Adina Modelisation
Adina Modelisation
Adina Modelisation
June 2018
ADINA R & D, Inc. owns both this software program system and its documentation. Both the program system and
the documentation are copyrighted with all rights reserved by
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ADINA R & D, Inc. makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied that the Program and its documentation
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All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright Notice
Table of Contents
● Corrected an issue of pressure load for 2D solid elements and shell element.
● Corrected an issue of output results as "NASTRAN OP2 File" for 2D solid elements.
● Switched default setting of "Time Integration Method" from " Newmark Method" to
"Bathe Method" in Dynamics-Implicit analysis of "Analysis Settings".
ADINA menu
● Added new “Output Requests” dialog. It allows you to output results in FEMAP
neutral file format or Nastran OP2 file format. Please note that only FEMAP neutral
file format is supported in ADINA CFD solutions.
● Added “Default Number of DOF for Shell Midsurface Nodes” in ADINA “Model
Settings” dialog.
● Added support of element release for bar and beam elements.
● Added the following two examples in chapter 5.
Example 8: 3D turbulent flow in a strongly curved channel
Example 9: Crushing of a crash tube with 3D-shell element
1. Introduction
TRANSOR for FEMAP is a graphical user interface between FEMAP and ADINA. It
allows users to use FEMAP for all their pre- and post-processing and use ADINA as the
solver. It is targeted to users who are familiar with the FEMAP environment but wish to
benefit from the powerful features of the ADINA solver.
TRANSOR for FEMAP is fully integrated within the FEMAP environment and
communicates with FEMAP using its Application Programming Interface (API). For pre-
processing, TRANSOR for FEMAP is activated inside a FEMAP session and it can
access the FEMAP database directly. For post-processing, TRANSOR for FEMAP can
convert the ADINA results to FEMAP neutral file or Nastran OP2 file which can be
imported into FEMAP directly.
If “Custom Tools” toolbar is not visible in the FEMAP main window, please activate it
using the Tools, Toolbars. menu.
For Windows Vista user, please run FEMAP by selecting “run application as
Administrator” inside Femap.exe before the above installation step.
After installation, two new menus named ADINA and ADINA CFD will be added to the
right of the Help menu in FEMAP with the following content:
Model Parameters
Bolt Settings
FSI Boundary Conditions
Initial Conditions
Model Settings
Analysis Parameters
Analysis Settings
General Solution Settings
Nonlinear Solution Settings
TMC Solution Settings
Output Requests
Load Results
User Guide
Model Parameters
Boundary Conditions
Initial Conditions
Analysis Parameters
Analysis Settings
General Solution Settings
CFD Analyze
FSI Analyze
Load Results
The “Model Settings” menu is used to input the settings that are part of the model, not the
solution. It includes element settings, material settings, contact settings, etc.
A degree of freedom not selected by this parameter is deleted from the entire model. The
default is for all degrees of freedom to be active.
Kinematics Settings
Small: small displacements and rotations are assumed.
Large: large displacements and rotations are assumed.
(Default is Small).
Small: small strains are assumed.
Large: large strains are assumed.
(Default is Small).
Note: Large strains are only admissible for element groups of type 2D solid, 3D solid and
shell with certain material models.
Large Strain Formulation: specifies the large strain formulation to be used for 2D solid,
3D solid and shell elements.
Default: ULH is used for implicit analysis and ULJ is used for explicit analysis.
ULH: updated Lagrangian Hencky formulation is used.
ULJ: updated Lagrangian Jaumann formulation is used.
Element Settings
Use Incompatible Modes: specifies whether incompatible modes are included in the
formulations of 4-node 2D and shell elements and 8-node 3D elements. (Default is
Automatic, which disables “Incompatible Modes” for explicit analysis, and otherwise
enables “Incompatible Modes”).
Material Settings
Mass matrix settings select the type of mass matrix to be used in implicit dynamic
analysis. For static analyses, the mass matrix type is used only in evaluating centrifugal
and mass-proportional loads. Note that lumped mass is always used in explicit analysis.
(Default is Consistent).
Rayleigh damping settings specify the coefficients which define a consistent damping
matrix C as a linear combination of the system mass matrix M and the system stiffness
matrix K.
Note: The specification of Rayleigh damping is ignored for both a frequency analysis and
a mode superposition analysis.
Other Settings
Bolt Force Increments: specifies the number of steps to iterate for calculation of bolt
force. (Default is 1).
Rigid Link Displacement: specifies the kinematic formulation for rigid link.
Default: As set by “Kinematics Settings”.
Small: Small displacement formulation.
Large: Large displacement formulation.
Shell Settings
Shell Thickness Integration Type: specifies the type of numerical integration through
the shell thickness. (Default is Gauss Integration).
Shell Thickness Integration Order: specifies the integration order through the shell
thickness. (Default is 2 for Gauss Integration; 5 for Newton-Cotes and Trapezoidal
Stiffness Factor for Nodes with Zero Drilling Stiffness: assigns drilling stiffness to
rotational degrees of freedom with zero stiffness associated with shell nodes connected to
beams, rigid links, etc. The actual stiffness used is obtained by multiplying this factor by
the rotational stiffness at the shell nodes. (Default is 0.0001).
Default Number of DOF for Shell Midsurface Nodes: specifies the default number of
degrees of freedom to be associated with shell midsurface nodes. (Default is Automatic).
5: shell midsurface nodes will have 3 translation degrees of freedom (global or skew)
together with two rotation degrees of freedom corresponding to a local midsurface
coordinate system.
6: shell midsurface nodes will have 3 translation and 3 rotation degrees of freedom
corresponding to the global or assigned skew system.
Include Warping Rotation DOF: indicates whether to include warping rotation degree
of freedom in 3D-shell elements. (Default is unchecked).
Use Tying to Prevent Locking: indicates whether to use tying in 3D-shell elements for
locking prevention. (Default is checked).
Number of u/p DOFs in R-S Plane: specifies the number of pressure degree of freedom
used in the u/p formulation in r-s plane of 3D-shell elements. (Default is Automatic).
Contact Settings
No. of Iterations to Pairing Contact Node to Target Segment: indicates the number of
iterations for which previous target segments are stored for contactor nodes in order to
suppress oscillation between adjacent segments. Such oscillation can occur when a
contactor node approaches the junction between two adjacent target segments. The
default value is zero, which indicates that no such checking and associated storage are
required. When the number of iterations is larger than zero, it allows such oscillation to
be detected and eliminated.
1. The maximum number of iterations is 99.
2. This parameter has no effect if the node-to-node contact algorithm is used.
3. This parameter should be less than the maximum number of equilibrium iterations.
Use Automatic Orientation of Contact Surfaces: indicates whether the contact surface
orientations are determined by ADINA. That is important in contact analysis involving
shells or rigid contact surfaces. In these cases the user had the burden to determine which
is the proper contact side. The automatic determination will be based on individual
contact pairs. (Default is unchecked).
Convert Elements from 8/20 Nodes to 9/27 Nodes: indicates whether to convert 8-node
to 9-node quadrilateral elements and 20-node to 27-node brick elements. (Default is
Assign Skew System to Created Nodes: indicates whether skew system is assigned to
newly created nodes if all other nodes on the element face are assigned a skew system.
(Default is unchecked).
Assign Loads and Initial Conditions to Created Nodes: indicates whether existing
nodal-based prescribed loads (e.g., displacement, temperature, velocity) and initial
conditions are applied on the newly created nodes. (Default is unchecked).
Check Nodal Coincidence against All Nodes: indicates whether nodal coincidence is
checked with newly generated nodes or all existing nodes. When a node already exists at
a location, no new node will be created. (Default is unchecked).
The ”Bolt Settings” menu is used to define global and local options of ADINA 3D-bolt
element, 3D-bolt planes and bolt loading sequence tables.
Bolt Options
Apply to: property ID for the desired solid elements to be used as 3D-bolt element. Note
that each 3D-bolt in the FEMAP model should be modeled with a separate property. It is
not allowed to model multiple bolts with the same property.
Bolt Tolerance: tolerance used to determine if the bolt equation is converged. = 0.0
means that the default bolt tolerance from the “Bolt Tolerance” under “Global Bolt
Options” is used. (Default is 0.0).
3D-Bolt Plane No.: specifies the bolt plane for 3D-bolt elements. The bolt plane gives
the bolt direction as well as the approximate location of the bolt split. It is allowed to set
“3D-Bolt Plane No.” = 0. In this case ADINA AUI automatically determines the bolt
direction and bolt split. (Default is 0).
Using Bolt Load Sequence Table: indicates whether bolt tables are used to specify the
bolt loading sequence. (Default is unchecked).
Type of Bolt: specifies the type of bolt. (Default is Force Tensioning Bolt).
Bolt Load Applied at Time: specifies bolt time. Not used if “Using Bolt Load Sequence
Table” is checked. (Default is 0.0).
Bolt Tolerance: specifies the default bolt convergence tolerance. A different tolerance
value may be specified for a bolt under “Local Bolt Options”. (Default is 0.01).
Stabilization Factor for 3D-Bolt: for 3D-bolt elements, it is the factor that stabilizes the
bolt when either end of the bolt is unsupported. (Default is 0.0).
3D-Bolt Planes
Define by: the option used to define the bolt plane. (Default is “X-Plane”).
Point 1: the first geometry point used to define the bolt plane. When “Defined by” is
“One Point, Auto Normal” or “One Point, Normal”, “Point 1” is the geometry point used
to define the bolt plane.
