Integrated College: Computer Programming (Web Design) Preliminary Examination

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SMB Branch: Saboytik Bldg., Salangan, San Miguel, Bulacan
TEL. NO. (044) 678-9852

Computer Programming (Web Design)

Preliminary Examination

NAME:_______________________ DATE:___________ SCORE:____________

YR./SEC.:____________ STUDENT NO._________ MR. Raymond Trinidad

Instruction: Fill up the questioner properly

Erasures NOT allowed and if don’t know the answer just put a big long dash to the side of
the number.
READ the QUESTIONER before answering.

Identification: Identify the term being asked for each statement.

________________________1. A single page that contains text, graphics, multimedia, links,

forms, tables, …
________________________2. a collection of one or more web pages
________________________3. identifies the server you are contacting
________________________4. folders, like on a desktop machine
________________________5. tells server what kind of conversation we want to have
________________________6. : a system on the internet contains one or more web site
________________________7. is the standards organization that controls the various versions
of HTML.
________________________8. Is a collection of platform-independent styles used to create a
Web document or a Web page.
________________________9. designed the original HTML document in 1990
________________________10. first page in website
________________________11. sets a color for the background of the page
________________________12. sets a color for the body text
________________________13. You can specify color names directly like green, blue or red
________________________14. This value is specified using the rgb() property.
________________________15. A six-digit code representing the amount of red, green, and
blue that makes up the color.
________________________16. sets a color for visited links - that is, for linked text that you
have already clicked on
________________________17. sets a color for linked text
________________________18. sets a color for active links or selected links
________________________19. Location of image file (relative or absolute)
________________________20. Size of border, 0 for no border
________________________21. Substitute text for display (e.g. in text mode)
________________________22. Number of pixels of the height
________________________23. Number of pixels of the width
________________________24. are very useful for people that want to identify things in their
________________________25. Moving tags in HTML

*****Codes & Tags***** note: Please include also the opening and closing tags
________________________26. Striking
________________________27. Underlining
________________________28. Italicizing
________________________29. Bolding

Changing Font Color/Face/Size – Times New Roman – Blue - 12

SMB Branch: Saboytik Bldg., Salangan, San Miguel, Bulacan
TEL. NO. (044) 678-9852


Marquee Direction
Marquee LOOP – 10 -5 -2
Marquee SCROLLAMOUNT -20 -250
Marquee SCROLLDELAY -100 -200
1. Item one
2. Item two
3. Item three

I. Item one
II. Item two
III. Item three

• Item one
• Item two
• Item three

Simple Headings 1-6


Background Images

Background Color

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