Tea Company Rs. 3.78 Million Sep-2019
Tea Company Rs. 3.78 Million Sep-2019
Tea Company Rs. 3.78 Million Sep-2019
Pre-Feasibility Study
3rd Floor, Building No. 3, 5TH Floor, Bahria Ground Floor Bungalow No. 15-A
Aiwan-e-Iqbal Complex, Complex II, M.T. Khan Road, State Life Building Chaman Housing Scheme
Egerton Road Lahore, Karachi. The Mall, Peshawar. Airport Road, Quetta.
Tel: (042) 111-111-456 Tel: (021) 111-111-456 Tel: (091) 9213046-47 Tel: (081) 831623, 831702
Fax: (042) 36304926-7 Fax: (021) 5610572 Fax: (091) 286908 Fax: (081) 831922
helpdesk.punjab@smeda.org.pk helpdesk-khi@smeda.org.pk helpdesk-pew@smeda.org.pk helpdesk-qta@smeda.org.pk
September, 2019
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Table of Contents
1 DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 4
3 INTRODUCTION TO SMEDA ........................................................................................................ 5
4 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................... 5
5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT & PRODUCT .................................................................... 6
5.1 PRODUTION PROCESS FLOW ......................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL CAPACITIES ............................................................................................ 8
6 CRITICAL FACTORS ...................................................................................................................... 8
7 GEOGRAPHICAL POTENTIAL FOR INVESTMENT .................................................................. 9
8 POTENTIAL TARGET CUSTOMERS / MARKETS .................................................................... 9
9 PROJECT COST SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 9
9.1 PROJECT ECONOMICS ..................................................................................................................................... 9
9.2 PROJECT FINANCING ..................................................................................................................................... 10
9.3 PROJECT COST ................................................................................................................................................ 10
9.4 SPACE REQUIREMENT................................................................................................................................... 11
9.5 MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT & CAPACITY ................................................................. 11
9.6 RAW MATERIAL SUPPLIER .......................................................................................................................... 12
9.7 FURNITURE & FIXTURES REQUIREMENT .............................................................................................. 12
9.8 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................................... 12
9.9 HUMAN RESOURCE REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................... 133
9.10 UTILITIES AND OTHER COSTS................................................................................................................... 133
9.11 REVENUE GENERATION .............................................................................................................................. 133
10 CONTACT DETAILS ...................................................................................................................144
10.1 MACHINERY SUPPLIERS .......................................................................................................................... 144
11 USEFUL WEB LINKS ..................................................................................................................155
12 ANNEXURES ................................................................................................................................166
12.1 INCOME STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 166
12.2 BALANCE SHEET ......................................................................................................................................... 177
12.3 CASH FLOW STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 188
13 KEY ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 19
13.1 ECONOMY RELATED ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................... 19
13.2 PRODUCTION ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 19
13.3 REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 19
13.4 FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 19
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
This information memorandum is to introduce the subject matter and provide a
general idea and information on the said matter. Although, the material included in
this document is based on data/information gathered from various reliable
sources; however, it is based upon certain assumptions, which may differ from
case to case. The information has been provided on as is where is basis without
any warranties or assertions as to the correctness or soundness thereof. Although,
due care and diligence has been taken to compile this document, the contained
information may vary due to any change in any of the concerned factors, and the
actual results may differ substantially from the presented information. SMEDA, its
employees or agents do not assume any liability for any financial or other loss
resulting from this memorandum in consequence of undertaking this activity. The
contained information does not preclude any further professional advice. The
prospective user of this memorandum is encouraged to carry out additional
diligence and gather any information which is necessary for making an informed
decision; including taking professional advice from a qualified consultant/technical
expert before taking any decision to act upon the information.
For more information on services offered by SMEDA, please visit our website:
Document Control
Revision No. 01
Prepared by SMEDA-Balochistan
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) was
established in October 1998 with an objective to provide fresh impetus to the
economy through development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
With a mission "to assist in employment generation and value addition to the
national income, through development of the SME sector, by helping increase the
number, scale and competitiveness of SMEs", SMEDA has carried out ‘sectoral
research’ to identify policy, access to finance, business development services,
strategic initiatives and institutional collaboration and networking initiatives.