Point 2: when “Defined by” is “Two Points”, “Point 2” is the second geometry point
used to define the bolt plane. The bolt direction is parallel to the vector from “Point 1” to
“Point 2”.
Node 1: when “Defined by” is “Two Nodes”, “Node 1” is the first node used to define
the bolt-plane. When “Defined by” is “One Node, Auto Normal” or “One Node,
Normal”, “Node 1” is the node used to define the bolt plane.
Node 2: when “Defined by” is “Two Nodes”, “Node 2” is the second node used to define
the bolt plane. The bolt direction is parallel to the vector from “Node 1” to “Node 2”.
Coordinate Value: the coordinate value of the plane when “Defined by” is “X-Plane”,
“Y-Plane” or “Z-Plane”. (Default is 0.0).
Factor Value: the factor used when “Defined by” is “Two Points”or “Two Nodes”.
When “Factor Value” = 0.0, the bolt plane goes through “Point 1” or “Node 1”; when
“Factor Value” = 1.0, the bolt plane goes through “Point 2” or “Node 2”. (Default is 0.5).
X: When “Defined by” is “One Point, Normal” or “One Node, Normal”, “X” is the X-
component of the vector normal to the bolt plane (the bolt direction). (Default is 1.0).
Y: when “Defined by” is “One Point, Normal” or “One Node, Normal”, “Y” is the Y-
component of the vector normal to the bolt plane (the bolt direction). (Default is 0.0).
Z: when “Defined by” is “One Point, Normal” or “One Node, Normal”, “Z” is the Z-
component of the vector normal to the bolt plane (the bolt direction). (Default is 0.0).
Type of Bolt: specifies the type of bolt. (Defaut is “Force Tensioning Bolt).
The “FSI Boundary Conditions” menu provides the definition of fluid-structure interface
for ADINA Structures. The FSI boundary conditions can be applied to curve/element
edge for 2D model and surface/element face for 3D model.
In the “Initial Conditions” menu all the user defined load sets in FEMAP appear in the
drop-down list. The user can pick one of them to use for initial conditions.
The “Analysis Settings” menu is used to set all analysis specific input required for
ADINA Structures. It includes detailed settings for static, implicit dynamic, explicit
dynamic, frequency, modal superposition and collapse analyses.
ATS Scheme: selects a method of automatic incrementation control during analysis, such
as Automatic Time Stepping (ATS), Total Load Application (TLA), and TLA with
Stabilization (TLA-S). (Default is Automatic Time Stepping (ATS)).
ATS Settings
Max Time Step Factor: a factor that limits the maximum time step that can be attained
during analysis. (Default is 3.0).
Factor for Dividing Time Step: specifies the division factor used to calculate time step
subincrements. (Default is 2.0).
For Next Time Step: indicates whether the original time step, attempted before ATS
subdivision occurred, will be used again for the next time step after convergence.
(Default is “Determined by ADINA”).
TLA Settings
Number of Time Steps: specifies the number of time steps to use for the solution.
(Default is 50).
TLA-S Settings
Stiffness Matrix Stabilization Factor: specifies the stiffness matrix stabilization factor.
(Default is 1.0E-10).
Low-Speed Dynamics Inertia Factor: specifies the low-speed dynamics inertia factor.
(Default is 1.0).
Contact Damping Factor: specifies the contact damping factor. (Default is 1.0E-3).
Model Stabilization
Use Low-Speed Dynamics: indicates whether or not the low-speed dynamics option is to
be used. (Default is unchecked).
Low-Speed Dynamics Inertia Factor: specifies the low-speed dynamics inertia factor.
(Default is 1.0).
Stiffness Matrix Stabilization: sets the option to stabilize the stiffness matrix. (Default
is No).
Stabilization Factor: specifies the stiffness matrix stabilization factor. (Default is 1.0E-
Contact Damping
Apply Contact Damping: indicates whether damping stabilization is applied for contact
analysis. (Default is No).
Note: Refer to the ADINA manuals for more information on these options.
ATS Settings
Max Time Step Factor: a factor that limits the maximum time step that can be attained
during analysis. (Default is 3.0).
Factor for Dividing Time Step: specifies the division factor used to calculate time step
subincrements. (Default is 2.0).
Method: selects the method to be used for direct time integration. (Default is Bathe).
Delta: coefficient for the Newmark method. (Default is 0.5 and Delta ≥ 0.5).
Alpha: coefficient for the Newmark method. (Default is 0.25 and Alpha > 0.0).
Gamma: coefficient for the Bathe-Composite method. (Default is 0.5 and 0.0 < Gamma
< 1.0).
Contact Damping
Apply Contact Damping: indicates whether damping stabilization is applied for contact
analysis. (Default is No).
Time Step: indicates the method of time step selection for explicit analysis. (Default is
“Automatic (Use Total Time Specified)”).
Time Step Magnitude Update Frequency: defines how often the time step magnitude is
updated in explicit analysis. (Default is 1.0).
Time Step Magnitude Scaling Factor: factor used to scale the calculated time step in
explicit analysis. (Default is 0.0).
Global Mass Scaling Factor: specifies the factor to scale the mass (densities) of the
entire model (at the beginning of the analysis) to increase the critical time step size
required for stability when the explicit time integration scheme is used. (Default is 1.0).
Minimum Time Step (Mass Scaling): specifies the minimum time step size used to
determine if mass scaling will be applied to elements (at the beginning of the analysis).
(Default is 0.0).
Minimum Time Step (Element Removal): specifies the minimum time step size used to
determine if an element will be removed in an explicit time integration analysis. (Default
is 0.0).
Solution Method
Specifies the method of frequency calculation. (Default is Subspace Iteration).
Output Settings
Calculated Modal Stresses: indicates whether or not to calculate modal stresses for post-
processing. (Default is unchecked).
Use Shifting Procedure: specifies whether to use automatic shifting procedure for the
Lanczos iteration method. When the number of frequencies to be calculated is large,
using the automatic shifting procedure can reduce the computation time significantly.
(Default is Automatic).
No. of Frequencies per Shift: specifies the number of frequencies to be calculated for
each shift in the Lanczos iteration method. (Default is 50).
Frequency Range
Lower Bound: indicates the lower bound frequency (radians/time) of the interval in
which the subspace iteration method and the Lanczos iteration method calculate the
lowest frequencies. (Default is 0.0).
Upper Bound: indicates the upper bound frequency (radians/time) of the interval in
which the subspace iteration method and the Lanczos iteration method calculate the
lowest frequencies. (Default is “Cutoff Circular Frequency”).
Frequencies/Mode Shapes
Solution Settings
Allow Rigid Body Mode: specifies whether or not rigid body modes are allowed. Should
be used when the lowest frequency may be zero, or any part of the model may be
insufficiently supported. (Default is unchecked).
Rigid Body Mode Shift: indicates the rigid body mode shift to be applied when “Allow
Rigid Body Mode” is checked. (Default is 0.0, and this will result in a value being
automatically determined by the analysis program).
Max. Number of Iterations per Eigenpair: specifies the maximum number of iterations
per eigenpair (frequency, mode shape) allowed during solution. (Default is 24).
Subspace Settings
Use Acceleration Scheme: specifies whether or not acceleration schemes (shifting and
overrelaxation) are to be employed during subspace iteration. (Default is unchecked).
No. of Iteration Vectors Used Simultaneously: indicates the number of iteration vectors
to be used simultaneously by the subspace iteration method. (Default equals the min(2 *
“Number of Frequencies/Mode Shapes”, “Number of Frequencies/Mode Shapes” + 8) if
“Calculated Frequency in an Interval” is checked. Default is 16 if “Calculated Frequency
in an Interval” is unchecked).
Convergence Tolerance: indicates the convergence tolerance used by the subspace and
the Lanczos iteration methods in the iteration for frequency values. (Default is 1.0E-6 if
“Calculated Frequency in an Interval” is unchecked and “Subspace Iteration” method is
used. Default is 1.0E-10 if “Calculated Frequency in an Interval” is checked and
“Subspace Iteration” method is used. Default is 1.0E-9 if “Lanczos Iteration” method is
Starting Vectors: specifies the method of generating starting vectors for the subspace
iteration method. (Default is Lanczos).
Calculate Frequencies & Mode Shapes: indicates that ADINA Structures is to first
perform a frequency analysis (in the same run). (Default is checked).
Read from File (<problem filename>.mds): indicates that the frequencies and mode
shapes are assumed available, on file, from a previous analysis. (Default is unchecked).
Number of Modes to Use: specifies the number of modes for a mode superposition
analysis. (Default is 0).
All other explanations for this dialog box are the same as “Frequency/Mode Analysis
Settings” in section
Point: The label number of a geometry point at which a displacement for the first
solution step is prescribed. Note that a node will have to be defined at the point location.
Node: the label number of a node at which a displacement for the first solution step is
Degree of Freedom: indicates which degree of freedom at the requested point or node
has the prescribed value given by parameter “Displacement”. “Degree of Freedom” refers
to the degree of freedom system (global or skew) at the point or node. (Default is X-
Displacement: the prescribed displacement for the “Degree of Freedom” at the point or
node for the first solution step. The value input influences the establishment of successive
equilibrium positions using the collapse analysis. In particular, the sign
(positive/negative) of the value often plays a critical role. (Please see ADINA Theory and
Modeling Guide for further details).
Temperature Load: indicates whether temperature loads are treated as constant or time-
dependent. The parameter is only used if temperatures are applied on the model or if any
of the model materials require temperature input. (Default is Constant).
