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Introduction: Issues & Problems

Every educator knows the challenge of stimulating and sustaining learner motivation and the difficulty
of finding reliable and valid methods for motivating learners. One approach to meeting this challenge is
provided by the ARCS model of motivation (Keller, 1999a, b) which provides guidance for analyzing the
motivational characteristics of a group of learners and designing motivational strategies based on this
analysis. After giving an overview of the model, I will describe some recent developments including a
simplified approach to applying it and how it may be incorporated into lesson planning.

Characteristics of the ARCS Model

The ARCS model is based on a synthesis of motivational concepts and characteristics into the four
categories of attention (A), relevance (R), confidence (C), and satisfaction (S). These four categories
represent sets of conditions that are necessary for a person to be fully motivated, and each of these four
categories has component parts, or subcategories (Table 1), that represent specific aspects of

First, a lesson must gain the learner's attention. Tactics for this can range from simple unexpected
events (e.g. a loud whistle, an upside-down word in a visual) to mentally stimulating problems that
engage a deeper level of curiosity, especially when presented at the beginning of a lesson. Another
element is variation, which is necessary to sustain attention. People like a certain amount of variety and
they will lose interest if your teaching strategies, even the good ones, never change.

The second requirement is to build relevance. Even if curiosity is aroused, motivation is lost if the
content has no perceived value to the learner. Relevance results from connecting the content of
instruction to important goals of the learners, their past interests, and their learning styles. One
traditional way to do this is to relate instructional content to the learners’ future job or academic
requirements. Another, and often more effective approach is to use simulations, analogies, case studies,
and examples related to the students' immediate and current interests and experiences. For example,
secondary school children enjoy reading stories with themes of stigma, popularity, and isolation because
these are important issues at that time of their lives.

The third condition required for motivation is confidence. This is accomplished by helping students
establish positive expectancies for success. Often students have low confidence because they have very
little understanding of what is expected of them. By making the objectives clear and providing examples
of acceptable achievements, it is easier to build confidence. Another aspect of confidence is how one
attributes the causes of one’s successes or failures. Being successful in one situation can improve one’s
overall confidence if the person attributes success to personal effort or ability. If the student believes
that success was due to external factors such as luck, lack of challenge, or decisions of other people,
then confidence in one’s skills is not likely to increase.

If the learners are attentive, interested in the content, and moderately challenged, then they will be
motivated to learn. But to sustain this motivation, the fourth condition of motivation is required --
satisfaction. It refers to positive feelings about one's accomplishments and learning experiences. It
means that students receive recognition and evidence of success that support their intrinsic feelings of
satisfaction and they believe they have been treated fairly. Tangible extrinsic rewards can also produce
satisfaction, and they can be either

Integrating motivation 3

substantive or symbolic. That is, they can consist of grades, privileges, promotions or such things as
certificates, monogrammed school supplies, or other tokens of achievement. Opportunities to apply
what one has learned coupled with personal recognition support intrinsic feelings of satisfaction. Finally,
a sense of equity, or fairness, is important. Students must feel that the amount of work required by the
course was appropriate, that there was internal consistency between objectives, content, and tests, and
that there was no favoritism in grading.

These four categories provide a basis for aggregating the various concepts, theories, strategies, and
tactics that pertain to the motivation to learn (Keller, J. M., 1987a). They represent the first major part
of the ARCS model, which is the synthesis of the vast motivational literature into a simple and useful
number of macro-level concepts. They also provide the basis for the second major feature of the ARCS
model which is the systematic design process that assists you in creating motivational tactics that match
student characteristics and needs (Keller, 1987b).

The ARCS model contains a ten-step design process for the development of motivational systems in
work and learning settings (Figure 1). The first two steps, which are parts of the overall analysis
components of the process, produce information about the status quo and provide the basis for
analyzing gaps and their causes which are done in the third and fourth steps. Based on these analyses, in
Step 5 one prepares objectives for the performance improvement project and specifies how they will be
assessed. There are then two steps in design. Step 6 consists of brainstorming within each motivational
category to generate a rich list of potential solutions. Step 7 is more critical and analytical for the
purpose of selecting solutions that best fit the time, resource, and other constraining factors in the
situation. The final step includes both development and evaluation, and is similar to any other
development model.

Analysis. As in any systematic design process, motivational system development begins with collecting
information (Steps 1 and 2) and analyzing it (Steps 3 and 4) to identify motivational characteristics and
gaps which lead to objectives (Step 5). In this process, there are two difficulties in determining the
degree and nature of a motivational problem. First is that problems resulting in symptoms of
demotivation may not be due to motivational causes. People can become demotivated as a
consequence of what is, in fact, a capability or opportunity problem. For example, people who do not
have and cannot get the skills required to perform satisfactorily will soon learn that they cannot succeed
to a satisfactory degree. They will develop low expectations for success, or even feelings of helplessness,
and will be demotivated as evidenced by lowered levels of effort and performance. However, the cause
of the problem in this example is lack of skills.

Integrating motivation 4
Table 1. Modified subcategories of the ARCS model


Capture Interest (Perceptual Arousal): What can I do to capture their interest?

Stimulate Inquiry (Inquiry Arousal): How can I stimulate an attitude of inquiry?

Maintain Attention (Variability): How can I use a variety of tactics to maintain their attention?


Relate to Goals (Goal Orientation): How can I best meet my learner’s needs? (Do I know their needs?)

Match Interests (Motive Matching): How and when can I provide my learners with appropriate choices,
responsibilities, and influences?

Tie to Experiences (Familiarity): How can I tie the instruction to the learners’ experiences?


Success Expectations (Learning Requirements): How can I assist in building a positive expectation for

Success Opportunities (Learning Activities): How will the learning experience support or enhance the
students’ beliefs in their competence?

Personal Responsibility (Success Attributions): How will the learners clearly know their success is based
upon their efforts and abilities?


Intrinsic Satisfaction (Self-Reinforcement): How can I provide meaningful opportunities for learners to
use their newly acquired knowledge/skill?

Rewarding Outcomes (Extrinsic Rewards): What will provide reinforcement to the learners’ successes?

Fair Treatment (Equity): How can I assist the students in anchoring a positive feeling about their

Integrating motivation 5

The second difficulty in identifying a motivational problem lies in the nature of motivation. Motivation
follows a curvilinear relationship with performance (Figure 2). As motivation increases, performance
increases, but only to an optimal point. Afterward, performance decreases as motivation increases to
levels where excessive stress leads to performance decrements. There is always some level of tension,
or stress, associated with motivation. On the rising side of the curve it is sometimes referred to as
facilitative stress and on the downside as debilitating stress.
Given that there is a motivational problem, one then classifies it according to the four categories
described earlier and determines whether the learners or employees are under- or over-motivated in
each case. For example, in the case of attention, people might be demotivated because they are bored
and not paying attention to the task, or because they are so over-stimulated by the job opportunity or
requirements that they are trying to pay attention to too many things at once. In both cases they do not
focus their attention on the critical task, but solutions differ depending on whether the cause is under-
or over-stimulation. Comparable problems occur in the other categories of motivation and require
tactics to modify learner motivation into a more productive range.

