Empowering Critical Thinking With Ricosre Learning Model: Tri Maniarta Sari, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah
Empowering Critical Thinking With Ricosre Learning Model: Tri Maniarta Sari, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah
Empowering Critical Thinking With Ricosre Learning Model: Tri Maniarta Sari, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah
Available online at http://journal.um.ac.id/index.php/jps/ Jurnal Pendidikan Sains
ISSN: 2338-9117/EISSN: 2442-3904 Volume 6, Number 1, March 2018, pp. 1–5
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of Ricosre learning model on students’ critical think-
ing skills. This research was conducted in two high schools with total participant as many as 136 stu-
dents. The research design used nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data on students’
critical thinking skills were obtained from the results of the essay test, and the results were analyzed by
Anacova technique. The results showed that Ricosre had an effect on students’ critical thinking.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Ricosre terhadap keterampil-
an berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian dilakukan di dua SMA dengan jumlah partistipan sebanyak 136 sis-
wa. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design.
Data keterampilan berpikir kritis diperoleh dari hasil tes esai, dan hasilnya dianalisis dengan teknik
Anacova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ricosre berpengaruh terhadap berpikir kritis siswa.
ccording to Eggen (2012) critical thinking is Class at SMA Negeri Batu or 60% of students have
an ability and a person’s tendency to create underdeveloped critical thinking skill. Based on re-
and conduct an assessment of the conclusions search conducted by Kurniawati (2016); and Rosyida
based on evidence. In addition, critical thinking skill is (2016), it state that the conventional learning model
a student’s ability to analyze an argument, make infer- has not significantly improve students’ critical thinking
ences using reasoning, judging or evaluating, and mak- skills. This is supported by preliminary test results that
ing decisions or solving problems (Lai, 2011). Critical have been conducted in SMAN 4, 5, and 10 Malang
thinking skill should be developed through learning in which shows that students’ critical thinking skill
school, because the critical thinking skill is considered remains low. Based on the fact that empowerment of
as a high order thinking skill that are needed in the solving skills and critical thinking are still low, it is nec-
21st century (Saavedra & Opfer, 2012). In addition, a essary to empower solving skills and thinking skills of
very important critical thinking skill is empowered for students in learning process. One solution to improve
supporting the cognitive learning outcomes of students critical thinking skills and problem solving can be con-
(Cano & Maryinez, 1991). This is supported by the ducted by employing Ricosre learning model.
results of research revealed by Hashemi (2011) which Ricosre is a learning model developed by Maha-
states that the activity of critical thinking can improve nal and Zubaidah (2017). Ricosre learning model is
thinking skills of students so as to help the student in developed to empower students’ critical thinking skill
learning process. Besides, according to Kim and Choi in the 21st century. Ricosre learning model syntax
(2014) students with high critical thinking skill will be was developed from problem solving learning model
better at solving problems. developed by John Dewey (Carson, 2007), Polya
Facts on the field indicate that critical thinking (1988), and Krulick & Rudnick (1996). It consists of
skill of students is still not empowered optimally at the Reading, Identifying Problem, Constructing Solution,
high school level. It is seen from the results of research Solving Problem, Reviewing and Extending Problem
thinking skill higher than conventional learning due to Then, students deal with constructing solution.
Ricosre’s syntax which are able to empower and en- This stage assists students to develop their critical think-
hance students’ critical thinking skill. Ricosre learning ing skill since it trains students’ flow of thought in con-
syntax consists of reading, identifying the problem, structing solution to solve the problems based on the
constructing the solution and then using a solution that obtained information. At this stage, students are trained
have been constructed initally to solve the existing to construct their own solutions to the problems faced
problems, and reviewing the results of the discussion equipped with material that has been previously read,
that has been done by presenting the results of the so that students are encouraged to connect the knowl-
discussion. edge that has been obtained to answer the questions.
