Characterization For Post-Treatment Effect of Bagasse Ash For Silica Extraction
Characterization For Post-Treatment Effect of Bagasse Ash For Silica Extraction
Characterization For Post-Treatment Effect of Bagasse Ash For Silica Extraction
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2009
COMPOSITION OF BAGASSE ASH BEFORE ACID TREATMENT WITHOUT OXYGEN Fig. 1 Effect of acid concentration treatment on phase analysis
Mass% for 3 Moreover, the phase analysis was analyzed for the effect of
Component Mass% for 2 hours heating time hours heating time oxygen feeding and the result shows that the highly crystal
600 °C 700 °C 800 °C 800 °C
SiO2 19.417 21.053 27.979 29.849
phase of samples occurred in the presence of oxygen (Fig. 2).
K2O 35.036 30.499 24.301 23.990
P2O5 12.428 12.722 12.241 12.043
SO3 10.969 13.141 14.734 13.242
CaO 14.482 15.129 13.721 13.307
MgO 2.766 3.24 2.598 2.598
Mn2O3 1.236 1.338 1.332 1.303
Fe2O3 1.884 1.287 1.768 1.812
Al2O3 0.973 0.956 0.661 1.262
Other 0.809 0.635 0.665 0.594
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2009
silica particles and agglomerated as seen from SEM percent was achieved from heating of bagasse ash at 600°C
photograph in Fig. 3. for 3 hours under oxygen feeding and HCl treatment.
Silica has been successfully extracted from bagasse ash.
Mass compositions from XRF, XRD spectrum peak,
morphology and chemical bonding have been reported. The
highly silica content can be used for silica compound
preparation and can be minimize the environmental impact of
problems for bagasse ash disposal.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Faculty of
Engineering Research Fund No.1/2009, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology North Bangkok and E-Sann Sugar
Fig. 3 SEM of Bagasse ash under 800°C for 3 hours Company..
D. Chemical Bonding from FTIR
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