Solution Options
Print the Reference Load Vector: determines whether or not the reference load vector
corresponding to all mechanical loads is printed during analysis. (Default is No).
Continue after First Critical Point is reached: determines whether or not the solution
is terminated when the first critical point on the equilibrium path is reached. (Default is
Maximum Displacement
The “General Solution Settings” menu provides the settings that are part of the solution
process for both linear and nonlinear analysis. It mainly includes time steps, solver, and
restart analysis options.
Solution Start Time: specifies the solution start time. For a restart run it must equal a
solution time at which data was saved from a previous run. (Default is 0.0).
Equation Solver: selects the type of solution algorithm used to solve the equilibrium
equation system. (Default is Sparse Solver).
Solver Settings: defines control data for the iterative solution of the matrix system of
equilibrium equations.
Max Iterations: specifies the maximum number of iterations for the iterative solver to
converge. (Default is 200 for a 3D-Iterative solver; 1000 for a Multigrid solver).
Epsilon a Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver.
(Default is 1.0E-6).
Epsilon b Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver.
(Default is 1.0E-4).
Epsilon i Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver. (Default
is 1.0E-8).
Shift Factor: factor used to make preconditioning more effective within the iterative
solver. Values of Shift Factor greater than 1.0 makes the preconditioning matrix more
diagonally dominant. (Not used for the 3D-Iterative solver. Default is 1.0).
Note 1: For the 3D-Iterative solver, only “Epsilon b Tolerance” is used in the
convergence checking.
Note 2: Refer to the ADINA manuals for more information on these options.
Solution Diagnostics
Solution diagnostics provides diagnostic information to the user about the progress of
solution, the mesh, the analysis settings or results.
Related to Contact: diagnostics of contact definitions (at the start of solution). (Default
is Detailed).
Number of Steps to Save in the Restart File: specifies the number of solution time
steps to save in the restart file. Assume the value of this parameter is N, then
When N = 1, the number of steps saved in the restart file is dictated by “Frequency of
Saving to Restart File” (see below).
When N > 1, the number of steps saved in the restart file is limited to N.
(Default is 1).
When N = 0, “Frequency of Saving to Restart File” is set to the “Number of Steps” in the
first “Time Steps” block when explicit time integration is used; set to 1 otherwise.
When N > 0, restart file is overwritten every Nth time steps.
When N < 0, restart file is appended every Nth time steps.
(Default is 0).
Current <problem filename>.res: uses the current <problem filename>.res as the restart
file. (Default is checked).
Time Steps
Defines a time step sequence which controls the time/load-step incrementation during
analysis. The sequence is defined as a number of periods for which a given number of
constant time steps is specified.
Number of Steps: indicates the number of steps to be taken in a time step sequence
period. (Default is 1).
Time Increment: indicates the constant time step magnitude, in time units, for a time
step sequence period. (Default is 1.0).
The “Nonlinear Solution Settings” menu provides the settings that are specific to
nonlinear analysis. It mainly includes iteration scheme and convergence tolerance
ADINA Structures will terminate execution if this maximum number is reached without
achieving convergence, unless the automatic time stepping (ATS) option has been
enabled, whereby the time step is subdivided a given number of times to try to reach
Use of Line Search: sets the use of line searches within the iteration scheme. (Default is
Energy Threshold: specifies the line search energy threshold. This parameter is only
used if line search is activated (e.g., when “Use of Line Search” is YES). During each
equilibrium iteration, if the unbalanced energy is less than Energy Threshold, no line
search will be performed. (Default is 0.0, Energy Threshold 0.0).
Lower Bound: indicates the lower bound for line search. (Default is 0.001, 0.0 ≤ Lower
Bound < 1.0).
Upper Bound: indicates the upper bound for line search. (If there is contact, the default
is 1.0; otherwise, the default is 8.0. Upper Bound ≥ 1.0).
Plastic Algorithm Used in Large Strain: sets the algorithm used in plasticity. Type 1
plastic algorithm is the original algorithm and type 2 plastic algorithm is a modified
algorithm. (Default is Type 1).
This parameter is used for implicit time integration (static or dynamic), and 3D solid
elements or shell elements under the following conditions:
For a given load step size, convergence is affected by this parameter. If the iterations do
not converge with type 1 plastic algorithm because the Jacobian determinant in the
elements becomes non-positive, switching to type 2 plastic algorithm can sometimes
obtain convergence. Hence type 2 plastic algorithm allows larger load steps than type 1
plastic algorithm, in general. But if the iterations already converge with type 1 plastic
algorithm, switching to type 2 plastic algorithm slows down convergence.
The typical use of type 2 plastic algorithm is in metal forming. In metal forming, the
metal being formed is typically very thin and modeled either with shell elements or with
thin 3D elements. Type 2 plastic algorithm allows large load steps, and hence fewer load
steps, to obtain the solution.
Convergence Criteria: selects the convergence criteria to be used, and thereby which of
the other parameters are considered. (Default is Energy).
Contact Force Tolerance: specifies the relative contact force tolerance. (Default is
Min Reference Contact Force: specifies the reference contact force. (Default is 0.01).
Displacement Tolerances
Reference Translation: specifies the reference translation. Default of 0.0 means the
program will calculate the reference value.
Reference Rotation: specifies the reference rotation. Default of 0.0 means the program
will calculate the reference value.
Force Tolerances
Force/Moment Tolerance: specifies the relative force and moment tolerance. (Default is
Reference Force: specifies the reference force. Default of 0.0 means the program will
calculate the reference value.
Reference Moment: specifies the reference moment. Default of 0.0 means the program
will calculate the reference value.
Note: Refer to the ADINA manuals for more information on these options.
Type of Solutions: specifies whether the model contains thermal properties and the type
of thermal-mechanical coupling analysis. (Default is Structure Only).
TMC One-Way Coupling: the program performs first a heat transfer step to calculate
temperatures, then a stress/displacement (mechanical) step. Note that the heat transfer
step size can be different than the mechanical step size. Also, heat transfer can be a
transient analysis and mechanical analysis can be a static analysis (or any combination
Heat Transfer Only: the program ignores any structural loads and boundary conditions
and performs a pure heat transfer analysis.
Analysis Type: selects the type of heat transfer analysis to be performed. (Default is
Steady State Analysis).
Solution Start Time: start time of the heat transfer solution. (Default is Same As
Structure Analysis).
Time Step: specifies the time step for heat transfer analysis. (Default is Same As
Structure Analysis).
Equation Solver: selects the type of solution algorithm used to solve the equilibrium
equation system. (Default is Sparse Solver).
Max Iterations: specifies the maximum number of iterations for the iterative solver to
converge. (Default is 1000 for Iterative Solver).
Epsilon a Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver.
(Default is 1.0E-6).
Epsilon b Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver.
(Default is 1.0E-4).
Epsilon i Tolerance: specifies the convergence tolerance for the iterative solver. (Default
is 1.0E-8).
Shift Factor: factor used to make preconditioning more effective within the iterative
solver. Values of Shift Factor greater than 1.0 makes the preconditioning matrix more
diagonally dominant. (Not used for the 3D-Iterative solver. Default is 1.0).
Use Line Search: uses of line searches within the iteration scheme. (Default is No).
Max. No. of Iterations within each Time Step: maximum number of iterations within a
time step. (Default is 15).
Max. No. of Time Steps between Matrices Reformation: maximum number of time
steps between reforming conductivity, heat capacity, convection and radiation matrices.
(Default is 1).
Max. No. of Time Steps between Equilibrium Iterations: maximum number of time
steps between equilibrium iterations. (Default is 1).
Tolerance for TMC Convergence: iteration tolerance. (Default is 0.0 which means
Tolerance for TMC Convergence is the same as Tolerance for Temperature
Time Integration Method: time integration method used in transient analysis. (Default
is Euler Backward Integration).
Heat Capacity Matrix: selects the type of heat capacity matrix to be used in transient
analysis. (Default is Consistent Matrix).
Time Integration Parameter (GAMMA): coefficient used for the Bathe time
integration method. (Default is 0.5).
Max. Subdivisions Allowed: Specifies the maximum permitted subdivision of any given
timestep when Automatic Time Stepping (ATS) Scheme is on. (Default is 10).
Use Corner Nodes for Heat Flow Solution: specifies temperature interpolation using all
element nodes or corner nodes only. (Default is No).
Use Cutoff Temperature: specifies whether temperature is cut-off above input cut-off
value. (Default is No and default cut-off value is 1.0E30).
The “Output requests” menu provides options of using FEMAP neutral file or Nastran
OP2 file to output results.
Output Results: specifies the output results in FEMAP neutral file or Nastran OP2 file.
(Default is FEMAP neutral file).
Under the “Analyze” menu the user can specify the job name and heading. This menu
also provides the memory, processor and model type settings. The “Create .in file” button
will generate ADINA Structures .in file (ADINA-IN batch command input). The “Create
.dat file” button will generate ADINA Structures .dat file (analysis data). The “Run
model” button will run the job with ADINA Structures analysis.
Job Name: specifies ADINA .in file as the job name. The default is the current model’s
name. The user can change the default job name or its directory by using the “Select a
folder” button.
System Info...: shows the number of processors on the machine, the total physical
memory (RAM), the available physical memory, and “Max. Memory for Solution” used
if the toggle Automatic is checked.
Automatic: when this option is selected, the “Max. Memory for Solution” is set to the
80% of total physical memory. The amount of physical memory (RAM) on the system
can be checked by clicking on the “System Info …” button. (Default is unchecked).
