CE6016-Prefabricated Structures QB
CE6016-Prefabricated Structures QB
CE6016-Prefabricated Structures QB
1. Define Prefabrication. BT1 Remembering
2. What is meant by Modular Co-ordination? BT1 Remembering
3. Give the Different types of Modular Grids BT1 Remembering
4. List out the limitations of modular coordination in Precast
BT1 Remembering
5. List out the System of Prefabrication. BT1 Remembering
6. List out the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated
BT1 Remembering
7. Discuss about Production process. BT2 Understanding
8. Describe the stand system Production technique. BT2 Understanding
9. Distinguish between site prefabrication and plant prefabrication BT2 Understanding
10. Summarize the erection procedure PFS building BT2 Understanding
11. Classify the methods for Manufacture of precast concrete
BT3 Applying
elements (or) the types of prefabrication
12. Demonstrate the Insulating concrete forms BT3 Applying
13. Illustrate the term lift slab construction. BT3 Applying
14. Explain the aggregate system production technique. BT4 Analysing
15. Explain the conveyor belt or production line system Production
BT4 Analysing
16. State the Principles of MC Concept? BT4 Analysing
17. Design the criteria in selection of the lifting points if the surface
BT5 Evaluating
should be free of discernible cracks?
18. Generalize the factors which affect the loading conditions in
BT5 Evaluating
demoulding and transport of components?
19. Explain the term lift slab construction BT6 Creating
20. Explain the characteristics of materials used for construction of
BT6 Creating
1. What are the different types of Structural Systems used in
BT1 Remembering
Prefabricated Structures? Explain
2. What are Erection Stresses? How they are Reduced or BT1 Remembering
3. Describe in detail about the Different Materials used the
BT1 Remembering
Principle and need of Prefabrication.
4. Explain the Erection Principles of Precast Members with
BT2 Understanding
suitable sketches
5. Discuss in detail about the principle of prefabrication
BT2 Understanding
techniques and Mention its advantages and disadvantages.
6. i) Discuss the concept of Production Techniques. (8marks)
BT4 Analyzing
ii) What are the types and needs of Prefabricates? (8marks)
7. Illustrate the important aspect considered during hoisting,
BT3 Applying
erection and transportation of precast element.
8. Explain in detail about the concept of modular coordination and
BT4 Analyzing
State its significance in prefabricated structures.
9. i) Enumerate the process of product of prefabrication(4 marks)
ii) Write short note on
a) Prefabrication. (3 marks)
BT6 Creating
b) Standardization (3 marks)
c) Advantages and disadvantages (3 marks)
d) Erection process (3 marks)
10. Summarize the Transporting and hoisting of Prefabrication. BT2 Understanding
11. Explain the merits and demerits of prefabrication systems. BT4 Analyzing
12. Explain the two types of prefabrication systems in detail. BT2 Understanding
13. i) Enumerate the need of prefabrication.(8 marks)
BT2 Understanding
ii) Explain the principle of prefabrication.(8 marks)
14. Discuss the process of production, transportation and erection
BT4 Analyzing
of prefabrication
Behaviour of structural components –Large panel constructions –Construction of roof and floor
slabs –Wall panels –Columns –Shear walls
1. Define Shear wall. BT1 Remembering
2. What are the loads acting on wall panel members? BT1 Remembering
3. Define Long Wall System BT1 Remembering
4. How are precast floors classified? BT1 Remembering
5. List out the prefabricated structural units. BT1 Remembering
6. What are the space bordering? BT1 Remembering
7. Differentiate between synclastic and Anticlastic? BT2 Understanding
8. Write about Prefabricated Roofing and flooring elements BT2 Understanding
9. Discuss about dome structure BT2 Understanding
10. Explain about box type construction. BT2 Understanding
11. Classify the precast concrete walls BT3 Applying
12. Give classification of wall panels BT3 Applying
13. How are roofing members in prefabricates classified? BT3 Applying
14. Different classification of shear walls? BT4 Analyzing
15. Mention the types of prefabricated structural elements BT4 Analyzing
16. Explain the surface forming members. BT4 Analyzing
17. Enumerate the classification of floor slabs. BT5 Evaluating
18. Prepare the necessity of dimensional tolerances. BT5 Evaluating
19. Discuss about the ring system. BT6 Creating
20. List out the recommended lateral load resisting elements in a
BT6 Creating
1. Explain the methods of construction of roof and floor slab. Also
BT1 Remembering
explain the precautions taken during the manufacturing process.
2. What is meant by prefabricated components? Explain in detail. BT1 Remembering
3. Describe in detail about large panel construction with neat
BT1 Remembering
4. Differentiate the behavior of frame and large panel construction
BT2 Understanding
in precast structures.
