LM Grade 11 Pe and Health
LM Grade 11 Pe and Health
LM Grade 11 Pe and Health
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Understand the benefits of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities
2. Explain how aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities work
3. Appreciate the importance of FITT in doing physical activities
1. What were the physical activities in your childhood that you still do today? Do you spend more time now
in doing these activities as compared to before? Cite an example.
2. Do you know the benefits of the physical activities that you do? Can you cite some of these benefits?
It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires exertion of energy such as
running, swimming, dancing, etc. Exercising is considered physical activity but more structured and
planned. Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as it improves our health and helps lower
risks of illnesses. It is necessary for us to engage in physical activities to enhance our level of fitness.
Many of us exercise and do physical activities at home, in school, and at the gym. Some of these include
aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities, all of which are good for body
composition. It is important to know the nature of these physical activities for a better understanding of
what it does to our body.
Aerobic, Muscle and Bone Strengthening Activities: How Do They Work and Differ?
Aerobic Activities
Aerobic activities are also called “cardio” exercises. Normally, these activities increase our heart
and breathing rate. They cause us to sweat profusely and breathe harder. Our heart pumps blood more
vigorously, causing oxygen to circulate throughout our body. This allows us to sustain our aerobic exercise
for a few minutes. Such activities like jogging, running, swimming and dancing are some examples of
aerobic exercises which improve our cardiorespiratory fitness. They also help lower risks of cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Most aerobic activities can be done on a daily basis. To be physically
fit, it is important to engage in aerobic activities.
1. Frequency
Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. When doing cardio
exercises, especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor to make it more effective.
Start cardio exercises for at least 3 days a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days’
rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the frequency of exercise to 5 days
a week.
2. Intensity
To be effective, aerobic exercises should be done in moderate intensity, that is, our heart
rate should be 60 to 80% of our maximum heart rate. First, determine the target heart rate by
getting the maximum heart rate and the recommended heart rate range. This will then tell how
hard we should exercise during our training.
3. Time
More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in
endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, then gradually increase it to 60
4. Type
Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as basket ball are
some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try different
exercises and activities to avoid boredom.
Exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and lifting weights are some
examples of muscle strengthening activities that you can do if you want to have
strong and lean muscles. Remember that before you start doing these activities, be
sure to do dynamic warm-up to avoid injury.
Many forms of physical activity like running, skipping rope, and playing
basketball help keep our bones fit. Bones also support groups of muscles to reduce
risk of falling. It is important to understand that bone-strengthening exercises do not
only focus on bone health, it also focuses on improving muscle strength, coordination,
and balance.
Each strengthening activity mentioned works differently from the other as each
focuses on different target areas in the body. But each contributes to the ultimate goal
of being fit. Being fit is important and requires a proper plan and much effort and
discipline. If we want to live healthy, we need to optimize our daily physical activities
to achieve our desired level of fitness.
The food that we eat is a source of energy. Eating before doing exercise can
contribute to performance. There is a complex chemical process called cellular
respiration in which our body takes in food and uses it to convert and produce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP supplies energy to muscle cells for muscular
contraction during physical activity. Creatine phosphate (CP), like ATP, is stored in
muscle cells. When it is broken down, a large amount of energy is released. Three
energy systems work together as we exercise. However, a specific energy system
can dominate depending on the intensity and of type of activity that is being done.
Most sports and physical activities use these energy systems. Though there are
times when one energy system dominates during a specific type of physical activity, it is
important to understand that all energy systems are active. Each energy system changes
during the activity depending on its duration and intensity. Therefore, once we engage in
physical activities or sports, all three energy systems may be in use but in varying degrees.
Lesson 3: Let’s Be Health Aware!
