Characterization For Post-Treatment Effect of Bagasse Ash For Silica Extraction

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2009

Characterization for Post-treatment Effect of

Bagasse Ash for Silica Extraction
Patcharin Worathanakul, Wisaroot Payubnop, and Akhapon Muangpet

Synthesized silica with different conditions including

Abstract—Utilization of bagasse ash for silica sources is one of chemical and physical analysis was characterized. The
the most common application for agricultural wastes and valuable extracted silica from this study can be added value of silica
biomass byproducts in sugar milling. The high percentage silica source for many applications of bagasse ash.
content from bagasse ash was used as silica source for sodium
silicate solution. Different heating temperature, time and acid
treatment were studies for silica extraction. The silica was II. EXPERIMENTAL
characterized using various techniques including X-ray fluorescence, A. Raw Material Preparation
X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier
Sugarcane bagasse, from local market and bagasse ash from
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy method,. The synthesis conditions
were optimized to obtain the bagasse ash with the maximum silica sugarcane bagasse burnt in factory boilers, main raw
content. The silica content of 91.57 percent was achieved from materials, were used in this study. Before any treatment, the
heating of bagasse ash at 600°C for 3 hours under oxygen feeding sugarcane bagasse was dried, resized with refiner 2850 rpm
and HCl treatment. The result can be used as value added for bagasse (Condux type LHM 20/16, Condux-Werk, Wolfgang bei
ash utilization and minimize the environmental impact of disposal Hanau, Germany), and screened through a sieve of 20-mesh
problems. size for 2 hours to eliminate the larger bagasse size. Then the
pretreatment step with 1 M and 3 M hydrochloric acid of
Keywords—Bagasse ash, synthesis, silica, extraction, post- those samples at 100 °C for 2 hours was carried out. The
treatment. samples were washed with distilled water until neutral
condition (pH meter, METTLER TOLEDO) was achieved.
I. INTRODUCTION The samples were then dried in the oven (Memmert, UL 40,

B AGASSE is a cellulose fiber remaining after the

extraction of the sugar-bearing juice from sugarcane.
Biomass is an important source of energy in tropical countries
Germany). The acid treatment helped to dealuminate the
bagasse ash and to remove iron to the certain extent for
adjusting raw material quality. After acid treatments,
like Thailand [1, 4]. Bagasse ash is one of the biomass sugarcane bagasse and bagasse ash were treated in the furnace
sources and valuable byproducts in sugar milling that often (NABER 2804 Lilienthal Bremen Program Controller C8)
uses bagasse as a primary fuel source to supply all the needs under different temperatures at 600°C, 700 °C and 800°C and
different heating time of 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours without
of energy to move the plants. Burning bagasse as an energy
and with oxygen constantly flow rate feed to the furnace. The
source yields its ash, considered as a waste causing disposal
highly silica content from processing conditions was analyzed
problems [5]. It is well-known that bagasse ash is an
and reported using the characterization techniques to use as
alternative source of energy with high silica content [3, 5]. silica sources for silica compound synthesis.
Several studies have investigated bagasse ash potential
applications such as producing silica gel as adsorbent, raw B. Silica Characterization
material for ceramic, cements and concrete additives, catalyst, X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) Chemical
cosmetics, paint and coating, etc [2, 3, and 5]. based on its analysis was determined by using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF
characteristic. The silica contents of bagasse and its ash are HORIBA, MESA 500-WX-ray fluorescence spectrometry
varied depending on the type of soil and harvesting [2]. The with 15/50 keV X-ray tube. Quantitative analysis of silica
objectives of this work were to synthesize and characterize the content with no preparatory work such as calibration using
bagasse ash obtained under factory processing conditions. The standard samples and the pre-registration of a standard
effects of temperature and time of heating as well as the acid spectrum was performed.
treatments of sugar cane bagasse were determined.
X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) Phase identification of
silica extracted were determined by X-ray powder diffraction
Worathanakul P. is a lecturer and researcher with the Department of
Chemical Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North
Phillips PW 1830/40 was used to determine the samples, using
Bangkok, 1518 Pibulsongkram Road, Bangsue, Bangkok, 10800 Thailand (e- Cu-Kα1 radiation with λ = 1.5406 Å, generator tension 40 kV,
mail: patcharinw@ generator current 30 mV in the range 5-70° 2θ and at a rate of
Payubnop W. is a student in the Department of Chemical Engineering, 0.01°/min.
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.
Muangpet A. is a student in the Department of Chemical Engineering, King
Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2009

