MP1 v01
MP1 v01
MP1 v01
One report/jupyter notebook per team must be submitted as soft copies to
As before, please typeset it in jupyter notebook if you use Python or Julia or R, or latex
(template is provided) if you use any other language or software. In the latter case, the codes
should also be included with your submission. Place all files in a folder and submit the .zip
(don’t submit a tar.gz etc).
Please clearly specify the role of each team member in the solution. You must specify which
problem was tackled by who all. Reference codes that you use from elsewhere.
Please keep the subject line of your email submission DS211:2019:MP1
Typically, this assignment should take your team between 12 to 20 person-hours.
Problem 1
Line Search Strategy.
(a) Consider the steepest descent method with exact line searches applied to the convex
quadratic function 12 xT Ax + bT x + c. Mathematically, show that if the initial point is
such that x0 − x∗ is parallel to an eigenvector of A, then the steepest descent method
will find the solution in one step.
(b) Program the steepest descent and Newton algorithms using the backtracking line search
discussed in class.
(c) Use the above programs to minimize the classic Rosenbrock function. Set the initial
step length to 1. At each iteration store the step lengths used by each method and
make plots. Show the step lengths taken and iterates as plots. Do these for a start
point of search x0 = (1.2, 1.2)T and then for the starting point x0 = (−1.2, 1)T .
(d) Plot the convergence of the iterates and the objective function value. Evaluate the rate
of convergence.
(e) Call built-in functions for steepest descent and newton method for your program of
choice, and show the results for the above. Compare and evaluate your program.
(f) Compare the run-time of your program and built-in function. Is there a difference?
Why or why not?
Problem 2
Trust Region Strategy.
DS 211, Aug 2019 CDS, IISc
Numerical Optimization Mini-Project 1 Due: Sept 20, 2019 8:00 am
(a) Write a program that implements the dogleg method. Choose Bk to be the exact
Hessian. Apply it to solve the Rosenbrock’s function. Experiment with the update rule
for the trust region by changing the thresholds. Plot and show your results in as much
detail as possible, highlighting the iterates, trust regions, and convergence.
(b) Let f (x) = 20(x2 − x21 )2 + (1 − x1 )2 . Draw its contour lines. At x = (0, −1), draw the
contour lines of the quadratic model assuming that B is the Hessian of f . Draw the
family of solutions of the quadratic sub-problem as the trust region radius varies from
0 to 2. Repeat this at x = (0, 0.5). Comment on what you observe.
Problem 3
Conjugate Gradient.
(b) Show that for a quadratic function, with exact line search, the Polak-Reibiere formula,
Hestenes-Stiefel formula and Fletcher-Reeves formula are identical.
(c) Implement the conjugate gradient method with Fletcher Reeves formula and use to it
solve linear systems in which the Hessian is the Hilbert matrix, whose elements are
Hi,j = 1/(i + j − 1). Set the right-hand-side to b = (1, 1, ..., 1)T and the initial point to
x0 = 0. Try dimensions n = 5, 8, 12, 20 and report the number of iterations required to
reduce the residual below 10−6 .
(d) Construct matrices with various eigenvalue distributions (clustered and non-clustered)
and apply the CG method to them. Comment on the behavior of CG method in terms
of convergence.
Problem 4
(a) Write a program that implements the BFGS method. Apply it to minimize the Rosen-
brock’s function. Plot and show your results in as much detail as possible, highlighting
the iterates, and convergence. Compare it to the other methods implemented in the
above problems.
(b) Write a program that implements the SR1 Trust Region method. Apply it to minimize
the Rosenbrock’s function. Plot and show your results in as much detail as possible,
DS 211, Aug 2019 CDS, IISc
Numerical Optimization Mini-Project 1 Due: Sept 20, 2019 8:00 am
highlighting the iterates, and convergence. Compare it to the BFGS update formula.
What are the advantages or disadvantages?