Barroso Vs Omelio 772 SCRA 437, GR 194767 (Oct. 14, 2015)

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Consti Page 23-08 Barroso Vs Omelio 772 SCRA the Sheriff unsatisfied, petitioner then filed a

437, GR 194767 (Oct. 14, 2015) Motion for Execution of Judgment upon the
Counterbond. Acting on said Motion, RTC-Br.
EDGAR T. BARROSO, PETITIONER, VS. HON. 16 issued an Order[3] dated April 2, 2009,
JUDGE GEORGE E. OMELIO, PRESIDING JUDGE, pertinent portions of which read as follows:
CORPORATION, ANTONIO V. BATAO, plaintiff filed a Motion for Execution of
REGIONAL MANAGER, RESPONDENTS. Judgment upon the Counter-Bond, a copy of
which was sent to the Head Office of Travellers
DECISION Insurance Surety Corporation. In accordance
with the Rules, a summary hearing to
PERALTA, J.: determine the liability under the counterbond
was set. Notice of said hearing was likewise
This deals with the Petition for Certiorari under sent to the Head Office of the surety
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court praying that the corporation at the address appearing on the
Order[1] dated July 29, 2009, and the face of the counterbond issued. For reasons
Order[2] dated September 15, 2010, both of the unknown, the notice was simply returned.
Regional Trial Court of Davao City, Branch 14
(RTC-Br. 14), be reversed and set aside. The case law cited by movant x x x justifies the
issuance of an Alias Writ of Execution against
The antecedent facts are as follow. the Defendant Dennis Li but this time including
the Travellers Insurance Surety Corporation
Sometime in 2007, herein petitioner filed with based on its counterbond. x x x.[4]
the Regional Trial Court of Davao City, Branch
16 (RTC-Br. 16) a Complaint for sum of money, An Alias Writ of Execution dated April 28, 2009
damages and attorney's fees against Dennis Li. was then issued against both Dennis Li and
The complaint included a prayer for the respondent Travellers based on the
issuance of a writ of attachment, and after counterbond it issued in favor of the former,
Dennis Li filed his Answer, RTC-Br. 16 granted and pursuant to said writ, Sheriff Anggot
herein petitioner's application for a Writ of served a Demand Letter on Travellers. In a
Attachment and approved the corresponding letter dated July 1, 2009 addressed to Sheriff
attachment bond. On the other hand, Dennis Li Anggot, Travellers asked for a period of seven
filed a counter-attachment bond purportedly (7) days within which to validate the
issued by herein respondent Travellers counterbond and, thereafter, for its
Insurance & Surety Corporation (Travellers). representative to discuss the matter with
complainant, herein petitioner.
On January 7, 2008, petitioner filed a Motion
for Approval of Compromise Agreement. However, on July 10, 2009, instead of
Thereafter, RTC-Br. 16 issued a Judgment on appearing before RTC-Br. 16, Travellers filed a
Compromise Agreement dated January 22, separate case for Declaration of Nullity,
2008. However, Dennis Li failed to pay the Prohibition, Injunction with Prayer for Writ of
sums of money as provided for under said Preliminary Injunction & Temporary
Judgment on Compromise Agreement. Herein Restraining Order (TRO), and Damages, which
petitioner then filed a Motion for Execution was raffled to RTC-Br. 14. Said petition prayed
and RTC-Br. 16 issued a Writ of Execution for the following reliefs:
solely against Dennis Li. When said Writ of
Execution against Dennis Li was returned by

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(a) the issuance of a TRO enjoining Sheriff Anent the respondents' defense that "this
Anggot and herein petitioner from Court has no jurisdiction to interfere with the
implementing and enforcing the Writ of judgment of RTC, Branch 16 in Davao City" x x
Execution dated April 28, 2009, and after x, suffice it to state that this Court is not
hearing, the issuance of a writ of preliminary interfering with the Order or judgment of RTC-
injunction; Br. 16 which is a coordinate Court. On the
contrary[,] this Court is merely exercising its
(b) judgment be rendered declaring the complementary jurisdiction with that of the
counterbond and its supporting documents to jurisdiction of RTC 16 - a coordinate court, the
be null and void; ordering Sheriff Anggot and latter - to hypothetical ly state, was
herein petitioner to desist from further hoodwinked into believing as to the regularity
implementing the Writ of Execution dated and due production of the subject counter-
April 28, 2009; and attachment bond now subject to be executed
and enforced against herein petitioner. While
(c) ordering Sheriff Anggot and herein this Court is aware of this doctrine of non-
petitioner to pay Travellers actual and moral interference by a Court against the Order or
damages, attorney's fees and costs of suit. judgment of another coordinate court, this
doctrine, however, is not without exception.
After hearing on the application for a writ of The maxim is: For every rule, there is an
preliminary injunction, herein respondent exception; for in every room, there is always a
judge issued the assailed Order dated July 29, door. This case is an exception, x x x[5]
2009 directing the issuance of the writ of
preliminary injunction. RTC-Br. 14, in its Order On July 30, 2009, the Writ of Preliminary
dated July 29, 2009, ratiocinated, thus: Injunction was issued, commanding Sheriff
Anggot to refrain from implementing the Writ
Be it noted that under letter (b) of paragraph of Execution dated April 28, 2009. Petitioner's
six (6) of respondents' [herein petitioner motion for reconsideration of the afore-
among them] answer with counterclaim they quoted Order was denied in the Order dated
alleged that: "x x x The evidence the counter- September 15, 2010.
attachment bond is fake has yet to be proven
by the petitioner [Travellers] in the proper Hence, the instant petition was filed with this
forum. Till then, said judicial officers enjoy the Court, alleging that respondent judge
presumption of regularity in the performance committed grave abuse of discretion
of their judicial duties . . ." amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction
and gross ignorance of the law by
Precisely, herein petitioner [comes] before this
Court, which is the "proper forum" referred to (1) acting on respondent Travellers' petition
by the respondents in their answer, to prove despite the lack of jurisdiction of RTC-Br. 14;
that the counter-attachment bond which
herein respondents are about to implement, is (2) issuing the writ of preliminary injunction
fake. And the only remedy for the petitioner to without requiring Travellers to put up an
hold in abeyance the enforcement of the injunction bond; and
subject writ of execution lest the decision of
this Court on the merit more so if favorable to (3) assuming jurisdiction over the action for
the petitioner will become moot and academic prohibition and injunction against the
or phyrric victory, is the writ of preliminary executive sheriff of a coequal court.

