Specification For Railway Formation PDF
Specification For Railway Formation PDF
Specification For Railway Formation PDF
July 2018
1 Preamble 1
2 Terminology 2
3 Formation Components 3
4 Soil Classification 4
5 Materials for Formation and Soil encountered in Cutting 6
6 Suitability of subsoil 7
7 Execution of Earthwork 7
8 Blanket Layer 8
9 Thickness and specifications of Formation Layers 9
10 Quality control of Earthwork 20
11 Slope stability criteria and conditions 26
12 Erosion control measure methods on Embankment and slopes 26
13 Maintenance of records 28
14 Miscillaneous Points 28
15 Bibliography & References
APPENDIX-A: Soil Exploration & Survey 31
APPENDIX-B: Slope Stability Analysis Method 36
APPENDIX-C: Execution of Formation Earthwork 46
APPENDIX-D: Applications of Geosynthetics in Track Formation 53
APPENDIX-E: Widening of Embankment, Raising of Existing Formation & cess repair 67
APPENDIX-F: Rehabilitation of Existing Unstable Formation 71
APPENDIX-G: List of Equipment’s for Field Lab 79
APPENDIX-H: Various Sketches 81
APPENXIX-J: Details of Borrow Soil/Formation Subgrade/Prepared Subgrade 89
APPENDIX-K: Field compaction trial observations & computation sheets 93
APPENDIX-L: Salient Features of Vibratory Rollers Manufactured in India 100
APPENDIX-M: Typical compaction characteristics of Natural soil, rocks & artificial 107
APPENDIX-N: Ground Improvements Techniques/Soft Ground Improvement Methods 112
APPENDIX-P: Quality Assurance Tests 120
APPENDIX-Q: Modern Equipments for Earth Work 139
APPENDIX-R: Transition System on Approaches of Bridges 152
APPENDIX-S: Fitment of Existing Formation for 25T axle load 157
APPENDIX-T: Requirement Of Formation For Passenger Train Operations at 160 163
APPENDIX-U: List of relevant I. S. Codes 166
Specifications For Railway Formation
1.0 Preamble
The existing formation for most of the routes of Indian Railways was constructed by conventional
methods and meant to carry lighter axle load with less number of trains and lower speed, as
compared to present scenario. Over the years, increase in axle load, speeds and traffic have
placed a greater demand on the formation. Unlike replacement of track components and ballast,
the rehabilitation /improvement of formation is costly, time consuming and causes traffic disruption.
As a result, lot of stretches are continuing under severe speed restrictions over the years.
With an aim to construct the formation for future needs, it was decided in 2009, that the formation
on Indian Railways will be constructed for 25T axle load.
Guidelines for earth work in Railway Projects No.GE: G-1, July 2003 and Guidelines &
Specifications for design of formation for Heavy Axle Load GE: G-14, November 2009, cater for
construction of formation along with other Guidelines i.e. erosion control, widening of formation in
gauge conversion etc. Guidelines GE: G-1 was issued for 22.5T axle load mainly, whereas
Guidelines GE: G-14 caters for the specification for top layers of the formation for 25T, 30T and
32.5T axle load. There are over-lapping provisions in the these two Guidelines and 30T axle load is
not envisaged for the future, as 32.5T axle load trains are planned to be run on DFC routes. Thus
there was a need for a comprehensive unified instructions for construction of Railway Formation for
the present and future needs of the traffic.
In view of above, Railway Board formed a Committee vide letter No.2011/CE-II/Form/Spec. dated
01.03.2018. The terms of reference for the Committee were as under:-
In addition, there is a need to judge the suitability of existing formation for running of 25T axle load
as well as increasing speed of Mail/Express trains to 160 kmph.
This document incorporates the recommendations of Guidelines & Specifications for Design of
Formation for Heavy Axle Load GE: G-14 Nov. 2009 with suitable modifications. This document also
includes other relevant features such as slope stability analysis, application of Geo-synthetics in
formation, ground improvement techniques, quality assurance tests viz. CBR values of subgrade
soil, Elastic modulus of compacted layer (Ev2) etc. It also covers provisions to judge the suitability of
existing formation for 25T axle load and speed upto 160 kmph.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
2.0 Terminology
Commonly used terms in context of the subject and in this document, with their specific
meanings are mentioned as under: (Sketch-H1)
2.1 Formation: In a general way, collectively refers to the layers comprising blanket, prepared
subgrade and Embankment fill.
2.2 Formation Top: Boundary (interface) between ballast and top of blanket or prepared subgrade
(where blanket layer is not provided).
2.3 Track Foundation: Constitutes ballast, blanket, prepared subgrade and Embankment fill, which
is placed / exist below track structure to transmit load to subsoil.
2.4 Cess: Portion at top of formation level, extending from toe of ballast to edge of formation.
2.5 Ballast: Crushed stones with desired specifications placed directly below the sleepers.
2.7 Blanket: Blanket is a layer of specified coarse, granular material of designed thickness provided
over full width of formation between subgrade and ballast.
2.8 Prepared Subgrade:In case of two layer system, it is provided over the subgrade and below the
blanket layer with a view to economise the thickness of blanket layer.
2.9 Embankment Fill: It is that part of Embankment which is constructed with borrowed soil and
compacted to the stipulated level.
2.10 Sub-grade: It is the upper part of Embankment fill/cutting constructed by borrowed soil of
suitable quality upto bottom of blanket/prepared subgrade. For Embankment, subgrade may be
of borrowed soil whereas in cuttings it can be the naturally occurring soil of sufficient strength.
2.11 Cohesive Subgrade: Subgrade constructed with soils having cohesive behaviour i.e., shear
strength is predominantly derived from cohesion of the soil is termed as cohesive subgrade.
Normally, soils having particles finer than 75 micron exceeding 12% exhibit cohesive behaviour.
As per IS classification, all fine-grained soils and GM, GM-GC, GC, SM, SM-SC & SC types of
soils exhibit cohesive behaviour.
2.12 Cohesionless Subgrade: Subgrade constructed with cohesion-less, coarse-grained soils i.e.,
shear strength is predominantly derived from internal friction of the soil are termed as cohesion-
less subgrade. Normally, soils having particles finer than 75 micron less than 5% exhibit
cohesion-less behaviour. As per IS Classification, GW, GP, SW & SP types of soils fall in this
Other types of soils, which have soil particles finer than 75 micron between 5 to 12%, need
detail study for ascertaining their behaviour.
2.13 Dispersive Soil: Dispersive soils are those, which normally deflocculate when exposed to
water of low salt content. Generally, dispersive soils are clays which are highly erosive and
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Specifications For Railway Formation
have high shrink and swell potential. These soils can be identified by Crumb, Double
Hydrometer, Pin Hole and Chemical Tests.
2.15 Weak/Unstable Formation: It is yielding formation with continued settlement including slope
failure, which require excessive maintenance efforts.
2.16 Shear Strength: Shear strength of soil is its ability to resist shearing at a shearing surface
(plane) under direct stress ( vertical pressure)
2.17 Soil Pressure Units, equivalence: 1 Pascal (Pa) = 1 N/m2 and 1 Mega Pascal (MPa) = 1
2.18 Deformation Modulus (Ev2) : It is modulus of elasticity (also deformation) in the second cycle of
loading in the plate load test. It is to be determined by Plate Load Test on top of compacted
blanket layer/prepared subgrade/Embankment fill in accordance with DIN:18134-2012 (Ref
CL of Track
1 : 30 1 : 30
1 : 30 1 : 30
N .2
G. L.
Fig. 1
3.2 Two layer construction
CL of Track
Cess Ballast Cushion
:1 Formation Top
1. Blanket
1 : 30 1 : 30
1 : 30 1 : 30 Prepared Subgrade
Embankment Fill/Subgrade
G. L.
Natural Ground/Subsoil
Fig. 2
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Specifications For Railway Formation
4.0 Soil Classification
The Geotechnical Engineers/Agencies had evolved many soil classification systems, over the world.
The soil classification system developed by Casegrande was subsequently modified and named as
'Unified Classification’ system. In 1959, Bureau of Indian Standards adopted, the Unified classification
system as a standard, which was revised in 1970. According to BIS classification system, soils are
primarily classified based on dominant particle sizes and its plasticity characteristics. Soil particles
mainly consists of following four size fractions.
Gravel : 80 – 4.75 mm
Sand : 4.75mm – 0.075mm (75 micron)
Silt : 75 – 2 micron
Clay : less than 2 micron
Particle size distribution of a soil is determined by a combination of sieving and sedimentation analysis
as per procedure detailed in IS: 2720 (Part 4) – 1985 (Reaffirmed 2015) and its plasticity characteristics
are determined by Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit as per procedure detailed in IS:2720 (Part 5) –1985
(Reaffirmed 2015).
Symbols and other soil properties used for soil classification are given below.
G: Gravel W: well-graded
S: Sand P: poorly graded
M: Silt M: with non-plastic fines
C: Clay C: with plastic fines
O: Organic soil L: of low plasticity
P: Peat I: of medium plasticity
H: of high plasticity
D60, D30 & D10 are particle sizes, below which 60, 30 and 10 percent soil particles by weight are finer
than these sizes.
Plasticity Index, PI = Liquid Limit (LL) - Plastic Limit ( PL)
Coarse-grained soils: Soils having fines ( particles of size less than 75 micron) upto 50%
Fine grained soils: Soils having fines( particles of size less than 75 micron) more than 50%
4.3 Based on above, soils encountered in India are classified as under (as per IS Code):
Coarse grained soils:
GW-Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures; little or no fines
GP-Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures; little or no fines
GM-Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures
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Specifications For Railway Formation
GC-Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixtures
SW-Well graded sands, gravelly sands; little or no fines
SP – Poorly Graded Sands or gravelly sands; little or no fines
SM-Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures
SC-Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures
Gravel GW GP GM, GC
Soils having dual symbol: GW-GM, GW-GC, GP-GM, GP-GC, SW-SM, SP-SM, SP-SC& CL-ML
4.4: Soil Quality: Based on %age of fines present, the soils for their use in Embankment have been
grouped as under:
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Table 3 - Description of Soil Quality Class
Description w.r.t. Fine-Particles Soils as per IS Classification Soil Quality Class, if
(size less than 75 micron) Conforming to Referred Soil Quality (1) & (2) met with,
(1) (2) then classified as
Soils containing fines > 50 % CL, ML, CL-ML, CI, MI, CH, MH SQ1
Soils containing fines from 12% to GM, GC, SM, SC SQ2
Soils containing fines < 12% GW, GP, SW, SP, GW-GM, GW-GC, SQ3
Embankment is to be constructed normally with soil available in nearby area, with properly
designed slope. However, there are some soils, which are normally unsuitable for construction of
formation as listed below.
5.1 Unsuitable Soils for Construction:
5.1.1 Soils to be normally avoided are:
a) Organic clays, organic silts, peat, chalks, dispersive soils, and poorly graded gravel/
sand having uniformity coefficient less than 2,
b) Clays and Silts of high plasticity (CH & MH) in top 3m of Embankment.
5.1.2 There may be some typical situations in construction of formation where unsuitable types of soils
(Para 5.1.1) cannot be avoided for economical or any other reason and in cuttings passing
through unsuitable soils, shales and soft rocks which become muddy after coming into contact
with water, Railways may consult RDSO to decide special investigations and other measures to
formulate suitable scheme of construction in such cases.
5.2.2 In situations where soils for construction of Embankment consist of cobbles, boulders, rock or
waste fragments, tunnel/cut spoils ( if found suitable for use) etc., largest size of material should
normally not be greater than 2/3rd of the loose layer thickness. However, it should be ensured
that after every one to three meter of such construction, a 30 cm layer of properly compacted
soil (other than soil as given in para 5.1.1) should be provided. A detailed slope stability
analysis also needs to be carried out to ensure stability of such Embankments.
5.2.3 In case cobbles, boulders, etc. i.e., rock materials of size bigger than 2/3rd of the loose layer
thickness are in small quantity, same may be placed on toe of the Embankment instead of
using as subgrade material.
5.3 Soils prone to liquefaction falling in gradation zone as per sketch-H3 and having coefficient of
uniformity, CU < 2 should be adequately designed to take care of the liquefaction.
5.4 For soils with permeability ≤ 10-2 cm/sec, provide 20-30cm sand layers at every 2 to 3m of height
of Embankment (Sketch H6).
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Specifications For Railway Formation
7.1.1 Site clearances: Full formation width at ground level and extra width of 1 m on both sides
should be cleared of all obstructions viz. vegetation, trees, bushes, building, fences, abandoned
structures etc. and thereafter it should be dressed and leveled. Depressions if any, should be
filled with suitable soil duly compacted. Finally, surface should be properly compacted by
mechanical means to get leveled and uniform ground surface.
7.1.2 When Embankment is Constructed on Ground Having Steep Slope then the ground surface
should be suitably benched so that new material of embankment gets well bonded with the
existing ground surface.
In conversion/doubling/rehabilitation projects, suitable benching of existing slope shall be done
before new earthwork is taken up to provide proper bonding between old and new earthworks. It
should be ensured that there is no humus material left on the benched slope. Care needs to be
taken to avoid entry of rainwater into the formation from this weak junction.
Temporary surface drainage shall be constructed for draining of the natural water and check the
ingress of water into the earthwork during construction.
Centreline of the alignment (@ 200 m c/c or so) and full construction width should be
demarcated with reference pegs/dug belling about 90 cm away from proposed toe of the
embankment. Care should be taken not to disturb the pegs during construction. Pegs should
be preferably painted for identification.
7.3 Thickness of Layer: Suitable thickness of each layer is necessary to achieve uniform
compaction. Layer thickness depends upon type of soil involved and type of roller, its weight
and contact pressure of its drums. Normally, 200 – 300 mm layer thickness is optimum in the
field for achieving homogenous compaction. The actual thickness of layer and number of
passes of roller proposed to be used are decided in “field compaction trial” as detailed in Para
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Specifications For Railway Formation
7.4 Number of Passes: Density of soil will increase with the number of passes of roller but after
optimum number of passes, further increase in density is insignificant for additional number of
passes. For determination of optimum number of passes for given type of roller and optimum
thickness of layer at a predetermined moisture content, a field trial for compaction is necessary
as explained in Para 10.4
7.5 Extra embankment width of 500mm on either side shall be rolled/compacted to ensure proper
compaction at the edges. The extra soil should be cut and dressed mechanically to achieve
regular side slopes and the slopes may be compacted using slope compactors. Details of some
of the slope compactors are annexed at Appendix-Q.
7.6 Backfill behind abutments: To avoid differential settlement in the approaches of bridges,
compaction should be carried out with the help of slope compactors. Details of such compactors
are as given in Appendix-Q
a) It reduces traffic-induced stresses to a tolerable limit (i.e. threshold stress) on the top of
subgrade, thereby, prevents subgrade failures under adverse conditions of rainfall,
drainage, track maintenance and traffic loadings.
b) It prevents penetration of ballast into the subgrade and also prevents upward migration
of fine particles from subgrade into the ballast under adverse conditions during service.
c) Its absence or inadequate thickness results in yielding formation and instability. This
necessitates high maintenance inputs and increased cost of maintenance. Moreover,
speed restrictions may have to be imposed, which adversely affect the throughput.
d) Its absence may result in bearing capacity and progressive shear failures of subgrade
soil, thereby endangering safety of running traffic.
f) It results in increased track modulus and thereby reduces the track deformations.
Consequently, due to reduction in dynamic augment, stresses in rails as well as
sleepers gets reduced.
h) It prevents mud pumping by separating the ballast and subgrade soil. Thus,
accumulation of excess pore water pressure in the soil mass is avoided which is
responsible for mud pumping.
i) It ensures that the induced stress in subgrade are below the threshold stress of
subgrade soil.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
k) It leads to enhanced performance of subgrade as subgrade can serve designed
functions more efficiently and effectively.
l) It obviates the need for formation rehabilitation work under running traffic at prohibitive
8.2 Blanketing Material: The blanket material shall be produced by mechanical process by crushing
the stones and/or by mixing, naturally available materials using suitable equipment/plants like pug
mill, wet mix plant, crusher etc. However, if naturally available material conforms to the
specifications, the same can also be used.
8.2.1 Use of natural blanket material or manufactured blanket material shall be taken on the basis of
final location survey report or site conditions.
The Railway Formation may be constructed with Single Blanket Layer System or Two Layer
System based on availability of local soils/materials and on economic considerations. The
specifications and thickness of Blanket layer, Prepared subgrade, Top layer (Subgrade), Lower
fill and Sub-Soil are tabulated for single blanket layer system and Two-layer system for 25T and
32.5T Axle load in clause 9.2 and 9.3 respectively.
9.1 Situations where Blanket Layer and/or Prepared subgrade not required:
There are situations where provision of blanket layer and/or prepared subgrade shall not be
needed such as when formation/ earth fill Embankment have:
(i) Rocky beds except those, which are very susceptible to weathering e.g. rocks consisting of
shales and other soft rocks, which become muddy after coming into contact with water.
(iii) Coarse granular & well graded soil (CU >7, CC between 1 and 3)/quarry dust/crushed stones
material and 300 mm thick top layer is compacted to the CBR value of blanket material as
mentioned in table(s) below
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Field Compaction :Min. 98 % of MDD *
Minimum Ev2 = 100 MPa
Embankment SQ2/SQ3 soils
(CBR > = 6 generally, but not < 5 in isolated cases, soil 100 cm
Top Layer compacted at 98% of MDD *) (or less as per actual
(Sub-grade) height of Embankment
SQ1 soils
(To be used only with dispensation of PCE/ CAO)
(CBR > = 4 generally, but not < 3, soil compacted at
98% of MDD *)
Minimum Ev2 = 45 MPa
Field Compaction : Min. 97% of MDD *
As per Embankment
CBR=> 3 (of soil compacted at 98% of MDD *)
Lower fill height
Field Compaction :Min. 97% of MDD *
* MDD mentioned in the above table for determination of CBR is the MDD achieved in Lab & for field
compaction it is the MDD achieved in field compaction trials.
TABLE 5: Two Layer System (Blanket & Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Embankment Fill CBR > = 5 generally, but not < 4 in isolated 100 cm
Top Layer cases (or less as per actual height
(subgrage) For SQ1 soil, CBR > = 3 generally, but not < 2 of Embankment fill)
in isolated cases, (soil compacted at 97% of
Minimum Ev2 : 30 MPa
Field Compaction: Min. 97% of MDD*
Lower Fill
CBR > = 3 generally, but not < 2 in isolated As per Embankment height
cases, soil compacted at 97% of MDD*
Field Compaction: Min. 97% of MDD*
Ground Soil/Sub- Minimum Undrained Cohesion of soil, cu = 25 --
soil Strata KPa or Minimum Ev2 = 20 MPa or N >=5
Ground Improvement is required, if any of the
above parameters are not complied with.
* MDD mentioned in above table for determination of CBR is the MDD achieved in Lab & for field
compaction it is the MDD achieved in field compaction trials.
Note : When the subgrade is of SQ1 or SQ2 category soil, a suitable non-woven geo-textile layer may
be used as “separator layer” on the top of subgrade to prevent upward migration of the fines from
subgrade causing contamination of layer on top of it and also to prevent penetration of coarse partices
of layer on top of subgrade into soft/fine grained particles of sub-grade.
Table-6: Gradation Percentage of Blanket Material
SL IS Sieve Size Percent Passing (by weight)
1. 40 mm 100
2. 20 mm 80 - 100
3. 10 mm 63 - 85
4. 4.75 mm 42 - 68
5. 2 mm 27 - 52
6. 600 micron 13 - 35
7. 425 micron 10 - 32
8. 212 micron 6 - 22
9. 75 micron 3 - 10
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Specifications For Railway Formation
100% of MDD *)
(v) Filter Criteria should be satisfied with subgrade
layer, as given below :
Criteria–1: D15 (blanket) < 5 x D85 (sub-grade)
Criteria–2: D15(blanket) >4to5 D15 (sub-grade)
Criteria–3: D50(blanket) < 25 x D50 (sub-grade)
Field Compaction: 100% of MDD *
Minimum EV2 = 120Mpa
Embankment 100 cm
SQ2/SQ3 soils
Fill (or less as per actual height of
Top Layer CBR > = 7 generally, but not < 6 in isolated cases Embankment fill)
(sub-grade) of soil compacted at 98% of MDD *
Minimum Ev2 = 45 MPa
Field Compaction : Min. 98% of MDD*
Lower Fill
CBR > = 3 compacted at 98% of MDD* As per Embankment height
* MDD mentioned in above table for determination of CBR is the MDD achieved in Lab &for field
compaction is the MDD achieved in field compaction trials.
TABLE 8: Two Layer System (Blanket & Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)
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Field Compaction: 100% of MDD*
Minimum EV2 = 120MPa
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Specifications For Railway Formation
9.4 Design of formation, including adoption of single layer or double layer system, and use of SQ1 soil
as given in above paras shall be decided by PCE/CAO (Con) on the basis of soil invesitigation.
In case of the projects being executed by PSUs, the powers of PCE/CAO shall be exercised at
appropriate level of authority as nominated by CMD/MD of the PSU.
Due to some practical constraints, if minimum requirement/specification are not achievable in
field, the matter may be referred to RDSO.
9.5 In case of cutting, blanketing shall be provided as per para 9.2 & 9.3 based on type of soil just
below the blanket.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Formation profiles and layers for heavy axle load (For 25T Axle load)
CL of Track
Layer Limiting Properties 7.85m
1.074m 0.35m 0.35m 1.074m
Blanket Min. Soaked CBR 25 (Compacted at
100% of MDD), 1.126m 2.75m 1.126m
Field Compaction - 98% of MDD,
V 35cm Ballast Cushion
Min Ev2 = 100 MPa Top of Formation
Embankment Fill 1.
