Hypertension in Pregnancy: Pathophysiology and Treatment: Stephanie Braunthal and Andrei Brateanu
Hypertension in Pregnancy: Pathophysiology and Treatment: Stephanie Braunthal and Andrei Brateanu
Hypertension in Pregnancy: Pathophysiology and Treatment: Stephanie Braunthal and Andrei Brateanu
SMO0010.1177/2050312119843700SAGE Open MedicineBraunthal and Brateanu
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, an umbrella term that includes preexisting and gestational hypertension, preeclampsia,
and eclampsia, complicate up to 10% of pregnancies and represent a significant cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity
and mortality. Despite the differences in guidelines, there appears to be consensus that severe hypertension and non-severe
hypertension with evidence of end-organ damage need to be controlled; yet the ideal target ranges below 160/110 mmHg
remain a source of debate. This review outlines the definition, pathophysiology, goals of therapy, and treatment agents used
in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Hypertension, pregnancy, gestational hypertension
•• Non-severe hypertension. Any values between SBP Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA
140–159 mmHg and DBP 90–109 mmHg. Sometimes
Corresponding author:
this category as a whole is termed “mild,” or it is fur- Andrei Brateanu, Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic,
ther broken down into mild (140–149/90–99 mmHg) NA10, 9500 Euclid, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA.
and moderate (150–159/100–109 mmHg).13 Email: abratean@ccf.org
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Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open
Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
Categories Chronic Hypertension Chronic hypertension Pre-existing hypertension Pre-existing (chronic) Chronic hypertension Preeclampsia - eclampsia Chronic hypertension
Preeclampsia-eclampsia Gestational hypertension Gestational hypertension hypertension - Essential Gestational Gestational
Chronic hypertension Preeclampsia Preeclampsia - With comorbid condition(s) - Secondary hypertension hypertension
with superimposed (includes non-severe Pre-existing hypertension - With evidence of preeclampsia White-coat hypertension Chronic hypertension Preeclampsia
preeclampsia preeclampsia, severe plus superimposed Gestational hypertension Masked hypertension - Essential Severe preeclampsia
Gestational preeclampsia, HELLP gestational hypertension - With comorbid condition(s) Gestational hypertension - Secondary Eclampsia
hypertension syndrome, eclampsia) with proteinuria - With evidence of preeclampsia Transient gestational White Coat HELLP
Antenatally unclassifiable Preeclampsia hypertension Preeclampsia
hypertension Other hypertensive effects Preeclampsia – de novo superimposed on
- Transient hypertensive effect or superimposed on chronic hypertension
- White-coat hypertensive effect chronic hypertension
- Masked hypertensive effect
Definitions Hypertension: Hypertension: Hypertension: Hypertension: Hypertension: Hypertension: Hypertension:
SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/ BP ⩾ 140/90 mmHg SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/or SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/or SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/ SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/ SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/
or DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg, Severe: DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg, measured at or DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg, or DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg or DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg
measured at least 4 h BP ⩾ 160/110 mmHg Mild: least 15 min apart confirmed over a few measured several Mild:
apart BP 140–159/90–109 Severe: hours hours apart BP 140–149/90–99
Severe: mmHg SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg and/or Severe: Severe: mmHg
SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg and/ Severe: DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg and/ SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg or Moderate:
or DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg, SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg or or DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg, DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg BP 150–159/100–109
measured at least 4 h DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg confirmed within 15 min mmHg
apart Emergent: Severe:
SBP ⩾ 170 mmHg or SBP ⩾ 160/110 mmHg
DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg
BP: blood pressure; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HELLP: hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count.
SAGE Open Medicine
Braunthal and Brateanu 3
•• Chronic/pre-existing hypertension. Hypertension dis- same, rather than standardized.20 The International Society of
covered preconception or prior to 20 weeks’ the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) identified
gestation. this as one of the factors for the range of controversies sur-
•• Gestational hypertension. Hypertension that appears rounding the treatment of hypertension during pregnancy and
de novo after 20 weeks’ gestation and normalizes after appointed a committee to address them beginning in 1998.21
pregnancy. Reviewing various international guidelines, definitions are
•• Preeclampsia-eclampsia. De novo hypertension after more standardized; however, there are still discrepancies in
20 weeks’ gestation accompanied by at least one of sphygmomanometer intervals that define hypertension, pre-
the following: cise definitions of proteinuria, the terms used to characterize
|| Proteinuria; blood pressure in the non-severe range, and even terminology
|| Other features of maternal organ dysfunction, includ- used to classify the hypertensive disorders themselves.3–10 All
ing acute kidney injury (creatinine ⩾90 µmol/L; of this reflects that the understanding of hypertensive disor-
1 mg/dL), liver involvement (elevated alanine ders of pregnancy remains fluid and that further research is
aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase required before an universal consensus is reached on how to
>40 IU/L) with or without right upper quadrant or treat these disorders.
epigastric abdominal pain, neurological complica- One important aspect of diagnosing and managing hyper-
tions (such as eclampsia, altered mental status, blind- tension in pregnancy is ruling out secondary causes. These
ness, stroke, clonus, severe headaches, and persistent can add to both the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortal-
visual scotomata), and hematological complications ity. Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) of
(decreased platelet count <150,000/μL, dissemi- hospitalizations for delivery between 1995 and 2008 showed
nated intravascular coagulation, hemolysis); that of the patients with chronic hypertension (1.15% of the
|| Uteroplacental dysfunction (such as fetal growth sampled population), 11.2% had secondary causes.
