Gupta Bro
Gupta Bro
Gupta Bro
1.1 The ureteric bud originates from which aspect of the mesonephric duct :
(a) Anteromedial
(b) Posteromedial
(c) Anterorateral
(d) Posterorateral
(a) 5-7
(b) 7-9
(c) 9-11
(d) 11-13
1.3 During embryogenesis by which stage the kidney reach the normal adult position :
1.4 By which week of gestation, the kidney reaches its, adult location :
(a) 8 weeks
(b) 10 weeks
(c) 12 weeks
(d) 14 weeks
1.6 Approximately what is the ratio of polar kidney to fatal crow it rump length :
(a) 0,63
(b) 0,68
(c) 0,73
(d) 0,78
1.7 In which week of gestation the medulla of the kidney is evident by ultrasound examination :
(a) 23 rd
(b) 27 th
(c) 31 st
(d) 35 th
(a) 14
(b) 16
(c) 18
(d) 20
1.9 Until about how many weeks of gestation, the external genetalia are sexually indifferent :
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 18
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 16
1.12 After how many week of gestation, the testis descends from the external ring to the scrotum :
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 12
(a) The mullerian duets degenerates when exposed to mullerian inhiding substance (MIS)
(b) The degeneration occurs mostly in a cranio caudal direction
(c) The erantal portion of the duct is more sensitive to the effect of MIS than the caudal portion
of the duct
(d) The caudal end of the degenerating mullerian duct may persist as appendix of the testis
1.17 Which of the following is the first muscle one encounters in the subcostal approach to the
kidney ?
(a) Intraperitoneal
(b) Retroperitoneal
(c) Insuaperitoral
(d) None of the above
1.28 Which of the following statement FALSE regarding kidneys ?
(a) 1 cms
(b) 2 cms
(c) 3 cms
(d) 4 cms
1.32 What is the usuall weight of the kidney normal adult male ?
1.33 The weight of the kidney constitutes approximately how many percent of the body weight of
the adult :
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.6
(d) 1.0
1.34 The weight of the kidney constitutes approximately how many percent of body weight of the
new born :
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.6
(d) 1.0
(a) Present
(b) Absence
1.36 The gerota’s fascia is not fused on which side of the kidney :
(a) Medially
(b) Superioly
(c) Inferiorly
(d) Laterally
1.38 Which of the following statement is WRONG about perirenal or perinephric fat ?
1.39 The dromedari hump usually present in which part of the kidney :
(a) Posterior
(b) Apical
(c) Middle
(d) Lower
1.42 The anterior divisions renal artery supplies the following segments of the kidney except :
(a) Anterior
(b) Lower
(c) Posterior
(d) Anterior
1.43 The right renal artery passes posterior to the right renal vein, head of pancreas and second part
of duodenum. Apart from these, it also passes behind the :
1.44 The kidney is divisible in to how many segment on the basis of arterial distribution :
(a) 2 segments
(b) 3 segments
(c) 4 segments
(d) 5 segments
1.45 Which of the following segment of the kidney maybe supplied by branched from either the
anterior division or the posterior division of the renal artery ?
(a) Lower
(b) Apical
(c) Posterior
(d) Middle
1.46 The posterior segment renal artery reaches the posterior surface of the pelvis by coursing
which border of the pelvis :
(a) Upper
(b) Middle
(c) Apical
(d) Lower
(e) Posterior
1.49 At the level of which vessel the renal parenchymal vein anatomosis freely :
(a) Arcuate
(b) Interlobar
(c) Lobar
(d) Interlobular
1.51 The right renal artery has following differences from left renal artery except :
(a) 1/3 mm
(b) 1mm
(c) 2 mm
(d) 3 mm
1.54 While planning incision on the renal cortex for partial nephrectomy, the involved area of the
kidney does not become blue on compressing the segmental manually. All of the following can
be the reason, except ?
1.55 The left renal vein has following differentces from right renal vein, except :
(a) It is longer
(b) It has tributaries
(c) In enters inferior vena cava at slightly higher level
(d) It enter inferior vena cava more posterolateraly
1.56 On which side, the lumbar vein joins left renal vein :
(a) Superiolly
(b) Inferiorly
(c) Anteriorly
(d) Posteriorly
(a) Cortex
(b) Medulla
(c) Corticomedullary junction
(d) Any of the a bove
(a) 5-7
(b) 7-9-
(c) 9-11
(d) 11-13
(a) The musculature of the upper urinary tract comprises only typical smooth muscle and
atypical smooth muscle cells
(b) There is localised thickening of muscles in the pelviureteric region and pelviureteric
sphincter can be localised on microscopy
(c) Autonomic nerve fibres occur in the muscle coat of the calyces,pelvis and ureter
(d) The ureter comprises of mucosa, muscle coat and adventitia from inside outwards
1.61 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding the peristatic activity of the upper urinary
(a) Peristaltic waves are initiated by the pacemakers present in each minor calyx
(b) Not all peristaltic waves in the renal pelvis are propogated down the ureter
(c) The ureteral peristalsis depends on the myogenic contractile property of the smooth muscle
(d) The autonomic nerve supply of the ureter is essential in achiving peristalsis
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10
(a) Same
(b) Left 1 cm longer
(c) Right ureter is 1 cm longer
(d) Left ureter is 2 cms longer
1.65 At which level do both the ureters lie closest to each other :
(a) L2
(b) L3
(c) Just above sarcoiliac
(c) Ischial spine
1.66 At which level both the ureters are most widely separate each other :
(a) L2
(b) L3
(c) Just above sacroilliac joint
(d) Ischial spine
(a) 4F
(b) 6F
(c) 8F
(d) 10 F
(a) Circular
(b) Oblique
(c) Longitudinal
(d) Any of the above
1.70 The blood supply of the ureters comes from :
1.71 From which direction the arterial branches within the pelvis approach the ureter :
(a) Medial
(b) Lateral
(c) Superior
(d) Inferior
1.73 The innervation of the ureter is autonomic with ganglionic cells limited to the :
(a) Adventitia
(b) Muscle
(c) Submocosa
(d) Mucosa
(a) Celiac
(b) Renal
(c) Superior hypogastric
(d) Inferior hypogastric
1.76 From which spinal segment the kidney receives preganglionic sympatic input :
(a) T4-T9
(b) T6-T10
(c) T8-L1
1.77 From which spinal segment, the ureter receives preganilonic sympatic input :
(a) T5-L1
(b) T10 - L2
(c) T12-L3
(d) L1-L4
1.78 From which lumbar spinal nerve, the obturator nerve originates :
1.79 From normal ureteral peristalsis, the intristic smooth muscle pacemaker sites are located in the:
1.80 The ureters receives parasimpathetic input from which spinal segment :
(a) L5- s1
(b) S1-S3
(c) S2-S4
(d) S3-S5
1.85 Which is the main vessel for blood supply to the perineum :
1.86 The following are present between the two layers of broad ligament, except :
1.87 In which week of embrio, the layers charateristic of the adult urethra and bladder can be
recognized :
(a) 8 weeks
(b) 10 weeks
(c) 12 weeks
(d) 14 weeks
1.88 Which surface the bladder mostly covered by the peritoneum ?
(a) Superior
(b) Infra lateral (anterolateral)
(c) Posterior
(d) Neck
1.89 Is which part of the bladder 3 muscle layer can be seperatly indentified :
(a) Superior
(b) Infralateral
(c) Posterior
(d) Neck
(a) 300-500
(b) 500-700
(c) 700-900
(d) 900-1350
1.95 From which spinal segment, sympatetic nerve supply to bladder originates :
(a) T19-L1
(b) T11- L2
(c) T12-L3
(d) L1-L4
1.96 From which spinal segment, parasympatetic nerve supply to bladder original :
(a) L5-S1
(b) S1-S7
(c) S2-S4
(d) S3-S7
1.97 In which part of the bladder, sympatetic nerve are richly distributed :
1.98 How many cell layers are present in the transitional epithelium lining the bladder mocusa ?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) Five
1.100 There no reflux of urine from the bladder to the ureter during ?
1.101 With bladder distantion urine output drop and the glomerular filtration rate decreses due
to ?
(a) 20 cms
(b) 23 cms
(c) 27 cms
(d) 30 cms
(a) MUE
(b) Penile
(c) Bulbous
(d) Membranous
(e) Prostatic
1.104 In which part of the male urethra the gland of littre are present :
1.105 In which part of the urethra the ducts of cowper gland open :
(a) Pendulous
(b) Bulbous
(c) Membranous
(d) Prostatic
1.109 Bulbar and pendoulus urethra are lined by which type of epithelium :
(a) Anterolateral
(b) Posterolateral
(c) Anteromedial
(d) Posteromedial
(a) Anterior
(b) Posterior
(c) Lateral
(d) Medial
(a) 2 cms
(b) 3 cms
(c) 4 cms
(d) 5 cms
1.114 In which part of the female urethra spincteric mechanism is present :
(a) 15 F
(b) 18 F
(c) 21 F
(d) 24 F
1.117 There are no connection between the lymphatic of scrotum and testis this statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 15 mm
(d) 20 mm
1.141 The venous drainage of the semina vesicle terminate in tothe :
1.142 The arterial blood supply of the seminal vesicle is derived from :
1.143 Which is the main artery supplying blood to the seminal vesicle :
1.144 As completed to the diameter of the testis and epididymis, the diameter of the gubernacullum
is :
(a) One-fourth
(b) Half
(c) Same
(d) Double
(a) 20 Fr
(b) 25 Fr
(c) 30 Fr
(d) 35 Fr
2.1 After how many weeks of development, the tubules of the human fetus start functioning :
(a) 7
(b) 9-
(c) 11
(d) 13
(a) 14
(b) 16
(c) 18
(d) 20
2.3 Which of the following is responsible low glomerular filtration rate (GFR) during fetal life :
2.4 Around which week of gestation urine production in human kidney is known to begin :
2.5 The daily lymph volume produced by the normal human kidneys in comparision to the daily
urine output is :
(a) 1/5 th
(b) half
(c) equal
(d) double
2.6 During fetal life, how many percent of the cardiac output is recieved by the kidney in utero :
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
2.7 How many percent of cardiac output is recieved by the kidney in newborns ?
(a) 13
(b) 15
(c) 17
(d) 19
2.8 The kidneys recieves how many percent of cardiac output in adult :
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
(a) 2-4%
(b) 4-6%
(c) 6-8%
(d) 8-19%
2.10 How many ml of oxygen from 100ml of arterial blood do the kidney extract ?
(a) 0.5 ml
(b) 1.0 ml
(c) 1.5 ml
(d) 2.0 ml
2.11 What percentage of the renal blood flow does the renal cortex :
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%
2.12 The elevation of blood pressure along with hydronephrosis maybe :
(a) Coincidental
(b) From uremia
(c) From retained sodium and water
(d) All of the a bove
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
2.16 As early as in which week of fetal life, the nephrone in the metanephros appear to function :
(a) 8-9 th
(b) 9-10 th
(c) 10-11 th
(d) 11-12 th-
(a) Cortex
(b) Medulla
(c) Both
2.18 The brush border mucose is present in the :
(a) 5.0 nm
(b) 6.0 nm
(c) 7.0 nm
(d) 8.0 nm
2.20 Which of the following determine the degree of glomerular filtration of a molecule ?
(a) Size
(b) Shape
(c) Charge
(d) All of the a bove
2.21 The following are the principal determinants of extracellular fluid osmolality except :
(a) Sodium
(b) Chloride
(c) Potasium
(d) Bicarbonate
2.23 How much glomerular filtrate is formed each minute in normal adult men ?
(a) 100-120 ml
(b) 120-140 ml
(c) 140-160 ml
(d) 160-180 ml
2.24 Approximately, how much glomerular filtrate is formed in 24 hours in normal adult men :
2.25 Approximately, how much glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed in the proximal convulted tubules :
(a) 50%
(b) 60%
(c) 70%
(d) 80%
2.26 In comparison to bowman’s capsule, the filtrate reaching the loop of henle is :
(a) Hypertonic
(b) Isotonic
(c) Hypotonic
2.27 In comparision to bowman’s capsule, the filtrate reaching the distal tubule is :
(a) Hypertonic
(b) Isotonic
(c) Hypotonic
2.28 Which of the following subtance is niether reabsorbed nor secreted into the renal tubule
(a) Saline
(b) Inulin
(c) Glucose
(d) Para amino hippurate (PAH)
(a) More
(b) Same
(c) Less
(a) 80 ml/mnt
(b) 100 ml/mnt
(c) 120 ml/mnt
(d) 140 ml/mnt
2.31 The following subtance are passivley reabsorbed from the reneal tubules EXCEPT:
(a) Water
(b) Sodium
(c) Urea
(d) Calcium
(a) Penicillins
(b) Salicylates
(c) Inulin
(d) Radiopaque constrat media
2.34 With the hight rate of sodium excretion that follows high instage of sodium, the potassium
excretion will be :
(a) Low
(b) High
(c) Same
2.35 Aldosterone, which incereases reabsorption of sodium and increases potassium excretion,
mainly acts on the :
2.36 When the hydrogen ion content of the tubular cell is high, as in acidosis, potassium secretion in
to the tubular fluid, will be?
