Revised Object Heads For Govt of A.P. 2019
Revised Object Heads For Govt of A.P. 2019
Revised Object Heads For Govt of A.P. 2019
1.) GO Ms. No. 304, Dated 03.09.1994 of Finance & Planning (FW-BG)
2.) GO Ms. No. 664, Dated 27.10.2001 of Finance (Budget-I) Department.
3.) GO Ms. No. 87, Dated 31.01.2002 of Finance (TFR) Department.
4.) GO Ms. No. 75, Dated 03.04.2014 of Finance (TFR) Department.
5.) GO Ms. No. 57, Dated 07.04.2017 of Finance (Budget-I) Department.
O R D E R:
Under Article 150 of the Constitution, the accounts of the Union and State
Governments shall be kept in such form as the President may on the advice of the
Comptroller and Auditor General, prescribe. The word ‘Form’ used in Article 150 has a
comprehensive meaning so as to include the prescription not only of the broad form in
which the accounts are to be kept but also the basis for selecting appropriate heads under
which the transactions are to be classified.
2. In pursuance of the powers vested under Article 150 of the Constitution, the
President has prescribed the principles of accounting and classification, the classification
structure and the loans of account upto minor head level, for classification of the various
types of transactions of Government, the form in which the Treasuries, Public Works
Accounts, Forest Divisions, etc., shall keep the initial and subsidiary accounts and the form
in which they shall render accounts to the Accountant General. One of the important
characteristics of the accounting structure is the uniformity in classification of transactions
of the Union and the State Governments which enable a comprehension and comparison of
the enormous size and variety of financial transactions of the Central and State
Governments. The general structure of the budget is the same as the structure of the
3. Classification of transactions in Government Accounts on a function-cum-
programme basis was introduced from 1st April, 1974. This functional classification was
evolved with the twin objectives of reflecting Government transactions in terms of
functions, programmes and schemes and securing correspondence between accounting
classification and plan heads of development. The Comptroller and Auditor General of
India prescribed a new List of Major heads and minor heads to come into force with effect
from 1st April 1974. Andhra Pradesh Government adopted these heads, and currently
updated up to the latest correction slip, leaving certain functions and programmes that were
not needed by the State Government.
4. As a measure towards streamlining the primary break-up of the provisions and
identify the sources granularly, Government of Andhra Pradesh has adopted, over a period
of time, a seven tier Head of Account (HOA) structure. This structure is as follows:
• Major Head (MH): A main head of account for the purpose of recording and
classifying the receipts and disbursements relating to the functions of the
Government. This is represented by a four digit code.
• Sub-Major Head (SMH):The Major heads are sub divided in some cases into sub
major heads. Sub major heads are opened under a major head to record those
transactions which are of a distinct nature and are of sufficient importance to be
recorded exclusively, but at the same time allied to the function of the major head.
The head of account relating to each such sub division is termed as “sub major head”
and this is represented by a two digit budget code.
• Minor Head (M.H.):A head subordinate to a Major Head or Sub-Major Head
representing a specific programme and it is represented by a three digit code.
• Group Sub Head (GSH): GSH represents a similar group of schemes which are
implemented under a separate funding pattern and is represented by a two digit code.
• Sub-Head (SH):A head subordinate to a minor head. It indicates schemes for
programmes or administrative set-up in the case of non-plan expenditure. This is
noted with a two digit budget code.
• Object Head (OH): Object Head is a combination of Detailed Head (DH) and Sub-
Detailed Head (SDH) and forms the lowest accounting unit under which the
transactions of the Government are recorded in the account and is the lowest unit for
which figures are given in the Budget Estimates. On the expenditure side of the
account, particularly in respect of the heads of account within the Consolidated
Fund, the object heads are primarily intended for effective control over expenditure
through breakup of the expenditure on a scheme, activity or organization in terms of
inputs or objects. They also constitute the primary units of appropriation for the
purpose of the demands for grants. DH and SDH are represented by two separate
three digit codes for the purposes of budget.
• Sub-Detailed Head (SDH): Denotes break-up of detailed heads, wherever necessary,
and possible. This is denoted by a three digit code, e.g. 011 Pay; 532 Lands under the
respective three digit DHs 010 Salaries and 530 Major Works.
5. While, there are different interpretations of this, at Government of Andhra Pradesh
the sixth and seventh tier of classification together are called as Object Head, i.e. the
Detailed Head and Sub-detailed Head put together are known as Object Head.The unit of
appropriation shall normally be the detailed head. Being the objects of expenditure, the
name Object Head is appropriate and form the last tier of classification of the HOA.
Together, they help in having an itemized control of expenditure and indicate the object or
nature of expenditure on a scheme or activity or organization in terms of inputs such as
'Salaries', 'Office Expenses', 'Grants-in-Aid', 'Loans', 'Investments'.