In conducting motivational analysis, it is important to identify the nature of motivational gaps in these
terms, and to realize that the problems might be different in one subgroup or individual than in another.
It is also important to identify the presence of any positive motivational factors. A motivational system
has to be capable of solving motivational problems, but it also has to sustain desirable levels of
motivation. The output of analysis indicates where there are motivational gaps to be closed and where
satisfactory levels of motivation need to be sustained rather than changed. Figure 2, for example,
illustrates that the class under analysis has learners with widely varying levels of confidence, that there
are two aspects of relevance of which one is too high and one is two low, and that the levels of attention
and satisfaction are about right. The two levels of relevance probably result from the class being
required which makes it necessary for success, but not being perceived by the learners has having any
personal value. The results of this analysis provide guidance in selecting and generating motivational

Design. In motivational design (Figure 1, Steps 6 - 8), it is best to work on specifically defined problems.
This needs to be stated because it can be more of a problem in motivational design than in some other
performance areas. Often, people will try to deal with the global issue of how to improve motivation by
adopting a global solution, such as a new set of curriculum materials or an entirely new approach to
teaching. This approach may be successful for awhile, but after the novelty wears off, the old
motivational problems tend to reemerge.

After choosing a specific problem to solve, the primary task in the first design step (Step 6) is to
brainstorm possible solutions. At this point, all potential solutions should be listed without regard to
their presumed feasibility. The goal, as in any brainstorming process, is to produce as many ideas as

The second task (Step 7) is to define the ideal solution without regard to constraints. The ideal solution
might be constructed from several of the specific suggestions that were made during the brainstorming
process, or it might emerge as a new idea from the stimulation provided by brainstorming. An important
element at this point is to not worry about expense, organizational policies, or other constraints that
might inhibit the discovery of an ideal solution.

Integrating motivation 6

Figure 1. Motivational design: Ten step model

1. Obtain course information

2. Obtain audience information

3. Analyze audience

4. Analyze existing materials

5. List ojectives & assessments

6. List potential tactics

7. Select & design tactics

8. Integrate with instruction

Course description and rationale Setting and delivery system Instructor information

Entry skill levels Attitudes toward school or work Attitudes toward course

Motivational profile Root causes Modifiable influences

Positive features Deficiencies or problems Related issues

Motivational design goals Learner behaviors Confirmation methods

Brainstorm list of tactics Begninning, during, and end Throughout

Integrated tactics Enhancement tactics Sustaining tactics

Combine designs Points of inclusion Revisions to be made

9. Select & develop materials

10. Evaluate & revise

Select available materials Modify to the situation Develop new materials

Obtain student reactions Determine satisfaction level Revise if necessary

Integrating motivation 7

Then, in Step 8, one selects the most feasible tactics listed in Step 7 and integrates them into a
motivational system. The reason for making this a multi-step process is that Step 6 encourages one to
envision, without restraint, all potential solutions, including those that might initially seem to be too
grandiose or “ideal.” By so doing, one is more likely to approximate an ideal than if one had narrowly
focused from the beginning on the first possible solution. In Step 7 of the process, one creates the best
possible solutions by combining ideas from step 6 and by applying several selection criteria pertaining to
expense, policy, acceptability, and proportionality (the motivational activities should support the
learning goals, not distract from them).

Development and evaluation of the solutions, which occurs in Steps 9 and 10, follow the same process
that one would employ for any other area of application. The first activity is to prepare a plan of work
for writing, media development, developmental reviews, and preparations for implementation. As with
any effective system development activity, it is important to have motivational tactics and strategies
well integrated with other system components. For example, tactics such as case studies at the
beginning of a lesson can be a total waste of time if they do not meet specific needs of the audience and
help prepare them for the topics and objectives of the course. Audience evaluation provides the means
for determining the effectiveness of the tactics.

This design process is comprehensive and effective, but it has two limitations. First is that it requires
that the motivational designer or teacher have quite a bit of knowledge of the different motivational
factors represented by the four categories and all the subcategories. Second, it can be time consuming
to implement all the steps. In situations where there are serious motivational challenges, or when it is
highly critical to maximize the motivational effectiveness of a lesson or course, then the full ten-step
process can be the best approach to follow. But, in many situations these conditions are not met. With
teachers or instructional designers who have little or no formal knowledge of motivational concepts and
principles, or in settings where a quick approach can result in adequate improvements, it would be good
to have a simpler model.

Figure 2: Curvilinear diagram for audience analysis

Integrating motivation 8

A Simplified Approach

A recent development in Japan (Suzuki and Keller, 1996; Keller, 1997) provides a simplified and effective
approach to motivational design, and it has subsequently been applied in two innovative applications to
the improvement of self-directed learning. The first was in the development of motivationally adaptive
computer-based instruction (Song, 1998). In addition to incorporating the simplified motivational design
approach, it builds on concepts and approaches initiated in the United Kingdom and Italy by del Soldato
and du Boulay (1995) and in Austria (Astleitner and Keller, 1995). The prototype of the adaptive CBI was
developed in the USA, and it will be cross-validated in Korea. The second application was in the student
support methods for a distance learning course in Europe (Visser, L., 1998). It is interesting to note the
multinational representation in these studies.

In Sendai, Japan, a team of 25 teachers in 8 subject areas at Sendai Daichi Junior High School had been
developing computer application projects for several years as part of a demonstration project sponsored
by the Japanese national government. During the last two years of the project, they were asked to
incorporate systematic motivational design into their process. Suzuki (Suzuki and Keller, 1996)
developed a simplified approach to motivational design because the full, seven-step model would
require too much time for training and implementation. The goal of the simplified approach was to
ensure that the teachers would identify key motivational characteristics in the learners, the content area
to be taught, and the hardware or software to be used. The teachers then evaluated this information
and prescribed tactics based on identified motivational problems. This process helped ensure that
teachers avoided the inclusion of excessive numbers of tactics, or tactics derived from their own
preferred areas of interest without regard to the characteristics of the students and the situation.

The resulting design process is represented in a matrix (Table 2). In the first row, the designer lists
salient characteristics of the learners’ overall motivation to learn. The second row contains the
designer’s judgements about how appealing the learning task will be to the learners. The third and
fourth rows ask about learners’ expected attitudes toward the medium of instruction and the
instructional materials. Each of the entries in these rows has a “plus” or “minus” sign to indicate
whether it is a positive or negative motivational characteristic. Based on the information in these first
three rows, the motivational designers decide how much motivational support is required and what
types of tactics to use. They refer to reference lists of potential tactics (for example Keller and Burkman,
1992; Keller and Suzuki, 1988) and also create their own based on the identified needs.

In this example, the teacher determined that confidence is the only real problem area, and he listed
some specific things to deal with it. He also listed some specific tactics for the other categories, but they
serve to maintain motivation instead of solving a specific problem.

A benefit of his application of this process was that in his initial motivational plan, before he applied this
process, he had a much longer list of tactics that he thought would be exciting and motivational. After
doing the analysis and applying various selection criteria that are listed in the training materials on
motivational design, he realized that his list of tactics would be too time consuming, and would actually
distract from the students’ intrinsic interest in the subject as revealed in his analysis. By using the design
process, he was able to simplify the motivational design and target it to specific needs.

