Inteligencias Múltiples

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Using the Multiple Intelligences Theory

to Compare Student Learning Styles

with Classroom Curriculum

Sydney Ross Singer

MA Thesis
International Studies in Education

Using the Multiple Intelligences Theory

to Compare Student Learning Styles with
Classroom Curriculum Opportunities

Sydney Ross Singer

MA thesis in International Studies in Education
Thesis Supervisor: Ólafur Páll Jónsson

Faculty of Education Studies
School of Education, University of Iceland
October, 2016

Using the Multiple Intelligences Theory to Compare Student Learning
Styles with Classroom Curriculum Opportunities

This thesis is a 40 credit final project towards the MA degree in
International Studies in Education, School of Education, University of

© 2016 Sydney Ross Singer
No part of this material may be reproduced without permission of the

Printing: Háskólaprent
Reykjavík, 2016


This research, Using the Multiple Intelligences Theory to Compare Student
Learning Styles with Classroom Curriculum Opportunities, has been written
to fulfill the graduation requirements for an M.A. in International Studies in
Education at the University of Iceland. I conducted research and wrote this
work from November 2015 to July 2016.
This idea stems from an introductory pedogogy class from my B.A.
program in Early Childhood Education at the University of Alaska Anchorage
in 2009. That introduction led me to read Howard Gardner’s Frames of
Mind for the first time, and ponder the question of every pedegogist: How
do people learn? This work will not answer that question, but explores how
MI theory can be used to compare student learning with classroom and
national curriculm.
For their mentoring and assistance on this project, I would first like to
thank Ólafur Páll Jónsson for advising me from the beginning to the end of
this work, and to Erla Kristjánsdóttir for sharing her knowledge of MI theory
and education in Iceland. Thanks also go out to Susan Gollifer as the first
person to help me develop my research proposal, and Auður Pálsdóttir for
offering advice and keeping me on track.
I would also like to express my appreciation to my parents, for their
expectation of education and explaining to my six year old self that I would
one day go to university, and to my sister, a worthy adversary and confidant
in all things. Thank you also to Jodie, María, and Nikki for your support and
problem solving over the last 8 months.
I hope you find this work interesting and relevant to the course of
Sydney Ross Singer
Reykjavík, August 30th 2016.

This 40 credit M.A. research thesis uses Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences (MI) Theory as an analytical tool for comparing student
learning inclinations against classroom practices and guidelines from the
Icelandic National Curriculum. This is a mixed methods case study of one
grade-school classroom. Data collection methods include: an Icelandic MI
survey administered to case study students, observation and
documentation related to MI in teaching and lesson formats, observation of
teaching methods and classroom practices, and interviews of the classroom
teacher and school Principal on teaching methods and interpretation of
Iceland’s curriculum. Data is analyzed using Gardner’s eight intelligences
(linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,
naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal), as a framework to compare the
specific kinds of classroom practices observed, and frequency and
importance of MI activities and instruction in written texts and interview

A comparison between student’s MI inclinations, and perceived
classroom methodology and curriculum gives greater insights into how well
Iceland’s educational goals and classroom practices reflect the way
students learn. This includes how the curriculum adapts, or fails to adapt,
to the learning needs of individual students in the classroom. Iceland’s new
Pillars of Education focus on students utilizing their strengths, a balance
between academic and practical education, and Learnability (a student’s
knowledge of their own strengths and weaknesses). This study collected
additional information on how these outcomes translate into student
learning in the classroom, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of
the case study classroom’s approach.

Í þessarri fjörutíu eininga M.A. rannsóknarritgerð er Multiple
Intelligences (MI) kenning Howard Gardner notuð sem greiningartól til að
bera námshegðun nemenda saman við aðferðir innan kennslustofa og
viðmið íslenskrar aðalnámsskrár. Þessi vettvangsrannsókn var framkvæmd
með ýmsum aðferðum í einni grunnskólakennslustofu.
Gagnasöfnun fór meðal annars fram sem íslensk MI könnun lögð fyrir
vettvangsnemendur, athugun á kennsluleiðum og kennslustofuaðferðum og
viðtöl við kennara og skólastjóra vettvangsins um kennsluaðferðir og túlkun
á aðalnámsskrá. Gögnin eru greind samkvæmt MI-kenningu Gardner um
átta greindarsvið (tungumálagreind, tónlistargreind, rökfræði-
stærðfræðigreind, sjón- og rýmisgreind, líkams- og hreyfigreind,
náttúrugreind, samskiptagreind, sjálfsþekkingargreind ) og hún notuð sem
umgjörð til að bera saman þær ákveðnu tegundir kennslustofuaðferða sem
athugaðar voru og tíðni og vægi fjölgreindaverkefna og leiðbeininga í rituðu
máli og viðtölum.
Samanburður á MI-greind nemenda og skynjaðri aðferðafræði í
kennslustofu og námsskrá gefur frekari innsýn í hversu vel
menntunarmarkmið Íslands og kennsluaðferðir spegla lærdómsaðferðir
nemenda. Farið verður yfir hvernig námsskrá fellur að, eða fellur ekki að,
þörfum hvers nemanda innan kennslustofunnar.
Með grunnþáttum menntunar, í Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla er lögð áhersla á
að nemendur nýti sér styrkleika sína, á jafnvægi milli fræðilegrar og
hagnýtrar menntunar og á námshæfni (þekkingu nemanda á eigin
styrkleikum og veikleikum). Í þessarri ritgerð er safnað saman
viðbótarupplýsingum um hvernig þetta hefur áhrif á lærdóm nemenda
innan kennslustofunnar og rætt um styrkleika og veikleika í nálgun í
kennslustofunni sem rannsökuð var.

Preface ....................................................................................... 3
Abstract ..................................................................................... 5
Útdráttur ................................................................................... 6
List of figures ............................................................................. 9
List of tables ............................................................................... 9
1 Introduction ....................................................................... 11
1.1 Rationale ............................................................................. 11
1.1.1 Gardner’s Perception of Learning and Intelligence .......... 11
1.1.2 Iceland’s Pillars of Education ............................................ 13
1.2 Significance of the Project .................................................... 14
1.3 Research Questions ............................................................. 15
2 Literature Review ............................................................... 17
2.1 The Multiple Intelligences .................................................... 17
Linguistic intelligence ...................................................................... 17
Musical intelligence ........................................................................ 18
Logical-Mathematical intelligence .................................................. 18
Visual-Spatial intelligence ............................................................... 19
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ........................................................ 19
Interpersonal intelligence ............................................................... 19
Intrapersonal intelligence ............................................................... 20
Naturalistic intelligence .................................................................. 20
2.2 Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom ................................ 20
2.3 The Controversy of MI Theory .............................................. 22
2.4 Case Study Research in Education ........................................ 23
2.5 Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom ................................ 24
3 Methodology ..................................................................... 27
3.1 Case Study Approach ........................................................... 27
3.2 Data Collection Methods ..................................................... 28
3.3 Data Analysis ....................................................................... 32
3.4 Discussion of Ethical Issues .................................................. 33
3.4.1 Vulnerable Population and Privacy .................................. 33
3.4.2 Case Study and Observation Approach ............................ 33
3.4.3 During the Course of the Study ........................................ 33

3.4.4 Interpretation ................................................................... 34

3.4.5 Rights of Students ............................................................. 34
3.4.6 Summary .......................................................................... 35
4 Results ................................................................................ 37
4.1 Observations ....................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Instruction vs. Student Choices ........................................ 38
4.2 Multiple Intelligences Survey ............................................... 39
4.3 National Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland ......................... 40
4.4 Interviews ........................................................................... 41
4.4.1 Teacher Interview ............................................................. 41
4.4.2 Principal Interview ............................................................ 43
4.4.3 Informal Interviews .......................................................... 43
5 Findings .............................................................................. 45
5.1 Student MI Survey ............................................................... 45
5.1.2 Discussion on Classroom MI Surveys ................................ 50
5.1.3 Individual Student MI Surveys .......................................... 51
5.1.4 Findings by compulsory subjects of the National
Curriculum 54
5.1.5 Summary .......................................................................... 62
6 Discussion .......................................................................... 63
6.1 Notes from the Researcher .................................................. 65
6.1.1 View of the Classroom ...................................................... 65
6.1.2 Comparison of Two Systems ............................................ 65
7 Conclusions ........................................................................ 67
8 Further Study ..................................................................... 69
9 References ......................................................................... 70
Appendix .................................................................................. 72
Reccommendations for the Case Study Classroom ......................... 72
Math Instruction ............................................................................. 72
Literacy Instruction ......................................................................... 74
Computer Use ................................................................................. 75
Recommendations for Policy Makers ............................................. 76

List of figures

Figure 1: Example Page from Observation Notes. ....................................... 29
Figure 2: Example Page from Analysis of National Curriculum. ................... 30
Figure 3: Example Questions from Student MI Survey. ............................... 31
Figure 4: Observations Data Graph. ............................................................ 37
Figure 5: Student MI Survey Data Graph. .................................................... 39
Figure 6: Analysis of Student MI Survey Results. ......................................... 47
Figure 7: MI Survey Results from participant #17 ........................................ 51
Figure 8: MI Survey Results from participant #4 .......................................... 52
Figure 9: MI Survey Results from participant #14 ........................................ 54

List of tables

Table 1: Armstrong’s Seven Kinds of Learning Styles ................................... 22
Table 2: Analysis of Student MI Surveys ...................................................... 40
Table 3: National Curriculum Competence Markers. ................................... 55
Table 4: Recommendations for Math Instruction ........................................ 74
Table 5: Recommendations for Literacy Instruction .................................... 75
Table 6: Recommendations for Computer Use ............................................ 76

1 Introduction
This is a 40 credit M.A. research thesis using Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences (MI) Theory as an analytical tool for comparing student
learning inclinations against classroom practices and guidelines from the
national curriculum. This is a mixed methods case study of one Icelandic
grade-school classroom. Data collection methods include: an Icelandic MI
survey administered to case study students, observation and
documentation related to MI in teaching and lesson formats, observation of
teaching methods and classroom practices, and interviews of the classroom
teacher and school Principal on teaching methods and interpretation of
Iceland’s curriculum. Data is analyzed using Gardner’s eight intelligences
(linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,
naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal), as a framework to compare
frequency and duration of specific kinds of observed classroom practices,
and frequency and importance of MI activities and instruction in written
texts and interview responses.
A comparison between student’s MI inclinations, and perceived classroom
methodology and curriculum, gives greater insights into how well Iceland’s
educational goals and classroom practices reflect the way students learn.
This includes how sensitive the curriculum is to the learning needs of
individual students in to the classroom. Iceland’s new Pillars of Education,
focus on students utilizing their strengths, a balance between academic and
practical education, and Learnability (a student’s knowledge of their own
strengths and weaknesses). This study seeks additional information on how
well these outcomes translate into how students actually learn in the

1.1 Rationale

1.1.1 Gardner’s Perception of Learning and Intelligence

Schools based in Western ideals of education, what Gardner calls the
implicitly and explicitly learned ideals on classical views of intelligence
based on rationality and literacy, overwhelmingly focus methods of
instruction, evaluation, and curriculum goals and standards solely within
the context of literacy (1985). Students spend the majority of their time in
direct instruction, reading, and writing, to the exclusion of other teaching


and learning methods. Gardner (1985) argues that this is because

traditional views of intelligence prevail, harking back to the time of the
ancient Greeks, namely the ideals of the perfect mind, rationality and
And yet, intelligence is an abstract concept. If intelligence is measured
as it is most often tested, primarily in terms of the ability to solve
equations, or read and write well, literacy is in fact being measured, and we
know one need not be literate to be intelligent. Gardner proposed his 8 MI
as a model that opposes this traditional view of literacy and logic as
intelligence, asserting that such a limited view of human ability does not
accurately represent the capacity of the human mind. Gardner views
intelligence not as a set measure of ability, but instead as the development
of intellectual competences (1985). Competences, or personal skill set, are
what enable an individual to “resolve genuine problems or difficulties that
he or she encounters and, when appropriate, to create an effective
product…” (1985). Thus the eight intelligences proposed by Gardner are
indeed intelligences, defined as the way people take in new knowledge, and
their capacity to re-represent that knowledge.
This argument, that learning and intelligence are not solely within the
domain of literacy practices, leaves an obvious hole in our curriculum and
methodology. I do not assert that Gardner’s MI are the eight ways that all
people intake, process, and express intelligence. I argue that Gardner’s MI
are an applicable, non-traditional view of intelligence and are both concrete
and measurable. Data gathered on student skill and preferences within the
framework of MI can be effectively compared to corresponding themes or
concepts in curriculum, and it is this overlap in students learning
inclinations and experienced curriculum that affords us opportunities for
greater insight into current education practices.
It has also been argued that using MI to direct children and individualize
curriculum is a natural and logical step to correct undesirable behaviors
that interfere with student learning (Armstrong, 1994). Students do not
wait to be introduced to MI theory before participating in it, and it is a
system that can classify already existing behaviors. A student with high
interpersonal and/or linguistic intelligence will talk in class, participate in
group activities, or distract other students during instruction. A teacher or
researcher can observe student’s behaviors and collect data based on what
they see (Armstrong, 2009), because in this context MI simply classifies
what is already present. This data can then be used to better meet the
classroom and learning needs of students.