6. Recognizing the fact that taking up of activities under a Programme of a Function
may vary from state to state as also from time to time, the State Government is permitted at
their own level to open through their Budget Wing new Sub-Heads and Object Heads, as
may be needed to suit its own requirements. Basically, this would mean that the tiers below
the Minor Head are under the control of State Government and hence Group Sub-Head at
Government of Andhra Pradesh falls under the purview of state. In the existing structure of
classification, the object heads as specified in thereference 2nd read above are being
followed to record the various items of expenditure in the Government Accounts suggested
by the Controller General of Accounts from the Financial Year 2002-03.
7. Vide reference 5th read above, Government has implemented the Comprehensive
Financial Management System (CFMS) and the budget management function, including
the maintenance of HOAs, is a part of this system. With this implementation, the
Government is looking to address certain long-standing issues and concerns with respect to
the classification of expenditure and the controls and audit mechanisms. During the reviews
in the run up to the full Budget 2019-20, a strong need for granularity, classification of
expenditure and understanding the items of expenditure across various programmes,
schemes and organizations was identified. Towards this, a team of representatives from the
Finance Department, Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts and Andhra Pradesh Centre
for Financial Systems & Services were tasked to review the current list of Object Heads and
propose a revised standard taking into account the revised needs of the Government.
8. In this backdrop, the team has proposed certain changes at the Object Head level as a
first step. Majority of the proposed changes are included in the full Budget for the financial
year 2019-20. Prior to the release of the budget to incur expenditure, it is required to define
the items of expenditure allowed under each Object Head and also propose control, audit
and reporting protocols. After careful examination, Government has decided to implement
the revised structure of Object Heads – Detailed Head (DH) and Sub-Detailed Head (SDH)
with immediate effect in the current financial year 2019-20. The revised list of Object
Heads, in the Annexure I to this G.O., is hereby notified to be adopted and therefore
implemented in supersession of any existing orders, memos, circulars or notes. Henceforth,
the accounts will also be rendered with these units of expenditure classification.Further, as
part of this standardization and streamlining process, certain DH/SDHs are decided to be
withdrawn and blocked from further use. These combinations as listed in Annexure II to
this G.O. are now being notified to be dropped from use and shall not be considered in
incurring expenditure or in accounts. Further, the Annexure III details the drawl procedures
for each of these combinations and also outlines the types of expenditure items that shall be
covered in these combinations. In addition, the broad audit parameters that are required to
be followed while scrutinizing the bills at the respective Treasuries, PAO and Works PAOs,
over and above the existing Audit procedures/practices in vogue, are outlined in Annexure
III for the purposes of reiteration, and not as a substitution.
10. The CEO, APCFSS shall make necessary changes to CFMS and enable the budget
management, in addition to ensuring that the appropriate validations are built-in.
All the Secretariat Departments
All the Heads of the Departments
All the District Collectors
The Accountant General (A&E), AP
The Director, Treasuries & Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Ibrahimpatnam
The Director, Works Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam
The Dy. Directors/ District Treasury Offices
Copy to:
All FMUs and Officers in Finance Department
The PS to Chief Secretary
The PS’ to the officers in CMO
The PS to PFS/Spl. Secretary (B&IF)
ANNEXURE I to G.O. MS. No.: 69, Dt.: 14.08.2019
SDH DH/ Description
140 Rents, Rates and Taxes SDH
141 Rents, Rates and Taxes 242 Charges towards Other purposes
150 Royalty 250 Clothing, Tentage and Store
151 Royalty 251 Clothing
160 Publications 252 Providing Uniforms
161 Publications 253 Stitching Charges
162 Purchase of Books, Magazines 254 Shoes
and Periodicals 255 Tentage Charges
170 Training 256 Store Charges
171 Training/Course Fees 260 Advertisements, Sales and
172 Training Expenses – Employees Publicity Expenses
173 Honorarium to 261 Advertisements – Print Media
Trainers/Payment to Trainers 262 Advertisements – Electronic
174 Meetings/Workshops Expenses Media
176 Departmental Trainings 263 Outdoor Advertisements
Department Training programs to 264 Sponsorships/Publicity
non-employees 265 Promotional Expenses
200 Other Administrative Expenses 266 Trade Fairs
201 Conferences, Seminars 270 Minor Works
202 Functions & Events 271 Minor Works
203 Hospitality & Entertainment 272 Maintenance
204 Protocol Expenses for Dignitaries 274 H.T.C.C Charges
205 Accommodation &Travel (Non- 275 Buildings
employees) 278 Emergency Repairs
206 Investigation Expenses 280 Professional Services
207 Medical Expenses (Non- 281 Pleaders Fees
Employees) 282 Payments to Home Guards
210 Supplies and Materials 283 Payments to Anganwadi Workers
211 Materials and Supplies 285 Sanitation Workers
212 Drugs and Medicines 286 Honorarium to V.R.A's
213 Purchase of Office Hardware & 287 Payments to Direct Individual
Peripherals Professionals
214 Fee of Software Licenses 288 Individual Professionals engaged
215 AMC Charges – Hardware – 3rd party
216 AMC Charges – Software 289 Service Based Professional
217 Purchase of Furniture &Fixtures Services
218 Transportation of Materials 290 Other Professional Services
219 Software Development 291 Payments to Asha Workers
220 Arms and Ammunition 292 Payments to Archakas
221 Arms and Ammunition 293 Payments to Village Volunteers
230 Cost of Ration/Diet Charges 294 Payments to Ward Volunteers
231 Diet Charges 295 Payments to Tribal Community
232 Cooking Charges Health Workers
233 Ration Charges 296 Payments to Gopalmitras
234 Cook-cum-Helpers 297 Honorarium/Lump sum Salary
240 Petrol, Oil and Lubricants to Nominated Posts/Advisors
241 Charges towards Office Vehicles
DH/ Description DH/ Description
300 Other Contractual Services 362 Fees paid for Services
301 Individual Contract Employees 363 Fines
302 Outsourcing Employees through 364 Refunds
agencies 410 Secret Services Expenditure
303 TA/DA to Contract Employees 410 Secret Services Expenditure
304 Contract Services through 3rd 430 Suspense
party firms 431 Purchases – Dr.
