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Digital Image Processing-A Quick Review

R. Ravikumar1, Dr V. Arulmozhi2
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidhyalaya
College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Research Computer Science, Tirupur Kumaran College for Women,
Tirupur, Tamilnadu, India
rravigrat@gmail.com, drarultkc@gmail.com

Article History: Received Dec 2018; Published January 2019


Image is one of the evident sources in image processing applications. Image processing will

dramatically change the human computer interaction in future. A large number of image

processing applications, tools and techniques helps to extract complex features of an image.

While today image processing works beyond multidimensional and see what actually in the

image. Several technologies playing on images in real time but image processing is the real

core. This paper discusses the overview of an image processing applications, tools and


KEYWORDS: Chronic Diabetes Disease (CDD), Machine Learning (ML), Classification

The Image is defined by a function called Two-Dimensional image. It can be specified by
spatial coordinates as plane coordinates and its pair coordination are amplitude, which may
represented as f(x,y).The intensity of those coordinates were x and y of gray level images.
When the spatial coordinates and the intensity values are finite with discrete quantities then it
is called as Digital image processing. The digitized images can be easy to analyse and
manipulate in order to improve the quality with the use of some mathematical calculations.
Here the image is given as an input, parameters of an image as processed through algorithms
and characteristics related to the images as an output.
Digital Image Processing (DIP) is the process of digital images through various algorithms.
This digital image processing has been employed in number of areas such as pattern
recognition, remote sensing, image-sharpening, color and video processing and medical.
This paper has been organized as follows, literature part explains various review of authors and
discusses about the various applications in Digital Image Processing (DIP). Latest image
processing tools and its techniques has discussed in last part.

Ranu Gorai discussed about how the image and picture are defined in our daily life and clearly
explained about three methods such as sharpening the edges, noise removal and removing the
motion blur for an image [1].Jangala Sasi Kiran et al., proposed an algorithm to improve the
overall accuracy of the hand written character under pattern recognition field using image
processing techniques like feature extraction, image restoration and image enhancement [2].
B Thamotharan Ed al, proposed that the digital image processing concepts are done by different
algorithms and highlighted noise and edge detection algorithm. He discussed another two
concepts like mean and median filtering for radiographic images and compared them [3].
Shafiqua T. Pathan Ed al, proposed that this paper mainly focusing on the security based system
by modern digital image processing also this paper gives a way to process a videos from variety
of video devices. First set the continuous frames from the videos then it had been processed
under SUSAN for extracting the features [4].
Dipen Saini exposed about the data clustering for clustering of objects. A specific algorithm is
used for group detection from an image using distance metrics through linear features [5].
Mostafa Bayati Ed al proposed that the main contribution of this research is plant phenotyping
research or the automation of research in image acquisition to minimize the data at geo
referencing errors and for modular data visualizations and also fastest data collections [6].
Mohammad Nazmul Haque et al., discussed about accelerating performance on FFT based
image processing algorithm between Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU) [7]. Zijiang Zhu et al, proposed an age estimation algorithm for facial images using
multi-label sorting. They changed the tedious process in traditional multi valued classification
algorithm and compared the results with some classic algorithms of age estimation by verified
the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm [8].


Since digital image processing has widely applied in many applications and almost all of the
technical fields are impacted. Digital Image processing is not just limited to adjust the spatial
resolution of the everyday images captured by the camera. It is not just limited to increase the
brightness of the photo. Electromagnetic waves can be thought of as stream of particles, where
each particle is moving with the speed of light. Each particle contains a bundle of energy. This
bundle of energy is called a photon.
In this electromagnetic spectrum, we are only able to see the visible spectrum. Visible spectrum
mainly includes seven different color that are commonly term as (VIBGOYR). VIBGOYR
stands for violet, indigo, blue, green, orange, yellow and Red. But that does not nullify the
existence of other stuff in the spectrum. Our human eye can only see the visible portion, in
which we saw all the objects. But a camera can see the other things that a naked eye is unable
to see. For example: x rays, gamma rays, etc. Hence the analysis of all that stuff too is done in
digital image processing [9]. Some of the major Application fields in which digital image
processing is widely used are mentioned below

