Design OfSteel Structures-I
Design OfSteel Structures-I
Design OfSteel Structures-I
To learn the behavior and design of structural
steel components.
To gain an educational and comprehensive
experience in the design of steel structures.
Advantage of steel design :
Advantage of steel design :
Better quality control, Lighter, Faster to erect.
Less material handling at site, Less % of floor area
Less material handling at site Less % of floor area
occupied by structural element
Has better ductility and hence better earthquake
y q
Disadvantage of steel design :
Skilled labor is required, Higher cost of
, g
construction, Maintenance cost is high.
Poor fire resistance, as at 5380C (10000F) 65%
and at 8710C (1600
( 0F)15% of strength remains.
) g
Rolled Steel Section :
Rolling is the most common method used for
R lli i h h d df
shaping and is particularly suitable for large scale
production of simple constant cross sections, such
d i f i l i h
as bars, universal beams and columns, plate and
h t
Types of Structural Steel
Carbon steel (IS:2062)
Specified yield strengths ‐
Specified yield strengths ‐ 230‐300 MPa
230‐300 MPa
Ultimate tensile strengths ‐ 410‐440 MPa
Only adopted in IS:800‐1984/2007
y p /
High‐strength carbon steel
Specified yield strengths ‐ 350‐400 MPa
Ultimate tensile strengths ‐ 480‐550 MPa
Used transmission lines & microwave towers
U d i i li & i
Low ductility, toughness & weldability
Permissible value of stresses in WSM
Ulti t t
Ultimate stress point
i t
Axial Tensile stress(σ
( at)) = 0.6 fy Yield stress Point
Yield stress Point
Breaking stress point
Bending tensile stress (σbt) = 0.66 fy
τ av
Average shear stress ( ) = 0.4 f y
Fabrication of Structure:
Method of
Method of
The Combination of the above joints
Rivet Joints:
Rivet Joints:
Gross diameter(ф) = Nominal diameter(d) + Clearns(s)
S = 1.5mm, ∀d ≤ 25mm
= 2mm, ∀d > 25mm
Assumptions :
Friction between plates is neglected
The shear stress is uniform on the cross section of the rivet
The distribution of direct stress on portion of the plates between
the rivet hole is uniform.
Rivet in group subjected to direct load share the load equally.
Bending stress in the rivet is neglected.
Rivets fill completely the hole in which they are driven
Rivets fill completely the hole in which they are driven.
Bearing stress distribution is uniform and contact area is d x t
Types of Rivets (IS 800, Table‐8.1, Pg‐95)
yp ( , , g )
1) Power‐driven shop/field rivets (PDS/F), or Hot rivet.
2) Hand‐driven shop/field rivets (HDS/F), or Cold rivet.
Types of Rivet joint :
1) Depending upon arrangement of rivets and plates :
¾Lap Joint
Single riveting
Chain rivetingg
Staggered or, Zig‐Zag riveting
¾Butt Joint
Single riveting
Chain riveting
Staggered or, Zig‐Zag riveting
2) Depending upon the mode of load transmission:
) p g p
1) Single shear, 2) Double shear, 3) Multiple shear
4) Bearing
4) Bearing
3) Depending upon nature and location of load:
1) Di t h
1) Direct shear connection
2) Eccentric connection
3) Pure moment connection
3) Pure moment connection
4) Moment shear connection
Pitch of the Rivet (IS:800, Clause 8.10.1)
Minimum Pitch
Minimum Pitch
Pmin ≥ 2.5d
Maximum Pitch
Maximum Pitch
(a) Including tacking rivets
Pmax = 32t
Minimum of this
Minimum of this
= 300mm
Where, d‐
, Nominal diameter of rivet,,
t – Minimum thickness of connected member
(b) Distance between center of two adjacent rivets in a line in
direction of stress.
