Attendance Management System
Attendance Management System
Attendance Management System
Project Report
This is to certify that this report embodies the original work done by Manoj Kumar, Ravi
Kumar, Vijay, Puspendra Kumar and Vaibhav Singh; during this project submission as
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Project of B.Tech (Computer Science) VIII
Semester, of the IFTM University, Moradabad.
We hereby declare that the project report entitled “Attendance Management Syetem”submitted
by us to Iftm University Moradabad in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of B.Tech in
computer science and engineering is a record of bonafide project work carried out by us under
the guidance of Mr. Suneet Shukla (Associate Professor CS&E).
I further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not be
submitted, either in part or full, for the award of any other degree in this institute or any other
institute or University.
The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose
constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success.
We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Suneet Shukla Sir for the guidance, inspiration and
constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project.
We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the project.
Student attendance management system deal with the maintenance of the student’s attendance
details. It is generates the attendance of the student on basis of presence in class. It is maintaining
daily basis of attendance, the staff will be provide with the separate username and password to
make student attendance.
The staff handling the particular subject to responsible to make the attendance for all students.
Only if the student presents the particular date, the attendance will be calculated.
The student attendance report based on monthly and consolidate will be generated.
Table of contents
Chapter No. Chapter Name Page No.
Certificate i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Definition 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.3 Scope 1
1.4 Overview 1
1.5 References 1
2.4 Constraints 3
3. System Analysis 4
3.1 Introduction 4
4. Requirement Specifications 7
4.1 Hardware Requirements 7
5. Software Description 11
Visual Studio 2008
5.1 11
5.2 12
6. 15
Data Flow Diagram
6.1 15
E-R Diagram
6.2 18
Input Design
6.3 19
Output Design
6.4 19
Database Table
7. 20
Login Table
7.1 20
Teacher Table
7.2 20
Student Table
7.3 21
Attendance Table
7.4 22
Course Table
7.5 22
Project Description
8. 23
Problem Definition
8.1 23
Project Overview
8.2 23
Module Description
8.3 23
System Testing
9. 25
9.1 25
Testing Methodologies
9.2 25
System Maintenance
10. 27
11. 28
12. 38
12.1 38
Scope for future development
12.2 38
13. 39
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition:-
Attendance Management System is software developed for daily student attendance in schools,
colleges and institutes. It facilitates to access the attendance information of a particular student in a
particular class. The information is sorted by the operators, which will be provided by the teacher for a
particular class. This system will also help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student.
1.2 Purpose:-
The purpose of developing attendance management system is to computerized the tradition way of
taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the report automatically
at the end of the session or in the between of the session.
1.3 Scope:-
The scope of the project is the system on which the software is installed, i.e. the project is developed as
a desktop application, and it will work for a particular institute. But later on the project can be modified
to operate it online.
1.4 Overview:-
Attendance Management System basically has two main modules for proper functioning:-
First module is admin which has right for creating space for new batch. Any entry of new faculty,
Updating in subject if necessary, and sending notice.
Second module is handled by the user which can be a faulty or an operator. User has a right of making
daily attendance, generating report.
1.5 References:-
An Integrated approach to Software Engineering Approach- Dr. Bharat Bhushan Agrawal
And the other contents to different SRS’s report.
Chapter 2: The Overall Description
(i) Administrator
Administrator have rights to manage student details, add a new student, provide register number for all
students, assign each student a course etc., Administrator can update his profile, and also can give help
to the teachers and students.
(ii) User: There are two users:-
Student: -Student do the login and see profile, Attendance Details etc.
Teacher:-Add student, view the student details and take attendance student.
2.4 Constraints:-
Interface is only in English, no other language option is available.
User can login with his assigned username and password, no guest facilities is available.
Chapter 3: System Analysis
3.1 Introduction:-
Analysis can be defined as breaking up of any whole so as to find out their nature, function etc. It
defines design as to make preliminary sketches of; to sketch a pattern or outline for plan. To plan and
carry out especially by artistic arrangement or in a skillful wall. System analysis and design can be
characterized as a set of techniques and processes, a community of interests, a culture and an intellectual
orientation. The various tasks in the system analysis include the following.