1.1.2 Iceland’s Pillars of Education

Iceland’s national curriculum has an emphasis on the learning process,
and the rights of students. The six Pillars (Literacy, Sustainability, Health
and Welfare, Democracy and Human Rights, Equality, and Creativity) focus
on students as a whole. These six goals are described as fundamental, and
“an intrinsic part of all curriculum guides at all school levels” (Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture, 2012). As an example, this means that
democracy and human rights are not just a subject to be learned about, but
should be actively practiced in the classroom. Classroom materials and
activities, school practices, and teaching methodology should all further the
Pillars, incorporating concepts of citizenship and responsibility, democratic
processes, and fostering understanding and acceptance within the
community. This is especially evident in the stipulations for school
activities, as “Procedures of teachers and other school personnel are to …
encourage independence, initiative and development of school activities”
(Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 2012).
Additionally, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture defines
knowledge, skill, and competence, first, as an accumulation of facts, then
finally as the ability to utilize intellectual and practical knowledge and skills.
This closely mirrors Gardner’s definition of learning competences, where
mastery is described as the ability to solve problems using learned skills.
Many aspects of Iceland’s National Compulsory Education Curriculum
have the same goals and desired outcomes as Howard Gardner’s MI theory,
including promoting student skills and interests, and an education system
that promotes the self through autonomy. Iceland’s Pillars describe the
role of the teacher as someone who imparts knowledge to pupils, while
“…giving them an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills, encouraging
their joy of working and nurturing creative thinking” (Ministry of Education,
Science and Culture, 2012). This is very similar to Gardner’s views on
education, that students should be given the opportunity to learn in
different ways, and build upon their strengths. Due to these similarities,
the National Curriculum of Iceland can effectively be categorized in terms of
MI theory. For example, if we assess the Democracy and Human Rights
Pillar within the contest of MI, it places heavy emphasis on Intrapersonal,
Interpersonal, and Logical-Mathematical skills. Students need to
understand and actively practice democracy in the classroom, including
managing their own behavior and asserting their own needs
(Intrapersonal), develop and uphold human value and health within the
context of school and greater community, and practice those values within


the classroom and at home (Interpersonal), and develop and practice

critical thinking and reflection skills about themselves, their own education,
and their society (Logical-Mathematical). It is this commonality within the
values and practices of Iceland’s curriculum and MI theory that makes the
two comparable, and MI a useful tool to compare national curriculum to
classroom practices and student learning. Literacy
The National Curriculum has a strong emphasis on Icelandic language
skills as the gateway to strong social skills, student’s ability to develop into a
citizen of a democracy, critical thinking skills, cultural heritage, and overall
literacy. Icelandic language is broken into 4 categories for competence, 1)
spoken language, listening, and interpreting pictures, 2) reading and
literature, 3) writing, and 4) grammar. With the exception of gaining
information from pictures, which could be considered a visual-spatial skill,
these are all activities that develop literacy and social skills. The guide for
evaluating student’s competence in Icelandic language and literature
incorporates more skills, including intrapersonal (identity and self
expression), bodily-kinesthetic (pronunciation, legible writing), musical
(interest in a recital or music, poetry), and logical mathematical (decoding,
symbols, maps, graphs). Icelandic is supposed to be taught in an integrated,
relevant way that encourages students to develop their own skills, and later
use Icelandic for continued, lifelong learning. Democracy and Citizenship
Education for democracy and citizenship is a very prevalent theme of the
national curriculum. It determines that one of the main purposes of
education is to develop life skills for becoming a productive citizen that can
fully participate in the democratic process. This development can take a
variety of forms, but focus on literacy and critical thinking skills so that
students can obtain information, critically analyze it, form their own
opinions, and make decisions based on their findings.

1.2 Significance of the Project

The significance of this project lies primarily within our ability to use
collected data in an analysis of current teaching practices. Teaching
effectively means knowing and adapting to student learning. According to
the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture’s National curriculum
Guidelines for 2013 (2012) “extensive changes have taken place in Icelandic


society and these have both direct and indirect influence on the
educational system, the pupils’ studies and the work of teachers”. Teachers
are faced with new challenges, including analyzing social changes and
adapting school practices to meet the needs of Iceland’s students.
Additionally, Iceland’s Pillars of Education and new educational policies
have goals for teaching and learning. This includes taught subjects and
methods of teaching, as well as school dynamic and the desired outcome of
a complete education. This research provides data on how those policies
are represented in the classroom.

1.3 Research Questions

This study seeks information on how the Icelandic National Compulsory
Curriculum relates to the learning processes and choices of students in their
classroom, and how well that classroom experience reflects the way
students learn. This can be compared by through the categorization of
school practices and student behavior outlined in sections 3 and 4 on
Methodology and Results. For the purposes of this research, I am working
with Armstrong’s definition of a learning style, or learning inclination, as the
utilization of a specific skill or skillset when problem solving or learning.
Knowledge is acquired more quickly and thoroughly when using preferred
methods (Armstrong, 2009).
For the purposes of this research, curriculum is considered very broadly
as the amalgamation of national goals and guidelines, school policy and
charter, and classroom practices, both in terms of environment and
teaching methodology. It is a sum of these that students experience, and
thus the focus of this study.
Multiple intelligences are defined in the Literature Review of this
document as the 8 MI developed by Howard Gardner: linguistic, musical,
logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and naturalistic. It is not the purpose of this study to prove
the validity of Gardner’s MI theory, but to use his and Thomas Armstrong’s
categorizations of intelligences as a framework for comparison and analysis
between ideology and concrete experience.
With this focus on student experience of curriculum, the proposed
research seeks to answer three interrelated questions that gather and
compare student MI responses to curriculum. These questions are:
1) With which Multiple Intelligences do the case study students most
strongly align?


2) What Multiple Intelligences are evident in the case study classroom

practices, and to what extent?
3) How do these MI of the case study classroom compare with Iceland’s
curriculum goals?
Curriculum, classroom practices, and student learning styles all
contribute to how students experience education in the classroom. These
are three related factors of education that must be considered together,
but are very different. Comparing written curriculum to how students
learn, and ongoing classroom practices, presents innate challenges on how
to assess such different factors. In an effort to effectively compare these
three aspects of compulsory education, MI theory is used as a consistent
framework for this comparison.


2 Literature Review
This study supports Iceland’s goals for national compulsory education.
Research has already been conducted about Iceland’s schooling practices,
leading to the declaration of the six Educational Pillars from the Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture: Literacy, Sustainability, Health and Welfare,
Democracy and Human Rights, Equality, and Creativity (2012). This
research project found additional information on how curriculum supports
student learning, within the framework of MI.

2.1 The Multiple Intelligences

Gardner developed the Multiple Intelligences as an alternative theory to
traditional understandings of intelligence and IQ testing. Assuming that
assessing an individual’s intellectual potential is complicated, and that areas
of expertise or skill will be valued differently based on their societal and
cultural context, Gardner proposes that an IQ exam does not adequately
assess an individual (1985). Additionally, teaching to mastery of traditional
testing methods does not account for different skillsets and inclinations.
Though there are conflicting ideas of what intelligence and learning style
are, this work uses Gardner’s definitions throughout the literature review
and study, as well as Armstrongs similar definition of ‘style’. With this in
mind, it is particularly important to clarify the term ‘learning style’. Gardner
applies the term style as the way that someonce chooses to approach a
task. This is different from an intelligence, described as the capacity of an
individual to carry out that task (Gardner, 2011). Though closely related,
the difference is strategy vs. capacity. This study does not measure
capacity for learning, but instead uses observable learning strategies as a
tool to gain insight how students choose to learn. In this way the terms are
related, but not the same.
For the purposes of this research, I will be working with eight of Howard
Gardner’s MI, with definitions from both Gardner and Thomas Armstrong,
who focused on using MI theory to facilitate student’s learning in a
classroom context.
Linguistic intelligence is skill and interest surrounding words, syntax,
phonology, grammar, and can be found within the context of both written
and spoken language. Gardner uses the example of the poet T.S. Elliot to


describe someone with strong linguistic intelligence. Gardner considers

Elliot both an expert on poetry and written word, and someone who has
“special clarity (on) the core operations of language” (1985). A person with
little interest or skill in writing can be persuasive, but are far less likely to
agonize over the word choices and placement that form complex poetic
rhythms. Some people, like Elliot, are innately skilled at using words to
communicate. These aspects of language, and the activities that allow us to
practice them, are called linguistic intelligence.
Musical intelligence is skill and interest in the formal and informal
aspects of music. Someone who excels at the formal aspects of music may
have a strong understanding of music theory or rhythm, and accurately
predict musical patterns. Thomas Armstrong discusses what informal
aspects of this intelligence might look like in an education context, including
accurate pitch, performance, and knowing the feeling of a musical piece;
these are better examples of musical expression and discrimination
(Armstrong, 2009). In a theoretical and developmental context, Gardner
describes musical intelligence as one of the first of the 8 MI to emerge in
young children. It is also the most varied MI in terms of development, and
Gardner describes the difference within musical intelligence with the
example of three pre-school children who have early musical talent. One
child plays the violin with both accuracy and feeling, the second sings a
complete aria after hearing it only once, and the third plays a self-
composed minuet on the piano (Gardner, 1985). They would all be
considered exceedingly talented, though their skills are quite different.
Some people will be very skilled in, or appreciative of music, and others
have cannot hear the difference between the sounds or notes of an
instrument; this is what defines musical intelligence.
Logical-Mathematical intelligence is defined by Armstrong as “the
capacity to use numbers effectively…and reason well” (2009). Much like
musical intelligence, skill in logical-mathematical concepts is often
dominated by the ability to recognize patterns and relationships, in this
case between numbers. This develops into strong abstract thinking skills
that may or may not revolve around numbers; these skills include
prediction, inference, calculations, approximations, classification,
generalization and hypothesis testing (Armstrong, 2000). This idea of the
development of abstract thought shared in part by Piaget, who classified
the stages of logical thinking children develop, from understanding the
relationships/function between people and objects, to higher order
thinking, allowing us complex, abstract thoughts without the benefit of
concrete objects or situations (Gardner, 1985). This forte in recognizing and


creating organization, categorization, and patters is what defines logical-

mathematical intelligence.
Visual-Spatial intelligence is the capacity to accurately understand
and mentally navigate the surrounding world. This ‘navigation’ can occur in
several ways, including a sense of direction, the ability to
match/compliment patterns, shapes, or colors, and accurately recalling
physical objects and spaces in a different context or medium. Gardner uses
the example of traditional intelligence testing as an example of this
intelligence. A puzzle that asks the recipient to find an identical visual
pattern match from a selection, or of a drawing rotated or mirrored, is
testing visual-spatial intelligence (1985). Concrete examples of people
using visual-spatial intelligence include someone who is seldom lost (they
can mentally orient themselves even in a new context), an architect who
can draw a space based on measurements and/or recollection, and an artist
who paints a portrait of a physical object. This ability to accurately recall or
reproduce something seen or experienced, is core to visual-spatial
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence is a deep understanding of what one
can craft, communicate, or alter using the hands and body. This includes
acts of athleticism and physicality including balance, woodworking, and
spearfishing, as well as what Armstrong calls “expressions of ideas and
feelings”, such as dance or acting (2009). Much like visual-spatial
intelligence, people with strong bodily-kinesthetic affinity are able to re-
represent, or recreate an idea or object in a new medium, or fix something
that was broken. Gardner breaks this down further, describing three
separate categories of physicality; these are mastery of motion (dancers,
swimmer), mastery of tools (painter, instrumentalist), and those “in whom
use of the body proves central” (inventors, actors) (1985). The
categorization is slightly different between theorists, but the core of this
idea remains the same; the ability to skillfully craft or communicate using
one’s physicality is what defines bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to both make sense of and
distinguish between the moods, motivations, and intentions of others, and
“effectively respond” (Armstrong, 2009). Interpersonal intelligence is
social, it means understanding why people act the way they do, and seeing
or creating patterns on social situations. People with this intelligence use
their understanding of facial cues, gestures, and patterns of behavior to
influence those around them, and work more effectively in teams and social
settings. Humans all have social capacities and needs, but it is skillful


interpretation and action within such contexts that define interpersonal

Intrapersonal intelligence is a deep sense of self, and the ability to
self-regulate. In direct contrast to interpersonal intelligence, the sense of
self is a complex combination of emotions, motivations, wants, esteem, and
many other factors such as perceived abilities and social relationships,
within the mind of a single individual. It is a skill to be able to recognize,
analyze, and adapt one’s sense of self, regulating feelings and desires
productively. Armstrong argues that it is this productive adaptation,
specifically regarding one’s perception of themselves, which defines
intrapersonal intelligence (2009).
Naturalistic intelligence was added later Gardner’s list of
intelligences, and relates specifically to skill and interest in nature and the
natural world. Individuals with strong naturalistic intelligence are inclined
towards outdoor professions and hobbies, and understand the process of
the natural world well, including direction, storm warnings, tides and
seasons, or tracking. Additionally, this may manifest as an interest in the
products of the natural world, including a desire to have or work with
natural light, natural materials, or have strong relationships with animals
(1985). Gardner added this 8th classification because is this understanding
of nature and the natural world which set naturalistic intelligence apart.