(a) Same
(b) High
(c) Low
2.37 In acid-base regulation, the hydrogen sodium exchange plays a large role in the reabsoption of :
(a) Chloride
(b) Bicarbonate
(c) Potassium
(d) Calcium
2.38 Hydrogen ion secreted into the proximal tubular lumen combines with the bicarbonate ion in
the filtrate to form :
2.39 Ammonia is generated in the cells of the renal tubules by the demination of :
(a) Glutamine
(b) Glycine
(c) Alanine
(d) All of the above
(a) 5.4
(b) 6.4
(c) 7.4
(d) 8.4
(a) 3.4
(b) 4.4
(c) 5.4
(d) 6.4
(a) Thalamus
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Pituitary
(d) Kidney
2.43 The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) acts on :
2.44 How many percent of weight loss occurs to the kidneys between 4th and 8th decade of life ?
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) Over 20
(a) 6 months
(b) 12 months
(c) 18 months
(d) 24 months
2.46 What is the value of the fractional excretion of sodium FENA% in acute renal failure of a
prerenal etiology ?
(a) 3500
(b) 4000
(c) 4500
(d) 5000
2.49 How many percent of filtered HCO, appear in the final urine ?
2.50 Approximately how many percent of filtered HCO3, is reabsorped by the proximal tubule :
(a) 75
(b) 80
(c) 85
(d) 90
2.51 In which part of the nephron, most of the NET acid excretion occurs :
(a) 75
(b) 80
(c) 85
(d) More than 90
(a) 50
(b) 60-
(c) 70
(d) 80
(a) 92-94
(b) 94-96
(c) 96-98
(d) 98-100
2.55 Calcium absorption is stimulated by PTH in the following parts of the nephron EXCEPT :
2.58 The following factors stimulates calcium reabsorption between the late proximal tubule and
early distal convoluted tubules EXCEPTS :
(a) Hypocalcemia
(b) Metabolic alkalosis
(c) Vitamin d
(d) Phosphate loading
(e) Hypermagnesemia
(a) 50-67
(b) 60-77
(c) 70-87
(d) 80-97-
2.60 With low purine diet, approximately what is the daily uric acid production from the endogenous
source ?
(a) 10-35-
(b) 20-45
(c) 30-55
(d) 40-65
2.63 Which of the following hormone is not with cell membrane receptor ?
(a) Catecholamines
(b) Aldosterone
(c) Antidiuretic
(d) Parathyroid
(a) Kidney
(b) Ulterine myomas
(c) Cerebellar hemangioblastomas
(d) All of the above
2.67 Kidney is the site of synthesis of the following hormones EXCEPT :
(a) Erythropoietin
(b) 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D
(c) Renin
(d) Insulin
(a) Kidney
(b) Liver
(c) Spleen
(d) Lungs
2.69 Which is the primary mechanism of anaemia in patients with chronic renal disease ?
2.70 When should erythropoietin be given to patient on dialysis and treatment with
2.71 Which is the major adverse event in patients with chronic renal failure recieving recombinant
human erythropoietin ?
2.72 In which of the following ,increases renal production of erythropoietin can occour :
(a) 60
(b) 70
(c) 80
(d) More than 90
2.75 The renal kalikrein kinin system can stimulate which of the following :
(a) 0-5 cm H2 O
(b) 5-10 cm H2 O
(c) 10-15 cm H2 O
(d) 15-20 cm H2 O
2.78 Which of the following drugs have no effect on ureteral pressure complexes ?
2.80 On which of the following, effect of obstruction on the ureteral function is dependent
2.81 What are the factors which have been implicated in the development of vesicoureteral reflux?
2.82 At what time first pathologic change are noted in the glomerulus after complete ureteral
obstruction :
(a) 7 days
(b) 14 days
(c) 21 days
(d) 28 days
2.83 At what time proliferation of the medullary interstitial cells is noted after complete ureteral
obstruction :
(a) 5 th day
(b) 7 th day
(c) 9 th day
(d) 11 th day
2.84 By which route, most of the fluid exits from the renal pelvis in hydronephrosis with low
pressure :
2.85 Which of the following changes occur by the continous high protein intake ?
2.86 Which is the most accurate method of predicting the recovery potential of a hydronephrotic
kidney ?
2.91 What is the renal pressure measured with percutaneous puncture in a normal antidiuretic
patient ?
(a) 5.5 mm Hg
(b) 6.5 mm Hg
(c) 7.5 mm Hg
(d) 8.5 mm Hg
2.92 Which of the following determine effects of ureteral obstruction on renal function ?
(a) Severity
(b) Duration
(c) Totality
(d) Infection
(e) All of the above
2.94 How many percent of the output should be replaced in post obstrctive diuresis ?
(a) 5% dextropse
(b) 0.5% normal saline
(c) Ringer’s Lactate
(d) B&C
2.96 Which is the site of leakage in spontaneus extravasation following ureteral obstruction ?
(a) Ureter
(b) Pelvis
(c) Calyx
(d) Fernix
(a) Same
(b) Low
(c) High
2.99 With the loss of renal tissue. The compensating growth of the remaining tissue is mostly by ?
(a) Hypertrophy
(b) Hyperplasia
(c) None of the above
(d) Both of the above
2.101 In which of the following a greater degree of hydronephrotic parenchymal atrophy will occur :
(a) Increased
(b) Decreased
(c) Unchanged
3.2 What is the average speed of sound when it passes through tissues ?
3.3 After 20 weeks of gestation, in how many percent of cases, ultrasound examination is accurate in
determining the gender of the fetus :
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
3.4 At 15 week of gestation, in how many percent of cases. Ultrasound examination is accurate in
determining the gender of the fetus :
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
3.8 On which of the following, the positive predictive value (PPV) for cancer of a hypoechoic lesion in
the peripheral zone depends upon :
3.9 Which transabdominal probe can produce acceptable sonogram of the kidney ?
(a) Hematoma
(b) Abscess
(c) Granulomas
(d) Calculus
(a) 5 Mhz
(b) 7.5 Mhz
(c) 10 Mhz
(d) All of the above
(a) Isoechoic
(b) Hypoechoic
(c) Hyperechoic
(d) A and C
(a) Suprapubic
(b) Transurethral
(c) Transrectal
(d) A and B
3.18 For evaluation of stricuture urethra, ultasonography has following advantages over radiography
3.19 What is the average adult dose of iodine per pound body weight for excretary urography :
3.21 Approximately, what is the plasma half life of contrast agents, following bolus injection :
(a) 10 mnts
(b) 20 mnts
(c) 30 mnts
(d) 40 mnts
3.22 During intravenous urography, renal tomography significantly increased the recognition of the
following EXCEPT :
3.23 During intravenous urography, erect film provide optimal view for the demonstration of the
following EXCEPT :
3.24 Which is the most accurate method for bladder volume measurement ?
(a) Absolute density of nephprogram corelates well with the clinical measure of renal function
(b) Intensity of nephrogram is propotional to the adminitered dose of contrast
(c) Intensity of nephrogram is unaffected by the state of hydration of the patient
(d) Density of nephrogram is due the contrast in intratubular space
3.28 How much time is required for a normal cortical nephrogram to appear after bolus injection of
contrast agent ?
(a) Pyelonephritis
(b) Severe hydronephrosis
(c) Hypernephroma
(d) Polycystic kidney
3.30 A dense persistent nephrogram may be seen in all of the following EXCEPT :
3.31 How much time is recquired for the constrast material to visible in the calyces after injection ?
(a) 2 mnts
(b) 3 mnts
(c) 4 mnts
(d) 5 mnts
3.32 How many times the contrast material is concentrated during its transit from the nephron to
produce a relatively dense pylogram ?
(a) 20 times
(b) 30 times
(c) 40 times
(d) 50 times
3.33 Which term is appropriete for a kidney that fails to excrete radiographically detectable amounts
of contrast agent in to its collecting system ?
(a) Nonvisualizing
(b) Nonfuntioning
(c) Nonexcreting
(d) Nonexcisting
3.35 The following patients are prone to intratubular block and renal shutdown when dehydrated
during urography EXCEPT :
3.39 Which is the investigation of choice for the estimation of seminal vesicle volume ?
3.40 What is the echogenicity of the kidney in comparision to the liver after neonatal period?
(a) Same
(b) More
(c) Less
(d) Any of the above
3.41 The following are the sonographic criteria for a simple renal cyst EXCEPT :
3.42 Bilateral increase in the echodensity of the cortex with preservation of corticomedullary
definition occurs in the following conditions EXCEPT :
3.43 Which of the following condition ultimately lead to increased echos in both cortex and medulla
(a) Chornic Glomerulonephritis
(b) Alport’s disease
(c) Renal corical necrosis
(d) Oxalosis
3.44 Unilateral global increase in cortical echogenicity with loss of corticomedulary definition in a
patient with acute symptoms leads to the differential diagnosis of the following EXCEPT :
3.45 Unilateral global increase in cortical echogenicity with loss of corticomedulary definition in a
patient without acute symptoms leads to a differential diagnosis of the following EXCEPT :
3.46 Which is the route of excretion of modern contrast agent like diatrozoate ?
(a) Phosphorus
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Sodium
(d) Calcium
3.48 Which solid organ in the abdomen has the highest signal density ?
(a) Liver
(b) Spicen
(c) Pancreas
(d) Kidney
3.51 Which of the following on CT or Ultrasound suspects the diagnonsis complicated renal cyst?
3.52 What is the average radiodensity of TCC of upper urinary tracts on CT scan ?
In relation to the differential diagnosis of radiolucent filling defect in the renal pelvis,
4.1 Low power microscopic urine analysis is specifically diagnostic of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Bacteria
(b) Red blood cell casts
(c) Trichomonods
(d) Cystine crystals
4.2 In high power microscopic urine analysis, each bacterium seen per hpf signifies a bacterial count
4.3 Which of the following cast on urine analysis do not have pathologic significance ?
(a) Albumin
(b) Globulin
(c) Bence-Jones proiens
(d) Mucoprotiens
4.5 The urinary dipstick for blood measures the following EXCEPT :
(a) Centre
(b) Between the edge and centre
(c) Edge
(d) Any part
(a) Fructose
(b) Glucose
(c) Lactose
(d) Galactose
(a) Ketones
(b) Bilirubin
(c) Bacteria
(d) Prodens
4.9 How many leucocytes per hpf accepted as the cut of level for significant piuria?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) Five
(a) Pyridium
(b) Beets. Vegetable dyes
(c) R.B.C.
(d) Porphyria
4.11 What is often accepted as the upper limit of normal for 24 hours urinary protein excretion in
healthy adults ?
(a) 50 mgs
(b) 150 mgs
(c) 200 mgs
(d) 250 mgs
4.12 Which of the following statement is WRONG regarding 3 percent sulfosalicylic acid test for
detection of urinary protiens?
4.13 Which is the microscopic appearance of ureteral epithelial cell under high power field?
4.14 How many percent of newborn void during the first day of life ?
(a) 70 percent
(b) 80 percent
(c) 90 percent
(d) 100 percent
4.17 Which symptom leading to urologic surgery neonates in recquire immediate evaluation ?
(a) Hydronephrosis
(b) Renal tumour
(c) Neuroblastoma
(d) Hydromentrocolpos
(a) 76 ± 10 mm Hg
(b) 86 ± 10 mm Hg
(c) 96 ± 10 mm Hg
(d) 106 ± 10 mm Hg
4.20 Which is the most common cause of firm enlargement of the testis in neonates ?
(a) Blood
(b) Urine
(c) Chyle
(d) Bile
4.22 Which is the most likely diagnosis in a child with ambiguous genitalia who have no gonads and
46 XX karyotype ?
4.23 Which is the most likely diagnosis in a child with ambiguous genitalia who have 2
palpable gonads and 46 XY karotype ?
4.25 Which is the most likely diagnosis in a child with ambiguous genitalia who have one palpable
gonad and 45 X / 46 XY or 46 XY karyotype ?
4.26 What are the symptoms of abnormally located ectopic ureter orifice within bladder ?
(a) Diverticulitis
(b) Carcinoma of the sigmoid colon
(c) Regional enteritis
(d) Diabetes mellitus with gas forming infections
4.29 Which is the common cause of thick profused and yellow to gray purulent urethral
discharge ?