restriction, abnormal umbilical artery Doppler Secondary hypertension had higher odds of adverse maternal
wave form analysis, or stillbirth). and fetal outcomes when compared to essential hypertension
(odds ratio (OR), 11.92 vs 10.18 for preeclampsia, 51.07 vs
•• Chronic/pre-existing hypertension with superimposed 13.14 for acute renal failure, 4.36 vs 2.89 for spontaneous
preeclampsia-eclampsia. Chronic hypertension as delivery < 37 weeks).22 Examples of secondary forms of
defined above, that develops signs and symptoms of hypertension are chronic kidney disease (most common
preeclampsia or eclampsia after 20 weeks’ gestation. cause), hyperaldosteronism, renovascular disease, obstruc-
tive sleep apnea, Cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytoma,
The ESC suggests that gestational hypertension should thyroid disease, rheumatologic diseases (e.g. scleroderma or
resolve within 42 days postpartum, which is the puerperal mixed connective tissue disease), and coarctation of the
period, and that preexisting hypertension persists beyond aorta; lack of understanding on how to diagnose and treat
this period;5 however, many investigators support the con- these conditions during pregnancy may lead to a higher mor-
cept that pregnancy hypertension may be termed chronic bidity and mortality.23 While the diagnosis and treatment of
hypertension if it persists beyond 12 weeks after delivery.17,18 each of these individual causes is outside of the scope of this
ESC also includes a category “antenatally unclassifiable article, it should be noted that many of the disorders have
hypertension” as that which arises before 20 weeks, but has overlapping features with preeclampsia. The hormonal dis-
not yet been evaluated after 42 days postpartum for final orders often have different thresholds for diagnosis in preg-
classification.5 There are a few other discrepancies across nant patients, and if indicated, surgical interventions often
guidelines as well. Several societies include “White Coat need to be planned around gestational age.23
Hypertension”6–9 and the specific preeclampsia spectrum
disorders (e.g. eclampsia and hemolysis, elevated liver
Cardiovascular physiology
enzymes, low platelet count (HELLP)).4,10 The Society of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada also character- The hormonal changes of pregnancy induce significant adapta-
ize their chronic and gestational hypertension as “with” or tions in the cardiovascular physiology of the mother.24
“without comorbidities.”6 Beginning early in the first trimester, there are surges of estro-
As noted previously, there remain terminology and defini- gen, progesterone, and relaxin (hormone that, like progester-
tion discrepancies across international guidelines.3–10 one, mediates nitric oxide release), leading to systemic
Hypertension itself has been defined over the years by dias- vasodilation.25–27 Concurrently, the renin–angiotensin–aldos-
tolic or systolic readings alone, as well as by changes in pres- terone system (RAAS) is augmented to engender salt and water
sures throughout pregnancy.19 Cutoffs for what is considered retention, leading to an expansion in plasma volume.28 This,
severe hypertension have been different. Semantics have combined with an increased ventricular wall mass, leads to an
clinical implications, and systematic reviews often have to increased stroke volume.29 The expansion in plasma blood vol-
compare studies or populations, which are inferred to be the ume also results in a physiologic anemia, as the rate of increase
4 SAGE Open Medicine
is faster than that of the increase in red blood cell mass.30 In is understood to be secondary to the placenta outgrowing its
order to compensate for the aforementioned systemic vasodila- own circulation.40 It is worth mentioning that EOPE is more
tion and physiologic anemia, heart rate raises.29 The combina- frequently associated with fetal growth restriction than
tion of elevated stroke volume and tachycardia leads to an LOPE, due to a longer duration of placental dysfunction.29
increase in cardiac output during pregnancy, which compen- During the postpartum period, up to 27.5% of the women
sates for the decline in vascular resistance in order to maintain may develop de novo hypertension. This is due to several
blood pressure at high enough levels for maternal and placental factors, including mobilization of fluid from the interstitial
perfusion.29 A meta-analysis of 39 studies (1479 women) to intravascular space, administration of fluids and vasoac-
reviewing cardiac output data for healthy singleton pregnan- tive agents. The shift of fluids increases the stroke volume
cies demonstrated that average increases in cardiac output, and cardiac output up to 80%, followed by a compensatory
heart rate, and stroke volumes were 31%, 24%, and 13% of mechanism of diuresis and vasodilation, which softens the
non-pregnant values at their peaks, while systemic vascular rise in blood pressure.35
resistance at its nadir was 30% below that of non-pregnant The pathophysiology of hypertension in pregnancy
patients.31 Peaks for cardiac output and heart rate, as well as the becomes particularly relevant when reviewing the current
nadir for systemic vascular resistance, were early in the third state of adjunct therapies to antihypertensives that may help
trimester, whereas the peak for stroke volume was early in the prevent preeclampsia.
second trimester, with trends toward pre-pregnancy values as
they got closer to term.31 As expected, due to incomplete com-
Target blood pressure
pensation of cardiac output for the amount of systemic vasodi-
lation perfusion,29 the mean arterial blood pressure was There is no debate that blood pressure needs to be controlled
generally lower than pre-pregnancy pressure, with its nadir at to less than 160/110 mmHg.3–10 As noted previously, pregnant
an average of 8 mmHg (9%) below baseline during the second women are at a higher risk of central nervous system compli-
trimester.31 As such, it is plausible that women with hyperten- cations from hypertension than non-pregnant women,15 and a
sion preconception may naturally fall out of the indicated treat- cross-sectional study of more than 81 million pregnancy hos-
ment range during pregnancy. pitalizations found that hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
increase the risk of stroke 5.2-fold.41 In addition, a subgroup
analysis of the Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study
Pathophysiology of hypertension (CHIPS) confirmed that severe hypertension was associated
Any hypertensive disorder of pregnancy can result in preec- with higher rates of maternal death, pregnancy loss or high-
lampsia. It occurs in up to 35% of women with gestational level neonatal care for >48 h, small-for-gestational age
hypertension32 and up to 25% of those with chronic hyper- (SGA), preterm delivery, and a variety of other poor obstetric
tension.17,33 The underlying pathophysiology that upholds outcomes compared to those with non-severe hypertension.