Integrating motivation 9

Table 2. ARCS simplified design matrix: Elective unit on using international e-mail

ARCS CATEGORIES DESIGN FACTORS Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction LEARNER

CHARACTERISTICS Elective course, High interest (+) High commitment (+) Low skills in typing and in
conversational English (-) Newly formed group of students (), but familiar teacher (+) LEARNING TASK
(Learners' attitudes toward) New, attractive, adventurous (+) -High public interest to the Internet (+) -
Useful in future (+) -Limited access to computers (-) -Seems difficult (-) -First exposure (-) -High
applicability of acquired skills (+) -Exciting outcome (+) MEDIUM: Computer in this lesson (Learners'
attitudes toward) Interesting new use as a networking tool (+) Familiar as a stand alone learning tool (+)
Unstable network connection may make students worried (-) Immediate feedback (+)


English usage (-) Participatory for every students (+)


Minimal tactics required: -Emphasize opportunity to communicate worldwide -Demonstrate immediate
transmission and response features

Minimal tactics required: -Demonstrate how it extends one’s communication capabilities

Necessary to build confidence: -Set objectives cumulatively from low to high -Team teaching with an
Assistant English Teacher - Use translation software

Minimal tactics required: Provide reinforcement by receiving messages from “network pals”

An evaluation of the effectiveness of this motivational design process (Suzuki and Keller, 1996) verified
that the teachers were able to use the matrix accurately with only a few entries not being placed
appropriately, and more than two-thirds felt that it definitely helped them produce a more effective
motivational design. Some teachers had difficulties with the analysis phase, which indicates that this is a
critical area to address in training people to use the process.

This simplified design process was modified and used in two subsequent projects. The first of these was
to develop a prototype of motivationally adaptive computer-based instruction. The

Integrating motivation 10

formal motivational design process requires an audience analysis which influences which motivational
tactics are included in the learning environment. However, learner motivation changes over time, and in
sometimes unpredictable ways. In a classroom or other instructorled setting, an expert instructor can
continuously gauge the audience’s motivational condition and make adjustments as appropriate. But in
self-directed learning environments, this type of continuous adjustment has not been a feature. Once
the instruction has been designed and “packaged,” everyone receives the same program, with the
exception of limited branching and other learner control options. These options can have a positive
effect on motivation, but they do not adequately reflect the range of motivational conditions that
characterize learners at different points in time.

It would be possible to include a large number of motivational tactics to cover a broad range of
motivational conditions, but this would most likely have a negative effect on motivation and
performance. The reason is that when students are motivated to learn, they want to work on highly
task-relevant activities. They do not want to be distracted with unnecessary motivational activities. For
this reason, it would be nice to have computer or multi-media software that can sense a learner’s
motivation level and respond adaptively.

Integration into Lesson Planning

However, there has still been a gap in the model with respect to providing guidance for integrating the
motivational tactics into a teacher’s actual lesson plan. This presentation helps to close this gap by
illustrating how motivational strategies and tactics can be incorporated along side an outline of lesson
content and instructional activities (Appendix A).
The header of the lesson plan has a place to make notes about the overall sustaining strategy and
enhancement strategy for the lesson. The distinction between sustaining and enhancement strategies
refers to the degree to which the learners will be motivated by the lesson. If their overall motivation is
high, then all that is required of the teacher or designer is to sustain the learners’ motivation by using
variety in teaching approaches, continuing to use relevant examples, and providing appropriate types of
motivating feedback. But, if you suspect that there will be specific motivational challenges, or
deficiencies, then it is necessary to plan a motivational approach that will overcome these problems. In
the example in Appendix A, fifth and sixth grade students will be engaged in a year-long independent
research project. There will be relatively long intervals between class sessions devoted to this project.
Therefore, many learners can be expected to have serious problems with relevance and confidence
during the year. That is, the learners will have trouble sustaining interest in a project that does not have
immediate assignments and feedback, they may have doubts from time to time as to how important the
project really is, and they may doubt that they can really do all the work that will be required. Therefore,
the teacher has to include an overall strategy, with appropriate tactics, that will counteract these
motivational obstacles.

The body of the lesson plan has columns that are fairly typical, even the formats of lesson plans vary.
This lesson plan has a unique feature in that it includes a column devoted specifically to motivational
planning. It allows one to implement the results of the analysis and design steps in the ARCS planning
process (Figure 1, Steps 1 – 7)) by integrating it into the content and instructional strategies of the
lesson (Figure 1, Step 8).

Integrating motivation 11

Benefits of this type of lesson plan are that it allows one to

“See” the overall architecture of the lesson

Check the lesson for balance of content and activities

Easily check to see if there is variation in approach (that is, that the same pattern of instructional or
motivational techniques are not used over and over again)

Critically review the contents, instructional tactics, and motivational tactics in terms of internal
consistency and fidelity to the lesson and course objectives, and
Obtain reviews and feedback from other people who can easily review the structure and content of the


There has never been any doubt about the importance of learner motivation, but there have been
difficulties obtaining methods and approaches for systematically predicting and influencing motivation.
Traditionally we have relied on compilations of personal experiences by successful teachers and listings
of results from academic studies. The ARCS model resulted from reviews and integration of research
literature and successful practices. It has been validated in numerous research studies (for example,
Means, Jonassen, & Dwyer, 1997; Small & Gluck, 1994; and Visser & Keller, 1990) and it is being used in
many different countries and cultures in the world. However, it does not offer simple, prescriptive
solutions to motivational problems. It offers problem solving approach that leads one to solutions
appropriate for a given situation. Furthermore, it is an evolving model. Just as this paper introduces the
lesson planning template for the first time, there are many areas of research and development to be
undertaken that will continue to help this model be more effective or lead to the development of
alternative approaches. The goal of the model, like the goal of many educators, is to assist in helping
learners want to learn and develop in ways that helps them build satisfying lives that contribute
something positive to their world.

Table 2. Motivational Design Activities and Process Questions

Phases & Activities Process Questions


1. Audlenco motivation analysis What are the audience's motivational attitudes toward the course to be

2 Motivational objectives What do I want to accomplish with respect to the motivational dynamics of
the audience?

3. Mothrational criterion measures How will I determine whether I have accomplished my motivational


4. Generate potential strategies How many possible strategies are then that might accomplish the
motivational objectives?
5. Select strategies Which strategies soem to be most acceptable for this audience, instructor, and

6. lntegrate strategies How do I combine the instructional and motivational components into an
integntd design?


7. Prepare motivational materials How do I locate or create motivational materials to achieve the

8. Enhance existing instructional How do I rework the instructional material to improve its motivational
appeal? materials

9. Dew@lopmental test How can I get fedback as to whether these motivational strategies are likely to


10. Implement with T-pop How do I prepare for and conduct a pilot test with npremntativcbs of the
target poplam?

11. Evaluate effects How can I detect the expected and unexpected motivational effects of the course?

12. Certify or revise How do I determine whether the course should be revised or go 'on-line"?
Step 1: Anal yze the student and develop a moti vational

profile based on ARCS.