310 Grants-in-Aid 432 Stock – Dr.
311 Grants-in-Aid towards Salaries 433 Miscellaneous P.W. Advances –
312 Other Grants-in-Aid Dr.
313 Per-capita Grants 434 Workshop Suspense – Dr.
314 Seigniorage Grants 450 Interest
315 TA/DA to GIA Employees 451 Interest towards OMB
316 Payments to Beneficiaries in 452 Interest towards NABARD
Calamities/ Notified Events 453 Interest towards EAP
317 Ex-gratia Payments (Accidental 454 Interest towards REC/PFC
Death / Compassionate 455 Interest towards NCDC
Appointments) 456 Other Interest Payments
318 Obsequies Charges 500 Other Charges
319 Grants for Creation of Capital 501 Compensation (Non – R&R)
Assets 502 R&R Cash Benefits
320 Contributions 504 Cosmetic Charges
321 Contributions towards CPS 510 Motor Vehicles
322 Contributions towards EHS 511 Maintenance of Office Vehicles
330 Subsidies 512 Purchase of Motor Vehicles
331 Subsidies to Individual 520 Machinery and Equipment
Beneficiaries 521 Purchase of Machinery &
332 Subsidies to Organizations Equipment
333 Incentives to Individual 522 Purchase of Tools & Plants
Beneficiaries 523 Repairs & Maintenance to
334 Incentives to Machinery &Equipment
Organizations/Industries 530 Major Works
340 Scholarships and Stipends 531 Major Works
341 Maintenance Fees (MTF) 532 Lands (Non R&R)
342 Reimbursement of Tuition Fees 533 Buildings
(RTF) 534 Price Adjustment
343 Stipends 535 R&R Works
344 Other Scholarships 536 Land Acquisition for R&R
350 Scheme/Project based Assistance Works
351 EAP – Organizations 540 Investments
352 EAP – Beneficiaries 541 Investments
353 Payment to WUA - Para 560 Repayment of Borrowings
Workers 561 Repayment of Borrowings
354 3rd Party Consultancy Works 630 Inter Account Transfers
355 Training and Exposure Visits 631 Inter Account Transfers
360 Fees, Fines & Refunds 640 Write Off and Losses
361 Accreditation Fees 641 Write Off
DH/ Description DH/ Description
642 Losses 800 User Charges
700 Deduct – Recoveries 802 User Charges – Transport Facility
701 Receipts and Recoveries on 803 User Charges – Travelling
Capital Account Allowance
804 User Charges – Utility Payments
702 Receipts and Recoveries due on 806 User Charges – Advertisements,
Tools and Plants Sales and Publicity Expenses
703 Suspense Credits 807 User Charges – Maintenance
704 Purchases – Cr. 811 User Charges – Materials &
705 Stock – Cr Supplies
706 Miscellaneous P.W. Advances – 812 User Charges – Petrol, Oil &
Cr. Lubricants
707 Workshop Suspense – Cr. 814 User Charges – Purchases
711 Karnataka Share 815 User Charges – IT Related
732 Deduct – Share recovered from Purchases
Karnataka Electricity Board 816 User Charges – IT Related
733 Deduct – Royalty recovered from Services
Karnataka Electricity Board
ANNEXURE II to G.O. MS. No.: 69, Dt.: 14.08.2019
ANNEXURE III to G.O. MS. No.: 69, Dt.: 14.08.2019
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
010 Salaries Direct credit to the Will include Pay, Allowances in all forms, of Regular Staff for the
011 Pay bank account of current month. Also includes leave encashment, Leave Travel
012 Allowances the employee. Concession and Medical Reimbursement. This object classification
013 Dearness Allowance will also be utilized for recording expenditure on emoluments and
014 Sumptuary Allowance allowances of Heads of States and other high dignitaries including
015 Interim Relief sumptuary allowance. Arrears if any shall be drawn under DH 100, as
016 House Rent Allowance per the procedure defined in the G.O. 161, from Finance & Planning,
017 Medical Reimbursement Dt.: 27.04.1991.
018 Encashment of Earned
019 Leave Travel Concession
020 Wages Direct credit to the Will include Wages of Labourers appointed prior to enactment of
021 Part Time Contingent bank account of Act.2 of 1994. Any deviation from Act.2 requires finance concurrence
Employees respective for payment under this HOA.