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Herein petitioner, while acknowledging that for the extraordinary writs of certiorari,
the Court of Appeals (CA) had concurrent prohibition and mandamus only when
jurisdiction over this petition, justified his absolutely necessary or when serious and
immediate resort to this Court by pointing out important reasons exist to justify an exception
that respondent judge's conduct shows his to the policy.
gross ignorance of the law, and any other
remedy under the ordinary course of law xxxx
would not be speedy and adequate.
The doctrine that requires respect for the
Private respondents, on the other hand, hierarchy of courts was created by this court to
counter that its petition before RTC-Br. 14 ensure that every level of the judiciary
involved the issue of the validity of a contract, performs its designated roles in an effective
hence, the court presided by respondent judge and efficient manner.
had jurisdiction to take cognizance of the
same. Private respondent then reiterated its Trial courts do not only determine the facts
arguments regarding the dubious authenticity from the evaluation of the evidence presented
and genuineness of the counterbond before them. They are likewise competent to
purportedly issued by Travellers and filed by determine issues of law which may include the
Dennis Li before RTC-Br. 16. validity of an ordinance, statute, or even an
executive issuance in relation to the
It must first be emphasized that trifling with Constitution. To effectively perform these
the rule on hierarchy of courts is looked upon functions, they are territorially organized into
with disfavor by the Court. Said rule is an regions and then into branches. Their writs
important component of the orderly generally reach within those territorial
administration of justice and not imposed boundaries. Necessarily, they mostly perform
merely for whimsical and arbitrary reasons. the all-important task of inferring the facts
This doctrine was exhaustively explained from the evidence as these are physically
in The Diocese of Bacolod, represented by the presented before them. In many instances, the
Most Rev. Bishop Vicente M. Navarra and the facts occur within their territorial jurisdiction,
Bishop Himself in His Personal Capacity v. which properly present the "actual case" that
Commission on Elections and the Election makes ripe a determination of the
Officer of Bacolod City, Atty. Mavil V. constitutionality of such action. The
Majarucon[6] in this wise: consequences, of course, would be national in
scope. There are, however, some cases where
x x x we explained the necessity of the resort to courts at their level would not be
application of the hierarchy of courts: practical considering their decisions could still
be appealed before the higher courts, such as
The Court must enjoin the observance of the the Court of Appeals.
policy on the hierarchy of courts, and now
affirms that the policy is not to be ignored The Court of Appeals is primarily designed as
without serious consequences. The strictness an appellate court that reviews the
of the policy is designed to shield the Court determination of facts and law made by the
from having to deal with causes that are also trial courts. It is collegiate in nature. This
well within the competence of the lower nature ensures more standpoints in the review
courts, and thus leave time for the Court to of the actions of the trial court. But the Court
deal with the more fundamental and more of Appeals also has original jurisdiction over
essential tasks that the Constitution has most special civil actions. Unlike the trial
assigned to it. The Court may act on petitions courts, its writs can have a nationwide scope.