1) For Tension member
Pmax ≤ 16t
= 200mm
Minimum of this
2) For Compression member
) p
Pmax ≤ 12t
Minimum of this
= 200mm
If forces transferred through butting face, then Pmax = 4.5 x d
f h di
for the distance = 1.5 x Width of the member (W)
1 5 Wid h f h b (W)
(c) The distance between centers of any two consecutive rivets
in a line adjacent and parallel to an edge of an outside plate shall
not exceed (100 mm + 4t) or 200 mm, whichever is less.
(d) When rivet is staggered at equal intervals and the gauge does
not exceed 75 mm, the distance specified in (b) & (c) may be
increased by 50 %
increased by 50 %.
Failure of Rivet joint
1) Tearing of Plate between rivet holes.
2) Edge cracking. Plate failure
3) Shearing of Rivet.
Rivet failure
4) Bearing of plate or rivet.
Plate failure
Strength of the section in Tearing failure case :
g g
F = σ at ( g − φ )t
t Thickness of the plate
t‐ Thickness of the plate g
Edge cracking
The minimum from center of hole to the edge of a plate shall
be not less than that in IS 800,Table – 8.2, Pg – 97.
Rivet failure
Shearing of Rivet
h f
V = τ vff × φ 2 IS 800 :1984 Table 8.1, Pg ‐
IS 800 :1984, Table – 8 1 Pg 95
Bearing of plate or rivet For efficient joint Nominal diameter(d)
of rivet is taken as :
of rivet is taken as :
P = σ pf × φ × t
d = 6.05 t mm
or , = σ p × φ × t
Rivet Value (R) = Mini (V, P).
¾ Efficiency of a joint (η):
¾ Equivalent area of angle section in rivet joint :‐
From IS 800 :1984, clause 4.2.1, Pg –
, , g 37.
If, A1 – Area of the connecting leg.
A2 – Area of the other leg.
Aeq = A1 + KA 2
Case – 1:‐ Only one leg is connected.
3 A1 + A2
Case 2:‐
Case – 2: Back‐to‐Back connected only
Back to Back connected only Tracking Rivet
One leg of each angle section.
5 A1
5 A1 + A2
Case – 3:‐ If angle section connected by using gusset plate both side.
g y gg p
K =1
# An unequal angle section ISA 125x75 mm is required
to carry a tensile load of 160 KN The angle section is
to carry a tensile load of 160 KN. The angle section is
connected to the gusset plate through the longer leg by
18 mm diameter rivet by zig‐zag riveting, Gauge length= 50
mm and Pitch length = 50 mm select the suitable thickness
for the angle.
¾ Packings (IS 800 :1984, clause 8.6, Pg ‐ 93)
Rivets or Bolts Through Packings‐
Rivets or Bolts Through Packings Number of rivets or
Number of rivets or
bolts carrying calculated shear through a packing shall be
increased above the number required by normal
increased above the number required by normal
calculations by 2.5 percent for each 2.0 mm thickness of
packing except that, for packings having a thickness of
6 mm or less, no increase need be made.
g p p
# Design a tension splice to connect two plates of size
300x18 mm and 300x10 mm if the design load is 310 KN
thickness of splice plate is 10 mm on both side and rivet
diameter is 22 mm.
Weld joint :
Welding is the process of connecting metal pieces by
application heat (i.e. fusion) with or without pressure
Types of Welding
• Forge Welding
Thermit Welding
Thermit Welding
• Gas Welding
Resistance Welding
r= = 0.707 S = KS
For the angle other than
For the angle other than
Right‐angle, the value of “K”
¾ Effective length of fillet :‐
It is the length of the weld for which the specified size
It is the length of the weld for which the specified size
and the effective throat thickness of the weld exist.
lmin > 4 S
From, IS 816 :1969
Permissible stress in weld (pt) = 108 MPa
End Return ≥ 2S
End Return 2S
Lap 5t
t – thickness of thinner plate.
# Design a suitable fillet weld to connect the two plates
as shown in figure
as shown in figure.
