Ado$: (6 ) L.: - :: 2017-L8de D3.f.a.&/cjd ) SD) Ro6 (!D) DL$ - T - ' - CR) DC$: 6: A

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5oF[ld BE"Fd
io:aEJ"/03/o;f :rdeS (2) 20 17 -18 od(rdiddd dqj(0.
saogd Sdro aeraaJ,
zioriCrad)-560 001.
Aaiaa* 27-07-2017.
-:: iD€.ro(e3 ::-

ado$: 2017-l8de rDOd d3.f.a.&/cjd;) (6*) drn(il"rrBdood

(D.n36-/d) sd]ro6(!d) dJaerEd $69d/a630ii
d' ..trD.oFdf 3.
dl$ e-__'- -;- Nedld
a:3 Sdro ' -_ _zji'i
cr)dc$: l. r6oFod sJed roaJ.: aA ^ tJ2 arabg 2011. 6: ll-08-20i6 &
2. irordd sded io&j6: qE 50 a,l-' 2015, a: 29-03-2016.

2017-1Edc rDOdO Online Non-lnteractive d.ocde. *codd E$oajoodd qoE-d iEoFO *d)
er$.JoOB EaOS{E6ri9d (Ja$+q$a?$B a6a6Q.rl€i *q *os'oodd ,E"Fo, (9$6"0d abq
ed)oadd3od qodooboon rodcErlido EFcED.C Adc*Dd$ (drd) doeil&radood
(p!d3$d/d)oddraoadd) dr(ddd $dJPd 6Di1]a &Add &oo6QFilgri a6o6QFdrdd $dl suc3g
Siso Aed)d ioDoddon laonFg di{ 2013-14Jf EDOOod o$frDdiirQncrndl, sdi\
d)oddoiDd ic)doR dod ddqd€{o$ odl nodridg dDfod *rDd)8d)d ado^QFrled
edrdda$d e6gD:r 6{ deieod 01 gi8caJo' ood 25 d€dnan dsir&:,a,6dcn dr
oaBC2Jo6 2017 irzJ:)d. edFo$d)d d$t&$d d)d1 a6od8rd9od, dod/sDoNc 60. o draeddd
dradirord noajron;n* ddddr"$!6d. a-odQFo$ *t {3 r-]odoEdg 5!do$$d
ddodzirEaRdJdd. .lca6QFd9il ,6oFdd :JQFd eJJcddod aEDBr icddd&q r,dd)
d.oo6dld oDd$:66 ero6oE"(Nationalised Bank) &lodilsil d(ddoR "id".q.oei.tJ/cjd.t3.d.of
d)ajoodd *sD$stsilgd eid) dJodsS(BoC! A9tucbd ed{sjo$g oED,jQFddJ dnood)d
qo{-r# ?Jo6od (Nationalised Bank) srodlic ,or1 {Account Number), o.o+"."if..l 8,0(6"
(1.F"5.C code) d)dl sradoE i'1dq ddd drndr isotid"lsizi drcd&4 d€l6d d)dl dmddodoJ
addd${ o(dzjrEoll)gd. d3 addd&{ c&Cod-9 (Form-g) dJadddeE fodr.r (Mandate
Form) dq Ocdzj(6aa$dd(e)il,gr,d). 3{dO- dDood (,lD d.a(rbri9ii no{on Qo$6aed .3rd
drD#noduohdsad. di iDdq(don&{ 0d), nodc$ Jodr deidq {irt3,1 6Drirr noDodJq
e6a6QFil9 ddii3.ied dgJ&:r &6o6Q.ii9od n& ddddJadrtdd 6oil,o edod d]a&coi$d
o(daJ(dod i,"dtud. sdFo$dl "add,oooii origictoRd)d drosoF-on sd id&d qJer
d,?A6ajtr&d aaosldtogo) dogco\. ;eQ(6dmC,oood i& d?8 5, 6drod x9r!Qoi.

--7-- 03lscH{2)/17.13 Hlv/Lep

l. dxod Feri.-d)r .dcarqd)i .i6arQFd* ci3d ,-{de ic'Fr idcn6d)Q)d.'rr
JBoEbEDed) oa3d ie:raood) e*FIi duQe6deo nboc;tr dledsJ(Eo.tdd).

2. a6tQFr{C t,dFd Eooloo$ eCD oodQFoO (,dra(4 t3o$6bd

ddr e,dd 3od
ddBcdo$d eQEadd&4 aead dcro crdnc4 BQuadri?od(District Surgeon) doQcddrd
dgd&a Jd$Ara$;Ct.b.

3. oqooQrilS ErDeiDrdod, Ooddodl djJ6l dorldaEd) oD$cJiic$4 Es idF Jdd)

n9$6.b 6onJr iodo$q d(aosj(n.b{ oosDolDdd.

