Ayala Corp 2017 IR - Lowres PDF
Ayala Corp 2017 IR - Lowres PDF
Ayala Corp 2017 IR - Lowres PDF
The faster we keep moving, the sooner we can generate more opportunities,
reach other markets, and help improve lives.
The development of this year’s 179. Furthermore, the table on pages Learn more about the IIRC and
Integrated Report was a more 176-177 outlines the companies and integrated reporting at
rigorous process, enabling us to better the scope of data that is included in www.integratedreporting.org and the
understand and apply the principles this report. GRI at www.globalreporting.org.
of materiality towards improving
data collection. We undertook an Our previous integrated report Our approach to external
assessment of how our diverse published in 2017 and additional assurance (102-56)
businesses create and deliver value to references for targeted stakeholders Our Board’s Audit Committee oversees
society, while meeting our financial are all available online at the performance of external and
targets. Financial and non-financial www.ayala.com.ph. internal auditors. It is mandated
performance analysis conducted for to review and approve the audit,
this report allowed us to take better Reporting standards (102-54) audit-related, and non-audit services
stock of our accomplishments, as Ayala Corporation adopted global best rendered by the company’s external
well as identify opportunities for practices in reporting non-financial auditor. Our senior management
scaled impact moving forward. All information. This report has been is involved in the decision and
information presented was reviewed prepared according to the integrated appointment of the independent
by the group’s Investor Relations and reporting <IR> guidelines provided by external assurer.
Sustainability Councils, and approved the International Integrated Reporting
by Ayala’s management and Board Council. We engaged BlackSun Asia On our financial statements
before publication. Pacific, an independent consultant SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. is the
that assists organizations in corporate external auditor of the company’s
Reporting scope (102-50, 102-51, 102-52) reporting in line with the <IR> financial statements, with Lucy L.
This report details the value framework, to provide guidance on Chan as the partner-in-charge. In
created by the conglomerate for the quality of our integrated report. accordance with regulations issued
our key stakeholders through our We also aligned reporting on our by the Securities and Exchange
consolidated financial, economic, sustainability performance with the Commission, the audit partner
social, and environmental standards of the Global Reporting principally handling the company’s
performance, including both listed Initiative. This report has been account is rotated every five years.
and unlisted subsidiaries and affiliates, prepared in accordance with the GRI More information about our audit
from January 1, 2017 to December Standards: Core option. process is found on pages 166-167,
31, 2017. All necessary notes, while our Management’s Discussion
explanations, and definitions are By preparing our 2017 Integrated and Analysis of Financial Condition
provided in the text or accompanying Report in line with these global and Results of Operation can be found
tables. More metrics have also been standards, we have been able to on pages 172-175.
included from unlisted subsidiaries present our value creation and outlook
and affiliates as they pursued further in a clearer, more cohesive, and more
expansion. A summary of 2016 data transparent manner.
restatements is found on pages 178-
Anchored on values of integrity, long-term
vision, empowering leadership, and with a
strong commitment to national development,
Ayala fulfills its mission to ensure long-term
profitability and value creation. Ayala creates
synergies as it builds mutually-beneficial
partnerships and alliances with those who
share its philosophy and values.
Ayala Corporation is one of the largest and most diversified business groups in the Philippines, with
business interests in real estate, banking, telecommunications, water, power, industrial technologies,
infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Its social commitment arm, Ayala Foundation, has programs
that focus on education, youth leadership, sustainable livelihood, and the promotion of arts and culture.
With headquarters in Makati City and operations mainly in the Philippines, it continues to grow its
regional and global footprint, serving millions of customers across all market segments.
12.2 12.1
P266.8B P64.3B P1 T
Revenues Cash and cash Total assets
JANUARY Globe becomes the first Philippine Ayala releases its annual report under
BPI Asset Management and Trust telecommunications operator to the Integrated Report Framework–
Group receives from the Bangko commercially deploy LTE-Advanced the first Integrated Report in the
Sentral ng Pilipinas a license to operate 4 component carrier (4cc) spectrum Philippines–which captures in greater
as a standalone trust corporation aggregation using the 2600MHz band detail its alignment with the UN
SDGs, its ESG performance along with
Ayala Foundation signs a Globe launches the Globe Advanced its financial and operational results
memorandum of understanding with Security Operations Center, which against GRI-G4, and its commitment
the Marawi City local government houses the infrastructure that delivers to the 10 Principles of the UN Global
to establish Siyapen, a 70-bed drug cybersecurity and related services for Compact
rehabilitation center its network and customers
AC Energy signs investment Ayala consolidates electronics Ayala Land launches Evo City, a
agreements with UPC Renewables manufacturing and automotive 200-hectare sustainable estate in
Indonesia for the development, businesses into AC Industrials Cavite
construction, and operation of a wind
farm project in Sidrap, South Sulawesi, AC Energy acquires 100 percent BPI acquires a 10 percent stake in
Indonesia ownership of Bronzeoak’s Rizal Bank of CARD MRI, a leading
development platform, for renewable microfinance institution serving over
FEBRUARY energy development, management, 260,000 customers
Ayala Land announces plan to be and operations
carbon neutral by 2022 JUNE
AC Infrastructure partners with Manila Water increased its stake in
Ayala, Ayala Land, BPI Capital SM Investments for a P25 billion Vietnam-based Saigon Water from 31
Corporation, and Globe’s Kickstart unsolicited proposal for an to 38 percent
Ventures Inc., acquire ownership 8.6-kilometer toll road linking Sta.
stakes in Zalora Philippines Mesa, Manila to the Mall of Asia Ayala Museum launches the first fully
Complex in Pasay City via the Central immersive virtual reality experience of
Ayala and Alibaba’s Ant Financial sign Business District to be named C3X Philippine history
an investment agreement to subscribe
to new shares of Mynt APRIL AC Industrials acquires 94.9 percent
IMI acquires an 80 percent stake in UK- of Germany-based, MT Technologies,
Manila Water launches its pilot based STI Enterprises, which provides a niche Tier 1 supplier that provides
Waste-to-Energy project at the South electronics design and manufacturing tooling, moulding, and specialized
Septage Treatment Plant in Taguig City solutions in both printed circuit parts manufacturing services
board assembly and full box-build
AC Health invests in MedGrocer, an manufacturing for high-reliability AC Industrials begins domestic
FDA-licensed ePharmacy and health industries production of KTM motorcycles in IMI’s
benefits management service facility in Laguna
AC Energy, as part of a consortium,
MARCH completes the acquisition of Salak JULY
Ayala Land launches Clock In, its first and Darajat Geothermal asset in Ayala Land launches The Flats
serviced office and co-working space Indonesia Amorsolo in Makati, its first co-living
development designed for young
Norway Israel
Germany Bahrain
Qatar Dubai (UAE)
France Saudi
Serbia Oman
Korea Japan
Chile Taiwan
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Southeast Asia
Abra Valenzuela
Malabon City
Ilocos Sur Mountain
Province Navotas
La Union
Benguet San Juan
Nueva Manila
Quirino Mandaluyong Pasig
Makati Pateros
Tarlac Ecija
Bataan Rizal
Las Pinas
Cavite Norte
Mindoro Sorsogon
Masbate Samar
Aklan Biliran
Antique Leyte
Guimaras Occidental
Palawan Bohol
del Norte
Siquijor Agusan del Sur
del Norte
Zamboanga del Sur
del Norte Lanao
del Norte Bukidnon
del Sur
Zamboanga Lanao
Sibugay del Sur Davao
del Norte
Zamboanga Maguindanao
del Sur
Kudarat South
Legend Sarangani
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total Assets 599,664 726,048 794,075 911,705 1,021,546 325,474 388,944 442,342 536,433 573,992
Cash and Cash Equivalents 65,655 90,770 82,154 60,223 64,259 40,761 34,586 19,540 20,904 20,998
Short-Term Investments 119 1,103 2,052 1,009 5,400 17 301 164 208 4,740
Total Borrowings 205,681 258,845 263,341 295,854 350,612 101,902 124,666 130,996 159,801 174,386
Equity Attributable to Equity 143,476 185,664 208,657 230,993 256,348 98,470 106,940 133,731 147,705 166,755
Earnings - Basic 20.53 29.83 33.89 39.88 46.67 0.84 1.05 1.20 1.43 1.71
Earnings - Diluted 20.39 29.35 33.38 39.31 45.99 0.83 1.05 1.20 1.43 1.71
Book Value of Common 230.68 261.63 298.80 334.40 374.75 6.86 7.44 9.01 11.70 12.97
Cash Dividend to Common 4.80 4.80 5.76 5.76 6.92 0.29 0.41 0.42 0.48 0.48
Current Ratio 1.46 1.50 1.28 1.22 1.31 1.45 1.23 1.14 1.12 1.18
Debt-to-Attributable Equity 1.43 1.39 1.26 1.28 1.37 0.91 1.02 0.87 0.93 0.91
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
52,498 55,787 59,359 66,551 71,020 90,500 99,025 113,679 119,990 127,906 15,926 16,357 16,936 17,712 18,516
18,811 18,039 18,234 22,050 22,416 4,960 13,372 16,484 15,888 15,084 5,752 5,813 5,958 6,065 6,147
6,401 7,077 7,078 7,086 7,091 8,877 9,953 11,017 11,682 12,092 1,560 1,611 1,669 1,712 1,744
1,195,364 1,450,197 1,516,356 1,725,696 1,903,905 159,079 179,507 195,680 249,863 277,766 72,858 74,860 80,608 85,479 102,482
270,179 250,373 250,641 275,206 291,081 7,421 16,757 11,814 8,633 11,222 6,780 6,052 6,850 4,066 9,021
92,153 67,171 50,371 38,904 28,645 - - - - - 94 400 - - -
28,230 33,680 21,372 62,643 84,735 69,301 65,276 72,229 105,729 131,529 26,252 25,471 26,220 27,619 39,724
104,535 144,063 150,284 165,134 180,689 41,639 54,542 59,392 63,440 66,515 30,477 34,508 38,825 43,384 47,555
5.19 4.62 4.64 5.60 5.69 37.25 98.64 120.11 115.45 109.22 2.34 2.36 2.41 2.45 2.49
5.19 4.62 4.64 5.60 5.69 37.22 98.41 119.92 115.27 109.01 2.34 2.36 2.41 2.44 2.49
29.37 36.64 38.22 41.94 45.87 308.05 330.03 366.62 397.30 420.01 14.92 16.66 18.96 20.93 22.96
1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 67.00 75.00 83.00 88.00 91.00 0.76 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.85
- - - - - 0.65 0.77 0.72 0.64 0.72 1.12 1.16 0.80 1.10 1.20
- - - - - 1.66 1.20 1.22 1.67 1.98 0.86 0.74 0.68 0.64 0.84
Beginning in 2016, the United Nations From hundreds of nominations received Ayala’s commitment to shared value,
Global Compact embarked on an around the world, Ayala Chairman and businesses across the entire group have
initiative designed to both raise CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala sought to reach a wider segment of the
awareness on the Sustainable was chosen as a 2017 SDG Pioneer market—entering sectors with critical
Development Goals, and to for Sustainable Business Strategy and gaps in affordability, access, and scale,
identify SDG Pioneers— Operations. He is the first Pioneer from and that are crucial to the development
individuals who are doing an Southeast Asia, and the first Filipino to of the country. This includes our
exceptional job of acting on be given this distinction. investments in energy, industrial
sustainable development technologies, infrastructure, healthcare,
issues within their own His leadership drove Ayala’s group- and education.
companies, or by wide efforts to adopt a more
mobilizing other inclusive approach to capitalism, Adopting a mindset that prioritizes long-
businesses. by implementing strategies and term sustainability has changed how
business models that help to address Ayala works. Recognizing the breadth
the Philippines’ economic and and depth of the impact that our group
development challenges. As part of of businesses has on the Philippine
landscape, we are determined to work
even harder to build better businesses
and have a stronger, positive impact on
the lives of more Filipinos.
Generika had
worth of agribusiness loans
41.7 MILLION to support agriculture and
sales transactions, 32.8 million of which were generic medicine food security
sales, through its 750 drugstores nationwide
Ayala Foundation
and Globe provided
ICT education
facilities to 11
public schools
Manila Water delivered
through Global
Filipino Schools
Program, benefitting
cubic meters of water to over 1
10,896 students million billed connections in its
nationwide service areas
APEC provides affordable
quality secondary University of Nueva 1:1.33 Manila Water treated
education to OVER Caceres produced male : female
16,000 students, 60
employee ratio for cubic meters of used water
percent of which are from
the D & E market, across the Ayala group from more than 147,000 sewer
23 schools college graduates connections in its service areas
6,552.1 GWh
of power
Ayala companies spent
600 petabytes of information
in capital expenditures
AC Energy’s renewable energy
generation assets generated Ayala companies generated a total of
25 masterplanned
IMI and Globe diverted 98 estates that are resilient, pedestrian-friendly,
percent and 9 percent of waste public-transport connected, and eco-efficient
from landfill, respectively
Manila Water generates Ayala Malls provide space for terminals for
1.3kWh of electricity per 9 Point-to-Point
day from 0.67 cubic meters of bus routes to encourage commuters to use
septage through its waste-to- public transportation
energy facility
Fellow shareholders,
Let me start with a broad overview of the external economic
environment to put our review of the past year into perspective.
We will continue to put the resources, I also thank our management team
knowledge, expertise, and talent and staff for their spirit of corporate
that we have across our group engagement and creativity to serve
In October 2017,
Jack Ma joined the Ayala group
in launching GCash’s scan-to-pay
system in the Ayala Malls.
Fellow shareholders,
Our businesses continue to make Bank of the Philippine Islands Globe is ramping up its financial
significant progress in support of our continues to strengthen its market- technology platform, Mynt, to
strategic aspirations. leading businesses and core accelerate financial inclusion and
franchises through the expansion upgrade the electronic payment
Ayala Land continued to work of lending activities, particularly in systems in the country. Together
towards achieving a more resilient the consumer, small and medium with Ayala, Globe partnered with
portfolio by rebalancing its income enterprises, and microfinance Ant Financial through Ant’s equity
mix across geographies and segments. investment in Mynt. Leveraging
business lines. on Ant’s experience and expertise
It has created a business banking in digital financial services will
In terms of location, established segment, a new client group focused enable Mynt to ramp up its vision of
estates such as Makati, Nuvali, on the needs of small and medium becoming a world-class online and
Bonifacio Global City, Alabang, and scale enterprises. To help augment offline payment provider, scale its
Cebu accounted for 54 percent, financial inclusion in the country, the mobile wallet services, and provide
while new estates and growth bank expanded the footprint of its a wider range of digital financial
centers made up for 46 percent of microfinance unit, BPI Direct BanKo, services to its customers.
Ayala Land’s net earnings in 2017. from nine to 103 branches and
In terms of business line, Ayala microbanking offices. This platform Manila Water continued to make
Land’s recurring income, namely provides small business loans to self- progress in establishing a significant
mall and office leasing, hotels and employed microentrepreneurs. presence in various parts of the
resorts, and property management Philippines and in ASEAN. In the
segments accounted for 35 BPI’s net income in 2017 was Philippines, it was given Notices of
percent. Meanwhile, development tempered by the absence of one-off Award by the Leyte Metropolitan
income such as property sales and gains realized in the previous year. It Water District and the City of Ilagan
construction contributed 65 percent recorded net profits of P22.4 billion, in Isabela for the construction and
of Ayala Land’s net income during up 1.7 percent from a year ago. operation of water supply and
the year. Excluding one-off gains from the sale sanitation facilities and services in
of securities in 2016, its net income those areas. This is in addition to its
All in all, the resurgence of property actually grew 30 percent in 2017. operations in Clark, Laguna, Cebu,
sales combined with a solid leasing Boracay, Bulacan, Zamboanga,
business drove Ayala Land’s net Globe Telecom continued to benefit and Tagum.
earnings during the year, jumping 21 from the high demand for data-
percent to P25.3 billion. related services. It accounted for 54
Through LRMC, AC Infrastructure has improved the operations of the LRT-1, the oldest rail line in the Philippines .
