3.0 Requirement Specification: 3.1 Non Functional Requirements

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0 Requirement Specification:

3.1 Non Functional Requirements:

There are requirements that are not functional in nature. Specifically, these are the
constraints the system must work within.

1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.

2. 24 X 7 availability
3. Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
4. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.

3.2 Functional requirements:

3.2.1. Login to STM

Use Case Name: Login to STM
Priority Essential
Trigger Menu selection
Precondition The user should have a valid user id and
Basic Path 1. STM Web site contains login window for
each user
2. User should provide a valid user id and
password to access the STM web site
Alternate Path N/A
Post condition STM is on its home page
Exception Path The may abandon the search at any time.

Other N/A

3.2.2 Registration of Pedestrains,vehicle owners,traffic police of STM:


Use Case Name: Registration to STM
Priority Essential
Trigger Menu selection
Precondition The user (pedestrians,vehicle owners,traffic
police)should provide a valid information.
Basic Path 1. STM Web site contains Registration
window for each users
2. User should provide a valid details to
create account in the STM web site
Alternate Path N/A
Post condition STM is on its validation page of Admin.
Exception Path The may abandon the search at any time.

Other N/A
Reference SRS 2.7

3.2.3 Compliant issues by Pedestrains,vehicle owners.

Use Case Name: Complaints issued
Priority Essential
Trigger Menu selection
Precondition The user (vehicle owners,pedestrains) should
have to provide valid information to traffic
police through admin.
Basic Path 1. STM Web site contains Compliant issued
dialog box for every user
Alternate Path N/A
Post condition STM is a validation form for every user
Exception Path The may abandon the search at any time.

Other N/A


Reference SRS 2.8

3.2.4Compliants under taken by traffic police,admin in STM

Use Case Name: Compliant uner taken by traffic police
Priority Essential
Trigger Menu selection
Precondition The user (pedstrains,vehicle owners)can give
compliant any time to traffic police.
Basic Path 1. STM Web site contains Compliant issued
dialog box for every user
Alternate Path N/A
Post condition STM is on its validation page of traffic
Exception Path The may abandon the search at any time.

Other N/A
Reference SRS 2.9

3.3 Specific Requirements:

Use Case Reports:

Use-Case-Model Survey for management system Smart traffic

1. Introduction

2. Actors


Documentation: User plays a main role in the project. In users we have different types of
users Traffic data which can he able to use and required login form for different users
who can register for maintaining the data.

Documentation: Admin can manage all users and maintain their data securely1He can
update the details and day to day updating can be done by admin.

Documentation: System can give the suggestions to the users during their discussion in
discussion forum. He /She will give the traffic details. For participating in discussion
forum he/she has to be registered.


Documentation: Smart Traffic Management plays a important role in maintaining data of

road Traffic of a region which is helpful to users.

Ask queries:

Documentation: User can ask any questions with the system and server during their chat

3 Contact systems:

Documentation: With the information provided by administrator user can directly contact
with system or he can contact during their chat.

Help user:

Documentation: Smart Traffic Management System can help by creating awareness.


Documentation: User can enter into his account only by login.

Documentation: User can exit from his account.


Maintain all details:
Documentation: Administrator can maintain all backup data.

Participate in chat:

Documentation: User can participate in chat with system and SERVER.

System can participate in chat with user and SERVER.

Provide Traffic details:

Documentation: Admin has to provide the Traffic information to the user.

Respond Queries:

Documentation: System can respond to the queries asked by user.


Documentation: For register their account user must be click on sign up

Update latest developments:

Documentation: Day to day updating in improvements of operations can be provided by
admin and they can be send to registered users every day

View Queries:
Documentation: System can view the queries which are asked by user.

View Response to Queries:

Documentation: User can view the response to their queries which are sent by system.

View Updates:

Documentation: User can view the updating provided by admin

4. Supplementary Requirements:

5. Performance Requirements:


System can withstand even though many no. of customers request the desired service. Access is
given to any users

6. Safety Requirements:
By incorporating a robust and proven DB2 UDB into the system, reliable performance and
integrity of data is ensured. There must be a power backup for server system. Since the product
is of 24x7 availability there should be power backup for server which provides the information.
Every day the data should be backup even when the operation of a user is not successful i.e.,
while performing the operation power failure occurs then data should be backup.

7. Security Requirements:

Sensitive data is protected from unwanted access by user’s appropriate technology and
implementing strict user-access criteria. Facility of unique user number and Password in such a
way that unauthorized user cannot log in. Operational rights for each user/terminal can be
defined. Thus, a user can have access to specific terminals and specific options only

3.4 Detailed functionl requirements:

Logical Database


1. Pedestrains (users)

Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Size

LastName String 30

FirstName varchar 30

MaidenName varchar 30

Address1 varchar 50

Address2# varchar 50


City varchar 30

State varchar 2

Zip Int 6

Year Int 4

EmailAddress String 20

ReceiveEmails Boolean 1

Password String 10

2. Vehicle owners:

Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Size

FirstName String 30

LastName String 30

Address String 50

City String 30

State String 2

Year Int 4

EmailAddress String 20

Vehicle Registration Varchar 20


Licence key int 10


Vehicle No: int 10

Password String 10

3. Traffic Police

Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Size

FirstName varchar 30

LastName varchar 30

City varchar 30

State varchar 10

Station area varchar 10

Email id varchar 20

password varchar 20

4. Admin

Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Size

username varchar 30

User id varchar 30

Email Id varchar 30

password varchar 10


Re-enter password varchar 10

 IEEE SRS format
Project specification requirement


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