Assignment # 1 COAL

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1. Convert 82ADh to decimal.

2. Convert 11101b to decimal.

3. Convert 2BD4h to decimal.
4. Convert 95 to binary.
5. Convert 2B3Ch to binary.
6. Convert 1110101010b to hex.
7. Add 3546d and 1872d.
8. Add 5B39h and 7AF4h.
9. Add 100101111b and 110110.
10. Subtract 7283d from 9145d.
11. Subtract BA94h from D26Fh.
12. Subtract 0111b from 1001.
13. Find one’s compliment of 5.
14. Find two’s compliment of 5.
15. Find two’s compliment of the two’s compliment of 5.
16. In many applications, it saves time to memorize the conversions
among small binary, decimal, and hex numbers. Fill in the blanks in
the following table:
Binary Decimal Hex
_____ 9 _____
1010 _____ _____
_____ _____ D
_____ 12 _____
1110 _____ _____
_____ _____ B

17. Convert the following binary and hex numbers to decimal:

a. 1110
b. 100101011101
c. 46Ah
d. FAE2Ch
18. Convert the following numbers:
a. 1001011 to hex
b. 1001010110101110 to hex
c. A2Ch to binary
d. B34Dh to binary
19. Perform the following additions:
a. 100101b + 10111b
b. 100111101b + 1001111001b
c. B23CDh + 17912h
20. Perform the following subtractions:
a. 11011b – 10110b
b. 10000101b – 111011b
c. 5FC12h – 3ABD1h
d. F001Eh – 1FF3Fh

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