5. i) Describe the manufacturing Process of wall panels (8marks)
ii) With the Flow chart explain the manufacturing process of BT2 Understanding
roof and floor slabs (8marks)
6. Classify the structure of building based on the load distribution
and briefly explain the different types of such prefabricated BT3 Applying
7. Compare the column Structures with Shell structures BT4 Analyzing
8. i) What is the necessity of providing shear walls in the precast
structures? (8marks) BT4 Analyzing
ii) Discuss the different types of shear walls.(8marks)
9. Discuss about behavior of columns in prefabricated structures. BT5 Evaluating
10. Explain about the warped surface and Domes in detail. BT6 Creating
11. Explain the process involved in prefabrication of columns BT2 Understanding
12. Compare the behavior of conventional and prefabricated
BT4 Analyzing
structural components.
13. Explain the behavior of roof and floor slab construction with
BT6 Creating
suitable sketches.
14. i)Write briefly about types of wall panels.(8marks)
BT1 Remembering
ii) Write a brief notes on Column structures.(8marks)
1. Define disuniting of structures. BT1 Remembering
2. What are the Loads acting in wall panels? BT1 Remembering
3. How the material used in construction does affect the design of
BT1 Remembering
the element?
4. What is joint flexibility? BT1 Remembering
5. What are the disadvantages of disuniting of structures? BT1 Remembering
6. Define expansion joints BT1 Remembering
7. What are the advantages of disuniting of structures? BT2 Understanding
8. Explain joint deformation? BT2 Understanding
9. At what point in the members disuniting should be done? BT2 Understanding
10. Explain the dimensional tolerances BT2 Understanding
11. Write the need for disuniting of structures. BT3 Applying
12. Classify the Types of walls BT3 Applying
13. Why should we give allowance for joint deformation? BT3 Applying
14. Distinguish between Concrete wall and Shear Wall. BT4 Analyzing
15. Explain expansion joint and flexibility joint. BT4 Analyzing
16. Analyze the problems in design because of joint flexibility. BT4 Analyzing
17. Generalize the assumptions which made for concrete Walls. BT5 Evaluating
18. Compose the different types of tolerances adopted in precast BT5 Evaluating
19. Explain briefly about the suitable design of cross section based
BT6 Creating
on efficiency.
20. Conclude the process of disuniting of prefabricated structures. BT6 Creating
1. What is joint flexibility and allowance for joint deformation?
BT1 Remembering
Explain problems in design
2. Explain the problems in design because of joint flexibility.
BT1 Remembering
Discuss with regard to various location.
3. What arethe precautions taken during the disuniting the
BT1 Remembering
4. Discuss thenecessity of disuniting of structuresand explain in
BT2 Understanding
detailwith sketch
5. Explain in detail about the suitable design of cross section based
BT2 Understanding
6. Design a concrete wall panel of 8m height & 5m long &200mm
thick & restrained against rotation at the base & restrained @
the ends. If it is to carry a load of 180KN @ the top. Another
BT3 Applying
factoredload horizontal to the wall is 8.45KN @ the top
.Check the safety of the wall. fck=20,fy=415.check the shear in
the wall if the
7. Enumerate the salient points considered while designing a joint
BT4 Analyzing
and also discuss the importance of joint flexibility
8. Design procedure for corbels, Concrete walls & its assumptions. BT3 Applying
9. Explain how the material selection impacts the design
BT5 Evaluating
efficiencyof a precast element.
10. Generalize the steps involved in the process of disuniting
BT6 Creating
ofprefabricated structures.
11. Is a Prestressed structure efficientinreducing thedemand
BT4 Analyzing
ofmaterial and cost? If so-explain.
12. Describe why structural analysisisto be donefor
BT2 Understanding
13. List out the
i) key processes and (4 marks) BT1 Remembering
ii) Roles in precast construction and explain.(12 marks)
14. Analyse how the structures are being grouped and how the
BT4 Analyzing
prefabricated members are joined.
Joints for different structural connections –Dimensions and detailing –Design of expansion joints
1. Discuss the importance of joints in precast structures when compared
BT2 Understanding
to cast- in-situ structures?
2. What is the need for expansion joint in precast structures? BT4 Analyzing
3. What are the connections? BT2 Understanding
4. List the different types of connections? BT1 Remembering
5. Evaluate the points to be considered while designing the
BT5 Evaluating
6. Show the different connections made in a prefabricated structure BT3 Applying
7. What are the different types of joints? BT1 Remembering
8. What are the materials used for concrete joints? BT1 Remembering
9. Based on the location within a building, how connections can be
BT4 Analyzing
10. What are the functions of joints? BT2 Understanding
11. Outline the use of expansion joints. BT2 Understanding
12. Give any two types of joints in prefabricated structures. BT1 Remembering
13. Generalize the significance of connections in precast structures? BT5 Evaluating
14. Explain expansion joint BT6 Creating
15. Draw a joint connecting wall panel with a frame BT6 Creating
16. Write any 2 characteristics of expansion joint. BT1 Remembering
17. Explain post tensioned connection. BT4 Analyzing
18. Give any 4 types of joints. BT1 Remembering
19. What is the significance of connections in precast construction? BT3 Applying
20. Give the formula for design temperature change BT3 Applying
1. Explain expansion and contraction joint in retaining wall BT2 Understanding
2. Summarize the essential requirements of joints in construction?
BT2 Understanding
What are the Recommendations for the design of an expansion joint?