Max. Memory for Solution: specifies the maximum memory to be used for the solution.
It includes the memory allocated for data storage and the memory used by the sparse
solver. (Default is 0, the program will try to allocate as much memory as required by the
sparse solver for an in-core solution).
Memory for Sparse Solver: specifies the maximum memory to be used for the sparse
solver. (Default is 0, the program will try to allocate as much memory as required by the
sparse solver for an in-core solution).
Memory for Storing Model Data: specifies the amount of memory that the program can
use to store matrix and element information. If the sparse solver is used in the solution,
additional memory will be allocated by the program for the sparse solver on top of this
memory allocation. (Default is 16 MB).
ADINA-AUI Memory: specifies the amount of memory to be allocated for the AUI
program. (Default is 16 MB).
Output ADINA Input File in Interactive Mode: when this option is selected, the user
can use ADINA AUI to read the input file for further interactive processing. (Default is
The “Load Results” menu loads the analysis results in FEMAP neutral file format or
Nastran OP2 file format.
The “User Guide” menu loads the user guide of TRANSOR for FEMAP.
The “About” menu shows the version information of TRANSOR for FEMAP.
The “Materials” menu defines the material with constant properties and the turbulence K-
Epsilon material for ADINA CFD. However, a dummy material with the same material
number needs to be defined in FEMAP. TRANSOR for FEMAP will replace the dummy
material with the fluid material during the analysis.
Specific Heat: specifies the specific heat at constant pressure. (Default is 0.0).
Fluid Bulk Modulus: specifies the fluid bulk modulus. (Default is 1.0E20).
Specific Heat at Constant Volume: specifies the specific heat at constant volume.
(Default is 0.0).
Rate of Heat Generated/Unit Volume: specifies the rate of heat generated per unit
volume. (Default is 0.0).
Specific Heat: specifies the specific heat at constant pressure. (Default is 0.0).
Fluid Bulk Modulus: specifies the fluid bulk modulus. (Default is 1.0E20).
Specific Heat at Constant Volume: specifies the specific heat at constant volume.
(Default is 0.0).
Rate of Heat Generated/Unit Volume: specifies the rate of heat generated per unit
volume. (Default is 0.0).
Type: indicates whether the standard or the renormalization group (RNG) K-Epsilon
model is to be utilized. (Default is Standard).
Von Karman Constant: specifies the Von Karman constant . (Default is 0.4).
Two-Layer Model
Use Two-Layer Zonal Model: selects the type of constants input for the two-layer zonal
model. (Default is OFF).
cl: specifies a constant for internal flows in the two-layer zonal model. (Default is 2.43).
Am: specifies a constant for internal flows in the two-layer zonal model. (Default is 100).
Ae: specifies a constant for internal flows in the two-layer zonal model. (Default is 100).
Note 1: This dialog is activated when Turbulent K-Epsilon flow model is selected under
the “Flow Assumptions” tab of ADINA CFD “Analysis Settings” menu.
Note 2: Refer to the ADINA manuals for more information on these options.
The “Boundary Conditions” menu is used to define the wall, fluid-structure interaction
(FSI), boundary pressure, fixed pressure, inlet velocity and inlet turbulence boundary
conditions for ADINA CFD analysis. The wall, FSI, and boundary pressure boundary
conditions can be applied to curve or element in 2D model, and to surface or element in
3D model. The fixed pressure, inlet velocity and inlet turbulence boundary conditions can
be applied to point, curve, surface or node in both 2D and 3D models.
Tangential / AngularVelocity
Time Function: specifies the time function of the tangential velocity or angular velocity.
(Default is 0).
Normal to Plane formed by Boundary Normal and Tangent: specifies the normal
direction of the plane determined by the boundary normal and tangential directions using
the right-hand rule. Values are specified in the global coordinate system. (Default is
X=1.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0).
Position of Origin of Rotation: specifies the global coordinates of the origin of the axis
of rotation. (Default is X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0).
Slip Condition: specifies the slip coefficient. When “Slip Condition” is No, the slip
coefficient is 0.0 which indicates a "no-slip" condition. When “Slip Condition” is Yes,
the slip coefficient is 1.0. (Default is No).
Thermal Condition
Type: specifies the type of thermal condition on the wall. (Default is Local Heat Flux).
Local Heat Flux: the heat flux on the wall that is specified by the Value parameter within
this command.
Local Temperature: the temperature on the wall that is specified by the Value parameter
within this command.
Global: thermal condition is specified at the global level.
Value: specifies the temperature or heat flux on the wall. (Default is 0.0).
Time Function: specifies the time function of the temperature or heat flux on the wall.
(Default is 0).
Note: A fluid-structure boundary with the specified number must be defined in the
ADINA Structures model.
All other explanations for this dialog box are the same as the “Wall Boundary Condition”
dialog box.
Time Function: specifies the time function of the boundary pressure. (Default is 0).
Time Function: specifies the time function of the fixed pressure. (Default is 0).
Inlet Velocity X: prescribes a value for the X-velocity degree of freedom. The special
value Free may be given, indicating that the degree of freedom is not to be prescribed.
(Default is Free).
Inlet Velocity Y: prescribes a value for the Y-velocity degree of freedom. The special
value Free may be given, indicating that the degree of freedom is not to be prescribed.
(Default is Free).
Inlet Velocity Z: prescribes a value for the Z-velocity degree of freedom. The special
value Free may be given, indicating that the degree of freedom is not to be prescribed.
(Default is Free).
Time Function: specifies the time function of the inlet velocity. (Default is 0).
Load Values: indicates whether the turbulence loads, Kinetic-Energy and Energy
Dissipation, are input directly or computed from other (more physical) quantities,
namely, the turbulence intensity, the velocity at the boundary and the dissipation length
scale. (Default is Direct Input).
Time Function: specifies the time function of Load Values. (Default is 0).
Prescribed Value for Kinetic-Energy: prescribes a value for the kinetic-energy degree
of freedom. The special value Free may be given, indicating that the degree of freedom is
not to be prescribed. (Default is Free).
Prescribed Value for Rate of Energy Dissipation: prescribes a value for the rate of
energy dissipation degree of freedom. The special value Free may be given, indicating
that the degree of freedom is not to be prescribed. (Default is Free).
Mean Velocity at Boundary: specifies the mean time-averaged velocity at the boundary.
(Default is 0.0, 0.0 ≤ Mean Velocity at Boundary ≤ 1.0E8).
Dissipation Length Scale: specifies the dissipation length scale such as the hydraulic
diameter in internal flows. (Default is 1.0, 1.0E-8 ≤ Dissipation Length Scale ≤ 1.0E8).
Note: The Turbulence Intensity, Mean Velocity at Boundary and Dissipation Length
Scale are only active when Load Values is Computed or Compute K only or Compute
E/w only.
The “Initial Conditions” menu is used to define the initial velocity, initial pressure, initial
temperature and initial turbulence for ADINA CFD analysis. The initial conditions can be
applied to a surface in a 2D model, and to a solid or volume in a 3D model.
Initial Condition Type: defines an initial condition and assigns it to geometry entities.
Turbulence: specifies initial K-Energy and E-Dissipation. (Defaults are K-Energy = 0.0,
E-Dissipation = 0.0).
The “Analysis Settings” menu is used to set all analysis specific input required for
ADINA CFD. It includes detail settings for analysis type, flow assumptions, FSI and
Analysis Type
Transient Analysis:
Defines the time integration parameters for a transient flow analysis.
Integration Method: this option chooses between the first order Euler method or the
second order Runge-Kutta method (ADINA composite scheme). (Default is Euler).
Integration Parameter: specifies the time integration parameter for implicit time
stepping. When the Integration Parameter is 0.5 it corresponds to the trapezoidal rule, and
a value of 1.0 corresponds to the Euler backward integration. (Default is 1.0 for Euler;
2 2 for Composite).
Note: For both the Euler and Composite methods, the user can choose the Integration
Parameter as follows.
ATS Scheme: enables automatic incrementation control during the analysis. (Default is
Flow Assumptions
Flow Dimension: indicates the fluid flow dimension. (Default is General 3D).
Includes Heat Transfer: indicates whether the heat transfer analysis is included.
(Default is checked).
FSI Coupling: specifies the coupling for FSI problems. (Default is No).
Equation Solver: selects the type of solution algorithm used to solve the equilibrium
equation system. (Default is Sparse for FCBI elements; default is AMG1 for FCBI-C
Note: The selection between FCBI and FCBI-C elements is under the ADINA CFD
“General Solution Settings” menu.
Max Number of Iterations: specifies the maximum number of iterations within a time
step. ADINA-CFD will terminate execution if this maximum number is reached without
achieving convergence. (Default is 15).
Relaxation Factors in Outer Iteration: defines the control data for outer iteration
Reduction Numbers in Inner Iteration: defines the control data for inner iteration
The “General Solution Settings” menu provides the settings that are part of the solution
process. It mainly includes time steps, non-dimensional analysis settings, and restart
analysis options.
Solution Start Time: specifies the solution start time. For a restart run it must equal a
solution time at which data was saved from a previous run. (Default is 0.0).
Coordinates of the Length Datum: specifies the coordinates of the length datum for the
X, Y and Z directions. (Default is X=0.0, Y=0.0, Z=0.0).
Specific Heat Scale: specifies the specific heat scale. (Default is 1.0).
Restart Previous Analysis: when checked ADINA CFD performs a restart analysis,
reading data from a previous run, verifies the data and executes. (Default is unchecked).
