Ap Theory Lesson Plan 10-15-19
Ap Theory Lesson Plan 10-15-19
Ap Theory Lesson Plan 10-15-19
Goals and Objectives: Today we will continue to reinforce our sight-singing skills by reading through
another unison, level 2 sight singing example and jumping around on solfege. We will also do a harmonic
interval dictation to reinforce ear training. After sight-singing and dictation, we will begin Chapter 3,
section 1 of Tonal Harmony.
“I can” statements:
I can sight-sing a notated melody in a major key and simple meter based on my knowledge of
musical notation, terms, and intervals (College Board 3.D)
I can identify major, minor, diminished, and augmented triads written on the staff (College
Board 2.A)
I can hear and identify all intervals and major, minor, diminished, and augmented triads (College
Board 1.A)
Sight Reading Worksheet
Tonal Harmony textbook and workbook
White board/white board markers
Dry-erase Piano
Detailed Procedure:
o Students will use the sight-singing worksheet given to them
o Ask students to identify key signature, time signature
o Sing the major scale, tonicize, give them 1 minute to sing through it on their own
o Sing through together, remind students to conduct or keep steady tempo somewhere on
their body
o Identify and discuss any problematic spots and attempt again if necessary
o Solfege hopping
Write syllables on the board and jump around
Interval Dictation
o All 12 intervals, all starting from the same note
Have students identify type of interval, and write the top note (practice for
introduction of triads)
Introduction to Triads
o Go over root, third, and fifth terms
o Show relationship on the staff and piano
o Go over chord qualities by looking at the root and fifth first
Then add the thirds
o Talk about notation for chords (G, Gm, G+, G˚)
o Chord quality ear training
Play some of each type of chord and have students identify the chord quality
This will be an informal activity, worked through together, out loud (no written
work on this yet)
o Students complete Self-Test 1 (check them off as they finish)
Continue working on self-test and workbook homework (3-1) after lunch
Assessment: During the self-test time, I will go around and help students and answer questions where
necessary with help from Mrs. Campbell. After lunch, we will check for completion of the self-test (this
will be their participation grade for the day). Their homework for the day will be 3-1 in the workbook,
which we will check in the next class period. Informal assessment will take place throughout the class by
observing student’s successes and struggles as we work through the topic together.