Board Games Guidelines
Board Games Guidelines
Board Games Guidelines
2. All materials needed for the games are provided by the facilitators.
3. Each college is allowed to field two players each: 1 male and 1 female
4. Each player must be in the playing area 15 minutes before the start of the game.
5. Only the player can raise questions on the conduct of the games. Coaches can be
consulted by the player before raising any question to the facilitators. Any question or
issue on the conduct of the games that cannot be clarified or settled by the facilitators
shall be elevated to the Lasallian Cup organizing committee.
6. The game shall be played on a single-round robin format between the 4 players in each
2. Each player shall be given 30 minutes to win the game. The player whose clock’s flag
fall first shall lose the game.
3. Each player shall record every move made during the game unless both players agreed
not to do it.
4. The hand the makes the moves shall be the same hand that shall touch the chess clock.
Only one hand shall be used by the player all throughout the match.
5. The piece touched first by the player shall be moved unless it is illegal to do so. In which
case the player will be allowed to change the piece to be moved.
6. Each player is allowed to make only one illegal move. The second time it is made, the
player shall be deducted 5 minutes from his remaining time if he has more than ten
minutes in his clock. Otherwise, the offended player shall receive additional 5 minutes
to his time. Only the arbiter or the facilitator shall be allowed to add or deduct time from
any of the players.
7. It is illegal to punch the clock with excessive force. No player shall be allowed to touch
the clock unless it is his/her turn to stop his/her time. Touching the clock for reason other
than stopping it shall have the permission of the opponent or the arbiter.
2. All materials needed for the games are provided by the facilitators.
3. Each college is allowed to field two players each: 1 male and 1 female
4. Each player must be in the playing area 15 minutes before the start of the game.
5. Only the player can raise questions on the conduct of the games. Coaches can be
consulted by the player before raising any question to the facilitators. Any question or
issue on the conduct of the games that cannot be clarified or settled by the facilitators
shall be elevated to the Lasallian Cup organizing committee.
6. Only one board will be used for each of the game category.
7. Two players (CON/CITHM, CBEAM, CEAS, CITE,) in each category will play competing
directly with one another.
8. There will be three consecutive games. The scores will be accumulated, and the highest
scorer will be declared the winner in his/her division.
9. Before each game, players will be requested to check the number of tiles, which must
be 100 tiles, with exact letter distribution as shown on the face of the board. If the number
of tiles does not tally with the letter distribution, any player should notify the game
facilitator before starting the game.
10. Tiles must be contained in the bag provided by the facilitators after checking the number
and letter distribution.
11. Maximum of one hour playing time is allotted per game. Each player will be given 45
seconds to make his/her turn.
12. Only words with at least 3 letters and those found in the Scrabble Dictionary shall be
13. Each player must have 7 tiles in the duration of the game.
14. All players will draw one tile from the bag at the start of the game. The player who has
drawn the letter closest to letter A shall be the first to play. The last player to play is the
one who drew the letter farthest to letter A. The first player to play must include the star
on the center square of the board.
15. Score will depend on the tiles used and the square the tiles occupy on the board. The
first player to play shall score double word. Zero score will be given for a player who
cannot play his/her tiles within the one minute time allotted to play. A player may pass
his/her turn and scores zero. A player may opt to exchange one or more tiles on his/her
rack, if there are at least 7 tiles on the bag. This option is equivalent to a pass, therefore
the player shall score zero.
16. After the player completed his/her turn, score will be recorded by the facilitator. A word
played can be challenged by any of the opponents. If the word challenged is judged
unacceptable, the owner of the word returns the tiles to her/his rack and scores zero. If
the word challenged is judged acceptable, the player who challenged the word shall lose
his/her turn and scores zero.
17. During the player’s turn to play, the board may be rotated to the preferred angle of the
player. But no one is allowed to turn the board when it is not his/her turn to play.
b. One player successfully plays all her tiles and none remains to be drawn from the
c. There are 6 successive scores of zero from all the players resulting from passes,
exchanges or challenges and the cumulative game score is not zero-zero.
2. All materials needed for the games are provided by the facilitators
3. Each college is allowed to field two players each: 1 male and 1 female
4. Each player must be in the playing area 15 minutes before the start of the game.
5. Only the player can raise questions on the conduct of the games. Coaches can be
consulted by the player before raising any question to the facilitators. Any question or
issue on the conduct of the games that cannot be clarified or settled by the facilitators
shall be elevated to the Lasallian Cup organizing committee.
6. The game shall be played on a single-round robin format between the 4 players in each
7. Player position the 12 pieces of “chips" on the end points of the board. The game is
played by two people, each with 12 pieces of pitsas or chips made from bamboo, stones,
or bottle caps.
8. Tossing of coin will be done to know who will make the first move.
9. Chips that have reached the "dama stage" can move from row to row diagonally. Chips
cannot eat or capture backwards. The "dama stage" is reached when a player gets his
piece to the last row of the board.
10. The chips can only move diagonally along the intersection of lines or squares in
chessboard. The pawns, knights, and rooks are usually used at the start, while the kings,
queens, and bishop are used when a player reached the "dama".
11. The game ends once the opponent’s chips are captured.
2. All materials needed for the games are provided by the facilitators
3. Each college is allowed to field two players each: 1 male and 1 female
4. Each player must be in the playing area 15 minutes before the start of the game.
5. Only the player can raise questions on the conduct of the games. Coaches can be
consulted by the player before raising any question to the facilitators. Any question or
issue on the conduct of the games that cannot be clarified or settled by the facilitators shall
be elevated to the Lasallian Cup organizing committee.
6. The game shall be played on a single-round robin format between the 4 players in each
7. Player position the 12 pieces of “chips" on the end points of the board. The game is played
by two people, each with 12 pieces of pitsas or chips made from bamboo, stones, or bottle
8. Tossing of coin will be done to know who will make the first move.
9. Chips that have reached the "dama stage" can move from row to row diagonally. Chips
cannot eat or capture backwards. The "dama stage" is reached when a player gets his
piece to the last row of the board.
10. The chips can only move diagonally along the intersection of lines or squares in
chessboard. The pawns, knights, and rooks are usually used at the start, while the kings,
queens, and bishop are used when a player reached the "dama".
11. The game ends once all of the opponent’s chips are captured.