For SQ2/SQ3, CBR 6 generally, Blanket Thickness - 60 cm for SQ3,
Top Layer but not < 5 in isolated cases 1 : 30 1 : 30 75 cm for SQ2, 100 cm for SQ1 soil below
(Subgrade) (Compacted at 98% of MDD*),
For SQ1 soil, CBR 4 generally, but 100 cm Top Layer of SQ1 to be used only
not < 3 1 : 30 1 : 30 Embankment Fill
(Compacted at 98% of MDD, SQ1/SQ2/SQ3 with dispensation from
Min. Ev2 = 45 MPa 2H competent authority
:1 as defined in table 4
Lower Fill CBR 3, (Compacted at 98% Lower Fill of Embankment V
of MDD) (SQ1/SQ2/SQ3)
Field Compaction - 97% of MDD*,
G. L.
Fig 4
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Track Formation of Two Layer System for 25T Axle Load as per GE: G-0014
(Blanket + Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)
TWO LAYER SYSTEM (Blanket + prepared subgrade on Embankment Fill)
Fig 5
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Track Formation of Single Layer System for 32.5T Axle Load as per GE: G-0014
Formation profiles and layers for heavy axle load (For 32.5T Axle load)
(Blanket on Embankment Fill)
Single layer system (Blanket on Embankment fill)
CL of Track
Layer Limiting Properties 1.074m 0.35m 0.35m 1.074m
Fig: 6
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Track Formation of Two Layer System for 32.5T Axle Load as per GE: G-0014
(Blanket + Prepared Subgrade on Embankment Fill)
TWO LAYER SYSTEM (Blanket + prepared subgrade on Embankment Fill)
Fig: 7
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Bar Diagrams Showing Formation Layers Thickness
Single Layer System
Blanket (Min. CBR – 25)
Emembankmentment Fill (Top Layer)
140 100
75 80
Thickness (cm)
100 100 100 100
40 100
Soil Type Below Blanket SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3
Min. CBR of Top Layer CBR 4 generally but CBR 6 generally but CBR 7 generally but
of Emembankmentment not < 3 in top 1 m. not < 5 in isolated cases not < 6 in isolated cases
25 T 32.5 T
Axle Load
Fig 8
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Specifications For Railway Formation
25 25 25
100 100 100 100 100
Soil Type Below SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ2 SQ3
Prepared Subgrade CBR 3 generally but CBR 5 generally but CBR 5 generally but
Min. CBR of not < 2 in isolated cases not < 4 in isolated cases not < 4 in isolated cases
Embankment Fill
(Top Layer) 25 T 32.5 T
Axle Load
Fig 9
This is required to ascertain the suitability of the material for construction of Embankment and to
decide the OMC and MDD, which becomes the quality control inputs for compaction control.
Quality control tests are required to be conducted on borrow material as well as blanket
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Specifications For Railway Formation
10.2 Suitability tests at source:
Fill material proposed to be used either from Railway land or from outside (as per Para 5.0) would
have to be assessed for its suitability as well as to decide thickness of the blanket layer after
conducting soil classification and other relevant tests as per site requirement. On the basis of the
tests, areas for borrow material, especially from outside the Railway land, needs to be earmarked.
Once the material has been found fit for use as fill material for Embankment, further lab tests, to
assess OMC, MDD/ Relative Density, need to be conducted. In case, slope stability analysis, as
explained in para 11.0 is required, triaxial shear test will also need to be done to find effective shear
strength parameters.
b) Frequency of Testing: The frequency of testing at source for borrow material should be as
detailed in Para 10.3
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10.3 Summary of quality control tests at Source/Manufacturing point:
Table – 9
i) Borrow material i) Soil classification IS: 1498 Minimum one Should not be
(Embankment fill) ii) CBR test for every 5000 “unsuitable type “
& prepared IS: 2720-Part-16 cum or change of as given in Para
subgrade strata whichever is
ii) Blanket i) Gradation IS: 1498 Minimum one test Should conform
ii) CC & CU for every 500 cum to specification
material iii) CBR IS: 2720-Part-16 or part thereof given as per
iv) Abrasion value IS: 2386 Part-4 Table 4/5 (25T
v) Filter criteria axle load) &
(wherever Table 7/8 (32.5T
applicable) Axle load)
Step 1: Construct a test ramp about 30m long, 10m wide & 0.15m thick on one end & 0.55m on other
end, preferably at the construction site, over a level ground surface clear of bushes,
depressions etc under nearly identical conditions ( Fig. – K1).
Step 2: Divide the ramp equally into desired nunber, say, four segments, longitudinally of about 2.5m
width (more than width of roller). Each strip will be used for conducting trial at specific
moisture content, viz. OMC (Lab test value), OMC ±4% and (PL - 2%) etc.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Note: Experience shows that most suitable water content falls within a small range of 3% below to 1%
above the OMC for most of the- soil.
Step 3: Start compaction trial on first segment at a particular moisture content (Step 2).
Step 4: Fix four number sampling points on this strip at locations where layer thickness of about
0.225, 0.30, 0.375 & 0.450m are to be obtained after rolling.
Step 5: Collect samples around the sampling points (Step 4). Determine moisture content by any
suitable standard method
Step 6: Compare the moisture content with that of the relevant desired moisture content (Step-3).
Step 7: Wait for natural drying if moisture content is on higher side or sprinkle appropriate amount of
water uniformly followed by ploughing etc. and leave for 5 to 30 minutes depending on type of
soil, in case the moisture content is on lower side (Step 3).
Step 8 Determine moisture content once again at sampling points before rolling. Observations of
determination of moisture content are recorded as per (Table – K2).
Step 9 Roll the strip and measure the dry density (by any standard method) of the soil after every two
passes commencing from four roller passes. The observations are recorded as per Table-K3.
Note: Measurement of dry density and moisture content are taken after removing top 5 cm layer of
earth with least possible disturbance. If the layer thickness is small, density ring should be
Step 10: Carry out testing on each strip at different specific moisture content as for first strip
explained above. Compile the results of trial of all strips as per (Table – K2).
Step 11: From these test results, two sets of graph are plotted:
First set of graph - Dry density v/s number of roller passes for each water content and layer
thickness. For each layer, there would be four (depending on range of moisture content chosen)
curves for different moisture content.
Second set of graph: Maximum dry density vs moisture content for each layer thickness.
Step 12: Second set of graph will give field moisture content, maximum attainable field dry density and
optimum layer thickness. From these field values minimum no. of passes of particular roller
are read from first set of graph.
Relevant proforma are placed at Appendix – K.
10.6.1 Compacted Earth: Degree of compaction of each layer of compacted soil should be
ascertained by measurement of dry density/Relative Density of soil at locations selected in
specified pattern. The method of sampling, frequency of tests, method of tests to be
conducted and acceptance criteria to be adopted are as under
a) Method of Sampling :
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Specifications For Railway Formation
i) Various methods of selection of sample points for checking the field dry density are in
practice. These methods are shown in Sketch-H8 of Appendix-H. The sampling method
should be such that the effectiveness of compaction for the entire area of compacted
earthwork can be judged properly. The Engineer incharge should specify the sampling
method depending on the site conditions.
ii) For each layer, a minimum of one sample at a predetermined interval (in compliance with the
requirement stated in next para) along the centreline of the alignment, would be taken in a
staggered pattern so as to attain a minimum frequency of tests as given in the Para
10.6.1(b). For subsequent layer, the stagger should be such that the point of sampling does
not fall vertically on the earlier sampling points of the layer immediately below. The process
of sampling is explained in Sketch-H8 for guidance. Additional sampling points can be
taken, as considered necessary.
iii) In case of embankment widening, sampling should be done at an interval of minimum
200metres on widened side(s) of Embankment.
b) Frequency of Tests: Density check would be done for every layer of compacted fill/blanket
material as per following minimum frequency:
i. At least one density check for every 30m length for blanket layers and top one metre of
prepared subgrade/subgrade along the alignment in a staggered pattern of each compacted
ii. At least one density check for layers other than as specified in i) above, every 500 sqm or
75m c/c whichever occurs earlier along the alignment in a staggered pattern of each
compacted layer.
iii. In case of important bridge approaches (100m length on either side), at least one density
check for every 25m length shall be adopted.
iv. Second cycle plate load test: Ev2 measurement at top of each finished Sub-grade/Prepared
subgrade/Blanket layer to be determined at the frequency of one test per km.
c) Methods of In-situ Dry Density Measurements: Any of the following methods could be
adopted as per the requirements at site.
i) Sand As per IS-2720 a) Insitu Dry May be adopted for all type of
Replacement (Part 28) - Density soils
latest version
Method b) Moisture
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Specifications For Railway Formation
iii) Nuclear As issued by a) Bulk density It is a faster Method and should
Moisture Density RDSO (as per b) Moisture be widely used for large
Gauge Appendix-P) Content construction projects.
c) Dry density
d) Degree of
d) Acceptance Criteria:
i. Coarse grained soils which contains fines passing 75 micron IS Sieve, upto 5 percent should
have the Density Index (Relative Density) a minimum of 70% as obtained in accordance with
IS: 2720 (Part 14) – 1983 (Reaffirmed 2015).
ii. In field compaction trial, the maximum attainable dry density should not be less than 98% of
MDD value as obtained by Heavy Compaction Test (IS: 2720 (Part 8) – (Reaffirmed 2015) in
the laboratory. In case, there are difficulties in achieving 98% of the MDD values as obtained
by Laboratory test, in the field trials, the same may be relaxed upto 95% of MDD with the
specific approval of Chief Engineer/Construction, recording reasons of such relaxation. The
level of compaction to be achieved in field, as a percentage of MDD value achieved in field
compaction trial, for various layers shall be as per Table-4/5 & Table-7/8. In case of the
projects being executed by PSUs, the powers of CE(Const,) shall be exercised at
appropriate level of authority as nominated by CMD/MD of the PSU.
iii. During widening of embankment in case of gauge conversion and rehabilitation of unstable
formation, compaction of earthwork should be minimum 95% of MDD as obtained by
Laboratory test as per Heavy Compaction Test (IS: 2720 Part 8 – 2013) or 70% Relative
Density for Coarse grained soils which contains fines (passing 75 micron IS Sieve) upto 5
percent (IS: 2720 (Part 14) –1983 (Reaffirmed 2015).
Table 11
fill/ Every compacted Compaction/Relative
layer density As specified in As specified in
Prepared Para 10.6.1 (b) Para 10.6.1 (d)
10.7 Formation Level: Finished top of sub-grade level may have variation from design level by ± 25
mm and finished top of blanket layer may also be permitted to have variation from design level
by plus 25 mm. The ballast should be placed only on level formation without ruts or low pockets.
10.9 Side Slopes: Side slope should be 2H: 1V or flatter as per design.
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10.10 Formation Width: Formation width should not be less than the specified width.
11.1 Slope stability analysis should be carried out to design stable slopes for the Embankment.
Usually, side slopes of 2:1 would be safe for most of the soils up to Embankment height of
4.5m. However, this analysis has to be carried out in detail for any height of Embankment in
following situations:
a) When subsoil is soft, compressible & marshy type for any depth.
b) When subgrade soil (fill material) has very low value of cohesion “C” such that C'/γH (where H
is height of Embankment and γ is bulk density of soil) is negligible, i.e., in range of 0.01 or so.
c) When highest water table is within 1.5xH (H is the height of Embankment), below ground level,
then submerged unit weight of soil below water level should be taken.
11.2 In cutting slope, softening of soil occurs with the passage of time, and therefore, long term
stability is the most critical, and should be taken into consideration while designing the cuttings.
11.3 Slope stability analysis shall be carried out with the help of method given in Appendix –B
wherein a typical worked out example of slope stability analysis is also given for guidance. This
procedure for slope stability analysis or analysis with the help of Software like SLOPE/W, SLIDE
of Roc-Science group and GEO5 or equivalent will be adequate for most of the cases. However,
in certain situations, further detailed analysis may be required due to the site conditions and the
same may be got done by an expert consultant.
Most common methods used are the Bio-technical and Engineering System. However,
appropriate method needs to be decided depending on site conditions. These methods are
explained in following paras
a) Geo-jute: In this system, geo-jute is used. The system is used in areas having high erosion
problems. Geojute is eco-friendly material made of jute yarn with a coarse open mesh structure
and is biodegradable. On degradation, it helps in growth of vegetation. It is of two types i.e. fast
biodegradable and slow biodegradable. The methodology by which geojute on slopes of
embankments/cuttings should be provided is explained as follows:
Top 50 to 75 mm soil should be made free of clods, rubbish, large stones etc.
Top surface should be properly dressed.
Seeding should be done by distributing evenly over the slope.
Folded geojute should be buried at critical slippage of top soil.
Geojute is then unrolled loosely and evenly.
Up channel and shoulder are buried and stapled and then anchored as per the requirement
of the supplier.
Down channel ends and toes are folded and secured as per manufacturer's requirement.
Wherever it is getting terminated, it should be buried as per specification.
Longitudinal edge overlapping should be as per manufacturer's requirement and stapled at
one meter interval.
Rolled junctions are overlapped as per manufacturer's requirement.
Up channel section over down channel additional row of staples is fixed at 1m interval down
each strip.
Watering facility should be ensured during initial period of sowing if the work is undertaken
during non-monsoon period. Post laying protection against stamping and grazing by cattle is
required. In case of any damage, local spot repair should be carried out. Once vegetation is well
established, no maintenance is required.
For details about use of Jute Geo-textiles (JGT), their technical specificatiopns and laying
methodology etc., RDSO Guidelines titled “Guidelines for application of Jute Geo-textiles in
Railway Emembankmentements and Hill Slopes” No. RDSO/2007/GE: G-0008, Feb-2007 may
be referred.
b) Polymer Geogrids: Under unfavourable soil and rainfall conditions where vegetation growth is
difficult or is considered inadequate, a synthetic root reinforcement vegetation system using
geogrids should be provided. Geogrids are flexible, non-biodegradable, resistant to chemical
effects, protected against ultraviolet degradation and are stable over a temperature of 60-100
˚C. It provides root matrix reinforcement with dense vegetation growth which works as
permanent measure against erosion. Simply extruded un-oriented and upstretched polymeric
grids of low mass are considered adequate. In deep open cuttings with boulder studded strata,
bi-axially oriented geogrids of low mass should be deployed with suitable anchors to retain the
boulders in place till growth of vegetation is adequate. Following methodology should be
adopted for laying at site.
Slope area should be dressed with filling of cavities and pot holes if any by light ramming. The
net should be unrolled ensuring uniform surface contact. Geogrid ends at top and bottom of
slopes should be suitably anchored in 50cm x 50cm size trenches. MS pins 6mm dia and 2m
c/c should be used to hold the light weight net in position for an initial period of 2 to 3 months.
Overlapping of grids (about 75mm) and jointing with 6mm dia, ultraviolet stabilised polymer
braids is required to be carried out in longitudinal direction of laying. No overlaps are required in
transverse direction of laying while jointing.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
The causes and manifestations of surficial erosion of slopes of embankments and cuttings are
almost similar. In case of cuttings, where the slopes are normally steeper than those of
embankments, special protection measures would be necessary. For cutting slopes steeper than
1:1 with soil conditions favorable for vegetative growth, turf sodding (size 20x20x7.5cm) should
be transplanted from adjoining grassed area. To prevent slipping tendency of sodding patches,
especially during rains, these should be anchored with pegs.
At work site, details of works along with materials being used are to be properly recorded so that
work of satisfactory quality can be achieved which can also be verified at later stage. Records
are also required to develop completion drawings and other details, which would become
permanent records of the section and could be helpful in future to plan developmental activities
and remedial measures if need be. Some of important records to be maintained are as follows:
13.1 Quality Control Records: At least, following records of quality control as per proformas given
in Appendix-J, needs to be maintained.
14.1 Decision on natural blanket material or manufactured blanket material shall be on basis of final
location survey report.
14.2 Adequate drainage arrangement should be made by providing cross slope at top of formation
and side drains/catch water drains, wherever required.
14.3 Stable slopes and adequate drainage arrangements in cutting areas should be provided as per
details given in ‘Guidelines for Cutting in Railway Formations - No. GE: G-2, August 2005’.
14.4 For transition on approaches of major bridges & important bridges, recommendations of RDSO
report on ‘Transition System on Approaches of Bridges’ report No. GE: R-50, August- 2005 may
be followed. (Appendix-R)
14.5 Reinforced Earth Construction may be adopted wherever steep slope/vertical wall construction
is required due to space constraint or otherwise. In this regard, RDSO’s report on ‘Guidelines on
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Specifications For Railway Formation
design and construction of Reinforced Earth Structures, No. GE-G-18, August-2014’ should be
referred to.
14.6 In areas susceptible to flooding, the sides of an Embankment should be protected with a layer
of rockfill or stones with an intermediate granular layer upto 1 m above HFL.
14.7 At locations, where water table is high and fill-soil is fine-grained, it may be desirable to provide
a sand/granular layer of about 100 cm thickness at the base, above sub-soil across the full
width of formation. Alternatively geo-composite (non-woven geo-textile & geo-net) sandwiched
in sand/granular layer of lesser thickness can be used.
14.8 Use of geo-synthetics improves the performance of formation. Geo-grid at ballast & blanket
interface or within the blanket can reduce blanket thickness requirement. Geo-textile can be
provided at the blanket – subgrade interface and/or blanket – prepared subgrade interface for
the purpose of separation, filtration & drainage and better performance of the track substructure
system as whole. A technical note on the use of various applications of geosynthetic products in
Track Formation is given in Appendix D.
14.9 Method of cess repair and relevant details are enclosed Appendix-E.
14.10 It will be necessary to keep borrow pits sufficiently away (H+3) m from the toe of the
Embankments to prevent base failures due to lateral escapement of the soil. The distance of
borrow pit from the embankment will have to be decided in each case on its merits. Existing
borrow pits, close to toe of embankment may be filled or its depth should be taken into account
in analysing slope stability of the embankment.
14.11 In the case of cutting passing through highly cohesive clayey soils, special treatment may be
necessary to ensure a stable formation. Such measures will have to be determined after
thorough investigation and study of the soil properties. For guidance Appendix-N may be
referred to.
14.12 Special investigation will also be necessary in regard to high fill construction on swampy ground
or marshy lands and deep cuttings.
14.13 As far as possible, in all new line constructions, height of Embankment should not be less
than one and half meter to ensure proper drainage, avoid open defacation and trespassing.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
11. R. Kerry Rowe – “Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engg.”.
12. Hilf J.W., ‘A rapid method for construction control for Embankment of cohesive soil, ASTM
special publication No. 232, 1957.
13. AREMA Manual, 2010
14. Australian Railway (ARTC) Code RTS 3430, March 2006
15. Guidelines of Earthwork in Railway Projects, RDSO, No. GE:G-1, July, 2003
16. Guidelines and Specifications for Design of Formation for heavy Axle Load, Report No.
RDSO/2009/GE:G-0014, November’2009.
17. BS EN 13250:2016 Geotextiles and geotextile related products – Characteristics required for
use in the construction of Railways.
18. Robert M. Koerner (2016): Designing with Geosynthetics – 6th Edition (Vol. I and II).
19. Sanjay Kumar Shukla and Jian-Hua Yin: Fundamentals of Geosynthetic Engineering,
published by Taylor & Francis.
20. Buddhima Indraratna, Wadud Salim and cholachat Rujikiamjorn; Advanced Rail
Geotechnology – Balalsted Track, published by CRC press
21. Heukelom and Klomp (1962): ‘Dynamic Testing as a means of controlling Pavements during
and after Construction, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Structural Design of
Asphalt Pavements.
22. State Of The Art Report On Provision Of Railway Formation, RDSO Report No. GE – 35.
23. State of the Art Report on sub-grade stress and design of track substructure, Civil
Engineering Report No. C – 271.
24. IRC: 37- ‘Guidelines & Design of Flexible Pavement’, Indian Road Congress.
25. ORE Reports D – 71, RP – 12 & D-117, RP 28.
26. ‘Modern Railway Track’, Esveld, Coenard MRT Productions NL, TU Delft, Second Edition
27. ‘Procedure For Railway Track Granular Layer Thickness Determination’, Dingqing Li,
Theodore R. Sussmann Jr., and Ernest T. Selig, Report no. R-898, October, 1996,
Assosiation of American Railroads ( AAR), TTC, Pueblo, Colorado, USA.
28. Track Compendium– Formation, Permanent Way, Maintenance, Economics, by Dr.
Bernhard Lichtberger, 2005, Eurail Press, Hamburg, Germany.
29. UIC Code 719R: ‘Earthworks and Track-bed layers for Railway Line’, Third ed., 2008
In the preparation of the document, valuable assistance has been rendered by the team of Geo-
technical Engineering Directorate of RDSO, Shri R. K. Premi, SSRE, Shri Chandra Pal,
SSRE/GE, Shri Samay Singh, Shri Shailendra Saurabh, SSRE/GE, Shri Ajay Singh, SSRE/GE,
Sh. Akash Snehi, SSE(D)/GE & Shri Sourabh Yadav, JRE/GE. Drawing work has been assisted
by Shri Sushil Kumar, SSE(Design)/GE.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Appendix– A
1.1 Objectives of constructing a stable formation can only be achieved if soil exploration, as
envisaged in Engineering Code Paras E--409, 425 and 528, is undertaken in right earnest and
precautions are taken to design embankment & cutting against likely causes which could render
it troublesome during service.