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It is competent to determine facts and, ideally, that could free petitioner from the injurious
should act on constitutional issues that may effects of respondents' acts in violation of their
not necessarily be novel unless there are constitutional rights; and
factual questions to determine.
(8) the issues involve public welfare, the
This court, on the other hand, leads the advancement of public policy, the broader
judiciary by breaking new ground or further interest of justice, or where the orders
reiterating - in the light of new circumstances complained of are patent nullities, or where
or in the light of some confusion of bench or appeal can be considered as clearly an
bar - existing precedents. Rather than a court inappropriate remedy.[8]
of first instance or as a repetition of the
actions of the Court of Appeals, this court Verily, the issues in this case could have been
promulgates these doctrinal devices in order competently resolved by the CA, thus, the
that it truly performs that role.[7] Court was initially inclined to reject taking
cognizance of this case. However, we cannot
However, in the same case, it was close our eyes to the unbecoming conduct
acknowledged that for exceptionally exhibited by respondent judge in obstinately
compelling reasons, the Court may exercise its issuing an injunction against the orders of a co-
discretion to act on special civil actions equal court despite this Court's consistent
for certiorari filed directly with it. Examples of reiteration of the time-honored principle that
cases that present compelling reasons are: "no court has the power to interfere by
injunction with the judgments or decrees of a
(1) those involving genuine issues of court of concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction.
constitutionality that must be addressed at the The various trial courts of a province or city,
most immediate time; having the same or equal authority, should
not, cannot, and are not permitted to interfere
(2) those where the issues are of with their respective cases, much less with
transcendental importance, and the threat to their orders or judgments."[9] The issue raised
fundamental constitutional rights are so great in this case, therefore, falls under one of the
as to outweigh the necessity for prudence; exceptions to the rule on hierarchy of
courts, i.e., where the order complained of is a
(3) cases of first impression, where no patent nullity.
jurisprudence yet exists that will guide the
lower courts on such issues; Atty. Cabili v. Judge Balindong[10] is closely
analogous to the present case. In Cabili, the
(4) where the constitutional issues raised are RTC of Iligan City issued a writ of execution,
better decided after a thorough deliberation but the judgment debtor, instead of complying
by a collegiate body and with the concurrence with said writ, filed a separate petition for
of the majority of those who participated in its prohibition and mandamus with application
discussion; for issuance of temporary restraining order
(TRO) and/or preliminary injunction with the
(5) where time is of the essence; RTC of Marawi City. After the hearing, the
Presiding Judge of the RTC of Marawi City
(6) where the act being questioned was that of issued the TRO restraining the sheriff from
a constitutional body; enforcing the writ of execution issued by the
RTC of Iligan City.
(7) where there is no other plain, speedy, and
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law In the aforementioned case, the Court struck

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down such action of the RTC of Marawi City, under Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 2,
ruling thus: speaks of and which this Court has
operationalized through a petition
The doctrine of judicial stability or non- for certiorari, under Rule 65 of the Rules of
interference in the regular orders or judgments Court.
of a co-equal court is an elementary principle
in the administration of justice: no court can x x x x
interfere by injunction with the judgments or
orders of another court of concurrent It is not a viable legal position to claim that a
jurisdiction having the power to grant the TRO against a writ of execution is issued
relief sought by the injunction. The rationale against an erring sheriff, not against the
for the rule is founded on the concept of issuing Judge. A TRO enjoining the
jurisdiction: enforceability of a writ addresses the writ
itself, not merely the executing sheriff x x x As
a court that acquires jurisdiction over the case already mentioned above, the appropriate
and renders judgment therein has jurisdiction action is to assail the implementation of the
over Its judgment, to the exclusion of all other writ before the issuing court in whose behalf
coordinate courts, for its execution and over the sheriff acts, and, upon failure, to seek
all its incidents, and to control, in furtherance redress through a higher judicial body, xxx.[11]
of justice, the conduct of ministerial officers
acting in connection with this judgment. Applying the foregoing ruling, it is quite clear
that, in this case, the issuance of the subject
Thus, we have repeatedly held that a case writ of preliminary injunction was improper
where an execution order has been issued is and, thus, correctible by certiorari. Herein
considered as still pending, so that all the respondent judge does not have jurisdiction to
proceedings on the execution are still hinder the enforcement of an order of a co-
proceedings in the suit. A court which issued a equal court. He must be aware that said co-
writ of execution has the inherent power, for equal court had the exclusive jurisdiction or
the advancement of justice, to correct errors of authority to correct its own issuances if ever
its ministerial officers and to control its own there was, indeed, a mistake. There is no
processes. To hold otherwise would be to question, therefore, that subject writ of
divide the jurisdiction of the appropriate preliminary injunction is null and void.
forum in the resolution of incidents arising in
execution proceedings-Splitting of jurisdiction Further, had Judge Omelio not been dismissed
is obnoxious to the orderly administration of from the service in 2013 for gross ignorance of
justice. the law and violation of judicial conduct, he
could have been subjected to an investigation
x x x x again for gross ignorance due to his
unprecedented acts in the case at bar.
To be sure, the law and the rules are not
unaware that an issuing court may violate the WHEREFORE, the instant petition
law in issuing a writ of execution and have is GRANTED and the Orders dated July 29, 2009
recognized that there should be a remedy and September 15, 2010, both issued by the
against this violation. The remedy, however, is Regional Trial Court of Davao City, Branch 14,
not the resort to another co-equal body but to are hereby SET ASIDE and
a higher court with authority to nullify the declared NULL and VOID.
action of the issuing court. This is precisely the
judicial power that the 1987 Constitution, SO ORDERED

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