Institution Other: Visit Report Financial Than Bank
Institution Other: Visit Report Financial Than Bank
Institution Other: Visit Report Financial Than Bank
Source of dataThe analyses have been conducted on the basis of the secondary data
obtained from differentsources like Review of Banking and Financial Institution
Of Bangladesh, Bangladesh BankAnnual Report, Bangladesh Leasing and Finance
Companies Association (BLFCA) Year
Book And Bangladesh Bank (2008), “Financial Sector Review”. Bangladesh
Bank‘s NBFIs
Guide Line. And IFIL company rules and frame work.
Basic parameters
The basic Parameter of the Non Banking Financial Institution is annual growth
rate, theirtypes and sector of investments and target market against each type of
investment or finance.Financing process.
Bank promulgated an order titled ‘Non Banking Financial Institutions Order, 1989’
promote better regulation and also to remove the ambiguity
relating to the permissible areasof operation of NBFIs. But the order did not cover
the whole range of NBFI activities. It alsodid not mention anything about the
statutory liquidity requirement to be maintained with thecentral bank. To remove
the regulatory deficiency and also to define a wide range of
activities to be covered by NBFIs, a new act titled ‘Financial Institution Act, 1993’
enacted in 1993 (Barai et al. 1999). Industrial Promotion and Development
Company (IPDC)was the first private sector NBFI in Bangladesh, which started its
operation in 1981. Sincethen the number has been increasing and n December 2006
it reached 29.
Of these, one isgovernment owned, 15 are local (private) and the other 13 are
established under joint venturewith foreign participation.The major business of
most NBFIs in Bangladesh is leasing, though some are alsodiversifying into other
lines of business like term lending, housing finance,
merchant banking, equity financing, venture capital financing etc. Lease
financing, term lending andhousing finance constituted 94 percent of
the total financing activities of all NBFIs up to June2006. A break-up of
their financing activities reveals that the share of leasing and
housingfinance in the total investment portfolio of NBFIs has gradually
decreased from 59 and 15 percent, respectively, in 2002 to 46 and 14
percent in June 2006. The share of term loans, onthe other hand, has
increased from 20 percent to 34 percent during the same period
implyingincreased focus on the former. The evolvement of NBFI
business activity is observed inFigure 1. It can also be seen from the
figure that the portfolio mix of NBFIs has become quitestable from