Modification of Cassava Starch For Industrial Uses: Article
Modification of Cassava Starch For Industrial Uses: Article
Modification of Cassava Starch For Industrial Uses: Article
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Cassava starch modification by cross-linking using four different reagents (ammonium phosphate, sodium acetate, sodium
acetate with adipic acid, sodium acetate with fumaric acid) was performed. Functional properties (ash content, pH, moisture
content, gelatinization temperature, swelling power, swelling volume, solubility and viscosity) of the modified starch were
compared with those of the native cassava starch. The modified starches had varying degrees of improvements in properties
in descending order as: modification with sodium acetate, ammonium phosphate, sodium acetate with adipic acid, sodium
acetate with fumaric acid. Starch modified with sodium acetate and ammonium phosphate showed great improvement in their
gelatinization temperature with values of 79oF and 75oF compared with 69oF of the native starch, solubility of 66.7% and
37.1% compared with 0% of the native cassava starch and had lower and stable viscosities.
Cassava starch was prepared following the method of 2.4 Preparation of Modified Starch With
Moorthy et al., (1999). Cassava roots were peeled, Sodium Acetate
washed and disintegrated in a grating machine. The
resulting cassava mesh was reground and mixed with Weigh 200g of native cassava starch into a plastic
water in the ratio 1:5 (w/v %). The mesh was filtered container, add 0.2g of silicon oxide (fluxing agent) to the
through double layer of nylon cloth to obtain starch starch, mix for 5 minutes, add 20g of sodium hydroxide
solution. The starch was separated from the water by (alkaline catalyst), mix for 20 minutes, add 29g of sodium
sedimentation and decantation. The starch was set in an acetate (cross linking agent) mix for 15 minutes, heat
oven to dry. The native starch was labelled 1. mixture in a water bath maintained at a temperature of
75°C, stir mixture continuously for 1hour, pour out the
2.2 Preparation of Modified Cassava mixture to cool.
2.5 Preparation of Modified Starch with
Four types of cross-linked cassava starches were produced Sodium Acetate and Fumaric Acid
as shown in Figure 1 using four different reagents:
ammonium phosphate, sodium acetate, sodium acetate Weigh 200g of native cassava starch into a plastic
neutralized with adipic acid and sodium acetate container, add 0.2g of silicon oxide, mix for 5 minutes,
neutralized with fumaric acid. The modified starches were add 20g of sodium hydroxide (alkaline catalyst), mix for
labelled 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. 20 minutes, add 29g of sodium acetate and 14.5g of
fumaric acid, mix for 15 minutes, heat mixture in a water
2.3 Preparation of Modified Starch with bath maintained at a temperature of 75°C, stir mixture
Ammonium Phosphate continuously for 1hour, pour out the mixture to cool.
2.6 Preparation of Modified Starch with minutes and weighed. 2g of each starch sample was put
Sodium Acetate and Adipic Acid into the dishes, weighed and labelled. The dishes were put
in an oven maintained at 105°C for 4 hours; the dishes
Weigh 200g of native cassava starch into a plastic were removed, placed in the dessicator and allowed to
container, add 0.2g of silicon oxide, mix for 5 minutes, cool for 15 minutes. The dishes were removed and
add 20g of sodium hydroxide (alkaline catalyst), mix for weighed as quickly as possible. The moisture content in
20 minutes, add 29g of sodium acetate and 14.5g of adipic the samples was calculated as follows:
acid, mix for 15 minutes, heat mixture in a water bath
maintained at a temperature of 75°C, stir mixture % Moisture = Weight moisture in sample x 100 (2)
continuously for 1hour, pour out the mixture to cool. Weight of sample before drying
ISSN: 2049-3444 © 2012 – IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 915
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) – Volume 2 No. 6, June, 2012
4.1 Ash Content native starch modified with sodium acetate with a
decrease. Mahmut and Sosulski (2004) and Huang et., al
The ash content of a sample is the non-volatile inorganic (2007) had earlier reported increased water absorption
matter of a compound which remains after subjecting it to ability of modified starches. Starch modified with
a high decomposition temperature. During heating, the ammonium phosphate and sodium acetate mixed with
organic compounds are decomposed or released leaving adipic acid had the highest moisture content of 15% and
behind the residue which consists mainly of other 14.55% respectively, the moisture content in the other
inorganic matters. Hence the ash content can be samples did not exceed the maximum allowable limit
considered an indication of clean processing.