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Enumerate the effects of bad health habits
2. Enumerate and explain best practices in maintaining good health habits
3. Write a persuasive essay about maintaining healthy habits
Many of us try to live a healthy lifestyle. We do various things to become fit
and to achieve our desired physique — oftentimes without first knowing and
understanding the consequences. Our health becomes at risk and prone to different
risks that can affect our capacity to do daily physical activity. We need to realize that
there are some common health practices — particularly when dealing with stress—
that need to be corrected right away, especially among the young ones. Some stress-
coping measures affect or show in a person’s eating or sleeping habits.
Eating Habits
We can always eat the food that we want. There is nothing wrong with eating.
It only goes wrong if we consume less or more than what our body needs; also
when we eat unhealthy food. This can lead to being underweight, overweight, or
even obese. It is alarming to see that many are suffering from malnutrition,
overweight, and obesity.
Underweight people are often found to suffer from malnutrition due to lack of
adequate nutrients in the body. Many of them do not get the right amount of
calories to fuel their bodies thus, they tend to lack the energy to do regular tasks
at home, school, and work. Their immune system also gets weak and
compromised, making them prone to health risk issues such as anemia and
People with anorexia use extreme efforts to prevent weight gain and keep on losing weight by
restricting food intake, exercising excessively, or misusing diet aids, diuretics, and laxatives.
These tend to significantly interfere with activities in their lives.
Overeating is also found to be one of the leading causes of overweight and
obesity. Eating too much, especially processed food and sugary drinks, coupled
with a sedentary lifestyle contribute significantly to weight gain. The calories
consumed, particularly from fats and sugars, have to be burned off through
physical activity or exercise. Otherwise, these calories will be just be stored in the
body as fat.
Sleep Management
Sleep is essential to everyone’s health. Normally, we need about 6 to 8
hours of night sleep everyday to allow the body to rest and regenerate. When we
wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep, we feel fresh and energetic.
We become effective and productive in our daily activities. However, a lot of
people, in particular teens, practice bad sleeping habits such as the following:
1. Staying up all night - This is the most common bad sleeping habit of most
people. In order to submit a project, a paper, or some other work at the last
minute, they cram to finish it, staying up all night until they are done. Some
people just spend the night reading or doing other stuff that they just do not
want to postpone for another time.
3. Eating Before Sleeping - Eating could be one of the things we do that give us
comfort—but should be discouraged just before bedtime. Eating before
sleeping can cause discomfort preventing us from falling asleep easily. When
we eat too close to our bedtime, it means that we go to our bed while
digesting. This can cause acid reflux which makes a person lose sleep. It is
best to eat 4 hours before falling asleep so we can be sure that our digestive
system has done its job.
Stress Management
We need to deal with the fact that stress is part of our lives. Stress
happens for many reasons – environmental factors, fatigue, too much work,
illness, and loneliness. It is inevitable; hence, needs to be handled properly.
Handling stress seems to be tough to do but we need to learn how to cope
with it the right way. If not properly dealt with, it can lead to many health
concerns—difficulties in sleeping, poor immunity, hypertension, and even
heart disease. One may also perform poorly in physical activities because of
stress. However, while some may be able to deal with stress, others may not
and resort to ineffective—or worst, unhealthy—means of dealing with stress.
Examples of such means that can be detrimental to health are the following:
1. Smoking
2. Bad Eating Habits – Skipping meals and/or overeating
3. Excessive alcohol intake
4. Excessive sleeping
5. Procrastinating – Trying to hide and escape the problem using delaying
tactics rather than facing the problem
Write a short paragraph regarding the effects of various bad health habits and
find ways or solutions towards maintaining good health habits.
Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large amounts of food in
response to emotions instead of hunger. Many people turn to food as a source of
comfort, a stress reliever, or as a reward. Eating as a coping mechanism is
unhealthy because the problem is not addressed. Eating makes someone feel
better for a while but the emotion (or its cause) remains unaddressed.
Overcoming this unhealthy habit means teaching an emotional eater healthier
ways to deal with stress and to develop better eating habits. If it is not resolved,
emotional eating can lead to obesity and weight gain.
