Rigging Equipment Management
Rigging Equipment Management
Rigging Equipment Management
Originator: COPI
COPI Group Owner: UO- Asset Integrity - OEE
Area: General
Location: General
System: General
Document Type: Standard Specification
Discipline / Subdiscipline: General / General
Old COPI Document No.: COPI-HS-ST-00001 Sec. L.003 Lifting Gear Certification
Arianto B Didik Idham HS Not
5 IFU April 2015 Issued for Use Muhdi
Nugroho Wibisono Purba Req’d
Nugroho Gunawan/
September Didik Idham HS Not
4 IFU Issued for Use Aryanto/Iman Muhdi
2013 Wibisono Purba Req’d
Sugihartoto Sujatmiko/
December Duncan Anggiat M. Patrick Phil
3 IFU Issued for Use Rune Tufta
2010 Fraser Sihotang Wolfe Webb
Andre Boriyantoro/ Aty Not
2 IFU 3 Dec 08 Issued for Use Faisal
Indrayana Supriyadi Req’d
Bonny S.P
Revision Sheet
ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Reference.............................................................................................................................. 4
3 Application ........................................................................................................................... 4
4 Responsibilities/Accountabilities ...................................................................................... 4
5 Potential Hazards ................................................................................................................. 4
6 Documentation of Lifting Gear ........................................................................................... 4
7 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 4
7.1 Lifting Equipment ................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Certification ............................................................................................................................ 4
7.3 Load Test ............................................................................................................................... 5
7.4 Safe Working Limit (SWL) ..................................................................................................... 5
7.5 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 5
7.6 Pre-use Inspection ................................................................................................................. 5
7.7 Qualified Inspector ................................................................................................................. 5
7.8 Contractor Equipment ............................................................................................................ 5
7.9 Rigging Lofts .......................................................................................................................... 5
7.10 Color Code ............................................................................................................................. 5
8 Inspection and Certification ............................................................................................... 5
8.1 Initial Inspection & Certification .............................................................................................. 5
8.2 Re-inspection & Re-Certification............................................................................................ 6
8.3 Frequency of Inspection and Certification ............................................................................. 6
8.4 Inspection Prior to Use .......................................................................................................... 6
8.5 Proof Load Testing ................................................................................................................ 6
8.6 Inspection............................................................................................................................... 6
8.7 Synthetic Slings ..................................................................................................................... 7
8.8 Wire rope slings ..................................................................................................................... 7
8.9 Additional Considerations ...................................................................................................... 7
9 Identification and Records .................................................................................................. 7
10 Equipment which has failed Routine Inspection .............................................................. 8
11 Repair or Modifications to Lifting Equipment ................................................................... 8
12 Contractor / Sub Contractor Equipment ........................................................................... 8
Appendix A - Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................... 9
Appendix B – Lifting Equipment List ...................................................................................................... 10
Appendix C – Lifting Appliances ............................................................................................................. 11
Standard Specification: ID-G-BU-00000-00000-00315 Rev. 5
Rigging Equipment Management Guideline
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1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to set out guidelines for the operation, inspection and
maintenance of COPI lifting equipment. It is the intent of this guideline that all lifting
equipment shall:
Have relevant certification documents and be certified for use
Be inspected and load-tested as appropriate prior to being put into service
Be visually inspected each time prior to use,
Be used in accordance with its design
Be maintained in good condition for safe use.
2 Reference
This guideline should be read and executed with reference to the COPI Rigging, Lifting &
Mechanical Handling Standard document, ID-G-BU-GG0-POL-GN-00-00010.
3 Application
All lifting equipment used by Company, contractors and sub contractors when performing
lifting operations with Company materials and equipment while working at Company
Facilities or under Company direction.
4 Responsibilities/Accountabilities
Vice President Ops shall be accountable for the COPI rigging equipment management
guideline. Senior Managers, or their delegates, shall be responsible for the
implementation of the guideline.
5 Potential Hazards
Lifting equipment failure under load may cause injury to personnel, damage to process
facilities, equipment or materials and adversely impact the environment.
7 Definitions
7.1 Lifting Equipment
Lifting equipment comprises both lifting appliance such as cranes, forklifts, suspended
cradles, hoists, beam trolleys, beam clamps, blocks, winches and runway beams etc. and
lifting accessories which connect a load to the lifting appliance and are not part of the
load such as wire rope slings, chain slings, man-made fiber slings, hooks and fittings,
swivels, shackles, eye bolts, rigging screws, wedge sockets, plate clamps, etc. Lifting
equipment also includes items that are used during lifting such as cargo containers,
barrel clamps or hooks, tote tanks, spreader bars, etc. An indication of special items
appears in Appendix B.