(a) Chidren
(b) Thin women
(c) Men
(d) None of the above
4.33 In which of the following retroperitoneal tumor can be cause for varicocel :
4.34 Which of the following not advice in the treatment of acute prostatitis ?
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Anti inflammatory drugs
(c) Sitz bath
(d) Rectal massage of the prostate
4.35 A cystic swelling along the posterior surface of the bladder can be :
(a) Diagnosis is based simply on presence of anuria or oligouria (urine volume 1800
(b) If patient is well hydrated, use of diuretic such as frusemide may be indicated
(c) Endogenous catabolism may be minimised by provision of at lest 30 calories/m2/day
(d) Intravenous fluids should include glucose, sodium and vitamins
(e) Inability to correct acidosisi or hyperkalemia by other methods are indications for dialysis
4.39 Which is the most impartant primary tubulus interstitial disease cause acute renal failure?
4.40 Which drug is most commonly associated with acute interstitial nephritis ?
(a) Penicillins
(b) Cephalosporines
(c) Trimethoprim
(d) Rifampicin
4.41 Which is the most common and most dangerous electrolyte abnormality seen with acute renal
failure ?
(a) Hyperkalemia
(b) Hypermagnesemia
(c) Hyperphosphaternia
(d) Hypercalcemia
4.42 Generally, proteinuria exceeding how many gm/day (normalized per 1.73 m2 body surface
area) suggest glomerular cause of chronic renal failure:
4.45 What is the maximum level of protiens in mg/m2 of body surface area per day in normal urine in
small chlidren ?
(a) 80
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 140
4.46 Following are the common glomerular disease cause chronic renal failure EXCEPT :
4.48 What should be the daily urine output cases of chronic renal failure :
4.49 Which is the investigation of choice for assesing the iron stone of patients with chronic renal
failure ?
4.50 What is the treatment of choice for the management of anaemia of chronic renal failure ?
4.51 In which of the following group of patients, renal osteodistrophy will occur in chronic renal
failure :
4.56 A patient with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease developed prolonged
erection following intracavernous injection therapy. He came back for treatment within 6
hours. Which is the safest mode of therapy for him :
4.57 A 25 years man developed erection during scrub prepration under spinal anaesthesia. Which is
the most effective treatment :
5.3 Following investigations help in the diagnosis of bilateral renal agenesis EXCEPT :
5.4 In which system the most commonly associated anomalies accur in unilateral renal agenesis :
(a) Genital
(b) CVS
(c) Musculoskeletal
(d) Respiratory
5.5 The following syndromes are associated with unilateral agenesisi EXCEPT :
5.9 The vascular pedicle and ureter of the intrathoracic kidney enters the thorax through :
5.11 Which is the most clearly seen part in a pelvic kidney on IVP ?
(a) Ureter
(b) Pelvis
(c) Calyces
(d) Nephrogram
5.12 How many percent of the crossed ectopic kidneys are fused to their ipsilateral mate ?
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
5.13 The following facts about crossed renal ectopia are true EXCEPT :
(a) 90% of crossed ectopic kidneys are fused to the ipsilateral kidney of that side
(b) Unilaterally fused kidney with inferior ectopic is the least common
(c) Male : female : 2:1
(d) Left to right ectopia is 3 times more common than right to left
5.16 In the embryo, before renal ascent , the renal pelvis faces :
(a) Posteriorly
(b) Medially
(c) Laterally
(d) Anteriorly
5.17 The following facts are true about horse shoe kidney EXCEPT :
(a) Upper
(b) Middle
(c) Lower
(d) Equal in all sites
5.19 The following facts about calyceal diverticulum are true EXCEPT :
5.20 A cystic dilation of a mojor calyx lined by transtional epithelium and connected to the renal
pelvis is called :
5.21 A non obstruction enlargement of the calyces due to a malformation of the renal papillac with a
nondilated renal pelvis and normal pelvi ureteric junction is called :
5.22 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding simple renal cyst ?
5.25 Which of the following factors help in differentiating acquired renal cystic disease (ARCD) from
autocomal dominent (adult) polycystic kidney disease (APCD) ?
5.26 Acquired renal cyst can arise from any part of the nemron but they have a predilection for :
(a) Glomerulus
(b) Proximal convoluted tubules
(c) Distal convulated tubules
(d) Loop of Henle and collecting tubules
5.27 Renal sinus cyst can arise from the following EXCEPT :
(a) Arteries
(b) Lymphatics
(c) Renal parenchyma
(d) Fat
5.29 Uremic medullary cystic disease complex includes all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) The histologic apearance in the members of one family is remakably consistent
(b) Characteristic lesion is medullary ductal ectasia
(c) Kidneys are mostly not enlarged
(d) Cortico-medullary relation is preserved
5.32 The effects of APCD on renal function can be varying and is characterised by the following
5.33 Older children, presenting after first year of life with infantile polycystic kidney disease usually
are characterised by the following EXCEPT :
5.34 Which is the most common cause of bilateral renal enlargement in new borns ?
5.35 Amongst the following grave complications of infantile polycystic kidney disease the LEAST
common is :
5.37 The following hypothesis have been put forward for adult polycystic kidney disease EXCEPT :
5.38 Which of the following is TRUE about adult polycystic kidney disease ?
5.40 Which is the most likely complication that can occur in a patient of APCD who dies suddenly ?
5.42 What is the percentage of accompanying cerebral aneurysm in a patient of adult polycystic
kidney disease ?
(a) 10%
(b) 45%
(c) 60%
(d) 70%
(a) Reptrograde ureteric studies should be done to percutaneous renal bipsy should be done for
tissue diagnosis
(b) Percutaneous renal biopsy should be done for tissue diagnosis
(c) APCD is always bilateral
(d) If untreated. Renal mortality is 25%
(a) 10%
(b) 20-30%
(c) 50-70%
(d) 100%
5.47 In atleast how many percent of cases of adult polycystic kidney disease, diagnosis can be made
by ultrasound examination before the age of 25 years :
(a) 65 percent
(b) 75 percent
(c) 85 percent
(d) 95 percent
5.48 In how many percent of cases of adult polycystic kidney disease, diagnostic accuracy can be
reached by combined genetic studies and ultrasound examination before the age of 25 years :
(a) 70 percent
(b) 80 percent
(c) 90 percent
(d) 100 percent
5.49 In which chromosome, abnormality is localized in antosomal dominant (adult) polycystic kidney
disease :
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 18
5.50 How many percent of the children of the adult polycystic kidney disease will be affected by the
same disease ?
(a) 2 percent
(b) 5 percent
(c) 7 percent
(d) 12 percent
5.51 The following are indication of surgery in adult polycystic kidney disease EXCEPT :
(a) Hypertension
(b) Intactable pain
(c) Intactable infection
(d) Acute renal failure
(a) Gameruli
(b) Poximal convoluted tubules
(c) Distal convoluted tubules
(d) Collecting tubules-
5.54 The radiographic diagnosis cf MSK can be based on the folowing criteria EXCEPT :
(a) Infection
(b) Nephrolithiasis
(c) Haematuria
(d) Hypertension
5.60 When a kidney has multicystic dysplasia, the acidence of abnormality in the contralateral kidney
is approximately ?
(a) 0%
(b) 5%
(c) 15%
(d) 30%-
5.61 The following ultrasound features are diagnostic of multicystic kidney EXCEPT :
5.63 The “beckwith wiedeman syndrome” comprises all of the following EXCEPT :
5.65 Which is the most common malformation seen in von hippel lindau disease ?
5.66 In how many percent of cases renal cysts are seen in von-hippel lindau disease :
(a) 56 percent
(b) 66 percent
(c) 76 percent-
(d) 85 percent
5.67 Which is the most common type of renal cell carcinoma seen in von-hippel lindau disease ?
5.69 Which of the following can demonstrate tubular blush in a medullary sponge kidney ?
(a) Saccular
(b) Fusiform
(c) Dissecting
(d) Arteriovenous
5.71 Which is the more common site of arteriovenous malformation in the kidney ?
5.72 Which of the following statement is WRONG about ask-up mark kidney ?
5.73 The following statemets about childhood type polycystic kidney disease are true EXCEPT :
(a) It is more likely to present in the adolescent as portal hypertension than a renal disease
(b) There is decrease function on intravenous urography
(c) The ureters, bladder and urethra have a characteristic pathologic appearance
(d) Potter’s facles may be present
(e) Gross or microscopic haematuria may be present
5.74 Which of the following are TRUE about extrophy of the bladder ?
(a) Inquinal and umblical hernias and rectal prolapse are frequently associated
(b) Upper tract infection with renal damage almost always occurs
(c) Late complication include malignancy of the bladder
(d) With vigorous multi-disciplinary surgical therapy salisfactory results can usually be obtained
(e) All of the above
5.75 A man of forty has polycystic kidneys, a blood pressure of 180/120, blood urea of 258 mgm%
and creatinine clearance of 5ml/minute. Which of the following is NOT true :
(a) He is more likely to suffer a subarachnoid haemorrhage than a patient with essential
hypertension of the same severity
(b) His sons may suffer from polycystic disease but his daughters will escape
(c) He should be given a low protien. High caloric low salt diet
(d) If he has osteoramalicia of the spine with hypocalcemia he should be treated with vitamin D
5.76 Approximately how many percent of normal renal pelvis are bifid :
(a) 5 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 15 percent
(d) 20 percent
5.77 Which is the mpst common cause of dilatation of the collecting system in the fetal kidney ?
5.78 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction accounts for how many percent of cases of dilatations of the
collecting system in fetal kidney :
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%
5.79 Which is the most common congenital anomaly in the contralateral kidney in a case of
ureteropelvic junction obstruction ?
5.80 Which is the ideal time to confirm the diagnosis of hydronephrosis suspected in prenatal
examination ?
5.81 Which is the best method of differentiating pelviureteric junction obstruction from dilated
nonobstructed pelvis ?
(a) Symptomatology
(b) Intravenous urogram
(c) Diuresis urogram
(d) Renogram
(e) Diuresis renogram
5.83 Which of the following is essential for proper evaluation of PUJ obstruction by renogram ?
5.84 Which is the best course of management for a patient complaining of loin pain and dilated non
obstructured renal pelvis ?
(a) 5 cm H2 O
(b) 10 cm H2 O
(c) 20 cm H2 O
(d) 35 cm H2 O
5.88 Following are the critaria for operative correction of hydronephrosis EXCEPT :
5.89 In which of the following pathological change is last to undergo following complete ureteral
obstruction :
5.90 Which is the commonest safety valve mechanism in complete ureteral obstruction ?
5.93 The ectopic ureter in males is commonly associated with renal disgenesis when it opens in to
the following structures EXCEPT :
(a) The lower pole ureter has the ectopic ureteral opening
(b) The lower pole ureter more commonly refluxing the upper
(c) The lower pole ureter opens higher and lateral to the upper
(d) Parenchymal thining of lower pole segment is more consistent with hypoplasia than with
(e) One third of renal parenchyma is drained by upper collecting system
5.96 The following fact about ectopic ureters are true EXCEPT :
(a) In the males the ectopic ureter drains into mesonephric duet derived structures
(b) In the female the ectopic ureter draines into paramesonephric duet derived structures
(c) The males are incontinent
(d) The females are incontinent
5.97 In partial duplication of ureter, the following are true EXCEPT :
(a) Distal ureter is covered by the superficial and deep waldeyer’s periureteral shealth
(b) Waldeyer’s shealth is coritinous with deep trigone and ureter is continous with superficial
(c) The more medial the ureteric orifice, the more likely V-U reflux will occur
(d) Length of normal submucosal tunnul is 5 times diameter of ureteric orifice
5.99 Which is the most common manifestation of a congenital abnormalities of the uretero vesical
junction ?
(a) Obstruction
(b) Vesico ureteral reflux
(c) Ectopic opening
(d) Aperistaltic distal ureteral segemnt
9.100 Approximately, how many percent of siblings of children with known reflux are found to have
vesico-ureteric reflux :
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
5.101 According to lyon’s classification, which of the following will be associated with greater degree
of reflux :
5.103 Following are the indications for early surgery in vesicoureteral reflux EXCEPT :
5.104 The following are helpful in the diagnosis of vesico ureteric reflux EXCEPT :
5.105 How many weeks of infection free interval is recommended before the cystogram to detect
vesico-ureteral reflux ?
5.106 Approximately. What is the length of sub mucosal course of ureter at birth :
(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 13 mm
(d) 15 mm
5.107 Approximately, what is the length of sub mucosal course of the ureter by the age of 10 years :
(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 13 mm
(d) 15 mm
5.108 Approximately, what is the length of sub mucosal course of ureter in adults :
(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 13 mm
(d) 15 mm
5.109 Which of the following statements about the length of submucosal ureter is FALSE ?
(a) At birth 5 mm
(b) At 10 yrs. 10 mm
(c) At adulthood 13 mm
(d) At 50 yrs 17 mm
5.110 Approximately, in how many percent of cases, primary reflux will cause spontaneously, if the
submucosal tunnel is more than 5 mm at the time of diagnosis :
5.111 The following factors suggest that reflux shall cease with growth and will not impede renal
development or function EXCEPT :
5.112 On cystography if reflux is demonstrated which cause pelvocalyccal filling with mild calyccal
blunting then it is graded as :
(a) Grade 2 A
(b) Grade 2 B
(c) Grade 3
(d) Grade 4
5.113 Which of the following change occurs in the intravesical ureter when a blous of urine pass
down ureter ?