Minimum size of fillet weld = 4 mm
Maximum size of weld = (8 – 1.5) mm
= 6.5 mm
Let’ss size of weld
Let size of weld = 6 mm
6 mm
Throat thickness = 0.7x6 = 4.2 mm
Strength of the 6 mm weld / mm length = ptx4.2x1 = 108x4.2x1
= 453.6 N/ mm length.
453 6 N/ mm length
P 150 × 1000
Required length of weld = = = 330 .68 mm
weld .strength 453 .6
Let’s provide weld length = 345 mm
Length of side weld = (345 – 150)/2 = 97.5 mm
## A tie in a truss consist of a pair of angle ISA 90x90x10 mm
A ti i t it f i f l ISA 90 90 10
Welded on either side of a gusset plate 12 mm thick through
the longer legs Design the welded joint if the permissible
the longer legs. Design the welded joint if the permissible
Stress in the angle section and fillet weld are 150 MPa and
108 MPa respectively.
Butt welding
¾ Size of the weld :‐
Size of the weld is specified by the effective throat thickness
as follow :
The size of the butt weld is the thickness of the thinner
The effective throat thickness in case of complete
The effective throat thickness in case of complete
penetration is taken as the thickness of the thinner plate
e.g. Double‐V,
e.g. Double V, Double
Double – U, Double
U, Double – J and Double Bevel
J and Double Bevel
butt joint are the examples of completely penetration butt
In case of incomplete penetration of butt weld the effective
throat thickness is taken as the 7/8th of the thickness of the
thinner part. But for stress calculation the effective throat
t B tf t l l ti th ff ti th t
should not exceeding 5/8th of the thickness of the thinner part
The difference in thickness between the two plates should
not be more than 25% of the thickness or, 3 mm whichever
is more.
t 2 − t1
≤ 25%of , t1
If difference is more than 25%, tapering less than 1:5 is to
be done.
¾ Effective length of the butt weld
It is the length of the weld for which the specified size
It is the length of the weld for which the specified size
and the effective throat thickness of the weld exist.
¾ Stress in butt weld :‐
The stresses of the butt weld should be taken equal to
The stresses of the butt weld should be taken equal to
the stresses of the parent metal in the case of shop
weld. These value are reduced to 80% if field welding
is done.
# The plate of dimension 180x10 mm and 180x12 mm are
Joined by butt welding Calculate the maximum tension the
Joined by butt‐welding. Calculate the maximum tension the
Joint can transmit, if
a) Single – V butt weld.
a) Single V butt weld.
b) Double – V butt weld is provided.
The permissible tensile stress of plate is 150 MPa.
a) The strength of single –V butt joint = σ at × × t1 × w
150 5
= × ×10 ×180 KN
1000 8
= 168.75 KN
V butt joint = σ at × t1 × w
b) The strength of Double – V butt joint
b) The strength of Double
= ×10 ×180 KN
= 270 KN
# Design a butt weld to join two strip of 180x12 mm and
180x8 mm to carry an axial tension of 110 KN.
Sol :‐
Difference between plate thickness = (12 – 8 ) mm
= 4 mm, > 3mm, or 25% of t1
So, We have to provide slope of 1:5 in thicker plate.
Let’s provide Double – V butt weld joint having weld size “S”.
The strength of weld/mm length = × S ×1KN / mm
= 0.108SKN / mm
Required weld length (leff ) = F 110
= mm
0.108S 0.108S
Maximum length we can provide is equal to width of plate (180 mm)
Thus, 110
180 =
0 . 108 S
S = 5 . 658 mm < thickness of thinner plate (8 mm)
So, OK
¾ Plug and Slot weld:‐
A slot is cut in one of the overlapping member and the
A slot is cut in one of the overlapping member and the
welding metal is filled in the slot.
If the slot is small and completely
If the slot is small and completely
filled with weld metal, it is
called plug weld.
p g
If periphery of the slot is filled with
weld metal, it is called a slot weld.