1.2 Adequate provision for soil surveys & explorations at different stages, as per requirements of the
terrain, should be made in the project estimates to cover the cost for this activity.
a) To determine soil type with a view to identify their suitability for earthwork information and to
design the foundation for other structures.
b) To avoid known troublesome spots, unstable hill sides, swampy areas, soft rock areas, peat
lands, etc.
c) To determine method of handling and compaction of subgrade.
d) To identify suitable alignment for Embankment and cutting from stability, safety, economy in
construction and maintenance considerations.
e) To identify suitable borrow area for desired quality and quantity of subgrade and blanket
f) To determine depth of various strata of soil and bed rock level.
g) To determine ground water table position and its seasonal variation and general hydrology of
the area such as flood plains, river streams, etc.
h) To determine behaviour of existing track or road structure nature and causes of geo-technical
problems in them, if any.
1.4 Soil survey and exploration for construction projects should be carried out in following three
a) The main objective of soil survey during Reconnaissance is to collect maximum surface and
sub-surface information without drilling exploratory boring/ test pits to avoid obviously weak
locations such as unstable hill sides, talus formation/scree (accumulation of broken rock debris,
as at the base of a cliff or other high place), swampy areas, peat grounds, very soft rocks or
highly weathered rocks, etc.
b) At reconnaissance stage, available data from geological and topological maps and other soil
surveys done in past, existing soil profiles in nearby cuts, quarries are scrutinized. Water table
is recorded from local observation and inquiry. The involved soils are classified by visual
examination and if necessary, few field/ laboratory tests are conducted for this purpose.
c) Survey reports available from other Departments/Agencies such as Geological Survey of India,
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, CPWD, State
Irrigation, PWD, etc. can be acquired to obtain information on the accessibility, geology and
soils, subsurface information, etc.
d) Areas of prospective borrow soil and blanket material should also be surveyed to give idea of
quality and quantity of materials to be used for construction of Railway Embankment.
e) Above collection of data should be incorporated in the Feasibility Report required to be
submitted as per para 576 and 555 in chapter of Project Engineering under heading of
formation (para 528 of Engineering Code).
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Specifications For Railway Formation
f) The data and information collected during survey should be presented in suitable format such
as graphs, bar chart or in tabular or statement form.
1.4.2 Soil Investigation during Preliminary Survey
a) During Final Location survey, detailed investigations are done at locations where important
structures viz. high embankment, deep cuttings, major bridges etc. are to be located and where
weak sub-soil, swampy ground, marshy land exist. Undisturbed soil samples with the help of
deep auger sampler or Split spoon samplers are collected for conducting detailed tests viz.
shear strength tests & consolidation test to design safe and economical structure and predict
settlements. However, if some tests during preliminary survey are deficient, the same should
also be covered.
b) Assistance may be taken from Geologist, in case of rocky strata, known unstable hill slopes,
earthquake prone area and geological fault.
c) Detailed subsoil exploration is necessary to check stability of structures against failure and to
predict anticipated settlement. Bores are made along alignment normally at 200 m to 300m
apart in case of uniform type of soil and closely spaced in critical zones. Soil samples within the
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Specifications For Railway Formation
boreholes are obtained at every change of stratum and interval not exceeding 1.5 m. In case of
sandy and gravely soils, Standard Penetration Test may be adequate, as taking out samples in
these type of strata is difficult.
d) Besides classification tests, soil samples should be tested for shear strength and consolidation
properties. In case of very soft clays, vane shear test should be conducted for each boring site.
Free swell index test should also be carried out in case of expansive soil and organic contents
of soil should be determined if soil is suspected to be having large organic contents. Test for
determination of Ev2 as per DIN 18134, 2012 has been explained in Appendix P.
e) Availability of naturally occurring source of blanket material conforming to the laid down
specification shall be explored during the survey. Sources of blanket material of specified quality
and its availability around project site needs to be located to assess its realistic costs for
inclusion in project estimates. The source identification should cover various logistics involved in
its utilization.
f) The data and information collected during survey should be presented in suitable format such
as graphs, bar chart or in tabular or statement form.
1.4.4 For availability of type of soil (SQ1/SQ2/SQ3): Soil sources shall be explored during the survey.
As formation design will primarily depend upon the type of the soil being used in construction, it
is essential that soil classification and assessment of bearing capacity is done during soil
exploration. The results of soil exploration shall be reviewed and finally approved at the level of
the CAO/Construction as this will be the basis of further design. In case of PSUs the powers of
PCE/CAO shall be exercised at appropriate level of authority as nominated by CMD/MD of the
1.5 Soil Survey & Exploration for Conversion, Doubling & Rehabilitation Work
1.5.1 A statement listing out problematic stretches on existing track should be prepared/obtained after
scrutiny of gang charts for identifying locations requiring frequent attentions, having
unsatisfactory TRC results, past history of stretches having failure like slips, subsidence, pre-
mature ballast recoupment, ballast penetration etc.
1.5.2 Failure of existing formation is accompanied by signs of distress/instability. The identified and
suspected locations shall be subjected to detailed examination as per symptoms of failures.
Recommended scheme of soil exploration and testing are as under:
1 2 3 4 5
1 i) Embankment settlement - Base i) Recording of i) Classification tests
loss of longitudinal profile failure embankment profiles ii) Consolidation tests
ii) Heaving of soil beyond toe and ballast profile in x- iii) Natural moisture
iii) Leaning of telegraph posts, section content and Natural dry
trees, etc. on the ii) Undisturbed sampling density tests.
embankment and at the toe iii) Field tests- Vane shear iv)Peak and residual
DCP/SPT shear strength tests
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Specifications For Railway Formation
2 i) Flattening of Embankment/ Slope i) Recording of i) Classification and swell
slope failure embankment profile tests
ii) Bulging of slope surface. and x-section of ballast ii) Peak and Residual
iii) Longitudinal cracks on profile. Shear strength tests
cess/slopes ii) Survey and recording iii) Natural moisture
iv) Leaning of OHE masts of surface cracks content and Natural dry
iii) Undisturbed sampling density tests.
3 i) Soil heaving on cess and Subgrade i) Recording of i) Classification and swell
on slopes failure embankment and tests
ii) Ballast penetration (by shear) ballast penetration ii) Shear strength tests
exceeding 30 cm below profiles inside iii) Natural Moisture
formation subgrade content and Natural Dry
iii) Excessive – cross level ii) Collection of data Density tests
variations Track geometry
maintenance inputs
Quantum of ballast
Speed restrictions
iii) Undisturbed soil
samples below the
ballast penetration
4 i) Fouling of ballast with Subgrade i) Recording of i) Classification and swell
subgrade fines failure (by embankment profile and tests
ii) Ballast penetration below mud ballast penetration ii) Shear tests
formation – 30 cm or less pumping) inside subgrade iii) Natural Moisture
iii) Impaired drainage ii) Collection of data – Content and
iv) Excessive cross level Track geometry Natural Dry Density
variations in Mansoon variations tests
v) Hard running during summer Excessive
maintenance inputs
Speed restrictions
iii) Undisturbed soil
samples from below the
ballast penetration
5 i) Reduced cess &Denuded Erosion i) Recording of i) Classification tests
slopes- loss of soil/absence failure of embankment profile ii) Field crumb test for soil
of vegetation. slopes ii) Disturbed soil samples dispersivity
ii) Formation of rills/ gullies and leading to iii) Pin hole test
pot holes on slopes & on ballast iv) Double hydrometer
cess penetratio tests
n v) Natural Moisture
and slope Content and Natural
failure Dry Density tests
6 i) Cut slope failures Failure of i) Recording of profile i) Classification of soils
ii) Choked side drains Cuttings side slope, longitudinal ii) Cross-section and
iii) Seepage of water drain sections, HFL Ballast penetration
iv) Saturated subgrade and Ground water iii) Natural Moisture
table Content and Natural
Dry Density tests
iv) Lab. Shear tests
Note: a) In practice generally more than one type of failure is encountered.
b) Recommended scheme and soil tests are for general guidance.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
1.5.3 Frequency of soil sampling shall depend on the extent and type of problems in the troublesome
stretches. However, samples should be taken at 500m intervals for determination of natural dry
density and soil type only where no formation problem is reported.
1.5.4 In case of doubling where, existing formation is troublesome, the proposed new line may be
preferably constructed sufficiently away from centre line of existing track to avoid additional
stress on existing formation.
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Based on experience gained, especially with the behaviour of old embankments and construction of
new embankments over soft clays, it has been decided that effective stress analysis shall be adopted
for analysing end- of-construction and long – term - stability conditions, adopting realistic values of
shear strength and pore water pressure parameters.
1. Conditions of analysis
Minimum factor of safety should be ensured for the following critical conditions:
i) In Embankments for a) end of construction, and b) Long term stability with vitiated spoilt surface
drainage such as when ballast is due for deep screening and during monsoon when drains get
ii) In cuttings, for long term stability with adverse conditions of drainage likely to develop in
conjunction with modified sub-surface drainage patterns due to change of topography.
2. Factor of safety:
2.1 A factor of safety of 1.4 should normally be adopted against slope failure.
2.2 At the end of construction stage, when pore water pressure dissipates partially, a minimum
factor of safety of 1.2 can be allowed to achieve economy but without sacrificing safety for long
term – stability. Minimum factor of safety specified above can be further decreased only in
specific cases of instrumented pilot Embankments where the factor of safety is monitored during
construction. However, in either case, a minimum factor of safety of 1.4 must be ensured for the
long term-stability.
2.3 Moving train loads need not be considered in the slope stability analysis for Embankments.
Overstressing zones in soil mass due to live loads would affect the slope stability adversely
because bearing capacity failure mechanism gets mixed up with slope failure mechanism.
Hence, minimum FOS of 1.6 should be ensured for slope stability of smaller Embankments of
height upto 4m.
3. Computation procedure:
Computations shall be done using Bishop’s simplified method for determining factor of safety
against slips. For designing and checking of slopes of Railway embankments and cuttings,
stability tables from 3 to 20 as given in the end of this Annexure should be used. These tables
were developed by Bishop’s and Morgenstern 1960 with extension by MJO’s Conner &
Mitchel, 1976 and further by Chandler & Peiris,1989.
3.1 Formula to be used for the computation of factor of safety with Bishop’s simplified method
Where: m & n are the stability co-efficient based on C/H, , depth factor and
assumed slopes.( see table no 3 to 20)
C = effective cohesion
= effective angle of internal friction
= saturated unit weight of soil(s)
H = height of Embankment
ru = pore pressure ratio
D = depth factor
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Specifications For Railway Formation
DH = total depth from the top of formation to hard stratum of sub-soil
H = height of Embankment
Note: 1. Maximum value of depth factor is taken equal to 1.5 even if hard strata is not found
up to 1.5H depth below formation level.
2. rueis worked out to decide depth factor only. For calculation of FOS, ruas given in
Table 2 will be used.
3.4 Determination of Shear Strength ø and pore pressure parameters of sub-soils and
embankment soils for stability analysis shall be done as given in Fig. 1& Table-1.
However, for preliminary design or small projects, ø and ruvalues for different conditions
can be taken from Fig. No. 2 & Table – 2.
4. Side slopes of Embankments should not be steeper than 2:1. In case of clayey soils, for
embankments higher than 3m, flatter slopes would be necessary. Over compressible clays,
provision of appropriately wide pre-load safe height is the most effective and economical
5. Design parameters adopted should have the approval of the Director (GE), RDSO/ Chief
Engineer In-charge of GE Cell (as the case may be). Design calculations for each
Embankment profile carried out should be recorded in the Design Register, showing soil
parameters & factor of safety as adopted. In case of soft soils, most critical circle with its
center, may also be indicated.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Design Data:
There is no table for D = 1.50, for C' / H = 0.025. Now, we will see for C' / H = 0.05
5. Therefore, FOS will be calculated for the value of C' / H = 0.035 at D = 1.25 as follows:
i) From para 2(b), FOS (for C' / H = 0.025) = 2.953 – 2.806 x 0.5 = 1.55
ii) From para 4(b), FOS (for C' / H = 0.05) = 3.221 – 2.819 x 0.5 = 1.811
iii) Linear interpolation for C' / H = 0.035
Fig: B1
Fig. B2
Table – B1
Determination of shear strength parameters required for subsoil & embankment soil
CU – tests on undisturbed samples with CU – tests on remolded samples made from soils
pore-pressure measurements in a triaxial compacted to achieve similar densities at which
apparatus, or placement of soil is contemplated during
construction in a triaxial apparatus as per IS
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Note: Peak and residual effective stress parameters from undisturbed should be determined both for
subsoil and Embankment soil while dealing with old embankments.
Table – B2
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Specifications For Railway Formation
TABLE –B4 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.025 & D=1.00
TABLE –B5 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.025 & D=1.25
TABLE –B10 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.075 & D=1.25
TABLE –B11 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.075 & D=1.50
m n m n m n m n
20.0 1.918 1.514 2.199 1.728 2.548 1.985 2.931 2.272
25.0 2.308 1.914 2.660 2.200 3.083 2.530 3.552 2.915
30.0 2.735 2.355 3.158 2.714 3.659 3.128 4.218 3.585
35.0 3.211 2.854 3.708 3.285 4.302 3.786 4.961 4.343
40.0 3.742 3.397 4.332 3.926 5.026 4.526 5.788 5.185
TABLE –B12 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.100 & D=1.00
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Specifications For Railway Formation
TABLE –B13 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.100 & D=1.25
TABLE –B14 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.100 & D=1.50
TABLE –B15 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.00
TABLE –B16 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.25
TABLE –B17 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.125 & D=1.50
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Specifications For Railway Formation
TABLE –B18 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.150 & D=1.00
TABLE –B19 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.150 & D=1.25
TABLE –B20 STABILITY COEFFICIENTS m and n FOR C'/H = 0.150 & D=1.50
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Execution of Formation Earthwork
Before taking up of actual execution of work, detailed drawings need to be prepared for the
entire length of the project to give alignment, formation levels, formation width at ground level,
cross sections of catch water drains & side drains, cross section & levels of subgrade, blanket
levels, etc. to facilitate smooth execution at site. Execution of work has to be carried out in
systematic manner so as to construct formations of satisfactory quality which would give trouble
free service. The activities and adoption of good practices involved in execution of earthwork
are covered under following headings:-
a) Preliminary works
b) General aspects
c) Compaction of earth work
d) Placement of Back-Fills on Bridge Approaches and Similar Locations
e) Drainage Arrangement in Embankment/Cutting
f) Erosion control of slopes on embankments & cuttings
g) Other aspects Site clearances: Full formation width at ground level plus additional extra width of 1 m on both
sides should be cleared of all obstructions viz. vegetation, trees, bushes, building, fences,
abandoned structures etc. and thereafter it should be dressed and leveled. Depressions if any,
should be filled with suitable soil duly compacted. Finally, leveled surface should be properly
compacted by mechanical means to get leveled and uniform ground surface. When Embankment is constructed on Ground having steep slope then the ground surface
should be suitably benched so that new material of embankment gets well bonded with the
existing ground surface.
In conversion/doubling/rehabilitation projects, suitable benching of existing slope shall be done
before new earthwork is taken up to provide proper bonding between old and new earthworks. It
should be ensured that there is no humus material left on the benched slope. Care needs to be
taken to avoid entry of rainwater into the formation from this weak junction.
Surface drainage shall be constructed so as to maintain the natural water drainage facilities and
limit the introduction of water into the earthworks.
Centreline of the alignment (@ 200 m c/c or so) and full construction width should be
demarcated with reference pegs/dug belling about 90 cm away from proposed toe of the
embankment. Care should be taken not to disturbed the pegs during construction. Pegs should
be preferably painted for identification.
a) Borrow area should be selected sufficiently away from the alignment, as for as possible at the
extreme of Railway land but normally not less than 3 m plus height of the Embankment to prevent
base failure due to lateral escapement of the soil.
b) Borrow area should be selected for soil suitable to be used in construction.
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Selection of fill material should be in confirmity with para 5.1 of the Specifications.
1.2.1 A field trial for compaction on a test section shall be conducted on fill material to assess the
optimum thickness of layer and optimum number of passes for the type of roller planned to be
used to arrive at desired density. Procedure for field compaction trials is given in para 10.4.3 for
1.2.2 If the soil has less than required moisture content, necessary amount of water shall be added to
it either in borrow pits or after the soil has been spread loosely on the Embankment. Addition of
water may be done through flooding or irrigating the borrow areas or sprinkling the water on the
Embankment through a truck mounted water tank sprinkling system. Use of hose pipe for water
need to be avoided.
1.2.3 If the soil is too wet, it shall be allowed to dry till the moisture content reaches to acceptable
level required for the compaction.
1.2.4 Placement moisture content of soil should be decided based on the field trial and site
conditions. The objective should be to compact near OMC to achieve uniform compaction with
specified density in most efficient manner.
1.2.5 Clods or hard lumps of soil of borrow area shall be broken to 75 mm or lesser size before
placing on Embankment.
1.2.6 Each layer should be compacted with recommended type of roller upto required level of
compaction, commencing from the sides, before putting next upper layer.
1.2.7 Extra embankment width of 500mm on either side shall be rolled/compacted to ensure proper
compaction at the edges. The extra soil should be cut and dressed mechanically to achieve
regular side slope and the slope shall be compacted using slope compactors. Details of some of
the slope compactors are annexed at Appendix-Q.
Performance of the Embankment would depend to large extent on the quality of compaction
done during execution. Need to ensure proper compaction & precautions/ guidelines for this
have been given as follows: Compaction is the process of increasing the density of soil by mechanical means by packing the
soil particles closer together with reduction of air voids and to obtain a homogeneous soil mass
having improved soil properties. Compaction brings many desirable changes in the soil
properties as follows:
a) Helps soils to acquire increase in strength in both bearing resistance and shear strength.
b) Reduces compressibility, thus minimising uneven settlement during service.
c) Increases density and reduces permeability, thereby reducing susceptibility to change in
moisture content.
d) Reduction in Erodibility.
e) Results in homogenous uniform soil mass of known properties.
f) Reduction in frost susceptibility in cold regions
47 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation However, while compaction of earthwork is a necessary condition to achieve a stable formation,
it does not help in checking against the following causes which needs to be taken care during
the design of embankment or cutting :
Compaction of a particular soil is affected by moisture content, compacting effort, type of roller
etc as explained below:
(a) Compacting Effort: In modern construction projects, heavy compaction machinery are
deployed to provide compaction energy. Types of machinery required are decided based on
type of soil to be compacted. The method of compaction is primarily of four types viz a viz.
kneading compaction, static compaction, dynamic or impact compaction and vibratory
compaction. Different type of action is effective in different type of soils such as for cohesive
soils, Sheepsfoot rollers or pneumatic rollers provide the kneading action. Silty soil can be
effectively compacted by Sheepsfoot roller/pneumatic roller or smooth wheel roller. For
compacting sandy and gravelly soil, vibratory rollers are most effective. If granular soil have
some fines both smooth wheeled and pneumatic rollers can be used.
(b) Moisture Control: Proper control of moisture content in soil is necessary for achieving
desired density. Maximum density with minimum compacting effort can be achieved by
compaction of soil near its OMC (Optimum Moisture Content). If natural moisture content of the
soil is less than the OMC, calculated amount of water should be added with sprinkler attached
to water tanker and mixed with soil by motor grader for uniform moisture content. When soil is
too wet it is required to be dried by aeration to reach up to OMC.
(c) Soil Type: Type of soil has a great influence on its compaction characteristics. Normally,
heavy clays, clays and silts offer higher resistance to compaction, whereas, sandy soils and
coarse grained or gravelly soils are amenable for easy compaction. Coarse-grained soils yield
higher densities in comparison to clay. A well-graded soil can be compacted to higher density.
(d) Thickness of Layer: Suitable thickness of soil of each layer is necessary to achieve uniform
compaction. Layer thickness depends upon type of soil involved and type of roller its weight and
contact pressure of its drums. Normally, 200 – 300 mm layer thickness is optimum in the field
for achieving homogenous compaction.
(e) Number of Passes: Density of soil will increase with the number of passes of roller but after
optimum number of passes, further increase in density is insignificant for additional number of
passes. For determination of optimum number of passes for given type of roller and optimum
thickness of layer at a predetermined moisture content, a field trial for compaction is necessary
as explained in para 10.4.3
The Embankments are constructed with locally available soils provided it fulfils the specified
requirements. Procedure of compaction to be adopted will depend on the type of soil being used
in construction. General guidelines to deal with compaction of various types of soils for attaining
optimum dry density/relative density at minimum effort, have been briefly given as under:
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Specifications For Railway Formation
i) Sandy & gravely soils should be compacted with vibratory rollers. If fines are less in these types
of soils, it can be compacted with minimum number of passes of vibratory rollers without strict
control of moisture to achieve desired Relative Density. With higher percentage fines, sandy
and gravely soils need to be brought to OMC level to get effective compaction. Uniformly
graded sand and gravel are difficult to be compacted. Top layer of sand and gravel remains
loose in vibrating compaction. Therefore, in final pass the roller should move smoothly without
vibration. Dry densities attained in field trails normally should be around MDD/ specified
Relative Density as obtained from laboratory tests and should form the basis for specification
and quality control.
ii) Poorly graded sand and gravel with Cu < 2.0, should not be used in earthwork for the
embankments to safeguard against liquefaction under moving loads or especially due to
earthquake tremor. Generally, fine sand is prone to liquefaction. Materials having gradation as
per sketch ‘H3’ should be specifically examined and designed to prevent possibility of any
Silty soil is a fine-grained soil. These can be plastic or non-plastic depending upon the clay
content in it. Silts and fine sands with high water content have a tendency to undergo
liquefaction under vibrating rolling due to the pore water pressure generated by mechanical
work. Silty soils can be compacted satisfactorily near about OMC either with smooth rollers or
vibratory rollers. Vibratory roller will give high degree of compaction and higher lift. Compaction
of silty clays will have to be handled in a manner similar to clays.
i) Water content plays very important role in compaction of clays. Main objective of compacting
predominantly clays is to achieve uniform mass of soil with no voids between the lumps of clays.