Save Restart Info. for Last [ ] Results Save Steps: controls the saving of restart data.
Assume the value of this parameter is N, then the restart data is saved at the last N times
when porthole data is saved. (Default is 1).
For example, if a user requests to save results at every other time step, and the total
number of solution time steps is 11, then the porthole data will be saved at steps 1, 3, 5, 7,
9, and 11. Setting N = 3 will result in restart data saved at steps 7, 9, and 11.
Current <problem filename>.res: uses the current <problem filename>.res as the restart
file. (Default is checked).
Element Formulation
Time Steps
Defines a time step sequence which controls the time/load-step incrementation during
analysis. The sequence is defined as a number of periods for which a given number of
constant time steps is specified.
Time Increment: indicates the constant time step magnitude, in time units, for a time
step sequence period. (Default is 1.0).
Output Interval: controls the output time steps at which results are saved on the FEMAP
neutral file. Assume the value of this parameter is N, then every N-th step will be saved
for output. (Default is 1.0).
Under the “CFD Analyze” menu the user can specify the job name and heading. This
menu also provides the memory and processor settings. The “Create .in file” button will
generate ADINA CFD .in file (ADINA-IN batch command input). The “Create .dat file”
button will generate ADINA CFD .dat file (analysis data). The “Run model” button will
run the job with ADINA CFD analysis.
Job Name: specifies ADINA CFD .in file as the job name. The default is the current
model’s name. The user can change the default job name or its directory by using the
“Select a folder” button. Please note that the directory name contains a dot “.” is not
supported in the “ADINA CFD Analyze” menu.
Heading: specifies a title for the problem. (No more than 256 characters are permitted).
System Info...: shows the number of processors on the machine, the total physical
memory (RAM), the available physical memory, and “Max. Memory for Solution” used
if the toggle Automatic is checked.
All other explanations for this dialog box are the same as ADINA “Analyze” menu in
section 1.2.10.
Under the “FSI Analyze” menu the user can specify the necessary job names. This menu
also provides the memory and processor settings. The “Run model” button will run the
job with ADINA FSI analysis.
Currently, only one-way FSI is supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP. In one-way FSI the
fluid analysis is run first and the fluid stresses acting on the structure are saved in a file
(with .fsi extension). Next, the structural analysis is run and the program reads the fluid
stresses from the .fsi file as loads on the structure, resulting in the structural deformations
and stresses.
ADINA Input File: specifies an ADINA Structures .dat file (analysis data).
ADINA CFD Input File: specifies an ADINA CFD .dat file (analysis data). Please note
that the directory name of “ADINA CFD Input File” contains a dot “.” is not supported.
Run: selects whether to run a normal FSI analysis, fluid analysis only, or structural
analysis only.
Fluid Only: runs fluid analysis only. When running fluid only, both the fluid and structure
.dat files must be specified.
All other explanations for this dialog box are the same as ADINA “Analyze” menu in
section 1.2.10.
The “Load Results” menu loads the analysis results in FEMAP neutral file format.
FEMAP Neutral File: specifies the FEMAP neutral file for post-processing. (Default is
the current model’s name).
This chapter discusses how the FEMAP features relate to the ADINA Structures features
and presents two useful examples.
The basic cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems in FEMAP are translated into
ADINA Structures as local cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. User defined
coordinate systems in FEMAP are also translated into ADINA Structures as local
coordinate systems. However, if these coordinate systems are used as nodal output
coordinate systems in FEMAP, then they are translated as skew systems in ADINA
2.2.1 Node
Nodal coordinates are always translated by TRANSOR for FEMAP in the global
rectangular coordinate system, no matter how they are defined in FEMAP. However, if
output coordinate systems are selected, the corresponding skew systems are created
during translation in order to properly specify constraints.
Note that nodal permanent constraint is not supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP.
2.2.2 Element
In FEMAP there are four main element types: line elements, plane elements, volume
elements and other elements.
For line elements, the rod, bar, (linear) beam, DOF spring, spring/damper and gap
elements are supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP.
The rod element is translated into ADINA Structures as a truss element without torsional
stiffness, i.e., only axial force is transmitted by the element. Thus, only the rod element
property of area is translated into ADINA Structures to define a truss cross section. All
other properties are ignored.
The bar element is translated into ADINA Structures as 3D (Hermitian) beam element. Its
properties of area, moment of inertia I1, moment of inertia I2, torsional constant, Y shear
area and Z shear area are translated into ADINA Structures to define a beam cross section
which can only be used for elastic Hermitian beam. All other properties are ignored.
The (linear) beam element is translated into ADINA Structures as 3D (Hermitian) beam
element without support of beam offsets and beam releases. Its properties of area,
moment of inertia I1, moment of inertia I2, torsional constant, Y shear area and Z shear
area are translated into ADINA Structures to define a general type beam cross section
which can only be used for elastic Hermitian beam. All other properties are ignored. In
addition, a tapered beam with different properties at each end of the beam is not
The DOF spring element is translated into ADINA Structures as spring element. Its
properties of fucntion dependences are not supported.
The gap element is translated into ADINA Structures as a nonlinear spring element where
the axial properties are represented but the transverse properties are ignored. Its
properties of initial gap, compression stiffness, tension stiffness and preload force are
translated into ADINA Structures to define a nonlinear relationship between relative-
displacement and force from which the stiffness and force of a nonlinear spring element
are obtained. All other properties are ignored.
For plane elements, membrane element (linear and parabolic), plate element (linear and
parabolic) and plane strain element (linear and parabolic) are supported in TRANSOR for
FEMAP. The membrane and plate elements are translated into ADINA Structures as shell
The thickness of the membrane element is translated into ADINA Structures to define the
thinkness of shell element. The nonstructural mass/area of the memebrane element is not
The thickness (uniform or non-uniform) of the plate element is translated into ADINA
Structures to define the thickness of shell element. All other properties are ignored.
Please note that when the non-uniform thickness is specified, all the thickness values at
each element corner cannot be zero.
Note that the plane strain element must be defined in the global YZ plane and all of its
properties are ignored during translation.
For volume elements, both axisymmetric element and solid element are supported. They
are translated into ADINA Structures as 2D solid axisymmetric element and 3D solid
element, respectively. Note that the axisymmetric element must be defined in the global
YZ plane and all the properties of the solid element are ignored.
For other elements, mass, mass matrix and rigid elements are supported. The mass and
mass matrix elements are translated into ADINA Structures as concentrated mass on the
nodes. The rigid element is translated into ADINA Structures as rigid link.
1. Inertia components (Ixy, Iyz, Izx), “Offset from Node” and “Heat Transfer Properties”
are ignored in mass element.
2. Coordinate system for offset and inertial in mass element is ignored. The inertia
components are assumed to be in the basic rectangular coordinate system.
3. Only the diagonal terms of the mass matrix element are translated.
4. Coordinate system for mass matrix element is ignored. The diagonal inertia
components are assumed to be in the basic rectangular coordinate system.
5. The rigid interpolation element is not supported.
2.2.3 Material
The general isotropic material properties of Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio, mass
density and thermal expansion coefficient are translated into ADINA Structures. When
thermal analysis is involved, thermal conductivity and specific heat are also translated.
All other properties are ignored.
In FEMAP there are three types of nonlinear properties (nonlinear elastic, elasto-plastic
(bi-linear) and plastic) associated with the isotropic material. A stress-strain curve for
nonlinear elastic or plastic materials can be defined by a type 4 (vs. Stress) function or
type 13 (Stress vs. Strain) function which are translated into ADINA Structures.
Nonlinear elastic and plastic materials can also be function dependent which are not
supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP. Four yield criteria are available (von Mises,
Tresca, Mohr-Coulomb, and Drucker-Prager) in FEMAP. Only the von Mises yield
criterion without Extended Material Model is supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP,
which requires a nonzero initial yield stress. In addition, the “isotropic + kinematic”
hardening rule for the plastic material in FEMAP is translated into the isotropic
hardening rule in ADINA Structures.
The general orthotropic material properties of Stiffness (E), Shear (G), Poisson ratio,
mass density and thermal expansion coefficient are translated into ADINA Structures.
When thermal analysis is involved, thermal conductivity and specific heat are also
translated. All other properties are ignored.
The general anisotropic material properties of Elastic Matrix (G), mass density and
thermal expansion coefficient are translated into ADINA Structures. When thermal
analysis is involved, thermal conductivity and specific heat are also translated. All other
properties are ignored.
Note that if there are several load sets defined, then only the active load set is translated.
In additon, Nastran Load Combination is not supported.
For body loads, the translational acceleration with or without time dependency is
translated into mass proportional load in ADINA Structures. The rotational acceleration
is not supported by TRANSOR for FEMAP. The rotational velocity is translated into
centrifugal load in ADINA Structures without the support of the time dependency. The
default temperature is translated into prescribed reference temperature in ADINA
The nodal loads (forces, moments, displacements, enforced rotations, temperature and
heat flux) with or without time dependency are translated into ADINA Structures
directly. Note that nodal heat generation and all the fluid loads are not supported by
The elemental loads (distributed loads on line elements, pressure, heat flux, convection,
radiation and heat generation) with or without time dependency are translated into
ADINA Structures directly.
The distributed loads on line elements in the directions of element Y axis and element Z
axis are translated into the r-s and r-t planes of beam elements in ADINA Structures. All
other directions are ignored.