7.2 Certification
An assurance by the manufacturer or by a Qualified Inspector, that the lifting equipment
is safe for use. This is generally accomplished with certification documentation received
with the purchase of the particular piece of lifting equipment. Qualified Inspector shall be
MIGAS Crane Inspector certified as a minimum qualification.
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In addition, all lifting equipment and lifting accessories should have documentation in
accordance with Appendix C – Lifting Equipment Matrix. The documentation shall provide
assurances to the Qualified Inspector that the lifting equipment has the necessary
material strength to be used at its WLL. This is accomplished by considering supporting
documentation such as material certification test results and/or the performing of a load
test as appropriate. Once it has passed this inspection, it is marked with the appropriate
color code for lifting accessories.
Equipment that has been disassembled and reassembled, repaired or modified shall
have a re-inspection prior to it returning in service. Equipment that fails this inspection will
not be permitted for use on Company Facilities and should be returned to the supplier or
8.2 Re-inspection & Re-Certification
All lifting equipment shall be re-inspected and re-certified by a qualified inspector from an
independent third party at regular intervals.
If the inspection reveals any defect that would prevent it from being used in a safe
condition, the lifting equipment (lifting appliance or lifting accessories) shall be withdrawn
from service and quarantined from further use. It is then either discarded or repaired and
re-inspected to ensure that it is capable of being used at its rated Working Load Limit
(WLL) as originally certified.
8.3 Frequency of Inspection and Certification
Lifting equipment on COPI facilities is to be inspected according to the following
6 month interval – Loose lifting accessories and personnel lifting equipment
12 month interval - lifting appliances such as runway beams and padeyes in
regular use, containers, crane, hoists.
Prior to use – lifting appliances such as runway beams, pad eyes and special lifting
accessories such as spreader beams/special handling beams and attachments which are
used infrequently, less than once per year
8.4 Inspection Prior to Use
Prior to use, all items of lifting equipment are to be examined by the user to ensure, as far
as it is practicable, that the lifting device to be used is in good condition and it is safe to
be used in accomplishing the task. The user should verify that the lifting equipment has
all of the following:
Unique identification number
WLL markings
Color code that is current (for lifting accessories only)
Should any of the above be missing, the lifting equipment cannot be used and another
piece of lifting equipment that fulfills the above should be used.
For equipment that is fixed, such as a runaway beam, a sign should be affixed in a
manner that is clearly visible to the other potential users that this particular piece of lifting
equipment is faulty and should not be used.
8.5 Proof Load Testing
Lifting equipment will be proof load tested, if required, in accordance with Appendix C –
Lifting Equipment Matrix.
8.6 Inspection
Procedure for conducting lifting equipment certification inspection shall comply with the
United Kingdom Statutory Instrument No 2307 – 1998 The Lifting Operations & Lifting
Equipment Regulations (LOLER),ASME B30 standard and API .
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Further detailed Asset Integrity procedures for loose lifting inspection shall be developed
to meet all Lifting Equipment Certification requirements.
8.7 Synthetic Slings
Polypropylene or nylon polyester slings are the only acceptable alternatives to wire rope
or chain slings and shall be constructed using either of the following methods :-
Straight strop with a soft-bracketed eye at each end
Straight strop with metal D-rings at each end.
Endless round slings
9.2 7.2. The identification shall be stamped into the body of the equipment but in a manner
which does not affect the integrity of the lifting equipment. When this is impractical, the
equipment may be identified with a fixed tag.
9.3 7.3. Lifting accessories shall be color coded to indicate compliance with periodic inspection
and / or re-certification. The color code will be affixed or painted onto the lifting gear.
Each period for color code compliance will last six months. The colors, BLUE, ORANGE,
GREEN and YELLOW will be used in rotation. Lifting appliances (including lifting set for
container / cargo carrying unit) shall not be color coded.
9.4 7.4 In addition to the WLL markings, personnel baskets and personnel lifts shall also be
marked with the maximum capacity in number of persons and maximum weight in
9.5 7.5. A register of the lifting equipment governed by this standard shall be maintained up-to-
date and accessible to every user. This register or inventory should consist of:
Identification number
Type of lifting device
Quantity and serial numbers
The original test certificate and date of purchase
Date of last re-inspection / re-certification
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Any lifting equipment that physically fails shall be subject to a written failure report. The
specific intent of the failure report is to determine if changes are required to the lifting
equipment inspection procedures. Analysis and testing of a failed component may also
be appropriate.