A Retrospective Cohort Study of The Utility of The Modified Early Warning Score For Interfacility Transfer of Patients With Traumatic Injury
A Retrospective Cohort Study of The Utility of The Modified Early Warning Score For Interfacility Transfer of Patients With Traumatic Injury
A Retrospective Cohort Study of The Utility of The Modified Early Warning Score For Interfacility Transfer of Patients With Traumatic Injury
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 on 9 May 2017. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on 25 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
utility of the modified early warning
score for interfacility transfer of patients
with traumatic injury
Kristin Salottolo,1,2,3,4 Matthew Carrick,2 Jacob Johnson,2 Mark Gamber,2
David Bar-Or1,2,3,4
such as stabilising patients prior to transfer. EMS agencies CO, USA), which is a registry used by the hospital and the
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 on 9 May 2017. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on 25 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
are staffed with providers having a range of training and State of Texas to track patients with traumatic injury for
experience dictating the scope of tasks they can perform, epidemiology and prevention studies as well as for quality
from administration of medications, use of medical assurance and quality improvement. Patients less than 18
devices, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, initi- years of age were excluded. We also excluded patients
ating ventilation and intubationand other monitoring with no vital sign data (n=65, 10.0% of patients). This
techniques. While there are some criteria to help the trans- study received institutional review board approval with
ferring physician determine if the trauma patient should waiver of informed consent from The Medical Centre of
be transferred, for example patients with carotid or verte- Plano Institutional Review Board (study #163).
bral injuries, cardiac rupture and grade-IV or grade-V liver
injuries,3 there are no solid guidelines on if, when and how Modified Early Warning Score
a patient should be transferred. Field triage guidelines,2 3 The MEWS is derived from five common physiological
although not explicitly intended for the interfacility trans- vital signs of systolic blood pressure (SBP, mmHg), heart
port or emergency department (ED) setting, could be used rate (HR, beats per minute), respiratory rate (RR, breaths
to aid in interfacility transfer of patients. These available per minute), temperature (T, °C) and alert, voice, pain,
guidelines may not be as useful as a composite score in the unresponsive score (AVPU score), figure 1. The Glasgow
interfacility transport setting. Coma Scale (GCS) is favoured to the AVPU in trau-
The modified early warning score (MEWS) is a ‘track matic injury, and the AVPU was derived from the GCS as
and trigger’ score used for recognising patients who are follows: A=14–15, V=9–13, p=4–8, U=3. This substitution
at risk for deterioration and determines degree of illness is common although there is no standard method for esti-
of the patient.4 The initial validation of the MEWS was mating GCS from AVPU.6–10 The MEWS was calculated
performed in 709 ED patients and identified MEWS ≥5 as the total of the five subcomponent scores (figure 1).
was associated with mortality and admission to the inten- Scores range from 0 to a maximum of 14.
sive care unit (ICU).5 The pretransfer MEWS was calculated using vital signs
Our objectives were to determine whether the MEWS from the transferring facility (obtained from the transfer
can be used in the interfacility transport setting for facility record), before interfacility transport. The post-
patients with traumatic injury to detect patients poten- transfer MEWS was calculated from vital signs collected
tially requiring higher levels of care. Specifically, we on arrival to the receiving facility.
examined whether the pretransfer MEWS was associ-
Covariates and outcomes
ated with poor clinical outcomes, transport mode, injury
Clinical outcomes included in-hospital mortality,
severity and secondary overtriage.
ICU admission, surgical procedure, EMS transport mode
(air medical vs ground transport), MEWS deterioration
METHODS (an increase in MEWS during transit, calculated as the
Design, setting and participants difference between pretransfer MEWS and posttransfer
This was a retrospective cohort study that included all MEWS), secondary overtriage (injury severity score (ISS)
consecutively admitted trauma patients transferred into an <10, hospital LOS<1 day and discharged home) and
ACS verified level-II trauma centre from another health- severe injury (ISS ≥16).
care facility between January 1, 2013 and December 31, The following demographic and clinical information was
2014 and followed through discharge of the index hospi- abstracted from the registry: vital sign information (vital
talisation. The patient population was identified from sign location, timing and values before interfacility trans-
the trauma registry called TraumaBase (CDM, Conifer, port and on arrival at the receiving facility); demographics
(age, gender, race); injury severity measures (abbreviated examine the proportion of patients who did not meet
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 on 9 May 2017. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on 25 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
injury scale score, ISS, anatomic location of injury) and the physiological criteria outlined in the guidelines for
cause of injury. We also examined the occurrence of triage to a trauma centre of GCS≤13, SBP ≤90 mm Hg and
in-transit events, defined as a significant change in vital respirations <10 or >29 breaths/min signalling potential,
signs during transport (any normal to abnormal change impending deterioration.1 3
in SBP, HR, RR, T and GCS) or procedures performed in SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used
transit (eg, fluid bolus, new or significant change in medi- for all analyses, and p≤0.05 was considered statistically
cation, sedation or paralytics, placement of chest tube significant.