4. edtQFd $0e3.o$ drodcrod d,oddab{ dcdda^ ooadQF oDscdod 114606' etodo$ io$d
d)6 ac.od.DF6.:r no4 aD-art]! aaJD.jQFoi) 5{o6ri dro E5od,c drDa&d $6 dro
dd66d eJ( draroF &ddd&r Jdd)d."od d. dqieod ,q$d ddddc$${ dradd)6.
5. (9drrl9gd Ego1raod dlo&,go$o Joi\,"sordon a6o6Qro$ ddro6:r&d rJd iodd
da:JA,lodr 6-od, oo$crogdd${ enerJdd sJrl ,Ddd dB,:J8JDod) eodrFdodJ (,dFd
d.jQeddrd i&o$$n *oddd.
6. O-to.dc3d{ add, cd-dd.od, of.e.of.L, i sJ(rodo3d oo-toFc6
d.oso. adddC cddod-9[Form-9] irodddcl$ ao#r (Mandate Form) d$6
r,orrocrlco{ s,l qrrosJco i{6od d?rtl'dq Jdo$ad6.

htl,p: dte.kor,

qdoi, Le/
l. Bo$eo6, oD%d o? iroFo $$ e&6o0g, c$oodd&J(,r,..4.$ ds.rroodd J.S(d
ddobd) s3-" ?c€ao$oonr 6$!b iloFo da (,6boa0d aor3tdrig.i (Online Non-
Srardc, dco€d dDs.oodd EidcuDg Bdo6Dd) -"dd *oo6d Xoi d$lon.
y'rcobearmpaorls, ?-sd9d aeon, Eao.O.O, doddn6. (Ee$d saic!) " - o

-2- ol/scHl2)/17 r3 HN/Lep

eseeg i,qtc ta,l9qr6u
dzrr.a.a/ e€A, aaedd ddd aaapr-dcddd d,aiJd cdr dd,ad 2017-t8d( Faoi

1. * i;rradonio{ d-drdld{ d))oa3d-Dn Egol,ooci ooddi!4 Eoddjaddcc)od l"dair$.

edFci)Sr iCA,d dd6oo$ o$Ddde o-cjDd.6 d.Ddc)l eioabg OederolDdog. o$odde nd,oio
"iod) dodl .odd, oedcrod A(J'oAQF dedJd$r di& dd!- drodcrDindjd.
Each sentence should be read carefully before the form is filled in. No changes will be permitted after
the application is submitted,Ifany entry is found incorrect, the scholarship willbe liable to be
can€elled forthwith.
2. C3. droad cd.i'lc$r &ondQrotD do;jorl iD-dgd.d Eorj(dd eoddroed dD9Jaodddc
! rra&ilc aa..

Filled application should be sent through the Principal ofthe College where the student studyinS.
3. ed,ord.6!.J cdrrle&4 6Dd]a OdQdA:Jd 6-Dcdd iiodd de&d (9d.ild&q dodrdne.n.bQ)Ae.
Incomplete applications or applications received after the prescribed date will no be considered.
gqlrQaos 6.q) :
Name ofthe Candidate gcd.g/gc
flnCaDitalLetters) Smt./Sri.
Father's Name
flnCaDitalLetters) Smt./Sri.
3. dl,.ar.S / dJ{d.o(d Arcag 6aetd 6rd) :

Name ofthe HIV/LEPRoSY affected Darents

4. o$ad dnrild d)6-dndod ? 1, HIV
Mention disease ? 2, LEPROSY
5. "iig d&Fdgod ? d,o(i1- 6aO nd,.d-(& ?
From how manyYears? the disease has been affected?
6. gdroeo dg edgie.ohdooc ?
ndo ddrnro dgdd.q de* dr*dricd eQEoo/r.oFo e*rl$
eQ(ddddOod/de* dddsSco$ eQn!Oileod/o&ao6odd)
erQd"rd d.Jddood Ed.Dro dgid.i{ ddo$dddr. .
The medical certificate attached ?
The Medisal Certificate shall be issued bythe District
Leprosy officer/Govt. Hospital Suptd., Dist. Health olficer or
anv authorized Doctors,
7. ojJnd a6o.8Fi1 e96dro a-a6Qaca! a6e&Eoi lFE e,+-n
d, 8.od dr*d"oed6DJR d8q ddd ,o-Cr-O Do.G.uJ
Eidram dgdila eddo dr,f.o.a.ron ddJ ddd nodqiFdg[,3 {idra& dgid$ edgnerDndoir ?
ls M.D.T certificale issued Lo Lhe students or parenls lor
undergoing Leprosy Treatment in present or in past yearc ?
orthe A.R.T certificate issued to the students or parents for
underqoinp HIV Treatment in present or in past years ?
03/scH(2)/17'13 Hrv/Lep
=i n:3: ==:a: .-ia: I3-i::. a,i31;.::.
To which Category the candidate belongs to;
Caste & Income certificate should be enclosed
9. !5)s naFoo 5D:od i!!d)96"J tocjlCd did! -og)