this transition to, or superposition of, preeclampsia is not This was regardless of preeclampsia status.42
well understood; however, it is thought to be related to a How aggressively to treat non-severe hypertension remains
mechanism of reduced placental perfusion inducing sys- controversial. This is evident when reviewing various guide-
temic vascular endothelial dysfunction.34 This arises due to a lines, which range from recommending treatment for all women
less effective cytotrophoblastic invasion of the uterine spiral with blood pressure ⩾ 140/90 mmHg4 to allowing blood pres-
arteries.35 The resultant placental hypoxia induces a cascade sure to run as high as 160/110 mmHg before treating.3,12 The
of inflammatory events, disrupting the balance of angiogenic British guidelines and the ACOG Bulletin endorse targeting
factors, and inducing platelet aggregation, all of which result diastolic pressure above 80 mmHg to maintain the uteroplacen-
in endothelial dysfunction manifested clinically as the preec- tal blood flow.3,10 Many endorse a stricter control in patients
lampsia syndrome.35,36 Angiogenic imbalances associated with evidence of end-organ damage, though there is no consen-
with the development of preeclampsia include decreased sus as to just how tight it should be.3,5,6,8,10
concentrations of angiogenic factors such as the vascular The differences are due to the paucity of data that clearly
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placental growth fac- delineate benefits and risks of different degrees of blood
tor (PIGF) and increased concentration of their antagonist, pressure control. The most recent Cochrane systematic
the placental soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1).37,38 review of antihypertensive medications for mild to moderate
Impeding the binding of VEGF and PIGF to their receptors hypertension during pregnancy analyzed 31 trials (3485
is a factor in the reduction of nitric oxide synthesis, a crucial women) comparing different antihypertensives to placebo or
factor in vascular remodeling and vasodilation, which may no treatment, and 29 trials (2774 women) comparing one
otherwise be able to ameliorate placental ischemia.39 Early- antihypertensive to another. It concluded that the use of anti-
onset preeclampsia (EOPE), occurring before 34 weeks of hypertensives halves the number of women who develop
gestation, is thought to be primarily caused by the syncytio- severe hypertension and has minimal, if any, effects on baby
trophoblast stress leading to poor placentation, whereas late- death at any time up through the first 28 days, the develop-
onset preeclampsia (LOPE), occurring at or after 34 weeks, ment of preeclampsia, preterm delivery (<37 weeks), or
Braunthal and Brateanu 5
SGA. There was insufficient data on the effect on maternal trial is expected to recruit 4700 participants, which is almost
outcomes. Unfortunately, most of the studies were small; five times that of CHIPS.47 Given that almost 75% of the
there was variety in how mild, moderate, and severe hyper- participants included in the analysis of CHIPS had chronic
tension were defined; there was heterogeneity in regard to hypertension,45 the results of CHAP will likely be able to
whether studies recruited participants with chronic, gesta- corroborate or contest those of CHIPS, despite a study design
tional, proteinuric, and non-proteinuric hypertension; SGA that is not identical. If the treatment arm of CHAP ends up
was defined differently across protocols.20 Other meta-anal- proving non-inferior, or even beneficial, there will likely
yses which stratified proteinuric hypertension and chronic need to be follow-up analysis regarding the safety and ben-
hypertension also could not find significant differences in efits of controlling blood pressure in pregnancy at the lower
maternal-fetal outcomes when control was tighter and found pressures dictated in the updated 2017 AHA/ACC blood
similar study limitations to the aforementioned Cochrane pressure control guidelines.