022 Full Time Contingent employee.
023 Daily Wage Employees
024 Hourly Wage Employees Payment as per the norms prescribed by the Govt.
030 Overtime Allowance Direct credit to the Will include Overtime and Night Duty Allowance paid to the Staff,
031 Overtime Allowance bank account of from the departments or services, who are specifically permitted.
032 Night Duty Allowance respective staff.
040 Pensionary Charges Direct credit to the Will include donations to service funds and contributory provident
bank account of funds in addition to payments of pensions and gratuity in all forms to
the pensioner. Government Servants (Service & related Family Pensions), Members
of Legislature, Freedom Fighters, etc. This charges however does not
include social security expenditure such as old age pensions etc.
10 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
041 Pensions
042 Gratuities
043 Medical Reimbursement
050 Rewards To the credit of Will cover Awards, Trophies/Mementoes and also include amount
bank account of paid to Government servants only as per schemes, if any operative in
recipient of the Ministries/ Departments
051 Rewards
052 Awards
053 Trophies/Mementoes
060 GIA Salaries Direct credit to the Will include pay, allowances in all forms, of Grants-in-Aid Personnel.
061 GIA Pay bank account of This object classification will be utilized for recording salaries
062 GIA Allowances the employee. expenditure for those Grants-in-Aid personnel paid through HRMS
063 GIA Dearness payroll directly.
065 GIA Interim Relief
066 GIA House Rent
067 GIA Medical
068 GIA Encashment of
Earned Leave
069 GIA Leave Travel
070 Work Charged Direct credit to the Will include pay, allowances in all forms, of Work Charged
Establishment Salaries bank account of Establishment Personnel. This object classification will be utilized for
the employee. recording salaries expenditure through HRMS payroll directly.
071 WC Pay
072 WC Allowances
073 WC Dearness Allowance
11 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
075 WC Interim Relief
076 WC House Rent
077 WC Medical
078 WC Encashment of
Earned Leave
090 Arrear Pensions Direct credit to the Will include expenditure in respect of any arrears related to Regular
bank account of Pensions for those drawing pensions under DH 040.
the pensioner.
091 Arrear Pension
093 Arrear DA
094 Arrear IR
100 Arrear Salaries Direct credit to the Will include expenditure related to arrears of pay, DA and IR etc. for
101 Arrear Pay bank account of regular staff. For example, IR Arrears will be paid under this and the
102 Arrear Allowance the employee. regular IR will be paid under the standard IR, viz., 100-105 is for IR
103 Arrear DA Arrear and 010-015 is for regular IR payment monthly along with
105 IR Arrear salary.
106 Arrear HRA
110 Domestic Travel
111 Travelling Allowance Credit to the bank Will cover all expenses on account of travel on duty in India
account of including conveyance and fixed traveling allowance but excluding
employee or travel leave travel concessions which would be part of salaries. This will
agency. also include TA/DA to non-official members on account of travel
within India. Specific items like Bus Warrants and Conveyance
Allowance, where applicable, are also covered under this.
112 Bus Warrants Credit to the bank
account of
12 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
113 T.A./D.A. to Non- Credit to the bank
Official Members account of Non-
official member.
114 Fixed Travelling Credit to the bank
Allowance account of
115 Conveyance Allowance Credit to the bank
account of
116 TA/DA to Work Credit to the bank
Charged Employees account of WC
120 Foreign Travel Expenses Will cover all expenses on account of travel on duty outside India
121 Foreign Travel Expenses Credit to the bank including deputation of Scientists abroad. This will also include
account of expenditure on account of TA/DA to non-official members going on
employee or travel tour abroad.
122 TA and DA to Non Credit to the bank
Official Members account of Non-
official member or
travel agency.
130 Office Expenses
131 Service Postage and Credit to the bank All postal service charges, Courier Charges and Telephone charges.
Telephone account of Postal
13 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
133 Water and Electricity Adjust to the Taxes/Charges on account of Utility Payments such as Water
Charges deposit account of consumption from Municipal/Local Body water connection provided
respective local to Offices and Electricity charges.
Electricity Charges
to the ERO’s bank
134 Hiring of Private Credit to the bank Charges payable on account of hiring of private vehicles for official
Vehicles account of travel purposes.
agency providing
cars on hire basis.