5.114 The follow up of a patient of V-U reflux who has been put on medical management, should
comprise of all of the following tests at regular intervals EXCEPT :
5.115 The following are the basic requirements of a seccessful ureteroneocystostomy EXCEPT :
5.116 The surgical procedurs of cross-trigonal reimplantation for correction of V-U reflux goes by the
name of :
(a) Cohen
(b) Glenn-anderson
(c) Lich
(d) Poltano –lead better
5.117 In case of unilateral V-U reflux if the contralateral nonrefluxing ureteric orifice is golf-hole and
has a short submucosal tunnel, prophylastic reimplantation of this is indicated when the
refluxing ureter is reimplanted. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
5.118 What is the incidence of promary congenital vesico-ureteral reflux in the asymptomatic
paediatric population ?
5.119 How many percent of kidneys with grade 1 vesico-ureteral reflux will have renal scarring ?
5.120 How many percent of kidneys with grade 5 vesico ureteral reflux will have renal scarring ?
(a) 20 percent
(b) 30 percent
(c) 40 percent
(d) 50 percent
5.121 The following are the advantages of radionuclide cystography in detection of vesico-ureteral
reflux EXCEPT :
(a) It allows continous monitoring of the patient with minimal radiation exposure
(b) Abnormalities of the urethra, bladder or reflux in to the distal ureter only can be appreciated
(c) Useful in follow up of patients after antireflux surgery
(d) It allows calculation of bladder volume at which reflux begins
5.122 In how many percent of cases of vesico-ureteral reflux in neonates and infants, intra renal
reflux can be observed :
5.123 The following statements are correct about primary obstructure megaureter EXCEPT :
5.125 The non-obstructed nonrefluxing megaureter can be seen in the following conditions EXCEPT :
5.131 Which of the following ureteroccle can usually be most ectopoic in position ?
5.132 In which of the following ureterocele, can the ureteric orifice be normal or even larger in size :
(a) Stenotic
(b) Sphinteric
(c) Sphinterostenotic
(d) Simple
5.134 All of the following can be used as investigation in the preoprative assessment of megaureter
5.135 Which of the following statement is FALSE about double collecting system ?
5.137 How many percent of ectopic ureters associated with a duplicated sytem ?
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
5.138 All of the following are true about ectopic ureter EXCEPT :
5.139 All of the following are urographic features of ectopic ureter EXCEPT :
(a) Upper tract changes are more severe in ectopic ureterocele than in a simple ureterocele
(b) V-U reflux is more common in a simple ureterocele than in ectopic one
(c) IVP demonstrates the characteristic cobra head deformity
(d) Trans-urehral deroofing of ureterocele usually results in postoperative V-U reflux
5.143 All of the following are true in the differences between simple and ectopic ureterocele EXCEPT
5.144 At the end of which week of embryonic development is the cloaca by the urorectal septum in
to a dorsal anorectal canal and primitive urogenital sinus :
5.145 At what stage of embryonic development does the mesonephric duct, which empties first in to
the cloaca and subsenquently in to the envolving urogenital sinus, produce the ureteric bud :
5.146 The bladder is derived from the endoderm and the ureter and trigone are derived from :
(a) Endoderm
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Ectoderm
(d) Coelomic cavity
5.147 Double voiding is one of the conservative methods used in the management of :
5.149 Until after which month of gestation, in the human embryo, the testis donot move from the
abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal and in the scrotum :
5.152 What is least distance between the pubic tubercle and the centre of the testis, in a 2500 gm
baby, in order for the testis to be termed fully descended :
(a) 1.0 cm
(b) 2.0 cm
(c) 3.0 cm
(d) 4.0 cm
5.153 All of the following statements about a high scrotal testis are true EXCEPT :
5.154 How much is the temprature elevation in intraabdominal testis in comparision to scrotal
location ?
(a) 0.5-1.0oC
(b) 1.0-1.5oC
(c) 1.5-2.0oC
(d) 2.0-2.5oC
5.155 During testicular descent, the epididymis preceds the testis in its journey to the scrotum : this
statement is
(a) True
(b) False
5.156 What is the incidence of undescended testis in full gsm (birth weight greater than 2500 gms)
infants camined at birth ?
5.157 What is the incidence of bilateral cryptorchidism in infants weighing less than 900 gsm ?
(a) 70 percent
(b) 80 percent
(c) 90 percent
(d) 100 percent
5.158 Approximately, in how many percent of full term cystorchid testis, spontaneously descent will
occur by 1 year of age :
(a) 65 percent
(b) 75 percent
(c) 85 percent
(d) 95 percent
5.159 Approximately, in how many percent of premature crytochid testis, spontaneously descent
will occur by 1 year of age :
(a) 65 percent
(b) 75 percent
(c) 85 percent
(d) 95 percent
5.170 Which of the following are conflicting changes in the undescended testis ?
5.171 Which of the following are conflicting changes on electron microscopy in the undescended
testis ?
5.172 Approximately how many percent of testicular tumours rise from indescended testis :
(a) 6 percent
(b) 8 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 12 percent
5.173 What is the treatment of choice, if a testis is undescended but palpable in a patient who is old
than 32 years ?
(a) Observation
(b) Orchiopexy
(c) Orchidectomy
(d) Abdominal exploration
5.174 What are the chances of the other testis becoming malignant, if both the testes are
intraabdominal and one tesis become malignant ?
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
5.175 Tubular fertility index (TFI) signifies :
5.176 All of the following statements are true about undescended testis EXCEPT :
(a) undescended testis are 48 times more likely to undergo malignant changes than a fully
descended testis
(b) successful orchiopexy removes the risk of malignant transformation
(c) there is a primary cellular abnormality germinal and nutritive series
(d) hereditary cryptorchidism is transmitted by an autosomal dominent gene with ari
incomplete penetration
5.179 The following statements about testicular torison are true EXCEPT :
(a) usually occurs when the testis becomes larger and heavier at puberty
(b) must be differentiated from epididymo-orohitis
(c) watchful waiting is the preferred treatment
(d) in the neonates, the clinical picture usually is of a hard, enlarged, apparently non-tender
(a) 1.5 cm
(b) 2.5 cm
(c) 3.5 cm
(d) 4.5 cm
5.184 Is the exstrophy complex congenital anomalies are less commonly found in :
(a) Kidneys
(b) Bladder
(c) Pubic bone
(d) Genitaha
5.185 All of the following congenital anomalies can be present in a of classic exstrophy
of the bladder EXCEPT :
(a) Epipadiac
(b) Bilateral ins ia
(c) Vesico-ure
(d) Widening pubis
(e) Deficlent minal wall with everted bladder
5.186 In extrophy in coming rotational and lateral deformities of a girdle can be present
(a) Incontine
(b) Hydroneph
(c) Bladder ma
(d) Wadding
(e) Autosoma inheritence
5.188 In a patient presenting ith two hemibladders separated by an area of intestine, accompanied
variably by episadius, diphallus widening of symphysis pubis and a double inferior vena cava,
your first diagnosis would be :
5.189 Which of the following clinical finding clinches the diagnosis of superior vesical fissure as
opposed to a patent urachus ?
5.190 A patient presented with a characteristic widened symphysis pubis, a stubby upward pointing
penis, a patch of extrophic bladder mucosa lying immediately below the umblicus and normal
urinary bladder, trigone and urethra is most probaly a patient of :
(a) Gladular
(b) Panile
(c) Penopubic
5.192 Incontinence is the characteristic feature of which type of epispadius :
(a) Glandular
(b) Periile
(c) Penopubic
(d) None of the above
5.193 All of the following surgical procedures are recquired during the repair of a penile epispadius
5.194 surgery to cure incontinence by incising the bladder neck and proximal urethra anteriorly,
excisting a wedge of tissue from each side to narrow the bladder outlet and suturing to convert
the originally funnelled bladder in to a tubular shape is called :
5.195 The achievement of continence following surgery for epispadiac incontinece may be
considerably delayed. All of the following theories have been proposed for this EXCEPT :
5.198 Before contemplating sugical closure, an extrophic bladder should have all of the following
characteristic EXCEPT :
5.199 Which is the optimum age for a child for surgical closure of the extrophy bladder ?
5.200 In approximately, how many percentage of patients having bilateral vesico ureteric reflux
following surgical closure of the exstrophic bladder :
(a) 25%
(b) 50%
(c) 75%
(d) 100%
5.201 Which is the most common type of malignancy occur in exstrophy bladder ?
(a) Adenocarcinoma
(b) Squamous cell carcinoma
(c) Rhabdomyosarcoma
(d) Transitional cell carcinoma
(a) Verumontanum
(b) Crista urehralis
(c) Plicae colliculi
(d) External urehral sphineter
5.204 Which is the commonest type of posterior urethral valves according to young’s cassification ?
(a) Type I
(b) Type II
(c) Type III
(d) Type IV
5.205 Valves which consist of oblique posterior mucosal fold extending from the lower end of
verumontanum distally up to the urogenital diaphragm are classified as :
(a) Type I
(b) Type II
(c) Type III
(d) Type IV
5.206 To which segment of the circumference of the urethral wall are the young type I valves distally
attached :
(a) Posterior
(b) Anterior
(c) Lateral
(d) Anywhere
5.207 Which of the following theory has been suggested regarding the embryogenesis of the
posterior urehral valves ?
5.210 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding classical type 1 posterior urethral valves ?
(a) This is an obstructing membrance which radiates in a distal direction from the
verumontanum posteriorly towards the membranous urethra anteriorly
(b) Children with classic type 1 valve have plicae colliculli
(c) They make up more than 95 percent of all types of valves
(d) The clinical presentation is in a variety of ways depending primarily on the degree of
5.211 What is the usual cause of death in neonates who die as a result of posterior urethral valves ?
5.212 Which is the single most significant abnormality that will determine ultimate renal function in
cases of posterior urethral valves ?
5.213 Which anatomic condition in association with posterior urethral valves appears to be
associated with generally improved renal funtion ?
5.215 Following fetal urinary estimation are good prognostic predictor for post natal renal funtion in
a fetus with posterior urethral valves EXCEPT :
5.216 Whic is the treatment of choice in a patient of PUV with moderate bilateral
hydroureteronephrosis, blood urea 80%, serum creatinine 2.8 mg% with sterile urine ?
5.219 Which is the most common cause of congenital anterior urethral obstruction ?
(a) Glanular
(b) Subcoronal
(c) Anterior penile
(d) Midshaft
(a) 1 in 100
(b) 1 in 200
(c) 1 in 300
(d) 1 in 400
(a) 2 percent
(b) 4 percent
(c) 6 percent
(d) 8 percent
(a) 12 percent
(b) 14 percent
(c) 16 percent
(d) 18 percent
5.225 Which is the technique of choice for repair of anterior hypospadius with glanular meatus with
good mobolity of the urethra and without chordee ?
5.227 Which is the technique of choice for repair of antering hypospadius when the meatus us too
proximal, the ventral skin is too thin for a flap and there is no chordee ?
5.229 Which are the common karytotype pattern seen in Klinefelter syndrome ?
(a) 46 XY
(b) 47 XXY
(c) 46 XY/ 57 XXY
(d) 46 XXX
5.232 Following are the histological findings in the testis in a acse of Klinefelter syndrome EXCEPT :
(a) Hyalinization of the tubules
(b) Absence of spermatogenesis
(c) Increae in leying cells
(d) Increase in sertoli
5.233 What is the diagnosis in a acse in which bilateral streak gonads are associated with normal
46XX or 46 XY karyotype, normal stature and primary amenorrea ?
5.234 What is the diagnosis in a case in which there i a testis on one side and a streak gonad on the
other ?
5.235 The following are eponysm for absent testis syndrome EXCEPT :
(a) Anorchia
(b) Gonadal agenesis
(c) Pure gonadal dysgenesis
(d) Testicular regression
(e) Agonadism
5.237 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Rokitansky kester-hanser syndrome ?
(a) 17 betahydroxysteroid
(b) 17-20 desmolase
(c) 20-22 desmolase
(d) 3 beta hydroxysteroid
5.241 In how many percent of the nuclie of normal females, the barr body is found :
5.242 In how many percent of the nuclie of normal males, the barr body is found ?
6.1 In which of the following, urinary tract infection are more common :
(a) Men
(b) Women
(c) Boys
(d) Girls
6.3 How many percent of new born boys have symptomatic UTI ?
(a) 1%
(b) 3%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%
6.4 What is the incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) in girls of preschool and school age ?
(a) 1%
(b) 3%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%
(a) 1%
(b) 3%
(c) 5%
(d) 10%
(a) 1-2%
(b) 5-10%
(c) 10-15%
(d) 15-20%
6.8 How many percent of diabetic men can have urinary tract intections ?
(a) 1 percent
(b) 2 percent
(c) 3 percent
(d) 4 percent
6.9 How many percent of women older than 65 years have bacteriuria ?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
6.10 How many percent of men older than 65 years have bacteriuria ?
(a) 5 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 15 percent
(d) 20 percent
6.11 Which of the following is the most likely route of urinary tract infection in males ?
(a) Haematogenous
(b) Ascending
(c) Descending
6.12 Which is the valid criteria of the present of the urinary tract infection in males ?
(a) 102
(b) 103
(c) 104
(d) 105
6.14 The presence of how many bacteria will claim complete eradication of urinary tract infection :
(a) No bacteria
(b) 1-2 per hpf
(c) 2-3 per hpf
(d) 3-4 per hpf
6.15 Which is the most common cause of unresolved bacteriuria during treatment ?
6.16 Which is the commonest organism or the majority of urinary tract infection in patients without
a complicating disorder of the urinary system ?