Leading and most Pioneering financial Purveyor of the Filipino Regional player in water
diversified property institution and one of the digital lifestyle, supported infrastructure services and
developer in the country most profitable banks in by a robust telecom development
with the largest landbank the country infrastructure
(approx. $12B market cap) (approx. $8B market cap) (approx. $6B market cap) (approx. $1.3B market cap)
100%* 100%*
*Economic stake
brought by global and domestic announcement of China A shares performance, closing at 7,843.16 at
geopolitical concerns. The local inclusion in the MSCI’s Emerging the end of the second quarter—14.7
stock barometer began 2017 in Markets index beginning June 2018, percent higher than its year-ago
high spirits, riding on a global which will have the effect of China level. Ayala’s year-to-date gain
share price recovery following shares displacing other emerging reached 16.4 percent in the same
the sell-off late in 2016. At the market shares. Despite this, the period, still outperforming the PSEi.
end of the first quarter, the PSEi PSEi managed to extend its strong
gained 6.89 percent year-to-date,
while Ayala surged 15.7 percent, Share Price Performance
outperforming the bellwether
index by a wide margin.
The index’s gains were briefly source of both income and capital
derailed by geopolitical concerns returns, and strive to maintain
from rising tension between North consistent distributions from
Korea and the US in the second half. year to year. Moving forward, we
The local market eventually regained will continue to revisit potential
its trajectory, reaching new highs sustainable increases in the regular
as investors gained in optimism dividend rate, with the continued
the implementation of tax reform capacity to make new or additional
by 2018. President Duterte signed investments as the primary
into law the first tax reform package consideration.
in mid-December of 2017, further
boosting investor confidence. The
PSEi ended the year on a high note,
snapping two consecutive years of
losses to close at a high of 8,558.42.
Ayala tracked the market’s trajectory,
but posted a solid outperformance in
2017, gaining 38.9 percent versus the Dividends from Subsidiaries/ 2015 2016 2017
PSEi’s 25.1 percent. Associates (in million pesos)
ALI 2,935 3,358 3,385
Ayala’s policy is to provide a regular BPI 5,128 3,418 3,419
fixed semi-annual cash dividend Globe 3,349 3,575 3,745
to common shares. For voting MWC 1,005 1,096 1,113
preferred shares, the dividend rate
IMI/ACI 167 209 215
is 1.875 percent per annum. For
non-voting Preferred B Series 1 and Others 76 241 201
Series 2 shares, the dividends are Total 12,660 11,897 12,078
given at 5.25 percent and 5.575
percent per annum, respectively.
Dividends Payout Ratio 19% 16% 17%
It is the company’s policy to treat
all shareholders equally, ensuring Cash dividends to common 3,568 3,572 4,299
payment of dividends in an equitable Net income for prior year 18,609 22,279 26,011
and timely manner—within 30 days Dividend Yield - Common 0.80% 0.80% 1.00%
after being declared and finally
cleared. Cash dividend per share P5.76 P5.76 P6.92
Market price per share, start of year P694 P756 P727
In 2017, we declared total dividends
per common share of P6.92. We
understand that our shareholders
view our dividends as a regular
Long-term vision
Social and Relationship Capital
Empowering leadership Strong stakeholder relationships
bolstered by consistent engagement,
Commitment to good governance, sustainability, and
national development innovation
Financial Capital P16.1 billion P10.3 billion Our main sources of funding are through
expenditures regular cash dividends from our operating units,
Capital (at parent) strategic divestments, and value realization
opportunities, issuances of high-quality
Average cost of 4.23% 4.31% corporate debt, and equity that has historically
debt met with keen demand from long-term
shareholders. Using quantitative and qualitative
criteria and a multi-step management
approach, we allocate financial resources to
those we believe provide the best risk-adjusted
stakeholder returns over the long term.
Human Ayala employee 88%, two points We recruit, develop, and deploy high
engagement above the global high performing, motivated employees and leaders
Capital score performing norm who not only have global mindsets, but also
*conducted every possess deep knowledge of regional and local
two years markets. The diversity of this experience is
further strengthened by regular training and
focus on safety and health. In recent years, we
have also begun to transform our talent base
to not only ensure that we can compete in the
industries of the future, but also take advantage
of ongoing shifts in the nature of work—such
as flexible working arrangements and the
growing prevalence of freelancing.
Build a strong, growing, and • Increased earnings capacity • Net income grew 16% to
diversified portfolio that can and quality exponentially for P30.3 billion
withstand and take advantage of the 6th straight year • ROCE improved from 12.6%
economic cycles • Increasingly diversified returns to 13.2%
through exposure in varied • Total shareholder return of
industries 39.9%
• Align our strategy to national • Recognized efforts on • Our Chairman and CEO
development integrating sustainability with was recognized as a UN SDG
• Partner with respected local strategy Pioneer (refer to pages 14-15)
and global institutions • Built a culture that attracts the • Ranked 18th best employer
• Attract the best possible best employees in the world by Forbes
talents magazine
• Robust stakeholder
engagement (refer to pages
Create and support clear • Listed businesses are leaders • Awarded CFO of the Year
industry-leading businesses in their industries • Ayala Corporation, Ayala
that show sustainable growth • Recognized as among the Land, Globe Telecom, and
potential best in the Philippines for Manila Water ranked in
management excellence, the Top 50 Publicly Listed
corporate governance, Companies in ASEAN (ACGR
sustainability, and investor 2016)
relations • Recognized as best Risk
Management Program in the
Risks and Opportunities have a framework that has the right and the implementation of suitable
Risk management is an increasingly architecture, strategy, and protocols responses are at the core of risk
important business driver and that support the risk management management. When done correctly,
part of successful corporate process. The risk architecture sets the maximum sustainable value
governance. Ayala believes that out the roles and responsibilities from all the organization’s activities
effective corporate governance of concerned individuals and can be achieved and delivered to all
entails risk intelligence: a philosophy committees, as well as the structure stakeholders. Furthermore, with the
that does not discourage risk- for communicating and reporting right approach, risks can be turned
taking, and embeds appropriate on risks and opportunities. into opportunities.
risk management into the whole The risk strategy specifies the
organization. This way, risk-taking objectives of the risk management Risk Architecture (102-19,102-30)
for reward and growth becomes activities in the organization, For this reporting period and under
as significant as risk mitigation for while the risk protocol describes the supervision of the Chief Risk
protecting value. the methodologies, tools, and Officer, the Group Risk Management
techniques by which the strategy will & Sustainability Unit continued to
To realize the value proposition of be implemented and risks managed. align Ayala’s risk governance with
risk management, it is essential to The assessment of significant risks that of global risk consultant Deloitte,
Top management
Chief Risk Officer
Internal Audit
Assurance on the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the system
*Deloitte’s Risk Intelligent Enterprise model
52 2017 Ayala Corporation Integrated Report
which espouses a best practice that As risk owners, the business unit From 2013 to 2016, Ayala moved
goes beyond risk avoidance and leaders are responsible for managing from mere compliance in Phase
mitigation, to utilize calculated risk- the risks they face in the day-to-day 1, to integration in Phase 2. This
taking as a means to create value. operations within the established involves a shift from the old view
risk framework. They have the of risks as distinct and separate,
Similar to a risk intelligent enterprise, responsibility to identify, measure, towards a mindset that understands
Ayala’s risk governance is at the monitor, control, and report on risks the interconnectedness of risk,
apex of the system. The Board of to management. Finally, the Internal which can be directly linked to
Directors is provided appropriate Audit Unit provides independent strategy and profitability. This was
transparency and visibility into the assurance of the adequacy, achieved by redefining Ayala’s ERM
organization’s and the group’s risk effectiveness, and efficiency of the policy, particularly to strengthen
management practices. Through risk management process. the oversight role of the Board on
the Risk Management and Related risk management. Through a more
Party Transactions Committee, the Risk Management Strategy vigilant Board, and the sharing
Board ensures the company has an Our risk management practices of best practices and resources,
effective risk management process are now among the most mature the Group Risk Management and
and its risk appetite remains relevant and extensive in the Philippines. Sustainability Unit cascaded key risk
to achieve its goals. Ayala has designed an enterprise strategies from the holding company
risk management roadmap, which down to all business units, where a
As the advocate for the company highlights milestones in the linking comprehensive understanding of risk
and the group, the CRO has the of risk management to strategy, and is needed most as the business units
primary responsibility of designing, integration of risk management serve on the frontlines.
implementing, and maintaining an into sustainability. Ayala has
effective risk program. The Group successfully completed the first Beginning in 2016, Ayala has pursued
Risk Management & Sustainability major phase of the roadmap and is the most number of risk-related
Unit supports the CRO by designing currently aligning risk management activities compared to previous
activities that enhance the with business strategy and daily years in linking risk management to
organization and the group’s risk operations. strategy. In 2017, Ayala picked up the
intelligent culture, formulating risk
management strategies, evaluating
tools and techniques for risk
assessment, and monitoring and
reporting on key principal risks. It 2013 - 2015 2016 - 2018 2019 - 2020
also convenes the ERM Council, a
group comprising the risk officers
of all Ayala’s business units, for risk Risk Link to
framework alignment, continuous Interdependence Strategy
Ayala’s senior leadership participate in the Risk Appetite Establishment workshop. Ayala Chairman and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala speaks at a panel on the future
of risk management in the Philippine landscape.
54 2017 Ayala Corporation Integrated Report
Unit heads and senior management are involved in the group’s risk management processes. Ayala President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala speaks at
the 2017 Ayala ERM Summit.
With its commitment to becoming and monitor emerging risks to the As we go through the process,
a risk intelligent conglomerate, organization’s business model, long- communication among different
Ayala will continue to advocate term viability, and ability to create levels of the organization is
and implement a robust risk value. This approach was chosen to encouraged. These interactions can
management program, and share emphasize that events currently not form the basis of a continual process
its findings and experiences across perceived as risks may pose a threat of alignment that allows people at all
the group. Ayala’s goal by 2020 is to to the organization later on. With the levels to understand the risks of any
fully maximize the value-creating introduction of this methodology, activity they undertake, and how this
proposition of risk management— top management is now starting to might affect the risks being managed
one that is able to find opportunities be cognizant of emerging risks and by others. Correspondingly, each
in risks to create greater shared value how the fast-moving risk landscape step undergoes monitoring and
for Ayala and its diverse stakeholders. can possibly affect their businesses. review for continuous improvement.
This is an area that we want to
Risk Management Protocol further develop in the years to come. Principal Risks and Uncertainties
The Group Risk Management & facing the Group
Sustainability Unit continues to Risk Management Process Enabled by a comprehensive
be innovative in the tools and Following the provisions of ISO Enterprise Risk Management
methodologies it uses. In 2014, 31000, the risk management process program, Ayala continues to refine
Ayala used the black swan at Ayala starts with establishing the its appreciation of the complex array
approach to identify its value drivers context by identifying external and of risks that affects its businesses. For
and risks. In 2015, we deepened internal factors that may impact this year, aside from giving us a better
our understanding of risks and value creation and value protection understanding of the various external
opportunities using the bow-tie objectives. We conduct research on factors affecting our operations, our
methodology and risk interaction current and emerging risk trends, annual risk assessment once again
matrix. In 2016, principal risks were engage risk management experts challenged our internal assumptions.
mapped against the five vision and collaborate with internal As we pursued scientific approaches
pillars. In addition, risk management stakeholders to ensure that the to realize opportunities, we also
was incorporated as a key result area right perspective is in place for relied on our management’s foresight
in the performance evaluation of the risk assessment – an activity and creativity, as not all risks can
employees. where senior officers are gathered be quantified through a model. As
to identify and analyze risks, a result of this discussion and in
For 2017, the risk sensing evaluate and prioritize risks, allocate collaboration with the ERM Council,
methodology was introduced to resources, and plan risk mitigation three risk categories were added in
management in identifying and strategy accordingly. The results of the risk register and included in the
assessing risks. It employs human this activity are used to update the risk prioritization exercise.
insights and advanced analytic risk register.
capabilities to identify, analyze,
4 Competition
4 5 Portfolio Management
1 6 Market
4 2
7 Business Resiliency
3 3
8 7 6 5 8 Innovation and Technology
14 11
1 10
0 9 9 Governance and Controls
2 13
3 1
10 Talent
11 Operational
13 Funding
1 2 3 4 5 14 Synergy
Risk description Potential impact Current key risks, issues or Risk exposure Management and mitigation
areas of uncertainty
Political and Regulatory • Reduced income and • New national and local Higher by 1 • Strengthen relationships with the government
margin government officials point from through Public Policy Unit
• Inability to anticipate with different mindsets previous year
changes in the political • Greater variability of and priorities • Periodically discuss new regulations that
and regulatory returns may affect business operations at the Ayala
• Higher cost of
• New tax rulings
Regulatory Council
• Campaigns against
Ayala and its business
units by competitors
Expensive funding •
Changes in regulatory
• Cultivate market intelligence (local, regional,
and global) and compare key metrics with
competition using an internal team
mechanisms policies and
frameworks • Conduct deep-dive analysis of portfolio and
business unit performance
• Market saturation
• Analyze annual innovation trends and new
• ASEAN integration sectors
Weaker public
• Vulnerability in the
areas near the fault
Regularly review adequacy of insurance coverage
• Heightened terrorism
activities, whether
local, regional, or
Innovation and Technology • Loss of market share • Fast-paced Higher by 1 • Regularly perform disruptive change assessments
technological point from for subsidiaries and industries
• Failure to remain • Lower margins advancements previous year
relevant and cope with • Publish annual trends with sector-specific input
rapid changes • Higher cost of • Presence of data from each business unit
Limited business
analytics and cloud
services • Run group-wide Innovation Summit to increase
awareness of possible disruptive trends
viability • Increasing presence
of mobile applications
• Eroded brand and and OTT players
• Shift in customer
• Disrupted business behavior
• Lower profits
guidelines •
Internal Audit Group
Difficulty in achieving
• ASEAN integration •
for development
• Mistrust by employees
and customers
Partnerships and Alliances • Inability to create value • Aggressive New risk • Strengthen relationships with current partners
for stakeholders competition category for and establish networks with potential business
• Inability to form 2017 partners and advisers
and retain external • Eroded brand and • ASEAN integration
partnerships and reputation • Due diligence of potential business partners and
alliances that help • Weak partnerships or third-party assessment for suppliers and vendors
us achieve business • Expensive funding collaborations
objectives mechanisms • Engage in regular communication with external
• Changes in business partners
• Delayed investment models
strategy execution
• Difficulty in achieving
business objectives
Funding • Increased cost of doing • Capital market dry-up Lower by 8 • Align funding strategy with budgeted capital
business points from expenditure, operating expenses, and dividend
• Insufficient funding • Political instability previous year payout
strategy to meet its • Delay in investment
obligations strategy execution • Business units’ failure • Control mix of currencies (Peso and USD), interest
• Lost opportunities
We uphold integrity, transparency, and accountability in all our dealings with our stakeholders. We continue to develop
mechanisms for actively engaging and partnering with them as we create shared value across the group. Their feedback
on our practices is as valuable as their contributions to our growth. As such, we ensure open communication with them
through different engagement channels, as appropriate and applicable.