2.2 Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

As previously mentioned in the rationale section, MI is well suited to use
in a classroom context. Armstrong sums this up concisely as highly
developed intelligences represented through misbehavior. Students with
strong kinesthetic intelligence will, in all likelihood, be highly motivated and
participatory in physical activities, recess, and gym classes. They are also
quite likely to display ‘undesirable’ observable behaviors, including
fidgeting, an inability to concentrate while sitting still, and a marked dislike
of long quiet and still activities. Armstrong imagines that children with
strong kinesthetic intelligence are demonstrating: “This is how I learn,
teacher, and if you don’t teach me through my most natural learning
channels, guess what? I’m going to do it anyway.” (Armstrong, 1994)
In this way MI is also suited to evaluate curriculum, but Gardner and
Armstrong separate on how such evaluation can be accomplished. If
students can be observed engaging in their intelligences, curriculum can be
assessed based on the opportunities it presents for utilizing said


intelligences. Within this context, MI is well suited as an alternative or

remedy for one-sided teaching (Armstrong, 1985), and can clearly
demonstrate the needs of classroom learners. Nearly 70% of time in an
average classroom is spent on ‘teacher talk’, where teachers use direct
instruction and lecture (Goodlad, 1980). This might be a good curriculum
match for strongly linguistic and interpersonal students who enjoy listening
and understand how to manage their own time and distractions, but the
chances of having a full class of such students seems nearly impossible. MI
theory is a practical and measurable way of comparing how students learn,
to the opportunities their curriculum presents them with.
Armstrong uses the afore mentioned eight MI as a guideline for
identifying how students prefer to learn. This is based how children think,
what they love to do, and what they need to learn as further described in
Table 1: Armstrong’s Eight Ways of Learning. Each intelligence is a way
students can intake information, and curriculum can provide learning
opportunities. This is a departure from what Gardner developed to
construct MI rich curriculum, the Entry Points Framework. This is a six
category system that uses MI to discuss aspects of curriculum as follows:
• Narrative: Stories central to the topic. Accounts, retelling,
• Logical-Quantitative: Logical reasoning and the numbers
involved in the topic. Scenarios and critical thinking.
• Aesthetic: Art and representation of a topic. Drawing, mapping,
and illustrating.
• Experiential: Hands-on and the physical aspects of a topic.
Building, experimenting, and documenting experiences.
• Interpersonal: Cooperation to learn about a topic. Group
activities, partners, and socially dependent tasks.
• Existential/Foundational: Philosophical background and
questions about the topic. Meaning, purpose, and function.
(Kornhaber, Fierros and Veenema, 2004)
This representation of MI theory focuses specifically on curriculum, and
Gardner asserts that this may be an easier and more applicable form of
diversifying teaching methods and curriculum than the original intelligence
centered MI theory. While Gardner and Armstrong diverge on how MI
theory can be used to assess or develop curriculum, they both agree that
curriculum rich in MI leads to better learning.


2.3 The Controversy of MI Theory

MI theroy is just that, a theory. It is not a universally accepted standard for
learning, intelligence, or teaching methods, and this work does not argue
that it is. This work was constructed with the idea that intelligence and the
way that people learn is complex and individual, and that limited teaching
methods lead to limited opportunities for learning. In turn, rich and varied
methods of teaching lead to greater opportunities for learning.
Critics of MI theory argue that Gardner’s definition of intelligence is
incorrect, and confuses talent with intelligence (White, 2008). This is an
issue of perception and how one understands intelligence and learning, as
addressed in section 1.1.1, Gardner’s Perception of Learning and
Intelligence. Traditional views of intelligence, based on IQ tests, school
performance, deductive reasoning, or test scores, are in direct conflict with
Gardner’s view, that intelligence is the development of existing intellectual
competences. Competences, or a personal skill set, are what enables an
individual to problem-solve and create, using the method that makes the
most sense to them (Gardner, 2011).
There are also objections to “...the claim of independance among the
eight intelligences...” (Willingham, 2004). This is a contrast between the
idea that intelligence is a singule measurable property of each individual,
vs. the ability to problem solve in a variety of ways. Gardner argues that the
eight intelligences proposed in Frames of Mind are eight different ways that
people understand and intake information, and later use that information,
but they may not be the only and absolute ways to do so (Gardner, 1985).
Gardner does assert that everyone possesses each of these eight
intelligences to some degree, because “intelligence is a property of all
human beings”, and he defines intelligence as the way an individual carries
out a task (Gardner, 2011).
There is no resolution between the friction created by this difference of
ideas, because there is no absolute answer to what intelligence is, or how
to measure it. The argument that “…the fact that the theory is an
inaccurate description of the mind makes it likely that the more closely an
application draws on the theory, the less likely the application is to be
effective” (Willingham, 2004), assumes that more traditional views of
education are the only valid view on learning, and that using Gardner’s
theory creates invalidity. Gardner proposes MI theory to demonstrate the
ways in which people learn. In turn, this gives educators a variety of ways
they can provide opportunities for learning, and this study works on the


assumption that increased opportunities for learning leads to more


2.4 Case Study Research in Education

The format for this research project is a case study as defined by
Merriam (1998) and Yin (1994). This study is a small sample, from a single
location, designed to form a thorough understanding of this one population
as they interpret the new National Compulsory Curriculum. Knowledge
gained from this study may give insights into larger patterns surrounding
curriculum and classrooms in Iceland. Specific aspects of an effective case
study that closely compliments the issue and type of data being examined
in this study are further defined by Yin and Merriam below.
Yin (1994), defines a case study as “an empirical inquiry that investigates
a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when
the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident”.
Case studies are an appropriate tool when additional information is needed
on a current event, or ongoing situation. A research project has innate
limitations in the amount of data that can be collected, or it is useful to
collect. An effective study allows inquiry into a real-life and/or real-time
phenomenon or group, without the researcher having to study everyone
who has been affected, often an impossibility. In addition, the possibility
that inaccuracy may arise in data when “the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident” is a very likely one. The
smaller sample size in a case study allows more time to be spent looking for
patterns and the relationships between contextual and phenomena related
factors, and a more accurate overall picture may be achieved.
In the second and closely related definition, a qualitative case study is
described by Merriam (1998), as “an intensive holistic description and
analysis of a single instance, phenomenon, or social unit.” If the goal of the
research project is an accurate, overall review, a case study with qualitative
methods is an effective whole-picture approach. A social unit or
phenomenon may have many influential factors unanticipated by the
researcher, and an in-depth approach will allow greater insight into what
factors are present, and how they relate (Merriam, 1998). This is a contrast
to qualitative approaches such as discourse analysis, which focus on
analyzing spoken and written dialog in an effort to see and deconstruct
underlying power relationships within a social or societal group (LeGreco,


This study seeks understanding about what is actually happening in

Icelandic classrooms, and uses a single classroom as an example of how the
National Curriculum is interpreted in a practical way. It does not aim to
provide proof of how classrooms and curriculum are related, but serves as a
source of information. It is the foundation for new knowledge and
additional research on the topic.

2.5 Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

Thomas Armstrong discusses practical ways to test, identify, and foster
children’s MI inclinations in the classroom in his book Multiple Intelligences
in the Classroom (2009). Multiple Intelligences (as opposed to the theory)
can be used to classify activities and instruction based on 8, or any number,
of categories. Gardner does not consider this an absolute set of how people
learn, or that all eight must be memorized and used in each lesson, but
instead as a strategy for providing additional ways that students can learn
information in a way that makes sense to them.
Armstrong gives examples of what MI look like within the context of
specific classroom subjects and activities. For example, representing
linguistic intelligence in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies
could look like: reading math problems, talking about the founding scientific
principals behind a reaction, reading a book, writing about your own
experience, and writing about social conditions surrounding a historical
event. Armstrong’s well-defined ideas about what qualifies as a certain MI
serve as a solid foundation for data collection on teaching methodology

Children Think Love Need
who are
Linguistic in words reading, writing, telling books, tapes, writing tools, paper,
stories, playing word games diaries, dialog, discussion, debate,

Logical- by reasoning experimenting, questioning, Materials to experiment with,

figuring out logical puzzles, science materials, manipulatives,
Mathematical calculating trips to the planetarium and
science museum

Spatial in images and designing, drawing, art, LEGOs, video, movies, slides,
pictures visualizing, doodling imagination games, mazes,
puzzles, illustrated books, trips to
art museums

Bodily- through dancing, running, jumping, role play, drama, movement,

somatic building, touching, gesturing things to build, sports and physical


Kinesthetic sensations games, tactile experiences, hands-

on learning

Musical via rhythm singing, whistling, humming, sing-along time, trips to concerts,
and melodies tapping feet and hands, music playing at home and school,
listening musical instruments

Interpersonal by bouncing leading, organizing, relating, friends, group games, social

ideas off manipulating, mediating, gatherings, community events,
other people partying clubs, mentors/apprenticeships,

Intrapersonal deeply inside setting goals, meditating, secret places, time alone, self-
of themselves dreaming, being quiet, paced projects, choices
planning, reflecting

Naturalist through playing with pets, gardening, access to nature, opportunities for
nature and investigating nature, raising interacting with animals, tools for
natural forms animals, caring for the investigating nature (e.g.,
planet earth magnifying glass, binoculars)

Table 1: Armstrong’s Eight Ways of Learning (Multiple Intelligences in the

Classroom, p. 22)

In addition, Armstrong’s table on Eight Ways of Learning outlines how

MI translate into thinking processes, preferred activities, and materials
needed to learn (2009). Understanding how MI is manifest in the classroom
can assist in the data collection of this research with concrete examples of
how MI inclinations can be observed in an individual’s actions. His figure
3.1 outlines some of these examples.
This table was used as a basis for determining what kinds of classroom
activities and student behaviors might be categorized as each MI, and
contributed to the overall methodology of the study by focusing
observations. This is further discussed in the next section, Methodology.


3 Methodology
The goal of this research project was to create an accurate overall
picture of what is happening in one classroom, and how that relates to
student learning and the National Compulsory Curriculum. As a result, a
case study was selected as the most effective whole-picture approach. This
format added information about what is actually happening in Icelandic
classrooms, and uses a single classroom as an example of how the National
Curriculum is interpreted in a practical way.

3.1 Case Study Approach

This thesis project is a mixed methods case study (Yin, 1994) of one
Icelandic grade-school classroom. Data collection is mixed qualitative and
quantitative methods on student’s MI inclinations, classroom methodology,
and national curriculum. Analysis is based on observed patterns and
contrast in collected data, using the framework of Gardner’s eight MI.
A case study is intensive research on one instance, person, social group,
or phenomena with the aim of getting the whole picture of what is
happening (Merriam, 1998). What distinguishes a case study from other
research methods is that it “attempts to examine…a contemporary
phenomenon in its real-life context, especially when…the boundaries
between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident” (Yin, 1994).
Case studies are also inherently defined by these definitions, they are one
group, one class, or one event, what Merriam calls a ‘Bounded System’
(1998). Case studies are also known for having diverse methods, using
many forms of data collection, both qualitative and quantitative methods as
applicable, to get the most comprehensive understanding of what is
happening (Merriam, 1998).
This research was conducted as a case study of a single classroom to
look at information that could only be examined in context. In order to see
what is actually happening in this classroom, and what the written
curriculum looks like in practice, something that is not easily separated
from teaching practices, a case study was deemed most applicable.
These methods were selected as the most effective way to collect
detailed knowledge about how classroom practices overlap with curriculum
and the way students learn, and gain a thorough understanding of this one


population through intense research and detailed analysis of this one

classroom. Knowledge gained from this study may give insights into larger
patterns surrounding curriculum and classrooms in Iceland.
In addition to seeking information, this study attempts to bring attention
to the research issue, whether students spend their classroom time
engaged in activities that allow them to utilize and develop their preferred
learning inclinations.

3.2 Data Collection Methods

Qualitative methods for this study are classroom observations and
interviews (Merriam, 1998). Observations took place from the 19th of April
to the 4th of May 2016, for a total of 32 hours over 7 days. Observations
were conducted in an observer as a participant format (Merriam, 1998).
The classroom teacher and students were all aware of the researcher’s
purpose in the classroom, and were shown example observation notes on
request. Observations focused on MI in teaching practices, lesson formats,
and classroom procedures, and the choices of students during free time, or
choices that were different from classroom instruction. Data was collected
in a running record format in increments of 5-15 minutes, and categorized
into 1-3 of the case study MI at the end of each observation day. See figure


Figure 1: Example page from Classroom observations. Class activities were

recorded, along with duration and observations on participation. At the
end of each day, activities, directions, and participation were sorted into
one to three MI categories.


There were two semi-formal interviews (Merriam, 1998), one with the
case study teacher, and one with the school Principal. They were
composed of open-ended questions focusing on teaching style, effective
methods of instruction, and interpretation and overall impression of
Iceland’s National Curriculum. A third interview section arose out of
conversations with teachers while at the observation school. This is
feedback on teaching experience, instruction, and the National Curriculum.
Quantitative Methods (Yin, 1994) proposed for this study are an MI
survey of the case study students, counting MI used in instruction, and
categorizing the National curriculum of Iceland. The survey was 39
questions that asked students what they like, and what they are considered
‘good at’. Questions were randomly ordered, and the survey took 30
minutes to complete, with time for a break and an interruption by a bird
outside the window. The survey was written in Icelandic, approved by the
classroom teacher, and each question was read aloud.

Figure 2: This is an example page from the National Compulsory Curriculum of

Icelandic after analysis into MI categories.


Figure 3: Example questions from the MI survey given to students.