If moisture content is too high, roller tends to sink into the soil and if too low the chunks would
not yield to rolling by rollers. Appropriate water content i.e. OMC of the soil is in the range of
about plastic limit plus two percent. Sheepfoot rollers are most effective in breaking the clods
and filling large spaces.
ii) Thickness of layer should not be more than depth of feet of roller plus 50 mm. Pad foot
vibratory roller with drum module weight of 7tonne (total static weight of 11 tons) for a lift
thickness of 30 cm is found quite effective for compaction of clays. For better results, initial
rolling with static pad foot roller followed by 15 tons vibratory roller can be tried.
1.3.4 In case of such soils, the MDD and OMC, as determined in the Laboratory may not be very
relevant and therefore achievable MDD and practicable moisture content at which such soils
can be compacted effectively should be determined by conducting field trials.
The performance of roller is dependent mainly on type of soil used in construction. Guidelines
on selection of compacting equipment are given in Appendix-M Vibratory rollers which can be
used in static as well as dynamic mode with plain & pad drum, are now being manufactured by
reputed Indian Companies also. Salient features of some of models are given in Appendix-L.
Sandwich type of construction may be adopted for construction of Embankments with cohesive
soils having very low permeability (less than 10 –2 cm/sec.) and where height of embankment is
greater than 3m. In such situations, a layer of coarse sand (Cu > 2) of about 20 to 30 cm thick
should be provided at embankment height intervals of 2 to 3m. Sketch –H6, provides
Guidelines for sandwich construction for different heights to improve factor of safety against
slope failure, drainage and dissipation of pore water pressure. It is desirable to have a bottom
layer of coarse sand in all cases where soils of low permeability is used even for depths upto
3m. However, before adopting such construction, it may be necessary to carry out a
detailed technical study along with economics of sandwich construction, depending on site
conditions and availability of material, if required, in consultation with RDSO.
1.4.1 The back fills resting on natural ground may settle in spite of heavy compaction and may cause
differential settlements, vis-a-vis, abutments, which rest on comparatively much stiffer base. To
avoid such differential settlements, while on one hand it is essential to compact the back fill in
the properly laid layers of soil, on the other hand, the back fill should be designed carefully to
1.4.2 Back-fills on bridge approaches shall be placed in accordance to Para 605 of Indian Railways
Bridge Manual 1998 (including latest correction slips). Sketch for details given in Sketch-H7.
1.4.3 Fill material being granular and sandy type soil, therefore need to be placed in 150mm or lesser
thick layers and compacted with vibratory plate compactors.
1.4.4 While placing backfill material benching should be made in approach Embankment to provided
proper bonding.
1.5.1 Drainage of Embankment: In embankment cross slope is provided from centre towards end to
drain out surface water. Therefore, normally there is no need of side drains in case of
In case of double line construction, central drain between the tracks should be avoided
to extent possible (even if it means resorting to additional earthwork to facilitate flow of water)
as it is not only difficult to construct but also difficult to maintain for continuous vibrations caused
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Specifications For Railway Formation
by moving traffic, problem in proper curing of concrete etc. Only in very rare situations, when
drainage of water is not possible without construction of drain, suitable arrangements for
construction of drain with pre-cast concrete channel/ subsoil drains alongwith proper outfall
should be made. If distance between adjacent tracks is large enough, suitable slope should be
provided in ground to make rain water flow in natural manner. Wherever, there is level
difference between two adjacent tracks, suitable non-load bearing dwarf wall may be
constructed to retain earth. Side Drains: In case of cuttings, properly designed side drains of required water carrying
capacity are to be provided. If height of the cutting is less (say, up to 4m), normally only side
drains on both sides of the track are to be provided. In case of deep cuttings, catch water
drains of adequate water carrying capacity are also required along with side drains. A typical
sketch of side drain and catch water drain has been given in Sketch –H4. It is to be noted that
blanket material is to be placed like fill/Embankment. Catch Water Drains: Surface water flowing from top of hill slope towards the track in huge
quantity needs to be controlled on safety consideration. It is also not possible to allow water
from the hillside to flow into the side drains, which are not designed for carrying such huge
quantity of water. Therefore, it is essential to intercept and divert the water coming from the hill
slopes, accordingly, catch water drains are provided running almost parallel to the track.
Depending on site condition, water from the catch water drains may require be diverting by
sloping drains and carrying across the track by means of culvert. In some of the situations,
depending on topography of top of cutting, there may be requirement of construction of net of
small catch water drains which are subsequently connected to main catch water drain so that
there is no possibility of water stagnation/ponding upto distance approximately three times
depth of cutting from its edge. Catch water drains should be made pucca/lined with impervious
flexible material locally available.
These should be properly designed, lined and maintained. If catch water drains are kuchha/
broken pucca drains, water percolates down to the track through cracks, dissolving the
cementing material resulting into instability in the cuttings. Catch water drains should be
located slightly away (as per site conditions) from the top edge of cutting and water flow should
be led into the nearby culvert or natural low ground. Some additional salient features to be
observed are as follows:
i) Catch water drains shall have adequate slope to ensure development of self- cleansing
ii) Catch water drains shall not have any weep hole.
iii) The expansion joints, if provided, shall be sealed with bituminous concrete.
iv) Regular inspection and maintenance work, specially before onset of monsoon, should be
carried out to plug seepage of water.
v) Catch water drains shall have well designed out fall with protection against tail end
Though capacity and section will depend on terrain characteristics, rainfall etc. but following
parameters are important for design of catch water drains:
b) Alignment plan, longitudinal section and soil survey records of catch water drain should be
updated from time to time as per development in the area of influence.
i. Providing Camber/Cross Slope below Blanketing: Top of the formation should be finished
to desired cross slope of 1 in 30 from one end to other towards cess/drain in multiple lines
and from centre of formation to both sides in single line. Cross slope should be within 1 in
28 to 1 in 30. Camber may be checked at site through use of cross-section camber board.
ii. Once the top surface of the formation has been finished to proper slope and level,
movement of material vehicle for transportation of ballast, sleepers etc. should be avoided,
these movements will cause development of unevenness, ruts on the surface which will
accumulate water and weaken the formation.
iii. Provision of Blanket Layer: The specifications for the material to be use as Blanket and
thickness of blanket layer shall be as per relevant provisions of Table-4 & 6
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Specifications For Railway Formation
1.0 General:
The use of Geosynthetics helps to achieve higher efficiency and better performance of such
modern-day railway track super structures.
When a properly designed geosynthetic is installed within the track structure five principal
functions of Geosynthetics comes into play to improve track bed. These are separation,
filtration, reinforcement, drainage & erosion control. These are elaborated in the following Para.
1. Separation
A Geosynthetic placed at the interface between two dissimilar geotechnical materials (fine and coarse
grained soils) functions as a Separator when it prevents intermixing of two soil types to maintain
integrity of each material under the applied loads (Fig. D1). The separation function, in case of Railway
formations, is always associated with filtration or reinforcement.
2. Filtration
In this function, the geosynthetics allows passage of fluids from the soil in either direction while
simultaneously prevents the uncontrolled passage of soil particles (Fig. D2).The pore size of the
geosynthetic (mostly geotextile) is chosen to aid against their blocking, binding and clogging. This
function is often partnered with Separation.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
3. Drainage
In this function, the Geosynthetic collects the fluid and transports it in its’ own plane (Fig. D3). This
function is facilitated due to in-plane permeability of the geosynthetic (called “transmissivity”) being far
more than permeability across the plane (called “permittivity”).
4. Reinforcement
The geosynthetics are used as basal reinforcement to facilitate construction of Embankment on soft
soils having low shear strengths and excessive consolidation settlements (Fig. D4). The high strength,
high modulus geosynthetics offset the low shear strength of the underlying soils.
5. Erosion Control
In this function, geosynthetics are used as protective cover against surface erosion of soil particles
(from detachment and transport) due to surface water runoff and/or wind forces (Fig. D5).Natural geo-
textiles made from jute, coir etc. are found to be cost effective material in most of the cases. For details
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Specifications For Railway Formation
specifications and laying procedure of natural geotextile. RDSO Guidelines GE:G-008, should be
Geotextiles are planar and permeable members which are used in contact with soil/rock and/or any
other geotechnical material for civil engineering applications. They are basically textiles manufactured
from synthetic fibers. Thus, biodegradation is not a problem for geotextiles. The polymers used in
manufacturing geotextiles are Polypropylene, Polyester, High Density Polyethylene and Polyamide
(nylon) or a combination thereof, but large majority of geotextiles are made from Polypropylene.
These geotextiles are woven by interlacing two or more sets of yarns, fibers, filaments, tapes or other
elements (Fig. D6). These threads are generally woven straight and parallel to each other. It is made
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Specifications For Railway Formation
up of monofilament, multi filament or flat tape/fibrillated tape. Generally woven textiles exhibit high
tensile strength, high modulus, high permeability and low elongation.
A subset of woven geotextiles is “knitted geotextiles”, which are formed by interlocking a series of
loops of one or more yarns to form a planar structure. The knitting process consists of
interconnecting loops of yarn on powered automated machines. They are mostly used as filters on
Non-woven geotextiles are manufactured in the form of sheet or web of directionally or randomly
oriented fibres (Fig. D7), produced by mechanical and/or thermal and/or chemical bonding. Non-
woven geotextiles have high permeability and high elongation characteristics.
In the present application Geotextiles act as a separator, drainage material and, filter. To
efficiently perform the above functions, the geotextile must satisfy the following criteria:
To withstand the installation stresses the geotextile requires adequate puncture strength,
burst strength, grab strength, tear strength and resistance to UV light degradation.
The properties of geotextile which are essential to withstand static and dynamic loads,
high pore pressures, and severe abrasive action to which it is subjected during its useful
life are puncture resistance, abrasion resistance and elongation at failure.
It must be resistant to excessive clogging or blinding, allowing water to pass freely across
and within the plane of the geotextile, while at the same time filtering out and retaining
fines in the subgrade. Properties required are: cross-plane permeability (permittivity), in-
plane permeability (transmissivity) and Apparent Opening Size (AOS).
It must be resistant to rot, and attacks by insects and rodents. It must be resistant to
chemicals such as acids and alkalis present in the soil.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
Adequate factor of safety by way of reducing allowable tensile strength using reduction
factor for installation damage (RFID), reduction factor for creep (RFCR) and reduction factor
for chemical and biological degradation (RFCBD) must be ensured.
The geotextile used a separator and/or filtration layer shall have following properties, when
tested as per the latest edition of the test code indicated therein, for Railways application:
Sl. Property Test Method Value
I Polymer, Type and Physical Properties
Polypropylene/High Density
1 Material/Polymer - Polyethylene/ Polyamide,
Polyester or similar polymer
Needle Punched and
2 Type/Structure -
Mechanically or Thermally
bonded type or equivalent
3 Weight/Mass per unit area (*):
(i) On top of subgrade/Before
laying Blanket (within the 300 g/m2 (Min.)
Embankment) ASTM D5261-
(ii) Below the ballast and above the 600 g/m2 (Min.)
Blanket Layer
II Mechanical Properties
1 Elongation at Failure (*) ASTM D 4632 50 – 70%
- 2015
2 Grab Strength (*):
(i) On top of subgrade/Before
laying Blanket (within the 700 N
Embankment) ASTM D 4632
- 2015
(ii) Below the ballast and above the 1750 N
Blanket Layer
Trapezoidal Tear Strength (*):
(i) On top of subgrade/Before
laying Blanket (within the 250 N
ASTM D4533 -
3 Embankment)
(ii) Below the ballast and above the 800 N
Blanket Layer
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Specifications For Railway Formation
4 Puncture Strength – CBR (*):
(i) On top of subgrade/Before
laying Blanket (within the 1400 N
Embankment) ASTM D6241 -
(ii) Below the ballast and above the 5800 N
Blanket Layer
Abrasion Strength (% strength ASTM D 4886
5 80%
retained in breaking load) (*) - 2016
III Hydraulic Properties
ASTM D4751 -
1 Apparent Opening Size 40 to 85 Micron
Water Flow Rate normal to the ASTM D4491 -
2 20 lit/m2/Sec (max.)
Plane 2016
IV Survivability Properties
Ultraviolet Stability Requirement (*)
(i) Grab Strength ASTM D4355 - Not less than 70% after 500
(ii) Trapezoidal Tear Strength 2014 Hours of exposure
(iii) Puncture Strength
Values marked (*) are Minimum Average Roll Value (MARV), which is derived statistically as
average value minus two standard deviations.
(i) A tag or other method of identification shall be attached to each roll of geotextile indicating
(ii) Rolls of geotextiles should not be dragged on the ground and they must be lifted off the
ground before moving them.
(iii) Geotextiles slowly degrade in the presence of Ultra Violet (UV) rays, which are present in the
sun light. Hence, they should be wrapped with a material that will protect them from damage
due to shipment, sunlight (UV exposure) and contaminates. The protective wrapping, in
which the geotextiles come wrapped from factory, should be kept on till their storage and
installation. After unwrapping, the geotextile should be installed and covered within a
maximum of 14 days.
(iv) If stored outside, they should be elevated from the ground surface and adequately covered to
protect them from site construction damage, precipitation, UV radiation including sun light,
chemicals that are strong acids/bases, flames including welding sparks, temperatures in
excess of 710 C etc.
(v) If the protective wrapping of the geotextile roll is damaged, the rolls must be elevated off the
ground surface and covered with a tarpaulin or opaque plastic sheet. If the outer layer of the
geotextile itself is damaged, the outermost wraps of the geotextile must be removed and
discarded. This is also required when the roll is exposed to sunlight for a period beyond that
permitted by the project specifications.
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(vi) If the geotextiles is exposed to moisture or water, prior to installation, it absorbs water up to
three times their weight, especially non-woven geotextiles. This can lead to serious handling
problems due to extra weight and installation problem because it is nearly impossible to
unroll wet rolls. In addition, the strength of wet geotextile may also diminish to the point that
it may not support the required load during installation/construction.
(vii) If the geotextile becomes wet, it is permissible to remove the waterproof cover to allow for a
few days of exposure to wind in order to dry the fabric.
(viii) In trenches, after placing the backfill material, the geotextile shall be folded over the top of
the filter material to produce a minimum overlap of 300mm for trenches greater than 300mm
wide. In trenches, less than 300mm wide, the overlap shall be equal to the width of the
trench. The geotextile shall then be covered with the subsequent course.
(ix) Overlap at roll ends and at adjacent sheets shall be a minimum of 450 mm, except when
placed under water. In such instances, the overlap shall be a minimum of 1m. Where
seams are required in the longitudinal direction, they shall be joined by either sewing or
(x) Damages to geotextile, if any during installation, shall be repaired by placing a geotextile
patch over the damaged area and extending it 1m beyond the perimeter of the tear or
(a) Major protrusions on the surface on which geotextile is to be laid, such as rocks & bush
stamps, shall be removed and local depressions etc. shall be filled with approved soil
before laying the geotextile. The geotextile shall be rolled out smoothly. The geotextile
should not be dragged across the subgrade. The entire roll should be placed and rolled out
as smoothly as possible. Wrinkles and folds in the fabric shall be removed by stretching as
(b) Adjacent rolls of geotextiles shall be overlapped, sewn or joined as required. Overlaps can
be used to provide continuity between adjacent geotextile rolls through frictional resistance
between the overlaps. The amount of overlap depends primarily on the soil conditions as
given in the Table-D2 below:
Soil CBR Minimum Overlap
Greater than 3 300- 450 mm
1-3 600 – 1000 mm
Less than 1 Sewn
(c) For curves, the geotextile shall be folded or cut and overlapped in the direction of
construction. Folds in the geotextile shall be stapled or pinned approximately 0.6m centre-
to-centre. Before covering, the condition of the geotextile shall be checked for damage (i.e.
holes, nips, tears etc.).
(xii) Before laying the first lift of granular subgrade on the geotextile, a trial stretch of 100m shall
be laid to establish a proper construction methodology of placing and compacting the sub-
grade in a manner that no damages are caused to the separation layer of geotextile.
Geogrid is a planar, polymeric structure consisting of a regular open network of integrally connected
tensile elements, which may be linked by extrusion, bonding or interlacing. They have open grid like
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Specifications For Railway Formation
configuration with large apertures between individual ribs. The key feature of all geogrids is that the
apertures are large enough to allow soil communication, or strike through, from side of geogrid to the
other. Geogrids have relatively high strength, high modulus and low-creep-sensitive polymers.
Geogrids provide uniform distribution of loads over a larger area by increasing stiffness of base, as
the same resists flexural deformation. Geogrids is a synthetic planar structure formed by a regular
network of tensile elements with apertures of sufficient size to allow interlocking with surrounding soil,
rock, earth or any other geotechnical materials.
Woven type of geogrids are manufactured by weaving together polypropylene coated polyester
fibers into longitudinal & transverse ribs and joining the crossovers by knitting or intertwining before
protecting the entire unit by a subsequent coating (Fig. D8). Extruded types of geogrids are
produced by extruding polymers and by stretching uniaxially or biaxially extruded integral structure
(Fig. D9). These are generally rigid in nature compared to the more flexible types of bonded or woven
geogrids. Bonded geogrid is produced by bonding, usually at right angles, two or more sets of
strands or other elements (Fig. D10).
Fig. D8 Woven Geogrid Fig. D9 Extruded Geogrid Fig. D10 Bonded Geogrid
(A) Uniaxial Geogrids: Also known as mono-oriented geogrids, it is a planar grid, which
possesses a much higher strength in one direction than in the other direction (Fig. D11).
(B) Biaxial Geogrids: Also known as biorientedgeogrids, it is a planar grid, which possesses
similar strength in both ortho direction i.e. longitudinal & transversal (Fig. D12).
Fig. D11 Uniaxial Geogrid Fig. D12 Biaxial Geogrid Fig. D13Triaxial Geogrid
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Specifications For Railway Formation
(C) Triaxial Geogrids: A recent addition to the geogrid family, this product is having ribs in
triangular pattern or other shapes so that it gives tensile strength in other than two ortho
directions also. These geogrids are manufactured from a punched polypropylene sheet
oriented in multiple, equilateral directions to form triangular apertures, resulting in high radial
stiffness throughout the full 360 degrees (Fig. D13).
The geogrid used as reinforcement layer shall have following properties, when tested as per the
latest edition of the test method indicated therein:
Sl. Property Test Method Value
Polymer, Type and Physical Properties
Polypropylene or Similar
1 Material/Polymer -
2 Type/Structure - Bi-axial
Aperture Size:
(i) For use in/below bottom of ballast
(Tolerance ±5mm)
3 -
(ii) For use in the blanket/ prepared
subgrade/ subgrade layer
(Tolerance ±5mm)
Mechanical Properties
Load at 2% Strain:
10 kN/m (MD)
(i) For use in/below bottom of ballast
10 kN/m (CD)
(ii) For use in the blanket/ prepared ASTM D6637-
6.7 kN/m (MD)
subgrade/ subgrade layer 2015
6.7 KN/m (CD)
Load at 5% Strain: 21 kN/m (MD)
(i) For use in/below bottom of ballast 21 kN/m (CD)
(ii) For use in the blanket/ prepared 14 kN/m (MD)
subgrade/ subgrade layer 14 KN/m (CD)
4 Strain at Ultimate Tensile Strength 8- 12%
ASTM D7737-
5 Junction Efficiency 90% (Min.)
61 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Sl. Property Test Method Value
(i) For use in/below bottom of ballast 0.6 N-m/deg.
(i) A tag or other method of identification shall be attached to each roll indicating the following:
(ii) Geogrids shall be stored in a manner that prevents excessive mud, wet concrete, epoxy or
other deleterious materials from coming in contact with and affixing to the geogrid.
(iii) The protective wrapping, in which the geogrids come wrapped from factory, should be kept
on till their storage and installation. After unwrapping, the geogrid should be installed and
covered within a maximum of 1 month.
(iv) Prior to laying of geogrid as reinforcement layer, the surface shall be properly prepared, ruts
should be made good and dressed to the specified lines and levels.
(v) Geogrid reinforcement shall be placed flat, pulled tight and held in position by pins or suitable
means until the subsequent layer is placed. Geogrid should be rolled out on the compacted
surface parallel to the centre line of track.
(vi) The minimum overlap shall be 300mm and the maximum overlap normally required shall be
600mm. Overlaps must be maintained during the filling operation. This is generally
achieved by placing small heaps of fill locally over the overlaps ahead of main filling
(vii) No vehicle shall be allowed on geogrid unless it is covered by at least 150mm thick overlying
62 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Since the specifications are in evolving stage, these shall be adopted as per the industry
standards currently being considered and current standards on Foreign Railways, material
imported and locally manufactured in the country and as per sufficient experience gained during
field trials on Zonal Railways under observation of RDSO.
The detailed specifications for use of geosynthetics for railway formation has been prepared
and sent to Railway Board for approval and likely to be issued shortly after approval of Railway
The decision on use of geosynthetics shall be taken based on the techno-economic considerations for
every site of work, with the approval of HOD in Open Line and PHOD in Construction departments of
Zonal Railways. Considering the various functionalities provided by the geosynthetics, they have been
used or can be used for following applications related to Railway Embankments:
In situations where SQ1 & SQ2 soils are used in the Embankment fill/prepared subgrade, before
laying of blanket material, a separator layer of non-woven geo-textile having specification mentioned
in Para 3.1.1 should be laid over the Embankment fill/prepared subgrade as shown in the Fig D14.