review.43,44 Furthermore, it is difficult to extrapolate the data
to modern practice, as 45% of the participants studied
Home blood pressure monitoring
received agents not routinely used anymore for managing
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (e.g. atenolol, acebuto- A diagnosis of hypertension in pregnancy warrants closer
lol, oxprenolol, pindolol, bendroflumethiazide, hydrochloro- monitoring, particularly if it is diagnosed after 20 weeks’
thiazide, ketanserin). In addition, beta-blockers are no longer gestation.3,12 Home blood pressure recording is being exam-
first-line agents to treat hypertension outside of pregnancy, ined as a means of improving monitoring during this period
and the dose of bendroflumethiazide used in the included and detecting white coat hypertension, masked hypertension,
study was higher (5–10 mg daily) than the 2.5 mg dose used and sustained hypertension. The first role of home blood
today.44 pressure monitoring is in confirming the diagnosis of hyper-
The CHIPS, a randomized controlled, open, multi- tension. While the exact prevalence of white coat hyperten-
center, international trial, was designed to prevent the defi- sion, elevated blood pressure in the office not present at
cits from prior studies. The study randomized approximately home, is not known, the ACOG recommends ambulatory
1000 women with nonproteinuric, preexisting, or gesta- blood pressure monitoring for those patients in whom it is
tional hypertension (defined as DBP of 90–105 mmHg or suspected.12 Some studies suggest that the rates are not insig-
85–105 mmHg if on antihypertensive medications) to nificant. A prospective observational study found that 32%
“less-tight-control” versus “tight-control” (target DBP of the 155 participants diagnosed with chronic hypertension
100 mmHg vs 85 mmHg, respectively). The composite pri- after conception had white coat hypertension as confirmed
mary outcome (pregnancy loss or high levels neonatal care by 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.48 Another
for more than 48 h during the first 28 days) and secondary study found that approximately 60% of the 60 patients diag-
outcomes (serious maternal complication in the first nosed with hypertension in the office during the second tri-
6 weeks postpartum) were similar in both arms. The only mester had white coat hypertension.49 One study using
significant finding was that severe hypertension developed ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in 121 patients diag-
more in the “less-tight-control” group than in the “tight- nosed with gestational hypertension or preeclampsia sug-
control” group.45 Experts continue to remain conflicted gests that the prevalence of the white coat effect is
about how to apply these findings, though two subgroup significantly lower, with less than 5% of these patients hav-
analyses suggest that there is both maternal and perinatal ing either systolic or diastolic white coat hypertension.50 In
benefit to preventing severe hypertension.42,46 addition, home blood pressure monitoring may identify
The Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy (CHAP) pro- masked hypertension, when blood pressure is normal in the
ject, an even larger, multicenter randomized controlled trial, clinic but elevated at home. A systematic review and indi-
is currently underway in the United States. The study is vidual patient data meta-analysis found masked hyperten-
recruiting pregnant women with chronic hypertension who sion in 3.2%, 1.6%, 2.9%, and 5.7% of self-monitoring
are either untreated or on monotherapy, with blood pressure patients at 5–14, 15–22, 23–32, and 33–42 weeks gestation,
ranging between 140–159/90–104 mmHg. Patients are rand- respectively.51 The second role of blood pressure monitoring
omized to the “anti-hypertensive therapy” arm to control is in improving convenience for patients who need extra
their blood pressure to <140/90 mmHg, or the “no anti- monitoring. One case–control study of 166 pregnant hyper-
hypertensive or low dose therapy” arm, with the goal of tensive women found that those who used home blood pres-
maintaining a blood pressure <160/105 mmHg; antihyper- sure monitoring had fewer outpatient visits than those who
tensives are only given in small enough doses to maintain did not, without any change in outcomes.52 For those at risk
pressures just below this threshold. Primary outcomes will for adverse perinatal outcomes, home blood pressure moni-
be composite adverse perinatal outcomes up to 2 weeks post- toring may play a role in earlier diagnosis of hypertensive
partum (fetal and neonatal death, preeclampsia with severe disorders of pregnancy. In one prospective cohort study, 200
features, placental abruption, and preterm labor < 35 weeks pregnant women with risk factors for preeclampsia were
gestation) and SGA (<10th percentile birth weight). The asked to take two blood pressure readings twice daily three
6 SAGE Open Medicine
times per week. Of those who self-monitored (74% compli- treated with magnesium sulfate, compared sublingual nifedi-
ant until 20 weeks’ gestation and 66% until 36 weeks’ gesta- pine to intravenous nitroglycerin. The study showed a greater
tion), 23 were diagnosed with gestational hypertension or and faster hypotensive response, with less variability in the
preeclampsia, and 9 of those patients had elevated home nitroglycerin group, and no significant changes in fetal heart
blood pressure readings before they were found with an ele- rate in response to the vasodilator therapy, with similar peri-
vated blood pressure reading in the clinic.53 Finally, the natal fetal-maternal adverse effects in both groups.60
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring might predict fetal Severe hypertension in pregnancy without end-organ
growth restriction better than the readings in the office.54 complications is considered, as in the non-pregnant state, a
It is important to note that while home blood pressure medical “urgency.” Blood pressure needs to be reduced to
monitoring may be important, the readings must be validated less than 160/110 mmHg, with an initial reduction of less
with those of the office sphygmomanometer. A systematic than 25% in the first hours of treatment, and a more gradual
review of the accuracy of blood pressure devices in preg- decrease in the following hours. A more forceful reduction
nancy noted that only some of the ambulatory monitoring may place the fetus at risk for underperfusion, considering
devices pass validation protocols.55 Another study compar- that the fetoplacental unit cannot autoregulate blood flow. In
ing consecutive blood pressures by validated and non-vali- contrast, severe hypertension associated with end-organ
dated automated blood pressure cuffs to sphygmomanometer complications such as pulmonary edema or acute kidney
readings in 127 pregnant patients showed that 69% of sys- injury is considered an “emergency” and the blood pressure
tolic and 77% of diastolic readings were within 5 mmHg of needs to be decreased much faster.32
their manual standard and recommended that patients vali- There is insufficient evidence to support a specific blood
date their home monitors in the office prior to use at home.56 pressure target in women with preeclampsia and cerebrovas-
cular or renal complications. The degree of hypertension at
which to institute therapy is the subject of many controversies.