Social Eating
Many times in our lives, we get invited to partake of all the scrumptious food
on the table during celebrations. Oftentimes, we indulge even if we are not hungry
for the sake of being sociable and to not offend the host or the group. This is
called Social Eating. Sometimes, peer pressure is the reason why one feels
compelled to consume more calories than planned. Social eating can directly
affect a person’s health, leading to obesity and other health-related problems.
While most of us try to maintain a good eating habit, attending social events with
lots of eating can get in the way. This only makes a healthy eating habit difficult to
Distracted Eating
Have you tried eating while watching your favorite show or sports team on
TV? Eating while watching TV for extended periods of time poses a serious risk to
your health. Many do not pay attention to their meal as they are distracted with
what they are watching, thus they tend to eat more. Others spend time eating junk
food, sweets and soft drinks while watching TV. This type of diet leads to
overweight, obesity, and even increased risk to diseases like diabetes and
hypertension. Aside from consuming too much food, it promotes an unhealthy
lifestyle—leading a sedentary lifestyle rather than going out and doing physical
Eating is important but we must learn to manage it properly. Too much or too
little food consumed is unhealthy. It is better to maintain a balanced diet and
healthy lifestyle to prevent illness. No one have control our eating habits except
Lesson 6: Self-testing Activity for a Healthy Me!
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the significance of assessing health–related fitness component
2. Administer self–assessment on health–related fitness (HRF), barriers on
physical activity, and on one’s diet
3. Reflect on the test results and suggest future plans for improvement
Regular physical activity is fun and healthy and increasingly more people are starting to become more active every
day. Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with their doctor before
they start becoming much more physically active.
If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by answering the seven
questions in the box below. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check
with your doctor before you start.
Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. Please read the questions carefully and
answer each one honestly: check YES or NO.
1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you
should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not
doing physical activity?
4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip)
that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills)
for your blood pressure or heart condition?
7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical
Physical Fitness Testing
Assessing one’s health status will help the person know about one’s strengths
and weaknesses. Awareness of individuals’ health-related fitness and its relevant
interpretations will aid the person to efficiently create an action plan in observing a
healthy lifestyle and selecting appropriate activities for areas that need improvement.
Instruct the students to be in proper attire, prepare needed materials, and get
ready to perform the following activities.
1. Height. Stand with trunk straight. Measure the distance from the floor to
the top of the forehead. Record the score in centimeters (cm).
2. Weight. Stand on a weighing scale free from any object for weight
accuracy. Record in kilograms (kg).
3. Waistline. Locate your upper hipbone. Find the proper spot by placing your
hands around your waist, squeezing slightly, and then moving your fingers
downward until you feel the top curve of your hips. Place a
tape measure around your bare stomach just above the upper hipbone.
Record in centimeters (cm).
4. Hipline. Place tape measure in the widest part of hip in line with the pubis.
5. Computation/s
a. Body Mass Index (BMI) - measure of body mass based on height and
weight that aid in determining weight categories.
BMI = Weight in kg
(Height in m) x (Height in m)
b. Waist to Hip Ratio (WHP) - measure stored body fats percentage by
the relative measurement of waist and hip
WHR = Waist Circumference (cm)
Hip Circumference (cm)
1. Stand close to the 12-inch bench box while your partner sets the
metronome in 96 beats per minute (bpm).
2. When ready to begin, start the stopwatch, step one foot at a time to the
beat (up, up, down, down). When 3 minutes is up, stop immediately and
get your pulse rate.
3. Record the Exercise Heart Rate: bpm
1. Lie on your back on the floor beside
a wall.
2. Slowly lift one leg off the floor. Keep
the other leg flat on the floor.
3. Keep both legs straight.
4. Continue to lift the leg until either leg
begins to bend or the lower leg
begins to lift off the floor.
5. Place a yardstick against the wall to
mark the spot to where the leg was
lifted. Lower the leg.