This non-woven geotextile layer also helps in faster drainage of water from Embankment, thereby
faster dissipation of pore water pressure and increased stability of the Embankment.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
(ii) Construction of Embankment over soft subsoil
In case of Embankments over weak/fine grained sub-soils (which are mostly soft clays) and having
water table at higher level, it is a good practice to provide a “separator-cum-drainage layer” of sand
at the ground level to provide adequate drainage path for the water coming from sub-soil (reducing
excess pore water pressure in Embankment and thereby increasing its’ stability) and to prevent
fouling of subgrade by the fine grained subsoil. Thickness of this sand layer depends on the
embankment height, characteristics of sub-soil and water table. In cases, where availability of sand
is scarce or the thickness of the sand layer has to be reduced due to other reasons, non-woven
geotextile layer or geocomposite drain layer, sandwiched between two layers of sand of lesser
thickness (about 75mm) can be used (Fig. D15).
For reducing the thickness of “drainage-cum-separator layer of sand” at the base of embankment,
Geocomposite Drain (or Drainage Composite) consisting of a geonet core sandwiched between
non-woven geotextile filters on both sides can be laid with cross slope of 1 in 30. Such
geocomposite drain is sandwiched between two sand layers of thickness 75mm each. It shall
typically have the properties as listed below, when tested as per the latest edition of the test method
indicated therein. These properties are for use in embankments of height up to 8m, with subsoil of
CH/MH classifications and subgrade of CL/CI classification. In case of any change in these
parameters, RDSO may be consulted for design of geocomposite drain.
ASTM D5199 8 mm
1 Thickness @ 2 kPa
– 2012 (Tolerance ± 10%)
20 kN/m
ASTM D4595
2 Tensile Strength in both MD & CD
– 2011
(± 10%)
(B) Core
64 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
1 Material - Polyethylene or similar
2 Configuration/Structure - Cuspated/Rhomboidal and
thermally bonded with filter
ASTM D5261
3 Weight/Mass per Unit Area 710 g/m2
– 2010
(C) Filter
Polypropylene/High Density
1 Material
- Polyethylene/ Polyamide,
Polyester or similar polymer
2 Type/Structure Needle Punched &
Mechanically or Thermally
bonded type or equivalent
ASTM D5261
3 Mass per Unit Area (*) 120 g/m2
– 2010
ASTM D4751
5 Apparent Opening Size (Maximum) 80 Micron
– 2016
ASTM D6241
6 Puncture Strength – CBR (*) 1400 N
– 2014
Ultraviolet Stability Requirement (*) ASTM D4355- Not less than 70% after 500
For Puncture Strength – CBR 2014 Hours of exposure
Values marked (*) are Minimum Average Roll Value (MARV), which is derived statistically as
average value minus two standard deviations.
a) The geocomposite drain shall be provided in wraps with a protective covering. A tag or other
method of identification shall be attached to each wrapped package indicting the following:
b) Rolls of geocomposite drain should not be dragged on the ground and they must be lifted off
the ground before moving them.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
(c) Geocomposite drain should be adequately protected from Ultraviolet (UV) exposure during
storage at site. The protective wrapping, in which the geocomposite drain come wrapped from
factory, should be kept on till their installation. After unwrapping, the Geocomposite drain
should be installed within a maximum of 14 days.
(d) If stored outside, they should be elevated from the ground surface and adequately covered to
protect them from site construction damage, precipitation, UV radiation including sun light,
chemicals that are strong acids/bases, flames including welding sparks, temperatures in
excess of 710 C etc.
(e) When geocomposite drains are assembled on site, the assembly area shall be clean and dry.
(f) Geocomposite drains shall be capable of being connected longitudinally or laterally into pipe
systems or chambers for outflow purpose. Joint parallel to the direction of flow and any
exposed edge shall be protected from the ingress of soil by wrapping with a minimum overlap
of 150mm or other measures.
(g) Care must be taken to ensure that large stones are not allowed to damage the surface of the
geotextile filter.
(h) In case of use behind Bridge Abutment or Retaining Wall, perforated & slotted pipe can be
provided for horizontal drainage at bottom, by placing geonet inside slot and wrapping around
the pipe both layers of geotextile & pasting with suitable adhesive tape at the overlap.
Fig. D16: Use of geosynthetic for reduction of blanket/prepared subgrade layer thicknesses
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Specifications For Railway Formation
A. Widening of Embankment:
Before taking up widening of Embankment for gauge conversion, it should be ensured that
remedial measures for unstable formation have been taken.
i. All vegetation shall be uprooted and taken away from the site of work. The loose
materials removed from the slope should be dumped to form the bottom most layer on
the ground in the width to be widened. If required, it shall be supplemented with local
granular soil.
ii. Starting from the toe, benching on the slope at every 30cm height shall be provided on
the slope surface as in Sketch-H5, Appendix-H, so as to provide proper amalgamation
between the old and new earthwork.
iii. Earthwork shall be carried out in layers, each layer sloping out 1:30 and compacting it
mechanically using vibratory rollers of around 0.9m width (which are available in the
market), 6 to 8 passes of such rollers shall usually suffice to provide the compaction to
the specified level. Compaction on slope shall be ensured by using slope vibratory roller
of 10-20t. Preferably, this should be separately payable item.
iv. The width of each layer of earthwork shall be in excess by 300mm of the designed
profile to enable compaction near the edges. The excess width, thereafter, be cut and
dressed, so as to achieve the required embankment profile.
v. Earthwork shall be completed upto designed formation level keeping due allowance for
the blanket if need be.
In doubling projects:
a) Benching : Starting from the toe, benching on the slope at every 30cm height shall
be provided on the slope surface as in Sketch-H5 in Appendix-H, so as to provide
proper amalgamation between the old and new earthwork.
b) In the stretches of weak/unstable existing formation, the proposed new line may be
preferably constructed sufficiently away from centre line of existing track to avoid
additional stress on existing formation.
After widening of the embankment to the level of the existing formation, raising shall be done as
i. Raising less than 150mm shall be done with ballast, restricting overall thickness to
ii. Raising from 150mm to 1000mm, the existing ballast shall be taken out under suitable
speed restriction and raising should be done in suitable steps with the material as per
specification of blanket material. After raising to the desired level, clean ballast shall be
inserted. Limiting value of 1000mm may bereduced depending on the site conditions.
iii. Raising of more than 1000mm, shall be done by laying temporary diversion for passage
of traffic.
67 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
1. Introduction
Adequate formation width, ballast profile and cess width/height are required to maintain desired
track geometry. Minimum width of cess is needed for following purposes:-
i. To provide adequate confinement and to minimize track settlement.
ii. For efficient and safe execution of track maintenance/renewal activities like casual
renewal of rails/sleepers
iii. Welding of rails
iv. De stressing of LWR/CWR
v. Operation/placement/movement of Small track machines.
vi. Unloading/loading of free rails/rail panels/sleepers and placing them on cess before and
after the renewal
2. Preliminary works
The work of cess repairs may be planned when the distance of edge of formation, from center
of track, becomes less than 3300mm and the cess width should be made minimum 1150mm
during the cess repair work.
Before undertaking the cess repair work, a detailed field survey should be carried out to plot the
existing profile of track including embankment, identification of suitable earth for carrying out
cess repair and fixing Targeted Theoretical Profile (TTP) of cess for proposed work. The TTP
should include cess width to be made up, proposed raising of cess if any and flattening of side
c) The TTP with required longitudinal level of rail and cess at every 30m and also cross
section as per 2.1 (b) above should also be plotted. These levels should be recorded by
SSE/SE and got approved by ADEN.
d) In case of existence of level crossings, bridges or any other prominent track features,
additional cross sections should be drawn based on site specific requirements.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
e) Location of Trolley Refuges etc. should also be identified and levels at these locations
should be taken in sufficient detail to work out quantity of earth required.
f) To the extent possible, railway earth if found suitable may be used for cess repairs. The
borrow pits should be dug along the edge of railway boundary, duly ensuring that no
borrow pits are dug within (H+3) m distance from the toe of the embankment, where “H” is
the height of embankment. In case of non-availability of railway earth, suitable contractor’s
earth may be used.
b) Moisture to be added in the earth, to bring it near the Optimum Moisture Content value,
shall be calculated and added to the soil. The moisture shall be mixed thoroughly using
suitable means.
c) After final layer’s compaction the surface of earthwork executed must be as per desired
level and slope to the satisfaction of the engineer in charge’s representative.
d) The earthwork shall be done in layers, compacting each layer with 10 passes of small width
vibratory rollers. In top layers, where the working of rollers is not practical, suitable plate
compactor may be used. After completing the earthwork of full height, the slope may be
dressed and compacted with 10 passes of slope vibratory roller/compacter. The compaction
on cess and slopes shall be kept as a separately payable item.
e) For the repair work done on slope(s) of the embankment, suitable erosion control measures
shall be adopted.
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Specifications For Railway Formation
f) Wherever height of embankment is more than 6m, suitable lined slope drain should be
provided along the slope at a spacing of 20m along the track. The slope drains should
terminate into a longitudinal lined side drain provided on inside edge of the sub bank also if
g) Whenever the height of the cess repair is more than 15cm from existing cess level, cross
drain of the size 30cm width and upto the top of cess made up of boulder/ballast at every
15m interval may be provided, if required to ensure proper drainage of track.
h) Levels should be recorded at 30m length after completion of cess repair work and “as done”
profiles should be plotted on the same sheets. Payment of cess repairs shall be based on
the quantities worked out from the cross sectional calculations.
i) Any excess repair work done beyond 10 cm of the TTP shall not be paid.
j) In cess repair work, field measurement of compaction such as density and moisture content
may not be insisted upon.
70 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Formation Treatment
Formation failure due to poor bearing capacity alone or in combination comprises most of the
unstable stretches (about 95% or so). Increase in axle load & GMT also have a significant effect
on bearing capacity of formation. Therefore, strengthening of formation against bearing capacity
failure is the most important rehabilitation work.
For identified weak/unstable formation, necessary details should be collected and appropriate
rehabilitation scheme should be developed in consultation with RDSO, if required. In general,
following points may be kept in view while planning for rehabilitation:
(i) Failures of the base or sub-soil strata: Sub-soil strata may fail in shear or settle
excessively and cause:
(a) Slips,
(b) Heave beyond toe, or
(c) Excessive deformation.
(ii) Failures of the fill material: Fill material may fail in shear which may cause:
(a) Slips,
(b) Bulging or creep of slopes, and
71 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
(c) Excessive deformation.
(iii) Failure of the formation top: This is due to poor sub-grade material, which results in
ballast penetration, mud pumping and cess heave. This generally occurs during monsoons
and the causes of the failures are:
(a) Due to strength failure: This occurs due to low shear strength of top soil causing
settlement of track with a consequent heave of cess and ballast penetration.
(b) Pumping failure: This occurs due to presence of liquid slurry below the bottom of
sleeper. This may be formed with fine particles derived from the attrition of ballast,
dust and water. Sometimes the residual negative pore pressure developed in the
formation soil after the passage of the train tends to cause softening of the soil and
assists slurry formation. This slurry migrates upwards to the underside of the sleeper
due to contraction and dilation of the ballast voids with passage of trains. The causes
serious track irregularities
(c) Due to development of cracks on the formation top during summer months:
Shrinkage cracks form in highly shrinkable soil during summer through which
sometimes ballast enters resulting in the settlement of the track. The situation worsens
in rainy season when water enters formation through these cracks and causes swelling,
resulting in frequent cross level variations.
(d) Due to formation of gel on the formation top in thixo-tropic soils; some soils after
coming in contact with water assume a gel like consistency and loose shear strength all
together under the load by assuming a liquid like consistency. When the loads are
removed, these soils revered back there original gel like consistency within a short
period of time known as “gelation time”. During the period the top soil is having liquid
like consistency there is complete loss of shear strength resulting in penetration of
ballast and consequent settlement of track.
72 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Site inspection:
In order to suggest the remedial measures the following steps are required to be followed. This
is required to make a reasonable diagnosis of the trouble taking into account the history
reported by the P. Way staff. Site details such as bulging of slope, heaving of cess, heaving of
soil in between the sleepers, presence of shrinkage cracks at cess and along the slope,
drainage in cutting and other relevant details, may be collected during such inspections.
a) Pro-forma specified for collecting site details: For reporting unstable formation
following details on GE- Directorate’s pro-forma no. GEF/ 0026will be collected.
b) History of trouble
c) Period of construction
d) Method of construction,
e) Date of opening to traffic,
f) Speed restrictions on account of weak formations ,
g) Rain fall data,
h) Number .of track attentions per year from gang chart etc.
This should preferably be done before the soil samples and other site details are collected as
this is of paramount importance. The objective of such inspections and investigation is to locate
nascent or incipient planes of failure or as certain swelling/shrinkage characteristics of the soil.
The weak/unstable formations are mostly those formations where subsoil and/or subgrade soil is
expansive clay (e.g. Black Cotton Soil). The most significant property of these soils is that when mixed
with water they swell considerably losing their shear strength and on drying they shrink considerably.
Because of this swelling and shrinkage, due to ingress of water in rainy season, the track parameters
get disturbed and ballast penetrates in the formation.
The problems caused by expansive clays can be addressed to a large extent by reducing the ingress of
water (during rainy season) in the formation. This can be done by providing a non-woven geotextile
separator layer, which not only reduces the water from top entering into the sub-grade but also
prevents upward migration of fine particles from expansive clays (which are very fine grained) into the
top coarse layers. In addition, provision of a blanket layer acts as separator as well as reinforcement
layer reducing the pressure on the formation below. In case providing blanket layer of larger thickness
in running traffic condition is not possible, its’ thickness can be reduced by providing a reinforcement
layer of geogrid in the middle of the blanket layer. Such kind of formation treatment can be done
efficiently by using Formation Rehabilitation Machines. In absence of formation rehabilitation machine,
the top layer of weak formation can be replaced with blanket layer of adequate thickness.
The method consists of dismantling a portion of track under traffic block (4hrs duration)
and removal of ballast and weak formation layer and replacement with blanket layer and
reconnection of track on ballast.
Execution of work
Decide longitudinal level & select blanketing material (including required moisture content
& density), lay single rails if higher length panels exist, provide ramps on to the
embankment for movement of tippers to carry blanketing material etc. & remove shoulder
Progress of laying of blanket can be in the range of 100-120m per day. Work can be taken up
at more number of sites in shadow block.
Flexibility in execution
Depth of excavation of formation & lifting of track both can be carried out to the
requirement of site. Similarly, any thickness of blanket also can be laid. It can be adopted
in any type of track structure, electrified or non-electrified. Only requirement is that site
should be approachable to bring machineries and space available to keep track panel,
blanket material etc.
Removal of the ballast and earth from beneath the track panel is done using a scraper
chain with a width varying between 3.85 and 6.00m.
The excavated materials are transferred from the main machine, via integrated
conveyor belts, to a material conveyance-and hopper unit (MFS 40).
The formation sand and gravel (FSG) for the protective formation covering (PFC),
together with the new ballast, are transported in containers with gantry cranes on the
materials train.
The laying of FSG and ballast to the desired thickness and cross-level including the
necessary consolidation, is undertaken by the main machine. Tamping and lining for an
operating speed of 70 km/h is carried out by the satellite machine.
The main and satellite machines are guided in line and level with the aid of a wire guide
stretched over rods alongside the tack.
75 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
All these machines are designed for simultaneous introduction of geotextiles and
AHM 800 R:
Operated by an Austrian contractor this machine is excavating the old material with 2 separate
cutter chains, the first one picking up the top ballast layer, which is sent to a stone crusher and the
crushed material thereafter added to the sand blanket material. With this recycling process, the
amount of dumped material is reduced, and at the same time the costs for sand blanket material
are lowered. The second, large, cutter chain is excavating the rest of the ballast plus the top of the
formation, and that material is loaded into MFS cars in front of the machine. Sand blanket material
is carried and brought to the machine in the same manner as described for PM 200. As the
machine leaves the site the track skeleton is resting on the formation protective layer, fit for the
passage of ballast trains, which are doing the ballasting thereafter.
Silent Features:
RPM 2002.
All these machines are designed for simultaneous introduction of geotextiles and geogrids. A
geogrid is a kind of reinforcement, which increases the stability of the formation protective layer and
which allows a reduction of the depth of the said layer.
Silent Features:
Enhanced cleaning quality due to use of a rail-mounted star screen unit and a high pressure
water spray unit.
High working output in a minimum assured traffic block of 8 hours.
Machine capable of handling upto 900 mm below bottom of the sleeper.
76 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Machine is fully mechanised with integrated ballast recycling. It is equipped with integrated
levelling, lifting, lining and tamping system
b) By laying Geogrid and Geotextile at the interface of ballast and formation top along with
deep screening by BCM:
The preferred method for strengthening/rehabilitation of weak/unstable formations will be by laying
a Blanket of suitable thickness as detailed in a) above. But in cases where it is not possible to
adopt this method, then another lesser preferred alternative is laying a separator layer of non-
woven geotextile and laying a reinforcement layer of geogrid over it, just below the ballast as
reflected in Fig below. This type of laying can be done by Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM) during
deep screening of ballast, by adding suitable attachments with BCM for holding and laying
geotextile & geogrid rolls. During the subsequent deep screening cycles, care should be taken not
to disturb about 50-100 mm thickness of bottom most layer of ballast, which will not only avoid
entanglement of geosynthetics with BCM but this layer will act as a confining layer also for
Geosynthetics improving their efficiency.
On Madhira - Kondapalli section of S.C.Railway, Geogrid was laid at the top of formation in 8.6
Km stretch on DN line and on 16.4 Km stretch in UP line in year 2016. The results are
encouraging and number of Machine and Manual attention has gone down and TGI value
improved marginally. The number of OMS peaks have reduced as well.
Geotextileand Geogridhave been laid one over another on DN line in 4.62 Km stretch and on
UP line in a length of 5.7 Km between Oct’17 to Dec’17. The performance of track after this
treatment is under observations so far and results seem to be encouraging.
77 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Cess widening is one of the methods for improving the strength of Embankment soil by process of
confining as the strength of confined material is higher than unconfined material. Widening of cess
leads to confinement of existing soil below track and thus improves the strength of the Embankment.
This method titled widening/repair of cess for open line maintenance has been explained in Appendix-
This method has been used on Vikarabad-Wadi section of S.C.Railway and results are encouraging.
The number of attention to track has reduced substantially and TGI value has improved in the stretch of
9 Km between Km 113 to 122 on Vikarabad – Chitgidda section.
“In addition to the measures detailed in above Paras, proper cross slope should be provided and
proper turfing or other erosion control measures shall be undertaken on the side slopes to prevent
ingress of moisture in the formation from cess and side slopes.”
78 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
New line/Doubling/GC works are to be executed in close association with the GE Cell on Railways
to ensure proper quality of earthwork.
CODE (latest version to be
1 IS set of sieves with base & top lid IS-460
20mm, 19mm,10mm, 4.75mm, 2 mm 2 sets
600mic, 425mic, 212mic, 75mic,.
2 Hand operated sieve shaker for above 1 no.
i) Pan balance - 10 kg capacity (with 1.0 1 no.
gm Least Count)
ii) Electronic balance - 500 gm capacity 1 no.
(with 0.1 gm Least Count )
4 Field density apparatus complete.
a) sand replacement 2720-1974 part-XXVIII 2 sets
b) core cutter with dolly 2720-1975 part-XXIX 5 sets
5 Modified heavy Proctor density apparatus 2 sets
full unit. 2720 part-8-1983
6 Liquid Limit apparatus hand operated with 2 sets
counter & grooving tools. 2720 part-V-1985
7 Shrinkage limit apparatus 1 no.
8 Stainless steel spatula - 25cm long 2 no.
9 Porcelain bowl for LL - 15cm dia. 3 no.
10 Aluminium dish with lid – 5cm dia. 4 no.
11 Wash bottle - 1 lit. capacity 6 no.
500ml capacity
12 Glass plate 10mm thick 50x50 cm 2 no.
13 Ground glass 5mm thick 50x50 cm 2 no.
14 Enameled trays 45x30cm 3 no.
20x20cm 3 no.
15 enameled plates 6inch dia 10 no.
8 inch dia. 10 no.
10 inch dia. 10 no.