Treatment of choice—severe Most guidelines recommend starting therapy at a blood pres-
hypertension sure level above 150/100 mmHg, while others recommend
Historically, a variety of agents have been used to acutely treatment only for blood pressure over 160/110 mmHg.3,6,10
lower blood pressure, including hydralazine, various calcium Failure to intensively treat SBP was associated with maternal
channel blockers, methyldopa, diazoxide, prostacyclin, ket- deaths from cerebral hemorrhage and aortic dissection.61
anserin urapidil, prazosin, isosorbide, and even magnesium However, the risk of placental underperfusion is a real con-
sulfate.57 Most commonly used in recent years are intrave- cern, especially with levels below 110/80 and such reduction
nous hydralazine, intravenous labetalol, and calcium channel in blood pressure should be avoided.
blockers (in particular short-acting oral nifedipine; Table 2).58 In preeclampsia associated with pulmonary edema, ESC
Hydralazine may fall out of favor, as two meta-analyses, recommends the use of nitroglycerin given as an intravenous
one including 35 studies (3573 women) and another with 21 infusion.62 Blood pressure should be reduced at a rate of
trials (893 women), have demonstrated that pregnant women approximately 30 mmHg over 3–5 min, followed by a slower
taking calcium channel blockers were less likely to have per- rate to a target blood pressure of approximately 140/90 mmHg.63
sistent high blood pressure when compared to those treated The postpartum care of women with preeclampsia
with hydralazine.57,59 One review also suggested that hydrala- includes strict monitoring of blood pressure and clinical con-
zine was associated with an overall increase in adverse mater- ditions. Previous medications should be continued when
nal hypotension, cesarean sections, placental abruption, blood pressure is elevated and withdrawn slowly over days
oliguria, and more adverse effects on fetal heart rate and low when blood pressure normalizes. Blood pressure medica-
1-min Apgar scores compared to other antihypertensive med- tions may need to be discontinued if BP < 110/70 mmHg or
ications.59 Attempts have been made to compare oral nifedi- patient is symptomatic.8
pine to IV labetalol, but the most recent meta-analysis of
seven studies (363 mother–infant pairs) only found a statisti- •• Adjunct measures to the treatment of severe hyperten-
cally significant reduction in reported maternal side effects in sion in preeclampsia.
those treated with nifedipine (relative risk (RR), 0.57; 95%
confidence interval (CI), 0.35–0.94); there was no statisti- In patients with preeclampsia with severe features (e.g. severe
cally significant difference in control of persistent hyperten- hypertension and proteinuria or hypertension and neurological
sion, maternal morbidity or mortality, or fetal and neonatal complications), or eclampsia, it is recommended that magne-
outcomes.58 As such, all three agents continue to be recom- sium sulfate be given for seizure prophylaxis.3 This measure
mended by international guidelines,3–7,9,10 and the ACOG cur- was established by the Magpie Trial, a randomized placebo-
rently has suggested protocols for all three agents in their controlled trial, in which over 10,000 women were either given
2019 practice bulletin (Table 3).3 It is worth mentioning that magnesium sulfate or placebo upon diagnosis of a blood pres-
a triple-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, in a small popula- sure of >140/90 mmHg and proteinuria of at least 30 mg/dL,
tion (34 patients) diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and which showed a 58% reduced risk of eclampsia, and improved
Table 2. Hypertension treatment in pregnancy.
American College Hypertension Canada4 European Society of Cardiology Society of Obstetricians International Society for the Society of Obstetric Royal College of
Braunthal and Brateanu
of Obstetricians and 2018 (ESC)5 and Gynaecologists of Study of Hypertension in Medicine of Australia and Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG)3 2018 Canada (SOGC)6 Pregnancy (ISSHP)7,8 New Zealand (SOMANZ)9 Gynaecologists
2019 2014 2018 2014 (RCOG)10
Indications for Persistent SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg Any BP ⩾ 140/90 mmHg Emergent: SBP ⩾ 170 mmHg or Severe: SBP ⩾ 160 mmHg Urgent lowering: SBP ⩾ 160 >140–160/90–100 mmHg Uncomplicated
treatment and/or DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg Target to DBP 85 mmHg DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg and/or DBP ⩾ 110 mmHg mmHg and/or DBP ⩾ Urgent lowering: hypertension: ⩾
Comorbidities/end-organ Urgent lowering: Persistent elevation ⩾ 150/95 mmHg Non-severe: 110 mmHg SBP ⩾ 170 mmHg 150/100 mmHg
damage: >140/90 mmHg ⩾160/110 mmHg >140/90 mmHg in women Without comorbid If SBP ⩾ 140 mmHg and/or Target-organ damage:
(per 2013 guidelines) with gestational hypertension, conditions: 130–155/80– DBP ⩾ 90 mmHg lowering ⩾140/90 mmHg
pre-existing hypertension 105 mmHg to a target DBP 85 mmHg
with superimposed gestational With comorbid conditions: and a target SBP < 160
hypertension, subclinical organ <140/90 mmHg mmHg (optimal SBP
damage or symptoms 110–140 mmHg)
Recommended IV labetalol Does not comment on 1st line: 1st line: PO Nifedipine IR 1st line 1st line:
treatment for IV Hydralazine agents IV labetalol IV labetalol IV labetalol IV labetalol PO labetalol
urgent/severe PO Nifedipine immediate- PO methyldopa IV Hydralazine IV hydralazine PO Nifedipine In critical care:
release (IR) PO Nifedipine PO Nifedipine IR IV hydralazine IV labetalol
2nd line: 2nd line: IV Diazoxide IV hydralazine
IV hydralazine IV Nitroglycerin 2nd line: PO nifedipine IR
IV urapidil PO methyldopa IV Nitroprusside
3rd line: PO labetalol IV Nitroglycerin
IV Nitroprusside PO clonidine
IV Nitroglycerin 3rd line:
IV Nitroprusside
Recommended 1st line: 1st line: 1st line: “Most commonly used”: 1st line: 1st line: 1st line:
treatment for Labetalol Labetalol Methyldopa Methyldopa Methyldopa Methyldopa Labetalol
non-urgent/ Nifedipine ER Methyldopa Beta-blockers (most data available Labetalol Labetalol Labetalol 2nd line:
outpatient Methyldopa Long-acting nifedipine on labetalol) Calcium channel blockers Oxprenolol Oxprenalol Methyldopa
(All 2nd line: Other beta-blockers Calcium channel blockers (most data (nifedipine XL) Nifedipine 2nd line: Nifedipine long acting
formulations Hydrochlorothiazide (acebutolol, metoprolol, available on nifedipine) Beta-blockers (acebutolol, Diltiazem Hydralazine Avoid ACE
are oral) Avoid atenolol and ACE pindolol, propranolol) Avoid ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and metoprolol, pindolol, 2nd or 3rd Line Nifedipine slow release inhibitors, ARBs, and
inhibitors or ARBs 2nd line: direct renin inhibitors propranolol) Hydralazine Prazosin chlorothiazide
Clonidine Avoid diuretics unless oliguric Avoid ACE inhibitors and Prazosin Avoid ACE inhibitors,
Hydralazine ARBs ARBs, diuretics, and
Thiazide diuretics atenolol
Avoid ACE inhibitors
and ARBs
BP: blood pressure; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; PO: Per Os; IV: intravenous; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB: angiotensin receptor blockers.