(a) E-Coli
(b) proteus
(c) Staphylococcus
(d) Psudomonas
(e) Klebsiella
In segmented bacteriologic localisation cultures for localization of lower urinary tract infections in
6.21 For unilateral localisation of urinary tract infection which of the following is the best of choice :
(a) E. Coli
(b) Klebsiella
(c) Pseudomonas
(d) Proteus Mirabilis
6.24 Urea spitting organisms cause precipitation of which of the following salts :
6.25 Cure of urinary tract infection is depndent on the anti microbial levels achieved in the :
(a) Urine
(b) Serum
(c) Stool
(d) Seminal fluid
(a) E. Coli
(b) Streptococcus faecalis
(c) Proteus species
(d) Klebsielia
(a) E. Coli
(b) Streptococcus faecalis
(c) Proteus species
(d) Klebsiella
6.28 Which of the following organism is not sensitive to trimethoprim ?
(a) Sulfisorazole
(b) Sulfamethiazole
(c) Sulfadimidine
(d) Sulfageranidine
(a) Garamycin
(b) Ampicilin
(c) Cephalexin
(d) Polymixin
6.32 What is the dosage of Nalidixic acid in mg per kg body weight in 24 hrs in a person with normal
renal function ?
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80
6.33 What is the dosage of Nitrofurantoin in mg per kg body weight in 24 hrs in a person with
normal renal funtion ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
6.34 The following are the flouroquinolone derivatives EXCEPT :
(a) Norfloxacin
(b) Ciprofloxacin
(c) Ofloxacin
(d) Cephotaxime
6.35 In which of the following plasmid mediated factor (R factor) resistance is rare:
(a) Tetracyclines
(b) Sulfonamides
(c) Penicillins
(d) Nitrofurantoin
(a) Nitrofurantoin
(b) Quinolon
(c) Tetracyline
(d) Sulphonamides
6.37 Which of the following are at risk for increased morbidity from asymptomatic bacteriuria due to
protens species and need treatment?
6.38 Which of the following can be detected by hippuran 131 and technetium 99 glucoheptonate
scans in acute renal infections ?
6.39 In human acute clinical pyelonephritis, which serum antibodies against the infecting bacteria
are elevated :
(a) igA
(b) igM
(c) igG
(d) Any of the above
6.40 “A normal white cell count can exclude UTI”. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
(a) Inflammation
(b) Infection
(c) Both
(a) Urethra
(b) Bladder
(c) Prostate
(d) Kidney
6.43 Which is a preferable method for collection of urine for culture in a child in the first year of life?
6.44 At what temperature bacterial count remain unchanged in urine for at least 48 hours :
(a) 0-4oC
(b) 4-8oC
(c) 8-12oC
(d) 12-16oC
6.47 Segmental renal ischaemic and chronic pyelonephritis give to renal scarring on IVP. The finding
that goes in favour segmental renal ischemia is:
6.48 Which is the best mean of detecting less prominent renal scarring bluting of calyces in chronic
pyelonephritis ?
6.49 What is the thickness of normal adult renal parenchym of measured from interpapillary line ?
(a) 1-2 cm
(b) 2-3.5 cm
(c) 3.5-4.5 cm
(d) 4.5-5.5 cm
(a) Haematogenous
(b) Ascending
(c) Lymphatic
(d) Contigous
6.53 The following are important factors in the pathogenesis of renal scarring in chronic
pyelonephritis EXCEPT :
6.55 How many percent patients with symptomatic febril reaction will acquierd of renal scar:
(a) 5-10%
(b) 10-20%
(c) 20-30%
(d) 30-40%
6.56 Agglutinating and hemagglutinating antibodies to G. Antigen of the infecting E.coil can be
demonstrated in serum of patients having :
(a) Urethritis
(b) Cystitis
(c) Prostatitis
(d) Pyelonephritis
6.57 Which is the most common condition associated with papillary necrosis ?
(a) Staphylococci
(b) E. Coli
(c) Proteus
(d) B&C
6.61 What is the white blood cell count in most patients with perinephric abscess ?
6.62 The following are commonly associates with Xanthogranulomatous pyonephritis EXCEPT :
6.65 Which is the most common organism involved with Xanthogranulomafous pyonephritis ?
(a) E. Coli
(b) Proteus
(c) Klebsiella
(d) Pseudomonas
6.69 Which is the most common organism causing gram negative bacteremia ?
(a) E. Coli
(b) Proteus
(c) Klebsiella
(d) Pseudomonas
6.70 The culture of which of the following is sufficient to determine urethral bacteriology :
6.71 The following drugs are recommended in the prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections
(a) Trimethoprisulfamethoxazole
(b) Amoxilcillin
(c) Nitrofurantoin
(d) Cephalexin
(e) Flouroquinolones
6.74 Which of the following drug is contraindicated during the first few months of life ?
(a) Nitrofurantoin
(b) Cephalaxin
(c) Trimethoprim sulfametoxazol
(d) Trimethoprim
6.75 How many percent of children have radiological scar after the second symptomatic urinary tract
infection ?
(a) 13 percent
(b) 15 percent
(c) 17 percent
(d) 19 percent
6.76 How many percent of chidren have radiological scars after symptoms of a first urinary tract
infection ?
6.78 The prophylactic antimicrobial agent for urinary tract infection should have following EXCEPT :
6.79 Which is the most severe consequence of sexually transmitted pelvic diesese in women ?
6.81 Which part of the male urethral not sensitive gonococcal infection ?
6.83 In which part of the epididymis, the inflammation and swelling begins in acute epididimitis :
(a) Head
(b) Body
(c) Tail
(d) Any of the above
6.84 Probably, which is the most accurate method of diagnosis of torsion the testis :
(a) L1
(b) L2
(c) L3
(d) L4
(a) Consumption
(b) Scorfula
(c) Koch’s lesion
(d) Rosacea
6.90 In which of the following age groups, genitourinary tuberculosis is more prevalent :
6.91 What is the average time lag between pulmonary and genitourinary tuberculosis ?
(a) 2 yrs
(b) 8 yrs
(c) 12 yrs
(d) 16 yrs
(a) Haematogeneous
(b) Ascending
(c) Descending
(d) Lymphatic
(a) 5%
(b) 10%
(c) 15%
(d) 20%
(a) Congenital
(b) Due to passage of calculus
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Tumour
6.97 At what juncture may steriods be used to reduce fibrosis and stricture formation in a case of
genotourinary tuberculosis cystitis ?
6.98 Which part of the bladder does not contract in tuberculous cystitis ?
(a) Dome
(b) Anterior wall
(c) Lateral wall
(d) Trigone
6.99 Which is the commonest cause of a hard nodule in the prostate in 60 yrs old men ?
(a) Carcinoma
(b) Tuberculosis
(c) Calculi
(d) Chronic prostatitis
6.100 Which of the following is usually free of disease in genitourinary tuberculosis ?
(a) Kidney
(b) Ureter
(c) Testis
(d) Epididymis
(a) Symptoms
(b) Radiological features
(c) Presence of the tubercle bacilli is rinc
(d) ESR
6.102 Which urine sample is ideal for the demonstration of tubercle bacilli ?
6.104 Which is the surest and preffered investigation for confirming the diagnosis of GUTB ?
6.105 The following facts about bladder biopsy in cases of GUTB are corect EXCEPT ?
(a) In case of negative urine AFB, the bladder biopsy may be positive
(b) Ulcers /nodules adjacent to the ureteric orifices need not be biopsied
(c) Only ulcers a way from the ureteric orifices need be biopsied as they may be ca-in-situ
(d) It is contraindicated in tuberculosis cystitis
6.106 Which of the following is not desirable in an tubercular chemotherapy ?
6.108 Which of the following drug is used throughout the full course of multiple drug therapy
genitourinary tuberculosis ?
(a) Ethambutol
(b) Isonex
(c) Streptomycin
(d) Rifampicin
(e) Pyrazinamide
6.109 What is the dose of isonex in a adult patient in milligrams per day ?
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 400
(a) Rifampicin
(b) Isonex
(c) Streptomycin
(d) Kanamycin
6.111 The following are reason why GUTB can be cured in 4 months of antibubercular treatment
(a) Pyrazinamide
(b) Para amino salicylte (PAS)
(c) Rifampicin
(d) Isoniazid
6.113 Which of the following is the least potent sterlising drug in GUTB ?
(a) Rifampicin
(b) Pyrazinamide
(c) Isoniazid
(d) Streptomycin
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
(a) 10 microgram/ml
(b) 15 microgram/ml
(c) 20 microgram/ml
(d) 25 microgram/ml
6.118 What is the half life of pyrizinamide :
(a) 6 hours
(b) 7 hours
(c) 8 hours
(d) 9 hours
(a) Rifampicin
(b) Isoniazid
(c) Pyrizinamide
(d) Streptomycin
6.125 What should be the duration of anti TB drugs before a patient is considered for surgery in
(a) No relation
(b) 1 week
(c) 6 weeks
(d) 6 months
6.130 Which of the following sample of urine is preferable to demonstrate eggs of S. Haematobium ?
6.131 Presence of a calcified bladder appears like a fetal head resting in the pelvis is pathognomonic
of :
(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Schistosomiasis
(c) Malignancy
(d) Chronic cystitis
(a) Hydrouretr
(b) Hydronephrosis
(c) Ureteral stenosis
(d) Bladder and ureteral filling defect
(e) All of the a bove
6.133 Which is the drug of choice for S. Haematobium infection in its endemic setting:
(a) Metifonate
(b) Hycanthone mesylate
(c) Praziquantel
(d) Niridazole
6.134 Which is the drug of choice in combined S. Mansoni and S. Haemotobium infections?
(a) Metrifonate
(b) Hycanthone mesylate
(c) Praziquantel
(d) Niridazole
6.135 The involvement of which of the following results in the most common and dangerous sequale
of urinary schistosomiasis:
(a) Kidney
(b) Ureter
(c) Bladder
(d) Urethra
6.136 In which part of the ureter schistosomal lesions are more common :
(a) W. Bancrofti
(b) Brugia malayi
(c) Brugia timori
(d) Onchocerca volvulus
(a) Anopheles
(b) Culex
(c) Aedes
(d) Mansonella
(a) Benocide
(b) Arsenal compounds
(c) Antimalarial drugs
(d) Metrifonate
(a) Stonesn from Great Britain, Scotland and Sudan are siliar and are composed primarilly of
mixed calcium oxalete and calcium phosphate
(b) In other areas of the world upper urinary tract calculi are composed mainly of magnesium
ammonium phosphate (struvite)
(c) Struvit stone are not primary associated with UTI in female
(d) Bladder calculi from Thailand mostly contain ammonium acid urate ir calcium oxalate or
7.3 In which geographical are, the upper urinary tract calculi cointan lesser amount of uric acid ?
(a) Czechoslavakia
(b) Israel
(c) Chicago
(d) India
7.4 During which of the foloowing months, the incedenceof urinary calculi is high :
7.5 Which of the following are important factors in the etiology of calculous disease ?
(a) Purines
(b) Oxalates
(c) Calcium
(d) Anly B & C
(e) All of the a bove
(a) Purines
(b) Oxalates
(c) Calcium
(d) Phosphates
7.8 High incidence of urinary calculi are found in the following EXCEPT :
(a) 50-200
(b) 200-400
(c) 400-600
(d) 600-900
7.12 The majority of ureteral calculi which cause symotms have a size greater than :
(a) 0.5 mm
(b) 1.0 mm
(c) 1.5 mm
(d) 2.00 mm
(a) 1 kgm
(b) 2 kgm
(c) 5 kgm
(d) 10 kgm
(a) Peptides
(b) Matrix
(c) Amino acids
(d) Citrate
(e) All of the above
(a) 35%
(b) 45%
(c) 55%
(d) 65%
(a) Renal function must be adequate for the excretion of excess amount of cystailizable
(b) The kidney must be able to adjust its pH excretion substance
(c) Urine must have a complete or relative absence of a number of inhibitors of crystallization
(d) The crystal mass must reside in the urine system for a time sufficient to allow for its growth
or aggregation
(e) All of the above
(a) Galyx
(b) Pelviureteric junction
(c) In the ureter near the pelvic brim
(d) Only b and c
(e) All of the above
7.20 Nausea and vomiting are commnly associated with renal colic because :
7.34 Which of the following an indication for emergency surgery in calculous disease ?
7.35 Until how many weeks of obstruction recovery of renal function occurs on relief of complete
obstruction of kidney due to calculous.
