Ib Assignments Salman

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-1. Define business values. 5-2. Distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior.

Give some
example of ethical and unethical behavior in an organization

Ans: How much a business is worth. Business value is a highly subjective measure because it
involves estimating the value of intangible assets like trade secrets and brand recognition. It adds
to this the value of tangible assets like machinery and stockholder equity. Business value is
especially important for potential investors or buyers. Business value are the benefits that a firm
generates for its stakeholders. This includes a firm's long term ability to create revenue, products,
services, employment, quality of life and investment returns (John Spacey, 2018).

2Ans: The branch of knowledge that deals with the moral principles
according to which a person should or may lead their life is known
as ethical. On the other hand, something that does not get considered as
right in society or an act that may create confrontation among people is

known as unethical. Harold G Shares thoughts on Ethical vs.

Unethical in the below

1.The branch of knowledge that deals with

the moral principles according to which a
person should or may lead their life
becomes known as ethical. On the other
hand, something that does not get
considered as right in society or an act
that may create confrontation among
people becomes known as unethical.
2.The term ethical becomes an antonym
for the word unethical.
3.A person who follows the rules and
abides by the ethics gets considered as a
person with healthy habits. On the other
hand, an individual who does not abide by
the rules and has an unethical nature gets
viewed as people with bad habits.
4.Some of the principal synonyms of
ethical include; moral; social, behavioral
or having to do with right and wrong.
Some of the main synonyms for the term
unethical include immoral, amoral,
unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonorable,
illegal, dishonest, deceitful, disreputable,
and unconscionable.
5.Sentence example of Ethical goes as; “It
might be argued that beauty bears
witness against materialism, and moral
values against pantheism; although such
an anomalous type as ethical pantheism
has its representatives.”
6.Sentence example of Unethical goes as;
“Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates, from
whom he imbibed the fundamental ethical
precept that virtue, not pleasure, is the
end of existence.”
Source: Google

Ethical Behaviour Within the Work Place:

Ethical behaviour is behaviour that is
appropriate. It is based on morals. Ethical
behaviour is the right way to behave. It is
choosing the right and good. Ethical
behaviour is when someone is being on
his or her best behaviour. All of their
actions and words are following good
moral principles.

People enjoy being around others who

have a good ethical behaviour. It is the
behaviour that is morally accepted as
‘good’, ‘right’ in a particular setting.
Ethical behaviour refers to that conduct
that is beyond reproach and is in
accordance to the laid down standards of
a society, organization or institution. This
refers to conduct that organizations
expect their employees to hold while at
work. Most organizations have formulated
documents referred to as ‘codes of
conduct’, that set out the accepted
behaviours within the work place.

They have set out the rules and

regulations that need to be adhered to by
those in their employ. This is mainly
because an individual’s conduct can affect
the relationships within an organization,
thereby taking a negative toll on the
overall performance of an organization.
Unethical Behaviour Within the Work Place:
Unethical behaviour is any action that is aimed at taking advantage of another without
their knowledge or consent. It can also be defined as manipulating someone without his
or her permission.

Unethical behaviour is a way of acting that society disapproves of. It is the behaviour that
is ‘bad’; ‘wrong’ in a particular setting. Profuse languages, acting violent towards others
are some examples of unethical behaviour. Examples of Unethical Behaviour at

Unethical behaviour in the workplace can take many forms.

Some of the examples are:

a. Some employees may pass off the work of others as their own.

b. Others may misrepresent themselves as a way to convince others to buy a product or

service that they are selling.

c. Others may lie about their expenses in order to get a larger reimburse-ment check
from their employer every month.

d. Some unethical business behaviour may include lying and changing the number of
hours they have worked, making a long distance phone call on the business phones, and
copying business software so they can use it at home.
While these cases vary, they are all examples of unethical workplace behaviour. For
example, unethical behaviour by a medical practitioner can result in loss of income and
eventually the loss of practice if, as a result of that behaviour, patients choose another

Reference: written by,

Ethical vs. Unethical Retrieved from
Ethical and Unethical Behaviour at
Workplace | Ethics | Management
Retrieved from
3.Question is it valid to describe someone
as having “no ethics”?why or why not?
Ans: The answer is yes and no. Loyalty is important but it should never
be used to mask certain basic ethical values such as honesty,
trustworthiness, responsibility and so on. ... Honesty means you say what
you sincerely believe to be true. You can honestly state something that is
untrue Ethics is about creating an environment that supports the expression of ethical values
while keeping in check non-ethical values. This doesn’t mean the pursuit of non-ethical values is
wrong. It simply means we should not allow them to rule our lives because it can lead to greedy,
self-centered behavior without regard for others. Ethics is not what we think or feel is right or
wrong. Ethics is not relative to an individual’s desires and beliefs. Ethical relativism means each
individual decides what is right and what is wrong in a particular circumstance.

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