8 SAGE Open Medicine
Adapted from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Practice Bulletin Number 2019.3,12
maternal mortality in those who received magnesium sulfate.64 demonstrated that the effects of aspirin are dose dependent
This was confirmed in a study that demonstrated that women and also correlated with the gestational age at which the
with severe preeclampsia had a lower incidence of seizure aspirin is initiated. when initiated at <16 weeks and at
when given magnesium sulfate than those who were given higher doses, aspirin was more effective at preventing preec-
nimodipine, a calcium channel blocker.65 Of note, those who lampsia, severe preeclampsia, and fetal growth restriction,
received magnesium were more likely to require hydralazine whereas there was a smaller chance of preventing preec-
for blood pressure control.65 The indications for using magne- lampsia, and no effect on severe preeclampsia or fetal growth
sium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis in patients with preec- restriction seen if it was initiated after 16 weeks; there was
lampsia without severe features is more controversial and also no dose effect when initiated later in the gestational
based on the number needed to treat in order to prevent a sei- period.72 Aspirin is thus recommended for women at higher
zure.3,8 As such, guidelines differ in their recommendations for risk for preeclampsia (e.g. history of preeclampsia, diabetes,
using magnesium sulfate as seizure prophylaxis depending on chronic hypertension, renal disease, autoimmune disease,
resource setting and clinical scenario.3,6,8 age > 35) by the British, American, and European profes-
There have been reports of exaggerated hypotension when sional societies.3,5,10 Notably, the ACOG augmented their
nifedipine and magnesium sulfate have been combined.66–68 guidelines to expand their criteria at which to initiate aspirin
However, a retrospective case–control study did not show therapy to include more maternal risk factors, and changed
that nifedipine increased the risk of magnesium-related side their suggestion from 60–80 mg of aspirin to 81 mg of aspi-
effects (e.g. neuromuscular weakness).69 As such, the ACOG rin.2,3 With the updates to the ACOG recommendations,
is comfortable with administering them simultaneously when maternal risk factors guiding aspirin initiation are now simi-
indicated (ACOG task force 2013). lar across all three guidelines, though dosing recommenda-
tions for the aspirin remain varied; the ESC recommends
•• Prevention of preeclampsia. 100–150 mg, and the National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend 75 mg.5,10
Several adjunct therapies are used to decrease the risk of As early as the 1950s, epidemiological studies showed an
developing preeclampsia. association between reduced rates of preeclampsia and
Since 1979, aspirin has been shown to prevent preeclamp- eclampsia in populations whose diets were rich in calcium
sia.70 Aspirin reverses the platelet aggregation induced by supplementation.73,74 This observation has been confirmed
the imbalance of thromboxane A2/prostacyclin ratio medi- by several randomized controlled trials. A meta-analysis of
ated by the endothelial dysfunction.36 The effect of aspirin 27 of them (18,064 women) comparing calcium supplemen-
has been validated by over 30 trials; most recently, by the tation during pregnancy (at both high and low doses) with
Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial, a placebo or no calcium suggests that high-dose calcium sup-
multi-center, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial com- plementation (⩾1 g/day) is associated with lower rates of
paring 150 mg aspirin to placebo in 798 women who were preeclampsia, hypertension, and preterm birth. Similar
considered at risk for preeclampsia. The preterm preeclamp- reduction in rates of preeclampsia and hypertension are
sia occurred in 1.6% of the women on aspirin versus 4.3% of noticed with lower doses of calcium (<1 g/day); however,
the ones in the placebo group (OR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.20–0.74, the evidence is more limited.75 As such, the World Health
p = 0.004).71 Furthermore, a meta-analysis of 45 randomized Organization (WHO) recommends 1.5–2 g of oral calcium
studies (20,909 pregnant women) published in 2017 supplementation for those with low dietary calcium intake,76
Braunthal and Brateanu 9
a recommendation echoed by the ESC guidelines.5 American calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers in regard to pre-
guidelines acknowledge the above recommendations, but do venting severe hypertension (RR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.56–0.88,
not include them in their routine care,3 as The Trial of 11 trials, 638 women) and may be associated with more
Calcium for Preeclampsia Prevention, a large, multicenter, cesarean sections than other drugs (adjusted relative risk
double-blinded randomized controlled trial of 2 g calcium (aRR), 0.84; 95% CI, 0.84–0.95, 13 trials, 1330 women).20
supplementation versus placebo conducted across five However, a subgroup analysis of the CHIPS trial found that
American medical centers, did not show any effect on the those treated with methyldopa rather than labetalol post ran-
rates of preeclampsia, pregnancy-associated hypertensive domization had better primary and secondary outcomes,
disorders, or blood pressure, which was attributed to the fact including birthweight, severe hypertension, preeclampsia,
that study participants had adequate dietary calcium intake at and preterm delivery.85 Furthermore, a recent retrospective
baseline; results of other studies could thus not be extrapo- cohort study found that methyldopa was associated with
lated to care in the developed world.77 fewer adverse infant outcomes, including respiratory dis-
Currently under investigation is the role of statins to treat tress, seizure, and sepsis, compared with oral labetalol.86
and prevent preeclampsia. The evidence from preclinical Thus, methyldopa will likely not be removed from first-line
animal models suggests that their benefits are derived from agents until there is more definitive evidence against it.