Our stakeholders Investors and Shareholders Creditors and Suppliers Business Partners and Affiliates
How we engage them • Annual stockholders’ meeting • Regular company updates • Dialogues
• Four analysts’ briefings in 2017 to discuss • Roadshows, particularly for • Due Diligence
FY1016, 1Q2017, 1H2017, and 9M2017 results bondholders
• Meetings (Board and Executive
• 12 institutional investor conferences and non- • Formal correspondence Committee Level)
deal roadshows in Asia, Europe, the United
States, and the Philippines • Phone and e-mail communication • Business organizations and/or
clubs (e.g. World Economic Forum,
• 150 one-on-one and group meetings, and • Accreditation Asia Business Council, ASEAN
conference calls with institutional investors Business Club)
and analysts • Trainings
• Corporate disclosures
• Website
• Foreign and domestic investments • Jobs supported in the supply • Foreign and domestic investments
• Business resilience to climate change • Business resilience to climate
How we respond • Regular engagement with institutional • Timely and accurate payments • Transparency and timeliness of
investors, analysts, corporate regulators, and disclosures and reporting
the investing public through various channels • Compliance to covenants
• Risk management and other
• Risk management, governance, and • Regular engagement with bankers governance processes
sustainability processes and suppliers to maintain and
nurture relationships • Regular engagement with
• Transparency and timeliness of disclosures business partners and affiliates
and reporting • Forums for vendors and on safety through various channels
• Official correspondence • Summer outings and Christmas party • Regular visits to existing
clients including area
• Reports (financial statements and • Quarterly activities briefings
other disclosure requirements) and
publications • Sports activities (JZA Cup, Ayala Olympics)
• Townhall meetings
• Social media
• Completeness and accuracy of data • Employee salaries and benefits • Convenient, affordable,
reliable, and efficient delivery
• Transparency and accountability • Financial assistance of products and services
• Policy alignment with areas of national • Career development programs / succession plans • Sales process
interest (e.g., inclusive growth; healthy
competition) • Safe working environment • Billing concerns (where
• Public confidence • Work relationship
How we respond • Regular engagement with government • Innovations in processes and company practices • Timely resolution of customer
agencies and regulators through various complaints
channels • Structured communication approach such as town hall
and roundtable sessions • Timely and regular feedback
• Transparency and timeliness of disclosures
and reporting • Career development programs • Constant monitoring and
upgrade of systems
• Employee engagement programs
• Personnel capacity building
through product briefings,
seminars and training
1 2
• Conferences, dialogues, forums and industry workshops • Events/ social gatherings and meetings
• Community relationship
How we respond • Sharing information on market trends • Regular engagement through various channels
• Participation in industry surveys and reports • Transparency and timeliness of disclosures and
• Participation in meetings, exhibits, conferences, seminars,
symposia, and fellowship activities
Includes media, communities, NGOs and civil society
2 3
3 4 5
1 Ayala holds quarterly and annual analysts’ briefings on its financial and operating results.
2 Chairman and CEO Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala joins CFOs, senior executives, and Investor Relations teams at an Ayala group investor day in Singapore.
3 President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala and Ayala group CEOs share their insights with investors at an Ayala group investors night.
4 Press briefings ensure the media are apprised of developments in the group.
5 An annual summit brings together Investor Relations practitioners to learn from thought leaders, global peers, and other resource speakers.
Ayala has a varied range of material factors for each of its businesses. Guided by the GRI framework on defining material
topics and processes, we undertook a collaborative review with the different business units to determine their material
factors, taking into consideration the various stakeholders of the group and local and global sustainable development
challenges. Further identification of external factors that affect Ayala’s operations allowed us to identify the possible risks
and opportunities per material factor.
The following table depicts our materiality process based on the GRI Standards: Core Option.
We worked with each company to align and identify the material factors
related to their respective businesses, ensuring that the aspect boundaries
are defined.
Validation We considered stakeholder interests and concerns vis-à-vis our list of material
Completeness and Stakeholder Inclusiveness aspects and identified topics.
Review We analyzed three-year data to determine our businesses’ performance in
Sustainability Context and Stakeholder Inclusiveness identified factors and qualified areas for improvement and the respective
management approaches employed.
Materiality roadshows were conducted across business units to help them identify their material factors.
We established our materiality matrix in 2013, and since then, periodically review and assess our material factors. In 2017,
we took a deeper look at our sustainability indicators. Acknowledging that economic, environmental and social aspects of
our businesses have varying metrics and level of impact, we used fundamental questions to further identify our material
We look at our economic performance based on how much value our companies contribute to society. Our direct
contributions are material because they come from the economic value we generate and distribute to our stakeholders,
as well as the foreign and domestic investments we have enabled. To further understand the breadth and depth of our
economic efforts and performance, we also looked into our indirect contributions.
Refers to air pollutants
Social Aspect Fundamental Question What topics / metrics / practices answer the question?
Employee Engagement Assessment
We measure our ability to keep our employees sustainably
engaged through regular surveys. We provide channels to
promote open communication.
• Number of
unique patients
• Number of
through Tubig
Para Sa Barangay
Employee • Strong reputation • Inadequate mix of • Talent • Approach talent • Direct employee
Engagement and ability to attract skills and expertise management headcount
diverse and qualified for the workforce • Political and
comprehensively at
talent Regulatory • Employee
all stages
• Higher recruitment engagement
• Strong employee expenses • Operational
• Conduct of employee score
engagement score • Competition engagement surveys
• Prevalence of labor • Employee
disputes • Brand and Reputation • Annual discussion of turnover
succession planning
by senior leaders
• Regular dialogue and
communication with
labor groups
• Annual
benchmarking of
compensation and
Community • Continued license to • Adverse impact on • Political and • Development and • Community
Relationships operate within the vulnerable groups Regulatory implementation of investments
community sustainable programs
• Eroded brand and • Funding • Total number
for youth, culture,
• Well-managed social reputation of Mangyan
• Synergy education, and
impact weavers, and
• Limited license of livelihood
• Partnerships and sales of Mangyan
Alliances products
• Operational • Monthly income
of farmers in
• Brand and Reputation the MDC Greens
Training & • Highly capable • Lack of future- • Talent • Employee • Total number of
Development workforce proofing skills among engagement training hours
• Political and
• Established career Regulatory • Leadership • Average training
path for employees development hours per
• Operational
program employee
• Brand and Reputation
Occupational Health • Engaged workforce • Dissatisfied workforce • Talent • Employee health and • Number of
and Safety wellness programs health and
• Political and
Regulatory • Continous
monitoring of
• Operational
incidences and • Number and
• Brand and Reputation injuries types of injuries
• Governance and
Customer • Enhanced brand and • Eroded brand and • Operational • Quality management • Customer
Management reputation reputation system satisfaction
• Competition
ratings and net
• Increased customer • Customer complaints • Customer satisfaction
• Brand and Reputation promoter scores
loyalty surveys
• Customer
• Customer feedback
and grievance
Investor Relations, Corporate Communications, Sustainability, and other teams from across the Ayala group underwent a workshop on the Integrated Reporting framework in 2017.
Management Approach regulatory compliance, apply best work in the safest and healthiest
In line with our commitment, we practices, and adopt global voluntary possible environment. We provide
continue to improve the economic standards on environmental and work that encourages professional
value we deliver as we responsibly social responsibility. and personal growth, and we ensure
manage our impact on the they have avenues to develop
environment and society. The inputs Products and Services their interests. We encourage
and expectations of our stakeholders Improving quality of life is a main our employees to be proactive in
are important to us, and in response, driver in the development of our contributing to sustainable business
we practice good governance and products and services. We pursue practices.
remain proactive in our engagement excellence to empower more
with them. We continue to pursue customers and enhance their Community Involvement
opportunities that will help us experience. We keep the needs of We value education, cultural
improve and be more effective. marginalized communities in mind, development, gainful
and seek innovative ways to reach microenterprise, and health and
Business Sustainability them and increase our support for wellness. We ensure that these are
Long-term, sustainable growth is a nationbuilding. The design of our cultivated and promoted in the
key priority, and we strive to expand products and services also takes into communities with whom we interact.
our businesses in both the local consideration our environmental
and global arena. Guided by the UN footprint.
SDGs, we look at how we can further
improve our bottomline while being Supply Chain
transformational to society and the We observe sustainability practices
environment. We also continue to in dealing with our suppliers,
explore possibilities in underserved and prioritize those that adopt
sectors. sustainability principles. In line with
the principles of good governance,
Operations we choose suppliers based on
We are committed to the efficient their adherence to human rights.
use of our natural capitals, while We welcome community-based
ensuring the proper control of our entrepreneurs and cooperatives.
waste and greenhouse gas emissions.
We integrate environmental Human Resources
parameters into business operations We recognize that our employees are
and establish green practices in the our first customers. Their well-being
workplace. We aim to go beyond is our priority and we ensure they
Ernest Cu speaks about Globe’s experience in integrating
sustainability in its products and services.
This 360° Sustainability Framework is the result of the materiality process across the Ayala group. It gives a
comprehensive look at the factors, indicators, and metrics that we focus on. This framework is aligned with the 10
Principles of the UN Global Compact. We contribute to the UN SDGs through our various programs that drive positive
economic, social, and environmental outcomes. Due to the nature of our businesses, we have a direct impact on 11 of
the SDGs. Consequently, our activities also have an indirect impact on the remaining six SDGs.
Redistributing Economic Values back to Society
Ayala companies 17 percent increase in economic value distributed, from P321 billion to P377 billion by Ayala companies to its
key stakeholders
Disbursed P332 million for 66,000 fintech-enabled loans for personal and business uses
BPI Provided P445.5 million of micro-finance loans for self-employed micro-entrepreneurs through
BPI Direct BanKo
(indirect contribution)
15.5 percent increase in total banks loans disbursed, from P1 trillion to P1.2 trillion
ALI 22 percent increase in gross leasable area of offices, from 836,000 to 1.02 million sqm with the opening of six
11 percent increase in malls’ gross leasable area, from 1.62 million to 1.8 million sqm with the opening of five
Reviving the Philippine’s position as a manufacturing hub: AC Industrials
IMI Manufactured more than 31 million units of automotive, connectivity and smart energy technology
Improved train quality, from 98.33 to 99.39 percent due to restoration of 9 non-working trains and extension of
operating hours
21 percent increase in vehicles accommodated per day, from 24,000 to 29,000 by MCX, with potential savings of
P519 million in fuel consumption and man-hours
241 million contactless payment transactions amounting to P4.6 billion for train, bus rides, retail and tollways
through beep ™
ALI 8 Ayala malls serve as loading and unloading terminals for 9 Point-to-Point (P2P) bus routes
Managing Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change
GLOBE 347 percent increase in green solutions, from 750 to 3,350 ranging from fuel cells, lithium ion batteries, FCS,
DC-HPU and DC generator sets
BPI 8 percent increase in total amount insured for catastrophies and natural hazards
IMI Two times more automotive cameras assembled, from 1.96 to 4.3 million to improve road safety
Smarter Energy Measures
AC Energy 1,349MW and 268MW attributable capacities for thermal and renewable energy assets, respectively
9 percent increase in power generated, from 5,992.6 to 6,552.1GWh. 1,774GWh of which is attributable to AC
20 percent increase in power generated, from 342.1 to 410.3 GWh from renewable energy sources
This led to a 22 percent increase in greenhouse gas avoidance, from 160,476.0 to196,224.2 tonnes CO2e
MWC Generates 1.3kWh of electricity per day from 0.67 cubic meters of septage through its waste-to-energy facility
BPI 36 percent increase, from P84.7 to P115.1 billion in loans disbursed for energy projects
6 percent increase in sewers, from 139,482 to 147,431 that are connected to sewage treatment plants
10 percent increase in volume of used water treated, from 51.5 to 56.4 million cubic meters avoiding 57,248
tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions
Direct Jobs Generated Head count 55,264 13%
Other Jobs Generated Head count 83,810 11%
Group-wide Turnover Percent 7.5% (69%)
Male: Female ratio 1:1.33 1:1.37
(indirect contribution)
Employee Engagement Score Percent 88% 0 **
Total Energy Generated Gigawatt-hours 6,552.1 9%
Total Energy Generated from Renewable Sources Gigawatt-hours 410.3 20%
*Excludes Ayala Corporation since portions of the individual companies’ revenue are reflected in the parent company’s economic value generated
**The employee engagement survey of the Ayala group is done only every two years
Ayala is committed to driving broad-based economic gains for more Filipinos. As one of the oldest and largest
conglomerates in the country, we have played a key role, and shall continue to use our leading position, in working for
inclusive economic growth.
We expand our business network and pursue strategic acquisitions in a bid to enlarge the value we generate and
redistribute back to the economy. We also pursue innovative business strategies to support other businesses and increase
the potential gains of entrepreneurship for start-ups and new players.
We develop large-scale infrastructure and growth centers that continue to attract top investors and spur economic growth
for more people. We have also started to invest more in industrial manufacturing to revive the country’s position as a
manufacturing hub and exporter of quality industrial products.
By using our businesses as platforms for economic sustainability, we are able to generate greater economic values for
society, fill gaps in developmental services, and forge wider pathways to inclusive growth across our supply chain.
REDISTRIBUTING group increased by 15 percent from alone, our subsidiaries paid about
ECONOMIC VALUES BACK P402.3 billion to P463.8 billion in 51 percent of revenues to suppliers
TO SOCIETY 2017. This growth was primarily to cover operating costs, eight
Ayala’s businesses are engines for driven by significant revenue percent to government, 13 percent
economic growth as we continue increases recorded by Ayala Land, to providers of capital, 10 percent
to redistribute significant portions IMI, and Globe. to employees, and invested 0.04
of our profits back to the national Consolidated Economic Value Generated percent into communities. To sustain
economy. by Ayala Companies the operations of our respective
companies, we retained and
Our five-year cumulative group-wide reinvested 19 percent of the total
capital expenditures are now at PhP 463.84 economic value we generated.
P748.3 billion. This includes our 11%
PhP 402.34
investments in shared-value business PhP 362.12
models, such as our new ventures
in energy, industrial technologies,
infrastructure, healthcare, and
19% 0.08% 20% 0.06% 19% 0.04%
9% 9% 8%
14% 14% 13%
10% 10% 10%
Our economic impact comes mainly 2015 2016 2017
from our subsidiaries. They directly
conduct business with suppliers, Total in billion pesos
Percent increase
create employment opportunities,
generate shareholder returns, pay Breakdown of Consolidated 47% 48% 51%
loan providers, remit taxes, and Economic Value Distributed and 2015 2016 2017
enable and empower communities. Retained by Ayala Companies
Over the past three years, our
Consolidated Economic Value companies have distributed about
Generated by Ayala Companies 81 percent of their revenues to
Consolidated revenues of the Ayala their key stakeholders. In 2017
The success of our businesses, moreover, is a direct function of human development and the well-being of our key
stakeholder groups—our employees, our customers, and the communities around us. Their overall health and well-being, as
well as their active participation in meaningful forms of social engagement, is therefore in our best interest.
In this section, we review our key programs that have directly contributed to improving the welfare of our communities,
particularly those related to gainful employment, healthcare, education, and sustainable livelihood.
PROVIDING MEANINGFUL are formed, while sharing resources, In 2017, we continued our
AND GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT maximizing opportunities, and partnership with leading professional
At the heart of Ayala’s drive for finding pathways to new shared- services firm Willis Towers Watson.
inclusive growth is a talented value approaches. We have adopted their framework
workforce that executes our on Sustainable Engagement, which
strategies and enables us to realize Over the years we continue to grow measures engagement in three
our vision. The diverse interests of the and support more employees, as areas – Energy, Enablement, and
Ayala group support about 139,000 evidenced by our high employment Engagement.
jobs through our companies, directly rate of seven percent, which is higher
employing more than 55,000. than the country’s average of We concluded our survey with a
1.1 percent1. 96 percent (30,271) participation
We strive to provide meaningful and rate which is significantly higher
gainful employment—the kind that Our approach to employee than the 81 percent Global Average
also ensures continuing education engagement was affirmed in 2017 as Response Rate and two points
and personal development. This Forbes Global 2000— higher compared to our 2015 overall
commitment is proven by our high an annual ranking of the top participation rate.
engagement scores and low turnover companies in the world by Forbes
rate across the group. Magazine—named Ayala 18th This year, our SE score across the
in its first-ever list of World’s Best Ayala group is at 88 percent, which is
The diverse mix of expertise and Employers. one point above the Philippine norm
interests among Ayala employees
enable us to pursue a wide variety ENGAGING EMPLOYEES, THE
Ayala’s 2017 Sustainable Engagement Index
of shared-value business models. AYALA WAY (102-43)
Our employees excel in their core We assess our performance as an
functions and also serve as our brand employer by our ability to keep our
ambassadors in and outside the employees sustainably engaged. 83%
IMI-Philippines partnered with
the University of Batangas for
the Expanded Tertiary Education
Equivalency and Accreditation
Program. Through this scheme,
IMI employees who are still
undergraduates and have been
employed for at least five years,
can obtain an academic degree or Average training hours per Employment Figures (102-7, 102-8)
complete their tertiary education, employee stands at 23.33 man- In 2017, around 10 percent of the
based on their knowledge, skills, hours, a 34 percent increase from economic value generated by Ayala
and prior learning achieved through 2016, reflecting Ayala’s commitment was distributed to its employees. Our
actual working experience. In 2017, to people development. employee headcount increased by
there were 18 graduates, two of 13 percent from 48,753 in 2016 to
which were promoted to the next NEW HIRES AND TURNOVER 55,264 in 2017, as the group ramped
employment rank after graduation. (401-1) up its operations.
Ayala hired 7,991 new employees in
Employee Training Hours (404-1) 2017, a hiring rate of 14.5 percent.