Questions were randomly numbered, and students answers were scored

based on the largest or darkest mark. For question #7, the student
answered first closer to Ekki Ég, but made a larger, more prominent mark in
the middle, and was scored at two. On question #99, the student made
and erased several answers before making a large, dark mark on Ekki Ég and
was scored at zero.
It is worth noting that a survey is not an ideal way to assess the diversity
of student MI inclinations. A written survey read aloud by the classroom
teacher requires linguistic ability, high auditory comprehension, and
patience for a long sitting activity. This method was selected as a way to
get student participation and perspective in research about them, while
impacting the classroom as little as possible. Methods including individual
student interviews or in-depth individual observations were deemed too


3.3 Data Analysis

The basis of data analysis for this study is within the framework of
Gardner’s 8 MI, linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial,
bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal
intelligence. After observations, notes were analyzed into two categories,
instruction or student choices, and sorted into one or more of the MI
categories. The subject areas of the National Curriculum were sorted in a
comparable way, with special attention focused on what kinds of activities
were suggested, and how frequently the same ideas were used. This data
was compared to the outcome of student’s MI surveys.
Data was collected into data points, for example each instance of Bodily-
Kinesthetic behavior observed in students is a single point. Instances of
behavior or classroom activities that fell under multiple MI were given up to
3 MI categories, each worth one point. For example, an activity where
students danced to classical music would be categorized as musical, and
Bodily-Kinesthetic, for a total of 2 data points. Additional considerations
were applied in context, such as students being asked to dance in pairs
(Interpersonal) or design their own choreography to the feeling of the
music (Intrapersonal).
These points were used to calculate 3 different aspects of the study. MI
categories were used as a part of classroom practices and structure, to
what extent and in which ways MI were used, and if students demonstrated
preferences for learning strategies. These results were used to compare
overall themes in participation, learning opportunities and strategies, and
develop a clear idea of what MI looked like in the case study classroom. As
discussed in the results section, this led to a comparison of classroom and
student MI in order to better understand how the case study classroom is
meeting the needs of students.
Within the National curriculum, subject areas were also used to collect
data points. Learning outcomes, suggested teaching strategies, and
methods of assessment were all included in this analysis. Additionally,
analyzing the written curriculum as a document gives “…contextual richness
and helps ground an inquiry…”, particularly in real world issues (Merriam,
1998). This data was particularly crucial in answering the research
questions, and it brought focus to themes from the curriculum, including
education for overall wellbeing, democratic processes, creativity, and action


3.4 Discussion of Ethical Issues

In this section several ethical issues affecting the formation of the study,
classroom observations, and aspects of vulnerable populations are

3.4.1 Vulnerable Population and Privacy

This research was partly centered on observations and a survey of grade
school students. In order to preserve privacy, observations focused on the
classroom as a whole, and students were never named individually. In
addition, the age range of students is described as a range of 7-9, a three
year age range tripling the possible study population.
The survey questions were cleared by the classroom teacher, and
student participation was optional. The researcher was introduced to the
students as a classroom observer, and no names or personal information
were recorded in the observations and MI surveys for this study. Surveys
were shuffled and randomly numbered before results were calculated to
avoid interpreting results based on individual student behaviors.
Additionally, since no names were ever recorded, even the researcher has
forgotten which students had which MI scores, or anything else specifically
attributed to individual students, which seems like an excellent way to
ensure privacy.

3.4.2 Case Study and Observation Approach

It is worth noting that a study with interviews and a greater focus on
student’s opinions of their school experience would have better
represented students in the case study classroom. Due to issues of privacy
and vulnerable populations, such methods were not considered for this
study. Instead, the focus of this research is on the similarities and
differences found in comparing student learning inclinations against
classroom practices and guidelines from the Icelandic National Curriculum.

3.4.3 During the Course of the Study

During the course of the study, three ethical issues arose: student privacy,
researcher integration, and the purview of the study.
The conflict between observation and student’s right to privacy occurred
several times when students became visibly upset due to peer conflicts or
teacher corrections. If students looked at the researcher, or otherwise
seemed concerned that notes were being taken, observations stopped with


pencil down and notebook closed until the conflict was resolved. Students
have the right to privacy and comfort in their own classroom that takes
priority over research actions. This was preserved to the best of the
researcher’s ability.
An unanticipated aspect of this study was researcher integration in the
classroom dynamic. Students were, of course, very curious about the
researcher and research notes. As a result, during the lunch break,
students often asked what the researcher was writing about, and were
shown the contents of the observation notebook, including counting charts,
copies of drawings and notes from the board, and sketches of classrooms.
Lastly, the observations and interviews for this study generated more
than 100 pages of notes, some of which were later determined as outside
the scope of the study. These notes are not included in the data for the

3.4.4 Interpretation
Due to the mixed methods of this study, some adaptations were made to
the format of the thesis. In order to separate data analysis and
interpretation of that analysis, this work has sections on results and on
findings. This helps in keeping a division between data and researcher
Additionally, when analyzing observable student behaviors into MI
categories, interpretable results were left uncategorized. For example,
when categorizing students drawing and doodling during lessons, it was not
possible for the researcher to determine what and why students were
drawing. Such instances were categorized as Bodily/Kinesthetic, without
additional applicable categories including Intrapersonal or Visual/Spatial.
Exceptions to this did occur and were categorized according to context,
including a student drawing a picture of family and hobbies (Intrapersonal)
or drawing very deliberate color coded grid patterns (Visual/Spatial).

3.4.5 Rights of Students

Students in Iceland are legally required to attend school from ages 6 to
16. The Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture “is responsible for the
implementation of legislation pertaining to all school levels from pre-
primary and compulsory education through the upper secondary and higher
education levels, as well as continuing and adult education. This includes
the tasks of creating curriculum guides for pre-primary, compulsory and
upper secondary schools, issuing regulations and planning educational


reforms” (Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 2014). So what

obligation does Iceland have to make sure its curriculum and mandatory
schooling are relevant and appropriate for students? This is addressed in
the national Curriculum as student’s rights to free opinion, expression and
development of skills and hobbies, and an education that is relevant to
themselves and their future. This is further discussed in section 4.3, results
from the National Curriculum of Iceland.

3.4.6 Summary
Overall, there were few anticipated ethical issues for this study, and those
that arose were addressed with student privacy having the greatest weight.
Issues in interpreting results were addressed by keeping two separate
findings and results sections, and dividing the classroom data alalysis into
classroom vs. student observations.


4 Results
This section catalogs four sets of data collection. First, results from the
classroom observations are described, including what students spend
classroom time doing, compared with what students chose to do during
lessons and free time. Second are the results of the Multiple Intelligences
survey from seventeen participants. Third, themes from the National
Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland are discussed. Lastly, the classroom
teacher, school principal, and informal interviews are discussed.

4.1 Observations
Information collected on instruction, classroom practices, and classroom
materials led to 542 data points within the 8 MI categories, and
observations of classroom behavior led to 962 data points. This is
compared in Figure 4, where classroom practices can be compared to
observable student behavior.


Figure 4: Observations Data Graph Information collected on instruction,

classroom practices, and classroom materials led to 542 data points
within the 8 MI categories, and observations of classroom behavior led
to 962 data points.


4.1.1 Instruction vs. Student Choices

Classroom instruction and practices fell overwhelmingly within Linguistic
(22%), Bodily/Kinesthetic (20.5%), Interpersonal (18.3%), and Visual/Spatial
(17.7%). These 4 MI made up a total of 78.5% of classroom time in the
observation classroom. What this looks like in practice is:
Nearly a quarter of all school hours involved activities based in literacy:
verbal instruction, reading, writing, or the teacher asking for a verbal
response. For example, in observations on day 2, at 8:34 the classroom
teacher wrote the names of 5 literacy activities on the board and began
explaining what each activity was. These activities were word decoding,
writing postcards, writing example words, finding words in a grid, and
taking turns reading aloud. The teacher gave verbal directions and
answered questions an additional 9 times until the activity ended just short
of an hour later at 9:28. Within these 54 minutes, there are 21 Linguistic
data points from directions and literacy activities, 3 visual/spatial, 1
logical/mathematical and 4 bodily/kinesthetic for switching stations.
During these 5 activities, students are also recorded as asking questions,
chatting, getting colored pencils to work with, closing the window blinds,
and working in groups, adding 3 Interpersonal, 3 Intrapersonal, 1 Linguistic,
2 Bodily/kinesthetic, and 1 visual/spatial point.
In the observations data graph, Figure 4, a large discrepancy between
classroom and students can been seen in Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic,
and Interpersonal MI. Students overwhelmingly spent their free time, or
spent time during lessons, engaging in activities based on movement,
coordination, or being social. Some of these instances can be attributed to
classroom structure, such as students almost always having the option to
work quietly with another student or get up for a drink of water. Other
data comes from free play activities, such as coloring, cutting and gluing,
building with blocks, and social play, or data from students choosing not to
do the classroom activity, and instead choosing to chat, read a book, color,
play with putty, crawl under desks, or stare into space.


4.2 Multiple Intelligences Survey

These are the results of the MI survey given to students in the observation
classroom. Each question has a possible score of 0-4 with a possible scoring
range for each MI anywhere from 0-20.

Par}cipant 17 13 13 14 15 19 14 12 18
Par}cipant 16 13 9 12 14 18 13 8 15
Par}cipant 15 14 12 18 19 20 16 7 18
Par}cipant 14 18 20 20 20 20 20 10 18
Par}cipant 13 18 20 18 18 20 16 12 20
Par}cipant 12 17 11 14 16 17 10 14 13
Par}cipant 11 16 17 13 18 14 10 10 11
Par}cipant 10 16 8 14 18 16 16 14 14
Par}cipant 9 18 18 14 14 18 16 14 18
Par}cipant 8 18 18 12 14 20 16 12 16
Patricipant 7 18 17 10 14 19 16 10 17
Par}cipant 6 19 12 20 18 18 16 13 20
Par}cipant 5 0
Par}cipant 4 6 6 8 2
0 4 14
Par}cipant 3 12 18 10 16 16 14 12 20
Par}cipant 2 14 11 7 14 14 16 5 8
Par}cipant 1 13 11 14 14 12 11 10 9

Logical-Mathema}cal Linguisitc Musical

Visual-Spa}al Bodily-Kinesthe}c Interpersonal
Intrapersonal Naturalis}c

Figure 5: Results from Student MI Surveys

Note: Participant 5 listened to the MI questions and directions, and had

a survey, but chose not to answer any questions. Participant 5 does read
and write. For the purposes of these sections on findings and discussion,
participant 5 will be excluded from any further analysis.

In this survey, students overwhelmingly report their highest skills and
interest in Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence, followed by Naturalistic,
Visual/Spatial, and Logical/Mathematical Skills. Questions on these
intelligences asked students if they felt they were good at, or enjoy doing
activities within the MI, such as reading or writing under the Linguistic MI.


The lowest ranking MI was the Intrapersonal Intelligence. Participants

reported Intrapersonal MI at an average of 25% below the
Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence. There are notable differences in the
responses to each MI, which will be further discussed in section 5, Findings.

4.3 National Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland

Overall, the National Curriculum of Iceland had strong themes of
democracy and learning as preparation to be a productive member of
society, a well rounded and relevant education, and health and
development for life. These are complex concepts that were repeated
through the introduction to the curriculum and the individual subject areas.
Education for democracy and citizenship is one of the most common
themes of the national curriculum. In this context, one of the main
purposes of education is to provide students with the life skills to become a
productive and voting member in society that can fully participate in the
democratic process. In classroom practice this takes a variety of forms.
Students are encouraged and allowed a lot of independence. Children as
young as 6 make their way independently to other classrooms, and at age 7
they are able to take the public bus to and from swimming lessons.
Additionally, literacy and critical thinking skills are emphasized in the
competence markers for the majority of subject areas. These are practical
skills that students will need to obtain information, critically analyze it, and
then fully participate in the democratic processes of Iceland.
The overall goal of students having a well-rounded and relevant
education is discussed as two contributing factors in the National
Curriculum; first, as students having the opportunity to develop hobbies
and skills, and secondly, as an educator’s responsibility to teach in a way
that is applicable and relatable. Icelandic language, music, arts and crafts,
and sports are all subjects with specific markers on students developing
their own interests and skills. This includes exploring types of poetry and
creating their own, time for freestyle swimming, music and literacy as
personal expression, and handicrafts as a transfer of culture and an
opportunity for skill development. Teaching methods for all lessons should
integrate multiple subjects and actively demonstrate how what is being
learned is applicable to students. In practice, competence markers
demonstrating this include being able to describe their own nutritional
needs, explaining the importance of hygiene in sports, selecting and


presenting concepts in the natural sciences, and doing observations in a lab

setting and in nature.
Health and development for life is a theme that is strongly present in the
curriculum. These are skills students should be developing in school that
contribute to healthy relationships, emotional wellbeing and management,
and active physical hobbies. It is the view of the National Curriculum that
students who make friends in school will be able to make friends as adults,
and that this is a foundation for healthy communication and connections
throughout life. This is the same expectation the curriculum has for
physical activity and emotional wellbeing. If students are actively practicing
these skills as children, they will be better equipped to choose healthy
choices as adults. Examples of these expectations can be seen in the
competence markers in many subject areas, and include sportsmanship,
body consciousness, writing about feelings and relationships, and showing
consideration in play and work.

4.4 Interviews
Interviews were nessesary for this case study both a background on the
school, and perspecitves on working with the new guidelines of the national
compulsory curriculum. Interviewing can be one of the best ways to get
information in an intensive case study, as this may be the only way to
gather insight and perspective from the participants (Merriam, 1998). The
classrooms teacher and principal interviews for this study were both
informal and semi-structured, and the informal interviews arose over the
course of the study and were unstructured (Merriam, 1998).