Preparation and dissemination of prefeasibility studies in key areas of investment
has been a successful hallmark of SME facilitation by SMEDA.
Concurrent to the prefeasibility studies, a broad spectrum of business
development services is also offered to the SMEs by SMEDA. These services
include identification of experts and consultants and delivery of need based
capacity building programs of different types in addition to business guidance
through help desk services.
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Mixture of blends
separated for sachet
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Being one of the oldest beverages, Tea is a highly and widely consumed beverage
in the world but the whole of tea business depends on the magical plant. Anybody
who aspires to set foot in the business needs to study about the plant. By realizing
one's core competencies, company needs to create tea blends that set them apart
from their competitors.
Naturally, thanks to the ever growing tea culture, numerous brands are cropping
up. A key step is to identify how your tea brand is different from the others.
The most critical considerations or factors for success of the project are:
§ Background knowledge and experience of different types of Tea available in
the market.
§ Induction of trained human resource.
§ The product would be targeted to the price conscious segment of the
§ Provide similar and better quality while emphasizing on excellent service to
the other retailers as well.
§ Improving the packaging will increase the life of tea and hence would
secure the overall distribution and selling techniques.
§ Location considerations for easy access of the customers.
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Cash 5,00,000
Total Working Capital 1,593,739
Total Project Cost 3,781,199
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
In order to facilitate potential investors, contact details of private sector Service
Providers relevant to the proposed project is given as below;
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Revenue 9,511,774 11,478,586 13,469,613 15,744,059 18,338,699 21,294,826 23,455,171 25,800,688 28,380,756 31,218,832
Cost of sales
Cost of goods sold 1 1,089,783 1,255,346 1,406,134 1,568,863 1,744,349 1,933,462 2,032,809 2,134,450 2,241,172 2,353,231
Cost of goods sold 2 - - - - - - - - - -
Operation costs 1 (direct labor) 1,474,200 1,656,445 1,817,909 1,995,086 2,189,510 2,402,860 2,640,279 2,897,341 3,179,430 3,488,984
Operating costs 2 (machinery maintenance) 72,059 83,006 92,977 103,737 115,340 127,845 134,414 141,135 148,191 155,601
Operating costs 3 (direct electricity) 2,546 3,073 3,606 4,215 4,909 5,701 6,279 6,907 7,598 8,358
Operating costs 4 (direct water) 1,257 1,517 1,780 2,080 2,423 2,814 3,099 3,409 3,750 4,125
Operating costs 5 (direct gas) 1,232 1,486 1,744 2,039 2,375 2,758 3,037 3,341 3,675 4,043
Total cost of sales 2,641,077 3,000,873 3,324,150 3,676,020 4,058,907 4,475,439 4,819,919 5,186,583 5,583,817 6,014,342
Gross Profit 6,870,698 8,477,713 10,145,463 12,068,039 14,279,792 16,819,387 18,635,252 20,614,105 22,796,939 25,204,491
Tax 721,245 999,370 1,214,396 1,498,845 1,889,893 2,204,166 2,615,572 3,059,814 3,534,903 3,632,058
NET PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX 1,605,351 2,224,405 2,703,011 3,336,139 4,206,536 4,906,046 5,821,756 6,810,555 7,868,011 8,084,259
Balance brought forward 1,605,351 3,351,036 5,297,291 7,554,251 10,290,688 13,297,143 16,729,036 20,597,142 28,465,153
Total profit available for appropriation 1,605,351 3,829,756 6,054,047 8,633,430 11,760,786 15,196,735 19,118,899 23,539,591 28,465,153 36,549,412
Dividend - 478,719 756,756 1,079,179 1,470,098 1,899,592 2,389,862 2,942,449 - -
Balance carried forward 1,605,351 3,351,036 5,297,291 7,554,251 10,290,688 13,297,143 16,729,036 20,597,142 28,465,153 36,549,412
