Lesson Plan - Colors

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching

Math for Kindergarten

June 19, 2019

Prepared by: AROMIN, Kyle Haili A.

I. Objectives: During/At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;
a. identify the color red,
b. appreciate the importance of Gods’s sacrifice just for our sins, and;
c. correctly identify the color of the given object through recitation.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: The Red
Values: Appreciation of God’s sacrifice
Materials: pocket chart, pictures, videos from youtube.com
References: Math for Life long Learning

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
 The Different colors
 Video Presentation on the color song
2. Motivation
 What is your favorite color?
 Ask for objects that are red in color inside the classroom

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
 What is common in the picture?
2. Discussion
 Meaning of color Red and Yellow
 Examples of Red and Yellow objects

C. Generalization
 Meaning of color Red
 Symbolisms of color Red from the Bible
 Matthew 26:26-28

D. Application
 Color the following objects that will be given.

IV. Assessment
 Identify all the words that are colored red in the box.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching
Math for Kindergarten
June 20, 2019

Prepared by: AROMIN, Kyle Haili A.

I. Objectives: During/At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to;
a. identify the color yellow,
b. appreciate the importance of the color red and yellow as a symbol of the
Lords promise to us, and;
c. correctly identify the color of the given object through recitation

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: The color Yellow
Values: Appreciation of God’s sacrifice
Materials: pocket chart, pictures, videos from youtube.com
References: Math for Life long Learning

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
 The color Red
 Symbolism of color Red from the bible
2. Motivation
 Video Presentation on the Yellow song

B. Developmental Activities
1. Discussion
 Meaning of color Yellow
 Mastering the spelling of yellow
 Examples of Yellow objects

C. Generalization
 Meaning of color Yellow
 Symbolism of color Yellow from the Bible
 Revelation 21: 21-22

D. Application
 Identify all the yellow objects from the drawing

IV. Assessment
 Encircle all the yellow parrots in the picture below.

V. Assignment:
 Bring concrete objects that are yellow in color.

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