135 OE - Credit to the bank Include all stationary items and office consumables like paper, pens,
Consumables/Stationery account of file folders, cartridges, toners etc.
Supplier/ Service
136 OE – Maintenance/ Includes White wash of offices, minor repairs to existing doors,
Minor Repairs windows, electrical fixtures, water pipes, drainage pipes etc.
137 OE – Administrative Covers ordinary administrative expenses of running an office like staff
Expenses welfare, office meetings etc.
138 OE – Internet Charges Covers recurring Internet consumption charges provided to offices.
Specific connections for home offices of eligible officials sanctioned
are also covered.
139 OE – Mobile Services/ Covers recurring call charges on existing mobile phones sanctioned
Call Charges for official purposes.
14 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
140 Rents, Rates and Taxes Adjust to the Covers Rates and Taxes on account of Government properties
141 Rents, Rates and Taxes deposit account of payable to tax collecting authorities and rents in respect of offices
respective local working in private buildings. It will also include lease charges for
bodies/ land.
Electricity Charges
to the ERO’s bank
150 Royalty Payments to the Includes all expenditure towards Royalty charges.
151 Royalty actual agent.
160 Publications Credit to the bank Includes expenditure on printing of office codes, manuals and other
161 Publications account of documents but will exclude expenditure on printing of publicity
162 Purchase of Books, Supplier/ Service material. Also includes discount to agents on sale of publications.
Magazines and Provider/agent. Additionally, purchase of Books, Magazines, and periodicals for
Periodicals office use is also covered under this.
170 Training
171 Training/Course Fees Credit of PD Covers the fee payable to training institutes/agency/body.
account of the
training institution.
In case of external
training institute,
credit to the bank
account of that
institution is
172 Training Expenses - Credit to the bank Covers expenditure incurred by an employee on account of training,
Employees account of the if any.
15 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
173 Honorarium to Credit to the bank Covers Honorarium payable to trainers including conveyance
Trainers/Payment to account of trainer. charges, if any.
174 Meetings/Workshops Credit to the Expenditure in connection with Meetings/ Workshops like
Expenses Service Provider/ refreshments, Venue charges, Video Conference hall charges etc. are
Supplier. covered.
176 Departmental Trainings Credit to the Expenditure in connection with departmental trainings like
Service Provider/ refreshments, Venue charges, Video Conference hall charges etc.
177 Department Training Credit to the Expenditure in connection with departmental trainings imparted to
programs to non- Service Provider/ Non-employees, like on-going training to Farmers by Agriculture
employees Supplier. department etc. are covered.
200 Other Administrative
201 Conferences, Seminars Credit to the Expenditure in connection with conferences and seminars like
Service Provider/ working lunch, refreshments, Venue charges etc.
202 Functions & Events Credit to the Covers expenditure in connection with Government functions and
Service Provider/ Events like sports meet etc.
203 Hospitality & Credit to the Covers expenditure related to booking of hotel rooms, guest houses
Entertainment Service and entertainment charges of guests. Departmental canteen, if any,
Provider/Supplier. expenditure is also covered.
204 Protocol Expenses for Credit to the Covers the protocol expenses in connection with visit of dignitaries to
Dignitaries Service Provider/ the state.
205 Accommodation Credit to the Covers the expenditure in connection with accommodation provided
&Travel (Non- Service Provider/ to dignitaries visiting Andhra Pradesh including Travel arrangements
employees) Supplier. cost made
16 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
206 Investigation Expenses Credit to the Covers any investigation charges – either done internally or
Service Provider/ externally.
Supplier or
Adjustment to
department PD
207 Medical Expenses (Non- Credit to the Covers the medical expenses reimbursed to Non-employees, in cases
Employees) Service Provider/ where Government is liable to cover this expense.
210 Supplies and Materials
211 Materials and Supplies Credit to the Materials and supplies not covered under any other DH.
212 Drugs and Medicines Service Provider/ Covers the cost of Drugs and medicines procured for supply to
Supplier. hospitals
213 Purchase of Office Covers the procurement of all Computer hardware and also items
Hardware & Peripherals such as TV, Fax Machine, Printer, Refrigerator etc. Also, purchase of
peripherals such as key board, mouse, LCDs is included.
214 Fee of Software Licenses Covers the one time procurement of software licenses.
215 AMC Charges – AMC charges for maintenance of computer hardware and other
Hardware devices.
216 AMC Charges – AMC charges for maintenance of existing computer software.
217 Purchase of Furniture Covers procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for official purposes.
218 Transportation of Will include expenditure incurred towards transportation of material
Materials to the actual site.
219 Software Development Costs include the expenditure in connection with software
development, where the Govt. will hold the product eventually. Does
not include implementation/ customization of a pre-packaged
220 Arms and Ammunition Credit to the bank Covers the cost of Arms and Ammunition of Police and other Para
221 Arms and Ammunition account of vendor. Military establishment
17 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
230 Cost of Ration/Diet
231 Diet Charges Credit to the bank Diet charges to patients in hospitals and dispensaries, students in
account of hostels and schools and prisoners in prisons.