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Calculations SMEDA
Balance Sheet
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Current assets
Cash & Bank 1,430,600 326,467 2,188,781 2,531,764 3,179,942 4,095,374 6,898,461 9,227,681 10,860,992 14,248,350 15,470,692
Accounts receivable 781,790 862,618 1,025,268 1,200,562 1,400,661 1,628,775 1,839,041 2,024,213 2,226,635 2,449,298
Finished goods inventory 67,720 75,147 83,234 92,036 101,614 112,033 120,498 129,665 139,595 150,359
Equipment spare part inventory 180 218 256 300 350 408 450 496 547 603 -
Raw material inventory 908 1,098 1,292 1,513 1,767 2,056 2,270 2,503 2,759 3,042 -
Pre-paid annual land lease - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid building rent 84,600 93,060 102,366 112,603 123,863 136,249 149,874 164,861 181,348 199,482 -
Pre-paid machinery & equipment lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid office equipment lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid office vehicles lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid insurance 77,451 148,882 220,785 302,511 409,553 572,258 546,409 559,994 636,837 819,716 -
Total Current Assets 1,593,739 1,419,235 3,451,245 4,057,193 5,008,073 6,308,621 9,338,273 11,915,075 13,836,361 17,637,424 18,070,349
Fixed assets
Land - - - - - - - - - - -
Building/Infrastructure 84,600 173,430 266,913 365,514 469,746 580,170 697,407 822,138 955,112 1,097,153 1,249,168
Machinery & equipment 690,000 1,345,500 2,001,000 2,704,317 3,518,569 4,535,834 5,899,572 7,862,997 10,862,916 15,679,426 23,812,221
Furniture & fixtures 136,840 123,156 109,472 95,788 82,104 68,420 54,736 41,052 27,368 13,684 -
Office vehicles 859,020 1,632,138 2,414,705 3,345,909 4,672,484 6,909,329 5,028,613 3,336,882 1,873,822 714,894 -
Office equipment 55,000 107,250 159,500 215,562 280,466 361,552 470,256 626,761 865,885 1,249,809 1,898,076
Total Fixed Assets 1,825,460 3,381,474 4,951,590 6,727,089 9,023,369 12,455,305 12,150,584 12,689,830 14,585,103 18,754,966 26,959,465
Intangible assets
Pre-operation costs 362,000 289,600 217,200 144,800 72,400 - - - - - -
Legal, licensing, & training costs - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Intangible Assets 362,000 289,600 217,200 144,800 72,400 - - - - - -
TOTAL ASSETS 3,781,199 5,090,309 8,620,036 10,929,083 14,103,842 18,763,926 21,488,857 24,604,905 28,421,464 36,392,390 45,029,814
Other liabilities
Machinery & equipment lease payable - - - - - - - - - - -
Office equipment lease payable - - - - - - - - - - -
Office vehicle lease payable - - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax 106,950 219,248 342,775 486,066 660,882 863,256 1,119,251 1,473,476 2,001,977 2,839,658
Long term debt (Project Loan) 1,093,730 1,196,990 1,964,343 1,969,056 2,214,273 2,902,954 2,402,463 1,821,894 1,407,191 972,225 678,190
Long term debt (Working Capital Loan) 796,870 - - - - - - - - - -
Total Long Term Liabilities 1,890,600 1,303,940 2,183,590 2,311,830 2,700,340 3,563,836 3,265,719 2,941,145 2,880,667 2,974,202 3,517,848
Shareholders' equity
Paid-up capital 1,890,600 2,085,416 2,975,280 3,196,598 3,711,604 4,756,349 4,756,349 4,756,349 4,756,349 4,756,349 4,756,349
Retained earnings 1,605,351 3,351,036 5,297,291 7,554,251 10,290,688 13,297,143 16,729,036 20,597,142 28,465,153 36,549,412
Total Equity 1,890,600 3,690,766 6,326,317 8,493,889 11,265,855 15,047,037 18,053,491 21,485,385 25,353,491 33,221,502 41,305,761
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 3,781,199 5,090,309 8,620,036 10,929,083 14,103,842 18,763,926 21,488,857 24,604,905 28,421,464 36,392,390 45,029,814
- - - - - - - - - - -
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Operating activities
Net profit 1,605,351 2,224,405 2,703,011 3,336,139 4,206,536 4,906,046 5,821,756 6,810,555 7,868,011 8,084,259