The first student activity in Ricosre learning mod- Thus, it can assist students in developing critical think-
el is reading. Before face-to-face learning begins, stu- ing skills, which in turn will affect the learning out-
dents are required to read firstly topic given by teacher comes of the students.
in the previous meeting and during the face-to-face The next activity is problem solving. This activity
learning, students are given several minutes to under- is facilitated by discussion in class to solve the prob-
stand some phenomena. Reading is one of the activities lems employing solution which has been constructed
that involve the processing of information that makes before in the previous stage, either result of practice
the students have the knowledge. Through reading, or reading. This stage is indirectly encourage students
students can obtain a variety of information related to to organize the obtained information which is beneficial
the learning material that will be discussed in face-to- for solving the problem and connecting with the prac-
face activities (Ozbay, 2006). Information obtained tice activity. Therefore, generating a conclusion based
by the students is through reading activities and under- on obtained information from various activity, either
standing information from reading material (Sharma literature review or practice, indirectly facilitate stu-
& Singh, 2005). Once students obtained information dents to think critically (Eggen & Kauchak, 2012).
about the material learned, students can formulate the Students should be able to use information they
problems derived from reading given by the teacher. have to be able to solve problems in problem solving
This is in line with findings proposed by El-Koumy activities. Additionally, students must think deeply to
(2006) that reading can help students to organize a identify which information is used to solve the prob-
thought process within the student. lems. This process is also important for students to be
Aspects of critical thinking skills include the ability able to associate information or knowledge with other
which is obtained from the process of reading; analyz- information from various sources for problem solving.
ing and evaluating the information obtained (Duron, Process management of information or knowledge that
Limbach, & Waugh, 2006; Fascione, 2013). Reading exists within the student can encourage students to
can encourage curiosity of students and have a broad be able to have the critical thinking skill. Critical think-
knowledge. Yildirim and Özkahraman (2011), Duron, ing skill involve the application of knowledge for prob-
Limbach, and Waugh (2006) and Ennis (1993) state lem solving. Voscoglou and Buckley (2012) state that
that the extensive knowledge can support students to critical thinking is the effect of the acquisition of knowl-
have critical thinking skills. Reading also helps students edge, while knowledge is the result of thinking about
to have an open thought regarding information and the concept and its combination with the principle.
able to decide an issue by considering various sides or The resulting new concept to solve the problem would
drawing conclusions based on supported reasons (En- be accomodated with existing concepts in cognitive
nis, 1993). structure of students. This can not be occured if there
The next activity is to formulate the problem. This is no critical thinking skill.
stage can assist students in finding the problems found The last stage is reviewing and extending problem
in the reading process and then transfered into a form solving. This stage, students communicate the results
of formulation of the problem. If the stage of formulat- of discussions and receive feedback in the process of
ing the problem combined with reading stage, it can classroom discussion. When receiving feedback or
help students to develop critical thinking skills. As in suggestion, students need to have skill in choosing the
the formulation of the problem, students need to focus correct concepts which is accepted in this process.
and analyze well. By repeating these activities contin- The selection of the relevant information is also one
ously, then it can help students to think critically. of the critical thinking skill (Lai, 2011; Ennis, 1993;
4 Jurnal Pendidikan Sains, Volume 6, Number 1, March 2018, Page 1 –5
Fascione, 2013). Good management in selecting the Finken, M. & Ennis, R.H. (1993). Illinois Critical Thinking
materials or concepts that are relevant positively im- Essay Test. Illinois Critical Thinking Project.
pact on learning outcomes. Departement of Educational Policy Studies
University of Illinois. Retrieved from http://
CONCLUSION Ennis12-1993LowR.pdf.
This research confirms that Ricosre learning Hashemi, S.A. (2011). The Use of Critical Thinking in Social
Science Textbooks of High School: A Field Study of
model influence students’ critical thinking skill. Ricosre
Fars Province in Iran. International Journal of In-
learning model could improve students’ critical thinking.
struction, 4(1), 63–78.
The findings of this research affirm that Ricosre is
Karmana, I.W. (2011). Strategi Pembelajaran, Kemampuan
feasible to be employed in learning to improve students’
Akademik, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah, dan
critical thinking skill.
Hasil Belajar. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 17(5), 378–
Further research is required to examine the con-
sistency of Ricosre learning model improving students’
Kim, K. & Choi, J. (2014). The Relationship between Problem
critical thinking skill. Also, it requires to identify the
Solving Ability, Professional Self Concept, and Criti-
interaction of the studied learning model with other
cal Thinking Disposition of Nursing Students. Inter-
independent and dependent variables within learning
national Journals of Bio-Science and Bio-Technol-
process in classroom.
ogy, 6(5), 131–142.
Kurlick ,S. & Rudnick, J.A. (1996). The New Source Book
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