King Evaluation Group

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STUDENT PEER EVALUATION SHEET – Evaluate your group members.

This will be confidential between

you and I.
List Each Group Member Below. Use the following scale to rate your partner in each of the categories below:
1 (rarely/never) 2 (occasionally/sometimes) 3 (all/most of the time)

Partner’s Name : _______________________

____ did fair share of work
Comments: ____ was cooperative/did agreed upon task
____ contributed to ideas/planning
____ was available for communication
____ was positive, helpful
____ contributed to overall project success

Word describing this person as a group member:


Partner’s Name : _______________________

____ did fair share of work
Comments: ____ was cooperative/did agreed upon task
____ contributed to ideas/planning
____ was available for communication
____ was positive, helpful
____ contributed to overall project success

Word describing this person as a group member:


Partner’s Name : _______________________

____ did fair share of work
Comments: ____ was cooperative/did agreed upon task
____ contributed to ideas/planning
____ was available for communication
____ was positive, helpful
____ contributed to overall project success

Word describing this person as a group member:


In the section below, rate yourself.

1 (rarely/never) 2 (occasionally/sometimes) 3 (all/most of the time)

Your Name : _______________________

____ did fair share of work
Comments: ____ was cooperative/did agreed upon task
____ contributed to ideas/planning
____ was available for communication
____ was positive, helpful
____ contributed to overall project success
Explain why you gave yourself the scores above:

If you had to do another compare and contrast project, what would you do differently next time?

What went really well? ______________________________________________________________________


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