In 2017, the Ayala group provided This is higher than the Philippine
more than 1.2 million training hours average of 8.91 percent. Employee
for employees. turnover this year totaled 4,148
which represents a reduction
in labor turnover rate from 24.5
Group-wide Total Training Hours percent in 2016 to only 7.5 percent
in 2017. This is lower than the
Philippine average of 7.81 in 20173.
16.47 17.43
survey in 2017
49,155 48,753
BPI has dedicated teams and units to provide the best possible financial advice to its clients.
Senior Management
Senior Management
Middle Management
Middle Management
Middle Management
Senior Management
Rank and File
We uphold our employees’ right
to exercise freedom of association.
2015 2016 2017
Across the group, collective
bargaining agreements provide Ayala Corp IMI AC Energy Total
venues for employee groups to Ayala Land AC Auto AC Infra
negotiate and settle labor disputes BPI Live It AC Education
Globe AC Healthcare
and voice out concerns regarding
Manila Water HCX AFI
employee development and
HEALTH AND SAFETY FamilyDOC provides quality primary care services to high-density communities in Mega Manila.
Beyond ensuring the personal
development and well-being of our
employees and workers, we also take
concrete steps to extend the social
value we create to our communities
at large. In order to create wider
impact and better address
development issues, we pursue
innovative social enterprise models in
key industries that can deliver social
solutions at scale, such as healthcare
and education.
Improving Philippine health
outcomes is the core business
strategy of AC Health. The company Providing Affordable Quality Generika started an electronic
aims to build an inclusive healthcare Medicine through Generika gift certificate program called
ecosystem with synergies across its All Generika drugstores are MedPadala. This allows Filipinos
multiple assets. It seeks to improve compliant with the standards of the working abroad to ensure that a
access to affordable healthcare Food and Drug Administration and specific portion of their remittances
services for underserved Filipinos, ensure optimum levels of inventory can go towards meeting their family’s
particularly the growing middle class. for stable availability of supplies. In medicine needs. Local residents can
It currently has three subsidiaries: 2017, the company recorded a total also send medicine gift checks to
Generika, FamilyDoc, and MedGrocer. of 41.7 million sales transactions, their loved ones living far from them.
a 3.5 percent increase from 2016. This year, 3,110 transactions were
Of these, 32.8 million are sales recorded for MedPadala.
transactions for generic medicines.
The group-wide headcount for support staff can be found on page 187
The percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements can be found on page 185
Based on SY 2017-2018 tuition fee for Grade 7 in Lipa and Grade 11 in NCR
Geomapping was used to analyze 7,700 student addresses from the 16,274 enrollment count
This is the hiring rate of JRU and UNC graduates for SY2012-2013 before PEP was introduced
Hand-woven products made from the stems of the Nito plant, as type of climbing fern
From establishing one of the world’s most successful private-public partnerships in water services, to funding new business
concepts that directly address climate change, Ayala is always on the lookout for innovative business solutions that benefit
the planet.
In this section, we detail our most successful environmental programs in 2017. These programs brought in significant
business values through scalable green initiatives that reach underserved communities.
+35 43.1B
13.3B 72.1B
As of % increase % increase As of Ayala Land’s mixed-use estates are notable for their abundance of green space.
2015 in 2016 in 2017 2017
Water Distribution 2015 2016 2017
Pipes (in km)
WATER AND SANITATION Manila Concession 5,049 5,094 5,111.9
FOR ALL Clark Water 12.90 58.11 61.8
Through Manila Water, Ayala Laguna Water 666 932 999.9
continues to promote clean Boracay Water 5.50 30.66 46.8
water and sanitation as a key
Estate Water 85.41 145
developmental goal and as a viable
and profitable business strategy. Total 5,733.40 6,114.77 6,220.4
4.5% 3.9%
Clark Water, reduced its NRW from
4.6 percent in 2016 to 3.9 percent
2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017
in 2017. Similarly, the Estate Water
division improved its NRW from 47
percent in 2016 to 34 percent in Manila Concession Clark Water Manila Concession Boracay Water
(East Zone) Laguna Water (East Zone) Laguna Water
2017. Estate Water targets to reduce Boracay Water Estate Water Clark Water Total
it NRW to 14 percent by 2020. These Estate Water (Philippine Operations)
Like the rest of Ayala Land’s developments, Balay Kogon strives to protect the integrity of its natural environment. For 2017, Manila Water planted
15,800 seedlings in 79 hectares of
La Mesa and 1,700 seedlings in 4.3
hectares of the Ipo Watershed.
Dry season:
• Philippine Duck
(Anas luzonica)
• Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher
(Ceyx melanurus)
05 VOLANT (flying and gliding)
(land-based, non-flying)
• Philippine Long-tailed Macaque
(Macaca fascicularis ssp.
*near threatened according to IUCN Red List
• 1 vine snake
• 2 rat snake
Additional reporting from IMI Philippines for Cavite and PSI sites.
4 5 7
1 Ayala employees volunteer to clean and repaint public schools during Brigada Eskwela.
2 Generika holds Gabay Kalusugan events in various communities to highlight the importance of taking care of one’s health.
3 Ayala group sustainability practitioners gather with colleagues and friends from the private sector at the Sustainability Summit.
4 IMI employees participate in blood donation drives.
5 AC Health conducts a medical mission to benefit underserved communities.
6 LRMC employee volunteers clean rivers.
7 Students visit MCX on a field trip.
“Making a positive impact on communities and the environment provides greater meaning
to our success. We implement sustainability practices, focused on site resilience, pedestrian
and transit connectivity, local employment, and eco-efficiency.”
- Bernard Vincent O. Dy, President and CEO, Ayala Land
Who we are Focused on its vision of “enhancing and the revitalization of its existing
Ayala Land is the largest property land and enriching lives for more estates.
developer in the Philippines with people,” it empowers its employees to
a solid track record in developing deliver quality products and services In November 2017, Ayala Land
large-scale, integrated, mixed-use, and build long-term value for our launched Seagrove in Mactan,
sustainable estates that are now shareholders. Cebu in partnership with Cebu
thriving economic centers in their Holdings and Taft Property Venture
respective regions. Outlook Development Corporation. The
Ayala Land continues to make estate is designed as an “eco-fun”
Following the success of the Makati progress on its 2020-40 plan, lifted by destination.
Central Business District (Makati a positive macroeconomic outlook
CBD), Ayala Alabang, Cebu Park that will benefit the whole property NET INCOME
District, Bonifacio Global City (BGC), development sector. It believes that (IN BILLION PESOS) 25.3
and Nuvali, it continues to increase the stable contributions of the BPO
its footprint by building estates that sector, overseas Filipino remittances,
reach and benefit more people. a growing tourism sector, and strong
household consumption will spur the 17.6
With 10,285 hectares in its landbank, continued growth of the property 14.8
24 estates, and a presence in 55 sector. 11.7
growth centers across the country,
Ayala Land offers a balanced and Looking ahead to 2018, the company
complementary mix of residential will continue to execute its strategies.
developments, shopping centers, It will endeavor to reach a wider
offices, hotels and resorts, and market and provide growth not only
other businesses. Construction and for its shareholders but also for the 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
property management services communities it serves.
are led by subsidiaries, Makati
Development Corporation and Ayala Business Review RETURN ON EQUITY
Property Management Corporation, Ayala Land made headway in 2017, (%)
respectively. 16.2
halfway into its 2020-40 plan, with net 14.7 14.9
income reaching P25.3 billion, up 21 13
It pioneers standards and practices percent backed by the strong topline
that reflect the value the company delivered by its property development
places on sustainability in all its and commercial leasing businesses.
developments. As a responsible
corporate citizen, Ayala Land acts with Estate Development
integrity, foresight and prudence. The company expanded its reach with
the introduction of three new estates
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Property Development
Lifted by increased bookings and
project completions, its property
development segment delivered
robust results, with revenues growing
24 percent to P96.4 billion. The
development business grew with
reservation sales increasing 13 percent
from its year-ago level to P122 billion.
Commercial Leasing
Ayala Land’s commercial leasing
business delivered P30.9 billion in
revenues, 10 percent higher from the
previous year, as the company rolled
out a record number of malls, offices,
and hotels and resorts.
system that is interconnected and expansion in the bank’s core NET INCOME
interoperable. The NRPS is viewed to intermediation business. (IN BILLION PESOS)
create opportunities for increased
commerce, as the BSP looks to balance Net interest income increased by
access with security. 13.4 percent to P48 billion, the result 22.1 22.4
of an 11.3 percent expansion in the
Business Review bank’s average asset base and a slight 18 18.2
In 2017, the Bank of the Philippine improvement in net interest margin.
Islands realized net profits of P22.4
billion, 1.7 percent higher than the In the absence of one-off trading
previous year. This increase was gains recorded in 2016, non-interest
achieved through a P4.5 billion increase income decreased 4.9 percent to
in total revenues, partly offset by higher end at P23 billion. The 15.6 percent
operating expenses and provision for increase in fee-based income offset
income taxes which grew P3.6 billion the decline in trading gains, primarily
and P1.4 billion, respectively. Total driven by higher credit card fees,
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
comprehensive income ended at the trust and investment management
same level as net income at P22.4 billion, fees, insurance fees, commission and
an increase of 3.1 percent over 2016. service charge.
The bank continues to deliver Given moderate loan growth relative (%)
consistent value to its investors, to 2016, provision for loan losses taken
posting a return on equity of 12.8 in 2017 amounted to P3.8 billion.
percent and return on assets of 1.3
percent, though these were lower Total operating expenses ended at
than the previous year’s 13.8 percent P38.5 billion, 10.3 percent higher as
and 1.4 percent, respectively. Cost-to- spending on technology, operations, 13.8 13.8
income ratio stood at 54.3 percent, and marketing increased to sustain 12.3 12.8
slightly higher than the previous year’s growth initiatives, and as asset growth
52.5 percent, and continues to be was accompanied by an increase in
one of the lowest in the industry. The regulatory costs. Other operating
bank paid regular cash dividends of expenses likewise increased 17.4
P1.80 per share. As of the end of 2017, percent on higher product-related
book value per share was P45.87, and insurance premiums, third-party fees
earnings per share was P5.69. and commissions, litigation expenses
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
and other transaction-related
Total revenues for the year were at expenses.
P71 billion, a 6.7 percent increase,
primarily brought about by continued With its pre-eminent brand, BPI has
“We continue to create wonderful experiences through connectivity, content, and service, and by
“Commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus.
providing opportunities for Filipinos to be part of the digital economy and community. This is how Globe
Ligula ullamcorper
can truly malesuada
say it is leading prointransformation.”
a purpose-led libero nunc consequat
interdum varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa.” - Ernest L. Cu, President and CEO, Globe Telecom
Who we are a nation that is admired all over the NET INCOME
Globe Telecom is the number one world. (IN BILLION PESOS)
mobile company in the Philippines.
It provides cellular, broadband and The company’s principal
mobile data services, and has forged shareholders are Ayala Corporation
partnerships with leading content and Singtel, both industry leaders 16.4 15.8
creators to enhance its products. in their respective countries and in 15.1
This is in recognition of the growing the region. It is a member of Bridge 13.3
preference of customers for content- Alliance, a strong alliance of premier
rich offerings and multimedia mobile operators serving over 800
applications that enrich the Filipino million customers from 34 countries
digital lifestyle. in Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa 5
along with strategic partners in
Supported by over 7,200 employees, Europe and the Americas. Globe has
and over 1.1 million retailers, 756 roaming partners in 236 calling
distributors, suppliers and business destinations worldwide. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
partners nationwide, Globe serves
more than 63.4 million individual Market Outlook
customers, small and medium-sized The Philippines has always rated high
businesses, as well as corporate and in adoption of mobile and digital
enterprise clients. It operates one technologies. Mobile penetration RETURN ON EQUITY
of the largest, most technologically stands at 120 percent, and internet (%)
advanced and robust mobile, fixed penetration is growing. With the
line, and broadband networks. prevalence of affordable prepaid
Through first-world internet and postpaid data plans, demand for 28.9
connectivity, Globe can help create data continues to increase, driving 27.8
heavy use among Filipinos. Moreover, revenue, and safeguard vital business continued mobile data revenue
with digital devices becoming more information. growth. Globe Prepaid and TM, the
affordable, everyday experiences company’s mass-market brand, posted
are increasingly enriched by digital On the regulatory front, the annual revenue growths of 11 percent
interactions. As a result, today’s government is focused on bringing and eight percent, respectively, while
customer can also be creators - able a third player into the telecom sector Globe Postpaid also recorded a one
to create and curate content that can with the view that this will improve percent increase. Globe’s mobile
easily be shared with others. telecommunications services for subscriber base reached 60.7 million
all Filipinos. This is an initiative as of end-December 2017, down three
Beyond social networking, video and incumbent players support. Related percent from 62.8 million subscribers
music streaming, and gaming, more to this, Globe has announced it in 2016. The decline in the cumulative
Filipinos are using the internet to avail is in preliminary discussions with mobile subscriber base was due to
of transport network vehicle services, third parties for the creation of the change in reporting of prepaid
order food, or use navigation apps an independent tower company. subscribers beginning in 2017.
using their smartphones. At home, However, regulatory headwinds still
smart televisions are enabling the remain as the government continues From a product perspective, mobile
consumption of bandwidth-intensive to review existing laws and policies data is the biggest contributor to
multimedia content such as network and align these to international norms. total mobile revenues, increasing to
gaming. More customers are now 44 percent against 38 percent a year
taking advantage of free content and Business Review ago, with revenues of P43.1 billion
paid streaming services which are Globe Telecom recorded strong in 2017, 23 percent higher than the
encroaching on cable TV service. consolidated service revenues for previous year. Mobile SMS revenues
2017, ending the year with P127.9 were flat while mobile voice declined
The prevalence of mobile use has billion, six percent higher than 2016. by five percent year-on-year. However,
created an opportunity for alternative This also represents the company’s on a normalized basis, mobile data
service providers. Since a majority of highest full-year revenues. The revenues would have grown by 30
Filipinos remain unbanked, fintech sustained revenue momentum was percent, while mobile SMS and voice
companies are looking to disrupt driven by the solid growth in data- would have declined by seven percent
mainstream financial services via related products brought about by the and four percent respectively, as both
mobile technology services to serve increasing popularity of streaming and products continue to be challenged
millions of financially unserved and on demand video content. This was due to the shift to internet-based
underserved Filipinos. likewise enabled by the promotion applications, consistent with global
of the digital lifestyle and content trends.
Beyond connectivity, corporate partnerships, underpinned by a robust
and enterprise clients are looking 3G and 4G network. Globe’s home broadband business
to service providers, including telco likewise sustained its growth
partners, to provide solutions to help Mobile revenues grew seven percent momentum at P15.6 billion in 2017,
businesses grow, generate more to P98.5 billion in 2017, driven by increasing revenues by seven percent
Globe partners with different products, service, and content providers that cater to Filipino’s digital and lifestyle needs.
“Manila Water continued to deliver solid results on sound fundamentals, and generate a robust pipeline of prospects
“Commodo nulla
in the Philippines andfacilisi
in the nullam vehicula
ASEAN region. ipsum atoarcu
Our aspiration doublecursus.
our net income by 2020 continues to drive
Ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat as a partner of choice of the many
our strategy to build a strong portfolio of businesses, and sustain our position
stakeholders we serve.”
varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus -Ferdinandin massa. ”
M. dela Cruz, President and CEO, Manila Water
Nations Sustainable Development participate in untapped sectors and Manila Concession carried out five
Goals in 2015, the importance of underserved markets. An example is major projects which strengthened its
providing safe and equitable access to its diversification into industrial water mission of providing water and used
water and sanitation services to more through Estate Water, which provides water services, including the Rizal
communities has steadily increased. water system solutions for mixed-use Province Water Supply Improvement
SDG targets include access to drinking real estate developments. Management, which will abstract
water, sanitation services, and overall and treat water from Laguna de Bay
reduction of pollution to water bodies, Southeast Asia represents significant to benefit 400,000 homes. Its used
all of which should be achieved by opportunities for international water facilities, the Pasig North and
2030. These imperatives can best be expansion, with the region South Sewage System, Marikina North
achieved through the collaboration characterized by a growing consumer Sewage System, and Taguig North
of all concerned stakeholders, both class and rapid urbanization. A Sewage System, have a combined
public and private. company like Manila Water, which has treatment capacity of 275 million liters
developed best-in-class operational per day, serving about 690,000 homes.