Image sharpening and restoration

Image sharpening and restoration refers to process images that have been captured from the
modern camera to make them a better image or to manipulate those images in way to achieve
desired result. It refers to do what Photoshop usually does. This includes Zooming, blurring,
sharpening, gray scale to color conversion, detecting edges and vice versa, Image retrieval and
Image recognition.
Medical field
The common applications of DIP in the field of medical is, gamma ray imaging, PET scan Ray
Imaging, Medical CT, UV imaging. DNA analysis, fingerprint and facial recognition are
evident applications of image processing.

UV Rays
In the field of remote sensing, the area of the earth is scanned by a satellite or from a very high
ground and analysed to obtain information about it. One particular application of digital image
processing in the field of remote sensing is to detect infrastructure damages caused by an
earthquake. As it takes longer time to grasp damage, even if serious damages are focused on.
Since the area effected by the earthquake is sometimes so wide, that it not possible to examine
it with human eye in order to estimate damages. Even if it is very hectic and time consuming
procedure and found a solution in digital image processing. An image of the affected area is
captured from the above ground and analyzed to detect the various types of damage done by
the earthquake. Key steps include in the analysis are, the extraction of edges, Analysis and
enhancement of various types of edges.

Transmission and encoding

The very first image that has been transmitted over the wire was from London to New York
via a submarine cable. The picture took three hours to reach from one place to another. Now
able to see live video feed, or live CCTV footage from one continent to another with just a
delay of seconds. It means that a lot of work has been done in this field too. This field does not
only focus on transmission, but also on encoding. Many different formats have been developed
for high or low bandwidth to encode photos and then stream it over the internet.

Machine/Robot vision
One of the biggest challenges still is to increase the vision of the robot. Developed a robot able
to see things, identify them and identify the hurdles etc. Much work has been contributed by
this field and still developing.

Hurdle detection
Hurdle detection is one of the common tasks that have been done through image processing,
by identifying different type of objects in the image and then calculating the distance between
robot and hurdles.
Color processing
Color processing includes processing of coloured images and different color spaces that are
used. For example, RGB color model, Cyber, HSV. It also involves studying transmission,
storage, and encoding of these color images.

Pattern recognition
Pattern recognition involves study on image processing and from various fields that includes
machine learning (a branch of artificial intelligence). In pattern recognition, image processing
is used for identifying the objects in images and then machine learning is used to train the
system for the change in pattern. Pattern recognition is used in computer aided diagnosis,
recognition of handwriting and recognition of images.

Table.1 Applications of Image Processing

Video processing
A video is the very fast movement of pictures. The quality of the video depends on the number
of frames/pictures per minute and the quality of each frame being used. Video processing
involves noise reduction, detail enhancement, motion detection, frame rate conversion, aspect
ratio conversion, and color space conversion [10]. Images specified in image processing
applications are listed below.


An Image Processing tools are the major evaluation part for developing, monitoring and
making the images in proper consistencies. This will describe about the major functionalities
occurring at the implementation of coding by the basis of certain algorithms. On such important
notes in this paper it shows various tools processing components listed in the Table-2 below.


a) Image Editing: - This basically means altering digital images by means of graphic
software tools.
b) Image Restoration: - which refers to the estimation of a clean original image out of the
corrupt image taken in order to get back the information lost.
c) Independent Component Analysis: -which separates a multivariate signal
computationally into additive subcomponents.
d) Anisotropic Diffusion: - which is often known as Perona-Malik Diffusion, makes it
possible to reduce image noise without having to remove important parts of the image.
e) Linear Filtering: -It’s another digital image processing technique, which refers to
processing time-varying input signals and producing output signals that are linearity.
f) Neural Networks: - which are computational models widely used in machine learning
for solving various tasks.
g) Pixelation: - which often refers to turning printed images into digitized ones (Such as
h) Principal Components Analysis: - A digital image processes technique that can be used
for extraction.
i) Partial Differential Equations: - which also is dealing with effectively de-noising
images [11].
Tools Descriptions References

DIY Filters https://en.wikipedia.