Name and address ofthe Dresently pursuing College

10. 6C& ddaooq osd
iio(F Fdq d06Eod trto6,!6*o.
Mention the Course ofHe / She is srudying in
11. -lFori ,!od,96d Jda gddSo$ eodJti.l{.$d
e,lgielndo$ 6idri E+ ddFii noaoQ:,dog
nF..of.ncf.:, 6ortri 3Siouod eoidq dl6 dJ.ol).:r
eoddqo$${ erlSaC)ando$.
Wheather the student's degree marks cards & SSLC Mark
card or equivalent exam mark card or PUC mark card for the
first year is enclosed ?
12. i6nFo / (,$d003 @otJqd / sodooboo.f rod(ddg
-Df orl dJod,96ade.
Wheather the student is studying in Covernment or Aided
Dolwechnic/Ensineerins Colleses.
13. . e3d. aiJDod :
Date of Birth
. 50nd {c, dg r$e olq
Place of Birth, District and State
14. n6!dQFo$ d,oedd6 ieoEi / oo% iEoFo / $!rn drddd(
Whether the Parent's are Central or State Covernment or
Private Employee
15. eFq / aroo$o a{'Dx
Present or Permanent Address

16. sjerod d.oddD.d ioe{:- $6J68. i)d) dod/Eoob

Contact Phone Number: Student & Father/Mother
.r.oc.A / $qd,oed a(Edo0ndv&eaddoRd)^ d)il I
$eeidd 6oodqd/lodbo$0orj. lodeddC -Dlo,l drDclrgdl * e,dFoog oeAd)d addfl$ ,g6do.b
I swear that I am affected from the disease Hlv/Leprosy. My Son/Daughter and Applicant
Studying in the above named Polytechnic/Engineering College and I certified that the particulars made
above are correct.

X*, d.ocri &cag dJicgdd ,E

Place i Signature ofthe diseased parent

6daod : edE-6add lac

Date : Signature of the Applicant
-.4- 03/scHl2)/17-18 Hlv/L.o
Form - 9

Government of Karnataka
Finance Department
Department ofTreasu es
Electronic Clearing Service (Credit Clearing)/ Real Time Gross Sedlement RTGSy National
Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) facility for receiving payments.

A. Details ofAccounts Holder (Student) : -

First Name

Name of Recipient (Students) SecondName:

Last Name

Institution / College

Course & l"', 2no, 3'o, & 4'n year

Recipient type (Category)

USN Number for 2m ,3'o, & 4' year

SSLC Reg. No. for l" year


Voter lD

Complete Institution / College

Address 1


Address 2 :

Pin Code :

Mobile Number ofthe Recipient

E-mail ofthe Recipient

Fax Number (lnst./College/Offi ce)


.d Bank Account Details oI the recipientr

Bank Name

Branch Name

Type of Bank Account (Please Select Savings ! / Current Account E

the type of BanI Account) *Minor E / Major fl
Account Number (as appea ng in the
cheque/Pass book)

9 digit M.I.C.R Code of Bank Brarrch

LF.S.C Code of the Bank

Documents Enclosed ! ehotocopy of the Cheque I-eaf issued by bank

T-l Photo copy of the A-mount Recent

Trarsaction(amount deposited/ with draw
E Zerox o( first page of pass book bearing
Accout Number
* The Student having a Minor Account in the bank cannot be accept€d to NEFI
* Without Bank transaction cannot be accepted to NEFT process,

Date of Effect -
hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the
Eansaction is delayed or not effected at all ffi reasons of incomplete or incorrect information I
would not hold the Institution rcsponsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to
discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant under the Scheme.

Date: Signature of Student

Should be verilied By cose worker t

Date: Signature of Case worker

Date: dncipal Signature & Seal

Form - 9

Government of Karnataka
Finance Department
Department of Treasuries
Electronic Clearing Service (Crcdit Clearing/ Real Time Gross Settlement RTGS)/ National
Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) facility for receiving payments.

A. Details of Accounts Holder (College hincipal) :

Name of the Recipient (Principal) First Name:

Second Name:

Last Name:



Recipient tfp€ (Designation)

Aadhaar Number (Principal)

Votu ID (Principal)

PAN Number (Principal)

Provident Fund Number (Principal)

Complete lnstitution/College office Address Address 1

Address 1

Pin code

Mobile Number of the Recipient Self

Office & Residency

E-mail (e-mail oI the recipient)

Fax Number(of the Inst/College Office)

Remarks IF Any
B, College Bank Account Details of the recipientr

Bank Name

Branch Name

T),?e of Bank Account (Please Select Savingsf Current Account !

the tJ,?e of Bark Account)

Account Numbel (as appeadng in the

cheque/Pass book)

9 digit MICR Code of Bank Branch

IFSC Code oI the Bank

Document Enclosed ! Photocopy of the Cheque LeaJ issued by bark

f-l lhoto copy of the Amount Re(ent
L-J Ttarsaction(amount deposited/with drdw
zerox of first page of pai, book bearing Account Number
* Without Bank ha.neaction can't be accepted to NEFI process,

Date of effectr
I hereby dedate that the particulars given above ate corect and complete. lf tlte
Transaction is detrayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorect
information I would not hold the Institution responsible. I have read the option
invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant
under Ale SclEme.

Date: Seal & Signatule of Principal

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