The pressure loads on the face 1 and face 2 of plate elements are translated into the top
and bottom surfaces of the shell elements in ADINA Structures. All other directions are
Specifying a direction for pressure loads as shown in the following figure is not
supported. If pressure loads are defined in this way, then TRANSOR for FEMAP will
always create pressure loads normal to the selected element face.
Note that the elemental temperature is not supported by TRANSOR for FEMAP.
In FEMAP the user can create loads on geometry as an alternative and/or as supplement
to finite element loads. TRANSOR for FEMAP will expand the geometric loads to nodal
and elemental loads upon translation and compress them after translation.
The nodal constraints are translated into ADINA Structures directly. Their directions can
be specified by choosing a coordinate system, which is converted into a skew system in
ADINA Structures for the selected nodes. The constraint equations between the specified
nodal degrees of freedom are translated into ADINA Structures as generalized constraint
equations, which are imposed using Lagrange Multipliers.
The geometric constraints are expanded to nodal constraints during translation. If the
nodal constraints for the nodes are also defined on the geometry, TRANSOR for FEMAP
will combine both constraints during translation. There are three available approaches to
defining advanced geometric constraints: Arbitrary in CSys, Surface and Cylinder/Hole.
Currently, only the Arbitrary in Csys approach is supported.
1. If there are several constraint sets defined, then only the active constraint set is
The connection properties defined under NX Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601) and NX
Explicit (SOL 701) for “Connect Type: 0..Contact” is translated into ADINA Structures
to define contact group in which only shell and 3D solid elements are supported. The
connection properties defined under NX Advanced Nonlinear (SOL 601) for “Contact
Type: 1..Glued” is translated into ADINA Structures to define mesh glueing in which
only 3D solid element is supported. All other properties are ignored.
The connector defines the contact relationship between the two connection regions,
which is translated into ADINA Structures as a contact pair.
In FEMAP, Nastran users can create three specialized types of regions, Fluid Regions,
Bolt Regions, and Rotor Regions. Currently, only bolt region is supported in TRANSOR
for FEMAP.
A Bolt Region is used to create a region of elements where user can apply a bolt
“preload”. The element defined in a bolt region is translated into ADINA Structures as
beam element with bolt behavior. The bolt “preload” defined in an active load set is
translated as bolt load in ADINA Structures.
Note that the initial conditions created on the geometries are translated only in the global
rectangular coordinate system.
The first analysis type is heat transfer analysis only, which involves only heat transfer
with no structural equations or coupling.
In FEAMP, the thermal loads can be defined on finite element entities (nodes, elements)
or geometry (point, curve, surface). They are translated into ADINA Structures as shown
in Table 2.1.
In this chapter the translations of ADINA CFD features supported by FEMAP are
described first. Next, the additional features provided by TRANSOR for FEMAP are
explained in detail and a useful example is provided.
The basic cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems in FEMAP are translated into
ADINA CFD as local cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. User defined
coordinate systems in FEMAP are also translated into ADINA CFD as local coordinate
Nodal coordinates are always translated by TRANSOR for FEMAP in the global
rectangular coordinate system, no matter how they are defined in FEMAP.
Note that nodal permanent constraint and output coordinate system are not supported in
3.2.2 Element
In FEMAP there are four main element types: line elements, plane elements, volume
elements, and other elements.
Note that the plane strain element must be defined in the global YZ plane and all of its
properties are ignored during translation.
For volume elements, both axisymmetric element (3-node triangle and 4-node
quadrilateral) and solid element (4-node tetrahedral, 6-node wedge and 8-node brick) are
supported. They are translated into ADINA CFD as axisymmetric 2D fluid element and
3D fluid element, respectively.
Note that the axisymmetric element must be defined in the global YZ plane and all the
properties of solid element are ignored during translation.
3.2.3 Material
All the fluid materials are directly defined in the add-on ADINA CFD menu. The
materials defined in FEMAP are not applicable to ADINA CFD and, therefore, are not
translated by TRANSOR for FEMAP. However, at least one material needs to be defined
in FEMAP so that the corresponding property can be created. This material will be
ignored during translation.
The default temperature under body loads is translated into the prescribed reference
temperature in ADINA CFD.
The fluid loads and all other loads are not suppoted in TRANSOR for FEMAP.
Note that if there are several load sets defined, then only the active load set is translated.
Constant material model (when “Laminar Flow Model” is selected under the
“Analysis Settings” menu).
K-ε turbulence model and RNG K-ε turbulence model (when “Turbulent K-Epsilon
Flow Model” is selected under the “Analysis Settings” menu).
: fluid density
: fluid viscosity
g : gravitational acceleration vector
C p : specific heat at constant pressure
Cv : specific heat at constant volume
k : thermal conductivity coefficient
q B : rate of heat generated per unit volume
: coefficient of volume expansion or thermal expansion coefficient
0 : reference temperature in buoyancy force
: coefficient of surface tension
: bulk modulus of elasticity
The default values for these parameters are all zero except for which has a default
value of 1020 . Note that not all these parameters are required for a given problem. The
parameters that must be given depend on the problem to be solved.
For incompressible flows, the bulk modulus of elasticity and the specific heat at
constant volume Cv are not required. In this case is assumed to be infinite and Cv is
forced to be equal to C p . If heat transfer is not considered, then C p , k , q B , and 0
can be further ignored.
For low-speed compressible flows, is not used and is therefore ignored. The density
is determined through the state equation as a function of pressure and temperature and is
not required. All other material data must be given.
This material model can only be applied in the turbulent K-ε flow model. It is applicable
to formulations of incompressible, slightly compressible and low-speed compressible
flows (with or without heat transfer). Both the fluid properties and the empirically
determined model constants must be input. The fluid properties are
Not all these parameters are required in a problem. The parameters that must be given
depend on the problem to be solved.
For incompressible flows, the bulk modulus of elasticity and the specific heat at
constant volume Cv are not required. In this case is assumed to be infinite and Cv is
forced to be equal C p . If heat transfer is not considered, then C p , k , q B , and 0 can
be ignored.
For low-speed compressible flows, is not used in the computation. The density is
determined through the state equation and is not required. All other material data must be
Aside from the above fluid properties, the following additional model constants must be
specified, and their default values are:
This material model can only be applied in the turbulent K-ε flow model. The data
required in this model is the same as in the K-ε turbulence material model. The default
values of the empirical constants are the same as for the standard K-ε model. Another
conventional set of these data are:
Wall: applied to rigid solid boundaries. When a turbulence flow model is used, the
wall function is also applied on the walls.
Fixed Pressure: used only in enclosure problems, where pressure must be fixed at
some node(s).
At the interface of a fluid and a fixed solid, no-slip or slip conditions are usually applied.
In case of the wall boundary condition, the boundary is fixed. In other words, the
boundary displacement is zero. Wall boundary conditions can only be applied to lines and
surfaces of 2D and 3D computational domains, respectively.
When a no-slip condition on walls is applied, the fluid velocity vector on that wall is
prescribed to be zero, i.e. v 0 . This condition is usually applied to wall boundaries in
viscous flows. It is clear that this condition is equivalent to applying a zero velocity or
prescribed zero velocity to all components of the velocity.
Figure 3.1 No-slip condition on fixed walls for incompressible, slightly compressible and
low-speed compressible flows
When a slip wall condition is applied, the normal component of the velocity vector is
prescribed to be zero, i.e. v n 0 , while the tangential components are free or computed
as unknown variables from the governing equations.
This condition is usually applied to symmetric boundaries and to wall boundaries where
viscous effects are negligible. In certain applications such as when boundary layers are
modeled which require a large number of elements and computational power, then a slip
condition may be used.
Figure 3.2 Slip condition on fixed walls for incompressible, slightly compressible and
low-speed compressible flows
A fluid-structure interface is a moving wall for which the interface displacement is the
solution of a solid model. However, fluid-structure interaction means much more than
just specifying an interface.
First, a solid model must have been created to which the fluid is coupled. In this solid
model, fluid-structure interfaces must be specified that correspond to the interfaces
specified in the fluid model, so that the program knows which parts of the fluid and solid
models are interacting.
Second, since the Lagrangian formulation is used along the interface, the displacement as
well as the fluid velocity are determined by the solid solution on the interface. This
condition is called the kinematic condition of the fluid model. On the other hand, the
fluid force must be applied to the solid interface to ensure that the forces are balanced on
the interface. This condition is called the dynamic condition of the solid model.
Third, the nonlinear-coupled system must be solved to ensure that the kinematic and
dynamic conditions are satisfied. The methods can be either iterative (between the fluid
model and the solid model), or direct (a combined matrix system is solved). Currently,
only iterative coupling is supported in TRANSOR for FEMAP.
This condition can only be applied to boundary lines and surfaces of 2D and 3D
computational domains, respectively. The boundary geometries must coincide with their
counterparts that are defined in the solid model.
This is one of the most important boundary conditions. It can only be applied to boundary
lines and surfaces of 2D and 3D computational domains, respectively.
F(t ) h v nn (t )dS
and then added to the right-hand side of the momentum equations as the concentrated
force load. Here hv is the virtual quantity of velocity on the boundary.
Note that the normal stress consists of the pressure and the normal shear stress. Along
open boundaries, the normal shear stress is usually negligible compared with the
pressure. Therefore, a boundary pressure is usually applied to open boundaries where the
This condition has no effect on the nodes where a normal velocity condition is
prescribed, since the normal momentum equation has been replaced by the normal
velocity condition.
p p (t )
and applied to boundaries. The continuity equations at the boundary nodes are replaced
by this condition. The fixed pressure boundary condition is usually applied to confined
flow problems to ensure a mathematically well-defined problem. Along open boundaries
where the pressure is known, a boundary condition of boundary pressure is more
vi vi (t )
and applied to boundaries. The xi -momentum equations at the boundary nodes are then
replaced by this condition. The inlet velocity boundary condition is usually applied to
inlet boundaries where velocities are known. It can also be applied to fixed solid walls.