232 Cooking Charges Credit to the bank Costs include the charges payable to cooks in ICDS and other
account of the schemes
service provider/
person engaged.
233 Ration Charges Credit to the bank Covers the expenditure on ration of police and other para military
account of establishments.
234 Cook-cum-Helpers Credit to the bank Covers the charges payable to cook cum helpers engaged by
account of the Government departments.
service provider/
person engaged.
240 Petrol, Oil and
241 Charges towards Office Credit to the bank Covers the cost of petrol, oil and other Lubricants used in
Vehicles account of Government vehicles for official purposes.
242 Charges towards Other Supplier. Cost of Petrol, oil and other Lubricants in respect of vehicles used for
purposes other official purposes.
250 Clothing, Tentage and Credit to the bank Covers the cost of clothing and tentage including cost of uniforms,
Store account of shoes and Stitching charges. Expenditure of trunk boxes, utensils and
251 Clothing Supplier. other such stores shall be booked under stores charges.
252 Providing Uniforms
253 Stitching Charges
254 Shoes & Socks
255 Tentage Charges
256 Store Charges
18 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
260 Advertisements, Sales Credit to the bank Will include charges related to carrying out advertisements,
and Publicity Expenses account of commission to agents for sale and printing of publicity materials and
261 Advertisements – Print Supplier/ Service any promotional activities related to the department
Media Provider. programs/schemes etc.. This would also include expenditure on
262 Advertisements – exhibitions, fairs and sponsorship of events and also the related
Electronic Media publicity materials such as t-shirts
264 Sponsorships/Publicity
265 Promotional Expenses
266 Trade Fairs
270 Minor Works Credit to the bank Expenditure on repairs and maintenance of works, machinery and
271 Minor Works account of equipment and HTCC charges. HTCC charges covers cost of
272 Maintenance Supplier/ electricity consumption, payable separately and not part of work
274 H.T.C.C Charges Contractor. estimate.
275 Buildings
278 Emergency Repairs
280 Professional Services
281 Pleaders Fees Pleader fee should Covers the charges payable to advocates empanelled by Govt.
be credited to the departments in Commission of Inquiries etc. including those engaged
bank account of for specific cases. Non-empanelled will be following budget control.
Pleader/ Law
282 Payments to Home Credit to the bank Payments shall be made against sanctioned posts only.
Guards account of
283 Payments to Anganwadi Credit to the bank Payments shall be made against sanctioned posts only.
Workers account of
19 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
285 Sanitation Workers Credit to account Payments shall be made against sanctioned posts only.
of employee or
firm providing
such service.
286 Honorarium to V.R.A's Credit to the bank Payments shall be made against sanctioned posts only.
account of
287 Payments to Direct Credit to the bank Remuneration payable to individual professionals/Consultants,
Individual Professionals account of invigilators for conducting Govt. Examinations, staff artists etc.
employee or the
person engaged.
288 Individual Professionals Credit to the bank Covers the charges of consultants engaged through 3rd party agency
engaged – 3rd party account of
289 Service Based Credit to the bank Charges in connection with Service based professional service
Professional Services account of Vendor. engaged. For example, engaging a consulting firm for preparation
DPR, RFP, master plans, software implementation services etc.
290 Other Professional Credit to the bank Payments related to various types of staff (not regular) working with
Services account of the the government in different departments. Payments shall be made
staff. against sanctioned posts only.
20 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
296 Payments to
297 Honorarium/Lump sum
Salary to Nominated
300 Other Contractual
301 Individual Contract Credit to the bank Covers the remuneration of contract employees engaged directly by
Employees account of Government departments. Payments shall be made against
contract employee sanctioned posts only.
302 Outsourcing Employees Credit to the bank Covers the expenditure pertaining to the outsourcing employees
account of the engaged through outsourcing agencies. One time finance concurrence
man power is required if the engagement is against sanctioned vacant posts. In
agency. other cases, prior Finance Concurrence is required from time to time.
303 TA/DA to Contract Credit to the bank Includes the expenditure pertaining to TA/DA to contract employees
Employees account of
contract employee
304 Contract Services Credit to the bank Payments to firms engaged for specific services like sanitation,
through 3rd party firms account of Service security service, house- keeping etc.
310 Grants-in-Aid
311 Grants-in-Aid towards Credit to the PD Grant in Aid expenditure towards salaries adjusted to Grant in Aid
Salaries account of institutions like APSWREIS, Universities, APVVP etc.