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Surface structure TABLE II

of the sample, shape and particle size were taken on scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) for three-dimensional appearance. Component Mass %
The powder sample was sprinkled on a carbon sticky tab of before acid treatment after acid treatment
aluminum specimen mount and coated with a nanometer-thick without O2 with O2 with oxygen
layer of gold (Au) using a sputter coater before being SiO2 29.849 75.142 89.037
K2O 23.99 0.902 2.134
examined and photographs SEMs. Phillips XL30 SEM with P2O5 12.043 1.200 1.687
15-20 kV energy) and the Edward Scancoat six sputter coater SO3 13.242 3.740 0.330
(Edwards Laboratories, Milpitas, CA) for sputtering Au were CaO 13.307 16.141 2.549
used to determine synthesized silica. Mn2O3 1.303 0.047 0.153
Fe2O3 1.812 1.413 1.969
Al2O3 1.262 0.613 0.791
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) The Other 3.192 0.802 0.791
surface chemical bonding was determined by Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, Perkin Elmer,
Spectrum One, USA). Diffuse reflectance infrared fourier C. Phase and Morphology Analysis
transform (DRIFT) technique was used for all samples to The result from 1 M and 3 M hydrochloric acid treatment
identify types of chemical bonds (functional groups). The experiment is presented in Fig. 1. From Fig. 1, it shows that
spectral resolution was 4 cm-1 and 256 scans were coded into XRD peaks at 2θ=20, and is obvious for 1 M acid treatment of
the mid infrared region (4000-400 cm-1) [6]. bagasse ash.


A. Effect of Temperature and Time

The silica content increased with increasing temperature
was shown in XRF result (Table I). The silica contents were
19.42%, 21.05% and 27.98% when the temperatures were
600°C, 700°C, and 800°C, respectively. The high temperature
helped eliminate impurities in bagasse ash as well. The result
from the heat treatment without oxygen feed at 800°C was
used to study further into the effect of heating time. For 3
hours holding time in furnace, silica content was slightly
increased to 29.85% as shown in Table I.

COMPOSITION OF BAGASSE ASH BEFORE ACID TREATMENT WITHOUT OXYGEN Fig. 1 Effect of acid concentration treatment on phase analysis
Mass% for 3 Moreover, the phase analysis was analyzed for the effect of
Component Mass% for 2 hours heating time hours heating time oxygen feeding and the result shows that the highly crystal
600 °C 700 °C 800 °C 800 °C
SiO2 19.417 21.053 27.979 29.849
phase of samples occurred in the presence of oxygen (Fig. 2).
K2O 35.036 30.499 24.301 23.990
P2O5 12.428 12.722 12.241 12.043
SO3 10.969 13.141 14.734 13.242
CaO 14.482 15.129 13.721 13.307
MgO 2.766 3.24 2.598 2.598
Mn2O3 1.236 1.338 1.332 1.303
Fe2O3 1.884 1.287 1.768 1.812
Al2O3 0.973 0.956 0.661 1.262
Other 0.809 0.635 0.665 0.594

B. Effect of Acid Treatment and Oxygen Feeding

However, in the presence of oxygen (95%) feed constant
flow rate and after acid treatment, the result shows the high
percentage of silica contents changed to 89.04% at 800°C for
3 hours of bagasse ash (Table II). Fig. 2 Comparison between bagasse ash with and without oxygen
feeding on phase analysis

Upon heating at 800°C for 3 hours, the morphology of

processed bagasse ash was observed as the spherical shape of

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 32 2009

silica particles and agglomerated as seen from SEM percent was achieved from heating of bagasse ash at 600°C
photograph in Fig. 3. for 3 hours under oxygen feeding and HCl treatment.

Silica has been successfully extracted from bagasse ash.
Mass compositions from XRF, XRD spectrum peak,
morphology and chemical bonding have been reported. The
highly silica content can be used for silica compound
preparation and can be minimize the environmental impact of
problems for bagasse ash disposal.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Faculty of
Engineering Research Fund No.1/2009, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology North Bangkok and E-Sann Sugar
Fig. 3 SEM of Bagasse ash under 800°C for 3 hours Company..

D. Chemical Bonding from FTIR
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Fig. 4 FTIR spectrum of bagasse ash under 800°C for 3 hours and
sodium silicate solution prepared

However, characterization of silica extracted was shown.

The condition for acid treatment is the main importance for
silica extraction; therefore the temperature of heating of 600
°C for 3 hours was successfully used instead of 800 °C for 3
hours for energy consumption. The silica content of 91.57


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