No. 1 (385) Cc-Ii D SSB/2019 6424-3 Dat D 0 10.2019
No. 1 (385) Cc-Ii D SSB/2019 6424-3 Dat D 0 10.2019
No. 1 (385) Cc-Ii D SSB/2019 6424-3 Dat D 0 10.2019
2. Normalized marks of the candidates have been uploaded on Board's Website. Based
on the performance in Tier-I written examination, 2612 (Two thousand Six Hundred Twelve)
candidates as detailed below, have been provisionally shortlisted to appear in Tier-II
examination in the ratio of 1:10 subject to attaining minimum qualifying marks and
correctness of the information furnished by the candidates in their online application forms.
The shortlisted candidates shall be called for Tier-II examination separately. All the
candidates can view their marks by logging into their account in the OARS Module on
3. Only those candidates have been considered in OBC Category who has declared that
they had obtained their caste certificates from Delhi State in their online examination form.
4. Since documents have not been called from the candidates along with the
application forms as such detailed scrutiny regarding eligibility has not been carried out,
and therefore, mere inclusion of names in the list of candidates qualifying for appearing in
Tier-II examination does not entitled them any right over the post.
5. Reserved Category candidates who have obtained marks above or equal to the last
shortlisted UR Candidates have been shortlisted against UR vacancies and their final
selection to the post shall be considered in UR category, subject to availability of vacancies,
otherwise for selection in their respective category.
6. As per the Board Notice dated 26/04/2013 the minimum qualifying marks in two Tier
written examination for UR Category Candidate is 40%, for OBC Candidate is 35% for
SC/ST/PH candidate is 30% and for EXSM category candidate is 5% relaxation in their
respective categories subject to a minimum of 30%.
7. The qualified candidates for appearing in Tier-ll examination has been called in the
ratio of 1:10 of the advertised vacancies, however all the candidates who have score marks
equal to the cut off marks in each category have been shortlisted.
8. The result is subject to the outcome of OA No. 1390/2019, MA 2517/2019 and any
other Court Cases pending in various courts related to this Post.
9. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, DSSSBreserves the right
to rectify errors and omissions, if any detected at any stage.