This step provides a means for identifying gaps in the student’s
entry level motivation. The techniques used in conducting this
step can range from a “best guess” estimate based on the edu-
cator’s personal experience with previous similar students to a
judgement based on the collection and analysis of formal data
from conducting focus interviews with members of the target
population by using a questionnaire, or from other informed
persons (e.g., faculty who have taught the students previously).
The result of this step is the gathering of information which
determines whether the students will be below, at, or above the
appropriate level in each motivational category. This is need-
ed for formulating the motivational objectives of the instruc-
tion. Educators should be wary of taking students’ self-
descriptions at face value, however, given students’ well
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000 191
known desire/intention to please educators with their respons-
es. Misjudgment of the students’ motivational categories in the
direction of overestimation or underestimation can result in
undesirable outcomes as mentioned earlier in this manuscript
(i.e., The ARCS Model).
Step 2: Define motivational objectives based on the stu-
dent profile and develop motivational measures.
The motivational objectives should be written from the student
perspective. These should specify the performance or attitude
that the educator desires to observe relative to the four ARCS
motivational categories. The objectives can be cognitive, affec-
tive, or psychomotor skills. For example, a psychomotor moti-
vational objective for attention that might be written is “Within
the assigned recitation group for the chronic renal failure case
in the pharmacotherapeutic course, each pharmacy student will
demonstrate a higher degree of attention through participation
in the group discussion to solve the drug-related problems in the
case.” A cognitive motivational objective for relevance that
might be generated is “By the end of the oral analgesic drugs
lecture, pharmacy students will be able to describe two benefits
of learning this content area in relation to their career goals.” A
cognitive motivational objective for confidence would be
“When given a homework case study assignment for smoking
cessation products, pharmacy students will indicate a higher
degree of confidence in their ability to select an appropriate
smoking cessation product for the patient who desires to quit
smoking.” An example of an affective motivational objective
for satisfaction is “Pharmacy students will rate their satisfaction
as highest with pharmacokinetics instruction as a result of
opportunities provided to apply what was learned (e.g., adjust-
ing the digoxin dose to a 45-year-old white male with conges-
tive heart failure in a patient-simulation laboratory).
After writing motivational objectives, methods for evalu-
ating the motivational strategy(ies) used should be developed
to determine whether the motivational objectives have been
met. The techniques used in evaluating the strategy(ies) can
include direct observation of specified behaviors (such as
choice of tasks, effort expended, and persistence); judgements
by observers of students on characteristics indicative of moti-
vation; interviews or conversations between two or more stu-
dents; and self-report questionnaires. Keller(3) suggested that
self-report measures can be very helpful when an educator
wants to focus on a particular area of concern. These measures
should be consistent with the objectives. An example of a self-
report measure to evaluate students’ confidence might be
achieved by asking students to assess their level of confidence
(e.g., none, low, moderate, high) to select a smoking cessation
product for a patient given certain patient variables/parameters.
Step 3: Design a motivational strategy for each motiva-
tional objective and integrate it into the instruction.
Keller(3) described three phases in this step: generation, selec-
tion, and integration. The generation phase deals with Keller’s
ARCS categories. These categories and their subcategories of
motivational strategies serve as a guide to generating motiva-
tional interventions (see Appendix). In this phase, an educator
should generate a list of potential motivational strategies for
each of the objectives. Keller(3) suggested that it is generally
best for an educator to use a “brainstorming approach” and an
“open, creative frame of mind” to generate a broad range of
strategy ideas. An example of gaining students’ attention is
provided in the following fictitious scenario. Dr. Martin teach-
es the second-professional year pharmacology course. In the
past, he normally began his lecture with an opening introduc-
tory statement such as, “Today we are going to study drugs
used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.” As he talked, he noticed
that some students were reading newspapers while others were
doing work for other classes. Some were falling asleep. He
realized that his past approach to educating students did not
capture any student attention. When he engaged them with
questions, he was impatient and provided answers to the stu-
dents right away. So, he decided that he would present an
unsolved case at the beginning of his discourse and ask ques-
tions of the students but not answer them. Thus, the next time
he taught this topic he started by asking the students, “Is there
a cure for Alzheimer’s disease? What are the causes of
Alzheimer’s disease? Are there any drugs that can cure it? Are
the drugs, food supplements, and herbs such as estrogen, vita-
min E, ginkgo biloba, a cure? Are there any drugs that can
make Alzheimer’s disease worse? These are the issues I would
like us to focus today.” His observation was that his students
were more enthusiastic and interested than normal, paid more
attention during class and tried to seek more information after
posing his questions by participating in debate and raising
questions about content that needed additional clarification.
Another example of making students satisfied and adding
relevance to the instruction is in an integrated laboratory ses-
sion whose goal is to teach second-professional-year students
how to properly use an asthma inhaler. These students already
had gained general knowledge of asthma drug therapy from a
prior lecture session. They feel competent in identifying and
solving drug-related problems but wanted to improve their
skills in counseling patients who use inhalers. Dr. John began
his introductory remarks by sharing a pleasant experience with
a former pharmacy student whom he taught. This pharmacist
shared that she worked in an out-patient clinic and applied the
skills which she learned in the laboratory to properly instruct
and counsel a patient with asthma who uses an inhaler. She
shared what a great reward it was to her to use it in the real-
world when providing pharmaceutical care to a patient. Dr.
John’s students indicate that he makes learning enjoyable
because he demonstrates to them the relevance of their knowl-
edge and skills that they have obtained in the “real world”.
An example of gaining students confidence is provided by
Dr. Andy, a professor who teaches a Nonprescription
Medicines course to third-professional-year pharmacy stu-
dents. For content and effort on homework assignments, he
gives separate scores or grades as well as positive and accurate
feedback. Homework assignments are given in case or sce-
nario formats (e.g., laxative products, cough and cold products)
that provide the student with challenging situations, some more
ambiguous than others, but that mirror the “real world”. These
ensure the student is actively involved in learning by encour-
aging him/her to use class notes and literature references to
solve the presented problem. His goal is to help his students
experience that the effort they put into the assignment is linked to
its overall quality. He also recognizes that there still may be
differences in student knowledge and skill. Nevertheless, he
continues to encourage students who try hard by giving them
high marks for effort, although they may need more work on
their problem-solving skills, content, grammar, and overall
writing skills. He uses this confidence boosting strategy in
terms of success opportunities to support or enhance students’
belief in themselves and their competence. He gives them per-
sonal responsibility and accountability opportunities to help
192 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000
them realize that their success is based on effort and abilities.
Before producing an effective integration of motivational
strategies into the instruction, Keller(8) provided five guide-
lines that are helpful to critically reviewing the potential strate-
gies and selecting the ones to be used. He indicated that strate-
gies: (i) should not take up too much time; (ii) should not
detract from the learning objectives; (iii) should fall within the
time and money constraints of the development and imple-
mentation phases of the instruction; (iv) should be acceptable
to the students; and (v) should be compatible with the instruc-
tional methodology, including the educator’s style. The moti-
vational strategies included in the model are proven, but their
effectiveness, and the exact way in which they are implement-
ed depends in part on the personality of the educator and the
type of atmosphere that he or she wants (e.g., formal versus
informal) to create. Therefore, the final selection of strategies
for a given instructional event is based, in large part, on the
judgement and perhaps even some trial-and-error work of the
educator rather than an objective criteria.
The last phase of Step 3 is integration. This is the phase
that adapts motivational strategies selected to the specific
learning environment and then incorporates them into the
instructional plan.
Step 4: Develop, try out and revise the selected strategy as
In this step, the motivational materials are prepared in con-
junction with the individual materials and are subjected to for-
mative evaluation based on the motivational criterion measures
developed in the second step. Small group try-outs or pilot
tests involve testing the motivational strategies along with
instructional materials on content experts (e.g., faculty, phar-
macists) and representatives of the target population (e.g.,
focus groups) to determine the appeal of the instruction and the
feasibility of the motivational activities. The importance of
this step is that motivation should be separated from other
aspects of the instruction(3). The educator should attempt to
be sensitive to the effects the instruction is having (i.e., desired
or undesired). Then, if the strategies are, for example, failing
to produce their intended results, they can be revised and
The ARCS model provides a systematic means of improving
the motivational appeal of the instruction. It is one of the tools
that the educators can use to help their students become and
stay motivated. The motivational design process bridges the
gap between the students and the learning outcomes by incor-
porating motivational strategies that match the motivational
needs of the particular class or students. The following hypo-
thetical case is used to illustrate how students’ low confidence
levels can be improved by using the ARCS model in identify-
ing and solving motivational problems in the classroom.
Pharmacotherapeutic, clinical reasoning is an elective
two-credit course, meeting once a week for two hours. The
course is offered for the first time to third-professional-year
pharmacy students to foster pharmacotherapeutic reasoning
skill development as experienced in actual clinical practice and to
improve the integration of students’ knowledge, skills, and
attitudes into patient care before they participate in the
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (i.e., clinical clerk-
ships). The course encompasses several major areas of drug
therapy (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, res-
piratory diseases). There are 30 students enrolled in this
course. Anonymous self-report questionnaires ask each stu-
dent to describe his/her motivation to learn in the four main
categories of the ARCS Model and are administered to the stu-
dents two weeks before the class begins. Students are urged to
respond candidly and honestly, informed that there are no right
or wrong answers, and that all responses are strictly confiden-
tial. This self-report measure will not affect the students’
grades or performance for the course. It is the intention of the
educator to get information from students for the purpose of
designing this course to meet students’ needs.
Step 1: Student analysis.
Attention(A) High. Students are very interested in taking
this class with the hope that this course will
help them to improve their clinical reasoning
Relevance(R) High. Students understand the relevance of
this course in its application to next year’s
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
and their individual pharmacy career goals
(i.e., providing pharmaceutical care).
Confidence(C) Low to Moderate. Students’ beliefs in their
ability to employ sound clinical reasoning in
identifying and solving drug-related prob-
lems is low to moderate. Most of the stu-
dents share that they do not have much expe-
rience in clinical situations and fear being
too disorganized and lacking knowledge and
skills to solve patient problems. However,
most of them realize that confidence in the
ability to use cognitive skills is an important
quality for them to practice successfully
when they enroll in the Advanced Pharmacy
Practice Experience next year and when they
ultimately enter practice.
Satisfaction(S) High. Students find the course useful and
expect it will enable them to become effec-
tive practitioners. They expect that this
course will give them opportunities to
use/apply their knowledge and skills in real-
istic situations such as patient simulations, or
actual clinical case scenarios.
Step 2: Define motivational objectives based on the stu-
dent profile.
1. During the course of instruction, students will demonstrate
greater confidence in their ability to solve the problems
and employ sound clinical reasoning as the educator con-
tinues to illustrate the process of clinical reasoning using
the patient case scenario examples.
2. During the practice phase of the instruction and homework
assignments of the course, students will demonstrate
greater confidence in being able to successfully solve
actual case scenario problems through sound clinical rea-
soning. This can be further developed by increasing the
difficulty of the problems as the semester move forward.
3. Along with submitted homework assignments, students
will demonstrate increased level of confidence in their
ability to solve patient problems. The educator will pro
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000 193
vide constructive feedback to help them develop reasonable
perceptions of their competence and foster the belief that
competence in clinical reasoning is a changeable, controllable
aspect of their development.
4. Within the last three recitation/discussion meetings, each
student will demonstrate greater confidence in his/her
ability to solve patient problems with sound clinical rea-
soning, when given the opportunity to create his/her own
case scenarios and then presenting them to fellow class-
Step 3: Design a motivational strategy for each motiva-
tional objective and integrate it into instruction.
1. Carefully plan presentation of the process of clinical rea-
soning based on the case examples to assist in building a
positive expectation for success among students.
(Strategy C.1)
2. Plan to develop case scenario homework assignments and
in-class practice exercises that provide the student with
challenging situations, some more ambiguous than others,
that mirror the “real world”. The assignments and exer-
cises will be purposely sequenced from simple to difficult.
This will help the students’ learning experience and
enhance the students’ beliefs in their competence.
(Strategy C.2)
3. Plan to create criteria for evaluating and grading home-
work assignments which are fair, valid and reliable. This
will help students clearly experience success based on
their effort and abilities. (Strategy C.3)
4. Create opportunities for students development of case sce-
narios that allow them to use their acquired knowledge and
skills in demonstrating their competence. (Strategy C.3)
Step 4: Develop, try out and revise the selected strategy as
Because this is the first time the course has been offered, these
motivational strategies will be used as a try-out test.
Motivational measures developed based on the ARCS Model
will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies. If
there are any strategies that fail to produce the intended results,
they will be revised and replaced for the future class. This step
should be implemented as soon as possible after the course
ends when thoughts/ideas are still fresh in one’s mind.
This paper has attempted to provide an overview of the ARCS
Model and a systematic approach of motivational design that
can be incorporated into one’s instruction. Pharmaceutical
educators should think about motivation in terms of four major
categories of influence on the motivation to learn, their subcat-
egories and motivational strategies. In the pharmaceutical care
era, teaching pharmacy students is a challenging and rewarding
experience. Pharmaceutical educators can teach, and teach
well, and still students might not learn if their hearts are not in
what we want them to learn. The result is that they may not use
and apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to pro-
vide pharmaceutical care, nor contribute a positive influence to
society, nor pursue the goal of life-long learning. As quoted
earlier, the 1984 Distinguished Pharmacy Educator and the
1979-1980 American Association of College of Pharmacy
(AACP) President Melvin R. Gibson(1) shared that even in the
largest of classes, educators always have the opportunity to
help “plant motivational seeds” to learn and nurture seeds
development through their instruction. Using motivational
design in creating motivational strategies helps pharmacy stu-
dents understand the importance of a lesson or instruction.
Motivational design and strategies should be embraced by
every pharmaceutical educator to enhance student learning and
achievement and skill development.
(1) Gibson, M.R., “Editorial,” Am. J. Pharm. Educ., 23, 286-287(1959).
(2) Pintrich, P.R. and Schunk, D.H., Motivation in education: Theory,
research, and applications. Merrill, Englewood Cliffs NJ (1996).
(3) Keller, J.M.,. “The systematic process of motivational design,”
Performance and Instruction. J., 1-8 (November/December 1987) .
(4) Yelon, S.L., Powerful Principles of Instruction. Longman, White Plains
NY (1996).
(5) Keller, J.M., “Motivation and instructional design: A theoretical perspec-
tive,” J. Instruct. Develop., 2(4), 26-34(1979).
(6) Keller, J.M., “Motivation design of instruction,” in Instructional-Design
Theories and Models: An Overview of Their Current Status, (edit.,
Reigeluth, C.M.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ (1983) pp.
(7) Keller, J.M., “Strategies for stimulating the motivation to learn,”
Performance and Instruction. J., 1-7 (October 1987).
(8) Keller, J.M., “Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational
design,”J. Instruct. Develop., 10(3), 2-10(1987).
(9) Keller, J.M., “The use of the ARCS model of motivation in teacher train-
ing,” in Aspects of Educational Technology Volume XVII: Staff
Development and Career Updating, (edit.,Shaw, K.), Nichols, New York