312 Other Grants-in-Aid Direct credit to the All other grants released to local bodies and other Public Sector
bank account of Undertakings, corporations, Universities etc.
payee or Credit to
the PD account of
21 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
313 Per-capita Grants Credit to the PD Expenditure pertaining to Per-capita grants to local bodies
314 Seigniorage Grants Credit to the PD Covers the expenditure pertaining to Seigniorage grants to local
account. bodies
315 TA/DA to GIA Credit to the bank Covers the TA and DA of Grant in Aid employees.
Employees account of
employee/ travel
316 Payments to Credit to the bank Covers the expenditure incurred towards the payments made to
Beneficiaries in account of beneficiaries in Natural Calamities and notified events.
Calamities/ Notified individuals.
317 Ex-gratia Payments Credit to the bank Expenditure pertaining to the ex-gratia payable in accidental deaths
(Accidental Death / account of and the compensation payable to the family of deceased employee in
Compassionate individual. lieu of compassionate appointment.
318 Obsequies Charges Credit to the bank Covers the obsequies charges payable to the families of deceased
account of employees and pensioners.
319 Grants for Creation of Credit to the bank Includes the expenditure in connection of creation of capital assets
Capital Assets account of out of the funds released as grants.
320 Contributions
321 Contributions towards Credit to the PD Expenditure pertaining to Government contribution towards CPS.
CPS account of DTA.
322 Contributions towards Credit to the PD Expenditure pertaining to Government contribution towards EHS.
EHS account of DTA.
330 Subsidies Will include subsidies like Rice, fertilizer, power etc. and Incentives.
331 Subsidies to Individual Credit to bank
Beneficiaries account of
22 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
332 Subsidies to Credit to the PD
Organizations account of
organization. In
case of Non-
credit to the bank
account is
333 Incentives to Individual Credit to bank
Beneficiaries account of
334 Incentives to Credit to the PD
Organizations/Industries account of
organization. In
case of Non- Govt
credit to the bank
account is
340 Scholarships and
341 Maintenance Fees Direct credit to the Will include the expenditure towards mess fee in respect of the
(MTF) bank account of students eligible for scholarships. It includes incentives for sending
student children to the schools.
342 Reimbursement of Credit to the bank Will cover the expenditure towards Reimbursement of Tuition Fee in
Tuition Fees (RTF) account of respect of the students eligible for scholarships
343 Stipends Direct credit to the Expenditure towards stipends such as the stipend paid to Junior
bank accounts of Doctors in Health department.
23 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
344 Other Scholarships Credit to the bank Will include scholarships like Prathibha scholarships.
account of
350 Scheme/Project based Credit as per the
Assistance sanction
351 EAP – Organizations Covers payments to the Organizations that are the implementation
agencies or the beneficiaries of the EAP schemes
352 EAP – Beneficiaries Covers payments to the individuals that are beneficiaries of the EAP
353 Payment to WUA - Para Covers payments to the water user associations para workers with
Workers respect to the scheme implementation activities
354 3rd Party Consultancy Covers payments to the 3rd party consultancy firms for preparation of
Works DPRs, Designs etc.
355 Training and Exposure Covers payments related to conduct of training and carrying out
Visits exposure visits to various places as per the requirements of the
360 Fees, Fines & Refunds Payable to Will include expenditure on accreditation fee, fee paid for services,
361 Accreditation Fees identified parties as fines related charges and refunds related charges.
362 Fees paid for Services per sanction orders
363 Fines
364 Refunds
410 Secret Services Credit to the bank Covers the expenditure pertaining to secret services of police
Expenditure account of personnel
Concerned Officer.
410 Secret Services
430 Suspense Credit as per the Covers the transactions that are pertaining to Suspense accounting
sanction orders.
431 Purchases – Dr.
24 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
432 Stock – Dr.
433 Miscellaneous P.W.
Advances – Dr.
434 Workshop Suspense –
450 Interest Credit to respective Interest payable on different loans and advances and interest payable
agency. on account of delayed payments as per rules or court orders.
451 Interest towards OMB
452 Interest towards
453 Interest towards EAP
454 Interest towards
455 Interest towards NCDC
456 Other Interest Payments
500 Other Charges
501 Compensation (Non – Credit to the bank Covers expenditure related to Non-R&R cases that are specifically
R&R) account of the sanctioned based on specific events/circumstances.
502 R&R Cash Benefits Credit to the bank Covers expenditure related to R&R benefits that are paid in cash
account of the basis.
504 Cosmetic Charges Credit to the bank Covers cosmetic charges payable to students staying in
account of hostels/residential schools including hair cutting charges.
25 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
512 Purchase of Motor Credit to the bank Covers the expenditure towards purchase of new Motor Vehicles for
Vehicles account of official purposes.
520 Machinery and Credit to the bank Will include machinery equipment, apparatus etc., other than those
Equipment account of required for the running of an office and special tools and plants
supplier/ Service acquired for specific works.
521 Purchase of Machinery
& Equipment
522 Purchase of Tools &
523 Repairs & Maintenance
Machinery &Equipment
530 Major Works Will be classified with reference to financial limits as per classification
of major works PWD Code. This will also include cost acquisition of
lands and buildings.
