Name: Peter Jhon C. Boyose Grade/Setion: 11 Fleming

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Name: Peter Jhon C.

Boyose Grade/Setion: 11 Fleming

Comparative Analysis between Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism


Most scholars believe Its origin can be traced back as Its origin can be found
Hinduism started far as the 3rd century BCE and probably around 100 BCE in
Origin somewhere between 2300 it derives from a Buddhist northern India and Kashmir,
B.C. and 1500 B.C. in the school no longer existent and then it spread east into
Indus Valley, near modern- named Sthaviravada. Central Asia, East Asia and
day Pakistan. Theravada tradition claims that some areas of Southeast Asia.
a group of Buddhist
missionaries inspired by
Emperor Ashoka himself
introduced the Sthaviravada
school in Sri Lanka about 240
What you call morality in Theravada Buddhism is the first From the Buddhist perspective,
Hinduism is actually some period in the Buddhism history. an act is also moral if it
Morality empirical observations in And the morality of Theravada promotes spiritual development
diverse arenas of life, and Buddhism is about the salvation, by conforming to the Eightfold
these observations have the and taking refuge to “Buddha– Path and leading to Nirvana.
back up of accumulated Dharma and Sangha”. Before In Mahayana Buddhism, an
wisdom from Seers, sages, discovering about each emphasis is made on the
Yogis, Intellectuals etc. who Buddhism sect, it is vital to liberation of all beings
had been appearing here understand its ultimate root of
since aeons. That is why Buddhism theory.
HINDUISM have rigid
The purpose of Hinduism is Theravada life Mahayana uses Sanskrit as its
to connect you with this Theravada main language, and monastic
Purpose world, yourself and with gods, Buddhism emphasises attaining and lay followers work for the
ultimately with God. It lays self-liberation through one's liberation of all sentient beings,
out a paradigm you can use own efforts. Meditation and making compassion and
for achieving these purposes. concentration are vital elements insight (wisdom) its central
of the way to enlightenment. doctrines
The ideal road is to dedicate
oneself to full-time monastic life

Its destiny is linked to nature. The destiny of Theravada Mahayana Buddhist believe
The destiny of Hinduism is to Buddhism or Nirvana means that the right path of a follower
Destiny lead a life according to your to "blow out". This was the last will lead to the redemption of
Dharma. Your Dharma is way to strive in humanity. This all human beings.
your purpose of life. To find is explain that it has no pain, no The Hinayana believe that
your purpose in this life there desire and no rebirth but it is each person is responsible for
are rules set in Hinduism. transcendental. They call his own fate
it "Final Destiny or
Liberation." It's consist of three
Jewels :Triratna of sîla,
Samâdhi and Pannâ. The
human destiny focus on the
positive state of eternal peace.
According to this In ancient India the position of In Mahayana schools,
belief, Feminine Energy is the women does not appear to have Buddhahood is the universal
Views on one who creates matter, been a very Happy one. goal
women consciousness, eternal Generally women seem to have for Mahayana practitioners.
and infinite existence, been looked upon as being The Mahayana sutras maintain
metaphysical and empirical inferior to men. And at times that a woman can become
reality, soul and supreme of they were considered as being enlightened, only not
everything in the on the same level as sudras the in female form. For example,
universe. There is a scripture lowest of four castes. There the Bodhisattvabhūmi, dated to
in Hinduism that says freedom is extremely limited. the 4th Century, states that
"feminine energy is the a woman about to attain
essence of the universe" enlightenment will be reborn as
a male.

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