(10) Visser, J. and Keller, J.M., “The clinical use of motivational message: An
inquiry into the validity of the ARCS model of motivational design,”
Instruct. Science., 19, 467-599(1990).
(11) Hepler, C.D. and Strand, L.M., “Opportunities and responsibilities in
pharmaceutical care,” Am. J. Hosp. Pharm., 47, 533-543(1990).
(12) Manasse, H.R., “Medication use in an imperfect world: Drug misadven-
turing as an issue of public health policy, Part I,” ibid.., 46, 929-
(13) Manasse, H.R., “Medication use in an imperfect world: Drug misadven-
turing as an issue of public health policy, part II,” ibid.., 46, 1141-
(14) Johnson, J.A. and Bootman, J.L., “Drug-related morbidity and mortality,
a cost-of-illness model,” Arch. Intern. Med., 155, 1949-1956(1995).
(15) Burson, C.S., “ The value of pharmaceutical care services,” Pharmacist’s
Letter, 15, 67 (detail number 151201)(1999).
(16) Commission to Implement Change in Pharmaceutical Education,
“Background paper I: What is the mission of pharmaceutical educa-
tion?,” Am. J. Pharm. Educ., 57, 374-376(1993).
(17) Commission to Implement Change in Pharmaceutical Education,
“Background paper II: Entry-level, curricular outcomes, curricular con-
tent and educational process,” ibid.., 57, 377-384(1993).
(18) Keller, J.M. and Suzuki, K., “Use of the ARCS motivation model in
courseware design,” in Instructional Designs for Microcomputer
Courseware, (edit., Jonassen, D.H.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Hillsdale NJ (1988) pp. 401-434.
(19) Keller, J.M. and Kopp, T.W., “An application of the ARCS model of
motivational design,” in Instructional Theories in Action: Lessons
Illustrating Selected Theories and Models., (edit., Reigeluth CM),
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ (1987) pp. 289-320.
(20) Keller, J.M., Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational
design. (Reports Research/Technical 143). East Lansing, MI: National
Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED 313 001)(1983).
(21) Keller, J.M., “ARCS Model modifications - January 20, 1991,” in
Foundations of Instructional Design Theory (EDCI674) Course Manual,
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue University, West
Lafayette IN (1998).
(22) Driscoll, M.P., Psychology of learning for instruction. Allyn & Bacon,
Boston MA (1994).
194 Amer ica n Journal of Pha rma ceu tic al E ducation Vol. 6 4, S umm er 2000
Categories/Subcategories Process questions Motivational strategies
Attention (A)
• create curiosity by using novel approaches, injecting personal and/or
emotional material
• using animation, inverse, flash, sound and other audio and/or visual
capabilities of the audiovisual instruments
• using unusual, humor, contradictory, or bizarre content to stimulate
A. 1. Perceptual arousal
(i.e., capturing student
• What can I do to capture students’
• avoiding dysfunctional attention getting effects such as a flashing
word that distracts the student’s concentration
A.2. Inquiry arousal
(i.e.., stimulating student
• How can I stimulate an attitude of
• stimulate information-seeking behavior by presenting an unsolved
case, posing or having the student generate questions or provide
problem solving opportunities that nurture active thinking challenges
A.3. Variability
(i.e.., maintaining student
• How can I maintain students’
• maintain student attention by varying the elements of instruction (e.g.,
presentation style, using concrete analogies, human interest examples or
unexpected events)
Relevance (R)
R.1. Goal orientation
(i.e.., meeting student
• How can I best meet my student’s
needs/goals? (DoI know their
• provide clear statements or examples that present the objectives and utility of
the instruction, and either present goals for their accomplishment or have the
student define them
• use teaching strategies that match the motivational profile of the students R.2. Motive matching
(i.e.., matching student
interests and learning
• How and when can I provide my
students with appropriate choices,
responsibilities, and influences?
(How and when can I link my
instruction to the learning styles and
personal interests of the students?)
• make instruction responsive to student motives and values by
providing personal achievement opportunities or self-study,
cooperative activities, leadership responsibilities, and exposure to
positive role models
• make the materials and concepts familiar by providing or using
concrete language, examples, concepts, and analogies that are related to
the student’s educational level experience and values
R.3. Familiarity
(i.e.., creating links to
student experiences)
• How can I tie the instruction to the
student’s experiences
• learn and use the students’ names; request for experiences and ideas from
the students
Confidence (C)
• gain the student’s trust and positive expectations by explaining the
prerequisite knowledge, skills, or attitudes that will help him/her
succed at the task
• clearly present or state the instructional goals, objectives, and the
overall structure of the lesson/course
• explain the evaluation criteria and provide opportunities for practice
with feedback without penalty
• tell the student how many items are going to be in a test or drill, and
whether it will be timed, this helps the student anticipate performance
• include statements about the likelihood of success with given amounts
of effort and ability; teach students how to develop a plan of work that
will result in goal accomplishment
C.1. Learning requirements
(i.e., developing a positive
expectation for success)
• How can I assist in building a
positive expectation for success?
• help students set realistic goals
• provide many, varied, and challenging experiences which increase
learning success as the course moves forward
• organize materials and practice exercises on an increasing level of
difficulty - that is structure the materials to provide a conquerable
challenge, over the course life
• match learning requirements to prerequisite knowledge and skills to
prevent excessive challence and anxiety for the less capable
students, or boredom for the more capable ones
C.2. Success opportunities
(i.e.., supporting or support
or enhancing student’s belie
in his/her competence)
• How will the learning experience
enhance the students’ beliefs in their
• provide a pretest at the beginning of the instructional sequence. There
may be a wide variation in students’ entry level of knowledge
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000 195
Categories/Subcategories Process questions Motivational strategies
• to help the student establish a personally meaningful level of
challenge and develop confidence and self-esteem, control difficulty
level by adding a time-limit, varying the speed of the stimulus and
response, or varying the complexity of the situation
• after students have achieved some degree of mastery of a skill or
knowledge areal, they are more likely to be stimulated by competition
and other sources of uncertainty. Insert random events as a means to
reinforce knowledge and skills and not ultimately override the
influences of skill performance during practice or application