4.4.1 Teacher Interview

On May 4th 2016, I conducted a forty-five-minute interview with the
observation classroom teacher on the topics of the national curriculum,
individualized instruction, and the experience of teaching. For the purposes
of this research I will call the classroom teacher Svandís.
Svandís has worked as a classroom teacher for more than 15 years. She
left a desk job at a large company to go to school for teacher training and
certification, and began teaching early in the 2000’s. She wanted a
meaningful job helping children, and work that coincided better with family
life. Teaching seemed like a good match to her interests and let her spend
afternoons and summers at home. Svandís said she had always had an
interest in teaching, because she herself had not had a good school
experience. “The reason I went into teaching was because I was bullied


everyday, and I thought if I could help one child“. Svandís takes extra care
to know each child in her class and every family. I also watched her greet at
least one hundred students around the school by name, and students
talked to her easily. She makes a point of getting to know students who
stay on the edges of the playground, or seem quiet in the lunch-room.
Svandís has a copy of the national curriculum on her desk. The teachers
of the school worked together to look through the curriculum and find ways
to incorporate it into their classrooms, because it can’t be done the way
described in the subject areas of the curriculum. She feels she is not able to
do what the curriculum asks because the support is not there for teachers.
Training, planning, and steps for meeting the curriculums goals are an
unfulfilled need. “I look at it (the curriculum) to see what I should be
teaching them over the winter. I don’t look at it for anything else because it
doesn’t help me or the children.” The curriculum says subject areas should
be taught 40 minutes a day, but Svandís doesn’t think that is possible
either. Students need time to transition between activities, and they have
disagreements, or days when they need more time on one subject than
another. Sometimes they just can’t concentrate, and overall it’s very rare
that they actually get 40 minutes of subject instruction.
What the classroom currently looks like is a lot of individualized practice.
“I have 19 kids and I explain it to (hand motion to the left) ‘oh, yeah’ and
the next one I have to draw something. Sometimes I have to explain it 19
different ways.” She groups students based on who can cooperate, and
generally ends up checking on each child to make sure the material has
been learned. But Svandís says she is lucky with a really quiet class this
year. Not every class is so quiet, and plenty of other teachers can’t do the
same. She wouldn’t be able to do the same with another class, because it’s
difficult enough to manage it now.
Svandís recommends that curriculum writers spend more time in
classrooms to see what will work for them. She currently describes her
time and resources as 50% spent on teaching, and 50% other things she
doesn’t think she should be doing. There is a greater demand on teachers
to have meetings, and document their physical time in the classroom.
When she began teaching, Svandís was able to finish all the things she
needed to do within the school day, then took home materials to plan for
the next day. Now there’s a perception that teachers aren’t working
enough, but Svandís says good teachers are always thinking of their
students, and work doesn’t stop during lunch or after school hours. “We
are really trying, all teachers.”


4.4.2 Principal Interview

Also on May 4th 2016, I conducted a 30-minute interview with the
observation school Principal on the topics of school demographics and the
national curriculum. For the purposes of this interview, I will call the
principal Anna.
The observation school has more than 200 students from the ages of 5
to 16. It is one of several schools in the immediate area that serve the
surrounding neighborhoods, and in the last 10 years they have seen a surge
of young families moving into the area. Student numbers over 700 in the
immediate area, and that’s high enough that they have run out of
classrooms and a new school may be necessary.
Anna describes the new curriculum as not so different from the old one.
The biggest difference is in the competences expected at each age. This
year will be the first year with graduates of the new requirements.
Over the winter the school received further guidelines from the state,
and teachers worked together to update the school’s curriculum. It is now
much more grounded than when the national curriculum came out, with
specific goals and assessments. Overall, Anna thinks that the national
curriculum will help focus classroom teaching, but thinks it will take at least
5 years to settle in effectively. Then she and the teachers across Iceland
will have feedback on what is working, and what isn’t.
When asked if there was something she would change about the current
curriculum, Anna wished for clearer guidelines on ‘uniformity of
assessment’. As previously stated, this year’s students are the first to
graduate based on the new competence guidelines, and schools all have a
different method of assessing how they have met this requirement. There
is no standard or guidelines for assessing graduates, so there is no
consistency in assessment. As a result, Anna thinks the High Schools (ages
16-20) and universities will have an incredibly difficult task in assessing
student qualifications, and in getting them back to the same academic level.

4.4.3 Informal Interviews

As a side note, I spent half an hour in the staff room during each lunch
period of my observation time, and spoke casually, but with research
consent, with the teachers on staff. Repeating themes of conversation
were a comparison of teaching methods in the US and Iceland, and teachers
expressing what they wish were different about the current Icelandic
education system. I spoke about these topics with 7 teachers.


Overall, teachers expressed their frustration at not getting the support

needed from the school and community to educate students well. They
feel they are using outdated teaching methods that are very traditional, but
do not get them the results asked for by the state, leaving the curriculum
creators and parents frustrated. That frustration is then taken out on
teachers. They think that students are not expected to have good behavior
in school, are not held accountable for their actions, and that they as
teachers are powerless to fix the problem. They also felt that trying new
methods of instruction to fix classroom problems was discouraged, and
parents and the school system expected increasingly better results with less
resources and very traditional teaching methods.
These interviews were not planned at the beginning of the study, but
gave a unique perspective on what teaching looks and feels like to those
transitioning from the old to the new curriculum. These were unstructured
interviews (Merriam, 1998) and were conducted to collect information on
teaching experience.


5 Findings

5.1 Student MI Survey

The 16 MI surveys that yielded data gave each participant a different
Multiple Intelligences ‘score’. Participants self-reported interest and skill in
each of the 8 categories, for a total value of up to 20 in each MI. No
reporting participant recorded a total score of 0 or a full score of 160.
Values fell between 40 and 146, and had an average score of 113.125. The
median scores were 116/118.

Minimum Maximum Mean Median Mode

Linguistic 6 20 13.8 12/13 11/18
Musical 7 20 13.6 14 14
Logical/Math 6 19 15.2 16 18
Visual/Space 2 20 15.3 15/16 14
Bodily/Kin 0 20 16.3 18 20
Interpersonal 0 20 13.8 16 16
Intrapersonal 4 14 10.4 10/12 10
Naturalistic 8 20 15.6 16/17 18
Survey 40 146 113 116/118 /

Table 2: Analysis of Student MI Surveys

A discussion and analysis of scores is not meant to attribute greater

value to a specific MI intelligence, or argue that these scores represent the
capability or capacity of students. They are, for the purposes of this
research, a self-reporting survey of student’s interests and assessment of
their own capabilities. This information was collected with the intention of
comparing student’s self-reported interests and classroom choices with
teaching methods and the competence goals of the National Curriculum.
This is particularly valuable when looking at the results for each
intelligence. Linguistic
Linguistic scores fell between 6 and 20, with an average score of 13.8.
Seven participants reported a score of 16-20, and 6 a score of 11-15,
meaning 13 of 16 participants report 51-100% interest and/or confidence in
linguistic practices. No participants report a score of less than 6, and the


most common responses were 11 and 18. This is a strong division in

linguistic intelligence, with a nearly even split among students who have a
very high vs. middling inclination for activities includes reading, writing, and
spoken words and directions. In general, the observation classroom’s high
rate of linguistic activities and instruction (22% of the time) is a good match
for these students, who all reported a comfortable or high interest/skill in
linguistic activities in the MI surveys. Musical
Musical scores fell between 7 and 20, with an average score of 13.6.
Musical was the second lowest reported MI overall, with 4 participants
reporting a score of 26-50%, and only 4 reporting in the 76-100% range.
Additionally, 8 participants reporting a score of 12-14, which seems low for
such young students. Overall, these scores divide the class into surprisingly
even groups, with one quarter of participants reporting 90% skill or
preference, half reporting 60-70%, and one quarter reporting 50% or less.
This is not representative of the ideals for music in the Icelandic National
Curriculum, which describe music as integral to personal lives, creation and
communication, and a part of what defines culture and cultural literacy. At
the same time, music accounts for only a page and a half in the national
curriculum, and there is no expectation of subject integration in the
assessment markers for music.





6 26-50%

4 51-75%


Figure 6: Student survey responses are grouped into categories from 0-100% for
each MI. For example, Visual/Spatial had 1 students reporting they
enjoyed or were good at up to 25% of these activities. In contrast, 15
students reported themselves at 51-100% of these activities. Logical/Mathematical
Logical/Mathematical scores fell between 6 and 19, with an average
score of 15.2. 9 participants reported a score of 76-100%, and only one
participant reported a score of 50% or less. This indicates that while the
majority of the class is familiar and somewhat comfortable with math,
numbers, and logic skills, a single student is not interested in or finds
numbers and logic difficult. This is a large disparity within the classroom,
with one student reporting 6, and the next closest score at 12, and the most
commonly reported score at 18. This disparity was seen during math
lessons. Around a third of the class used only 10 or 15 minutes of the
allotted 30-40 to complete the assigned page of the day before moving on
to math games or activities. Another third finished in the last few minutes,
or didn’t quite finish, and the same few students never finished within the
lesson time. Factors and details of math instruction will be covered more
fully in discussion section 5.1.2 for the MI surveys.

47 Visual/Spatial
Visual/Spatial scores fell between 2 and 20, with an average score of
15.3. The average score here is slightly misleading. One participant
reported a score of 2, but the next lowest score, and most commonly
reported, is 14. All other participants score between 51-100%, with a total
of 8 participants reporting at 76-100%, and the other 7 at 51-75%. Overall,
this makes visual/spatial a strong learning inclination for nearly the entire
class. Students in the case study classroom used Visual/Spatial MI in a
variety of observable ways both in free play and as adaptations to lessons.
Free play examples from observations include drawing, arcade games
(computer), physics problem solving games (computer), coloring using
negative space, and making patterns in beading. As adaptations to lessons,
students were seen doodling patterns while listening to instructions or read
aloud, using colored pencils to sort shapes in math and to identify words in
word search tasks, using a math grid to add and subtract, and using the
daily schedule on the board for reference. Bodily/Kinesthetic
Bodily/Kinesthetic scores fell between 0 and 20, with an average score
of 16.3. This is the highest average of the survey, with 4 participants
reporting a full score of 20. A total of 12 participants reported a score of
76-100%, indicating a strong preference or skill in physical activities,
including gross motor activities (running, climbing, walking, balancing, etc.)
and fine motor activities (drawing, beadwork, sewing, woodworking, etc.)
The single participant that reported 0 is an outlier, and there is a wide gap
between this participant (Participant Four further analyzed in Figure 8) and
the next lowest score of 12. This is also a very surprising answer to see
from a child in this age group. Survey questions included if students liked
or thought they were good at any sport, or if they enjoyed gym or recess
more than other classes. Based on a score of 0, this may be a student who
finds sports and physical activities very difficult and/or has very low self
esteem. A more detailed analysis and recommendations for this participant
and two others can be found in later in this section in 5.1.3, individual
student MI surveys. Interpersonal
Scores for Interpersonal fell between 0 and 20, with an average of 13.8.
Half of participants reported a score of 16 in this intelligence, and outliers
at both 0 and 20 were reported only once. Participants overwhelmingly
reported that they would prefer to work in a group rather than alone, with


the exception of the outlier at a score of 0. Overall, this indicates that at

least half of students in this classroom are very motivated in a social
context, and that friends and friendships are very important to them.
Further research would be needed to determine how and when students
preferred to work together, but examples from the case study classroom
include almost all students preferred to work with a partner during math
and up to three students would move to their chosen partner, and there
are only five instances over the course of the study where students chose
to do a solitary activity during free play. Intrapersonal
Scores for Intrapersonal fell between 4 and 14, with an average score of
10.4. This was the lowest average for the MI Intelligences, with no
participant scoring themselves at 76-100%, and half of participants scoring
themselves at 50% or less. The highest reported scores were 3 participants
reporting 14 out of 20. Overall, this indicates a general lack of comfort,
practice, or preference for activities done alone, self-regulation and
perhaps self-esteem. This is a surprising finding considering the amount of
independence that is encouraged and built into the case study classroom,
and the emphasis that the national curriculum places on independence,
democracy, and problem solving. Students in this age group take the public
bus to school and to the nearby swimming pool by themselves, feel
comfortable moving around the classroom and working anywhere, and take
themselves to classrooms around the school for woodshop, art, and
handicrafts independently, but this does not translate into feelings of
independence, investment, planning, and self-regulation. Naturalistic
Naturalistic scores fell between 8 and 20, with the second highest
average score of 15.6. A total of 9 participants reported in the 76-100%
range, and 7 of those participants reported a score of 90% or higher. Only 2
participants reported in the 26-50% range, and none in 0-25%. This
indicates that all participants have some interest or skill in the naturalistic
intelligence, and for the majority of students it is one of their strongest
intelligences. In a school context, this might be a marked preference for
natural materials, time spent outdoors, or learning about the natural world.
In the observation classroom, this was very consistently seen when the
class’s annual nesting bird would appear at one of the skylights and tap its
beak on the glass. All students unfailingly ran to where they could see it
best, including the tops of desks, and would spend several minutes


discussing aspects of it’s appearance and habits. This often led to

discussions of what birds eat, migration patterns, nesting behavior, other
birds native to Iceland, and other animal sightings at home or on the