Understanding application.
Developing candidate solution.
Performing trade studies.
Performing cost benefit analysis.
Recommending alternative solutions.
Supervising, installing and maintaining the system.
This system manages to the analysis of the report creation and develops manual entry of the student
attendance. First design the students entry form , staff allocation and time table allocation forms. This
project will helps the attendance system for the department calculate percentage and reports for
eligibility criteria of examination .The application attendance entry system will provide flexible report
for all students.
3.3 Proposed System:-
To overcome the drawbacks of the existing system, the proposed system has been evolved. This project
aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to generate accurate results from the student’s
attendance. The system provides with the best user interface.
The efficient reports can be generated by using this proposed system.
Chapter 4: Requirement Specifications
Use Case Diagram:-
Add/manage Students
Add/manage Teachers
Admin Teacher
Take Attendance
Manage Attendance
Report Generate
Logout Student
4.4 Non-Functional Requirements:-
4.4.1 Performance
Easy tracking of records and updating can be done. All the requirements relating to performance
characteristics of the system are specified in the section below. There are two types of requirements.
Static Requirements
These requirements do not impose any constraints on the execution characteristics of the
System. They are:
Number of Terminals
The software makes use of an underlying database that will reside at the server, while the front end will
be available online to the administrative and departmental computers as well as students and teachers.
Number of Users:
The number of users may vary, as this software finds applications in almost all department of the
Dynamic Requirements
These specify constraints on the execution characteristics of the system. They typically include response
time and throughout of the system. Since these factors are not applicable to the proposed software, it
will suffice if the response tine is high and the transactions are carried out precisely and quickly.
4.4.2 Reliability
The software will not be able to connect to the centralized database in the event that the college LAN
fails or in the event of the server being down due to a hardware or software failure.
4.4.3 Availability
The software will be available only to authorized users of the colleges like teachers to mark the students’
attendance, student to view their enrolled course, admin to add an update students records.
4.4.4 Security
The security requirements deal with the primary security. The software should be handled only by the
administrator and authorized users. Only the administrator has right to assign permission like creating
new accounts and generating password. Only authorized users can access the system with username and
4.4.5 Maintainability
Backups for database are available.
4.4.6 Portability:-
The Software is a windows-based application and is built in VB.Net and MYSQL so it is platform
independent and is independent of operating system.
Chapter 5: Software Description
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The
integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in
tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database
schema designer. It allows plug-ins to be added that enhance the functionality at almost every level -
including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Visual SourceSafe) to adding
new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects
of the software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).
Visual Studio functions as the code editing area, form designer, code validator, compiler and library
browser for a software development project. It supports languages by means of language services, which
allow any programming language to be supported (to varying degrees) by the code editor and debugger,
provided a language-specific service has been authored.
In this course we will be exploring installation, initialization, and basic use of the IDE for the purpose of
writing VB.NET software.
maximum of lines of code, is a daunting task. Visual Studio provides different views of your data, from
multiple project windows to helpful tools for setting up your applications and managing them
efficiently, letting you drill down into your data quickly and easily, while giving you versioning tools
via Subversion, Mercurial, and integration out of the box.
When new developers join your project, they can understand the structure of your application because
your code is well-organized.
5.2 MySql:-
5.2.1 Introduction
MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).
RDBMS means R--DB--MS.
R stands for Relational.
DB stands for Database, a repository for the information store.
The data in a database is organized into tables, and each table is organized into rows and columns.
Each row in a table is called a record. A record may contains several pieces (called fields) of
information, and each column in a table is known as a field.
MS stands for Management System, the software that allows you to insert, retrieve, modify, or delete
R stands for Relational, indicates a particular kind of DBMS that is good at relating information stored
in one table to information stored in another table by looking for elements common to each of them.
Relational DBMS has the advantage of efficient storage, and retrieval mechanisms for data, and uses
normalization process during design of RDBMS.