In the Philippines, access to safe capabilities in water and used
drinking water and sanitation services water services, can maximize this Manila Water Philippine Ventures
still needs significant improvement. potential, and meet the needs of other In 2017, the company marked several
At the national level, only 43.5 percent populations. wins through new partnerships across
of the population has access to piped the country. Consolidated core income
water. For sanitation, an alarmingly Business Review reached P640 million, a 13 percent
low 2.4 percent has access to piped Manila Water’s net income grew one increase from the previous year.
sewer service. The majority is served percent to P6.2 billion in 2017. Revenues This was largely due to a 14 percent
by way of septic tanks, while the increased five percent to P18.5 billion, growth in billed volume across all
remainder is still without coverage. on the back of Laguna Water’s and domestic subsidiaries, coupled with a
To address this gap, both the Boracay Water’s contributions, as well as 31 percent increase in the supervision
government and the private sector higher supervision fees recognized by fees of estate water.
must provide infrastructure to fast- Estate Water.
track coverage expansion and improve Boracay Water’s billed volume grew
service delivery. Manila Concession 13 percent to 5.5 mcm driven by
The Manila Concession’s net income growth in tourist arrivals and the
Manila Water aims to augment this grew six percent to P5.9 billion. Billed sale of bulk water to the Malay Water
massive gap in water and used volume grew two percent to 488.4 District beginning in the second
water services by expanding its mcm on the back of a three percent quarter of 2017. Meanwhile, Laguna
presence nationwide. In addition, increase in billed connections from Water achieved a 12 percent increase
evolving industry dynamics and the expansion areas of Marikina, driven by an around 1,500 increase
consumer preferences have pushed Pasig, Rizal, and Taguig. It recorded its in billed connections. Laguna Water’s
Manila Water to develop innovative highest capital expenditures in two concession was likewise expanded
products and services and create new decades at P10.6 billion, a 64 percent to cover all cities and municipalities
business models that allowed it to jump from the previous year. The in the province, including the
Financial Water Utility Operation Investors and Shareholders • Total revenue of P18.5 billion
Manila Water has a strong Through PPPs, joint venture Profitability and growth • Net income of P6.2 billion
financial position and has projects with water districts through water and • P13 billion in capital
the ability to mobilize capital and agreements with estate environmental investments expenditures disbursed
through financing to support and property developers,
its expanding business. it provides water and used Customers, Communities, • 738.7 million cubic meters of
water services to more and Businesses water supplied to customers
Manufactured than 17.3 million customers Access to clean and affordable • 5.5 million five-gallon
It has well-maintained dams, in the Philippines and water and sanitation services bottles of purified water sold
impounding reservoirs, Vietnam, and continues • About one million 500-ml
deepwells, water treatment to explore opportunities Safeguarding community bottles of purified water sold
facilities, pumping stations in ASEAN. It ensures health, and enabling • 56.42 million cubic meters of
and reservoirs, water and potable water is delivered productivity and growth for used water treated
sewer distribution networks, 24/7 and used water and individuals and enterprises
and used water treatment septage are treated to meet
facilities. effluent standards before
discharging back to water
Human bodies.
The company delivers its Employees • Above average engaged
products and services through Total Solutions Opportunities for career growth employees (compared to
its 2,022 competent, skilled, It develops innovative and development Philippine norm)
and passionate employees. products and services • Average of 30 training hours
It also partnered with to address the needs of per employee
232 material suppliers, 70 customers. These include
contractors, 17 consulting pipelaying, Integrated Environment • Protection of 9,300 hectares
firms, and 88 service Used Water Solutions, and Protection of watersheds and of watersheds
providers. Healthy Family Purified water sources • 79 hectares enrichment
Water. planting in La Mesa
Natural Restoration of quality of water Watershed; tree nurturing in
Manila Water responsibly NRW Reduction bodies 4.3 hectares in Ipo Watershed
abstracts raw water from It improves water • Diverted 9,087 tons of BOD
rivers, dams, and aquifers. It distribution efficiency organic pollution load from
efficiently uses fuel, electricity, through a non-revenue water bodies
and chemicals to optimize the water reduction program. • 57,249 tons of carbon
use of these resources. It also partners with water dioxide avoided due to used
service providers in the water treatment
Social and relationship Philippines and abroad
It nurtures good relationships to reduce NRW through
while creating shared value leak repair, and pipes and
for stakeholders. meter replacement.
“AC Energy is at a critical period of transformation—from a Philippine-focused energy investment holding company,
“Commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus.
it is transitioning into a regional player with investment, development, and operation capabilities.”
ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat - John Eric T. Francia, President and CEO, AC Energy
interdum varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa.”
AC Energy
and the BIM
group broke
ground on their
300MW solar
project in Ninh
Thuan Province,
other mandated energy participants improvement in energy produced critical thermal power plant achieved
to source or produce a share of from NorthWind and North Luzon financial close in December 2017.
their energy mix from renewable Renewables. Availability of Montesol, a Construction has started, with Unit 2
sources. We view this as a positive solar asset, also improved. expected to come online in 2020, a
development, as it will pave the way year after Unit 1 begins operations.
for more renewable investments. Effective in April, the operations GNPower Dinginin will support the
of Salak and Darajat Geothermal electricity demand of Luzon and
The prices and efficiencies of in Indonesia gave a significant Visayas.
renewable technology continue to boost to equity earnings in 2017.
improve, including solar and wind. SD Geothermal was part of the AC Energy also scaled up its retail
The next crucial development lies acquisition of Chevron’s Indonesia electricity supply operations, with
in the affordability and efficiency of assets, with total capacity at 637MW approximately 100MW of customer
storage, which will enable the scale-up and attributable capacity at 126MW. contracts signed.
and reliability of renewable energy Following the Chevron acquisition,
sources. AC Energy is building a portfolio of Transformation
renewable energy assets in Indonesia. In 2017, AC Energy started its
AC Energy believes that there remains Undertaken in partnership with UPC transformation into a full-fledged
potential to invest in the Philippine Renewables, the 75MW Sidrap wind energy company, with development,
energy sector, especially with the farm project is expected to come operation, and retail capabilities. It
medium-term supply uncertainties online in early 2018. A 30-year power acquired the development platform
facing the sector. Meanwhile, ASEAN purchase agreement has been signed previously owned by Bronzeoak
holds potential for renewable energy with Indonesian state electricity Philippines, which has a strong
developers, with countries like company PLN. track record in renewables, having
Vietnam having favorable policies developed over 250MW of solar and
supporting renewables. The availabilities of AC Energy’s biomass projects. The development
thermal power plants improved platform is being integrated into the
Business Review across the board, for a total weighted company, which will allow it to scale
In 2017, AC Energy made substantial average capacity of approximately 83 up its renewable energy investments.
progress in attaining its 2020 goal percent.
of reaching 2,000MW of attributable AC Energy is exploring opportunities
capacity. The company’s attributable Construction of GNPower Kauswagan in the region. In 2017, it successfully
capacity grew to approximately is nearing completion, with entered Indonesia with investments
1,600MW after securing financing for commercial operations expected in in geothermal and wind assets.
the second unit of GNPower Dinginin 2018. Over 450MW of contracts have Subsequently, in the first quarter of
in Bataan. Net income was P3.5 billion, been signed for this facility, which 2018, it forged a partnership with
up 31 percent from 2016. is one of the lowest cost producers Vietnam’s BIM group to develop over
and the most competitively priced 300MW of solar projects in the Ninh
Renewable and Thermal Assets in Mindanao. Meanwhile, Unit 2 of Thuan province. The first 30MW is
A strong wind regime drove an GNPower Dinginin’s 2 x 668MW super- expected to come online in 2018.
• Achieve financial
close for 1-2 projects
in the Philippines
AC Energy’s thermal
assets contribute to
the Philippines’ need
for reliable baseload
“In AC Industrials’ first full year of operations, we strengthened and reinvented existing businesses while planting the
“Commodo nulla
seeds for future growth facilisi
with nullam vehicula
key acquisitions andipsum a arcu
initiatives. cursus.
The coming years will be exciting ones, as we deploy the
Ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat benefit the markets and customers we
disruptive technologies of the future into leading products and services that
varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa.” - Arthur R. Tan, President and CEO, AC Industrials
IMI has operations and the capacity to tap markets around the world. KTM MOTORCYCLE
For example, AC Industrials’ key space, automotive industry associations in revenue in its first seven months
automotive, is undergoing transitions project flat sales in the year ahead, in the group. The entry into these two
such as the moves from fossil fuels while retaining optimism for the new spaces underscores the continuing
to cleaner power, and from a focus medium and long-term as the impact diversification of IMI’s revenue base.
on the driver to one of autonomous, of tax reform stabilizes. Contribution of the automotive
shared mobility. These have resulted segment – still the largest and most
in changes to the vehicle itself. For Business Review important – closed at 41 percent, while
example, the electronic component of In its first full year, AC Industrials the other priority segment, industrial,
cars has been steadily increasing over focused on its twin priorities of grew 21 percent.
the years. From only 10 percent of the delivering solid operational results
total cost of a vehicle a decade ago, while continuing to assemble a The global manufacturing group
it now stands at 40 percent. This ratio synergistic portfolio of businesses and continues to capture emerging
is expected to reach 50 percent by investments. Net income grew four opportunities in the automotive
2025. Moreover, the number of electric percent year over year to P1.2 billion, and industrial sectors. IMI’s factory
vehicles in use is expected to grow driven primarily by robust results from in Chengdu, China now provides
from two million units in 2016 to over both IMI and AC Automotive. charging solutions to support the
20 million units by 2020. Advanced ongoing transition to electric vehicles.
driver assistance systems are expected Driving Operational Growth from
to evolve into a critical component of Major Businesses As industry demand and regulations
every vehicle, creating opportunities IMI reached a milestone in 2017 as it that require advanced driver
to deepen participation at both ends crossed $1 billion in revenues for the assistance systems have intensified,
of the industry’s value chain. first time. Topline grew to $1.1 billion, a IMI has partnered with Tier 1
29 percent increase over the previous automotive suppliers to co-design
Regulatory forces have also helped year, boosted by recent acquisitions and engineer several related
push automotive disruption forward. and continuing advancement into applications such as sensors and
China, the world’s largest electric the globally competitive automotive sensing camera systems, with VIA
vehicles market, has enacted policy and industrial markets. Net income, doing the same for display solutions.
expected to accelerate domestic meanwhile, reached $34 million, up STI, meanwhile, is well-positioned
production and consumption of 21 percent over 2016. to serve the advancement of next-
electric vehicles. The UK and France generation satellite communication
also announced that sales of gasoline Operations in Europe and Mexico led systems, which enable asset-light
and diesel cars will end by 2040. the way with revenues growing 14 telecommunications access into far-
and 29 percent respectively. Germany- flung locations, and unlock benefits
The demand side will also see based VIA Optronics, acquired in 2016, for the connected automotive,
disruption. Tax reform enacted by the posted $148.4 million in revenues, aerospace, and logistics sectors.
Philippines in 2017 is poised to change the highest in its history. Meanwhile, IMI is also ramping up its capabilities
buying behavior and preferences, since its addition in May 2017 to to be a major player in power
as higher take-home pay is offset boost IMI’s exposure to the aerospace modules, a key component in
by raised excise taxes for certain and defense markets, UK-based STI electric vehicles and other industrial
automotive price brackets. As a result, Enterprises contributed $45.5 million applications. Electric and hybrid
“AC Infra continues to develop public-private partnership projects to address urgent transportation infrastructure
“Commodo nulla
needs, while our facilisicompanies
operating nullam vehicula
improve on ipsum a arcu cursus.
their efficiencies. Outside PPPs, we are investing in innovative
Ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat
infrastructure platforms to support new and disruptive business models.”
interdum varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus
- Jose Renein massa.
Gregory D.”Almendras, President and CEO, AC Infrastructure
released by the Japan International Apart from hard infrastructure, 2017. Apart from its recent partnership
Cooperation Agency, it is estimated opportunities also exist in adjacent with coins.ph to enable loading of
that the Philippines now loses some and related sectors. For example, beep™ cards through smartphones,
P3.5 billion daily due to the traffic with the increasing adoption of there are now more than 400 top-
situation in Metro Manila. JICA e-commerce, there is growing demand up stations in strategic locations to
also predicts that Mega Manila will for efficient logistics and fulfilment ensure convenience for cardholders.
become one of the largest megacities solutions services. Increasing digital
in the world by 2035, but will also be and mobile penetration, as well as the For the Muntinlupa-Cavite Expressway,
among the most congested. The loss public’s growing familiarity with new average annual daily traffic stood at
of efficiency and potential due to poor platforms to purchase products and 29,000 vehicles in 2017, a 19.5 percent
infrastructure underscores the need services, also creates opportunities— increase from 2016. This is in line
to invest in solutions to improve mass for example, the payments platform with projected growth in vehicular
transportation. Inclusive infrastructure that AC Infrastructure is operating can traffic and is expected grow steadily
is key in enabling the Philippines to be leveraged for a wider variety of in the coming years. As a result, total
build on its economic gains and to applications across different platforms. revenues from MCX, including non-toll
improve its competitiveness globally revenues, in 2017 hit P205 million,
and in Southeast Asia. Business Review while EBITDA reached P96 million, a 92
In 2017, AC Infrastructure continued to percent increase from 2016.
The Philippine government is currently build on the efficiencies and gains of
implementing its Build, Build, Build its existing projects. Since taking over operations and
initiative—an ambitious plan to maintenance in September 2015,
construct over 70 priority infrastructure Its payment platform, AF Payments, Light Rail Manila Corporation has
projects worth P8 trillion over the or the beep™ card, grew, with over invested over P2 billion to upgrade
next five years, with several projects four million in circulation at the end the system and ensure a more
aimed at improving mobility and mass of the year, from 2.8 million in the comfortable riding experience.
transportation across the country. The previous year. Annual transaction Functioning light rail vehicles have
government intends to do this through count increased six percent to 430 increased to 109, resulting in shorter
different means, including budgeted million in 2017, with total value of headways averaging 3.35 minutes in
infrastructure allocations, official transactions processed during the December 2017 as compared to 3.61
development assistance, government- year at P11.7 billion, an increase of 7 minutes for the same period in 2016.
to-government agreements, and percent from 2016. Initially developed This has improved the commute of
both solicited and unsolicited public- for all three Metro Manila rail lines, the 435,000 passengers who use the
private partnership projects. Different beep™ is steadily expanding as a LRT-1 daily.
Philippine companies have formed payment mode in city and point-
consortiums among themselves, as well to-point buses, toll roads, and retail Various technical improvements
as with foreign partners, to participate chains. beep™ entered the quick serve have reduced the occurrence of
in the infrastructure buildout. restaurant segment with a partnership air-conditioning faults by 92 percent,
with Wendy’s that started last October brake faults by 67 percent, and
“AC Health’s focus has always been to improve healthcare for Filipinos. In 2017, we increased our retail health footprint
through ournulla facilisi
Generika nullamand
pharmacies, vehicula ipsum
FamilyDOC a arcu
primary cursus.
care clinics. In 2018, we hope to expand our portfolio
further through strategic partnerships in hospitals, specialty care, and health technology. Most importantly, we keep
Ligula ullamcorper
our patients malesuada
at the heart proin
of everything libero
that we do.” nunc consequat
interdum varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa.
- Paolo” Maximo F. Borromeo, President and CEO, AC Health
MedGrocer enables the convenient purchase of medicine. Market Outlook Emerging consumer trends point to
The healthcare industry continues to a greater desire for patient centered-
show high single-digit growth, with care, and an openness to new
increasing demand of healthcare technology in health. Globally and
products and services driven by the in the region, healthcare technology
growth of the middle-class. In the face is a burgeoning field, although it
of growing demand, there continues is still in its very early stages in the
to be an unmet need for accessible Philippines. Additional regulatory
and affordable quality products frameworks are needed to encourage
and services, including affordable health technology solutions such as
medicines, primary care, hospitals, and electronic medical records, Telehealth,
specialty care. and e-Prescriptions.
The company also launched Vigos Invest in health Invest in healthcare • Invested in Expand portfolio of
EMR, an electronic medical records technology technology MedGrocer, health technology
and clinic information system utilized solutions solutions to • Launched Vigos solutions
in all FamilyDOC clinics. The system improve efficiency, EMR
improves efficiency and enables integration, and
integration across the clinic network, reach
in addition to performing extensive Portfolio-building Build a healthcare Established retail Complement retail
data analytics for population health. ecosystem across health footprint health with hospitals
AC Health will focus on ramping up the continuum of and specialty care
Generika offers additional services, such as a medicine guide and scheduled free consultations.