their pleiotropic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
antithrombotic effects, helping to alleviate the endothelial •• Oral labetalol.
dysfunction thought to be at the center of preeclampsia
pathogenesis, with a specific focus on its effects on nitric Oral labetalol is considered a first-line agent for non-severe
oxide synthesis and antiangiogenic soluble Fms-like tyrosine hypertension in pregnancy3–7,9,10 and is in fact the only first-
kinase-1 expression.78–81 A small case series of preeclamptic line agent recommended by the British guidelines.10 In a pro-
women treated with pravastatin demonstrated similar ame- spective observational study, approximately 75% of women
lioration of endothelial dysfunction and decrease in antian- responded to oral labetalol as monotherapy.87 Earlier rand-
giogenic biomarkers when their placentas were analyzed; omized trials directly comparing it to methyldopa found
clinically, the patients’ blood pressure, proteinuria, and uric equivalency in safety and efficacy,88,89 and a more recent one
acid levels were also stabilized.82 Larger clinical trials are showed borderline superiority of labetalol in preventing pro-
currently underway. teinuria, severe hypertension, and antenatal hospitalizations;
labetalol was also independently associated with fewer mater-
nal composite outcomes and perinatal composite outcomes.90
Treatment of choice—non-severe However, there are also recent studies suggesting that labetalol
hypertension is actually inferior to methyldopa in regard to preventing
In cases of non-severe hypertension, the most commonly adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.85,86 Furthermore, an
recommended first-line agents are methyldopa, labetalol, exploratory study comparing ambulatory blood pressure
and nifedipine,3–10 and the ACOG outlines their suggested measurements of women taking oral labetalol to those taking
doses in their 2019 practice bulletin (Tables 2 and 3).3 modified release nifedipine showed that those on labetalol
Unsurprisingly, there is some variability in the specific rec- spent more time than their comparator below the diastolic tar-
ommendations,3–7,9,10 driven by the uncertainty of which of get of 80 mmHg, indicating that they may be at higher risk of
these agents best prevent poor maternal and fetal outcomes. poor uteroplacental perfusion.91
Methyldopa is recommended as a first-line agent for non- Beta-blockers other than labetalol are less well studied;5
severe blood pressure control by American, Canadian, however, some are considered first-line agents in Canada
European and Australian/New Zealander guidelines.3–5,9 It (acebutolol, metoprolol, pindolol, propranolol).4,6 Australia/
has been studied since the 1960s20 and has long-term safety New Zealand includes oxprenolol in its first-line treatments
data in children whose mothers took it during pregnancy.83 A for non-severe hypertension in pregnancy.10 There is some
prospective cohort study evaluating pregnancy outcomes in controversy regarding beta-blockers’ teratogenicity and
first trimester exposure found that it was not teratogenic; effect on birth weight. Atenolol is known to cause intrauter-
however, there was a higher rate of spontaneous abortions ine growth retardation,92 and the ACOG specifically rec-
and preterm delivery.84 Although recommended by the above ommends against its use.3 In contrast, a study comparing
guidelines, and noted to be most commonly used by the oxprenolol to methyldopa found that outcomes and safety
International Society for the Study of Hypertension in were equal.93 A 2003 Cochrane review of oral beta-block-
Pregnancy,7,8 the most recent update from the Cochrane ers to treat mild and moderate hypertension in pregnancy
review of antihypertensive treatment for mild to moderate (12 trials, 1346 women) compared oral beta-blockers to
hypertension in pregnancy demonstrates that it is inferior to no medication or placebo and found an increased risk of
10 SAGE Open Medicine
SGA (RR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.02–1.82).94 This was supported growth restriction, and a variety of renal and other congenital
by a cohort study, which found higher adjusted ORs of abnormalities when women are exposed during the second or
SGA < 10th percentile, <3rd percentile, preterm birth, and third trimester of pregnancy.2 These medications came under
neonatal hospitalization for women with chronic hyperten- scrutiny after a cohort study of 30,000 infants born to non-
sion taking beta-blockers compared to ones taking methyl- diabetic mothers showed an increased risk of major congenital
dopa.95 However, a recent retrospective cohort study found malformations in those exposed to ACE inhibitors during the
that, after adjusting for maternal age, body mass index, and first trimester compared to those who had no exposure to anti-
comorbidities, there was no association between beta- hypertensives (RR, 2.71; 95% CI, 1.72–4.27).103 However, the
blockers and fetal cardiac anomalies.96 Furthermore, an study did not explicitly control for maternal obesity, an inde-
international cohort study which pooled over 15,000 pendent risk factor for congenital anomalies.104 In addition, the
women exposed to beta-blockers during the first trimester population studied was confounded by women with undiag-
found no significant increase in the relative risk (RR, 1.07; nosed or diet controlled diabetes, another independent risk fac-
95% CI, 0.89–1.30) or risk difference per 1000 persons tor for birth defects.105,106 A similar retrospective cohort study
exposed (3.0; 95% CI, –6.6 to 12.6) for any major congeni- found an increased risk of congenital heart defects in those