5.1.2 Discussion on Classroom MI Surveys

Overall, students overwhelmingly report their highest skills and interest
in Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence, followed by the closely ranking
Naturalistic, Visual/Spatial, and Logical/Mathematical Skills. These
intelligences are what students perceive themselves as being good at, or
enjoy doing. These is partially reflected in classroom practice, where
students spend 20.5% of their time with opportunities for movement, and
17.7% of time with instruction or classroom activities that involve
visual/spatial. And yet, students still want to spend more time moving, and
interacting with peers. These are children under the age of 10, and when
they have the opportunity to move around the classroom or building, they
almost always took it, and if there was not opportunity to move, they often
did so anyway. This led to observable behaviors in the classroom including
fidgeting, playing with putty, standing or sitting on the floor to work, or
crawling under desks. They also overwhelmingly choose to work and play
together in any circumstance, including to the exclusion of the classroom
By contrast, the lowest ranking MI was the Intrapersonal Intelligence.
Participants self-reported Intrapersonal at an average of 25% below the
Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence, and this many be an indication that they are
generally less confident in independent work, self-regulation, and self-
confidence. It would be interesting and worthwhile to do further research
on why the written and classroom curriculum does not translate into
students feeling capable and empowered.
The results of the Logical/Math section of the MI survey compared to
classroom practice for math lessons in also particularly interesting to note.
Along with the completion time disparity discussed in section, there
is also a notable difference between the number of questions asked by each
student over the course of the lesson. The current format for math lessons
is that students receive instruction from the teacher at the start of each
chapter, then complete the assigned page for the day and each day after
independently. This is in keeping with the national guidelines of the
Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland, that students work autonomously and
confidently on math, but not in keeping with the ideas emphasized in the


introduction of the subject area and competence markers. These place

greater weight on using mathematical language appropriately in
discussions, trying out problem solving ideas, and teaching practices that
maintain a high level of interest and relevance in math instruction.
In the observation classroom, students are allowed to work in small
groups or alone, and use tools including number grids and counters to
problem solve. Despite this, observations showed that students wait 2-8
minutes each time they have a question before it is answered by the
teacher, and that’s time not spent on math. There is a large disparity
between students who work very effectively during math and have only
one or two questions, and students who have four or more questions. In
this system, students who have the most questions can spend twenty or
more minutes of the lesson waiting for assistance, losing the time they
need to work on their assigned page. This does not address the differences
in individual student’s math confidence and competence as seen in the MI
survey and observation results.

5.1.3 Individual Student MI Surveys

For further discussion, 3 student surveys have been selected for in depth
analysis, participants 4, 10 and 17. Participants were selected for this based
on being outliers, as is the case for #4 and #14, or being a median scoring
participant, like #17. Participant Seventeen

8 Par}cipant #17
4 Average

Figure 7: MI Survey Results from participant #17


Participant 17 had a median MI survey score of 118. This participant

answered every question, but could not be scored on Question 52 (How
easily do you put together things like toys, puzzles or electronics?) because
they appear to have selected every possible answer. This survey conforms
to the average class score for Linguistic, Musical, Visual/Spatial, and
Interpersonal MI, is slightly below average in Logical/Mathematical, and
above average in Bodily/Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic MI.
They reported no score of 0 or 20.
Overall, this looks like a student who is fairly confident in the assessed
abilities, and is an active participant in class. This was a long survey, and
while this student did not report high Linguistic MI, the entire survey was
finished and free time between questions was spent on drawing doodles
and initials across the first two pages. There are no areas of great concern
in this individual profile, but it would probably be beneficial to have a
conversation with this student about reading and writing, how they prefer
to get instructions, and work on Intrapersonal skills (based on their answers
to questions 99 and 104) surrounding feelings and managing emotions. Participant Four

8 Par}cipant #4
6 Average

Figure 8: MI Survey Results from participant #4


Participant #4 is a definite outlier. All pages on the survey have some

questions answered, but only 24 of 39 were marked with a response. There
was no one MI category with no answers, but a note from the survey
collection before they were randomly numbered says this student spent
approximately half of the survey ducking under desks and crawling on the
floor. There are several questions where participant #4 erased a previous
answer and put a new, larger mark somewhere else. There is no indication
of whether the student did not understand the questions being asked, or
had no opinion on an answer, or wasn’t listening at the time of the
This participant is well below the class average on survey results in all
categories, with the exception of Naturalistic MI, which was scored at 2
points above the average. This is also the only participant who marked
entire categories at a value of 0, and it is probable that the classroom
teacher already knows a lot about this student based on observable
behaviors like crawling under desks.
Overall, this is a student that would probably benefit from conversations
about how they are doing, and what they would like to see in the
classroom, as the survey indicated they may be having a difficult time
engaging in classroom activities. This is a student under 10 who reports
that no interest or skill in anything revolving around music, movement,
reading, math, puzzles, social activities, or self-regulation. This may be a
student who needs support in building self-confidence, and/or academic
support if they truly don’t connect well with any of the listed MI. Lastly,
this student appears to be very interested in, and/or motivated by nature
and the natural world. A method of increasing academic interest, skills, and
classroom engagement might be providing a variety of classroom books
about animals and natural processes, selecting writing, vocabulary, or math
problem topics that relate to these interests, sitting this student next to
someone they work with very well, and spending additional time outdoors
or in areas with natural light and a good view.

53 Participant Fourteen




10 Par}cipant #14


Figure 9: MI Survey Results from participant #14

Participant #14 is also an outlier, reporting 5 of 8 MI categories at a full

score of 20. Two other participants reported 2 categories with a full score,
but this survey was the highest overall with a total score of 146. All MI
categories had an above average score, with the exception of Intrapersonal
(average) and Naturalistic (1 point below average). This student had some
doodling across the 1st and 3rd pages, but no other notes.
Overall, this is a student who appears to enjoy school subjects, and may
not have strong preferences between instruction methods. This participant
seems self-confident, and probably does well in most subjects and on tests.
It might be advisable to work with this student on independent tasks and
self-management (Intrapersonal MI), and make sure that there are varied
learning opportunities if class work is finished early.

5.1.4 Findings by compulsory subjects of the National Curriculum

The National Curriculum was analyzed both for overall themes, and
using the MI framework to look at the competence markers and
assessment criteria for grade four. The National Compulsory Curriculum of


Iceland is a public document that describes the goals and purpose of

education, as well as expected teaching methods, assessment criteria, and
mastered skills in grades four, seven, and ten. Analysis started with
research question 3: How do these MI of the case study classroom compare
with Iceland’s curriculum goals? Goals were considered both as the
overarching goals and outcomes for students after compulsory education,
and as individual goals for teaching and learning by subject area.
Data collected from documents can be used in the same ways as
qualitative data from interviews or observations (Merriam, 1998), and an
analysis of the written curriculum compared to what is happening in the
classroom (observations), gives the best overall picture of the curriculum
students experience.
The competence criteria for subject areas, Icelandic, Arts, Science,
Physical Education, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Technology, were also
sorted into the 8 MI categories. A discussion of those themes and findings
follows in sections through 5.1.5.

L M L/M V/S B/K Inter Intra N

Icelandic 31 4 10 0 3 0 9 0

Arts 24 7 24 4 14 9 17 3

Science 25 0 28 4 3 3 6 20

Physical 4 0 1 1 12 1 7 1

Social S. 21 0 25 2 2 5 14 3

Math 12 0 35 9 1 5 4 0

Tech. 5 0 1 3 0 0 4 0

Totals 122 11 124 23 35 23 61 27

Table 3: Competence markers outlined by the national curriculum sorted into MI

categories. The highest occurring MI in each subject area is in bold.

55 Icelandic
Expectations for instruction, competence markers, and assessment of
Icelandic language studies are described over 27 pages in the national
curriculum. Language is described in great detail as a “principle
foundation” (p. 97) of education; this includes reading, and personal
expression including oral and written language. The purpose of teaching
Icelandic as a mother tongue in schools is both to promote literacy, and to
enable the population to express themselves and be creative orally and in
writing. In this way people are well prepared to become active and fulfilled
citizens, and Icelandic culture is passed through generations.
Icelandic language competence goals were divided into 4 categories,
spoken language, listening and observing; reading and literature; writing;
and grammar (p. 117). These are all literacy focused criteria, and indeed,
the individual competence criteria markers expected for grade 4 students
are 53% literacy based. Students are expected to have reached markers
including fluent reading, reading for pleasure, and a desire to read their
own work aloud or let others read it. 18% of competence criteria were
Logical/Mathematical based, and include recognizing the purpose of
learning grammar, the ability to file alphabetically, and deciphering symbols
and simple figures. The only other significant contributor in the Icelandic
section was Interpersonal MI at 16%. Students are expected to write their
own material, choose texts based on their individual preferences, and
express and defend their own opinions on written work.
The Interpersonal MI did not contribute to any competences within the
Icelandic chapter, and that was a surprising finding that is not reflected in
classroom practice. Individual reading activities do not utilize social skills,
but the literacy stations in the observation classroom sometimes called for
interaction and discussion, and students nearly always had the option to
work in a small group if they preferred. Students also reported in their MI
surveys that social interaction and friends were very important to them,
and highly motivating. Arts and Crafts
This section was 29 pages of the National Curriculum, and is divided into
Dance, Dramatic Arts, Visual Arts, Music, Crafts, Home Economics, and
Textiles. These skills are described as a natural form of human expression,
cultural literacy, and education for sustainability. “The main objective of
arts and crafts in compulsory schools is for every student to get acquainted
with a variety of work methods that involve craftsmanship, creativity, the


integration of intellect and feelings and a number of different forms of

expression” (pg. 144). This is consistent with the curriculum’s overall focus
on general development for lifelong learning. Within this chapter,
instruction is to be based on cooperation, abstract thinking, and self
expression, and competences were dominated by Linguistic,
Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, and Bodily/Kinesthetic MI, accounting
for 78% of the 75 grade 4 competence markers. This was very consistent,
with the exception of literacy, to what the curriculum described as the
functions of the arts and crafts sections, including “physical literacy and
intelligence” (pg. 147), the opportunity to problem solve creatively, develop
personal taste and expression, and take on social and cultural issues
creatively. Literacy was a surprising contributor in this section, because
there were many specific examples given as to why words are not an
effective medium of communication for these subjects. Much more
emphasis is placed on physical, social, and individual development because
“Through art people are able to express and enrich their feelings and
acquire understanding and experience that cannot be expressed in words”
(pg.146). This makes literacy a poor method of competence and
assessment, but it gets nearly a full quarter of the grade 4 competence
It was also surprising to find that Visual/Spatial and Musical MI came in
at only 4% and 7% respectively, especially considering 6 of the 7
subsections listed above should easily utilize one or both of the musical or
visual/spatial MI. This is another discrepancy in this chapter between
teaching and students, and assessment outcomes. If students are learning
through Visual/Spatial MI to crate Visual/Spatial material, and are assessed
as competent through literacy, an argument could be made that they are
not being assessed on what they have learned. Natural Science
The natural sciences chapter of the National Curriculum describes
competence as a combination of knowledge, skills, and specific attitudes
towards the environment, nature, society, and technology, with the goal of
students becoming scientifically literate. Instruction should be based on
practices that develop action competence, allowing students to participate,
critically analyze, and relate to the subjects on a personal level. The
competence criteria are divided into 5 categories and 5 themes that focus
on nature, science, technology, society, and action competence.
In this chapter Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, and Naturalistic MI
make up 82% of the grade 4 competences. These are a good match to the


subject area, with competences and assessment focused on critical analysis,

indoor and outdoor studying, and the ethical factors inherent in individuals,
society, nature, and technology. There are also 2 competences that
specifically contribute towards action competence, with students taking
initiative in getting information to analyze, and getting the opportunity to
select tasks and present their findings. Linguistic MI again plays a strong
role in assessing competence in the natural sciences chapter, with
classroom discussions, explaining a concept, and writing texts the dominant
achievement markers. Visual/Spatial and Interpersonal MI contribute to a
total of 4 and 3 competences respectively, and include using satellite
photographs to describe the local community, listening and discussing the
ideas of others, and recording events or observations with photographs or
examples. Assessment criteria in this chapter focus on
Logical/Mathematical skills, 5/11 criteria, including finding solutions or
designing a product, and drawing conclusions from data.
A strong focus in the text of this chapter was the connection between
society, nature, and the individual, and technology, with a focus on
teaching methods that lead to students understanding their own role in the
study of natural sciences, and taking responsibility for further education.
This should involve the school building and equipment, school grounds, and
the surrounding area for students to observe, do practical and/or group
work, and have discussions. These ideas are present and fairly specific in
the text of the natural sciences chapter, but are not given emphasis in the
competence or assessment criteria. Physical Education
Chapter 23: Physical education, lists many reasons why exercise is
necessary in school, including individual’s lifelong welfare, better school
performance, learning one’s own body and it’s possibilities, and improved
self-confidence. Exercise is described as “vital for all children” (pg. 187),
and an excellent format for teaching democratic practices and goal setting.
The text describing the role of physical education includes 7 of the 8 MI
considered by this research, and emphasizes students using their individual
strengths to increase positive self-image.
At the same time, Physical Education had the second lowest number of
competence criteria at 27. These were divided almost exclusively into
Bodily/Kinesthetic MI (44%), Intrapersonal MI (26%), and Linguistic MI
(15%). Although music was mentioned in the purpose and descriptions of
this chapter, it is not part of the competence or assessment criteria.
Beyond the most obviously applicable MI (Bodily/Kinesthetic) there was


also particular emphasis in this chapter on Intrapersonal development.