or central line, needle decompression). Information on
in-transit events were abstracted from detailed, scanned
EMS run reports, which were only available in 149 charts. RESULTS
Patient characteristics and outcomes
Analysis There were 587 transferred patients in our study. The
The association between pretransfer MEWS and population had a median (IQR) age of 56 years (37–74),
outcomes were examined with Cochran-Armitage trend 60% were male, and the most common cause of injury was
tests. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were due to fall (57%), followed by a vehicular crash (28%).
used to identify an optimal threshold score; we exam- Nearly half of patients suffered a head injury (46%),
ined ROC curves for mortality and ICU admission, which although the acuity of neurologic deficit was low with a
were the outcomes used in the initial validation of the median GCS was 15 (15–15). Overall, 18% were trans-
MEWS.5 This threshold score was examined in separate ported interfacility by air medical services. The average
logistic regression models for each of our study outcomes distance travelled was 23 miles (range: 7–79 miles).
to estimate the unadjusted odds of the threshold score The rates of our study outcomes are shown in table 1.
for the outcome. The threshold score was also used to There was low mortality of less than 6% among our
K, et al. BMJ Open 2017;7:e016143. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 3
Open Access
Table 2 Clinical and transit outcomes by pretransfer modified early warning score (MEWS)
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 on 9 May 2017. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on 25 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ICU Surgical Air MEWS Secondary Severe
MEWS MEWS % (n) Mortality admission procedure transport deterioration overtriage injury (ISS≥16)
0 or 1 69.6 (236) 2.1% 45.8% 31.8% 14.0% 19.3% 22.5% 24.0%
2 13.6 (46) 4.4% 52.2% 45.7% 23.9% 34.9% 23.9% 32.6%
3 5.6 (19) 10.5% 52.6% 36.8% 15.8% 5.9% 10.5% 52.6%
4 5.6 (19) 15.8% 63.2% 42.1% 15.6% 22.2% 26.3% 61.1%
5 3.5 (12) 16.7% 75.0% 41.7% 66.7% 8.3% 16.7% 41.7%
≥6 2.1 (7) 71.4% 100% 57.1% 71.4% 20.0% 0% 100%
p Value <0.001 <0.001 0.07 <0.001 0.65 0.27 <0.001
ICU, intensuve care unit; ISS, injury severity score.
transferred trauma population, although half of patients (table 1). Still, to be conservative we analysed the associ-
were admitted to the ICU, 35% required surgery and 31% ation between pretransfer MEWS and outcomes in those
had a severe injury with ISS ≥16. with complete vital sign data only (n=339), rather than
Additionally, 17.4% (26/149) experienced an in-transit using multiple imputation to calculate an imputed MEWS
event. The most common in-transit events were devel- in patients with missing vital sign(s).
opment of tachycardia or an abnormal RR (n=6 each),
followed by development of hypotension (<90 mm Hg, MEWS relationship to outcomes
n=4), administration of fluid bolus (n=4) and GCS decline The median (IQR) MEWS was 1 (1–2). As shown in
of two or more points (n=3). table 2, the pretransfer MEWS showed a significant, linear
relationship with study outcomes of mortality, ICU admis-
Modified early warning score sion, air transport and severe injury. The pretransfer
The majority of patients (90%) were not missing any vital MEWS was borderline significant for predicting a surgical
signs posttransfer. However, 42% (n=248) were missing procedure.
between one and four vital signs pretransfer (83% of those Threshold scores were determined with ROC curves
patients were missing only 1 vital sign). Thus, only 58% of (figure 2). The ROC curve for mortality was clinically
patients (n=339) had complete data for all 5 vital signs. and statistically significant (AUROC: 0.79 (95% CI: 0.74
We examined whether there were differences in demo- to 0.83, p<0.001), identifying a threshold MEWS ≥4 for
graphics, clinical characteristics and outcomes in patients predicting mortality with a high specificity of 91.3 (91%
with complete vital sign data (n=339) vs missing vital sign(s) of survivors were correctly identified by a pretransfer
(n=248), table 1. There were no differences in any covariate MEWS <4) and good sensitivity of 52.6 (53% of patients
or in any study outcome. We also examined whether there who expired were correctly identified by a MEWS ≥4),
were differences in deterioration of the MEWS vital sign figure 2a. The ROC curve for ICU admission was weaker
subscores between patients with complete vital sign data but still statistically significant (AUROC: 0.56 (95% CI:
versus those with missing vital signs; no differences existed 0.51 to 0.62, p=0.02), demonstrating specificity of 94.1
Figure 2 (A) Receiver operator characteristic curves for mortality. (B) Intensive care unit (ICU) admission.