• provide student feedback for acceptable responses as well as

constructive feedback for those responses that do not meet criteria
• allow students opportunity to become increasingly independent in
learning and practicing a skill
• have students learn new skills under low risk conditions, and continue
practice performance of well-learned tasks under realistic conditions
• help students understand that the pursuit of excellence does not mean
that anything short of perfection is a failure. Allow them to feel good
about genuine accomplishment
• provide attributional feedback that connects student success to
personal effort and ability rather than through pure luck or ease of task
when appropriate
C.3. Personal responsibility
(i.e.., establishing student’s
effort and ability as his/her
basis for success
• How will the students clearly know
their success is based on their efforts
and abilities?
• encourage student opportunities to verbalize appropriate attributions
for success and failures
Satisfaction (S)
• provide problems, simulations, or work samples that allow students to
realize they can solve “real world” problems
• provide students positive recognition by giving opportunities
to help others who have not yet mastered a task
• acknowledge student actions or characteristics that are necessary for
success, continue these acknowledgements of any risks or challenges
that are lmet
S.1. Natural consequences
(i.e.., intrinsic
• How can I provide meaningful
opportunities for students to use
their newly acquired knowledge
skills? (How can I encourage
and support their intrinsic enjoyment
of the learning experience?)
• nurture student motivation by informing students about areas of
related interest or application of concepts and how students might
continue to pursue to their interest in the topic
• use verbal praise, real or symbolic rewards, and incentives, or allow
students to showcase the results of their effort (“show and tell”) to
reward their success after instruction
• avoid diluting the motivational benefits of feedback (i.e.., providing
too much praise for a rather simple task) but use this frequently when
students are trying to master a new skill
• use extrinsic rewards for correct responses and do not chastise
students for wrong answers, help students understand mistakes as
learning opportunities
• use extrinsic rewards judiciously so that the rewards do not become
more interesting than the instruction itself
S.2. Positive consequences
(i.e.., extrinsic rewards)
• What will provide rewarding
consequences to the student’s
• use reinforcement intermittently as students become more
competent at a task and progress with the instruction
S.3. Equity
(i.e.., demonstrating fair
treatment among students)
• How can I build student perception
of fair treatment
(How can I assist the students in
anchoring a positive feeling about
their accomplishment?)
• make performance requirements consistent with stated expectations
objectives, and/or standards and provide consistent measurement
standards for all student’s tasks, tests, and accomplishments
Adapted from references 3,8,7,18,19,21
196 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000
Citations (30)

References (23)

 ... Many different models for motivation have been developed. Several empirical
studies have stressed that academic achievement is increased by the use of the
ARCS motivation model in the learning process (Feng & Tuan,
2005;Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovich, 2000). ...