MySQL is Open Source Software
Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify. Anybody can download MySQL
from the Internet and use it without paying anything. Anybody so inclined can study the source code and
change it to fit their needs. MySQL uses the GPL (GNU General Public License) to define what you
may and may not do with the software in different situations. If you feel uncomfortable with the GPL or
need to embed MySQL into a commercial application you can buy a commercially licensed version
from us.
Chapter 6: Design
6.1.1-level DFD
Login Process
Entry Attendance
6.1.2-level DFD
Login Process
Data store
Teacher Student
6.1.3-level DFD
Attendance Generate
data store
6.2 E-R Diagram:-
Teacher Mobile No.
TeacherEmail ID Course
Teacher Name
Teacher ID
Std._Roll No.
Email ID
Student Mobile
Std ID Semester
Std name
DOB Gender
Std Father
6.3 Input Design:-
Input design is part of overall system design that requires special attention designing input data is to
make the data entered easy and free from errors. The input forms are designed using the controls
available in .NET framework.
Input design is the process of converting the user originated inputs to a computer based format. A
system user interacting through a workstation must be able to tell the system whether to accept the input
to produce reports. The collection of input data is considered to be most expensive part of the system
design. Since the input has to be planned in such a manner so as to get relevant information, extreme
care is taken to obtain pertinent information
This project first will entered to the input of allocation forms it will be created on student details form
and subject entry form, time table form .Iit will helps to calculate subject wise attendance system
Chapter 7: Database Table
7.3 Student Table:-
7.5 Course Table:-
Chapter 8: Project Description
Report details
Report can be taken by daily, weekly and consolidate:
Weekly report get all hour details of attendance starting date to ending date and display the status
Consolidate report get all student attendance details starting date to ending date status help for the
eligibility criteria of the student to attend the examination.
Chapter 9: System Testing
9.1 Introduction:-
Once source code has been generated, software must be tested to uncover (and correct) as many errors as
possible before delivery to customer. Our goal is to design a series of test cases that have a high
likelihood of finding errors. To uncover the errors software techniques are used. These techniques
provide systematic guidance for designing test that Exercise the internal logic of software components,
and Exercise the input and output domains of the program to uncover errors In program function,
behavior and performance.
Internal program logic is exercised using ―White box test case design Techniques.
Software requirements are exercised using ―block box test case Design techniques.
In both cases, the intent is to find the maximum number of errors with the Minimum amount of effort
and time.
this project. it is to check all modules worked on input basis .if you want change any values or inputs
will change all information. so specified input is must.
Chapter 10: System Maintenance
Software maintenance is far more than finding mistakes. Provision must be made for environment
changes which may affect either the computer, or other parts of the computer based systems. Such
activity is normally called maintenance.
It includes both the Improvement of the system functions and the corrections of faults which arise during
the operation of a new system.
It may involve the continuing involvement of a large proportion of computer Department recourses. The
main task may be to adapt existing system in a changing environment.
Back up for the entire database files are taken and stored in storage devices like Flash drives, pen drives
and disks so that it is possible to restore the system at the earliest. If theirs is a breakdown or collage,
then the system gives provision to restore database files.
Storing data in a Separate secondary device leads to an effective and efficient maintains of the system.
The nominated person has sufficient knowledge of the organization’s computer passed proposed change.
Chapter 11: Snapshots
Login page: -
Admin Panel:-
Add Teacher Page:-
Add Student page:-
Teacher Panel:-
Student Panel:-
Class Page:-
Student Detail Page:-
Change Password Page:-
Student Edit Page:-
Chapter 12: Conclusion
12.1 Conclusion:-
The Attendance Management System is developed using Visual Basic.NET fully meets the objectives of
the system which it has been developed. The system has reached a steady state where all bugs have been
eliminated. The system is operated at a high level of efficiency and all the teachers and user associated
with the system understands its advantage. The system solves the problem. It was intended to solve as
requirement specification.
Chapter 13: References
1. Declaration ---
2. Introduction to visual studio
3. Introduction to mysql
4. homepage Design
5. pictures/images Google Image Search
6. Sql Database WampServer
7. Some contents of Youtube.