“AC Education continues to deliver quality, affordable education that leverages an industry-based, experiential, and
technology-enabled approach to significantly improve the employability of our high school and college graduates. We
aim to transform more lives by expanding our platform through both mergers and acquisitions and organic growth.”
- Alfredo I. Ayala, President and CEO, AC Education
The University of Nueva Caceres is one of the most respected universities in the Bicol region.
In recent years, the government has chain of low-cost, private high Engineering and Architecture, Graduate
made significant progress in passing schools with branches across Metro Studies, Law, and Nursing. Last school
critical legislature. This includes the K-12 Manila, Cavite, Rizal, and Lipa in year, UNC introduced Industrial
Law, which aligns the country’s basic Batangas, and a student population of Management Engineering to further
education system with the rest of the approximately 16,000 from Grades 7 to enhance the programs being offered by
world by introducing Grades 11 and 12 in school year 2017-2018. Through the College of Engineering and fortify
12 as well as the Universal Access to the government’s senior high school UNC’s position in the region as a leader
Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017, vouchers, APEC provided access to its in engineering. UNC also established a
which provides equal opportunity to innovative and progressive learning partnership with San Beda University to
quality tertiary education in both public curriculum to low-income learners. offer a Masters of Law program, making
and private educational institutions, Students who graduated from public UNC the only university in the Bicol
and gives priority to the poor, as well junior high schools can attend APEC’s region that offers the LLM program.
as academically able and motivated senior high school without paying
students. additional tuition on top of the UNC also expanded its student
government voucher. value added programs, by delivering
School year 2018-2019 is a critical compelling results through its
year for the education industry as it APEC expects to graduate its first cohort Professional Employment Program,
marks the return of college freshmen of approximately 2,000 students in June which is designed to place graduating
following the full implementation of 2018. After only two years in APEC, students in a working professional
K-12 in 2016. The previous two years out of 700 students who took college environment to enhance their potential
saw a drought for all universities, due entrance exams in selective schools, for immediate employment. In school
to the additional two years of senior 41 percent passed the exams with a 29 year 2017-2018, UNC’s PEP cohort
high school required of all students, percent passing rate in the Ateneo de achieved 89 percent employment
effectively reducing college enrollment Manila university, 60 percent in De La within 90 days post-graduation, with
of many higher education institutions Salle University Manila, and 53 percent average salaries 54 percent higher than
by half. in the University of Santo Tomas. the control group. PEP graduates went
on to work in BPI, Sutherland Global
Competition is expected to In higher education, despite the lack Services, Ford Philippines, iBEX manila,
intensify because of the first year of of college freshmen and sophomore Telus Manila, among others.
implementation for the Universal cohorts due to K-12, the University
Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, of Nueva Caceres, one of the largest Also in school year 2017-18, UNC
which offers completely free education private schools in the Bicol region, also piloted the Culminating “x”
in state-run universities and colleges increased its student population to Project for seniors in Business, HRM,
and publicly-run technical-vocational approximately 8,000 in school year Accountancy, Computer Studies and
institutions. 2017-2018. Arts and Sciences. CxP is similar to PEP
in that it provides a simulation of the
Business Review UNC offers degrees in Arts and Sciences, real-world employment environment
In basic education, APEC Schools Business and Accountancy, Computer and boosts employability. UNC also
secured its position as the largest Studies, Criminology, Education, started doing the groundwork for
“Fintech and payments, e-commerce with brick and mortar, data flow processors for artificial intelligence, and
innovative realnulla
estate facilisi nullamare
redevelopments vehicula
some ofipsum a arcu
the themes cursus.focused on in 2017. Our mission is to
AC Ventures
Ligula ullamcorper
make more malesuada
of these types proin
of investments thatlibero nunc consequat
complement our existing businesses.”
- Jose Teodoro K. Limcaoco, President and CEO, AC Ventures
interdum varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa.”
Who we are Mynt, a fintech venture, with Globe growth. It is expected to grow further
AC Ventures was formed in 2017 to and Ant Financial. following the implementation of the
house Ayala’s strategic investments. It first package of the government’s tax
aims to fulfill two roles as an enabler Market Outlook reform program, which has lowered
by investing in adjacent businesses The world is experiencing tremendous personal income taxes for the majority
complementary to Ayala’s existing digital transformation, with emerging of the population. This, together with
business units; and as a pathfinder by business models creating new ways to high adoption rates across mobile and
investing in new sectors, emerging make better, differentiated products digital platforms, has helped spur the
trends, and innovative businesses. and services more accessible to a rise of e-commerce. The Philippine
AC Ventures hopes to provide a broader consumer market. Big data, e-commerce market is expected to
window into new technologies artificial intelligence, edge computing, grow exponentially, from 0.5 percent
and business models and invest in and the internet of things are some of of the total retail market to 4.7 percent
disruptive platforms in sectors that the trends already disrupting existing by 2025–equivalent to a market size of
are relevant to Ayala. Among the industries. Some of these disruptions $9.7 billion. Related to this, the fashion
disruptive sectors that AC Ventures has are in industries where Ayala is a major and lifestyle retail market—which
entered are e-commerce and financial player in the Philippines. counts among the most popular
technology. e-commerce categories—is seen to
Strong domestic consumption reach $21 billion by 2019 accounting
In addition, AC Ventures makes has consistently contributed to for approximately a quarter of the
offshore investments through AG the Philippines’ robust economic overall Philippine retail market
Holdings. Over the past years,
Globe’s and Ayala’s partnership with Ant Financial, a leading digital financial services provider, can drive fintech
AG Holdings has served as Ayala’s development in the Philippines.
platform for its investments in real
estate in the US and Asia. Following
the establishment of AC Ventures,
AG Holdings’ mandate has evolved
into being the vehicle for the former’s
international investments.
Filipinos can access loans using only their cellphones through Fuse’s services.
PFIL North America, invested in Wave
Computing, a Silicon Valley startup Strategy Description Performance in 2017 Priorities for 2018
that develops innovative computing Enable new Invest in adjacent Acquired stakes in Look out for
systems that accelerate machine opportunities for the businesses Zalora and Mynt disruptive trends
learning, co-founded by Filipino Ayala group complementary to as well as explore
entrepreneur Dado Banatao. the Ayala group new business
opportunities and
Zalora is riding the wave of the Strengthen AG Manage offshore Existing investments Strengthen existing
e-commerce boom as the leading Holdings’ offshore investments to generated value and relationships
online fashion platform in the investments maximize gains for returns, while the with partners and
Ayala company made new continue looking
Philippines with close to 100 million
investments in funds for pockets of
visits in 2017. Zalora is engaging the and companies with opportunities within
young and tech-savvy market by disruptive strategies the real estate sector
providing them access to over 1,000
local and international brands and
reaching them through omni-channel
initiatives. Zalora is also expanding
its reach, serving areas beyond the
greater Metro Manila area, to include
far flung areas in the Philippines.
As a result of these efforts, net
merchandise value transacted through
Zalora grew at a healthy rate of 29
percent in 2017.
In 2017, Mynt grew its customer base
by 1.6x, while doubling monthly
active users through its operating
subsidiaries, GCash and Fuse Lending.
GCash, Mynt’s mobile wallet platform,
allows users to buy load, send
money, pay bills, and purchase items,
among other conveniences. Fuse,
which serves as Mynt’s lending and
Zalora is one of the fastest growing online shopping platforms in the country.
microfinancing arm, complements
GCash’s suite of mobile money
It has a diverse pool of talents who
seek out innovative ways of building
Zalora: ~300 employees
Mynt: ~400 employees
“Ayala Foundation remains true to its “AFI–3Cs—2Ps” strategy—alignment, focus, and impact, for the
“Commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus.
benefit of our conglomerate, communities, and country, supported by competent people and processes. We
Ligula ullamcorper
continue malesuada
to make significant proin
headway libero nunc
in improving consequat
more lives through our programs.”
varius sit. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa. ” T. Maranan, President, Ayala Foundation
- Ruel
Handcrafted products by the Iraya-Mangyan community in Puerto Galera are available for purchase in select STUDENTS REACHED BY GLOBAL
Natural Employees
The Calauan property is utilized by Employees from across the Ayala
farmers to produce ornamental plants group are given opportunities for
for the requirements of MDC Greens volunteerism in communities that it
Governance has always been a of good governance; sought to include a combination of internal
hallmark of Ayala. Since becoming elevate the level of transparency; and and external mechanisms such as the
a publicly-listed company in 1976, ensured that integrity, accountability, structure, role, and responsibilities
Ayala has never wavered in its and fairness are hallmarks of of the board of directors, its
belief that good governance plays its dealings with shareholders, committees, and management; and
a paramount role in the success of customers, investors, and other sound policies and controls.
its businesses. Then or today, Ayala stakeholders. The basic elements of
has always adhered to the principles Ayala’s corporate governance system
• Corporate Strategy and Finance Resources Internal Risk Management Human
Development Audit and Sustainability Resources
Strategic Planning Internal
• Finance Office of
the Data
• Corporate Resources Protection
• Public Affairs Officer
• Corporate Governance
Office of the Corporate Secretary and Office of the Chief Legal Officer
An economic briefing is held every year to apprise employees and executives of the domestic, regional, and global economic outlook.
The Nomination Committee was Corporation and Manila Water reviews, and evaluates the financial
renamed “Corporate Governance Company, Inc. affairs of the company.
and Nomination Committee” in • Additional Capital Infusion into AC The Committee approved various
May 2017 to expand its role and Infrastructure Holdings Corp. and transactions in 2017:
assist the Board in the performance Disbursement of Funds for MCX’s • Additional Equity Infusions and
of its corporate governance Capital Expenditures, as well as Advances to Wholly-owned
responsibilities. AC Ventures Holding Corp. and its Subsidiaries of the Company
Initial Investments • Allocation and Use of the P2
Board Committees are established • Partial In-Kind Redemption of Billion General Investment Fund
to provide focus on specific Board Arran Investments Pte. Ltd.’s • Issuance of Fixed-For-Life Bond of
functions and assist the Board in Redeemable Preferred Shares in up to US$400 Million
the optimal performance of its roles Liontide Holdings, Inc. • Sale of Shares Held as Available-
and responsibilities. The rights and • Actions Relating to the Code of For-Sale
responsibilities of each Committee Corporate Governance for Publicly • Availment of Credit Facilities and
delegated by the Board are defined Listed Companies Authorized Counterparties for
in the specific Committee Charters • Reduction of Investment in Bestfull Peso Yield Enhancer/Investment
duly approved by the Board, all of Holdings Ltd. Products
which are available on the company’s • Issuance of Up to US$400 Million • Exercise of Right of First Refusal
website. Guaranteed Undated Notes by AYC over Renewable Energy Test Center
Finance Limited Shares
Executive Committee • Sale of Shares Held as Available- • Capital Allocation for Ayala
The Executive Committee has the For-Sale Education, Inc., AC Education, Inc.,
authority to exercise the powers • Execution of Amended and AC Industrial Technology Holdings,
and perform the duties of the Board Restated Equity Support Inc., and AC Energy Holdings, Inc.
within the powers granted to them. Documents for AC Energy’s GNPD • P30 Billion Shelf Registration
It acts by majority vote of all its Expansion • Availment of a Revolving USD
members during the intervening • Obtention of Confidential Credit Credit Facility from Bank of China
period between scheduled Board Rating from S&P Global Ratings • Bilateral Fixed Term Loan Facility
meetings. • Engagement of SWIFT’s Services from UnionBank of the Philippines
• Additional Capital Allocation for AC • Peso Yield Enhancers or
The Committee reviewed and Education, Inc.’s Project Gamma Investment Products
approved the following transactions • Investment in AC Infra for Logistics
in 2017: Business The Finance Committee had 10
• Renewal and Amendment of meetings in 2017. Refer to page 198
Administrative Support and Finance Committee for details on attendance.
Services Agreement between the The Finance Committee oversees,
System Project is scheduled for Last February, IMI successfully and infrastructure. Headquartered in
completion in November 2019. Both completed its P4.998 billion San Jose, California, Merlin currently
projects have a capacity of 100 million rights offer with the issue of 350 has additional manufacturing facilities
liters per day. million common shares to existing in Thailand.
shareholders. AC Industrials, which
Further, Manila Water received a notice previously held 50.6 percent of IMI’s Power Generation
of award from the City of Ilagan Water outstanding shares, subscribed to AC Energy’s net earnings jumped
District to establish a joint venture its proportionate share, as well as 31 percent to P3.5 billion in 2017,
for a bulk water supply and septage any unsubscribed rights shares. This primarily driven by fresh equity
management company. Manila Water raised its stake in IMI to 52 percent. earnings contribution from its
also received a notice of award from Proceeds of the rights offer will be geothermal platform, and boosted
the Leyte Metropolitan Water District used to fund IMI’s capital expenditure by solid contributions from its wind
to establish a joint venture for a program and for debt refinancing. energy assets.
concession company. As part of its
ongoing expansion in Southeast Asia, Meanwhile, revenues from AC A strong wind regime bolstered the
Manila Water is establishing a footprint Automotive expanded 37 percent to better performance of NorthWind and
in Thailand with the signing of a share P31.2 billion, boosted by strong sales North Luzon Renewables during the
purchase agreement in February to across all brands—Honda, Isuzu, year. Services income derived from the
acquire an 18.72 percent stake in Volkswagen, and KTM. financial close of a new power plant
Eastern Water Resources Development likewise contributed to AC Energy’s
and Management Public Company AC Industrials continues to ramp net earnings.
Limited, a publicly-listed water supply up its portfolio in global and
and distribution company in Thailand. domestic industrial technologies AC Energy continues to execute on
by capitalizing on opportunities its diversification strategy. Following
Industrial Technologies arising from disruptive technological the acquisition of Salak and Darajat
AC Industrials registered a net income shifts, changing industry landscapes, Geothermal in Indonesia in early 2017,
of P1.2 billion, up four percent from and increasing demand from end- AC Energy is assembling a portfolio of
its year-ago level, on the better users. Last month, AC Industrials renewable energy assets in Southeast
performance of both its electronics acquired a controlling stake in Merlin Asia. It is developing a 75 megawatt
manufacturing and vehicle retail units. Solar Technologies Inc., with an wind project in Sidrap, Indonesia,
ownership interest of 78.2 percent which is expected to come online in
IMI’s net earnings expanded 21 after the close of the transaction and the first quarter of 2018.
percent to US$34 million on the completion of other related activities.
back of solid revenue growth, which Merlin is an emerging company Last January, AC Energy, in partnership
exceeded the US$1 billion mark that is developing differentiated with BIM Group of Vietnam, agreed to
during the year. This topline growth solar solutions resulting in products jointly develop over 300 megawatts
was driven by contribution from with high durability, flexibility, of solar power projects in Ninh Thuan
recent acquisitions and sustained and increased solar power output, province, Vietnam. The initial 30
growth in the automotive and allowing for potentially innovative megawatts of the solar project broke
industrial markets. applications in areas with demanding ground, with investment for this phase
environments, such as transportation expected to reach 800 billion VND
and to be completed within the year. gains registered in 2016. This was dropped five percent to P15.1 billion
The solar project is envisioned to partially offset by the bank’s higher in 2017 due to higher operating
be expanded by an additional 300 fee-based income, which grew 16 expenses and depreciation charges
megawatts. percent to P19.9 billion, lifted by as a result of increased investments
higher credit card fees, trust and in its data network.