... The ARCS model has been applied in many areas such as courseware design,
teacher training, multimedia production, science education and instructional message
design ( Suzuki et al., 2004). Several scholars have noted that the ARCS motivation
model supports the learning process positively (Keller & Suzuki, 1988;Keller,
1992;Suzuki & Keller, 1996;Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovich, 2000). In Li and
Keller's (2018) literature review study about the ARCS motivation model, it was
stated that the ARCS motivation model was mostly used in computer-based
environments. ...

... The results of the research resonate with previous study findings in the digital book
literature. Firstly, the results are consistent with empirical research on the effects of
digital book which found digital books may improve students' achievement (Hakkari,
Yeloglu, Tuysuz & Ilhan, 2017;Weng et al., 2018;Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovich,
2000). In addition, studies have demonstrated that digital books may improve
students' motivation ( Aedo et al., 2000;Hakkari, Yeloglu, Tuysuz & Ilhan, 2017;Kao
et al., 2016). ...

The effects of an ARCS based e-book on student's achievement, motivation and anxiety


 Aug 2018

Yalın Kılıç Türel

Seda Özer Şanal


 ... Motivation is one of such variables which might influence not only teachers' beliefs
but also their behavioural intention and, finally, the actual use of a teaching
methodology. Keller's ARCS model (1987) is one of the most widely mentioned
theories of motivation used in educational research and has been broadly used to
evaluate and to design instructional programmes' motivational stimuli (House,
2003;Chang & Lehman, 2002;Song & Keller, 2001;Wongwiwatthananukit &
Popovick, 2000). Moreover, Keller's ARCS model (1987) is one of the most applied
motivational models in game-based learning (Su & Cheng, 2015). ...



Conference Paper

 Jul 2018

José Marti-Parreño

 María Miquel-Romero

Antonio Sanchez-Mena

 Rosa García-Ferrando


 ... Keller's (1987) ARCS model is one of the most widely mentioned theories of
motivation in education and it has been suggested that should become the standard
by which a game increases learning motivation ( Karoulis & Demetriadis, 2005). In
fact, Keller's (1987) ARCS model has been broadly used to evaluate and design
instructional programs' motivational stimuli ( Chang & Lehman, 2002;House,
2003;Song & Keller, 2001;Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovick, 2000). Keller's (1987
ARCS model has also been tested in computer-based learning ( Huang, Huang,
Diefes-Dux, & Imbrie, 2006) and gamification contexts ( Dempsey & Johnson,
1998;Klein, 1992;Su & Cheng, 2015). ...

Students’ Attitude towards the Use of Educational Video Games to Develop Competencies


 Dec 2017

José Marti-Parreño

 Amparo Galbis-Córdova

María José Miquel

The use of educational video games (EVGs) is gaining momentum as a means to

motivate and to engage students in their learning process. Nevertheless, previous
research is taking for granted that students have a positive attitude towards EVGs
and did not ensure a proper understanding of students’ characteristics that might
influence their attitude towards them. Therefore, this study's main goal is to explore
four students’ characteristics (perceived relevance, perceived confidence, media
affinity, and perceived self-efficacy) that influence students’ attitude towards the use
of EVGs to develop competencies. Using the fsQCA method to analyze data
gathered on a sample of 128 undergraduate students we delve into different
configurations underlying students’ positive and negative attitude towards the use of
EVGs. Main results suggest three configurations leading to a positive attitude with
perceived relevance being a necessary and sufficient condition for students’ positive
attitude towards the use of EVGs to develop their competencies. Four configurations
were found to condition a negative attitude suggesting that equifinality can be
considered when explaining students’ attitude towards the use of EVGs to develop
competencies. Implications for teachers, limitations of the study, and future research
lines are addressed at the end of the paper.


Show abstract

 ... The CME curriculum was designed using the Attention, Relevance, Confidence,
Satisfaction (ARCS) Model of Motivation, an eLearning technique used in online
course development, shown to improve knowledge. 22 This model was selected due
to the emphasis on practical application of nutrition care to patients, a core concept in
the course. Unlike other CME courses, this had the following four main objectives: 1)
Highlight national nutrition recommendations; 2) Introduce and discuss basic nutrition
concepts; 3) "How-to" provide nutrition care for patients including prac- tical
approaches and motivational interviewing techniques; 4) Utilizing a collaborative
healthcare approach with billing codes for reimbursement. ...

Online nutrition and T2DM continuing medical education course launched on state-level
medical association


Full-text available

 Jun 2017
 Kristen K. Hicks
 Peter S. Murano

Objective The purpose of this research study was to determine whether a 1-hour
online continuing medical education (CME) course focused on nutrition for type 2
diabetes would result in a gain in nutrition knowledge by practicing physicians.
Methods A practicing physician and dietitian collaborated to develop an online CME
course (both webinar and self-study versions) on type 2 diabetes. This 1-hour
accredited course was launched through the state-level medical association’s
education library, available to all physicians. Results Physicians (n=43) registered for
the course, and of those, 31 completed the course in its entirety. A gain in knowledge
was found when comparing pre- versus post-test scores related to the online nutrition
CME (P<0.0001). Conclusions Online CME courses launched via state-level medical
associations offer convenient continuing education to assist practicing physicians in
addressing patient nutrition and lifestyle concerns related to chronic disease. The
present diabetes CME one-credit course allowed physicians to develop basic
nutrition care concepts on this topic to assist patients in a better way.


Show abstract

 ... e. Implementing and evaluation of the selected motivation methods. According to

Wongwiwatthananukit and Popovich (2000), this model answers the question of what
kind of a motivation strategy must be developed in order to grab and continue
attention of learners. According to Dede (2003), ARCS Motivation Model, which was
developed for arousing and continuing interest of the students to lessons, considers
motivation factor in teaching. ...

Study of Positivist and Post-Positivist Views based on Instructional Design Models and
Learning Approaches


 Jan 2016
 Selma Korkmaz

Instructional design system is preferred for the acquisition of knowledge in the best
way and permanent learning. Therefore, several models and approaches were
developed in order to achieve the best version of the system. This study determined
efficiency levels of these instructional designs based on positivist and post-positivist
views in the light of information in the literature considering ARCS, ADDIE, ASSURE,
Project-based Learning, Problem-based Learning and Cognitive Apprenticeship. As a
result, it was found out that post-positivist view must be used more in order to provide
educational success of students. It was also concluded that considering the
characteristics of examined models and approaches, education will be more
successful when these models and approaches of different views are combined.


Show abstract

 ... It has been suggested that Keller's ARCS model should become the standard by
which games increase learning motivation (Karoulis & Demetriadis, 2005). In fact,
Keller's ARCS model has been widely used to evaluate and design instructional
programs' motivational stimuli (House, 2003;Chang & Lehman, 2002;Song & Keller,
2001;Wongwiwatthananukit & Popovick, 2000) and has also been tested in
computer-based learning (Huang et al., 2006) and gamification contexts (Su &
Cheng, 2015;Dempsey & Johnson, 1998;Klein, 1992). Therefore, it is widely
accepted that the ARCS model is suitable to investigate motivational issues in
gamification contexts (Astleitner & Wiesner, 2004). ...