16 Frying pans 3 no.
17 Stove janta 2 no.
18 Straight edge 300mm long 3 no.
79 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Consumable Item
Sieve brush
26 Wire brush
27 Sodium carbonate
28 Sodium hexa meta phosphate.
29 Kerosene
30 Mercury
Additional Equipment
31 Hand auger 150mm dia with extension rod
Sampling tube 100mm dia. And 450mm
32 length
80 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Sketch- H1
CL of Track
7.85 m
1 : 30 1 : 30
MI 1 : 30 1 : 30
G. L.
81 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
1074 SLOPE 1.5:1
1 IN 30 1 IN 30 1 IN 30 1 IN 30
987 C
L SLOPE 1.5:1
2 :1
1 IN 30 1 IN 30 3930
100 1
B 1:
600 300
1 IN 30 1 IN 30
(for existing lines)
BG 1676
gauge conversions 7.85m 13.16m 7.85m 13.16m
& new lines)
CONCRETE SLEEPER AT A LATER DATE. MG 1000 5.85m 9.81m 5.25m 9.21m
(1) FOR EXTRA BALLAST CUSHION ON OUTERSIDE OF THE CURVE 0.15m ON Research Designs & Standards Organisation
82 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
83 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
84 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
1.485m 4.88m(MG) 1.485m
1 IN 30
>3.0m 'X'
1 IN 30
Details at 'X'
Research Designs & Standards Organisation
NOT TO SCALE DRG.NO: GE/GL/0259/Rev.1/2015
85 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
86 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
87 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Sketch- H8
88 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
89 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
90 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Note: In case of compaction of blanket material, percentage of fines should also be mentioned in a
column. The above format is taken from IS: 2720 Pt 29 – 1975 (latest version)
91 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Proforma No. J4
Rly Official
hole, before pouring in Wb = b= ent d = ID
Ww pouring W2 (g) cone W1 - (W w (w), b/1+
(g) W1 (g) W3 (g) W2- /Wb) * % w
W3 s
Note: Relative density, ID, is worked out as , ID, = max (d - min)/ d ( max - min)
The above format is taken from Appendix-A (Page 18 and 19) of IS: 2720 (Pt 28 )1974 (latest version)
92 of 169
Specifications For Railway Formation
Signature of Signature of
93 of 169
Location ______________________________________
Strip No. Location on Moisture content before watering Moisture content after adding the water
the ramp Container Weight of Weight of Moisture Container Weight of Weight of Moisture
No. wet dry content(%) No. wet dry content(%)
soil.(gms) soil.(gms) soil.(gms) soil.(gms)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
J 3
K 3
L 3
M 3
Signature of Monitoring official___________________ Signature of Project Official_______________________
Name_________________________________________ Name_______________________
Designation___________________________________ Designation___________________________________
Date ________________________ Date ________________________
94 of 169
No.of Locatio In-situ bulk density Moisture content Dry Percent Remark
roller n of the Core Wt. Of WT of WT of Bulk Contain WT of WT of Moistur density of MDD
passes Ramp cutter empty wet soil wet soil density er No. wet soil dry soil e of soil
No. core with (gm) of soil (gms) (gms) content
cutter core (gm/cc) (%)
(gm) cutter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
4 1
6 1
10 1
12 1
Signature of monitoring official________________ Signature of project official ____________________
Name ________________________ Name _________________________________
Designation ___________ Designation _____________________________
95 of 169
Project______________ Location_________________________
2. 300
3. 375
4. 450
5. 525
6. 600
Name _____________________________
96 of 169
Fig -.K1
97 of 169
Fig. – K2
98 of 169
Fig. – K3
99 of 169
(The details given below are based on the information available in the public domain and this is not exhaustive list. There may be more
manufactures / suppliers of the similar equipments)
(Kg) DRUM AXLE LOAD (T) (mm) (Hz)
GREAVES BW 212-D- 10424 2100 6.463 3.961 1.67 40/31 It is used for better
BOMAG 2(2A) gradeability.
BW 212- 10879 2100 6.201 4.678 1.5 30 It is used for better
PD-2 gradeability& breaking
L&T 1104 STD 11150 2330 5.770 5.380 1.6/0.6 28/36
1104 D 11150 2330 5.900 5.535 1.6/0.6 28/36 It is used for better
1104 PD 11835 2330 6.300 5.535 1.6 28 It is used for better
gradeability& breaking
INGERSOLL- ISD-100 10740 2135 6.210 4.535 1.7 0-30
100 of 169
ISD-100 D 10830 2135 6.295 4.535 1.7 0-30 It is used for better
ISD-100 F 11740 2135 7.205 4.535 1.41 0-30
NOTE: The rollers indicated above can also be used in Static mode.
LEGEND: STD = Standard Type, D = Drum Type & PD = Pads+ Drum Type
101 of 169
Few Photographs of various models of Vibratory Rollers mentioned in the table above
102 of 169
Fig: L3 ESCORTS: Model EC 5250
103 of 169
Fig: L6
Fig: L8 JCB116
104 of 169
106 of 169
Typical Compaction Characteristics for natural soils, rocks and artificial materials (Ref: BS: 6031 (latest version), Table 4)
Materia Major Subgroups Suitable type of Maximum Maximum Remarks
l division compaction plant number thickness
s of passes of
for compacte
satisfacto d layer (7)
(3) (4) ry (mm)
(1) (2) compacti
on (6)
Rock- Natural All rock fill (except chalk) Heavy vibratory roller not If well graded or easily broken down
like rocks less than 180 kg per 100 4 to 12 500 to then this can be classified as a
material mm of roll 1500 coarse-grained soil for the purpose of
s Grid roller not less 180 kg depending compaction. The maximum diameter
per 100 mm of roll on plant of the rock fragment should not
Self- propelled tamping used exceed two third of the layer
rollers thickness.
This material can be very sensitive to
Chalk See remarks 3 500 weight and operation of compacting
effort and spreading plant. Less
compactive effort is needed than with
other rocks.
Artificial Waste Burnt and unburnt colliery Vibratory roller 4 to 12
material shale Smooth wheeled roller depending 300
Self-propelled tamping roller on weight
of plant
Pulverized fuel ash Vibratory roller Includes lagoon and furnace bottom
Self-propelled tamping roller ash
Smooth wheeled roller
Pneumatic tired roller
Broken concrete, bricks, Heavy vibratory roller Non-processed sulphide brick slag
steelworks, Self-propelled tamping roller should be use with caution
slag , etc. Smooth wheeled roller
107 of 169
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Coarse- Gravel Well graded gravel and Grid roller over 540 kg per 3 to 12
grained sand, gravel/sand mixture: little or 100mm of roll depending 75 to 275
soils gravelly no fines Pneumatic tired over 2000 on type of depending
soils Well graded gravel/ sand kg per wheel plant on type of
mixtures with excellent clay Vibratory plate compactor plant
binder over 1100 kg/sq.m. of
Uniform gravel: little or no base plate
fines Smooth wheel roller
Poorly graded gravel and Vibratory roller
gravel/sand mixtures: little or Vibro-rammer
no fines Self-propelled temping
Gravel with excess fines, silty roller
gravel, clayey gravel, ,poorly
graded gravel/ sand/clay
108 of 169
Uniform Uniform gravels; little or no Smooth wheeled roller 3 to 16 75 to 300
sands fines below 500kg per 100mm depending depending
and Uniform sands; little or no of roll on type of on type of
gravels fines Grid roller below 540kg plant plant
Poorly graded sands; little or per 100mm of rolling
no fines Pneumatic tired roller
Sands with fines, silty sands, below 1500kg per wheel
clayey sands, poorly graded Vibratory roller
sand/clay mixtures Vibrating plate compactor
109 of 169
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Fines Soils Silts (inorganic) and very fine Sheepsfoot roller 4 to 8 100 to 450 If water content is low, it may be
soils having sands, rock flour, silty or Smooth wheeled roller depending depending preferable to use vibratory roller.
low clayey fine sands with slight Pneumatic tired roller on type of on type of Sheepsfoot rollers are best suited
plasticit plasticity Vibratory roller over 70 kg plant plant to soils at water contents below
y Clayey silts (inorganic) per 100 mm of roll their plastic limit.
Organic silts of low plasticity Vibratory plate compactor
over 1400 kg/sq.m of base
110 of 169
Soils Silty and sandy clays plate
having (inorganic) of medium Vibro-tamper
mediu plasticity Power rammer
m Clays (inorganic) of medium
plasticit plasticity
y Organic clays of medium Generally unsuitable for
plasticity Earthworks
Soils Micaceous or diatomaceous Should only be used when
having fine sandy and silty soils, circumstances are favourable.
high plastic silts
plasticit Clay ( inorganic) of high
y plasticity, fat clays
Organic clays of high Should not be used for earthworks
Note: The information in this table should be taken only as a general guide. Field trials for compaction should be conducted for working out optimum
layer thickness and number of roller passes for the type of compaction equipment being used. Compaction of mixed soils should be based on that
subgrade requiring most compactive effort.
111 of 169
Ground Improvement Techniques/Soft Ground Improvement Methods:
These techniques can be adopted to improve the ground strength on which the
Embankment/fills is constructed. The underlying soil for fill is required to satisfy the same basic
requirements of a continuous spread foundation system. The underlying soil should have the
strength to support the proposed Embankment and live loads with an adequate safety factor. In
addition, the Embankment/fill needs to be designed and constructed such that it can tolerate the
projected degree of settlement. It is occasionally necessary to remove and replace portions of
weak or highly compressible underlying soil or to improve their characteristics by using
stabilisation procedures or controlled construction techniques.
For localised areas with soft soils removal of unsuitable material and replacement with suitable
fill may be carried out.
The removal and replacement may be required even in ‘cutting’ areas where the naturally
occurring soils are found to be of a low shear strength and high moisture content. Subsurface
drainage may have to be introduced in most of such areas.
Excavation and replacement can be carried out for soft soil of limited depth up to 2 m.
This technique enhances the bearing capacity of the sub-soil and provides the site for required
construction of Embankment up to the design height in the phases/stages with a designed
strength of the soil & calculated waiting period for the next loading upon the previous loading.
Stage construction is employed mainly as a means of gradually increasing the shear strength of
soft clay which would otherwise be inadequate to carry the intended Embankment load. In
stage construction, advantage of increase in shear strength of sub-soil strata due to
consolidation by surcharge of Embankment loading is taken into account. The gain in shear
strength is a function of angle of shearing resistance improved in terms of effective stress
parameters and degree of consolidation. The principle of stage construction method is shown
in figure below-
Theoretical basis of design using stage construction method, solved practical examples and
instrumentation scheme for monitoring the behaviour of Embankment on soft soil are covered in
“Guidelines on construction over soft soil, G-5 April 2005” published by Geotechnical
Directorate, RDSO.
112 of 169
3. Preloading and surcharging:
The preloading technique is a simple one and is an economical method for accelerating
consolidation as compared with other methods of improving ground support. However,
adequate instrumentations for monitoring the settlements, development and dissipation of pore
water pressures is essential for the success of this technique. Preloading is particularly
economical technique in the construction of railway fills on soft clays, since; the material can
stay in place and need not be relocated.
For low Embankment over soft compressible soil where the poor ground is of limited thickness
(short drainage path) or is capable of compressing rapidly under load of excess preload fill due
to presence of sand lenses, preloading may be resorted. Preloading of soft soils is based on
the consolidation concepts, whereby pore water is squeezed from the voids until the water
content and the volume of the soil are in equilibrium under the loading stresses imposed by the
surcharge. This is usually accompanied by gain in shear strength of soil. To a certain extent, the
primary consolidation under final loading can be achieved during construction and hence post
construction settlement reduces.
Vertical drains are used where preloading alone shall not be efficient. Vertical drains in soft clay
accelerate the primary consolidation of clay since they bring about rapid dissipation of excess
pore water pressure. Vertical drains have no direct effect on the rate of secondary compression
but the early completion of primary consolidation brings about the earlier onset of secondary
settlement. Therefore the structures or Embankments can be put to use earlier than it would be
possible otherwise.
The accelerated rate of gain in shear strength of clay enables the loads to be applied more
rapidly than would otherwise be possible. Steep side slopes and avoidance of berms in case of
Embankments may be possible when sand drains are used. The effectiveness of vertical drains
depends mainly on the engineering properties of soils, namely, soil permeability and coefficient
of consolidation and their variations in space and time. Vertical drains can be successful in
accelerating the rate of consolidation of soft fine-grained soils. They are, however, ineffective in
organic soils and highly stratified soils.
Generally the drains are installed by any of these methods depending upon the site conditions
and availability of equipment.
Prefabricated vertical PVC drain can be defined as any prefabricated material or product
consisting of a synthetic filter jacket surrounding a plastic core. Because of their shape, they are
also known as band or wick drain. The details of PVC drains and their installation techniques
are given in “Prefabricated PVC Vertical Drainage System for Construction of Embankment on
Compressible Soft Soil” Report No. GE-R-68, December 2004.
Fig: N1
113 of 169
Specification and laying of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD)
The PVD to be used for ground improvement of subsoil shall have following properties, when tested as
per the latest edition of the test method indicated therein:
3 -
75 g/m (Min.)
Tensile Strength
4 2000 N
ASTM D4595
Elongation at Break – 2011
5 35 % (min.)
In-plane Discharge/Drainage
ASTM D4716 -
6 Capacity 100 x 10-6 m3/s
(For i=1.0, At 300 kPa Pressure)
(B) Core
1 Material - Polyester or Similar
ASTM D5199 -
2 Thickness 3.5 mm (Min.)
Corrugated, Filament,
3 Configuration/Structure -
Dimpled, Studded etc.
ASTM D4595 -
4 Tensile Strength 1250 N
(C) Filter
- Polypropylene/High
1 Material Density Polyethylene/
Polyamide, Polyester or
similar polymer
114 of 169
- Non-woven
Needle Punched &
2 Type/Structure
Mechanically or
Thermally bonded type
or equivalent
ASTM D5261
3 Weight/Mass per Unit Area (*) 120 g/m2
– 2010
ASTM D4632 -
4 500 N
Grab Tensile Strength (*) 2015
ASTM D3786 -
5 Mullen Burst Strength (*) 1000 kN/m2
ASTM D4533 -
6 150 N
Trapezoidal Tear Strength (*) 2015
ASTM D4632
7 > 50%
Elongation at Break (*) – 2015
ASTM D4491 -
8 1 x 10-4 m/s
Permeability 2016
ASTM D4751 -
9 < 85 micron
Apparent Opening Size 2016
Values marked (*) are Minimum Average Roll Value (MARV), which is derived statistically as
average value minus two standard deviations.
(i) The PVD shall be dry and wrapped such that it is protected from the exposure to ultraviolet
light during shipping and storage. At no time shall the PVD be exposed to ultraviolet light for
a period exceeding 14 days. If stored outdoor, they shall be elevated and protected with a
waterproof cover.
(ii) PVD roll shall be installed using an installation rig/sticher mounted on a base machine. After
installing the PVD up to the refusal level or designed level, the PVD shall be cut off at design
level (leaving 10mm into the drainage blanket).
Granular piles are composed of compacted sand or gravel instead in to the soft clay foundation
by displacement method. The term ‘granular piles’ used in this report refers to these
components of compacted gravel and/or sand piles. It is also known as stone columns. The
ground improved by compacted granular piles is termed composite ground. On loading, the pile
bulging into the sub-soil strata and distributes the stresses at the upper portion of the soil profile
rather than transferring the stresses in to the deeper layer, thus causing the soil to support it.
115 of 169
As a result, the strength and bearing capacity of the composite ground can be increased and
the compressibility reduced. In addition, lesser stress concentration is developed on the
granular piles. The granular/sand material with higher permeability, these piles could accelerate
the consolidation settlement and minimize the post construction settlements.
Stone columns provide path for pore pressure reduction and lateral confinement of soft clay
layers, bearing capacity is greatly enhanced, and may be provided in areas where subsoil layers
consists primarily of saturated soft clay more than about 3 to 5 m thick and where the required
stringent consideration of settlement cannot be satisfied with conventional removal /
replacement of soft material. After Stone column treatment, the Embankment with non-
compressible fill can be constructed to its full height continuously without further stage
One of the recent developments in the Stone Columns is “Geosynthetic encapsulated stone columns”.
When the traditional stone columns are installed in loose sand, the column causes a densification in
the natural loose sand and hence constitutes a very effective improvement against liquefaction.
However, when stone columns are installed in soft clays, because soft clay can provide a limited lateral
pressure, also the vertical load that can be transferred to the column will be limited. Over a period of
time, the gaps in the stones which are filled by soft clays, decrease the load carrying capacity and lead
to increase in the vertical deformation. To overcome this problem, the idea of placing a geosynthetic
encasement around the granular material has been developed. By this, the granular material that
wants to expand sideways is not only restricted by the cohesive soil, but also by the geosynthetic
reinforcement (Fig. N2).
The encapsulation of stone columns in Geosynthetics makes it more ductile as compared to normal
stone columns (Fig. N3)
116 of 169
Fig. N3: Behaviour of Geosynthetic encapsulated Stone Column
Any expansive sub-strata which has following parameters shall require ground improvement:
Using a layer of Cohesive Non Swelling soil (CNS) (IS 9451: 1994) is one of the effective method of
ground improvement in expansive soils area. The CNS material possesses the property of cohesion of
varying degree and non-expanding type clay minerals such as illite and kaolinite, having low plasticity
with liquid limit not exceeding 50 percent.
The CNS material should be non-swelling with a maximum swelling pressure of 10 kN/m2 when tested
in accordance with IS 2720 (Part 41): 1977 at optimum moisture content and minimum cohesion
(unconfined compression strength on saturated compacted soil, remoulded at OMC and compacted to
standard proctor density) should be 10 kN/m2 when tested according to IS 2720 (Part 10): 1991 (latest
The CNS are generally red, reddish yellow, brown, yellow, white, whitish grey, whitish yellow, green
and greenish grey in color. The properties of CNS material are defined below:
117 of 169
CNS layer shall be provided below the bottom layer of Embankment fill in case of Embankment
and below subgrade/prepared subgrade level in case of cuttings, of suitably designed thickness and
width, compacted to 97% of MDD at optimum moisture content (OMC).The width of treatment should
be extended minimum 3.0m beyond the toe line on both sides. The thickness of CNS materials
required for balancing the different swelling pressures are as follows:
Note: The swelling pressure of the soil is very much influenced by its initial water content and dry
density, it shall be ensured that in the case of undisturbed soil samples, the specimen shall be
collected in the field for test during the driest season of the year, namely, April, May and June,
so that the swelling pressure recorded shall be maximum. In case of remoulded soil samples,
the initial water content shall be kept at shrinkage limit or zero water content.
In case naturally occurring soil do not meets the parameters of CNS soil, same can be produced by
blending suitable combination of locally available materials. Such artificial CNS should satisfy all the
parameters of CNS soil.
Quality control checks should be conducted for every 1000cum of CNS material being used.
Stabilization & Ground improvement techniques using geocell at various locations in the track
superstructure are proven to be effective in improving the performance of tracks on soft soils.
Following describe the use of geo-cell are currently employed and are in practice to tackle
various geotechnical problem on soft soil.
Geocell is a three dimensional honeycomb like cellular structure, consisting of a regular open network
of synthetic strips, linked by extrusion or adhesion or other methods (Fig. N4). On site, the Geocell
sections are fastened together and placed directly on the subsoil or on a geotextile filter placed on the
subgrade surface and propped open in an accordion-like fashion with an external stretcher assembly.
The sections expand to an area of several tens of meters and consist of hundreds of individual cells,
depending on the section and cell size. They are then filled with various infill materials, such as soil,
sand, aggregate or recycled materials and then compacted using vibratory compactors.
118 of 169
When the soil contained within Geocell is subjected to pressure, it causes lateral stresses on cell
perimeter walls. The 3D zone of confinement reduces the lateral movement of soil particles while
vertical loading on the contained infill results in high lateral stress and resistance on the cell-soil
interface. This increases the shear strength of the confined soil, which creates a stiff mattress/slab to
distribute the load over a wider area, reduces punching of soft soil, increases shear resistance and
bearing capacity and decreases deformation. Confinement from adjacent cells provides additional
resistance against the loaded cell through passive resistance, while lateral expansion of the infill is
restricted by high hoop strength. Compaction is maintained by the confinement, resulting in long-term
In Railway Embankment applications, Geocell improves the load support capacity of soft subsoil. It is
often recommended for swampy conditions where the ground water is close to the surface.
119 of 169
(Ref: BIS Code – IS: 2720 (part 16) – 1979 Laboratory Determination of CBR (latest version))
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a penetration test developed by the California State
Highway Department of USA for the evaluation of subgrade strengths for roads and pavements.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is defined as the Ratio of Force per unit Area required to
penetrate a soil mass with a circular plunger of 50 mm diameter at the rate of 1.25 mm/minute
to that required for corresponding penetration of a standard material. The test is arbitrary and
results may not be directly related to fundamental properties governing the strength of soils
such as cohesion, angle of internal friction etc. Schematic of CBR Test shown below:
Fig: P1
i) CBR mould 150 mm diameter and 175 mm high with detachable perforated base plate.
(Net capacity is 2250 ml).
ii) Collar 50 mm high.
iii) Penetration plunger - 50 mm diameter.
iv) One annular and a few slotted surcharge masses 2.5 kg each.
v) Rammer 2.6 kg with 310 mm drop and 4.89 kg with 450 mm drop.
vi) Steel rod 15-20 mm in dia and 400 mm long.
vii) Cutting edge.
viii) Loading machine of approximately 5000 kg capacity, fitted with a calibrated proving ring
giving a constant rate of penetration of about 1.25 mm/minute.
ix) Penetration measuring 2 dial gauges accurate to 0.01 mm.
120 of 169
x) Soaking tank of pan, drying oven, dishes and calibrated measuring jar.
xi) Swelling gauge consisting of a perforated plate with an adjustable extension stem.
xii) I.S. Sieves 4.75 mm and 19 mm.
xiii) Straight edge, mixing basin.
xiv) Filter paper
xv) Weights
The test may be conducted on undisturbed as well as disturbed (remoulded) soil specimen
which may be compacted statically or dynamically.
Undisturbed soil specimen shall be obtained from the field in natural condition. For this, use
127.3 mm high mould and attach the steel cutting edge to its one end. Push the mould gently
into the ground. When the mould is full of soil, it shall be taken out carefully. The top and bottom
surfaces are then trimmed flat so as to achieve the correct length of specimen for testing. The
specimen is then sealed with paraffin wax on both sides of the mould so as to preserve it with
the natural moisture content.
Remoulded specimen (From disturbed sample)- (As per para 4.3 of IS 2720- Part-16)
The dry density for a remoulding shall be either the field density or the value of the maximum
dry density estimated by the compaction test (IS:2720 part.7 & part.8) or any other desity at
which bearing ratio is desired. The water content used for compaction should be at optimum
moisture content or the field moisture as the case may be.
Remoulded specimens are prepared in the laboratory by compaction. The material used in the
remoulded specimen shall pass 19 mm I.S. sieve. Allowance for large material shall be made
by replacing it by an equal amount of material which passes a 19mm I.S.Sieve but is retained
on 4.75 mm sieve.