tal malformation.97 In contrast, a cohort study that exam- exposed to ACE inhibitors compared to normotensive controls
ined more than 10,000 women exposed to beta-blockers (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 0.90–2.62), though there was a similar OR
late in pregnancy showed that both the risks of neonatal found in those exposed to other antihypertensives (OR, 1.52;
bradycardia and hypoglycemia were increased in those who 95% CI, 1.04–2.21). Furthermore, compared to the hyperten-
were beta-blocker-exposed compared to those who were sive controls (those who were not medicated), there was no
not; when looking at the three most commonly prescribed increased risk for the cardiac abnormalities (OR, 1.14; 95% CI,
beta-blockers (labetalol, metoprolol, and atenolol), ORs 0.65–1.98 and OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.76–1.64).107 Several other
were > 1 for both outcomes, except for the neonatal brady- studies, both prospective and retrospective, also debunk the
cardia in the metoprolol-exposed group (OR, 0.59; 95% CI, risk of congenital malformations, specifically related to first-
0.32–1.09).98 trimester exposure to both ACE inhibitors and ARBs.108–110
ACE inhibitors remain first-line agents in hypertension
•• Calcium channel blockers. outside of pregnancy,16,111,112 and along with ARBs, they are
also indicated for prevention of microvascular complications
Calcium channel blockers, in particular long-acting nifedi- of diabetes.113 Because of the new lower thresholds for diag-
pine, are preferred as first line in most guidelines.3–7,9,10 A nosis of hypertension,111 and increasing rates of diabetes in
prospective cohort showed minimal teratogenicity when young people,114 more women will qualify for ACE inhibi-
mothers are exposed to calcium channel blockers in the first tors and ARBs at reproductive age. Since approximately half
trimester.99 Furthermore, they have been shown superior to of pregnancies are unplanned,115 it is possible that many
methyldopa in regard to controlling blood pressure20 and are women on these agents will inadvertently expose their
possibly safer than labetalol in regard to controlling blood fetuses until they find out they are pregnant and have their
pressure to a safely low diastolic pressure.91 One randomized antihypertensive switched. As such, it is particularly impor-
controlled clinical trial compared oral nifedipine and tant to understand first trimester safety profile, as it will help
labetalol in pregnant women with chronic hypertension. A direct the preconception management.
central aortic pressure drop of mean 7.4 mmHg was seen in
the nifedipine arm, but peripheral blood pressures were •• Thiazide diuretics.
effectively the same in both arms. There was a slight increase
in neonatal intensive care unit (ICU) and neonatal adverse Thiazide diuretics are considered second-line therapy for
effects in the nifedipine arm.100 non-severe hypertension per the ACOG and Hypertension
Data for amlodipine, another commonly prescribed dihy- Canada,4,12 but are not recommended by the ESC, the Society
dropyridine calcium channel blocker, appear to be very lim- of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand, and the
ited. Three case series concluded that amlodipine does not British NICE guidelines.5,9,10 Thiazides were routinely pre-
appear to be teratogenic,101 and a small pilot study compar- scribed prophylactically in the 1960s as it was thought that
ing amlodipine to aspirin and furosemide for the treatment of removing edema could prevent preeclampsia, regardless of
chronic hypertension revealed no differences between the hypertensive status.116 This was driven by a trial with over
two antihypertensives in maternal or perinatal outcomes.102 3000 patients randomized to thiazides or no thiazides, show-
ing the thiazide group had less “toxemia” (the term then used
•• Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE for preeclampsia), perinatal mortality, and premature birth.117
inhibitors) and angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs). This practice dwindled as researchers started to believe that
inadequate plasma blood volume expansion in pregnancy
The RAAS inhibitors have been universally contraindicated may be correlated with preeclampsia.118 Further data did not
due to their association with oligohydramnios, intrauterine support these concerns. A randomized prospective trial found
Braunthal and Brateanu 11
that there was a lower rate of plasma blood volume expan- In addition to needing more studies that compare various
sion in diuretic-treated women compared to those who were agents head-to-head, there also needs to be more research to
not; however, there was no difference in perinatal out- create targeted management strategies to chronic versus ges-
comes.119 In regard to the effects on preeclampsia, one meta- tational hypertension, as well as non-severe hypertension
analysis reviewed 9 trials (7000 women) and showed a with evidence of end-organ damage.
decline in preeclampsia with the use of diuretics,120 although
a more recent Cochrane review (5 studies, 1836 women) did Declaration of conflicting interests
not show a significant difference in preeclampsia, pre-term The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
births, or SGA in trials that compared thiazide diuretics to to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
placebo or nothing.116
•• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
the risk of postpartum hypertension.
ship, and/or publication of this article.
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