Physical education is described as one of the best ways to teach productive
and respectful competition, respect and tolerance for others, self-
evaluation, social, emotional and moral development, and independence.
Grade 4 is also the year that students are expected to have mastered basic
swimming strokes, safety, and independence enough to have unescorted
access to local swimming pools.
Assessment for this subject area is inherently difficult because factors
involving morals, social skills, feeling and initiative “can hardly be assessed,
except subjectively” (pg. 196). In the case of physical education,
assessment is instead intended to help students identify their own
strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and promote positive self-image and
future health and wellbeing. The actual criteria for assessment reflect a
more standardized approach, with mastery of swimming styles and age
appropriate physical fitness, sportsmanship and first aid, and the ability to
describe sport and safety rules.
In the classroom observations, Bodily/Kinesthetic activities were well
represented, with recorded instances as the second most common seen,
after Linguistic MI. Students have 2 outdoor recess sessions per day for a
total of up to 90 minutes. In addition, they have 2 physical education
classes and swimming class each week, a total of 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Art, cooking, and woodshop classes can also involve significant movement
and coordination, and the setup and environment of the observation
classroom allowed students to move and position themselves at will. In
during free time, students were recorded using play-dough, beading,
wrestling, crawling on the floor, and asking for additional recess time.
Although students seemed, both through observation and their MI surveys,
to want more opportunities for Bodily/Kinesthetic engagement, it was one
of the most well represented MI in the observation classroom and school. Social Studies
Social studies was another chapter with a strong focus on democracy,
equality, and individual competence development. The 3 educational
values of social studies were described in the National Curriculum as the
competence of students to understand reality, understand themselves, and
form and develop relationships. These all fall under Intrapersonal and
Interpersonal MI, and these MI, along with Logical/Mathematical, made up
the bulk of the text of the purpose and instruction of social studies.
In some contrast, the competence criteria for this chapter were largely
Logical/Mathematical and Linguistic, at 35% and 29% respectively. These


criteria involved finding examples of studied phenomena, reflecting on the

validity of information, describing what has been learned, and describing
traditions or gender roles. These MI were fairly closely followed by
Intrapersonal MI at 19%, with competence markers at grade 4 expecting
that students can understand their own feeling, respect different views and
lifestyles, discuss social and ethical issues, and talk about themselves.
Social studies lessons were not observed in the observation classroom,
but evidence of past projects could be seen in the room and displayed in
the school hallways. Projects included group posters from studying local
mountains, coloring and found art projects showing local beaches, and the
classroom rules contract made by the students. These were all projects
displayed in a Visual/Spatial format, but this MI only accounted for 2 of the
National Curriculum competence criteria, and none of the assessment
criteria. Mathematics
The mathematics chapter of the National Curriculum describes math as
significant part of modern and historical culture, and that the objectives of
teaching it in a modern context include discovery, creativity, expression and
explanation of laws and patterns. This is a broad purpose for mathematics,
and made broader by its links to sustainability and causation. In terms of
instruction, math is to be taught with a focus of making meaning from
math, respecting students ideas, and opportunities to reflect on the
relevance of mathematics on students everyday lives. This involves
incorporating math into many subject areas for measurement, critical
analysis, coding, information sorting and processing, reasoning, and
problem solving.
In terms of the competence criteria, Logical/Mathematical MI
predictable dominated, accounting for 53% of criteria. This included using
appropriate formulas and tools, interpreting and using symbols, solving
math problems, proposing hypothesis, and using and calculating with
natural numbers. The next most prevalent MI were Linguistic and
Visual/Spatial, with 18% and 14% respectively. This was the most prevalent
instance of Visual/Spatial MI in the competence criteria, but in the
observation classroom, Linguistic and Intrapersonal were most often used
by the classroom teacher, and Interpersonal by the students. In other
words, the format for mathematics instruction was based on students
independently completing their assigned math pages, and raising their
hands if they needed the teacher to explain something. Every student
almost always spent some of the math period working with a partner or


small group, and students were more likely to pick a group math game than
an independent activity after their assigned pages were complete.
Bodily/Kinesthetic and Intrapersonal MI both get a notation in this
subject area as well. The observation classroom had abacuses, number
charts, and calculators on hand for students to work with. They were also
allowed to count on their fingers or use manipulatives at will. While the
lessons were set up as independent work, students could move to find a
work partner, sit on the floor or in the hall, and had free choice of math
activities after completing assigned work pages. Students who worked well
independently were quickly finished and moved on to supplemental math
activities each day.
The assessment description for mathematics was surprisingly broad,
with the requirement that “diverse aspects” (pg. 227) of student’s math
competence should be assessed. This included self and peer assessment,
projects, portfolios, and research. This was not something observed in the
observation classroom. Students completed pages from a workbook each
day, and took the accompanying assessments and tests in the book. There
is a portfolio at the end of the year for all subjects, and students are asked
to select their favorite math pages and glue them in.
In contrast to the description, assessment criteria for mathematics listed
criteria that were mostly Logical/Mathematical based, and standardized.
They include using real numbers in calculations, using statistical and
geometrical concepts, and looking at and discussing patterns. The
exception to this was the first criteria, a student’s ability to express
themselves competently in mathematical subject matter through proposing
problems and solutions, and research and analyze with competence. Information and Communication Technology
The last subject area of the National Curriculum was information and
communication technology. This was a difficult subject to assess using MI
because many of the concepts including media use, information
technology, and computer use, are not easily categorized. Computer use
could easily be sorted into Bodily/Kinesthetic and Visual/Spatial, for it’s
keyboard and screen use, but that does not take into account the actual
usage of the computer, or what students are getting out of the experience.
As a result, many of the competence criteria were left uncategorized if they
related to using technology, electronic study material, or had no specificity
beyond becoming accustomed to technology.


Of the 17 competence criteria, 13 could be categorized, and result in

only 4 MI, Linguistic at 38%, Intrapersonal at 31%, Visual/Spatial at 23%,
and Logical/Mathematical at 8%.
The function of information and communication technology as a subject
area is to increase information and media literacy, namely students’
abilities to find and analyze information, and use technology effectively.
The curriculum goes on to describe technology and media as an excellent
medium for differentiating learning needs, complex and long term projects,
and for pupils to work on projects of their own design and interest.
Assessment is also described as opportune for diversity, including writing,
and sound, music or image processing.
In the observation classroom, technology was used to show children’s
news videos during snack time, and in computer lab where student’s had a
free choice of activities. Choices included action games, typing games and
practice, coloring and art, music videos, children’s T.V. shows, physics
games, and science videos.

5.1.5 Summary
Overall, the National Curicculum had very clear expectations for what
students should be learning. Less clear were expectations for how students
should learn in a way that contributes to the curriculum’s overall goals of a
relevant and well rounded education, democratic practices, and getting
students ready to become active citizens. An example of this is that
mathematics should incorporate opportunities for students to practice and
develop critical thinking skills, but there are no suggestions for what that
would look like in the classroom, or how to make those opportunities when
the assessment criteria for math instruction has very little to do with the
daily math pages and written exams that students actually do in the
classroom. This is given further consideration in the next section,


6 Discussion
Children in this grade 4 Icelandic classroom have a variety of skills,
interests, and intelligences that make instructing them complex. They are
also very cooperative, listen well, can work independently, and have an
excellent and supportive social dynamic. There are slightly more boys than
girls, and seating layouts have groups of boys, mixed groups, and one group
of girls. Students very consistently respond to instructions the first time
they are given, and know the routine well enough to get ready for the next
activity without being asked.
This is also a classroom with a notably relaxed atmosphere and high
level of autonomy. Students choose who they want to work with and
when, and are free to move about the classroom or rearrange furniture to
meet their needs. There is very seldom silence, and math is the loudest
lesson of the day, with students working in groups of two to five, and
breaking apart to play games after they’ve finished.
Svandís, the classroom teacher, speaks in a quiet voice that students
naturally hush to hear, and spends the majority of the day walking between
desks to address questions. There were instances where as many as sixteen
students had their hands raised to ask for clarification or help. Svandís
finds that the majority of students do not fully understand unless they
receive one-on-one instruction, and there just isn’t enough time for that.
Overall, classroom practices are a fairly good fit for student’s self
reported MI. Armstrong advises that teachers should use a broad range of
teaching strategies because “as long as instructors shift their intelligence
emphasis from presentation to presentation, there will always be a time
during the period or day when a student has his or her own most active
intelligence(s) actively involved in learning” (2000). The case study
classroom had a range of teaching strategies including literacy stations,
instruction, and autonomous work, and on average, students and the
classroom matched in prevalence of, and desire for, Linguistic and
Logical/Mathematical practices. However, students, through their surveys
and classroom observations, demonstrated a strong desire for more
Visual/Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, and Interpersonal instruction and
assignments. These are students under 10, and they want more time to
move, work together, and have visual cues or create visual products.


Armstrong notes that students may be able to “come up with strategies and
demonstrate expertise in areas where teachers may be deficit” (2000),
including drawing on the board to solve a math problem or suggesting
windows/curtains open for a more comfortable environment. There is an
excellent chance that students would learn more, and more effectively if
they were given such opportunities.
The National Curriculum stipulates ways students should be instructed in
each of the subject areas, and the overall goals of learning and school.
These goals do not always have a clear presence in the classroom, and
multiple teachers in the observation school expressed frustration that they
are not able to meet all of these goals, and that they do not all reflect what
teachers would like to see in the classroom. The National Curriculum is
new, and training and information is still being implemented, but
competence criteria and assessment methods did not always lead to the
overall goals of differentiated instruction, democratic practices, and
preparing students to be lifelong learners. A specific instance of this can be
seen in the time disparity between students completing math assignments,
further discussed in sections 5.1.2 and 6.2.1.
Additionally, there were no supplemental resources for teachers to learn
more about how to bridge the gap between classroom and the curriculum,
and they wanted help. For example, the classroom teacher designed
literacy instruction in stations (5 groups rotating through 5 tasks) and it was
an effective way to keep students engaged, moving around the classroom,
taking responsibility for their own work and time, and cooperate as they
wanted to. This widens literacy practices from instruction to engagement,
something Armstrong (2000) concludes is on of the best ways to promote
learning. In contrast, math instruction was based on solitary work in a
workbook, and students waited to have one-on-one instruction when they
needed help. This is a very traditional form of instruction that did not
reflect the National Curriculum’s goals of mathematical literacy for problem
solving and critical analysis, or democratic processes and work methods.
There is no system or resource in place for teachers to share effective
teaching methods, or get assistance.
Merriam (1998) outlines some of the issues in analyzing data from case
studies with diverse data sets from observations, documents, and
interviews, as was the case with this study. A consistent framework is
needed to find significance and patterns (Merriam, 1998) and the Multiple
Intelligences theory, with its set eight MI, was an applicable and effective
tool for comparing curriculum, classroom practices, and student


preferences and behavior. In this study, having the MI framework focused

analysis and allowed to concentrate on common and divisive factors, and
look at the language used in written texts, and what was happening in the
classroom. These are very different contexts for incoming information, and
having a common framework that was already in line with teaching
practices and curriculum allowed for a more in-depth case study. Using
Howard Gardner’s MI, and possibly additional MI, could be applicable for
other research projects looking at curriculum and the classroom, and
teachers looking to assess their own classrooms and students.

6.1 Notes from the Researcher

This section covers notes and perceptions from the researcher over the
course of the study.

6.1.1 View of the Classroom

The observation classroom is well organized, calm, and run by a veteran
teacher who genuinely cares about her students. Students are arranged at
nineteen individual tables that face forward, in groupings of one to three,
and are almost always allowed to move tables or chairs to work anywhere
they would like. They are also allowed to work standing, on the floor, or in
other areas of the school. Students often choose not to work at their
tables, either as whole groups or as individuals. This class demonstrated a
high level of autonomy that I initially found suprising and Svandís, the
classroom teacher, said that this is a group of students who work well with
very little direction, and that they are one of the most hands-off groups she
has had.
A third of the class regularly completes tasks such as math pages or
reading station activities without direction or explanation, and the entire
class has a calm and friendly social dynamic. They help each other, have
very few disputes over materials or groups, and seem to enjoy coming to
school. This dynamic, of enjoyment and cooperation, cannot be overstated.
In my experience it’s a rare class that is so happy and relaxed at school, and
I would have loved being in such a class as a child, and would do my best to
make sure any child of mine had the opportunity to experience school that

6.1.2 Comparison of Two Systems

I went through elementary and highschool in a relatively liberal set of
schools in the United States that focussed on projects, group work, and the


development of individual interests. By contrast, I taught in grade schools

that were fairly traditional, with a strong focus on reading and math, and
direct instruction. From this experience and that of the observation
classroom, I want to make a couple of notes on the systematic differences
in schooling from the U.S. and Iceland.
School in the U.S. covers less subjects (I do not know of any grade
schools in the US that have woodshop, handicrafts, swimming lessons, or
cooking) but it still manages to be much more hectic. There is a constant
sense that there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, both
as a student and teacher. I saw this difference very clearly during math
instruction, where Icelandic students are expected to complete one or two
pages from their workbook each day, over a period of 30-40 minutes.
Students in the U.S. are expected to complete an average of 6 pages in the
same amount of time.
There was very little direct instruction in the case study classroom. On
the first day of observations, direct instruction accounted for a total of 12
minutes throughout the day: five minutes in woodshop, two explaining a
test, and five explaining literacy stations. The majority of subjects contain
no direct instruction at all, and that would be unheard of in any of the
schools I had attended or taught at in the U.S. An average math lesson of
50 minutes would involve 10-15 minutes of instruction and whole group
examples, 5-10 minutes of commonly asked questions solved together on
the board, and 10 minutes of reviewing answers and checking for
comprehension. This approach centers on repetition, and direct instruction
accounts for 25-35 minutes of the 50 minute lesson.
Overall, I was left with the impression that these are two schooling
systems that are working toward the same goals with very different
approaches. The basic function of both systems is to give students the skills
they need to live a fulfilling life and become functional members of society,
but everything else, from the schedule of the day and subject areas, to the
role of a teacher, reflects strong cultural differences. I can see strengths
and weaknesses in both, and am left with a sense that everyone has more
work to do in order to meet the needs of students better.