(a) 8 weeks
(b) 16 weeks
(c) 32 weeks
(d) 48 weeks
7.36 Which of the following pathologic change occur in the ureter in presence of calculous ?
7.37 All of the following lesion can result in infection is superimposed on calculous disease EXCEPT :
(a) Pyelonephritis
(b) Pyohydronephrosis
(c) Perinephritis
(d) Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
(e) Papulary necrosis
7.38 Complications of neglected long standing calculi include all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Pyelonephritis
(b) Chronic renal failure
(c) Squamous cell carinoma
(d) Renal TB
7.39 Regarding infection stones which of the following statement is correct :
(a) They are caused primarily by urea spliiting bacteria in the urine with subsequent evation of
urinary PH and formation of stone crystal.
(b) They are caused by any bacteria in the urine, with subsequent elavation of pH
(c) They are caused primarily by urea-splitting bacteria in the urine with lowering of urinary pH
and formation of struvite crystals
(d) They are caused primarily by urea-splitting bacteria in the urine, with subsequent elevation
of urine pH and formation of calcium oxalate crystals
7.41 Persistent excretion of urine below what pH cobtributes increased concentration of the
relatively isoluble uric acid :
(a) 7.25
(b) 6.50
(c) 5.75
(d) 5.00
7.42 Marked changes in urinary pH can result from all of the following EXCEPT :
7.43 Which of the following factors are involved in formation of uric acid calculi ?
7.45 Which of the following statement is wrong in relation to idiopathic uric acid lithiasis ?
(a) 5.5-6.0
(b) 6.0-6.5
(c) 6.5-7.0
(d) 7.0-7.5
7.47 Cystinuria is an inherited defect in renal tubular reabsorption of which of the following amino
acids :
(a) Cystine
(b) Ornithine
(c) Lysine
(d) Arginine
(e) All of the above
(a) 1:1000
(b) 1:5000
(c) 1:10.000
(d) 1:20.000
7.51 How much cystine is usually excreted in patients with homozygous cystinuria in urine per day ?
(a) 5.5
(b) 6.0
(c) 6.5
(d) 7.2
7.54 Which of the following statement is most appropriate regarding therapy for cystine stones ?
7.55 Which food group provides higher and absolute load by weight ?
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Fats
(c) Proteins
(d) Vitamines
7.56 Which of the following are infective stones ?
(a) 5.5-6.0
(b) 6.0-6.5
(c) 6.5-7.0
(d) Above 7.2
(a) Peudomonas
(b) Klebseilla
(c) E. Coli
(d) Proteus
(a) 3.95
(b) 4.50
(c) 5.00
(d) 5.50
(a) Solution G
(b) Solution M
(c) Hemiacidrin (Reacidin)
(a) Allopurinol
(b) Acetohydroxamic acid (aha)
(c) D-pencilamine
(d) Aluminium hydroxide gel
7.67 How many percentage of total calcium is present in free ionic form
(a) 25%
(b) 45%
(c) 65%
(d) 75%
7.68 How many percentage of total calcium is protein bound ?
(a) 45%
(b) 55%
(c) 65%
(d) 75%
7.73 Serum calcium levels are regulated by all of the following EXCEPT :
7.75 ‘Parathyroid crisis’ usually occurs when serum calcium levels approach :
(a) 10mg/100ml
(b) 13mg/100ml
(c) 15mg/100ml
(d) 17mg/100ml
(a) Parathyroidectomy
(b) Inorganic phosphate
(c) Inorganic sulphate
(d) All of the above
(a) Frusemide
(b) Etharycnic acid
(c) Corticosteroids
(d) Mithramycin
(e) Insulin
(a) Frusemide
(b) Corticosteroids
(c) Haemodialysis
(d) Estrogens
7.80 Renal tubular acidosis is characterised by all of the following EXCEPT :
7.81 Distal renal tubular acidosis is known as all of the following EXCEPT :
7.82 Which of the following statement is flase regarding renal tubular acidosis ?
7.83 Which of the following statement is false regarding distal renal tubular acidosis ?
7.84 Renal tubular acidosis is characterised by the following biochemical abnormalities EXCEPT :
(a) 15mg/day
(b) 25mg/day
(c) 35mg/day
(d) 45mg/day
(a) 2 oxoglutarate
(b) Glyoxylate carbolinase
(c) D-glyceric dehydrogenase
7.90 Which of the following statements is false regarding calculous disease due to primary
hyperoxaluria ?
7.93 How many times the effect of urinary oxalate on crystallization is greater than the effect of
calcium ?
(a) 5 times
(b) 10 times
(c) 15 times
(d) 20 times
7.95 What is the treatment of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria with elevated parathormone ?
(a) Parathyroidectomy
(b) Thiazides
(c) Neutral phosphates
(d) Allopurinol
(a) Parathyroidectomy
(b) Allopurinol
(c) Neutral phosphates
(d) Thiazides
7.98 What is the treatment of choice for hypercalciuria with renal leak ?
(a) Parathyroidectomy
(b) Allopurinol
(c) Neutral phosphates
(d) Thiazides
(a) Allopurinol
(b) Magnesium oxide
(c) Neutral phosphate
(d) Thiazides
7.100 What is the treatment for hyperuricemia with hyperuricosuria with calcium urolithiasis ?
(a) Obstruction
(b) Infection
(c) Mild pain only
(d) Severe pain
(a) Hypokalema
(b) Diarrhoea
(c) Hyperuricemia
(d) Weakness
(a) Hypokalemia
(b) Hyperuricemia
(c) Diarrhoea
(d) Weakness
7.106 What is the average adult dose of allopurinol for uric acid lithiasis ?
(a) 100mb/day
(b) 200mg/day
(c) 300mg/day
(d) 400mg/day
(a) Diarrhoea
(b) Hypokalemia
(c) GI disturbances
(d) Activation of gout
7.115 Which is the common site for the majority of impacted ureter al stone ?
7.117 Which is the treatment of choice for small ureteric calculi not associated with infection and
progressive hydronephrosis ?
7.118 Which of the following is NOT advisable in the management of large ureteric calculi associated
management of large ureteric calculi associated with infection ?
(a) Size
(b) Infection
(c) Obstruction
(d) All of the above
7.121 In which part of the world, bladder calculi are commonly seen in children ;
(a) USA
(b) UK
(c) Europe
(d) Thailand and Indonesia
7.123 Which of the following statement is CORRECT regarding true prostatic calculi ?
7.127 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding upper urinary tract calculous disease in
children ?
(a) Vincristine
(b) Vinblastine
(c) Colchicine
(d) Methotrexate
(a) Methotrexate
(b) Vincristine
(c) Cisplatin
(d) Alkylating drugs
8.7 The selection of chemotherapy as the soletherapy in patients with advanced cancer disease is
known as :
(a) Adenoma
(b) Cyst
(c) Hamartoma
(d) Fibroma
8.9 Approximately, which size of renal cortical adenoma has little propensity for metastasis :
Match the histological features with the type of benign renal tumour :
8.10 Cortical adenoma (a) Large cosinophilic cells with a granular cytoplasm and
typical polygonal form
8.12 Renal hamartoma (c ) Uniform fat cells with peripherally placed nuclei
surrounded by plasma membrane
8.16 Renal cell carcinoma accounts for approximately how many percent of adult malignancies :
(a) 1 percent
(b) 2 percent
(c) 3 percent
(d) 4 percent
(a) Nephroblastoma
(b) Embryonic carcinoma
(c) Papillary cystadenocarcinoma
(d) Sarcomas
(a) Hamartoma
(b) Adnoma
(c) Haemangiopericytoma
(d) Renal cyst
(a) Hypernephroma
(b) Wilm’s tumor
(c) Renal cyst
(d) Hamartoma
(a) Increase
(b) Same
(c) Decrease
8.23 On renal angiography, the neovascularisation and tortuous irregular vessels can suggest all of
the following EXCEPT :
(a) Hypernephroma
(b) Secondaries to kidney
(c) Hamartoma
(d) Wilm’s tumor
8.24 Which is the single most important factor for determining prognosis in hypernephronma :
(a) Lipoma
(b) Leiomyosarcoma
(c) Fibrosarcoma
(d) Rhabdomyosarcoma
(a) Spindle-cell
(b) Giant cell
(c) Granular-cell
(d) Clear cell
8.27 Approximately in how many percent of cases, bilateral renal cell carcinoma occurs either
synchronous or asynchronous :
(a) 1 percent
(b) 2 percent
(c) 3 percent
(d) 4 percent
8.29 Hypercalcemia is reported in how many percent of cases of renal cell carcinoma :
(a) 5 percent
(b) 7 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 15 percent
8.30 Aspirate from the benign renal cyst has following characters EXCEPT :
8.31 Which are the most common metastatic lesions of the kidney ?
(a) Ovary
(b) Bowel
(c) Breast
(d) Lymphoma
(e) Lymphomablastoma
8.32 Secondary tumors to the kidney are usually characterised by al of the following EXCEPT :
8.35 In hypernephroma, involvement of renal vein can cause all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Haematuria
(b) Nephrotic syndrome
(c) Varicocele
(d) Non-Opacification on IVP
8.36 Following are cause of anemia in hypernephroma EXCEPT :
8.37 After radical nephrectomy for stage I hypernephroma, all of the following parameters can
regrets EXCEPT :
8.38 Osteoblastic lesions in the bones are caused by all of the following EXCEPT :
8.39 Renal pelvic tumours accounts for approximately how many percent of all renal tumours :
8.40 What is the mean age of occurence of upper tract urothelial tumours ?
(a) 60 years
(b) 65 years
(c) 70 years
(d) 75 years
8.41 Approximately, upper tract urothelial tumours account for how many percent of all urothelial
tumours ?
(a) 5 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 15 percent
(d) 20 percent
8.42 In how many percent of sporadic upper tract iransitional cell carcinoma, bilateral involvement
(Synchrous or Metachronous) can occur :
8.43 Which of the following study is NOT advisable in patients suspected of having upper tract
transitional cell carcinoma ?
(a) Ultrasound
(b) Intravenous urography
(c) Retrograde pyelography
(d) Antegrade pyelography
8.46 Invasion of the renal parechyma by the tumor of the renal pelvis signifies :
(a) Stage A
(b) Stage B
(c) Stage C
(d) Stage D
8.47 Multiple radiolucent defects in the ureter on IVP can signify all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) IVP
(b) Retrograde bulb ureterogram
(c) Antegrade ureterogram
(d) Selective arteriogram
(e) In (A), (B) and (C)
8.50 All of the following are causative factors of transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis EXCEPT :
8.51 What is the treatment of choice in patient shaving grade I, localized ureteral tumor with
negative cytology and known exposure to chemical carcinogens ?
8.52 In how many percent of patients with tumors of renal pelvis have associated bladder tumour at
some stage of their life ?
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 40%
(d) 80%
(a) 50 percent
(b) 60 percent
(c) 70 percent
(d) 80 percent
8.55 How many percent of bladder cancer patients can have upper tract tumours ?
8.56 Which of the bladder cancer patients are appropriate candidates for upper tract monitoring ?
8.57 In men, bladder cancer accounts for how many percent of cancer :
(a) 5 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 15 percent
(d) 20 percent
(a) Sacrcona
(b) Transitional cell carcinoma
(c) Adenocarcinoma
(d) Squamous cell carcinoma
8.59 The following are high risk factors for development of carcinoma urinary bladder EXCEPT :
8.61 Schistosomiasis leads to carcinoma bladder due to the following reasons EXCEPT :
8.62 Squamous metaplasia is more common in patients who are catheterised for a period of :
8.63 Increased incidence of bladder cancer has been reported following the use of :
(a) Cyclophosphamide
(b) Cisplatinum
(c) Bleomycin
(d) Vincristine
8.64 The risk of recurrence and progression of carcinoma bladder associated with the following
factors EXCEPT :
8.65 Which is the commonest site of vascular metastasis from carcinoma bladder ?
(a) Liver
(b) Lung
(c) Bone
(d) Adrenal gland
(e) Intestine
8.66 Which is the most common histologic type in urachal carcinoma ?
(a) Adenocarcinoma
(b) Transitional cell carcinoma
(c) Squamous cell carcinoma
(d) Rhabdomyosarco
8.67 Epithelial Hyperplasia in absence of dysplasia (a) Superficial low grade tumor
8.68 Occurence of hyperplasia and dysplasia together (b) High grade papillary
8.69 Occurence of dysplasia aline in absence of hyperplasia (c) Flat carcinoma insitu
8.71 Progression of superficial bladder tumour can be predicted by the following EXCEPT :
8.72 Which of the following factors indicate more aggresive tumor diathesis ?
(a) Symtoms
(b) Intravenous urography
(c) Urine cystology
(d) Cystoscopy and transurehral biopsy
8.77 In those instances in which visible tumor remains elusive despite persistently postive urine
cytology for transitional cell carcinoma, the source of neoplastic cell can be from all of the
following EXCEPT :
(a) Kidney
(b) Upper ureter, pelvis and calyces
(c) Prostate gland
(d) Prostatic urethra
(e) Portions of the bladder that might be inaccessible to direct visualisation
8.78 The following investigation are usefull for the staging of carcinoma bladder EXCEPT :
(a) Ultrasonography
(b) Retrograde pyelography
(c) CT scan
(d) Magnetic resonance imaging
(e) Fractional cystography
8.79 Which is the commonest finding in intravenous urogram in cases of carcinoma bladder ?
8.81 The first lymph node metastasis from bladder tumors usually appear in the :
8.82 The following are the tumor markers for carcinoma urinary bladder EXCEPT :
According to marsnall’s modification of jewett-strong staging for carcinoma bladder, match the
following :
8.88 Which is the mainstay for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer ?
8.91 Which of the following statement is false regarding intravesical mitomycin therapy ?
8.92 Regarding intravesica chemotherapy which of the following has achieved best complete
response in management of superficial bladder cancer :
(a) Thiotepa
(b) Miomycin
(c) Adriamycin
(d) BCG
(e) Interferon
8.93 Which of the following statement is false regarding laser therapy in management of superficial
bladder cancer ?