3. Give the recommendations for the detailing theprecast
settlement in respect of the Connections and erection. BT1 Remembering
4. Compare the merits and demerits of expansion joints in
BT4 Analyzing
prefabricated structures.
5. Explain any two types of beam column joints in prefabricated
BT6 Creating
structures with neat sketches.
6. Illustrate in detail the different structural connection adopted in a
BT3 Applying
framed precast building With sketches.
7. What is the importance ofjointsinprecaststructures whencompared to
BT4 Analyzing
cast in situ structures?
8. What is the requirement of ideal structural joints?
BT1 Remembering
Explaindifferent joint of structures.
9. Evaluate the joint Techniques and materials used in details and
BT5 Evaluating
explain the design of joints.
10. Explain in detail:
BT1 Remembering
a) Beam to column connection (8marks)
b) Doors and windows to wall convection(8marks)
11. Discuss in detail about how joints are being dimensional inprecast
BT2 Understanding
12. Explain the Do’s and Don’ts ’s for
i. Detailing (4marks)
ii.Beams and slabs(4marks) BT4 Analyzing
13. Illustrate in detail about the following connection, its uses and
where it can be used
BT3 Applying
i) Column to column(8marks)
ii) Main beam to secondary beam(8marks)
14. List out
i) The types of joints (8 marks) BT1 Remembering
ii) materials for concrete joints (8 marks)
Progressive collapse – Code provisions – Equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects
such as earthquakes, cyclones, etc., - Importance of avoidance of progressive collapse
1. Explain progressive collapse BT6 Creating
2. Define Degree of Progressivity BT1 Remembering
3. Generalize the approaches to avoid progressive collapse BT5 Evaluating
4. What are the special requirements for building in High Seismic BT3 Applying
5. What are provisions made in a Prefabricated R C floors in a BT1 Remembering
6. What is strong column weak beam concept? BT2 Understanding
7. List the possible abnormal effects for prefabricated buildings. BT1 Remembering
8. Give the formula for design temperature change. BT1 Remembering
9. How are cyclones formed? BT4 Analyzing
10. What are the different types of seismic waves? BT1 Remembering
11. Explain equivalent design loads. BT4 Analyzing
12. Explain the importance factor and response reduction factor used in
BT6 Creating
static analysis for the calculation of design seismic force.
13. What is meant by progressive collapse? BT2 Understanding
14. Differentiate between intensity and progressive earthquake. BT4 Analyzing
15. What is damping? BT2 Understanding
16. Explain equivalent design loads. BT2 Understanding
17. Illustrate the IS code provision for abnormal effects? BT3 Applying
18. Define earthen walls. BT1 Remembering
19. Illustrate the methods of avoiding disproportionate collapse. BT3 Applying
20. Evaluate the codal provisions for the design of prefabricated
BT5 Evaluating
1. Mention in detail the codal provision for considering the effect of
BT1 Remembering
2. When a progressive collapse does occur? Why is it very critical to
BT5 Evaluating
avoid progressive collapse of structures?
3. Explain the procedure for calculating equivalent design BT6 Creating
loadswhen the structure is subjected to earthquake loading
4. What are the methods to avoid the progressive collapse? Explain
BT1 Remembering
each briefly?
5. How are explosive loads different from loads typically used in
BT3 Applying
building design?
6. Explain the equivalent design loads for considering abnormal effects. BT2 Understanding
7. (i)Explain the codal provisions for progressive collapse(8marks)
(ii)Enumerate the details of the Importance Avoidance of BT3 Applying
progressive collapse.(8marks)
8. Compare between exterior frames & interior frames. BT4 Analyzing
9. Write a detailed note on preventing connection device for building
BT1 Remembering
10. (i) Explain the situation for the occurrence of progressive collapse?
(8marks) BT2 Understanding
(ii)How do you avoid progression collapse?(8marks)
11. Explain Strong column and weak beam? BT3 Applying
12. Discuss the following :
(i)Surface which is formed by the pattern or texture of the mould
BT2 Understanding
(ii)Paints and coatings(8marks)
13. Explain the following :
(i)Surface finish produced by mechanical treatment(8marks)
BT6 Creating
(ii)Chemical treatment of the surface(8marks)
14. Mention in detail the codal provision for considering the effect of
BT1 Remembering
S.no Subject BT1 BT2 BT3 BT4 BT5 BT6 Question
Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20
1 Unit-1 Part-B 3 4 1 4 1 1 14
Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20
2 Unit-2 Part-B 4 3 1 3 1 2 14
Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20
3 Unit-3 Part-B 4 3 2 3 1 1 14
Part-A 6 4 3 3 2 2 20
4 Unit-4 Part-B 4 4 2 3 1 1 14
Part-A 5 3 3 3 2 2 20
5 Unit-5 Part-B 4 3 3 1 1 2 14
PART-A 100