Note that the inlet velocity can only be applied in the global coordinate system.
K K (t )
(t )
and applied to boundaries. The K and equations at boundary nodes are then replaced
by these equations.
i v
K 2 0.3L
where, v , L and i are velocity scale, length scale and turbulence intensity,
Initial velocity: initial velocity in global Y, Z directions for 2D models and global X,
Y, Z directions for 3D models.
Initial pressure
Initial temperature: only temperatures that differ from the prescribed reference
temperature need to be assigned.
Initial turbulence
The initial conditions are applied to the nodes of the model. The variables of the initial
condition thus refer to the degree-of-freedom system at each node, which is the global
coordinate system.
In transient analysis all solution variables must be specified. The default initial conditions
to all variables are zeros. Although initial conditions are not required in steady-state
analyses, they are used as a “guessed” solution at the start of the equilibrium iterations. A
good initial condition may accelerate the convergence during equilibrium iterations. In
certain cases, the initial condition may become a key factor in obtaining converged
All solution variables are defined at corner nodes. Since step functions are used for
weighting functions, FCBI elements are eventually equivalent to their counterparts in
finite volume methods. Each element is thus equally divided into sub-control-volumes
and integrations on both faces and surfaces are performed within elements. A flow-
condition-based interpolation function for velocity on a face, say from the point
1 1 1
(r , s ) , 0 to point (r , s ) , in a 4-node element, is defined as
2 2 2
h1v h4v
h( x ) h( x ) h( s ) h ( s )
1 2 T
h2 h3v
1 y
eq r 1 v x k
, qk , h( y )
eq 1 y
where x1 x 2 x1 , x 2 x3 x 4 and v is the average velocity on the face. With these
functions, the upwinding-effect is automatically captured in a natural way.
On the other hand, pressure, temperature and coordinates are interpolated using linear or
bi-linear functions. For a 4-node element, these functions are defined as
h1 1 r s
h2 r
h3 s
h0 h1 h2 h3
These elements can be used for three-dimensional flows. The following figures show the
definitions of FCBI 3D elements.
h1 1 r s t
h2 r
h3 s
h4 t
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4
(1 r )(1 s )
1 t r (1 s )
hi rs
(1 r ) s
h1 h4 1 r s
h h5 r 1 t t
h3 h6 s
FCBI-C elements are used for incompressible, slightly compressible and low-speed
compressible flows.
4.1 Introduction
For many Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems, the fluid traction affects the
structural deformations and the solid displacement affects the flow pattern. This fact is
the reason for performing fluid-structure interaction analyses. We call this type of
analysis “two-way coupling”.
When computing two-way FSI problems, the time steps and solution times are controlled
in the fluid model. However, all time functions defined in the solid model must cover the
time range of the computation. The parameters that control the convergence of the
coupled system are also determined in the fluid model. These parameters are the stress
and displacement tolerances and relaxation factors, convergence criteria, etc.
The convergences reached in fluid and solid equations are controlled in the fluid and
solid models respectively. The controls of saving and printing solutions are also
determined in the individual models.
In certain FSI problems the structural deformations are small and it can be assumed that
the structural deformation does not affect the fluid flow. However, the analyst can be
interested in the stresses on the structure due to the fluid forces acting on it. This class of
problems can be handled most effectively using the one-way FSI coupling feature.
When computing one-way FSI problems, all the control parameters are specified in the
individual fluid and solid solvers. Therefore, there are possible discrepancies between the
fluid and solid solution times. At certain times when the fluid stresses are not available, a
linear interpolation is performed to provide the fluid stress for the solid model (see Fig.
4.1). If the solution time is out of the range of the times for which the fluid stresses were
saved, then a linear extrapolation is applied. In order to have more accurate solutions, the
fluid stresses should be saved more frequently to cover the time steps that may be used
for the solid model.
Figure 4.1 Interpolation of fluid stresses in time when computing one-way FSI models
When running fluid analysis only, both the fluid and structure .dat files must be specified.
When running structural analysis only, the user can specify just the structure .dat file
5. Examples
300 N
0.02 m
1.0 m 0.02 m
Open a new model file and import the geometry. It will be meshed with beam
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Material
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Define the time step in the ADINA “General Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraint to fix the node on the left side of the beam in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Defining Loads
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
FY: -300.0
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end
the command)
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
Step UI Command/Display
3. Tools, Charting
Charting panel:
Click "Data Series Manager"
Chart Data Series Manager dialog box:
Click New Data Series… button
Chart Data Series dialog box:
Click "Vector vs. Output Set" tab
Select "Output Set Value" in field of X-Axis Values section
6. Select "3.. T2 Translation" from drop down menu located in the Vector
Enter “3” in field of Location section
Click OK
Click Cancel
Chart Data Series Manager dialog box:
Click Done
The time history response result should look like this:
We will use the restart analysis feature in ADINA Structures to continue the
dynamic analysis with the same time step size.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
Step UI Command/Display
4. Tools, Charting
This concludes the beam structure subjected to impact load example. It is recommended
to save the model file.
0.1 m
0.1 m
is 0.02 m
0.05 m
Young’s Modulus: E = 1.0106 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio: = 0.3
Young’s Modulus: E = 210.0109 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio: = 0.3
We will determine the displacements and stesses in the block when the block is pushed
down 0.02 m.
Open a new model file and import the geometry. It will be meshed with 3D solid
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Material
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Define the time step in the ADINA “General Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Function
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraints to fix the nodes at the base of the cylinder in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Defining Loads
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
TY: -1.0
Defining Connections
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Connect, Connector
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
For this example, we will display two types of results: deformation and Von Mises Stress.
Step UI Command/Display
Options: Node
View, Select
5. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
2. Choose Deform radio button in Deformed Style section
Choose Contour radio button in Contour Style section
The two parts of the bracket are bolted together. After the parts are bolted together, the
tension in the bolt is 2000 N and the assemblage appears as shown on the next page.
Finally a pressure load of 1MPa is applied to the top of the upper bracket as shown:
In this model, the bolt/nut combination is modeled using ADINA 3D-bolt element. The
bolt pretension is directly specified and is applied to the model in a bolt loading step. The
connections are defined between bolt, lower bracket and upper bracket.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Material
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Function
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraints to fix the nodes at the bottom of the bracket in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end
the command)
Defining Loads
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Pressure: 1.0
Defining Connections
In order for surface to surface contact to occur during analysis, several parameters must
be defined. In general, Connection Regions are created, a Connection Property is defined,
and then a Connector ("contact pair") is created to define the contact relationship between
the two Connection Regions.
Step UI Command/Display
Surface: 32
Click Add
Click OK
Connection Region dialog box:
Title: upper_bracket_top
Type: Deformable
Defined By: Surfaces
Surface: 17
Click Add
Click OK
Connection Region dialog box:
Title: upper_bracket_bottom
6. Type: Deformable
Defined By: Surfaces
Surface: 9
Click Add
Surface: 14
Click Add
7. Click OK
Surface: 1
Click Add
Click OK
Connection Region dialog box:
Title: bolt_nut
Type: Deformable
Defined By: Surfaces
Surface: 36
Click Add
Click OK
Connection Region dialog box:
Title: lower_bracket_bottom
Type: Deformable
Defined By: Surfaces
Surface: 5
Click Add
13. Click OK
Click Cancel (to end the command)
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Connect, Connector
Click OK
Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
For this example, we will display two types of results: deformation and Von Mises Stress.
Step UI Command/Display
Options: Node
Options: Constraint
Options: Connector
View, Select
5. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
Scale %: 5.0
Click OK
Ctrl+A will perform the View, Autoscale, Visible command
11. Ctrl+A Note: Use the magnify down icon on the View Toolbar or spin the
wheel of a wheel mouse until the entire deformed image can be seen.
The deformation result should look like this:
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
0.1 m
0.1 m
q = 500 W/m2
Thermal properties:
thermal conductivity: k = 0.5W/m-C
convection coefficient: h = 5W/m2-C
emissivity Coefficient: = 0.2
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant: = 5.66910-8W/m2-K4
environmental temperature = 20C
temperature unit: centigrade
convection and radiation takes place on boundaries marked with a thick line
Structural properties:
Young’s Modulus: E = 6.91010 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio : = 0.3
thermal expansion coefficient: = 4.510-6 m/m
Open a new model file and import the geometry. It will be meshed with
axisymmetric elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open…
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraint to fix the left line of the square in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end the
Defining Loads
Step UI Command/Display
Apply the element heat flux load to the bottom line of the square in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Flux: 500.0
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end
the command)
Apply the convection load to the top and right lines of the square in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Coefficient: 5.0
Temperature: 20.0
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end
the command)
Define the temerpature offset from absolute zero and Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Step UI Command/Display
Apply the radiation load to the top and right lines of the square in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Emissivity: 0.2
Temperature: 20.0
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end
the command)
Define the TMC solution settings in the ADINA “TMC Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
For this example, we will display two types of results: temperature and heat flux.