6. Using a protractor, measure the
angle created by the floor and the
yardstick. The greater the angle the
better your score.
7. Repeat with the other leg.
1. In a standing position, raise one arm across
your back, bend the elbow and reach down as far as possible.
Simultaneously, bring the other arm down behind the back trying to
cross fingers over those with the other hand.
2. Measure the distance of overlapped fingers in cm. If they fail to meet,
score it as a minus or <0. Write zero if the fingertips just touched with
no overlap.
3. Repeat the procedure with the other hand. Record the score.
V. Curl-up (Dynamic)
Purpose: Test abdominal muscles strength and endurance
Equipment: mat, adhesive tape
Goal: Perform curl-up with proper pacing (3 seconds per curl)
Preliminary: Prepare the mat. Place two tape marks 4 ½ inches
apart on the floor.
1. Sit on a mat in a long sitting
position. Bend your legs more than
90 degrees with feet remaining flat
on the floor.
2. Lay down with arms extended at
the sides, palm facing down with
fingers extended touching the 1st
tape mark.
3. From that position, curl your trunk Tape marks, 4 ½ inches apart
up with heels in contact with the
floor until your fingers reach the mat-1388274-exercise-fitness-coaching-
2nd marker. assessment.htm
4. Upon reaching the second marker, lower back to the starting position.
Repeat one-curl up every 3 seconds.
5. Continue the curl-ups and stop when you are unable to keep the pace.
Record the number of repetitions.
1. From prone lying position, place the hands just outside the shoulders
with elbows bent.
2. Males: Support the body in a push-up position from the toes with back,
hip and legs align.
Females: Support the body in a push-up position from the knees
instead of toes, with back, hip, and legs aligned.
3. Lower the body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor or a 90
degrees angle of the bent elbow.
4. Repeat as many times as possible.
1. Use the Push-up procedure 1 & 2 for preparatory position. From the
starting position, lower the body until the upper arm is parallel to the
floor and elbow flexed at 90 degrees (see images above).
2. Hold the position as long as possible.
3. Record the obtained holding position.
Measuring your fitness level is one way to find out your level of physical fitness. Below are
references for interpretation.
Low Zone 14 and below 15 and below 9 and below 7 and below
Activity 2: Self-Assessment Card: Health-related fitness status
Directions: Tell the students to fill up necessary information needed. Interpretations
will be based on the chart above. Complete the column for analysis/implications in
two or three sentences only.
1. Body Composition
Test BMI Result Interpretation Analysis
Waist to hip Ratio
2. Cardiovascular Endurance
Flexibility is the ability to bend and move the joints through the full range of
Body Composition is the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in a
human body; it is often the ratio of lean tissue to fat tissue in the body.
Personal barriers
With the current trends in technology and development, people’s lives
have become convenient and easier as well as less active. They may also have
reasons or own justifications of their inactivity that forms their attitude towards
physical movement, letting them live a sedentary life.
Environmental barriers
Some may not notice but the space and the setting where people live
greatly influence a person’s participation to physical activity. The constant
exposure and the daily interaction with the people and things around has a great
impact on a person’s preference towards bodily execution and movement.
Activity 3: Lead me to where I am!
Directions: Listed below are examples of physical activity barriers. Instruct the
students to draw a line connecting its type whether its a personal or an environmental
Accessibility of walking
considerations Gadgets
providing leisure
Guide questions:
1. During the pre-activity on Par-Q & You, have you encountered any physical
activity barrier? Is there any personal or environmental barrier? If yes, please
list it down.
2. Cite some ways to overcome situations that hinder you to engage in physical
Diet & Nutrition Assessment Results
April 20, 2016
My Strengths
Fitness level assessment determines the current health status of an individual.
Assessing one’s health status will help a person be informed of his or her strengths
and weaknesses leading him/her to observe a healthy lifestyle and to select
appropriate activities for improvement.