Similarly, AC Energy is boosting its investment management fees,
conventional energy portfolio. Last insurance fees, bank commissions, Topline growth, however, remains
December, the project financing and service charges. strong, with service revenues
for the second unit of its 2 x 668 reaching P127.9 billion during
MW super-critical coal fired power BPI continues to be a leader in the year, up six percent year-on-
plant in Bataan, GNPower Dinginin, profitability metrics, with cost-to- year. This was fueled by sustained
achieved financial close. AC Energy income ratio at 54.3 percent, slightly demand for data-related products.
has approximately 50 percent higher from the 52.5 percent posted Mobile revenues grew seven percent
economic stake in the project, which a year ago, mainly driven by its to P98.5 billion. Globe’s mobile
has an estimated cost of US$1.7 digitalization initiatives. subscriber base reached 60.7
billion. The project will support the million at the end of 2017, three
increasing electricity demand of Total loans jumped 16 percent to percent lower from a year ago. The
Luzon and Visayas. Construction of P1.2 trillion, boosted by corporate decline in the cumulative mobile
the first unit is well underway, and is loans. Asset quality improved with subscriber base was a result of the
targeted for commercial operations the gross 90-day non-performing change in reporting Globe’s prepaid
by 2019, with the second unit loans ratio declining from 1.46 subscribers in 2017, which excluded
scheduled for completion by 2020. percent to 1.29 percent and reserve prepaid subscribers who do not
cover ratio increasing from 119 reload within 90 days of the second
Share of Profit of Associates and percent to 129 percent. expiry period. Mobile data continues
Joint Ventures to drive Globe’s total mobile
Share of profits of associates and Last year, BPI announced the creation revenues, accounting for 44 percent
joint ventures reached P18.5 billion, of a business banking segment, a from 38 percent a year ago.
up two percent, primarily on the new client group focused on the
steady increase of equity earnings banking needs of the country’s small Globe’s home broadband segment
from investees of Ayala Land and AC and medium scale enterprises. It also posted a seven percent increase in
Energy, and the better performance raised a record P12.2 billion from revenues to P15.6 billion in 2017.
of BPI. This was partially offset by a its offering of long-term negotiable Total home broadband subscribers
slight decline in share in earnings certificates of time deposit, the climbed 15 percent to 1.3 million
from Globe. largest issuance by far in the industry. year-on-year, putting Globe on track
with its target to provide internet
Banking Last January, the bank announced service to two million homes by
Bank of the Philippine Islands a stock rights offering of up 2020. Corporate data business
recorded a net income of P22.4 to P50 billion to support its increased four percent from a year
billion, up 1.7 percent from its year- strategic initiatives, including the ago to P10.3 billion owing to strong
ago level, as the absence of one-off strengthening of its market-leading demand for data-driven solutions by
gains tempered strong growth in its businesses and core franchises corporates.
core banking business during the through the expansion of lending
year. Excluding one-off gains from activities across consumer, SME, and Globe’s consolidated EBITDA
the sale of securities in 2016, net microfinance segments to capture improved seven percent to P53.3
income grew 31 percent in 2017. positive momentum in the domestic billion, while EBITDA margin stood
economy. In addition, the stock at 42 percent from 41 percent in the
Total revenues rose seven percent rights offer will strengthen BPI’s previous year.
to P71 billion as net interest income capital base as it pursues its growth
expanded 13 percent to P48 strategy in the medium term. Ayala Globe spent around P42.5 billion
billion driven by asset growth and has signified its participation in the in capital expenditure in 2017 to
improvement in net interest margin. rights offering. support its continuous network
Non-interest income, meanwhile, infrastructure enhancement. It
dropped five percent to P22.9 billion Telecom launched new products to enable
on the absence of significant trading Globe Telecom’s net earnings the Filipino digital lifestyle,
including Mynt’s rollout of the Balance Sheet Highlights loan-to-value ratio, or the ratio of
GCash scan-to-pay system in malls, Ayala’s balance sheet remains at a the parent net debt to the total
fast food chains, major retailers, and healthy level, allowing it to continue value of its investments, was 6.4
convenience stores. supporting its investments and meet percent as of end-December 2017.
its debt and dividend obligations.
Other Income (Charges) Outlook for 2018
Other income surged 66 percent to Investments in associates and joint 2017 marked a year of stronger-
P20.9 billion in 2017, as compared ventures rose to P202.6 billion, as than-expected, broad-based
to P12.6 billion in the previous a result of new investments made economic growth for the world,
year. This was largely attributed to by AC Energy, AC Ventures, and with a recovery in global trade,
income from higher rehabilitation Ayala Land. The parent’s share in net investment, and manufacturing.
works of Manila Water; the reversal earnings from BPI and Globe, as well This is expected to continue in the
of impairment provision for a as existing investees of Ayala Land, short-term, though medium-term
real estate property and higher Manila Water, AC Energy, and AC prospects are somewhat more
management and marketing fees Infrastructure, also contributed to muted. Asia continues to remain a
of Ayala Land; commission fees of growth, tempered in part by Bestfull’s bright spot in the global economy.
AC Energy; and gains on disposal of disposal of certain investments.
certain investments of AG Holdings. The Philippines continues to
Other charges which pertain to Investments in property jumped 24 grow at a healthy pace. Already-
rehabilitation works consequently percent to P137.7 billion through the robust domestic consumption
increased in 2017. real estate unit’s expansion projects is expected to increase further,
in malls, office properties, and select supported by the passage of the
Costs and Expenses land development. Meanwhile, first package of the government’s
Consolidated cost of sales for the investments in property and tax reform program. Some pockets
year stood at P175.7 billion, a 24 equipment recorded a 33 percent of uncertainty remain, particularly
percent increase, brought about increase to P85.4 billion. This was in external and internal policy that
by higher sales from the real estate lifted by AC Energy’s construction of may affect trade, and the local
segment, particularly in lots and power plants for GNP Kauswagan, business and investment climate.
residential units, AC Industrials‘ Ayala Land’s capex for hotels and As such, the group will continue
electronic manufacturing and resorts, IMI’s new capital spending to monitor relevant global
automotive retail businesses, and for its Europe and Mexico sites, and and domestic macroeconomic
stronger service revenues of the Manila Water’s expansion projects. indicators that may have an effect
energy group. The impact from the consolidation on its businesses.
of AC Energy’s and IMI’s new
Consolidated general and subsidiaries also factored in this Ayala remains overall positive
administrative expenses rose 20 account’s growth. about the macroeconomic
percent to P25.2 billion. This was a environment and its prospects for
result of combined increments in At the end of 2017, total debt at the growth as it continues to execute
the groups expenses, particularly consolidated level stood at P350.6 on its five-year growth strategy
from Ayala Land’s contracted billion, a 19 percent increase from through 2020.
services, professional fees, taxes, the December 2016 level of P295.9
retirement, and trainings; the billion. This was due to capital-raising Ayala maintains a healthy
parent’s, AC Energy’s, and Manila exercises by the parent, AYC, and balance sheet with access to
Water’s manpower, insurance costs, Ayala Land, as well as borrowings for various funding options to
depreciation expenses, as well as expansion projects of the real estate, meet requirements. A robust
Manila Water’s AR provisions; AC energy, and water segments. Total risk management system allows
Industrials‘ automotive business‘ assets crossed the P1 trillion mark in the company to maximize
marketing and promotional 2017. opportunities for reinvention, and
expenses, and IMI’s manpower costs navigate the challenges faced by
and professional and management Cash at the parent level reached its business units.
fees. This also includes the impact of P18.6 billion, while net debt stood at
consolidation of IMI and AC Energy’s P64.7 billion. Net debt-to-equity ratio
new subsidiaries. was 0.68 at the consolidated level,
and 0.59 at the parent level. Ayala’s
Economic Performance 201:Economic Economic value generated, All companies This is our direct contribution to 201-1
Performance distributed and retained Philippine economy and to our
Business Resilience to Climate 201:Economic Climate proofing of Globe Resilience of our infrastructure is 201-2
Change Performance infrastructure important for business continuity.
Impact of use of products or 203: Indirect Increase in income Globe, BPI, IMI, Ayala Land, AC As an indirect contribution to the 203-1, 203-2
services Economic Impact or productivity of Infra Philippine economy, our products
communities, enterprises and services help promote the
and companies served growth of other businesses.
Jobs supported in the supply 204: Procurement Indirect hires All companies except AC Managing our supply chain is 102-8
chain Practices Ventures integral to business continuity.
Spending on local suppliers Globe, Globe, Manila Water, AC 204-1
Energy (NLR, Montesol, SLTEC,
North Wind)
Supplier assessment and Globe, Ayala Land, IMI, Manila 308-2, 414-2
accreditation Water
Foreign and Indirect 203: Indirect Acquisitions Manila Water, IMI, AC Ventures, Expansion of our portfolio allows 203-2
Investments Economic Impact AC Industrials, AC Health, AC us to diversify, enter new markets
Health, AC Energy, AC Infra, BPI, and industries, and increase our
Globe sources of revenue.
CAPEX All companies
Impact to the vulnerable 203: Indirect Affordable education and AC Education, AC Health We innovate on products and 203-2
sector Economic Impact healthcare services to make them more
available especially for the low-
income segments.
Energy as Business 302: Energy Power generation from AC Energy Through our energy business, N/A
thermal and renewable we invest in power generation
sources to cater to the region’s energy
Energy as Consumption 302: Energy Electricity consumption All companies except AC Energy, in the form of electricity 302-1
within the organization Ventures and fuel, is used to run our
Electricity consumption Ayala Land 302-2
outside the organization
Fuel consumption within Ayala Land, BPI, Globe, Manila 302-1
the organization Water, IMI (Philippines only), AC
Infra, AC Energy, AC Automotive
Fuel consumption outside BPI, AC Automotive, AC Energy 302-2
the organization (SLTEC)
Energy intensity All companies except AC 302-3
Reduction of energy Ayala Land, BPI, AC Infra (MCX), 302-4
consumption AC Education (APEC), IMI
Greenhouse gases 305: Emissions Scope 1 Ayala Land, BPI, Globe, Manila This is a by-product of our 305-1
Water, IMI, AC Infra, AC Energy, business operations. Managing
Scope 1 Intensity 305-4
AC Automotive and reducing GHG emissions
helps us move towards a low-
Scope 2 All companies except AC 305-2
carbon economy.
Scope 2 Intensity 305-4
Scope 3 AC Automotive, Ayala Land, BPI, 305-3
Globe, Manila Water, IMI, AC
Water as Business 303: Water Water distribution Manila Water As a business activity, water is abstracted N/A
from nature, and is treated and
Used water treatment Manila Water 306-1
distributed to our customers.
Water abstraction Manila Water 303-1
Water as Consumption 303: Water Water consumption Ayala Land, IMI (Philippines Water is used in our business operations 303-1
only), BPI, Globe, AC as natural capital for industrial and office
Water intensity N/A
Energy (SLTEC), AC consumption.
Education, AC Automotive,
AC Health
Water recylced and reused AC Energy (SLTEC) 303-3
Ecosystems and 304: Biodiversity Biodiversity AC Energy (NLR), Ayala Some of our operations are located near 304-1, 304-4
Biodiversity Land areas rich in biodiversity. Protecting flora
and fauna is a form of environmental
Watershed management Manila Water 304-1, 304-3
stewardship, and their presence
Tree planting All companies in our sites is an indicator of good 304-3
environmental management.
Resource Efficiency 301: Materials Construction materials Ayala Land The materials we use in developing 301-1
306: Effluents and communities and the wastes we generate
Hazardous wastes Manila Water, Ayala Land, 306-2, 306-4
Waste in our operations pose significant
AC Infra (LRMC), AC
308: Supplier environmental impacts. We create efforts
Automotive, IMI, Globe
Environmental to manage them efficiently.
Assessment Non-hazardous wastes Ayala Land, Globe, IMI 306-2
(Philippines only), AC
Education, AC Energy
Recycling and landfill IMI, Globe 306-2
Effluents AC Energy (SLTEC), AC 306-1, 306-5
Supplier environmental IMI, Ayala Land, Manila 308-1
assessment Water
Employee Engagement 401: Employment Total employee headcount All companies except AC Our businesses create meaningful and 102-8
Ventures gainful jobs.
New hires and turnover All companies except AC 401-1
Parental leave All companies except AC 401-3
Indirect hires All companies except AC 102-8
Employee engagement All companies 102-43
Collective bargaining Ayala Land, Manila Water, 102-41, 407-1
agreements BPI, Globe
Occupational Health and 403: Occupational Types of injuries All companies except Ayala A healthy workforce and a safe working 403-2
Safety Health and Safety Corporation, BPI, AC Infra environment are integral in the daily
and AC Ventures operation of our businesses.
Training and Development 404: Training and Training hours and training All companies except AC The sustainability of our businesses are 404-1, 404-2
Education programs Ventures directly related to the knowledge and
skills of our employees.
Diversity, Equal Opportuni- 405: Diversity and Breakdown of employees All companies except AC A highly engaged, diverse, and talented 405-1
ty & Anti-Discrimination Equal Opportunity by age, gender and rank Ventures workforce enables us to continue and
406: Non- expand our operations.
Non-discrimination All companies 406-1
Workplace Conditions 408: Child Labor Child labor All companies Our businesses comply with labor 408-1, 414-2
409: Forced or standards.
Forced or compulsory All companies 409-1, 414-2
Compulsory Labor
414: Supplier Social
Customer Management 102: General Customer satifaction Ayala Land, Globe, Manila Customer satisfaction indicates quality 102-43
Disclosure performance Water, IMI (Philippines of our products and services, and drives
only), AC Automotive, HCX, customer loyalty and revenue growth.
AC Health
Security Practices and 410: Security Security practices Ayala Land, BPI, AC Infra We aim to ensure the safety of individuals 410-1
Privacy Practices (MCX) within our business scope against
418: Customer external dangers. We also comply to the
Data privacy policies Globe, BPI, Ayala 418-1
Privacy Data Privacy Act.
Community Relationship 413: Local Sustainable livelihood Ayala Foundation We strongly believe in the need to play an 413-1
Communities programs active part in national development.
