of media, books, magazines and porn websites but parent also play the
important roles. Do not leave everything to the teachers, expect the teachers to
teach this and that. They should educate their child. We as the teacher did our jobs
to widen the knowledge but only on the certain age. We follow the syllabus that
diaturkan oleh ermmm Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. But, honestly seeing
that these students are well exposed to this matter, I think the sexual education
should be taught separately like Sexual Health education, combining with the
Health education.

Interviewer : I see. I somewhat agree with you that we should establish an elective subjects for
sexual education like Sivik. Thank you for the brief explanation and opinion.
Ermmm. this is out of random. If I may, I would like to know about your opinion
regarding the implementation of condom campaign at school like in USA. Do you
agree or not? Well, It is for my presentation actually.

Interviewee : wait.. what again aduhai.…..HAHAHAHA.. condom what… condom

campaign? (clear throat) Alahai haha.. Well, I definitely not agree to this
mengarut campaign. For other countries, it will be good but for Malaysia, I don’t
think it will be that good. Because, it is weird. We are muslim country. And it is a
shame if we could not control this thing. Islam prohibit Zina and it is clearly states
as a big sins. So disappointment if we could not control this matter. Besides, I
believe that parents out there still concern their child and this matter.

Interviewee : I see. A point is there. Well.. I have gain such a benefit information about the
sexual education. I am so blessed that you help me in this matter. Thank you so
much. I guess we can stop here, cikgu.

Interviewer : It is not a big deal. So, we are stopping here. If you want to know anything,
please ask me. Let’s stop here.

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