DIY Filter examples from Coding
Standard Processing makes it simple to
Filters handle images.
GPU Filters https://en.wikipedia.
Tools You can also implement filters
using OpenGL pixelshaders.
Filters OpenCV offers all kinds of
algorithms from basic.

ImageJ Filters Martin Schneider is currently https://en.wikipedia.

working on a Processing Library / org/wiki/Digital_ima
Wrapper for ImageJ. ge_processing

PIL https://en.wikipedia.
Iterate over the pixels of an image
and perform operations on them.

SciKit-Image https://en.wikipedia.
SciKit-image is a collection of
Python Tools org/wiki/Digital_ima
algorithms for image processing.
SimpleCV is a python wrapper for
SimpleCV OpenCV (and a couple of other https://en.wikipedia.
tools). org/wiki/Digital_ima

FilterForge is a commercial
application that lets you create
Dataflow org/wiki/Digital_ima
FilterForge filters using a node based dataflow
Tools ge_processing
programming language.
A large number of image processing applications, tools and techniques helps to extract complex

features of an image. Image processing works on single dimensional image to multidimensional

and see what actually in the image. Image processing is the real core for many developing

technologies in the real time aspect. This paper discusses the overview of an image processing

applications, tools and techniques.

1. Ranu Gorai (2016), A Survey of Digital Image Processing,International Journal of
Research in Engineering, Technology and Science, VI(Special Issue)
2. Jangala Sasi Kiran, N Vijaya Kumar, N Sashi Prabha and M Kavya (2015), A Literature
Survey on Digital Image Processing Techniques in Character Recognition of Indian
Languages, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies,
6(3), 2065-2069
3. B.Thamotharan, M.Menaka, Sandhya Vaidyanathan,Sowmya Ravikumar (2012),
Survey on image processing in the field of de-noising techniques and edge detection
techniques on radiographic images,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology, 41(1), 26-34.
4. Shafiqua T. Pathan, Sharyu S. Waghmare, Pranali P. Khadse, Pratik P. Shukla and
Shrikant A. Wawre (2014), A Survey Paper On A Novel Approach For Image
Classification Based On SUSAN Low Level Image Processing Algorithm From Real
Time Video, International journal of scientific & technology research,3(2)
5. Dipen Saini (2016), Assembling of Human Beings in an Image to Detect a Group on
the basis of Distance using Digital Image Processing, International Journal of Current
Engineering and Technology, 6(2), 462-466
6. Mostafa Bayati and Reza Fotouhi (2018), A Mobile Robotic Platform for Crop
Monitoring, Advances in Robotics, 7(1), 186-191
7. Bahri Haythem, Sayadi Fatma, Chouchene Marwa, Hallek Mohamed and Atri
Mohamed (2016), Accelerating Fourier Descriptor for Image Recognition Using GPU,
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences An International Journal, 10(1), 297-306
8. Zijiang Zhu, Hang Chen, Yi Hu and Junshan Li (2018), Age estimation algorithm of
facial images based on multi-label sorting, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video
9. A Erhardt Ferron (2000), Theory and application of digital image processing,
University of applied sciences. Offenburg.
10. P Prabhu (2016), Digital Image Processing Techniques – A Survey, Golden Research
Thoughts, 5(11)

How to Cite:
R. Ravikumar & Dr V. Arulmozhi, “Digital Image Processing-A Quick Review”,
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Technology (IJICT), Vol.2, Iss.2,
pp.11-19, 2019

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