From, IS 816 :1969
The width or diameter (d)of the slot should not be less than
three time the thickness (t
ti th thi k (t1) of the part in which the slot
) f th t i hi h th l t
is formed or, 25 mm whichever is greater.
≥ 3 , or . d = 25 mm
The distance between the edge of the plate and the slot
The distance between the edge of the plate and the slot
or, between edge of adjacent slots should not be less than
twice the thickness of the upper plate.
# A tie member consisting of 2 channels ISMC 200, back‐
to back, is required to connect to gusset plate of 10 mm
is required to connect to gusset plate of 10 mm
thick . Design the fillet weld joint to develop full strength
of the member. The overlap is limited to 400 mm. Assume
permissible stress in weld is 108 MPa and permissible stress
in section is 150 MPa.
Properties of ISMC 200:‐
Thickness of web ( t
h k f b ( w ) = 6.1 mm
Thickness of flange (tf ) = 11.41 mm
( st)) = 2821 mm2
Cross‐section area of the section(A
Tensile strength of each channel section= σ at Ast
= 150 × 2821N
= 423.15 KN
Minimum weld size = 4 mm
Mi i ld i 4
Maximum weld size = 6.1‐ 1.5 = 4.6 mm
Let’s provide weld size (S) = 4 mm
Strength of weld / mm length = 108 x 0.7 x 4 N = 0.3024 KN.
F 423.15
Required weld length = =
0.3024 0.3024
= 1399mm
Available length = 400 x 2 + 200 mm
Available length = 400 x 2 + 200 mm
= 1000 mm
So, we have to provide slot.
h id l
Let’s provide two slot as shown in fig.
W = 25 mm > 3t ( = 3 × 6 .1 = 18 .3mm )
d = 50 mm > 2t
d ' = 50 mm > 2t
So .ok , and , a = 100 mm
# A bracket transmits a load of 80 KN at eccentricity of 30 cm
to a column through 10 rivet of 22 mm diameter arrange in
to a column through 10 rivet of 22 mm diameter arrange in
two vertical row 10 cm apart, the pitch is 8 cm and load lies
in the plane of the rivet. Calculate the maximum stress in the
in the plane of the rivet. Calculate the maximum stress in the
# As shown an eccentric weld connection with 7 mm fillet
weld size. Determine the maximum value of load “P”. If
permissible shear stress in the weld is 108 Mpa.
Throat thickness (t) = 0.7x7 = 4.9 mm
C.G. of the weld ‐
C G of the weld ‐ + CG
x =
∑ Ai x i
∑ Ai
20 × t × 0 + 10 × t × 5 + 10 × t × 5
20 × t + 10 × t + 10 × t
= 2 . 5 cm = 25 mm
PP ×1000
Direct stress (σ1)
Direct stress (σ = = = 0. 5102 PN / mm 2
I = I xx + I yy
1 ⎧1 ⎫
I xx = × 4.9 × 2003 + 2⎨ ×100 × 4.93 + 100 × 4.9 ×102.52 ⎬
12 ⎩12 ⎭
= 13564752.48mm 4 ≈ 13.56 ×106 mm 4
1 ⎧1 ⎫
I yy = × 200 × 4 .9 3 + 200 × 4 .9 × 27 .5 2 + 2 ⎨ × 4 .9 × 100 3 + 100 × 4 .9 × 25 2 ⎬
12 ⎩12 ⎭
= 2172252 .483 mm 4 ≈ 2 .17 × 10 6 mm 4
I = 13.56 ×106 + 2.17 ×106 = 15.73 ×106 mm 4
Mr P × 37 . 5 × 10 4 × 125
Torsion stress(σ2) = =
I 15 . 73 × 10 6
= 2 . 9799 P , N / mm 2
⎛ 102.5 ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ = 53.806
⎝ 75 ⎠ r
Resultant stress (R) θ σ1 R
R = σ 12 + σ 22 + 2σ 1σ 2Cosθ = 3.168 P
Thus, Permissible load (P)
weld ⋅ strength 108
P= = ≈ 34 KN
3.168 3.168
¾Lug angle :‐ Lug Angle
From IS 800 1984, clause 8.8
¾ For angle section :
Strength of Lug angle
S h fL l
and there connection
with gusset plate = 1 2 x Strength of outstanding leg
with gusset plate = 1.2 x Strength of outstanding leg.