Modification by cross-linking decreases the ash content of 4.4 Gelatinization Temperature
starch (Alejandro, et. al., 2008). This trend is obtained
from the results of the ash content of the modified The gelatinization temperature of starch is the temperature
starches shown in Table 1; indicating that modification by at which the starch forms a completely transparent gel.
cross-linking produces cleaner starches. However the Gelatinization is a process that breaks down the
neutralization of sodium acetate with adipic acid intermolecular bonds of starch molecules in the presence
increased the ash content. of water and heat and allows the starch molecules to
engage more water. This penetration of water increases
4.2 pH. randomness in the structure of the starch. As expected the
stronger the bond between the starch molecules, the
The pH of a substance is the degree of acidity or alkalinity higher the amount of heat required to break the inter-
of that substance. Starch pastes from cross-linked starches molecular bond and therefore, the higher the gel
have been reported to be less likely to break down with temperature (Singh-Sodhi and Singh, 2005). Cross-linking
extended cooking times and possess increased acidity or treatment is intended to add intra and inter-molecular
severe shear (Langan, 1986). Modification increased the bonds at random locations in the starch granule that
pH of the native starch from 5.41 to 5.66, 7.05, 7.13 and stabilize and strengthen the granule (Acquarone & Rao,
7.54 for modification with sodium acetate neutralized 2003). Hence modification by cross linking increases the
with adipic acid, ammonium phosphate, sodium acetate gel temperature of modified starches. This trend is shown
neutralized with fumaric acid and sodium acetate in Table 1 as all modified starches had higher gel
respectively. It is necessary that the pH of starch tends temperatures than the native starch. The addition of adipic
towards neutrality so that it can be used in industries acid and fumaric acid respectively to the sodium acetate
where a change in the pH of products is not desired. This, modified starch reduced the reaction efficiency of the
modification by cross-linking achieved with improved pH modification as observed in the reduction of their gel
values of the native starch to desirable limits of neutrality. temperatures. Similar thermal properties for cross-linked
wheat starch were also reported by Choi and Kerr (2004).
4.3 Moisture Content They indicated that the extent of the changes depends on
the botanic source of the starch, concentration; type of
The moisture content of starch is the amount of moisture cross-linking reagent and the reaction condition (Chel-
present in it. The higher the moisture content the lower Guerrero and Betancur, 1998).
the amount of dry solids in the flour. The maximum
allowable limit for moisture in starch flour is 14% 4.5 Swelling Power, Swelling Volume and
(Austin, 1984). Higher values promote growth of Solubility Of Samples
organisms which causes odours and off-flavour. Table 1
show that modification by cross-linking increased the When an aqueous suspension of starch is heated, as the
moisture content of the modified starches except for temperature increases and exceeds gelatinization
ISSN: 2049-3444 © 2012 – IJET Publications UK. All rights reserved. 916
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) – Volume 2 No. 6, June, 2012
temperature, the starch granules become weakened and (2003) also indicated that the cross-linkages may reduce
the intermolecular bonds of the starch molecule become the movement of starch molecules, causing reduction in
distorted. This enables water molecules to become more water solubility and water absorption of cross-linked
attached to the starch molecules. The granules continue to starch.
swell as they absorb more water (Gunarantne and Corke,
2007). Cross-linking has been reported to decrease 4.6 Viscosity
(depending on the type of cross-linking agent and degree
of cross-linking) the swelling power, swelling volume and The viscosity of a substance is defined as its resistance to
solubility of starches from various sources (Hoover and flow and increases as temperature decreases or decreases
Sosulski, 1986). All modified starches show a decrease in as temperature increases (Coulson and Richardson, 2004).
their swelling power and swelling volume compared to Starch paste viscosity can be increased or reduced by
the native starch as shown in Table 1. The solubility of applying a suitable chemical modification (Agboola et al.,
starch is the water binding capacity of the starch. Table 1 1991). Increasing the level of cross-linking has been
shows that the native starch sample has zero percent reported to reduce or may completely prevent granule
solubility. This is because the granules have not been swelling which results in a decrease in viscosity
tampered with or ruptured. Results from modification by (Strivastava and Patal, 1973). The viscosity-temperature
cross-linking in Table 1 show an increase in solubility of behaviour of the native and modified starch samples are
all modified starches with sodium acetate modified starch shown in Figure 2. The results show that modification by
having the highest solubility of 66.67% showing an cross-linking improved (reduction in viscosity) the
increased randomness in the structure of the starch and the viscosity of the native starch. All the modified starches
rupture of the starch granules. The starch modified with show a decrease in viscosity at all temperatures compared
sodium acetate neutralized with fumaric acid has the to the un-modified native starch. The viscosity of native
lowest solubility among the modified starches. Singh et., starch, ammonium phosphate and sodium acetate
al (2007) also reported a reduction in solubility and modified starches increase as temperature decreases while
swelling of various cross-linked starch systems. They the modified starches with sodium acetate neutralized
have indicated that the resistance of a cross-linked starch with adipic and fumaric acids respectively gave unstable
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