Add: depreciation expense 264,218 536,080 855,917 1,265,495 1,837,496 2,543,270 2,570,647 2,644,722 2,785,521 3,027,052
amortization of pre-operating costs 72,400 72,400 72,400 72,400 72,400 - - - - -
amortization of training costs - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred income tax 106,950 112,298 123,527 143,292 174,816 202,374 255,994 354,225 528,501 837,681
Accounts receivable (781,790) (80,828) (162,651) (175,293) (200,099) (228,114) (210,266) (185,172) (202,421) (222,663)
Finished goods inventory (67,720) (7,427) (8,087) (8,802) (9,578) (10,420) (8,465) (9,167) (9,931) (10,763)
Equipment inventory (180) (38) (38) (44) (50) (57) (42) (46) (51) (56) 603
Raw material inventory (908) (190) (193) (222) (253) (289) (214) (233) (257) (283) 3,042
Pre-paid building rent (84,600) (8,460) (9,306) (10,237) (11,260) (12,386) (13,625) (14,987) (16,486) (18,135) 199,482
Pre-paid machinery & equipment lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid office equipment lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Pre-paid office vehicles lease interest - - - - - - - - - - -
Advance insurance premium (77,451) (71,431) (71,903) (81,726) (107,041) (162,705) 25,849 (13,585) (76,843) (182,879) 819,716
Accounts payable 95,602 14,527 13,235 14,284 15,406 16,592 8,728 8,932 9,380 9,520
Other liabilities - - - - - - - - - -
Cash provided by operations (163,139) 1,214,892 2,790,013 3,505,124 4,528,909 5,921,537 7,441,718 8,409,544 9,530,458 10,777,708 12,747,929
Financing activities
Project Loan - principal repayment (91,556) (122,513) (216,605) (269,788) (356,065) (500,490) (580,569) (414,703) (434,966) (294,035)
Working Capital Loan - principal repayment (796,870) - - - - - - - - -
Add: land lease expense - - - - - - - - - -
Land lease payment - - - - - - - - - - -
Machinery & equipment lease principal repayment - - - - - - - - - - -
Office equipment lease principal repayment - - - - - - - - - - -
Office vehicles lease principal repayment - - - - - - - - - - -
Short term debt principal repayment - - - - - - - - - -
Export re-finance principal repayment - - - - - - - - - -
Additions to export refinancing - - - - - - - - - - -
Additions to lease financing - - - - - - - - - - -
Additions to Project Loan 1,093,730 194,816 889,865 221,318 515,006 1,044,745 - - - - -
Additions to Working Capital Loan 796,870 - - - - - - - - - -
Issuance of shares 1,890,600 194,816 889,865 221,318 515,006 1,044,745 - - - - -
Purchase of (treasury) shares
Cash provided by / (used for) financing activities 3,781,199 (498,793) 1,657,217 226,030 760,224 1,733,425 (500,490) (580,569) (414,703) (434,966) (294,035)
Investing activities
Capital expenditure (2,187,460) (1,820,232) (2,106,197) (2,631,417) (3,561,775) (5,269,432) (2,238,549) (3,109,893) (4,539,994) (6,955,385) (11,231,552)
Cash (used for) / provided by investing activities (2,187,460) (1,820,232) (2,106,197) (2,631,417) (3,561,775) (5,269,432) (2,238,549) (3,109,893) (4,539,994) (6,955,385) (11,231,552)
NET CASH 1,430,600 (1,104,133) 2,341,034 1,099,738 1,727,357 2,385,530 4,702,678 4,719,082 4,575,760 3,387,357 1,222,343
Cash balance brought forward 1,430,600 326,467 2,188,781 2,531,764 3,179,942 4,095,374 6,898,461 9,227,681 10,860,992 14,248,350
Cash available for appropriation 1,430,600 326,467 2,667,501 3,288,520 4,259,121 5,565,473 8,798,053 11,617,543 13,803,441 14,248,350 15,470,692
Dividend - 478,719 756,756 1,079,179 1,470,098 1,899,592 2,389,862 2,942,449 - -
Cash balance 1,430,600 326,467 2,188,781 2,531,764 3,179,942 4,095,374 6,898,461 9,227,681 10,860,992 14,248,350 15,470,692
Cash carried forward 1,430,600 326,467 2,188,781 2,531,764 3,179,942 4,095,374 6,898,461 9,227,681 10,860,992 14,248,350 15,470,692
September 2019
Pre-Feasibility Study Tea Company
September 2019