7 Conclusions
Going back to the research questions for this study, the three questions
proposed were:
1) With which Multiple Intelligences do the case study students most
strongly align?
2) What Multiple Intelligences are evident in the case study classroom
practices, and to what extent?
3) How do these MI of the case study classroom compare with Iceland’s
curriculum goals?
First, results of the study indicate that students in the case study
classroom each had a unique MI alignment and no two students answered
the survey the same way. Based on the survey averages for the class,
students reported the highest skill/interest in Bodily/Kinesthetic,
Naturalistic, Visual/Spatial, and Logical/Mathematics MI. The results of
classroom observations showed that when students made choices on how
to spend their free time, or how to accomplish a task, they utilized
Bodily/Kinesthetic 31% of the time, Visual/Spatial 22% of the time,
Interpersonal 16% of the time, and Intrapersonal 13% of the time.
For the second question, the case study classroom practices utilized
each of the eight MI in the research framework, but not equally. Over the
course of the 32 hours of observtions, 79% of classroom time fell under
Linguistic (22%), Bodily/Kinesthetic (21%), Intrapersonal (18%), and
Visual/Spatial (18%) MI. The rest of the MI are all under 10%, with
Logical/Mathematical at 8%, Naturalistic at 6%, Interpersonal at 4%, and
Musical at 3%. While Bodily/Kinesthetic and Visual/Spatial are a good fit for
the student survey results, in the cases of Naturalistic and Interpersonal,
this does not align well with student learning preferences.
Lastly, question three addresses the comparison between the classroom
and curriculum. The National Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland had goals
for students that revolved around democratic practices, learning as
preparation to be a productive member of society, a well rounded and
relevant education, and health and development for life. The competence
criteria for each subject area in grade 4 detailed specific skills students
should be able to master. Those criteria fell overwhelmingly under
Logical/Mathematics and Linguistic MI, which accounted for 57% of all
competence markers. The next closest MI were Intrapersonal and
Bodily/Kinesthetic at 14% and 8% respectively. With this in mind, the
practices of the case study classroom, which are supposed to be based on


student mastery of competence criteria, did not always contribute to the

overall curriculum goals. This was particularly evident in math instruction,
where the assigned math pages and instruction methods did not lead to the
curriculum goals of the subject being taught with a focus of making
meaning from math, respecting students ideas, and students working
confidently and autonomously.
Overall, this study collected a large amount of data in very diverse
forms, from observations to documentary evidence. Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences theory made this comparison effective by organizing such
different kinds of data in the same way, and narrowing the focus of the
study. This gave a clearer overall picture of what factors contribute to what
is actually happening in the case study classroom, and what curriculum
looks like in practice.


8 Further Study
There are many options for further studies on this project, and related
topics. A continuation of this project could be following up with these
students and assessing participation and academic achievement, with the
goal of making specific recommendations for individual students. A study
could also be made of all the grade 4 students in Reykjavík to see what is
happening in all schools.
I would be very interested in following this study with research on
teacher resources, training, and satisfaction with the National Curriculum.
Each school and teacher will implement this curriculum in slightly different
ways, but teachers expressed a need for more resources and research
about implementing curriculum in the classroom. I think this is a gap in
current research, and it could have an immediate and positive effect on
teachers and students in the community, and be used as a resource for
educators and policy makers in a local, national, and global context.


9 References
Armstrong, T. (2000). Multiple intelligences in the classroom (2nd Ed.).
Alexandria VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Armstrong, T. (2001). Fjölgreindir í skólastofunni (2nd Ed.). Icelandic
translation by Kristjánsdóttir, E. Reykjavík: JPV.
Bellanca, J. A., Swartz, E., & Chapman, C. (1997). Multiple assessments for
multiple intelligences. Highett, Vic.: Hawker Brownlow Education.
Campbell, L., Campbell, B., & Dickinson, D. (1996). Teaching & learning
through multiple intelligences. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon.
Gardner, H. (1985). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences.
New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H., & Hatch, T. (1989). Multiple intelligences go to school:
Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences.
Educational Researcher, 18(8), 4–10. doi:10.2307/1176460
Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York,
NY: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (2011). Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple intelligences
(3rd Ed.). New York: Basic Books.
Goodlad, J. I. (1980). A Study of schooling. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta
Kornhaber, M. L., Fierros, E. G., & Veenema, S. A. (2004). Multiple
intelligences: Best ideas from research and practice. Boston:
Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.
Kristjánsdóttir, E. (2006). Klárari en þú heldur: Kennsluleiðbeiningar.
Reykjavík: Námsgagnastofnun.
LeGreco, M. (2014). Discourse Analysis. In J. Mills & M. Birks (Eds.),
Qualitative Methodology: A Practical Guide (pp.67-87). London: Sage.
Martin, W. C. (1995). Assessing multiple intelligences. Seventh international
conference on educational assessment. Retrieved January 12, 2016,
Merriam, S. B., & Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study
applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. (2012). The Icelandic national
curriculum guide for compulsory school: general section. Retrieved from

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curriculum guide for compulsory school: with subject areas . Retrieved
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intelligences theory, intelligent data analysis of learning styles was
based on rough set theory. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(5),
613-618. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2011.07.012
Stanford, P. (2003). Multiple Intelligence for every classroom. Intervention
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White, J. (2008). Illusory intelligences?. Journal of Philosophy of Education,
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Yin, R. K. (1994). Case Study Research: Designs and Methods (2nd Ed.).
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(PhD thesis, University of Iceland, 2013). Reykjavík. Retrieved January 5,
2016, from


Part of the significance of this research was in its practicality and
applicability. In addition, the observation classroom teacher requested
reccomendations at the conclusion of this project. In an effort to look at
how classroom learning opportunities could more closely align with the
learning styles of the case study students, reccommendations for three
subject areas are outlined. Reccommendations for the written curriculum is
also briefly discussed, both as a follow up to the teacher and principal
interviews, and in an effort to bring attention to ways in which teachers
could be used as a resource for the written curriculum.

Reccommendations for the Case Study Classroom

Recommendations from this study are two-fold, and based on
observations of students and their survey responses, and the opportunities
that the curriculum, on both a national and local level, afford students.
At the classroom level, recommendations are made to incorporate more
MI in lessons, meet the demonstrated MI needs of students, and follow
curriculum guidelines.
Please note that these recommendations are classroom specific, but still
require individualization for the classroom and individuals. Recom-
mendations are not what should be done, but a suggestion for what could
be done. For example, the first recommendation for math instruction is
solving an equation together on the board. It is up to the classroom
teacher to decide which question to do, how much to write, if another
example is needed, and if everyone should participate. Options for
individualization include color-coding components and solutions, students
writing on the board instead of the teacher, and each student solving the
problem on scrap paper then giving a rank from one to five fingers of how
comfortable they were completing the problem.

Math Instruction
Math instruction is conducted in traditional cultural format where
students receive instruction from the teacher at the start of each chapter,
then complete the assigned page for the day and each day after
independently. This is in keeping with the national guidelines of the
Compulsory Curriculum of Iceland, that students work autonomously and
confidently on math. Students are allowed to work in small groups or alone,
and a third of the class routinely finishes the math page with enough time


to start elective math games or activity books. The students who do not
finish in time, or use the entire 30-40 are consistently the same. During this
time, students can wait 6-8 minutes each time they have a question before
it is answered by the teacher, and that’s time not spent on math, especially
considering some students have 3 or more questions each day.
Incorporating more visual/spatial and linguistic MI in lessons may address
these issues, as students’ self-report high linguistic competence and
interest, and ask for more visual/spatial options.

Issue Recommended Rationale MI
Activity Utilized
Students without Solve first question Students transition into L, V/S,
a strong L/M together, and draw/ math, remember the last Intra,
inclination have write it on the board lesson, hear and see L/M
more questions instructions in addition to
and difficulty reading them
completing math
lesson on time
Students wait a Answer some Some students may have L,V/S,
long time to have questions together on the same question, or Intra,
questions the board. answer their own L/M,
answered question by watching or Inter
helping another student
solve one. This reduces
waiting time to answer
Math tasks are Have students who Double check L/M,
not a challenge are finished early comprehension, increase Intra,
for all students make 1-2 of their own student’s competence Inter
equations or examples and confidence in math.
based on the lesson,
alone or in a small
Comprehension Solve 2-5 of the Check the entire class’s L/M,
must be checked student’s equations in comprehension, involve V/S,
one on one, and the last 5 minutes of students in the teaching Intra, L
there isn’t enough the lesson. process, increase
time to work with relatability and interest in
math, follow up on the


everyone lesson, allows additional

practice for students who
have not completed the

Table 4: Recommendations for Math Instruction

Literacy Instruction
Literacy practices are a substantial part of instruction and activities in
the classroom, and this is consistent with the format of compulsory school.
The observation class also has specific practices that address the national
curriculum’s expectations for Icelandic, spoken language, listening and
observing; reading and literature; writing; and grammar. Several times
each week the observation class broke into small groups to do literacy
stations. Activities included writing a postcard, decoding words from
numbers, reading a printed page aloud, examples of grammatical rules, and
finding words in a word search. Students rotated through these activities
over the course of an hour. Recommendations are made to incorporate
additional goals from the National Curriculum regarding literacy, writing

Issue Recommended Rationale MI

Activity Utilized
Lack of personal Incorporate larger Personal responsibility, L,
connection in projects to be finished concrete contribution to varied
literacy activities every two weeks. class and literacy practices, based
(Send postcards to literacy practices have on task
retirement homes and increased relevance to
read replies, write a students, incorporation
one page story and into classroom and larger
illustrate it, review a community
book or poem, make a
class book, etc.
Students do not Read aloud as part of Increased fluency and L, Intra,
explore genres the daily routine. interest, and a model of L/M,
and/or see the Discussions and rhythm and cadence for Inter,
applicability of questions on book. struggling readers. varied
reading for based
hobbies and on


pleasure genre
Students do not Students review books Personal responsibility, L, Intra,
critically reflect they’ve read, take a concrete personal L/M,
on reading, and photo and write a contribution to class and
do not have the paragraph with or literacy practices, literacy
opportunity to without help. Put practices have increased
share what they reviews into a class relevance to students,
have learned/ book and class/school incorporation into
read website. Students classroom and school
read reviews to class. community, connection to
Struggling Provide audiobooks, Model fluency and cadence L
readers do not headphones, and of reading, allows students
develop an paper copies of books to read more difficult
interest in books for classroom. books, expands reading
and reading options for struggling or
disinterested readers
and Icelandic.

Table 5: Recommendations for Literacy Instruction

Computer Use
Students are still getting used to the computer lab, and spend up to two
periods per week making free choices to draw, solve logic puzzles, play
adventure games, watch children’s videos from RUV, listening to music, and
doing word searches. They each have a computer and a set of headphones
and talk to each other about the things they are watching or doing. The
teacher walks around the room putting in websites on request and helping
with applications. Recommendations are made to increase student
autonomy and competence with computer functions, and incorporate
computers into regular classroom practices.

Issue Recommended Rationale MI
Activity Utilized
Students wait for Make a list, with Students become more L, V/S,
teacher to enter pictures, of each familiar with the keyboard Inter
website, miss website to give to and practice typing by
out on typing students. Add entering the websites


and autonomy websites as necessary. themselves. Less waiting

time, and higher self-
Computers have Use computer lab for Demonstrate relevance of Inter,
limited use and classroom projects, computers in school, L/M,
applicability for including book incorporate technology V/S, L
students and the reviews, researching into lessons.
classroom new books, math
tutorials, student
made word searches,

Table 6: Recommendations for Computer Use

Recommendations for Policy Makers

Based on this study, some recommendations can be made to the
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. These recommendations arise
from teacher feedback, observations, and the comparison between
classroom practices and the National Curriculum.
Teachers need support in making this transition to incorporating the
new curriculum into classrooms. Many teachers at the study school
expressed frustration that they were left to make this transition on their
own. There have been training sessions at the school to familiarize staff
with the curriculum, but no one at this school said it was enough. The
curriculum is currently a large book that does not relate to classroom
practice, and teachers don’t know how to bridge the gap between what
they would like to do and what they can do. Teachers would like:
1. Concrete examples of what the new curriculum looks like in
practice, including example lesson plans, daily schedules, and
grading standards
2. Training and resources to transition into expected teaching and
assessment practices
3. Acknowledgement of what goals and guidelines are already
being practiced, so that the focus shifts to what is left, and how
to make those changes with individualized support
Teachers and schools need resources. Teachers feel they already do not
have the resources to completely meet the needs of their students. As a


result, they do not see a feasible way to meet all the new guidelines and
provide students with the kind of education described in the national
The last suggestion, but by no means the least important, is to use
teachers as the resource they are. Teachers spend time with students
every day, and form relationships with families in the community. They are
an underutilized resource for what correct practices are, and what could
and should be. None of the staff in this study felt they had any input on the
new curriculum, but they wanted to, and felt many issues with lack of
clarity and implementation would be solved if policy reflected the
participation of educators at all levels.




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