201-1 Economic Value Distributed (Payment to the Employees) 2015 37,871.02 37,738.00
201-1 Economic Value Distributed (Payment to Providers of Capital) 2015 49,318.13 49,695.86
201-1 Economic Value Distributed (Payment to Providers of Capital) 2016 54,671.22 55,138.44
102-8 Total number of employees - below 30 years old 2016 19,698.00 19,650.00
102-8 Total number of employees -30 to 50 years old 2016 25,902.00 25,720.00
102-8 Total number of employees - over 50 years old 2016 3,396.00 3,383.00
102-8 Total number of employees - rank and file 2016 32,815.00 32,646.00
404-1 Average training hours - rank and file 2016 14.97 14.73
404-1 Average training hours - rank and file 2015 14.31 14.09
Million peso 75, 187 Updated figures from IMI and BPI, exclusion of LiveIT, and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 76, 187 Updated figures from IMI , AC Health, BPI, exclusion of LiveIT, and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 187 Updated figures from BPI, exclusion of LiveIT, and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 187 Updated figures from AC Health, BPI, exclusion of LiveIT, and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 188 Exclusion of LiveIT and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 188 Exclusion of LiveIT and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 188 Exclusion of LiveIT and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Million peso 188 Exclusion of LiveIT and inclusion of HCX and AffinityX
Liters 182 Updated figures from AC Automotive and inclusion of Ayala Land unleaded gasoline
Liters 182 Updated figures from AC Automotive and AC Infra and inclusion of Ayala Land unleaded gasoline
Kilowatt-hours 98, 182 Updated figures from Ayala Land, Manila Water, and Globe
Cubic meters 103, 181 Inclusion of water treated from Balayan Bay for process use of AC Energy (SLTEC) and updated figures from Ayala Land
Cubic meters 103, 181 Inclusion of water treated from Balayan Bay for process use of AC Energy (SLTEC) and updated figures from Ayala Land and Globe
Tonnes of CO2e 99, 183 Updated figures from AC Infra and AC Health and inclusion of HCX and AffiinityX
Kilograms 180 Updated figures from AC Automotive and Globe and inclusion of Manila Water
Kilograms 180 Updated figures from Globe and inclusion of Manila Water and AC Infra
Kilograms 107, 180 Updated figures from AC Automotive, Globe and inclusion of Manila Water and AC Infra
Kilograms 107, 180 Updated figures from AC Automotive and Globe, inclusion of Manila Water and AC Infra, and addition of grease waste, asbestos-containing prod-
ucts, and other hazardous wastes
Million cubic meter 101, 181 Updated figures from Manila Water (Laguna Water)
Kilowatt-hours 97, 183 Updated figures from AC Energy (GMCP and SLTEC)
Tonnes of CO2e 183 Updated figures from AC Energy (Northwind and Montesol)
RESIDUALS IN TONNES 2015 2016 2017 IMI (Philippines) 994.0 858.0 1,720.0
AC Infra (LRMC) - 4,040.0 1,400.0 Water Productivity (million pesos 0.03 0.03 0.04
revenue/cubic meters)
Ayala Land - - 23,395.9
Manila Water - 29,726.0 73,207.8
Total 235,544.5 394,000.4 594,704.8 CUBIC METERS (303-1) 2015 2016 2017
Manila Water - from ground water 48.0 76.5 87.0
ORGANIC SOLVENT / SPENT 2015 2016 2017 Manila Water - from surface water 536.2 576.7 595.2
Total 584.2 653.2 682.3
IMI (Philippines) 28,548.0 18,755.8 19,018.0
AC Energy (SLTEC) - Drawn from 144,717.0 235,656.0 203,501.0
Manila Water - - 160.0 Balayan Bay and treated to be
Total 28,548.0 18,755.8 19,178.0 converted to Demineralized Water
for process use in cubic meters
Globe 383,708.4 390,048.2 379,956.0 Indirect Energy Intensity in 0.0034 0.0023 0.0025
GWh per million peso revenue
Manila Water 41,175.0 45,248.2 47,729.4
IMI (Philippines) 32,230.7 26,306.8 3,137.1
AC Infra 386.4 2,718.5 2,867.9 ENERGY IN GIGAJOULES 2015 2016 2017
AC Energy 75,968.6 40,131.4 22,856.1 Ayala Land (Inside) - 1,223,571.7 1,346,427.3
AC Automotive 404.0 1,073.7 2,376.5 Ayala Land (Inside + Outside) 2,387,588.2 - -
Total 768,415.8 739,902.1 678,493.5 BPI 190,344.2 189,237.8 175,797.0
Globe 1,384,504.1 1,198,730.8 1,736,497.2
GASOLINE CONSUMPTION Manila Water 487,191.6 564,480.0 624,600.0
IN LITERS 2015 2016 2017
IMI (Philippines) 181,436.1 181,278.8 263,311.0
Ayala Land 135,068.0 186,948.0 213,392.9
IMI (Global sites) - - 256,348.6
Globe 2,832,388.3 3,616,301.0 3,656,970.6
AC Health 2,197.4 4,296.5 4,912.2
Manila Water 74,603.0 190,795.7 130,613.0
AC Automotive 23,663.6 25,424.1 26,708.0
IMI (Philippines) 14,232.8 17,050.9 10,842.0
AC Infra 36,749.5 153,579.2 178,059.4
AC Infra 175.5 2,310.9 2,933.2
AC Education 7,055.1 5,272.1 9,811.9
AC Energy 1,970.0 2,579.6 8,660.0
HCX - - 370.8
AC Automotive 175,957.7 202,838.9 242,132.6
AffinityX - - 626.3
Total 3,234,395.2 4,218,825.0 4,265,544.3
LiveIT 3,323.0 2,307.6 -
Total electricity / indirect 4,704,052.8 3,548,178.5 4,623,469.7
energy consumption in
NLR (Wind) 100,315.1 117,853.1 143,554.0 Manila Water 100,633.0 112,851.0 112,423.8
Northwind (Wind) 25,710.2 30,669.1 37,990.4 IMI (Philippines) 30,400.6 30,374.3 44,119.2
TOTAL NEW EMPLOYEE HIRES (401-1) 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL EMPLOYEE TURNOVER (401-1) 2015 2016 2017
Ayala Corp 16 28 10 Ayala Corp 12 13 8
Ayala Land 902 848 1,199 Ayala Land 553 566 611
BPI 1,751 3,630 3,652 BPI 1,646 2,064 1,943
Globe 1,286 1,009 753 Globe 599 666 155
Manila Water 178 133 414 Manila Water 75 123 186
IMI 6,177 7,512 849 IMI 7,526 7,355 535
AC Automotive 423 547 450 AC Automotive 443 397 309
Live It 431 228 - Live It 304 200 -
AffinityX - - 35 AffinityX - - 35
HCX 81 36 28 HCX 53 41 31
AC Energy 61 103 146 AC Energy 46 112 58
AC Infra 511 213 188 AC Infra 16 101 69
AC Education 274 697 228 AC Education 83 156 160
AC Healthcare 197 271 23 AC Healthcare 166 173 35
AFI 19 16 16 AFI 28 13 13
Group-wide Total New Hires 12,307 15,271 7,991 Group-wide Total Turnover 11,550 11,980 4,148
BARGAINING AGREEMENTS (102-41) 2015 2016 2017
BPI 95% 84% 86%
Manila Water - 10% 9%
Globe 3% 3% 4%
Ayala Land 5% 4% -
(404-1) 2015 2016 2017
Ayala Corp 14.5 16.0 16.3 19.4 13.4 0.1 36.8 31.2 4.0
Ayala Land 24.6 24.7 16.1 21.5 31.3 20.5 24.1 31.1 52.1
BPI 27.7 27.1 7.7 28.4 26.4 9.3 24.0 14.2 5.7
Globe 18.1 25.2 12.0 17.3 29.8 20.2 12.2 21.9 3.7
Manila Water 6.2 32.9 33.3 9.2 22.8 19.1 5.3 26.8 20.7
IMI 0.5 6.2 6.6 0.9 12.0 8.2 31.5 52.9 48.9
AC Automotive 22.7 9.4 10.1 24.4 14.0 24.5 17.4 9.9 7.3
Live It 35.8 10.5 14.1 49.5 26.6 4.7 - - -
AffinityX - - - - - - 46.9 17.6 49.9
HCX - - - 0.4 1.1 - 2.3 12.4 12.0
AC Energy 11.8 246.3 9.9 14.6 132.4 44.3 5.6 20.3 4.8
AC Infra 0.1 0.6 - 0.3 3.3 0.5 1.9 19.5 13.3
AC Education - - - - - - 28.6 27.3 64.5
AC Healthcare - - - - - - 40.6 78.7 24.0
AFI - - - 6.4 6.0 15.8 18.7 27.7 19.0
Group-wide Average 14.1 25.7 11.6 14.7 25.6 14.4 25.1 23.3 21.2
Training Hours by
Employees that availed maternal leave 176 ALI 107,182.94 124,628.80 142,297.00
Employees that availed paternal leave 132 BPI 59,359.00 66,551.00 71,020.00
Employees that availed solo parent leave 40 Globe 120,545.37 126,436.00 137,550.40
Employees that returned to work after maternal leave 158 MWC 17,277.78 17,971.21 20,019.73
Employees that returned to work after paternal leave 131 IMI 36,963.97 39,993.39 55,028.26
Employees that returned to work after solo parent leave 40 AC Infra 2.26 0.74 6.83
Employees that returned to work after maternal leave and still 105 AC Energy 38.50 960.92 2,215.64
employed after 12 months
AC Automotive 18,644.03 23,805.05 33,698.38
Employees that returned to work after paternal leave and still 84
AC Healthcare 1.27 40.36 16.30
employed after 12 months
HCX 626.55 335.06 208.69
Employees that returned to work after solo parent leave and 28
still employed after 12 months AffinityX 1,472.29 1,594.53 1,746.67
Return to work rate after maternal leave 90% AC Education 9.13 20.97 34.96
Return to work rate after paternal leave 99% AC Ventures - - -
Return to work rate after solo parent leave 100% Total 362,123.09 402,338.02 463,842.87
Retention rate after maternal leave 60%
Retention rate after paternal leave 64% PAYMENTS TO SUPPLIERS -
Retention rate after solo parent leave 70% OPERATING COSTS IN MILLION PESOS 2015 2016 2017
ALI 58,105.46 68,157.06 81,552.24
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ILLNESSES (403-2) 2017 BPI 10,248.98 11,229.20 13,380.13
First Aid Injury / Illness (FAI) inc. Minor Wounds 254 MWC 3,470.00 4,052.35 4,565.76
Scope of Assurance
The scope of assurance included a review of sustainability disclosures and performance data from Ayala Corp. and its
business units in the Philippines. The boundary of the Report for identified material topics and topic-specific disclosures are
set out in ‘About this report’ section, the respective chapters and Materiality section. We evaluated the Report for adherence
to the reporting principles for defining the sustainability report content as set forth in the GRI Standards and the guiding
principles in the International <IR> Framework (“<IR> Framework”). We understand that the reported financial data and
information are based on Ayala Corp.’s and respective business units’ financial statements, which are subject to a separate
independent audit process. The review of financial data taken from the Financial statements is not within the scope of our
We also performed the following activities to assess the adherence to reporting principles;
• interviewed senior managers and representatives responsible for sustainability management and made enquiries to
determine their understanding of stakeholder engagement and materiality;
• reviewed the current sustainability issues that could affect Ayala Corp. and could be of interest of stakeholders.
Based on the work undertaken, we provide a limited level of assurance over non-financial disclosure presented in Ayala
Corp.’s 2017 Integrated Report i.e. nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the reported data and
information disclosed in the Report does not give a fair representation of Ayala Corp.’s related sustainability performance.
Without affecting our assurance opinion, we also provide the following observations regarding the adherence to the reporting
principles for defining the sustainability report content and for defining report quality as defined in the GRI Standards and the
guiding principles in <IR> Framework;
Accuracy (GRI)
The data measurement techniques and basis for calculations have been duly described to us and can be replicated with same
results. We have evaluated the accuracy of the selected data and information by sampling. Any errors or misstatements
identified during the engagement were communicated for correction prior to the Report being published. Certain restatements
are provided to changes in historical disclosure. Ayala Corp. has rolled out data collection portal which enables data
collection process faster and easier and reduces risk of human error during collating, compiling and computing process,
however some historical activity data provided by respective business units were found not accurate, which causes
restatement of disclosures. Ayala Corp. together with its business units could establish robust internal check process to
improve the quality and integrity of data. Any errors or misstatements identified during the assurance engagement were
communicated for correction prior to the Report being published.
Timeliness (GRI)
Ayala Corp. is committed to disclose its sustainability performance on annual basis and this is the second Integrated Report
from Ayala Corp. reporting its sustainability performance in the annual integrated report.
Clarity (GRI)
Our assurance relies on the premise that the data and information provided by Ayala Corp. to us as part of our review
procedures have been provided in good faith and free from misstatements. Because of the selected nature (sampling) and
other inherent limitation of both procedures and systems of internal control, there remains the unavoidable risk that errors or
irregularities, possibly significant, may not have been detected. The engagement excludes the sustainability management,
performance and reporting practices of Ayala Corp.’s associated companies, suppliers, contractors and any third-parties
mentioned in the Report. The company position statements, the statements for the management approach, and case studies
and examples are excluded from the scope of our work. We did not interview external stakeholders as part of this assurance
engagement. The reported disclosures related to Economic performances are based on the financial disclosures and data,
which were cross-checked with internal documents and the audited consolidated financial statements. Limited depth of
evidence gathering including inquiry and analytical procedures and limited sampling at lower levels in the organization were
applied as per agreed scope of engagement. The baseline data for Environmental and Social performance are verified with
samples randomly taken by and the aggregated data at the corporate level are used for the verification. The procedures
performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing, and are less in extent than for a reasonable assurance
engagement. Consequently, the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the
assurance that would have been obtained if a reasonable assurance engagement had been performed. We expressly disclaim
any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or an entity may make based on this Assurance Statement.
The DNV GL Code of Conduct is available from DNV GL website (www.dnvgl.com)
GRI Standard Disclosure Page number or direct answers
Economic Performance
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 176-177
Approach 2016 103-2 The management approach and its components 75,81-82,176-177
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 20-31
GRI 201: Economic 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 75-76, 187-188
Performance 2016
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to 81
climate change
Indirect Economic Impacts
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 176-177
Approach 2016 103-2 The management approach and its components 77-81
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Indirect economic impacts of Ayala Corporation have been increasing due
to acquisitions of new companies, and growth of existing businesses in the
GRI 203: Indirect 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 80-81
Economic Impacts
2016 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts 77-78, 79-81
Procurement Practices
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 176-177
Approach 2016 103-2 The management approach and its components 82
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach IMI does not track the spending on local suppliers due to the diverse supply
chain of its global sites. Data collection for this aspect is still being established
by the companies. Globe and AC Energy are yet to track total procurement
budget for all their sites.
GRI 204: 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 82, Manila Water spent 99 percent of its total procurement budget to local
Procurement suppliers.
Practices 2016
GRI 103: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 176-177
Approach 2016 103-2 The management approach and its components 106
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 106
Finance Committee
Members Designation No. of Meetings % Present
1 Delfin L. Lazaro Chairman (NED) 10/10 100
2 Antonio Jose U. Periquet Member (ID) 9/10 90
3 Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala Member (ED) 10/10 100
4 Fernando Zobel de Ayala Member (ED) 10/10 100
The Board-approved Audit Committee Charter defines the duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee. In accordance with the
Charter, the Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities to the shareholders with respect to:
• Systems of internal controls, risk management and governance process of the Company
• Integrity of the Company’s financial statements and the financial reporting process
• Performance of the internal auditors and the external auditors
• Compliance with Company policies, applicable laws, rules and regulatory requirements
• The Chairman and another member of the Committee are independent directors;
• We had four (4) regular meetings and executive meetings with the external and internal auditors;
• We recommended for approval of the Board and endorsement to the shareholders the reappointment of SGV & Co. as the Company’s
2017 external auditor and the related audit fee;
• We have reviewed and discussed the quarterly unaudited consolidated financial statements and the annual audited consolidated
financial statements of Ayala Corporation and Subsidiaries, including the Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations, with management, internal auditors and SGV & Co. as the Company’s external auditors. We also reviewed and
discussed the annual Parent Company Financial Statements. These activities were performed in the following context:
- Management has the primary responsibility for the financial statements and the financial reporting process; and
- SGV & Co. is responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity of the Ayala Corporation’s audited consolidated financial
statements with the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
• We have approved the overall scope and the respective audit plans of the Company’s internal auditors and SGV & Co. We have also
discussed the results of their audits, their assessment of the Company’s internal controls, and the overall quality of the financial
reporting process including their management letter of comments;
• We have reviewed the reports and updates of the internal auditors ensuring that management is taking appropriate corrective actions
in a timely manner, including addressing internal control and compliance issues. Based on the assurance provided by the internal audit
as well as SGV & Co. as a result of their audit activities, the Committee assessed that the Company’s system of internal controls, risk
management, and governance processes are adequate;
• We have reviewed and approved all audit, audit-related and non-audit services provided by SGV & Co. to Ayala Corporation and the
related fees for such services. We have also assessed the compatibility of non-audit services with the auditors’ independence to ensure
that such services will not impair their independence;
• We have conducted an annual assessment of our performance and confirm that the Committee had satisfactory performed its
responsibilities based on the requirements of its Charter; and
• We reviewed and reassessed the Audit Committee Charter to ensure that it is updated and aligned with regulatory requirements. The
revised Charter was approved by the Board of Directors in December 1, 2017.
Based on the reviews and discussions undertaken, and subject to the limitations on our roles and responsibilities referred to above, the
Audit Committee recommends to the Board of Directors that the audited consolidated financial statements be included in the Annual
Report for the year ended December 31, 2017 for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Philippine Stock Exchange.
We are also recommending the re-appointment of SGV & Co. as Ayala Corporation’s external auditor and the related audit fee for 2018
based on their performance and qualifications.
March 7, 2018
The Risk Management and Related Party Transactions Committee assists the board in fulfilling its oversight mandate in the areas of risk
governance and related party transactions. Its objectives are to ensure that there exists a sound risk management framework and culture
within the company and to screen all material related party transactions for their fairness to shareholders.
• Reviewed management’s adopted risk management framework and its ongoing programs to instill a culture of risk awareness within the
Ayala group.
• Was briefed on sources of downside risk and their possible effects on the company, as identified by management and the Group Risk
Management and Sustainability Unit.
• Evaluated proposed investments, asset sales, and leases involving related parties, and recommended them for either approval or
modification in accordance with fairness to the company’s shareholders.
There were no emergencies that required the calling of any special committee meeting during the year.
March 5, 2018
*Not a reportable officer of Ayala Corporation but a member of the Ayala Group Management Committee
*seconded to subsidiaries
3F Makati Stock Exchange Bldg.
6767 Ayala Avenue
Makati City 1226 Philippines
Tel: +632 745 2508
E-mail: garcia.gp@achealth.com.ph
1 The Ayala Innovation Excellence Awards recognize
outstanding efforts from across the group.
In the 2017 unified group annual and integrated reports, we present our continued evolution: an Ayala always in motion.