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saogd Sdro aeraaJ,
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Aaiaa* 27-07-2017.
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2017-1Edc rDOdO Online Non-lnteractive d.ocde. *codd E$oajoodd qoE-d iEoFO *d)
er$.JoOB EaOS{E6ri9d (Ja$+q$a?$B a6a6Q.rl€i *q *os'oodd ,E"Fo, (9$6"0d abq
ed)oadd3od qodooboon rodcErlido EFcED.C Adc*Dd$ (drd) doeil&radood
(p!d3$d/d)oddraoadd) dr(ddd $dJPd 6Di1]a &Add &oo6QFilgri a6o6QFdrdd $dl suc3g
Siso Aed)d ioDoddon laonFg di{ 2013-14Jf EDOOod o$frDdiirQncrndl, sdi\
d)oddoiDd ic)doR dod ddqd€{o$ odl nodridg dDfod *rDd)8d)d ado^QFrled
edrdda$d e6gD:r 6{ deieod 01 gi8caJo' ood 25 d€dnan dsir&:,a,6dcn dr
oaBC2Jo6 2017 irzJ:)d. edFo$d)d d$t&$d d)d1 a6od8rd9od, dod/sDoNc 60. o draeddd
dradirord noajron;n* ddddr"$!6d. a-odQFo$ *t {3 r-]odoEdg 5!do$$d
ddodzirEaRdJdd. .lca6QFd9il ,6oFdd :JQFd eJJcddod aEDBr icddd&q r,dd)
d.oo6dld oDd$:66 ero6oE"(Nationalised Bank) &lodilsil d(ddoR "id".q.oei.tJ/cjd.t3.d.of
d)ajoodd *sD$stsilgd eid) dJodsS(BoC! A9tucbd ed{sjo$g oED,jQFddJ dnood)d
qo{-r# ?Jo6od (Nationalised Bank) srodlic ,or1 {Account Number), o.o+"."if..l 8,0(6"
(1.F"5.C code) d)dl sradoE i'1dq ddd drndr isotid"lsizi drcd&4 d€l6d d)dl dmddodoJ
addd${ o(dzjrEoll)gd. d3 addd&{ c&Cod-9 (Form-g) dJadddeE fodr.r (Mandate
Form) dq Ocdzj(6aa$dd(e)il,gr,d). 3{dO- dDood (,lD d.a(rbri9ii no{on Qo$6aed .3rd
drD#noduohdsad. di iDdq(don&{ 0d), nodc$ Jodr deidq {irt3,1 6Drirr noDodJq
e6a6QFil9 ddii3.ied dgJ&:r &6o6Q.ii9od n& ddddJadrtdd 6oil,o edod d]a&coi$d
o(daJ(dod i,"dtud. sdFo$dl "add,oooii origictoRd)d drosoF-on sd id&d qJer
d,?A6ajtr&d aaosldtogo) dogco\. ;eQ(6dmC,oood i& d?8 5, 6drod x9r!Qoi.
4. edtQFd $0e3.o$ drodcrod d,oddab{ dcdda^ ooadQF oDscdod 114606' etodo$ io$d
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5. (9drrl9gd Ego1raod dlo&,go$o Joi\,"sordon a6o6Qro$ ddro6:r&d rJd iodd
da:JA,lodr 6-od, oo$crogdd${ enerJdd sJrl ,Ddd dB,:J8JDod) eodrFdodJ (,dFd
d.jQeddrd i&o$$n *oddd.
6. O-to.dc3d{ add, cd-dd.od, of.e.of.L, i sJ(rodo3d oo-toFc6
d.oso. adddC cddod-9[Form-9] irodddcl$ ao#r (Mandate Form) d$6
r,orrocrlco{ s,l qrrosJco i{6od d?rtl'dq Jdo$ad6.
htl,p: dte.kor,
qdoi, Le/
l. Bo$eo6, oD%d o? iroFo $$ e&6o0g, c$oodd&J(,r,..4.$ ds.rroodd J.S(d
ddobd) s3-" ?c€ao$oonr 6$!b iloFo da (,6boa0d aor3tdrig.i (Online Non-
Srardc, dco€d dDs.oodd EidcuDg Bdo6Dd) -"dd *oo6d Xoi d$lon.
y'rcobearmpaorls, ?-sd9d aeon, Eao.O.O, doddn6. (Ee$d saic!) " - o
Filled application should be sent through the Principal ofthe College where the student studyinS.
3. ed,ord.6!.J cdrrle&4 6Dd]a OdQdA:Jd 6-Dcdd iiodd de&d (9d.ild&q dodrdne.n.bQ)Ae.
Incomplete applications or applications received after the prescribed date will no be considered.
gqlrQaos 6.q) :
Name ofthe Candidate gcd.g/gc
flnCaDitalLetters) Smt./Sri.
Father's Name
flnCaDitalLetters) Smt./Sri.
3. dl,.ar.S / dJ{d.o(d Arcag 6aetd 6rd) :
Government of Karnataka
Finance Department
Department ofTreasu es
Electronic Clearing Service (Credit Clearing)/ Real Time Gross Sedlement RTGSy National
Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) facility for receiving payments.
Last Name
Institution / College
Voter lD
Address 2 :
Pin Code :
Mobile Number ofthe Recipient
Bank Name
Branch Name
Date of Effect -
hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the
Eansaction is delayed or not effected at all ffi reasons of incomplete or incorrect information I
would not hold the Institution rcsponsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to
discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant under the Scheme.
Government of Karnataka
Finance Department
Department of Treasuries
Electronic Clearing Service (Crcdit Clearing/ Real Time Gross Settlement RTGS)/ National
Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) facility for receiving payments.
Second Name:
Last Name:
Votu ID (Principal)
Address 1
Pin code
Remarks IF Any
B, College Bank Account Details of the recipientr
Bank Name
Branch Name
Date of effectr
I hereby dedate that the particulars given above ate corect and complete. lf tlte
Transaction is detrayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorect
information I would not hold the Institution responsible. I have read the option
invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant
under Ale SclEme.