Higher education students’ attitude towards the use of gamification for competencies


Full-text available

 Jan 2017
 Amparo Galbis-Córdova

José Marti-Parreño

Rafael Currás Pérez

Gamification is gaining momentum as an educational innovation to motivate and to

engage students in their learning process. Nevertheless students' beliefs towards
educational methodologies can affect both their motivation and attitude towards a
given educational methodology. This study main goal is to explore key drivers of
students' attitude towards the use of gamification as an educational methodology to
develop their competencies. Using Keller's ARCS model (1987) a research model is
developed and tested via Partial Least Squares (PLS) on a sample of 128
undergraduate students enrolled in a private Higher Education institution in Spain.
Main results suggest that perceived attention, perceived relevance, and perceived
confidence influence in a direct and positive way students' attitude towards the use of
online educational video games to develop their competencies. Both attention and
confidence also affects students' perceived relevance of online educational video
games as a suitable means to develop their competencies. Managerial for citations:
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society Je-LKS


Show abstract

 Wybrane aspekty szkolnego uczenia się (345 s.).

Full-text available

 Jan 2015
 Aleksander Sztejnberg

Tadeusz Jasinski

Treści zawarte w niniejszej książce są skierowane do studentów Pedagogiki i

kierunków nauczycielskich oraz do nauczycieli na różnych szczeblach edukacji, w
tym nauczycieli akademickich. Idea jej powstania miała swoje korzenie w analizie
praktyki nauczania i uczenia się w szkołach i na wyższej uczelni. Książka jest
adresowana przede wszystkim do czytelników pragnących pogłębić wiedzę w
zakresie wybranych zagadnień szkolnego uczenia się. Zostały one zgrupowane w
pięciu rozdziałach. Na strukturę książki, poza wymienionymi rozdziałami, składa się
również wstęp, zakończenie oraz spis literatury przedmiotu wykorzystanej przy jej
pisaniu. W książce ukazano wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w
Uniwersytecie Opolskim, Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Zawodowej im. Angelusa
Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu oraz Szkole Wyższej im. Pawła Włodkowica w Płocku z
wykorzystaniem różnych narzędzi badawczych, bazujących na modelach
wykorzystywanych do identyfikacji nauczycielskich stylów nauczania i uczniowskich
stylów uczenia się oraz w pomiarze jakości usługi edukacyjnej. Przedstawiono w
książce także przykłady takich narzędzi badawczych.


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 Jan 2015

Gülsün Karsli


Increasing students acadamic skills by conducting learning-teaching process
efficiently is assaciated with a lot of consepts. Students’ motivation level and attitudes
towards the lesson is one of the most significant ones. In this study, the effects of
Arcs motivation model on students’ attitude, motivation and academic success is
conducted. In this study mixed research methods are used. In the quantitative portion
of the study; To determine the efficacy of two different teaching methods "quasi-
experimental design" is used. While teaching in the experimental group, the lessons
of Cell Division and inheritence were designed in accordance with ARCS motivation
learning methods, teacher-centered teaching was carried in the control group by the
same teacher. The application process of the research took place seven weeks
during a total of 28 hours of application. In the study data were collected with four
different measurement tools, including academic achievement test, attitude scale for
science, science and student motivation scale interviews (interview) forms. The study
was conducted with experimental and control groups of students who are educated in
a state primary school at 8th level (N=242). Out of seven 8th classes: 3 classes were
chosen as experimental group and 4 classes were chosen as control group without
any bias. Quantitative data of the research were analysed with SPSS-20 (Statictical
Package for Social Sciences program, Version 20) while the qualitative data
frequency and themes based on content analysis were expressed as percentages.
While the experimental and control groups were compared at the end of the
research, their performances before and after the study were compared as well.
While a significant difference in the performance of experimental group before and
after the study was found. There was not a significant change in the performance of
control group. On gender base, it was identified that girls were more motivated than
boys in this model. The students expressed positive remarks on behalf of the model
by expressing that ‘the model supports active learning, increases their motivation,
makes the lesson more enjoyable, provides easy learning, boosts their desire for
learning and provides self-confidence.’ In the study, statistically significant difference
between the average scores of both experimental and control group have been found
and it is found out after the study that both groups developed positive attitude
towards the course. While comparing both groups in terms of academic achievement,
statistically significant difference was found in favor of the experimental group. Hence
it can be claimed that the ARCS Motivation model has a positive impact in increasing
students’ attitude towards the lesson and their academic success.


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 Implementation of the Arcs Model to Promote Tertiary Level Students’ Achievement in

Learning Biodiversity Subjects


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 May 2018
 J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.

Nadia Nisha Musa

 Nur Atirah Hasmi

 Zulfadli Mahfodz

Hasnun Nita Ismail


 Carrol'un okulda öğrenme modeli


Full-text available

 Jan 2016

Engin Baysen

 Fatma Baysen


 How to implement pharmaceutical care services


 Sep 2004
 M. Mercadé
 M. Carbonell


 Powerful principles of instruction

 Sep 1998
 Perform Improv

Stephen Yelon

 Tasha Zurick


 Motivation in education: Theory


 P. R. Pintrich
 D. H. Schunk


 Development and Use of the ARCS Model of Motivational Design


 Jan 1987
 J Instr Dev
 John M. Keller

Describes development of the ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction)

model, a method for improving the motivational appeal of instructional materials.
Strategies to identify and solve problems with learning motivation are explained, and
two case studies are presented that tested the usefulness of the ARCS model in
inservice teacher education programs. (LRW)


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 Motivation In Education: Theory, Research, and Applications


 Jan 1996
 Paul R. Pintrich

Dale Schunk


 An application of the ARCS Model of Motivational Design.


 Jan 1987
 John M. Keller
 Thomas W. Kopp

overview of the ARCS model (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights


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 Use of the ARCS Motivational Model in Courseware Design


 Jan 1988

John M Keller

Katsuaki Suzuki

describe a systematic approach to designing the motivational aspects of courseware

/ the ARCS Model description of specific categories of strategies within the ARCS
Model description of the motivational strategies that would typically be associated
with the various parts of a characteristic piece of instructional software summary of
strategies presented in a tabular format attention / relevance / confidence /
satisfaction issues / motivational objectives / audience analysis (PsycINFO Database
Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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 Strategies for Stimulating the Motivation To Learn


 Oct 1987
 John M. Keller


 The Systematic Process of Motivational Design


 Nov 1987
 John M. Keller


 The Clinical Use of Motivational Messages: An Inquiry into the Validity of the ARCS Model
of Motivational Design


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 Nov 1990

Jan Visser

 John M. Keller

Instruction, even when prepared according to sound instructional design principles,

often does not stimulate students' motivation to learn. A motivational intervention,
developed according to the processes outlined inthe ARCS model of motivational
design, was implemented and tested following the conventions of an embedded
single-case study. It was tested with a group of 15 adults participating in a staff
development course conducted within the Mozambique Ministry of Education.
Results, based on concurrent and discriminant analysis of both quantitative and
qualitative data, indicated that the primary treatment, motivational messages, had
positive effects on student attitude and performance. It may be concluded that the
specific intervention and the ARCS model which provided the basis for designing it
provide a sound basis for positively influencing student motivation to learn.


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