Table 3 Association between clinical outcomes with pretransfer modified early warning score (MEWS) threshold of ≥4
BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016143 on 9 May 2017. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on 25 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Outcomes, % (n) MEWS<4, n=301 MEWS≥4, n=38 OR* (95% CI) p Value
In-hospital mortality 3.0 (9) 26.2 (10) 11.6 (4.4 to 30.9) <0.001
ICU admission 47.2 (142) 73.7 (28) 3.1 (1.5 to 6.7) 0.003
Surgical procedure 34.2 (103) 44.7 (17) 1.6 (0.8 to 3.1) 0.20
Air transport, interfacility 15.6 (47) 42.1 (16) 3.9 (1.9 to 8.0) <0.001
MEWS deterioration 21.0 (57) 17.1 (6) 0.7 (0.3 to 1.7) 0.43
Secondary overtriage 21.9 (66) 18.4 (7) 0.8 (0.3 to 1.9) 0.62
Severe injury (ISS≥16) 27.2 (81) 59.5 (22) 3.9 (1.9 to 8.0) <0.001
*Odds ratio for MEWS ≥4 versus MEWS <4, analysed with univariate logistic regression.
ICU, intensive care unit; ISS, injury severity score. Secondary overtriage: ISS <10, hospital LOS<1 day and discharged home.
and sensitivity of 16.5 with a threshold MEWS ≥4 on ROC (p=0.09).11 A prospective study that factors in clinical
analysis, figure 2b. judgement will need to validate this threshold of ≥4 to
When the threshold score ≥4 was modelled for our determine if it leads to more appropriate transfer and
outcomes, the pretransfer MEWS continued to show a improved outcomes.
significant association with study outcomes of mortality, Additional limitations are as follows: There was a
ICU admission, air transport and severe injury (table 3). considerable amount of missing vital sign data at the
In patients with MEWS ≥4, 45% (17/38) did not have transferring facility, resulting in 47% of patients being
abnormal physiological vital signs signalling triage to removed from our outcomes analysis. While there were no
a trauma centre by the ACS COT and CDC decision differences in the characteristics or outcomes of patients
guidelines; further, 63% (12/19) of patients with a with complete data and patients with incomplete data,
MEWS=4 would not have met the physiological criteria there may be some residual bias in excluding patients
outlined in the guidelines. Outcomes in these 12 patients with one or more missing vital signs. This limitation also
include one death, seven admissions to the ICU, five suggests a need for more efficient, routine collection
patients requiring surgery, but only three patients trans- of pretransport vital signs and EMS reports to receiving
ferred by air. Ninety-five per cent (286/301) of patients facilities. Next, the acuity of the patients was low, which
with MEWS <4 did not have abnormal vital signs per the may have prevented more robust analyses between MEWS
guidelines. and outcomes. The median pretransfer MEWS was only
1. This might not be a limitation as much as it suggests
DISCUSSION that guidelines for the prehospital triage and transport
Our study examined patients with traumatic injury of patients attempt to minimise undertriage of trauma
requiring interfacility transfer, demonstrating that a patients at the expense of overtriage. Further study is
MEWS ≥4 calculated prior to interfacility transport is needed to examine the MEWS for interhospital transport
associated with mortality, ICU admission, air medical to level-I trauma centres. Patients transferred into level-I
transport and severe injury. In the interfacility transport trauma centres theoretically have higher acuity injuries
setting, the MEWS may act as a more holistic measure that and more severe MEWS prehospital, which may help
may lessen the chance of underestimating a poor clinical with the robustness of these analyses. Finally, the AVPU
outcome and delaying or not transferring a patient appro- component of the MEWS score was estimated from the
priately. While it may seem obvious that out-of-range GCS. There are no standard criteria for estimating GCS
vital signs would increase the odds of an unfavourable from AVPU6–10; using a different cut-off might result in
outcome, only 21 of 38 patients with MEWS ≥4 would different MEWS scores.
have met abnormal physiological criteria by the ACS COT Contributors MG and JJ conceived the study. KS and JJ designed the study. KS
and CDC decision guidelines.1 3 In this setting, the MEWS performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. JJ was involved in
may be useful for identifying patients with less obvious data selection and data collection. MG, MC and DBO contributed substantially to its
need for transfer. revision. DBO takes responsibility for the manuscript as a whole.
The main limitation of the study is that emergency Competing interests None declared.
physicians and EMS personnel did not prospectively use Patient consent Not obtained
the MEWS during the study period so our findings need Ethics approval The Medical Center of Plano Institutional Review Board (study
to be considered in combination with clinical judgement. #163)
Fullerton et al observed that the MEWS in combination Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
with clinical judgement increases the utility of the MEWS Data sharing statement Data are available from corresponding author DBO.
in a prehospital setting.4 At least one study reported that Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
implementing the MEWS in a trauma setting did not Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
result in a statistically significant reduction in mortality permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
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