Weight the mould with base plate and the specimen. Keep the filter paper on the specimen and
place the perforated top plate with adjustable stem over the specimen. Keep the mould in a tank
in which water is filled for soaking. Apply weights to produce a surcharge equal to the weight of
base material and pavement to the nearest 2.5 kg on the compacted soil specimen. The whole
mould and weights shall be immersed in a tank of water allowing free access of water to top and
bottom of the specimen. The tripod for the expansion measuring device shall be mounted on the
edge of the mould and the initial dial gauge reading recorded. This set up shall be kept as such
undisturbed for 96 hours noting down the readings every day against the time of reading. A
constant water level shall be maintained in the tank throughout the period.
At the end of the soaking period, the final reading of the dial gauge shall be noted, the tripod
removed and the mould is taken out of the water tank.
The free water collected in the mould shall be removed and the specimen allowed to draining
downward for 15 minutes. After draining out water, the weights, the perforated plate and the top
121 of 169
filter paper shall be removed and the mould with the soaked soil sample shall be weighed and
the mass recorded.
The mould containingthe test specimen is placed on the lower plate of the testing machine with
the base plate in position and the top surface exposed. Surcharge mass is placed on the
specimen. If the specimen has been soaked previously, the surcharge shall be equal to that use
during the soaking period. To prevent upheaval of soil into the hole of the surcharge weights,
2.5 kg annular weight shall be placed on the soil surface. The plunger shall be seated under a
load of 4 kg so that full contact is established between the surface of the specimen and the
plunger. Load shall be applied to the penetration plunger so that the penetration is
approximately 1.25 mm per minute. Reading of the load shall be taken at penetrations of 0.0,
0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm.
After the completion of the test, the plunger is raised and the mould is detached from the
loading equipment. About 20 to 50 g of soil shall be collected from the top 30 mm layer of
specimen for water content determination.
The load penetration curve is drawn as shown in Fig.P2. The curve is generally convex
upwards, although the initial portion of the curve may be concave upwards due to surface
irregularities. A correction shall then be applied by drawing a tangent to the upper curve at the
point of contra flexure. The corrected curve shall then be taken to be this tangent plus the
convex portion of the original curve with the origin of strains shifted to the point where the
tangent cuts the horizontal strain axis as illustrated in Fig. below:
Corrected load value shall then be taken from the load penetration curve corresponding to the
penetration value at which CBR is desired. The CBR is then determined as follows:-
Where, PT=Corrected load corresponding to the chosen penetration from the load penetration
122 of 169
Ps =Standard load for the same depth of penetration as for Ps
The CBR values are usually calculated for penetration of 2.5mm and 5mm. Generally, the CBR
value at 2.5 mm penetration will be greater than that at 5mm penetration and in such a case; the
former shall be taken as the CBR value for design purpose. If the CBR value corresponding to a
penetration of 5mm exceeds that for 2.5mm, the test shall be repeated. If identical results follow,
the bearing ratio corresponding to 5mm penetration shall be taken for design.
2.5 70 1370
The CBR value shall then be reported correct to the first decimal place. The details shall be
reported in prescribed proforma:-
1.0 Apparatus
123 of 169
Fig.P3: 300mm Dia Loading Plate
The loading system consists of a hydraulic jack, capable of applying and releasing the load in stages.
The hydraulic jack shall be hinged on both sides and secured against tilting. The pressure piston
shall act through at least 150 mm.
The height of the plate loading apparatus during operation should not exceed 600 mm. In order to
compensate for differences in the heights of the vehicles used as reaction loads, elements shall be
provided that allow the initial length of the hydraulic jack to be increased to at least 1000 mm.
Suitable means shall be provided to prevent buckling of these elements.
124 of 169
Fig.P4: Settlement Measuring Device
The distance from the centre of the loading plate to the centre line of the support shall be at least
1.5 m and shall not be greater than 1.6 m (see Fig. P4).
The hp:hM ratio (Fig. P4 a) shall not exceed 2.0. The setting of the assembly shall be capable of
being locked so that the hp/hM ratio does not change during measurement.
The settlement-measuring device shall be capable of measuring the settlement of the loading plate
with a maximum permissible error of 0.04 mm in the measuring range up to 10mm. The indication
shall have a resolution of at least 0.01 mm.
125 of 169
Measurement of settlement with alternative measuring devices is permitted if these have at least the
same resolution and measure to the same accuracy and are recognized as remaining unaffected by
soil deformation occurring as a result of testing.
For fine-grained soil (e.g. silt, clay), the plate load test can only be carried out and evaluated
satisfactorily if the soil is stiff to firm in consistency. In case of doubt, the consistency of the soil under
test shall be determined at various depths up to a depth “d” below ground level (d= diameter of loading
The hydraulic jack shall be placed onto the middle of, and at right angles to, the loading plate beneath
the reaction loading system and secured against tilting. The minimum clearance between loading
plate and contact area of the reaction load shall be 0.75 m. The reaction load shall be secured
against displacement at right angles to the direction of loading.
When placing the loading plate, care shall be taken to ensure that the stylus of the contact arm can
be passed without hindrance into the measuring tunnel in the plinth of the loading plate and
positioned centrally on the plate.
The settlement-measuring device shall be protected from sunlight and wind. Care shall be taken to
ensure that the device and the reaction loading system are not subjected to vibration during the test.
3.4 Preloading
Prior to starting the test, the force transducer and dial gauge or displacement transducer shall be set
to zero, after which a load shall be applied corresponding to a stress of 0.01 MN/m 2. The reading of
the gauge or transducer shall not be reset to zero until at least 30 s after the preload has been
126 of 169
50%, 25% and approximately 2 % of the maximum load. Following unloading, a further (2nd) loading
cycle shall be carried out, in which; however, the load is to be increased only to the penultimate stage
of the first cycle (so that the full load is not reached).
When increasing and decreasing the load, 60 s after the previous loading stage has been reached
shall elapse before beginning the next stage. The load shall be held constant during this period. The
reading shall be recorded at the termination of each loading stage (see Table-P2 & P3).
Table P2: Measured values for first loading and unloading cycle
0 0.71 0.01 0 1
If any local inhomogeneity is encountered (e.g. stones, or soil of varying consistency), this shall be
127 of 169
If, during the loading cycle, a higher load than intended is inadvertently applied, this load shall be
maintained and a note made in the test report.
A load (mean stress below the plot)-settlement fitting curve shall be drawn for the first loading cycle
and second loading cycle as shown in Fig. P5.
1 0max
2 0max
3 0max
0 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
6 3
5 4
The subscript 1 shall be used after Ev to denote the first loading cycle and the subscript 2 to
denote the second loading cycle. σmax from the first loading cycle shall also be used to
determine the parameters of the second loading cycle also.
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3. Measuring in-situ Density and Water Content of Soil by Nuclear Moisture Density
1.1 Apparatus
1.1.1 Nuclear Density/Moisture Gauge:
While exact details of construction of the apparatus may vary, the system shall consist of:
( a ) Gamma Source: A sealed source of high-energy gamma radiation, such as cesium or radium.
(b) Gamma Detector: Any type of gamma detector such as a Geiger-Mueller tube(s).
(c) Fast Neutron Source: A sealed mixture of a radioactive material such as americium, radium and
a target material such as beryllium, or a neutron emitter such as californium-252.
(d) Slow Neutron Detector: Any type of slow neutron detector such as boron trifluoride or helium-
3 proportional counter.
1.1.2 R e f e r e n c e Standard: A block of material used for checking instrument operation, correction
of source decay, and to establish conditions for a reproducible reference count rate.
1.1.3 Site Preparation Device: A plate or straightedge or other suitable leveling tool used for levelling
the test site to the required smoothness, and in the Direct Transmission Method, guiding the
drive pin to prepare a perpendicular hole.
1.1.4 Drive Pin: A pin of slightly larger diameter than the probe, used to prepare a hole in the test
site for inserting the probe:
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Fig. P9 :
Site preparation
Device with Drive
Pin and Hammer
(a) Drive Pin Guide: A fixture that keeps the drive pin perpendicular to the test site. Generally
part of the site preparation device.
(b) Drive Pin Extractor: A tool that is used to remove the drive pin in a vertical direction so that the
pin will not distort the hole in the extraction process.
1.1.5 H a m m e r : Heavy enough to drive the pin to the required depth without undue distortion of the
1.2 General
1.2.1 This procedure covers determination of in-situ density and water content of soil by means of
a Nuclear Gauge designed to operate on the ground surface. Most of the gauges normally
combine the facilities for determination of density and moisture content both.
1.2.2 The quality of the result produced is dependent on the competence of the personnel using
the gauge and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used.
a) Direct Transmission Mode in which the gamma source rod extends through the base
of the gauge into a pre-formed hole to a desired depth. This is preferred mode for
Density Measurement and should be used where possible because of its deeper
zone of influence.
b) Backscatter Mode in which the gamma and neutron sources and the detectors are
kept at the surface. Moisture Density can be determined only by using the
backscatter mode.
1.2.4 The presence of moisture inside the gauge cavity will cause malfunctioning of the gauge.
Hence, they should be stored in a warm and dry place and not used in the rain.
1.3.1 Calibration of the gauge should be done by an Accredited Agency or by the Manufacturer of
the gauge, in accordance with procedure given in Annex A1 and Annex A2 of ASTM:D-6938.
1.3.2 Gauges shall be calibrated initially and after any repairs that can affect the gauge geometry or
the existing calibration. To be within specified tolerances, calibration curves, tables, or
equivalent coefficients shall be verified, at periods not to exceed 12 months. If the tolerances
cannot be met at any time, the gauge shall be calibrated to establish new calibration curves,
131 of 169
tables, or equivalent coefficients. If the owner does not establish a verification procedure, the
gauge shall be calibrated at a period not to exceed 12 months.
1.3.3 Record of calibration shall be maintained, in conformity with procedure given in Annex A1 and
Annex A2 of ASTM:D-6938 and before use of any gauge it should be ensured that the gauge is
having valid calibration certificate issued in conformity with stipulated standard.
2.1 Nuclear moisture density gauges are subject to long-term aging of the radioactive sources,
which may change the relationship between count rates and the material density and water
content. To correct for this aging effect, Standardization of the gauge shall be performed at the
start of each day’s work and a record of this data should be retained. This procedure shall also
be repeated after 8 Hours of continuous use.
2.2 Standardization should be done with the gauge located at least 9 m away from other nuclear
moisture density gauges and clear of large masses of water or other items which can affect the
reference count rates.
(a) Turn on the gauge and allow for stabilization according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
(b) Using the reference standard block, whose serial number matches with the serial number on the
gauge, take a reading that is at least four times the duration of a normal measurement period
(typically one minute). Use the procedure recommended by the gauge manufacturer to establish
the compliance of the standard measurement to the accepted range. Without specific
recommendations from the gauge manufacturer, use the procedure given in Para (c) below.
(c) If the values of the current standardization counts are outside the limits set by Eq. 1 and Eq. 2,
repeat the standardization check. If the second standardization check satisfies Eq. 1 and Eq. 2,
the gauge is considered in satisfactory operating condition.
Td (1/2) = the half-life of the isotope that is used for the density determination in the
Tm (1/2) = the half-life of the isotope that is used for the water content determination in
the gauge.
Ndc = the density system standardization count acquired at the time of the last
calibration or verification.
Nmc = the moisture system standardization count acquired at the time of the last
calibration or verification,
132 of 169
Nd0 = the current density system standardization count,
t = the time that has elapsed between the current standardization test and the date of the
last calibration or verification.
e = the inverse of the natural logarithm function, which has a value of approximately
2.4 If for any reason, the measured density or moisture becomes suspect during the day’s use,
another standardization check should be performed.
3.1 Select a test location where the gauge will be placed at least 600 mm away from any object
sitting on or projecting above the surface of the test location. If measurement is to be made at a
specific location and the aforementioned clearance cannot be achieved, such as in a trench,
follow the gauge manufacturer’s correction procedure(s). Keep all other radioactive sources at
least 9 m away from the gauge to avoid any effect on the measurement.
(a) Remove all loose and disturbed material and additional material as necessary to expose the
true surface of the material to be tested.
(b) Prepare an area to accommodate the gauge by grading or scraping the area to a smooth
condition so as to obtain maximum contact between the gauge and material being tested.
(c) The depth of the maximum void beneath the gauge shall not exceed 3 mm. Use native fines or
fine sand to fill the voids and smooth the surface with a rigid straight edge or other suitable tool.
The depth of the filler should not exceed approximately 3 mm.
(d) The placement of the gauge on the surface of the material to be tested is critical to accurate
density measurements. The optimum condition is total contact between the bottom surface of
the gauge and the surface of the material being tested. The total area filled should not exceed
approximately 10% of the bottom area of the gauge.
3.3 Turn on and allow the gauge to stabilize (warm up) according to the manufacturer’s
a) Make a hole perpendicular to the prepared surface using the rod guide and drive pin. The hole
should be a minimum of 50 mm deeper than the desired measurement depth and of an
alignment that insertion of the probe will not cause the gauge to tilt from the plane of the
prepared area. Care must be taken in the preparation of the access hole in uniform
cohesionless granular soils. Measurements can be affected by damage to the density of
surrounding materials when forming the hole.
b) Remove the hole-forming device carefully to prevent the distortion of the hole, damage to the
surface or loose material to fall into the hole.
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c) Place the gauge on the material to be tested. Lower the probe into the hole to desired test
depth. As a safety measure, it is recommended that the probe not be extended out of its
shielded position prior to placing it into the test site.
d) Secure and record one or more one-minute bulk density and water content readings. Read
the in-situ bulk density and water content directly.
e) Retract the probe into the housing and check that the radioactive source is safely housed.
a) Seat the gauge firmly. Set the gauge into the Backscatter position.
b) Secure and record one or more set(s) of one-minute density and water content readings.
c) Read the in-situ bulk density and water content.
a) For getting accurate values of water content and bulk density, both of these
corrections need to be made when applicable.
b) Prior to using the gauge-derived water content on any new material, the value should
be verified. As part of a user developed procedure, occasional samples should be
taken from beneath the gauge and comparison testing done to confirm gauge-derived
water content values. All gauge manufacturers have a procedure for correcting the
gauge-derived water content values.
c) When oversize particles are present, the gauge can be rotated about the axis of the
probe to obtain additional readings as a check. When there is any uncertainty as to
the presence of these particles it is advisable to sample the material beneath the
gauge to verify the presence and the relative proportion of the oversize particles.
d) When sampling for water content correction or oversize particle correction, the
sample should be taken from a zone directly under the gauge. The size of the zone
is approximately 200 mm in diameter and a depth equal to the depth setting of the
probe when using the direct transmission mode; or approximately 75 mm in depth
when using the backscatter mode.
In most of the gauges, the Bulk Density, Water Content and Dry Density are calculated and displayed
directly. Otherwise, calculate the Dry Density (ρd) as under:
If the Nuclear Gauge determines the Water Content of the soil per unit volume of the soil, then
the Dry Density is calculated as under:
ρd = ρ – W
ρ = wet density
134 of 169
The Moisture Content (in %) “W” can be calculated as: w = (W x 100)/ (ρ – W)
(iv) Data/details about daily Verification of gauge Results (see Para 10.0)
(viii) Test mode (i.e. Direct transmission or Backscatter) and depth of test.
(ix) Any corrections made in the reported values and reasons for these corrections (i.e. over-sized
particles, water content).
6.1 At the start of each day’s work, the Degree of Compaction (% compaction) should be measured
at minimum 3 locations by the Nuclear Gauge and compared with the results given by the
conventional methods like Sand Replacement Method or Core Cutter Method at the same
6.2 If the difference in Degree of Compaction (%) at any of the location is more than 6%, the reason
for the difference should be examined in detail.
6.3 If the difference in average Degree of compaction (%) of all the locations, ignoring its’ sign, is
more than 4%, the standardization of the gauge shall be repeated.
6.4 After standardization, the procedure given in Para 8.1 to 8.3 shall be repeated again. If the
difference in average Degree of compaction (%) of all the locations, ignoring its’ sign, is still more
than 4%, the nuclear gauge shall be re-calibrated, to bring the difference in average Degree of
compaction (%) of all the locations within 4%.
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7.0 Safety Precautions
7.1 These gauges utilize radioactive materials that may be hazardous to the health of the users
unless proper precautions are taken. Users of these gauges must become familiar with
applicable safety procedures and government regulations.
7.2 Effective user instructions, together with routine safety procedures and knowledge of and
compliance with Regulatory Requirements, are a mandatory part of the operation and storage of
these gauges.
7.3 This procedure does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its
use. The user of this standard should establish appropriate safety and health practices and
ensure compliance to all regulatory limitations.
Compaction is the process of densification of soil by reducing air voids. The degree of
compaction of a given soil is measured in terms of its dry density. The dry density is maximum
at the optimum water content. A curve is drawn between the water content and dry density to
obtain the maximum dry density and optimum water content.
M = total mass of soil
V = volume of soil
w = water content
Collar: 60 mm high
136 of 169
6. Steel straight edge of about 300 mm in length with one edge levelled.
7. Gradation jar
9. Spatula
Preparation of Sample
1. Break the clods of soil sample as received from the field and remove the organic matter like tree
roots, pieces of bark etc. from the sample.
2. Dry the sample in the air. In wet weather, use drying oven but the temperature of the sample
should not exceed 600 C.
3. Take a representative portion of air-dried soil material and large enough to provide about 6 kg of
material passing a 19-mm IS sieve (for soils not susceptible to crushing during compaction, or
about 15 kg of material passing a 19-mm IS sieve (for soils susceptible to crushing during
4. Sieve above material through 19 mm & 4.75 mm IS sieve.
5. Sieve above material through 19-mm IS sieve and if soil retained on this sieve is more than 5%,
use mould of 2250 cm3 and reject soil retained on 19-mm sieve after its proportion of the total
sample has been recorded.
6. If percentage retained on 4.75 mm IS sieve is greater than 20, then use mould of 2250 cm3
otherwise use small mould of 1000 cm3.
7. Determine the ratio of fraction retained and that passing 4.75 mm IS sieve to to access the
density of the soil.
8. Mix the soil sample retained on 4.75 mm sieve and that passing 4.75 mm sieve for further
9. Mix the sample thoroughly with a suitable amount of water depending on the soil type.:-
(a) Sandy and gravely soil: 3 to 5%
(b) Cohesive soil: 12 to 16% approx.
10. Store the soil sample in a sealed container for a minimum period of 16 hours.
1. Clean and dry the mould and base plate and apply a thin layer of grease on the inside the
2. Weigh the mould to the nearest 1 gram. Attach the collar to the mould and place on a solid
3. Compact the moist soil in to the mould in five layers of approximately equal mass, each layer
being given 25 blows from 4.9 kg rammer dropped from a height of 450 mm above the soil. The
blows should be distributed uniformly over the surface of each layer.
4. Remove the collar and trim off the excess soil projecting above the mould by using straight
edge. Take the weight of mould with compacted soil in it.
5. Remove 100 g of compacted soil specimen for the water content determination.
6. Add water in increment of 1 to 2 % for sandy and gravely soils and 2 to 4 % for cohesive soils
7. Above procedure will be repeated for each increment of water added. The total number of
determination shall be at least four and moisture content should be such that the OMC at which
MDD occurs, is within that range.
137 of 169
1. Ramming should be done continuously taking care of height of 450 mm free fall accurately.
2. The amount of soil taken for compaction should be in such a way that after compacting the
last layer, the soil surface is not more than 5 mm above the top rim of the mould.
Moisture Content(%)
138 of 169
1. Slope Compactor
150 Plus Sets of Slope T-80 are in service across India and Abroad.
On slope of 1:2 to 1: 1.5, a pair of compactors works on COUNTER BALANCE PRINCIPLE have to be
linked via wire rope pulley, supported on loaded truck at the top. The two compactors with individual
operator have to operate Single lever simultaneously downward and upward direction from two ends of
Product Details:
Brand/Make Infra
Material Steel Grade Combination of NM300 and Q345B
Motor Specifications PERMCO
Weight (kg) 340, 500, 900, 950
Power of Impulse (ton) 4, 6.5, 15, etc
Max vibration frequency (RPM) 2000
139 of 169
Fig.Q2 Slope Vibratory Compactor
Work even on Steep Slopes, Slushy and most difficult Terrain where the normal Roller would
easily swamp down is where you need our Slope Vibratory Compactors. These rollers work on
the double vibratory principle that provides superior compaction. TEAM provides slope
compactor, for slope or canal compaction, we have modified the walk behind Vibratory Roller
which can work even on steep slopes.
Product Details:
Slope Vibratory Compactor is an attachment to normal excavators. The major advantage of this
compactor is that it can compact 360 degrees for a height of 2m to 17m depending on size of excavator
and attachment length. The specifications of some of the models as manufactured and supplied by a
firm are as follows for general information:-
140 of 169
Description SVB 800 SVB 1000 SVB 2000 SVB 3000
Slope Vibratory Compactor 550 kgs 750 kgs 1000 kgs 1700 kgs
Drum Weight
Excavator Type 06-08 Tons 10-15 Tons 20-25 Tons 30-35 Tons
Working Area 900 sqft 1000 sqft 1250 sqft 1500 sqft
Impulse Force 4000 kgs 5000 kgs 6000 kgs 8000 kgs
141 of 169
Fig Q5
2.0 Small Width Vibratory Roller for Compaction of Earthwork in Gauge Conversion Work and
Narrow Width Portion
Jaypee Walk behind Double Drum Vibratory Roller is modern compact design for use in a wide range
of compaction application. Hydraulic with integrated travel control eases the operating effort required
for movement. The Jaypee Walk behind Roller has the vibratory source located in the drum which
provides maximum compaction and traction performance. The VR6500 is suitable for operation on
various types of soils in tropical conditions.
