Directorate of T.E. & SCERT, Odisha, Bhubaneswar Entrance Test For Admission To Teacher, Training Course 2019-2020

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Directorate of T.E.

& SCERT, Odisha, Bhubaneswar

Entrance Test for Admission to Teacher ,Training Course 2019-2020

Name of the Candidate : NIROJ KUMAR SAHOO Application Number : 0101724292

Course Name : D.El.Ed Roll Number : 4447216237

Stream : DElEd(Odia) Login for CBT : TE0101724292


Correspondence Address : Radha Damodarpur , Athagarh, LANDMARK: NEAR KHUNTUNI POLICE STATION

Correspondence City/Town : CUTTACK District : Cuttack

Gender : Male Date of Birth : 08 Oct 1999

Date of Test : 12 Jun 2019 Time of Test : 8:00 AM

Reporting Time : 7:00 AM Gate Closure Time : 7:50 AM

Special Reservation Category : NA Social Category : SEBC

Note :

* The candidate is required to produce the identity proof near the entry of the venue as well as before the Invigilator in the Examination Hall/Lab.

* If the uploaded photograph in the admit card varies from the actual photograph,the candidate will be required to bring one passport size photograph with him / her to be
handed over at the examination centre for authentication.

Important Instructions :

Any discrepancy regarding the candidate’s particulars should be referred to the Centre Superintendents.
Candidates suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall. In exceptional cases the centre superintendent may make special
arrangements, if informed by the candidate in advance.
The candidates are required to produce the identity proof along with the Admit Card before the Invigilator in the Examination Hall/ Lab.
Note: candidate will not be allowed to Enter Examination venue after Gate Closure time.
They should not be in possession of any printed or hand written manuscripts (other than their admit card), books and other documents while in the Examination
centre. Mutual consultation in the Examination Hall, bringing in Electronic equipments (Mobile, Calculator.etc) and other printed manuscripts form outside is
forbidden. The candidates shall not be allowed to consult any book or paper either in the Examination hall or outside.
Any request for Centre change/ date change will NOT be entertained.
Giving a false Roll No. is serious offence and no answer script without the candidate's Roll number clearly written on the required space will be examined.
Each candidate shall be checked at the entrance to the examination centre and in the examination halls during the course of examination as and when the centre
superintendent considers it necessary. Candidates refusing to be checked at the entrance shall be refused entry to the examination. Those refusing to submit to the
check in the examination hall shall be liable to instant expulsion.
The candidates are required to occupy the seats allotted to them. The candidates are not allowed to change their seats or examination halls.Candidates who are
coming for exam will be allowed Pencil and Rubber for rough work.
If a candidate is found with any paper not connected with the examination he/she shall have to surrender it to the invigilator on demand and make a written statement.
If necessary, refusal to surrender the material or to make a statement shall render the candidate liable to instant expulsion from the centre of the examination.
The result of the Entrance Test does not ensure the confirmation and guarantee of admitting the student to the Course as it is subject to verification of the authenticity
and appropriateness of the documents at the time of Admission. If any discrepancy is found at the time of admission, he / she will forfeit his / her seat.
Scribe for PH candidates: - The facility of scribe for him/her. scribe shall be allowed to the PH candidate who has disability of 40% or more if so desired by the person.
The PH candidates can take their own scribe or may request the center superintendent one day prior to the commencement of examination for supply of scribe for
him/her. Time for PH candidate: - 20 minutes extra time per hour shall be allowed to PH candidates. The candidate is required to take one of his/her identity proof to
be shown at the gate for authentication. The PH candidate who is accompanied with a scribe must show his/her physically disability certificate near the entry point of
the gate. The identity proof of the Scribe is also mandatory.
In case of any untoward situation or unavoidable circumstances if any batch is cancelled, in such event, rescheduled details will be provided on SCERT website and
information regarding same will be intimated by SMS/Email.

Saturday, May 25, 2019, 04:00 PM

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