समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings: दैिनक सामियक अिभज्ञता सेवा A Daily Current Awareness Service
समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings: दैिनक सामियक अिभज्ञता सेवा A Daily Current Awareness Service
समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings: दैिनक सामियक अिभज्ञता सेवा A Daily Current Awareness Service
दै िनक सामियक अिभज्ञता सेवा
A Daily Current Awareness Service
Vol. 44 No. 99 22 May 2019
रक्षा िवज्ञान पु तकालय
Defence Science Library
रक्षा वैज्ञािनक सूचना एवं प्रलेखन के द्र
Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
मैटकॉफ हाऊस, िद ली - 110 054
Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054
Wed, 22 May 2019
It was at this same time that air defence radars at Srinagar airport picked up a low flying aircraft on
their screens. The senior officer manning the post of Terminal Weapons Director (TWD) at the time
was likely the Chief Operations Officer of the Air Base.
This officer may have given the final order to fire after the helicopter, designated a slow flying
target, could not be identified through a critical system called the Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF)
IFF systems onboard an aircraft listen for an ''interrogation signal'' from the ground and then
respond with a unique signal which identifies it as a ''friendly.'' The system is specifically designed to
ensure that friendly-fire incidents are avoided during the heat of battle. It is unclear if the IAF
helicopter's IFF was switched off or was not functioning at the time when it was shot down.
Sources have indicated to NDTV that a series of additional steps may not have been followed in the
moments prior to the launch of the Spyder surface-to-air missile. The role of the Indian Air Force's Air
Traffic Control at Srinagar airbase is also being looked at very closely by the Court of Inquiry. ATC
maintains a flight plan of all aircraft that have taken off or are expected at the air base.
It is unclear whether the Terminal Weapons Director inquired and was told by the ATC that no
friendly aircraft were flying in the area. It is equally unclear why details of the movement of the Mi-17
helicopter were not available with the officer in the first place.
Moments later, the order to launch was passed on to the SPYDER surface-to-air missile unit.
Described as a short and medium range mobile air defence system, the system is among the newest
and most advanced in the Indian Air Force's arsenal. The single missile which was launched would
have quickly accelerated to Mach 4, four times the speed of sound as it sped to its target. Destruction
of the slow flying helicopter, was almost guaranteed.
Senior IAF officers have denied reports that the Court of Inquiry is considering video of the shoot
down of the Mi-17. According to sources, video showing the missile streaking towards the helicopter
exists and is a part of the body of evidence which has been presented. 'The helicopter was 6-7
kilometres away. There is no way that a camera was present to zoom into the point of impact at that
range'' say senior IAF officers.
Wed, 22 May 2019
Wed, 22 May 2019
Wed, 22 May 2019
The new rifles and the telescopic sights are expected to be an effective counter. Besides the sights,
50 Field Artillery tractors are also likely to be bought, to add to the 100 already acquired and also, for
the Indian Air Force (IAF) crypto modules for its Software Design Radios.