Vibration frequency 61 Hz 65 Hz
143 of 169
Nominal amplitude 0.45 mm 0.45 mm
Centrifugal force 21 kN 18 kN
Fields of application: BOMAG single drum rollers with VARIOCONTROL are suitable for the
compaction of a wide range of soils used in earthworks construction. VARIOCONTROL provides a
higher and continuously optimised compaction performance compared to conventional rollers. The
instant, continuous optimisation of amplitude and compaction energy reduces loosening in upper layers
on uniform and granular material types. Single drum rollers with VARIOCONTROL are equipped with
the BOMAG compaction measuring system BTM-E as standard. BTM-E directly determines the
vibration modulus EVIB [MN/m2] as parameter for the dynamic stiffness of the soil.
Fig. Q8
Fields of application: BOMAG single drum rollers with VARIOCONTROL are suitable for the
compaction of a wide range of soils used in earthworks construction. VARIOCONTROL provides a
higher and continuously optimised compaction performance compared to conventional rollers. The
instant, continuous optimisation of amplitude and compaction energy reduces loosening in upper layers
on uniform and granular material types. Single drum rollers with VARIOCONTROL are equipped with
the BOMAG compaction measuring system BTM-E as standard. BTM-E directly determines the
vibration modulus EVIB [MN/m2] as parameter for the dynamic stiffness of the soil.
Fig. Q9
144 of 169
4.3 L&T-752 Double Drum Vibratory Roller: OPERATING WEIGHT8900 kg, 76HP WEIGHT8900 kg
Fig. Q10
Engine 4R 1040TC BS - III
Make Koel
Power 76 HP @2200 RPM
Type 4-Cylinder, Inline, 4 Stoke, Turbo Charged, Water Cooled
Total Displacement (cc) 4160
Bore x Stroke (mm) 105x120
Starting Method 12 V, Electrical System
Propulsion on front and rear drum Hydrostatic drive
Fig. Q11
145 of 169
4.5 Case 1107 - Vibratory Compactor :
Product Details:
Engine : KOEL
Type : Single Drum
Horse Power : 102 HP
Maximum Operating Weight : 12.6 T
Weight : 11.3 T
Amplitude : 1.8 / 0.8 mm
Frequency : 31 / 34 Hz
> 32mm Drum shell for rockfill compaction
Fig. Q12
Rail Road construction equipments are found in a wide variety ranging from the very heavy equipment
to portable and lighter equipment. These modern and heavy construction equipment make the
construction job easier and quicker. Also the work done by heavy machinery is of good quality. The
heavy machines make possible a lot of tasks to be completed safely reliably and time saving that
cannot be carried out manually properly.
Backhoe comprises a bucket on the end of an articulated boom, set on a pneumatic tyred or crawler
tractor unit. The boom, bucket arm and bucket are usually controlled by hydraulic rams. Back-acters
operate by digging towards the machine in an arc from a small distance above the surface on which the
machine stands to a position vertically below the outer edge of the machine. The maximum depth of
excavation is related to the length of the boom and machines with depth capacities between 2.6 and 6
m are in common use. Long reach machines with nominal reach and depth capacities up to 18 to 14m
respectively are also available. Buckets are available for back-acters in different sizes up to 3cum,
depending on the power of the machine and the use. Loading is generally carried out by lifting the
bucket and swinging the boom away from the working face to the awaiting haulage vehicle.
Alternatively, material can be dumped adjacent to the machine.
146 of 169
Fig. Q13
147 of 169
Fig. Q15 Crawler Hydraulic Excavator with Face Shovel
Fig. Q16
148 of 169
Overall width-2.00 m
Dump angle-41 degree
Rollback-53 degree
Max height-4.165 m
Dump height-3.365 m
5.4 Excavator:
These machineries are used for various earthwork purposes such as excavation of earth and loading
etc. its excavating and loading capacities are given in the following table:
Excavator performance Loader performance
Fig. Q17
Graders are used to spread fill and finely trim the subgrade. They consists of a blade which can rotate
in a circular arc about a sub horizontal axis and which is supported beneath a longitudinal frame joining
the front steering wheels and the rear drive wheels. The front wheels are generally articulated whilst
the rear wheels are set in tandem beneath the motor and control units. The blade is used to trim and
redistribute soil and therefore graders usually operate in the forward direction.
149 of 169
Fig. Q18 Grader
Dump trucks or dumpers generally vary in size from 1 to about 80 tonne capacity. Large capacity
machines are also available but are generally used in mines, quaries or open cast sites. In recent years
articulated dump trucks with capacities upto 35 tonne have become popular as they are versatile and
are especially suitable for hauling on softer sub grades. The speed of tipping in increased over a road
lorry by the absence of a tailgate. Small dumper units are available for work on small sites and
mounted dump trucks are also available with load capacities upto about 20 tonne.
Bulldozer is a tractor equipped with affront pusher blade, which can be raised and lowered by hydraulic
rams. An angle dozer has a blade that is capable of being set an angle to push material sideways
whilst the tractor moves forward. The tractor unit is usually mounted on crawler tracks thus allowing it to
travel over and push off a wide variety of ground conditions although wheel mounted units is available.
Blades are manufactured in a variety of styles but are all of heavy duty construction with a hardened
steel basal leading edge driven into the ground to cut and push the material to be excavated. Dozers
have a wide variety of roles including excavating soils and weak rocks, ripping moving excavated
material over short distances spreading materials, trimming earthworks and acting as a pusher to boost
the effective power of scrapers and other plants. Wide ranges of crawler units are available ranging
from 45 to 575 kW.
150 of 169
Fig. Q20 Dozer
Scraper can excavate load and deposit material in one cycle and may be towed or self propelled. It
consists of a centrally mounted bowl, the bottom, leading edge of which can be controlled. Both towed
and self propelled scrapers are effectively articulated between the front motorized or towing unit and
the bowl and larger self propelled scraper may second engine mounted on the rear.
151 of 169
Transition System on Approaches of Bridges
(Extract from Report, R-50, 2005, titled “Transition System on Approaches of Bridges”)
The elastic behavior of the track changes abruptly from approach of the bridge to the bridge
proper. Due to this sudden change in the elastic behavior of track between adjacent locations
normally the moving train experiences jerk. In order to ensure smooth running of the train, a
transition system is required which will bring about gradual change in elastic behavior of the
track. In this regard the present report gives details about the present system of transition,
transition system world over and suggests the improvements to the existing system.
Para 7.5 of bridge sub-structure and foundation code, revised in 1985 (including correction slip
no: 12 dated: 22.09.2000) contains details of back fill behind abutment etc. of 600mm (min)
thick filling of boulders and cobbles and behind that filling with the granular materials of GW, GP
& SW i.e., well/poorly graded gravel and well graded sand type of soil as per IS: 1998-1970.
Along with this backfill, approach slab of minimum 4m length are to be provided for non-
ballasted deck bridge having span, 12.2m or more, as per the correction slip no. 10 dt.
31.08.2000 to para 604 of IRBM.
3.1 German Railway: Transition System consists of three different types of backfill materials
having different elastic modulus. There is also provision of suitable drainage behind abutments
etc. This railway runs traffic of maximum 22.5T axle load. Maximum speed of trains is 230
3.2 Italian Railway: This Railway provides transition system with five types of different back-fill
materials of varying length and thickness. The system tries to provide almost impervious layer
152 of 169
on top of formation in the approach of bridge. Maximum axle load of traffic is 20T Maximum
speed of trains is 230 kmph.
3.3 Hungarian State Railway: Transition system being provided by this railway is quite complex.
It includes about 6 different types of backfill materials having different elastic modulus. There is
a provision of protective layer and drainage layer beyond abutment. Maximum axle load of
traffic is 22.5 T. Maximum speed of trains is 160 kmph.
3.4 Swiss Federal Railway: This Railway provides transition system having three different types
of backfill material. They also provide a layer of geo-textile. Maximum axle load of traffic is
22.5T. Maximum speed of trains is 230 kmph. There is another system being adopted where
only two types of backfill materials are placed along with a layer of non-woven geo-textile.
3.5 French National Railway: This railway has transition system of five different types of backfill
materials that are laid in different slope. These materials are compacted to very high degree
especially in adjacent to abutment. Top layer formation is almost impervious of length more
than 5m or equal to height of abutment. There is also provision of drainage layer near
abutment. In this railway, trains have maximum of 22.5T axle load. Maximum speed of trains is
320 kmph.
1 Length of transition Larger length, in range of 20m RCC Slab of 4m (mini) and
system or so, twice the height of back fill of length (mini)
abutment equal to height of abutment.
2. Flexibility of system Flexible pavement of varying Comparatively rigid system of
thickness of different material RCC Slab of uniform thickness
along the length
3. No. of different types Normally larger no. i.e., 4-9 Only 3 types of materials.
of layers of different types of materials in different
materials layers and for varying lengths.
4. Selection of bridges Provisions are made for Provision is made only for non-
ballasted deck bridges also. ballasted deck bridges.
The comparative position mentioned above indicates that the existing provision of transition
system on Indian Railways requires improvement to match world railways standard.
153 of 169
There are serious deficiencies in provision of transition system in Indian Railway it was found in
many cases the soil provided and in back fill is not as per the standard. Even in construction
projects the standards for bridge transition are not being followed, in some cases boulder fill
behind the abutment is also not provided. Due to these reasons distortion to track continue to
takes place on approach of bridges, resulting jerk to moving train.
154 of 169
3. RCC Slab Min.4m length a) RCC Slab for 6m a) 1000mm depth, dry lean
length for concrete (DLC) below
Rajdhani & A ballast for 6m length for
Routes and 4m Rajdhani and A route and
for other routes 4m for other routes.
b) 600mm thick Dry b) 600mm depth, 20/80 well
Clean Concrete graded gravel below
for further 5m ballast for 5m length for
length for Rajdhani and A route and
Randhani and A 3m for other routes.
route and 3m for c) 400 mm thick 20/80 well
other routes. graded gravel for further
c) 400mm thick 5m length Rajdhani and
20/80 well graded A route and 3m for other
gravel for further routes.
5m length on
Rajdhani & A
route and 3m for
other route.
Fig: R1
155 of 169
Fig: R2
156 of 169
1. Steps to be followed for fitment of existing formation in order to determine speed potential for
running of 25T axle load, on existing lines:
i) Take out the soil samples below ballast in the line of rail seat/near toe of ballst between two sleepers
with different type of formation. These soil samples should be collected @ of 4 to 5 samples in a
block section. The testing shall be done on few samples based on the visual examination.
iii) Work out the compressive strength of soil in kg/cm sq. by using relation that Compressive strength
of soil in kg/cm sq. is 0.3 times the CBR value.
iv) Calculate threshold strength of soil by using relation that threshold strength is 0.45 times
compressive strength.
v) For running of 25T axle load at a given speed, stress at bottom of ballast should be less than
threshold strength for that soil.
vi) If stresses at bottom of ballast in such formations are not lower than threshold stress for that soil,
then a suitable thickness of blanket is required.
vii) Calculated stress at bottom of ballast with 30cm & 35cm ballast cushion at different speeds are
shown below:
Axle load = 25 T
(Ref: Page 88 of “Measures of stabilization of Railway Earth Structures”- By Japan Railway Technical
157 of 169
Load on centre sleeper = 0.4P = 0.4x12500 = 5000 Kg
There is an effect of load distribution of two adjacent sleepers on the centre sleeper and not of the
second next sleeper of the centre at bottom of ballast. Effect of load of second next sleeper on the
central sleeper will come after 47.5cm below sleeper bottom.
Similar calculation can be done for other speeds i.e., 75, 60, 50 & 40 kmph.
3. Sample calculation of speed that can be permitted for given CBR value:
Stress at bottom of ballast due to 25T axle load (for 60kmph speed) = 0.54x1.47= 0.79 kg/cm2
158 of 169
Since threshold strength of the soil is more than stress at bottom of ballast due to 25T axle load,
therefore blanket is not required and train can run on 60kmph without blanket.
Calculations for different speeds as well as CBR of the soil can be done in the same manner.
4. Sample calculation for requirement of blanket for different speeds for a given CBR of the
Since, stress at bottom of ballast i.e.0.93 kg/cm2 is more than the permissible value i.e. 0.54 kg/cm2.
Since, stress at bottom of ballast i.e.0.83Kg/cm2 is more than the permissible value i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2.
159 of 169
Stress at bottom of blanket due to static load = 5000+2500+1250
= 8750
= 0.27 Kg/cm
Stress at bottom of blanket due to dynamic load = 0.34x1.53
= 0.52 Kg/cm
The stress calculated with 20 cm thick blanket layer, at bottom of blanket is 0.52Kg/cm2. Since this
value is less than permissible stress i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2. Hence adopted thickness of blanket i.e. 20
cm is satisfactory.
Since, stress at bottom of ballast i.e.0.79 Kg/cm2 is more than the permissible value i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2.
The stress calculated with 20 cm thick blanket layer, at bottom of blanket is 0.50 kg/cm2. Since this
value is less than permissible stress i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2. Hence adopted thickness of blanket i.e. 20
cm is satisfactory.
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Stress at bottom of blanket due to static load = 5000+2500+1250
= 8750
= 0.34 Kg/cm2
Stress at bottom of blanket due to dynamic load = 0.34x1.44
= 0.49 Kg/cm2
The stress calculated with 20 cm thick blanket layer, at bottom of blanket is 0.49 kg/cm2. This value
is lessthan permissible stress i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2. Hence adopted thickness of blanket i.e. 20 cm is
Since, stress at bottom of ballast i.e.0.76 Kg/cm2 is more than the permissible value i.e. 0.54 Kg/cm2.
Calculations for other values of CBR & speed can be done in the same manner.
5. Requirment of blanket thickness for different speeds & CBR value of the soil are shown
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1.0 Calculation of Blanket Thickness for Axle Load and Soil Type used in embankment as per UIC
Code 719R, 2008 for speed up to 160 Kmph with ballast cushion of 350mm:
Minimum thickness (e) of track bed layers including ballast & blanket is -
e = E + a + b + c + d + f as explained in figure below:
f=+ the trackbed should include a geotextile if the prepared subgrade is formed of soil quality class
SQ1 and SQ2
f=0 (no geotextile is required) if the prepared subgrade is formed of soil quality class SQ3
Based on above values of various factors, blanket thickness calculated and recommended for
axle load and soil category used in embankment:
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2.0 Steps to be followed for determination of fitment of existing formation for running of
160Kmph on existing lines:
In the existing formation of Indian Railways, assuming single layer system of construction with
no Prepared Subgrade, following steps are to be followed -
a) Take out the soil samples below ballast in the line of rail seat/near toe of ballast
between two sleepers with different type of formation. These soil samples should be
collected @ 4 to 5 samples in a block section.
b) Standard test on the soil samples should be conducted for soil classification.
d) Requirement of the thickness of blanket layer for ballast cushion of 300mm &
350mm respectively has been calculated and given in Table T1 & T2 below.
Table – T2
Calculation for requirement of blanket for axle load & soil type used in embankment for
speed of 160kmph assuming ballast cushion as 300mm:
164 of 169
SQ3 225 300 -75
Table – T3
Calculation for requirement of blanket for axle load and soil type used in embankment
for speed of 160kmph assuming ballast cushion as 350mm:
3.0 Recommendations for Passenger train operations for speed upto 160KMPH on
existing formation:
a) If embankment is constructed with either SQ2 or SQ3 soil, speed upto 160 Kmph
may be permitted without a provision of blanket layer.
b) If embankment is constructed with SQ1 soil, speed upto 160 Kmph may be
permitted with a minimum 250mm blanket layer thickness for 300mm/350mm ballast
If no blanket layer provision is there in existing formation with SQ1 soil used for
construction of embankment fill, speed may be increased in an increment of 20 Kmph or 10%
of existing speed with a maximum of 160 Kmph, apart from sections with bad formation as
discussed in Note (a) below. These sections where speed has been increased in an increment
of 20 Kmph or 10% of existing speed should be monitored for at least one year for any
distress in the formation on account of increase in the speed.
Performance review of the sections should be done by the Zonal railways in this 1 year
duration. It should be decreased to original permitted speed if there is any distress or can be
relaxed further by 20Kmph after one year (with a maximum of 160Kmph) if the performance is
a) Any sections with stretches of weak formation or where number of attentions required is
more than 4 in a year on account of bad formation, present maximum sectional speed
will continue till the formation is rehabilitated.
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(Reaffirmed 2011) Methods of test for soil. Laboratory determination of CBR.
18. IS: 2720-1986 Part-17 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Laboratory determination of permeability.
19. IS: 2720-1992 Part-18 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Determination of field moisture equivalent.
20. IS: 2720-1992 Part-19 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Determination of centrifuge moisture equivalent.
21. IS: 2720-1992 Part-20 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Determination of linear shrinkage. (with amendment No. 1)
22. IS: 2720-1977 Part-21 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2016) Determination total soluble solids.
23. IS: 2720-1972 Part-22 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of organic matter.
24. IS: 2720-1976 Part-23 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Determination of calcium carbonate.
25. IS: 2720-1976 Part-24 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of cation exchange capacity.
26. IS: 2720-1982 Part-25 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of silica sesquioxide ratio.
27. IS: 2720-1987 Part-26 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Determination of pH value.
28. IS: 2720-1977 Part-27 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of total soluble sulphate.
29. IS: 2720-1974 Part-28 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of dry density of soils in -place by the sand
replacement method.
30. IS: 2720-1975 Part29 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2015) Determination of dry density of soils in- place by the core
cutter method.
31. IS: 2720-1980 Part-30 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Laboratory vane shear test.
32. IS: 2720-1990 Part-31 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Field determination of california bearing ratio.
33. IS: 2720-1971 Part-33 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Determination of the density in- place by the ring and water
replacement method.
34. IS: 2720-1972 Part-34 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Determination of dry density of soil in- place by rubber
balloon method.
35. IS: 2720-1974 Part-35 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Part-35 Measurement of negative pore water pressure.
36. IS: 2720-1987 Part-36 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010) Part-36 Laboratory determination of permeability of
granular soils (constant head).
37. IS: 2720-1976 Part-37 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part-37 Determination of sand equivalent value of soils and
fine aggregates.
38. IS: 2720-1976 Part-38 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part-38 Compaction control test (Hilf method).
39. IS: 2720-1977 Part-39 Methods of test for soils.
Section 1 (Reaffirmed 2011) Direct shear test for soils containing gravel.
Section 1 Laboratory test.
40. IS: 2720-1979 Part-39 Methods of test for soils.
Section 2 (Reaffirmed 2011) Direct shear test for soils containing gravel.
Section 2 in-situ shear test.
167 of 169
41. IS: 2720-1977 Part-40 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Determination of free swell index of soils.
42. IS: 2720-1977 Part-41 Methods of test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Measurement of swelling pressure of soils.
43. IS: 2810-1979 Glossary of terms relating to soil dynamics.
(Reaffirmed 2011)
44. IS: 4434-1978 Code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011)
45. IS: 4968-1976 Part 1 Method of subsurface sounding for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part I Dynamic method using 50mm cone without bentonite slurry.
46. IS: 4968-1976 Part 2 Method of subsurface sounding for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part II Dynamic method using cone and bentonite slurry.
47. IS: 4968-1976 Part 3 Method of subsurface sounding for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part III Static cone penetration test.
48. IS: 5249-1992 Method of test for determination of in-situ dynamic
(Reaffirmed 2015) properties of soils.
49. IS: 460-1985 Part 1 Specification of test sieves.
(Reaffirmed 2013) Wire cloth test sieves.
50. IS: 460-1985 Part 2 Specification of test sieves.
(Reaffirmed 2013) Perforated plate test sieve.
51. IS: 460-1985 Part 3 Specification of test sieves.
(Reaffirmed 2011) Part III Methods of examination of apertures of test sieves.
52. IS: 1498-1970 Classification and identification of soils for general
(Reaffirmed 2011) engineering purposes.
53. IS: 1607-2013 Methods for test sieving.
54. IS: 4616-1968 Specification for Sheep Foot roller.
(Reaffirmed 2017)
55. IS: 5421-2013 Glossary of terms relating to test sieves and tests sieving.
56. IS: 5500-2004 Vibratory Roller - General Requirements
(Reaffirmed 2015)
57. IS: 5501-1969 Specification for pneumatic tyred roller.
(Reaffirmed 2017)
58. IS: 5502-1988 Specification for smooth-wheeled diesel road roller.
(Reaffirmed 2017)
59. IS: 1888-1982 Method of load test on soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011)
60. IS: 1892-1979 Code of practice for site investigations for foundations.
(Reaffirmed 2011) (With amendment no. 1)
61. IS: 2131-1981 Method for standard penetration test for soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011)
62. IS: 2132-1986 Code of practice for thin walled tube sampling of soils.
(Reaffirmed 2011)
63. IS: 10074-1982 Specification for compaction mould assembly for light and
(Reaffirmed 2010) heavy compaction test for soils.
64. IS: 10077-1982 Specification for equipment for determination of shrinkage
(Reaffirmed 2010) factors.
65. IS: 10379-1982 Code of practice for field control of moisture and
(Reaffirmed 2010) compaction of soils for Embankment and sub-grade.
66. IS: 10837-1984 Specification for moulds and accessories for determination
(Reaffirmed 2010) of density index (relative density) of cohesionless soils.
67. IS: 11196-1985 Specification for equipment for determination of liquid limit
(Reaffirmed 2010) of soils-cone penetration method.
68. IS: 11229-1985 Specification for shear box for testing of soils.
(Reaffirmed 2010)
69. IS: 11209-1985 Specification for mould assembly for determination of
168 of 169
(Reaffirmed 2010) permeability of soils.
70. IS: 4081-2013 Code of Safety for Blasting and Related Drilling Operations
71. IS: 3764-1992 Code of Safety for Excavation Work
(Reaffirmed 2012)
72. IS: 2386 Part 4 – 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete – Mechanical
(Reaffirmed 2016) Properties
Note: Latest version of BIS codes shall be referred to.
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