(a) Laser coagulates blood vessels, kills tumor cells and leads to sloughing of cectrotic tumour
(b) It can eradicate recurrent or multiple superficial tumor without the need for anaesthesia
(c) After therapy, tissue is available for histopathology
(d) Its major disadvantage gas been inacessibility of some tumors
8.94 BCG intravesical therapy NOT given in the following situations EXCEPT :
8.95 The following are used for systemic prophylaxis of superficial tumors EXCEPT :
(a) Cyclophosphamide
(b) Pyridoxine
(c) Retinoic acid
(d) Vitamin-c
8.96 Which of the follwong is most accurate in detection of tumour recurrence the follow up of
carcinoma urinary bladder ?
(a) Irradiation kill tumour cells disseminated either locally or systemically at the time of surgery
(b) Irradiation eradicate microscopic pelvic disease already present
(c) Irradiation destroy transected peripheral tumour extension or tumour cells left behind at the
time of surgery
(d) Incidence of distant metastasis to bone, lungs and liver are same as in case treated without
8.100 What is the incidence of primary transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate ?
8.101 In how many percent of case involvement of prostate occurs in transitional cell carcinoma of
bladder :
(a) 5-10%
(b) 10-15%
(c) 15-20%
(d) 20-25%
8.102 In which group of patients, prognosis is poor in cases of bladder cancer with prostate
involvement :
8.103 What is the incidence of urethral metastasis in cases of carcinoma bladder with prostatic
involvement ?
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 30%
(d) 40%
8.104 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding transitional cell carcinoma in bladder
diverticula ?
(a) A higher incidence of transitional cell cancer has bben reported to occur within bladder
diverticulum than in normal bladder
(b) Tumours in the diverticulum have better prognosis than comparable tumour with in the
normal bladder
(c) Careful examination of any diverticulum is mandatory
(d) Tumour excision requires open diverticulectomy with removal of generous rim of
peridiverticular bladder tissue
8.105 The following are the common sites of metastasis of carcinoma bladder EXCEPT :
(a) Bone
(b) Lung
(c) Thyroid
(d) Liver
8.106 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding metastasis of carcinoma bladder ?
8.107 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding cisplatinum therapy in metastatic
carcinoma bladder ?
8.108 Which of the following are common side effects of cisplatinum chemotherapy ?
(a) 1 percent
(b) 2 percent
(c) 3 percent
(d) 4 percent
8.110 The following can develop into adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder EXCEPT :
(a) Sarcoma
(b) Transitional cell carcinoma
(c) Adenocarcinoma
(d) Squamous cell carcinoma
8.113 The following characterize carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder EXCEPT :
8.114 What is the treatment of choice for localised well differentiated carcinoma in situ of the
urinary bladder ?
(a) 9%
(b) 18 %
(c) 27 %
(d) 36 %
8.116 Squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder can develop from all of the following EXCEPT :
8.117 Which of the folowing statement is FALSE regarding squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder ?
(a) It cause precipitation of cellular protein of the bladder mucosa and fixes and occludes
telangiectatic and capillary vessels
(b) With concertation of less than 4%, complications have been minimal and control of
hacmomhage in usually achieved
(c) No anesthesia is recquired
(d) Preliminary cystogram is necessary to rule out reflux
8.119 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding palliative management of bladder cancer
8.120 Bladder pheochromocytoma accounts for how many percent of all bladder tumours :
8.122 Which is the most common malignancy in men in the 15-25 year age group ?
8.123 Germinal tumours constitute how many percent of all primary testicular malignancies :
(a) 40-50%
(b) 50-60%
(c) 70-80%
(d) 90-95%
8.124 The nongerminal ements, accounts for approximately how many percent of all primary
testicular neoplasm :
(a) 5 percent
(b) 7 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 12 percent
8.125 Which is the most frequent testicular tumour in patients over 50 years of age ?
(a) Seminoma
(b) Yolk sac tumour
(c) Adenomatoid tumour
(d) Reticulorndothelial neoplasm
8.126 Germinal neoplasm of the testis include all of the following EXCEPT :
8.132 Germinal neoplasms of the testis usually do not reproduce testicular tissure EXCEPT :
(a) Teratoma
(b) Seminoma
(c) Yolk sac tumour
(d) Choriocarcinoma
8.133 In approximately, how many percent of cases of testicular cancer has tendency to develop a
contralateral tumour :
(a) 1 percent
(b) 2 percent
(c) 3 percent
(d) 4 percent
8.137 Which of the following factor play a causative role for delevopment of cancer in the
cryptorchid malignant ?
8.138 Approximately how many percent of patients with testicular tumour have a prior history of
cryptorchidism develops malignancy in the contra lateral normally descended gonad ?
8.139 How many percent of patients with history of cryptorchidism develops malignancy in the
contra lateral, normally descended gonad ?
(a) 5 times
(b) 10 times
(c) 40 times
(d) 80 times
(a) Right
(b) Left
(c) Equal on both side
(a) Seminoma
(b) Teratoma
(c) Embryonal cell carcinoma
(d) Yolk sac tumour
8.143 Which is the most common site of origin of extragonadal germ cell tumours ?
(a) Mediastinum
(b) Retroperitoneum
(c) Sacrococcygeal region
(d) Pineal gland
8.144 The primary first echelon nodes draining the testis are usually at the level of :
(a) Aortography
(b) Tumour markers
(c) CT scan
(d) Histopathology of the involved testis
(e) X ray chest
8.148 Embryonal carcinoma of testis arises from totipotent germ cells. Which of the following
intraembryonic differentiation of embryonal carcinoma gives rise :
(a) Teratoma
(b) Seminoma
(c) Yolk sac tumour
(d) Choriocarcinoma
8.149 After retroperitoneal lymph nodes, which is the next common site of spread of NSGCT :
(a) Liver
(b) Lung
(c) Brain
(d) Bone
(e) Kidney
8.156 Serum assays of alphafetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) are
routinely used to :
8.158 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) ?
8.159 What is the risk of developing germinal tumour in the contralateral testis after the removal of
other testis having germ cll tumour ?
(a) Same
(b) 5 times greater
(c) 10 times greater
(d) 20 times greater
8.162 A uniformly enlarged non-capsulated testis whose cut surface reveals bulging, greyish white
glistening tissue with infrequent haemaonhagic spots suggests :
(a) Seminoma
(b) Teratoma
(c) Yolk cell tumour
(d) Leydig cell tumour
(a) Seminoma
(b) Embryonal cell carcinoma
(c) Teratoma
(d) Yolk sac tumour
8.164 The following steps must be performed while doing orchietomy in a suspected case of
testicular tumour EXCEPT :
(a) Radiotherapy
(b) Chemotherapy
(c) Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy
(d) None of the a bove
8.168 Which of the following is a preferable treatment for stage I teratoma after orchiectomy ?
(a) Surveillance
(b) Chemotherapy
(c) Radiotherapy
(d) Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
8.169 Which of the following is a contraindication for surveillance for stage I teratoma ?
8.170 Which is the preferred treatment for stage III nonseminomatous germ cell tumour of the
testis ?
(a) Chemotherapy
(b) Chemotherapy followed by irradiation
(c) Chemotherapy followed by surgery
(d) Surgery followed by chematherapy
8.171 Which of the following is the choice of combination chematherapy for metastatic teratoma ?
(a) Prostate
(b) Reticulo-endothelial tumours
(c) Malignant melonoma
(d) Lung
(e) Gastrointestinal
8.173 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding leyding cell tumours of the testis ?
(a) Choriocarcinoma
(b) Adenomatoid tumour
(c) Yolk cell tumour
(d) Reticuloendothelial neoplasm
8.176 Which of the following statement about yolk sac tumour is FALSE ?
8.177 The following statement about Yolk sac tumours are TRUE EXCEPT :
8.178 The presence of terotoma favourably influences the clinical behaviour of embryonal
carcinoma and choriocarcinoma. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
8.179 Which of the following statement about yolk sac tumour is FALSE ?
(a) Mesothelioma
(b) Cystadenoma
(c) Adenomatoid
(d) Rhabdomyosarcoma
(a) Prepuse
(b) Penile shaft
(c) Glans
(d) Urethra
8.182 The following statement about condyloma acumination are true EXCEPT :
8.183 All of the following modes of therapy can be used for condyloma acuminate EXCEPT :
8.184 All of the following are TRUE about giant condyloma acumination EXCEPT :
8.186 The following have a predilection for the glans and prepuce. They are most common amongst
the uncircumcised and may precede or coincide with carcinoma of penis EXCEPT :
8.187 Which of the following do not have premaligment potential in the penis ?
8.189 If a middle aged man presented with a white patch on the glans extending around the urethral
meatus resulting in some degree of meatal stenosis causing pain, pruitis and discharge, he is
most likely suffering from :
Lesion Treatment
8.194 Circumcision at birth has been establised as a prophylactic measure that almost eliminates the
occurence of penile carcinoma. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
8.195 Which is the single most factor affecting prognosis in carcinoma penis ?
(a) Glans
(b) Coronal sulcus
(c) Meatus
(d) Prepuce
8.197 Which is the most frequent site of initial involvement in carcinoma penis ?
(a) Glans
(b) Meatus
(c) Shaft
(d) Buck’s fascia
(a) Syphilis
(b) Granuloma inquinale
(c) Chancrom
(d) Phimosis
(a) The rate of growth of the papilary and ulcerative lesions are quite similar
(b) The flat ulcerative tumour has a tendency to early nodal metastasis and is associated with
poorer 5 year survival rate
(c) Spontaneous remission is known
(d) Most frequent on the glans, coronal sulcus and prepuce
8.201 In penile carcinoma, which of the following factor affect the prognosis most :
8.202 Which is the strongest prognostic indicator for survival in penile cancer ?
8.203 In penile carcinoma, the likelyhood of metastatic disease within palpable adenopathy is
increased in the following situation EXCEPT :
8.205 In penile carcinoma, in how many percent of cases, metastasis will be present contralaterally,
if positive nodes are detected ipsilaterally :
(a) 45 percent
(b) 50 percent
(c) 55 percent
(d) 60 percent
8.206 Which of the foloowing is the commonest site of metastasis in carcinoma penis ?
(a) Lung
(b) Lymph node
(c) Liver
(d) Bone
(e) Brain
(a) It is usually with a small llesion that gradually extends to invoice the entire glans, shaft and
(b) Busk’s facia acts as a temporary natural barrier protecting corparal bodies from invasion of
(c) Penile lymphatic drainage is bilateral to both inquinal areas
(d) Distant metastasis in the absence of regional node metastasis are usual
8.208 Which of the following represent a relative barrier to spread of carcinoma penis ?
(a) Unilateral
(b) Bilateral
(c) Contralateral
(d) All of the a bove
8.211 Which of the following is the first group of superficial inquinal lymph nodes involve in
carcinoma penis ?