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
2. Choose None – Model Only radio button in Deformed Style section
Choose Vector radio button in Contour Style section
Select " 80012.. Elem X Heat Flux " from drop down menu located in
the first vector of Vector 1 of Elemental Output Vectors section
Select " 80013.. Elem Y Heat Flux " from drop down menu located in
the second vector of Vector 1 of Elemental Output Vectors section
Select " 80014.. Elem Z Heat Flux " from drop down menu located in the
third vector of Vector 1 of Elemental Output Vectors section
Click OK
Select PostProcessing Data dialog box:
Click OK
Inlet Inlet
pressure diameter
1.0 Pa 0.05m
This problem could be solved using a 2D analysis, but we choose to solve it using a 3D
analysis as a demonstration.
Open a new model file and import the geometry of the cylinder. It will be meshed
with 3D fluid elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Define the analysis settings in the ADINA CFD “Analysis Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Define the fluid material with constant properties for 3D fluid element.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Define the time step in the ADINA CFD “General Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Function
We will apply the no-slip wall boundary condition on the pipe walls and the
boundary pressure boundary condition at the channel inlet.
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click Pick
14. Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA CFD “CFD Analyze” menu and solve
the model.
Step UI Command/Display
For this example, we will display two types of results: velocity and pressure.
Step UI Command/Display
Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
Select "2..Case 2 Time 2.0" (should be Step 2, but may differ based on
machine set-up) from drop down menu located in the Output Set section
Select "31..Pressure" from Contour drop down menu located in the
Output Vectors section
Click OK
View Select dialog box:
Click OK
Ctrl+A will perform the View, Autoscale, Visible command
8. Ctrl+A
Note: Use the magnify down icon on the View Toolbar or spin the
wheel of a wheel mouse until the entire deformed image can be seen.
The pressure results should look like this:
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
Click OK
Select PostProcessing Data dialog box:
Click OK
View Select dialog box:
Click OK
Ctrl+A will perform the View, Autoscale, Visible command
8. Ctrl+A
Note: Use the magnify down icon on the View Toolbar or spin the
wheel of a wheel mouse until the entire deformed image can be seen.
The velocity result should look like this:
This concludes the 3D fluid flow within a pipe example. It is recommended to save the
model file.
100.0 cm
Boundary 30 cm
pressure 0.04 40 cm
15 cm
0.05 cm
In the solution of this problem we use a fluid model for the fluid in the channel and a
solid model for the flexible structure.
Open the FEMAP model file containing the geometry of the flexible structure. It
will be meshed with 2D solid elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Define the model settings in the ADINA Structures “Model Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraint to fix the node on the bottom of the flexible structure in
Step UI Command/Display
Define the FSI boundary conditions in the ADINA Structures “FSI Boundary
Conditions” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Model Type: 2D in YZ
5. Click Pick
Generate the ADINA Structures data file in the ADINA “Analyze” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
Click OK
Open the FEMAP model file containing the geometry of the 2D channel. It will
be meshed with 2D fluid elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Define the analysis settings in the ADINA CFD “Analysis Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Flow Dimension: 2D in YZ
6. Click OK
Define the fluid material with constant properties for 2D fluid element.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Define the time step in the ADINA CFD “General Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Function
We will apply the no-slip wall boundary condition on the pipe walls and the
boundary pressure boundary condition at the channel inlet.
Step UI Command/Display
Click Pick
Click Pick,
Click Pick
Click OK
Generate the ADINA CFD data file in the ADINA CFD “CFD Analyze” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Analyze the one-way FSI model using the ADINA FSI solver.
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA CFD “FSI Analyze” menu and solve
the model.
Step UI Command/Display
View the pressures results of ADINA CFD model in a FEMAP contour plot.
Step UI Command/Display
View the velocity results of the ADINA CFD model in a FEMAP contour vector
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
2. Choose None – Model Only radio button in Deformed Style section
Choose Vector radio button in Contour Style section
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
3. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
This concludes the one-way FSI analysis example. It is recommended to save the model
Fluid flow
1.2192 m
In the solution of this problem we use a fluid model for the fluid in the pipe and a solid
model for the pipe. In the fluid model, the fluid is modeled with 8-node FCBI elements.
A uniform velocity is applied to the fluid at the left end of the pipe. On the right end of
the pipe, the transverse velocities are set to zero. In the structure model, the walls of the
pipe are modeled with 8-node plate elements. Small displacements are assumed in the
Note: slip fluid-structure interaction boundary conditions are used on the pipe wall. This
assumption allows us to use a coarse fluid model (only six elements across the pipe
diameter). The result is that the fluid velocity is constant in the pipe. As a consequence,
the viscosity does not affect the solution, and therefore the viscosity of the water is scaled
by a factor of 100, so that the model converges.
Open the FEMAP model file containing the geometry of the pipe. It will be
meshed with plate elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open…
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraint to fix the points on the left and right of the pipe in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Click Cancel on Entity Selection dialog box (to end the
Defining Loads
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click Pick
Generate the ADINA Structures data file in the ADINA “Analyze” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
Click OK
Open the FEMAP model file containing the geometry of the pipe. It will be
meshed with 3D fluid elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open…
Define the analysis settings in the ADINA CFD “Analysis Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click OK
Define the fluid material with constant properties for 3D fluid element.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Define the time step in the ADINA CFD “General Solution Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Function
We will apply the FSI boundary condition and inlet velocity boundary condition
on the pipe.
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click Pick
20. Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA CFD “CFD Analyze” menu and solve
the model.
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Analyze the two-way FSI model using the ADINA FSI solver.
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA CFD “FSI Analyze” menu and solve
the model.
Step UI Command/Display
For this example, we will display the contour plot of pressures in the ADINA
CFD model and deformations of the pipe in the ADINA Structures model.
View the pressures results of ADINA CFD model in a FEMAP contour plot.
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
This concludes the two-way FSI analysis example. It is recommended to save the model
In our numerical model, we use the ADINA CFD K-ε turbulence model. Turbulence
variables K and ε are specified at the inlet according to the following formulas:
i Vinlet ,
K inlet inlet inlet
2 0.3D
where i is the turbulence intensity, here set to 0.025 and D is the hydraulic diameter, here
equal to H.
Please note that only half of the flow domain is modeled. A slip wall boundary condition
is used to model the symmetry.
Open a new model file and import the geometry of the curved channel. It will be
meshed with 3D fluid elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Define the analysis settings in the ADINA CFD “Analysis Settings” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click OK
Define the element formulation in the ADINA CFD “General Solution Settings”
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Define the fluid material with turbulent K-Epsilon model for 3D fluid element.
Step UI Command/Display
4. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
We will apply the wall boundary conditions at the channel walls, inlet velocity
boundary condition and inlet turbulence boundary condition at the channel inlet.
Step UI Command/Display
17. Click OK
Define the initial conditions in the ADINA CFD “Initial Conditions” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
5. Click OK
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA CFD “CFD Analyze” menu and solve
the model.
Step UI Command/Display
For this example, we will display two types of results: pressure and turbulence
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
2. Choose None – Model Only radio button in Deformed Style section
Choose Contour radio button in Contour Style section
Contact conditions: Friction coefficient = 0.2 between weight and tube, also for tube self-
The figure below shows the geometry used to model the crush tube:
Open a new model file and import the geometry of the crush tube. It will be
meshed with 3D shell elements.
Step UI Command/Display
1. File, Open
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Material
Step UI Command/Display
1. Model, Property
Step UI Command/Display
Click OK
Entity Selection dialog box:
4. ID: 5 to: 8
Click OK
Mesh Size on Surface dialog box:
5. Number of Elements: 6 in column s, 20 in column t
Click OK
Entity Selection dialog box:
6. ID: 9
Click OK
Mesh Size on Surface dialog box:
Number of Elements: 1 in column s, 1 in column t
Click OK
Click Cancel (to end the command)
Model, Node…
9. Model, Element…
Click OK
Defining Constraints
Step UI Command/Display
Create the constraints to fix the nodes at the bottome of the tube in FEMAP.
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
VZ: -1000.0
Click OK
Click Cancel (to end the command)
Select the above load set to use for initial conditions in the ADINA “Initial
Conditions” menu.
Step UI Command/Display
3. Click OK
Defining Connections
In order for surface to surface contact to occur during analysis, several parameters must
be defined. In general, Connection Regions are created, a Connection Property is defined,
and then a Connector ("contact pair") is created to define the contact relationship between
the two Connection Regions.
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
Step UI Command/Display
1. Connect, Connector
Define the analyze settings in the ADINA “Analyze” menu and solve the model.
Step UI Command/Display
1. ADINA, Analyze
Click Close
ADINA Analyze dialog box:
Click OK
For this example, we will display two types of results: deformation and Von Mises Stress.
Step UI Command/Display
Options: Node
View, Select
5. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
Step UI Command/Display
View, Select
1. Or, press the F5 Key or choose the view select icon from the View
View Select dialog box:
2. Choose Deform radio button in Deformed Style section
Choose Contour radio button in Contour Style section
Click OK
This concludes the crushing of a crash tube example. It is recommended to save the
model file.
Figure 3.1 No-slip condition on fixed walls for incompressible, slightly compressible and
low-speed compressible flows .................................................................................. 82
Figure 3.2 Slip condition on fixed walls for incompressible, slightly compressible and
low-speed compressible flows .................................................................................. 82
Figure 3.3 FCBI 2D elements ........................................................................................... 86
Figure 3.4 FCBI 3D elements ........................................................................................... 87
Figure 3.5 FCBI-C elements ............................................................................................. 89
Figure 4.1 Interpolation of fluid stresses in time when computing one-way FSI models 91