IT409 Web Application Development

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Course L-T-P- Year of

Course Name
code Credits Introduction
IT409 Web Application Development 3-0-0-3 2016
Course Objectives
 To give insights of the Internet programming for designing and implementation
 To develop code to handle exceptions and validate data for file and database storage.
 To know usage of recent platforms used in developing web applications such as J2EE,
XML ...etc.
 To impart the idea about java beans.
Introduction - Web architecture - web application lifecycle - XML and J2EE.Servlets, Servlets
with JDBC, JDBC: Architecture - JDBC API, Java Server Pages - Using JavaBeans Components in JSP
Pages, Sharing Data Between JSP pages -Passing Control and Data between Pages – Sharing Session and
Application Data – Application Models - MVC Design, Enterprise -Managed Persistence (CMP) and
bean managed - lifecycle of EJB - Java Message Service (JMS) and Message Driven Beans (MDB).
Distributed programming services CORBA and RMI – Transaction management, Security, deployment
building session beans -creating session beans - Entity beans.
Expected Outcome
The students will be able to,
1. Acquire the fundamental concepts of web systems and applications.
2. Identify the methodologies and techniques for developing web applications.
3. Get skills to develop websites.


1. Hans Bergsten , Java Server Pages, O’Reilly, 2003
2. Jason Hunter, William Crawford , Java Servlet Programming, Second Edition, , O'Reilly
3. Joseph J. Bambara, Paul R. Allen, Mark Ashnault, Ziyad Dean, Thomas Garben,
Sherry Smith J2EE UNLEASHED –– SAMS Techmedia
4. Roman, Scott Ambler, Tyler Jewell (ed.), Mastering EJB(2nd Edition ) – Ed– John
Wiley Publications, 2003.
5. Stepahnie Bodoff, Dale Green, Kim Hasse, Eric Jendrock, Monica Pawlan, Beth
Stearns , The J2EE Tutorial, Pearson Education , Asia.

Module Contents Hours Exam
Introduction - Web architecture - web application lifecycle -
XML and J2EE.
I Servlets: Introduction to Servlets, Benefits of Servlets, use as 7 15%
controller in MVC, basic HTTP, servlet container, Servlets API,
javax.servelet Package, Reading Servlet parameters, service
method detail. HTML clients, servlet lifecycle

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Session management, dispatching requests, Servlets with JDBC,
II JDBC: Architecture - JDBC API 7 15%
Java Server Pages: Generating Dynamic Content, Using
III Scripting Elements, Implicit JSP Objects. Conditional Processing 15%
– Displaying Values, Setting attributes, Error Handling and 6
Debugging, Using JavaBeans Components in JSP Pages.
IV Passing Control and Data between Pages – Sharing Session and 15%
Application Data – Application Models - MVC Design 6
Enterprise JavaBeans : Overview, distributed programming, EJB
V framework, Session and entity beans, Stateless and stateful 20%
session bean, Bean attributes, Parts of a Bean. Container-
Managed Persistence (CMP) and bean managed persistence.
lifecycle of EJB - Java Message Service (JMS) and Message
Driven Beans (MDB). Distributed programming services
VI CORBA and RMI – Transaction management, Security, 8 20%
deployment, building session beans -creating session beans -
Entity beans.

Maximum Marks: 100

Exam Duration: 3 hours

The question paper shall consist of Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules I and II.
The student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part B shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules III and IV.
The student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part C shall consist of three questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering Modules V and VI.
The student has to answer any two questions (20×2=40 marks).

Note : Each question can have a maximum of 4 subparts, if needed

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