Connection strength between Lug angle and outstanding
Leg = 1.4 x Strength of outstanding leg.
g g g g
¾ For channel section:
Strength of Lug angle and there connection with gusset
plate = 1.1 x Strength of outstanding leg.
Connection strength between Lug angle and outstanding
Connection strength between Lug angle and outstanding
Leg = 1.2 x Strength of outstanding leg.
Minimum number of rivet should be two.
Where Lug angles are used to connect an angle member,
Where Lug angles are used to connect an angle member
the whole area of the member should be taken as effective
# Design an end connection for a tension member ISMC 300
@35 8 Kg/m with 12 mm thick gusset plate using Lug angle
@35.8 Kg/m with 12 mm thick gusset plate using Lug angle
and 20 mm dia. Pds rivets. The design load on channel is
560 KN.
Sol :‐
Gross area of the section(Ag) = 4564 mm2
Net area is,
Anet = Ag − φ × t w = 4564 − 21.5 × 7.6 = 4400.6mm 2
Stress due to applied load
P 560 ×1000
σ at ,cal = = = 127.26 MPa < σ at (150 MPa)
Anet 4400.6
Area of connected leg = ( 300 – 7.6)x7.6 = 2222.24 mm2
Area of outstanding leg = ( 4564 – 2222.24)/2 = 1170.88 mm2
Force taken by outstand leg = 560 × = 143.67 KN
Force taken by connected leg = 560 – 2x143.67 = 272.66 KN
Design of lug angle :
Strength of lug angle = 1.1 x Force of outstanding leg
= 1.1 x143.67
1 1 x143 67 = 158.03 KN
158 03 KN
Required net sectional area :
158 . 03 × 1000
A net = = 1053 . 53 mm 2
Let’s provide ISA 90X90X8,
’ d
Area of the section = 1379 mm2
In bearing in outstand leg of channel ‐
I b i i t t dl f h l
P2 = × 8 × 21.5 = 51.6 MPa
In shearing ‐
π 100 π
V = τ av × φ = 2
× × 21.52 = 36.3MPa
4 1000 4
Thus, Rivet value (R) = 36.3 MPa
¾ Number of rivet required to connect :
Channel web with gusset plate = = 7.51 ≈ 8
1.2 ×143.67
Lug angle with outstanding leg = = 4.74 ≈ 5
Lug angle with gusset plate = = 4.35 ≈ 5
Spacing of rivet = 3x21.5 = 64.5 mm (say 65 mm)
D i a fillet-weld
fill ld endd connection
i for
f a tension
i member
ISA 80x50x10 mm connected by longer Leg to 8 mm thick
gusset plate
plate. Assume weld Strength is 108 Mpa and
σat = 150 Mpa.
Sol :‐
Sol :
Equivalent area of the section
Aeq = A1 + KA2
A1 = 80 − 10
)× 10 = 750 mm 2
A2 = (50 − 10 )× 10 = 450 mm 2
3 A1
K =
3 A1 + A2
= 0 .833 Aeq = 1125mm 2
Maximum tensile force taken by the angle section :
Maximum tensile force taken by the angle section :
T = σ at × Aeqq = × 1125 = 168 .75 KN
Minimum weld size = 4 mm
Maximum weld size = ( t ‐1.5)=( 8‐1.5)= 6.5 mm
i ld i ( ) ( )
Let’s provide weld size (S) = 6 mm