26 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
535 R&R Works Credit to the bank
account of
536 Land Acquisition for Credit to the bank
R&R Works account of
540 Investments Covers the expenditure towards investments made by the
541 Investments Credit to the
recipient bank
560 Repayment of Credit to the party Covers to the expenditure towards repayment of borrowings from
Borrowings to whom the external and internal sources.
repayment is
561 Repayment of
630 Inter Account Transfers Adjustments. Covers transactions related to inter account transfers as operated by
631 Inter Account Transfers
640 Write Off and Losses Adjustment to Includes write off of irrecoverable loans, losses will include trading
Government losses.
641 Write Off
642 Losses
700 Deduct – Recoveries Credit as per the Covers transactions related to recoveries and receipts on capital
sanction orders. account and other sources.
701 Receipts and Recoveries
on Capital Account
27 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
702 Receipts and Recoveries
due on Tools and Plants
703 Suspense Credits
704 Purchases – Cr.
705 Stock – Cr
706 Miscellaneous P.W.
Advances – Cr.
707 Workshop Suspense –
711 Karnataka Share
732 Deduct – Share
recovered from
Karnataka Electricity
733 Deduct – Royalty
recovered from
Karnataka Electricity
800 User Charges Will include expenditure incurred out of utility payments towards
transportation, Travelling Allowance, Utility payments,
Advertisements, sales and publicity, Maintenance of office,
Procurement of materials and Supplies, cost of Petrol, Oil and other
Lubricants, I.T related purchases and services.
802 User Charges – Credit to the bank
Transport Facility account of travel
28 | P a g e
Description Drawl Procedure Nature of expenditure allowed
804 User Charges – Utility Credit to the bank
Payments account of
806 User Charges – Credit to the bank
Advertisements, Sales account of
and Publicity Expenses Supplier.
807 User Charges – Credit to the bank
Maintenance account of
811 User Charges – Materials Credit to the bank
& Supplies account of
812 User Charges – Petrol, Credit to the bank
Oil & Lubricants account of
814 User Charges – Credit to the bank
Purchases account of
815 User Charges – IT Credit to the bank
Related Purchases account of
816 User Charges – IT Credit to the bank
Related Services account of
- All physical APTC forms are withdrawn and are replaced with online Bill forms and therefore reference to the APTC forms is no longer
needed and all Treasuries/PAOs/Works PAOs should not insist on manual forms and/or uploading of scanned forms.
- Over a period in time it is observed that the reconciliation between the payees in the sanction proceedings vs. online bill forms is not
29 | P a g e
occurring. These are leading to wrong payments, recoveries and accounting issues. All such bills are required to be rejected and sent
back to the DDO/Maker for required action.
- In certain cases it is observed that the sanctioned amount and the bill amount are varying as a result of no proper checking at the time of
scrutiny. This is required to be ensured accurately as part of the bill scrutiny.
- Invoice number and Sanction Order numbers being noted in the online bills are not tallying with the attachments and the physical
sanction orders. Therefore, there is a possibility of double payments. Hence, the bill scrutiny process should ensure the correctness of
this data.
- While the update of relevant codes is a periodic activity, the interim changes that are being communicated via the circulars issued by the
office of PFS should be adhered to as the changes/modifications/updates or additions to the relevant codes.
- In respect of HR bills, the flyleafs and SLO registers shall be duly maintained until specific orders withdrawing the same are issued and
all claims should be verified against the same and due validations by the respective Treasuries/PAO are uploaded in the system. Also, it
is hereby instructed that these activities should be performed online and there shall be no physical requirement for the document
submission or travel to the Treasuries/PAO by the DDO office personnel.
- In cases of bills under the DH/SDH combinations, where the requirement as stated in the table above is watch the sanctioned posts, the
bill scrutiny should invariably check the finance concurrence to the number of posts; sanctioned duration and the validation for
continuation of such posts.
- All the staff should be moving to HRMS for purposes of claiming salaries, wages, payments or honoraria. Wherever, such item is
defined as No Budget Control for the sanctioned posts, it would mean that the bill scrutiny authorities should ensure that they are
entered into HRMS for the purposes of watching the sanctioned posts, number, pay scale (if any), salary amount and the continuation
sanction. If this data is not entered in HRMS and validated, the same shall not be considered for payment.
- Adjustment to PD accounts should happen only when there is a specific authorization via a BRO or a sanction proceeding in case of
allowed CBRO items.
- All bills including PD bills will include an online certificate of Non-Drawl. No paper or scanned certificate is required.
- Advance Stamp Receipt has been withdrawn vide the G.O. Dt. Of Finance (TFR) Department and therefore there should not be a need
for the same and/or any scanned copies are not required.
- PD expenditure bills scrutiny should ensure that the purpose, sub-type and disbursement tracking is carried correctly.
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