(a) Superomedial
(b) Superolateral
(c) Inferomedial
(d) Inferolateral
8.212 The sentinel node which represents in the majority of cases the first site lymphatic metastasis
in carcinoma belongs to which group of lymph nodes :
8.213 Which of the following factors govern the management of carcinoma penis ?
8.214 Which of the following is mandatory prior to therapy for penile carcinoma ?
(a) Circumcision
(b) Dorsal slit
(c) Biopsy
(d) Antibiotics
8.215 Which of the following statement regarding treatment of carcinoma penis is FALSE ?
(a) In frankly malignant tumours on clinical examination, biopsy is not mandatory and may even
be undesirable because of fear of dissemination
(b) In clinically non palpable inquinal nodes, excision biopsy sentinel nodes be done rountinely
(c) In sentinel node biopsy is positive, an ipsilateral inquinal lymphadenectomy should be done
(d) In cases of unilateral papable positive inquinal nodes a bilateral inquinal lymphadenectomy
should be done
8.216 The following are indications for radiation therapy in penile carcinoma EXCEPT :
8.217 The following are TRUE about radiotherapy in penile carcinoma EXCEPT :
(a) Glans
(b) Prepuce
(c) Shaft
(d) None of the above
8.220 Which is the treatment of choice for regional nodal deposites of carcinoma penis ?
(a) Surgery
(b) Radiotherapy
(c) Chemotherapy
(d) Immunotherapy
8.221 Which is the treatment of choice for T4, N0, M0, lesions of carcinoma penis ?
8.223 Which is the incision of choice for enbloc excision of ilioinquinal lymph nodes ?
(a) Vertical
(b) S-shaped
(c) Oblique
(d) Double incision
8.224 In carcinoma penis, what should be the time interval between surgery of the penile lesion and
the regional lymphadenectomy :
8.225 Which of the following can be the benign lesions of the seminal vesicle ?
(a) Fibromas
(b) Myomas
(c) Cystic adenomas
(d) All of the above
(a) Adenocarcinoma
(b) Sarcoma
(c) Transitional cell
(d) Squamous cell
8.227 Which of the following statement is WRONG about malignant tumours of the seminal visicle ?
8.228 In malignant lesions of the seminal vesicle, seminal vesiculography can reveal which of the
following :
(a) Obliteration
(b) Deformity
(c) Filling defect
(d) All of the above
(e) A and C only
8.229 Which is the treatment of choice for malignant tumours of seminal vesicle ?
(a) Chemotherapy
(b) Surgery
(c) Radiotherapy
(d) Immunotherapy
(a) Nephroblastoma
(b) Adencarcinoma of kidney
(c) Embryoma of kidney
(d) Adenomyosarcoma of kidney
(a) This is the most common malignant neoplasm of the urinary tract in children
(b) The peak age incidence is between 3-4 years
(c) The male to female ratio is 2:1
(d) The common associated anomalies are aniridia, hemihypertrophy, visceromegaly,
musculoskeletal and genitourinary
8.234 The following are the common presentation of Wilm’s tumour EXCEPT :
(a) Histology
(b) Haematogenous metastasis
(c) Lymph node involvement
(d) Tumour extension at the site of the primary tumour
8.236 Which is the most common site of haematogenous metastasis of Wilm’s tumour ?
(a) Lung
(b) Liver
(c) Bone
(d) Brain
8.237 The following factors are associated with a better prognosis in Wilm’s tumour EXCEPT :
8.240 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding radiotheraphy for Wilm’s tumour ?
8.241 Which is the mainstay of treatment for children with metastasic or recurrent Wilm’s tumour,
who have recieved only actinomycin D and vincristine ?
(a) Doxorubicin
(b) Cyslophosphamide
(c) Cisplatinum
(d) Dimethyltriazeno-imidazole carboxamide (DITC)
8.242 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding bilateral Wilm’s tumour ?
8.243 In Wilm’s tumor, the pelvicalyceal system is often splaed enlarged and displaced, while
adenocarcinoma tends cause localised distrotion/oblitration of the collection system. This
statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
9.3 Comparatively, which is the most indistensible part of the urinary bladder :
(a) Dome
(b) Lateral walls
(c) Trigone
(d) Internal meatus
9.4 Distensibility of which of the following assures the capacity for bladder urine storage :
(a) Epithelium
(b) Muscles
(c) Connective tissue
(d) All of the a bove
9.8 Which of the following carries parasympathetic fibres to the urinary bladder ?
9.9 All of the following are true about the effects of sympathetic nervous system on bladder function
9.10 Which of the following is a neurohormonal transmitter for symphathetic post ganglionic
imervation of the urinary bladder ?
(a) Epinephrine
(b) Adrenaline
(c) Noradrenaline
(d) Norepinehrine
9.11 Which of the following is considered representative of the nerve supply and function integrity
of the pelvic floor ?
(a) Presence of both tone and ability to contract indicates integrity of innervation of pelvic floor
(b) Present of tone but inability to contract indicates a suprasacral lesion
(c) Absence of both indicates a sacral or peripheral nerve abnormality
(d) It is not a good test to assess the tone of the external urethral sphincter
9.14 The following are TRUE about the external urethral sphincter EXCEPT :
9.15 The proprioceptive sensation of the urinary bladder include all of the following EXCEPT :
9.16 Which is the centre for reflexcoordination between bladder contraction and sphinter relaxtion ?
9.17 In innervation of bladder and urethra , lumbar preganglionic contribution to pelvic ganglion is
from the following segments EXCEPT :
(a) T10
(b) T11
(c) T12
(d) L1
(e) L2
9.18 In innervation of bladder and urethra, sacral preganglionic contribution to the pelvic ganglions
is from the following segments EXCEPT :
(a) S1
(b) S2
(c) S3
(d) S4
9.19 Synaptic transmission from preganglionic to postganglionic cell is made by the release of :
(a) Epinephrine
(b) Acetylcholine
(c) Norepinephrine
(d) None of the above
9.20 Regarding the nerves supply of the urinary bladder, the pelvic nerves carriers of :
9.22 Which is the location of proprioceptive nerve endings in the urinary bladder ?
(a) Urothelium
(b) Detrusor
(c) Perivescal fascia
(d) All of the above
9.23 Which is the location of the exteroceptive nerve ending s in the urinary bladder ?
(a) Superomedial
(b) Inferomedial
(c) Superolateral
(d) Inferolateral
9.27 In normal men and in nulliparous women, inferior border of the bladder base flat and lies at or
above the symphysis pubis. On upright position or on straining, the bladder base :
9.28 In normal men, voiding occurs when the urethral closure pressure falls to :
(a) 15 cm of water
(b) 10 cm of water
(c) 5 cm of water
(d) 20 cm of water
9.29 In a normal male on standing cystogram, continence level will be demonstrated at the :
9.31 If in normal person, the exernal (striated ) urethral sphincter is demaged, it leads to :
9.32 Which is the best test for integrity of the sacral neural pathways i.e, the conus medullaris,
cauda eqina and peripheral sacral nerves ?
9.33 The following are the most common and potentially serious upper tract abnormalities that
occur in neurogenic bladder EXCEPT :
9.37 It is common knowledge that the female urethra is shorter than the male urethra. But, is the
female urethral sphincter zone is also shorter than the male :
(a) Yes
(b) No
9.38 The following are important data to record during filing cystometry EXCEPT :
9.39 The following can give a falsely positive bethanecol supersensitivity test EXCEPT :
9.41 lapide’s test includes injecting 2.5 mg of bethanecol chlorid subcutaneously and doing a
repeated CMG after 30 mnts at the same rate of filling. It is considered to be a positive test if
the increase in the basal pressure is more than :
(a) 5 cm of H2O
(b) 15 cm of H2O
(c) 30 cm of H2O
(d) 40 cm of H2O
9.42 Urethral pressure profile determines all of following EXCEPT :
9.52 What should be the minimum voided urine for obtaining accurate information from uroflow
(a) 50-100 ml
(b) 100-150 ml
(c) 150-200 ml
(d) 200-250 ml
9.53 What is the normal voiding contraction pressure of detrusor to produce a uroflow rate of 20-25
ml/second ?
(a) 1 ml/mnt
(b) 3 ml/mnt
(c) 5 ml/mnt
(d) 7 ml/mnt
9.57 About which of the following, the electromyographic test (EMG) gives information :
9.58 Which is the most accurate method of recording electromyography of the external urethral
sphincter ?
9.59 In urethral pressure profilometry, the length of that segment of the urethra where urethral
pressure exceeds the bladder pressure is known as :
9.61 The bulbocavernosus reflex, mediated by S2-S4 segment, can be elicited by any of the following
(a) Stroking the medical side of the thigh causing retraction of testis
(b) Pinching peri-anal skin thus causing contracting of external sphicter
(c) Squeezing glans penis thus causing contraction of external anal sphicter
(d) Squeezing the glans and looking for reflex contraction of bulbocavernous and
ischiocavemosus muscles
9.65 Total detrusor and intra-abdominal pressure (d) urethral pressure profile
(a) Loop I
(b) Loop II
(c) Loop III
(d) Loop IV
9.70 In relation to central innervation of the detrusor muscle and periurethral striated muscle, an
open loop is defined as one in which :
9.71 All of the following reflex arcs are open loop EXCEPT :
(a) Loop I
(b) Loop II
(c) Loop III
(d) Loop IV
(a) It consists of axonal pathways to and from the detrusor motor area in the frontal lobes to
the detrusor motor are in the potine-mesencephalic reticular formation
(b) It is an open loop
(c) This pathway rclays to and from the thalamus basal ganlion and limbic system
(d) It provides neural subtratc for volitional control of the detrusor reflex
9.74 Interruption of loop I pathways may resuts from all of the following EXCEPT :
9.76 Interruption of loop II can occur from all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Cystometry
(b) Sphincter electromyography
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them
9.79 The dysfuntion of loop III can be due to all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) This loop consists of supraspinal and segmental innervation of periurethral striated muscle
(b) This loop has greater significance in females
(c) The supraspinal component of this loop includes sensory pathways in the posterior columns
that arise from muscle spindles and tendon organs in the pelvic floor musculature
(d) The integritu of this loop can be tested by spincter electromyography
9.82 The volitional control of detrusor contraction mediated by axons connecting centres in cerebral
cortex to the pontine mesencephalic reticular formation in the brain stem is represented by :
(a) Loop I
(b) Loop II
(c) Loop III
(d) Loop IV
9.83 Production of a detrusor contraction of suffictient temporal duration to allow total avacuation
of intravesical contents are mediated via :
(a) Loop I
(b) Loop II
(c) Loop III
(d) Loop IV
9.84 The following are the causes of sensory neurogenic bladder EXCEPT :
9.85 The following are the causes of motor paralytic bladder EXCEPT :
9.87 Lesion above the spinal cord level of T7 or T8 (spinal comumn level of T8) results in to the
following EXCEPT :
9.88 Vesico ureteral reflux is more common in which of the following group of neurovesical
dysfuntion :
9.89 A clicinal condition of bladder hyporeflexia with non-relaxing external urethral sphicter can
occur in all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Cerebrum
(b) Thalamus
(c) Basal ganglia
(d) Cerebellum
9.91 Which is the most common urodynamic findings in parkisonism ?
9.92 The following are the typical urodynamic findings in Diabetes mellitus EXCEPT :
9.93 What type of neurogenic bladder is usually found in a patient with transverse myelitis of the
spinal cord at the T12-L1 segment ?
9.94 A 35 year old man present with the complains of long standing obstructive and irritative
symptoms. He has a normal prostate on rectal examination, a negligible residual urine and a
norman endoscopic bladder appearance. Video orudynamics and cystourethrography revealed
obstruction at the level of bladder neck. Which is the most probable diagnosis :
9.95 What is the diagnosis in a neurogenically obstructed patient, if the obstruction is relieved on
giving alpha blockers ?
9.97 All of the following can cause neurologically mediated in continence EXCEPT :
9.98 All of the following are true about autonomic dysreflexia EXCEPT :
9.99 Which of the following results during the stage of spinal shock following total interruption of
spinal pathways due to trauma ?
9.100 Detrusor hyperreflexia with detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia can be caused by all of the
following EXCEPT :
9.106 Use of monitoring instruments (usually electronic) to detect and amplify internal physiologic
processes so as to make this ordinarily unavailable information available to the patient is
called :
(a) Autosuggestion
(b) Extra-sensory perception
(c) Biofeed back
(d) Autoregulation
9.107 Intermittent catheterisation is a very acceptable form of urinary bladder grainage. In the
following condition, continous catheterisation is preferred to intermittent EXCEPT :
9.108 The following are the contraindications of intermittent self catherisation EXCEPT :
(a) Prostatism
(b) Enuresis
(c) Urgency-frequency syndrome
(d) Vesico-ureteric reflux
9.110 All of the following drugs can be tried in the management of vesical hyperreflexia EXCEPT :
(a) Plavoxate
(b) Oxybutynin chloride
(c) Urecholine
(d) Propantheline bromide
9.111 Which is the most potent oral anticholinergic drug available to day ?
(a) Oxybutysin
(b) Glycopyrrolate
(c) Hyoscyamine
(d) Probanthin
9.112 Which is the ideal pharmacotheraphy for a patient having urinary obstructive symptoms due
to an underlying neurologic vesical hyporeflexia with spastic uretral smooth muscles ?
(a) Oxybutynin
(b) Bethanechol chloride
(c) Diazepam
(d) Bethanechol chloride phenoxybenzamine
9.113 Which is the most commonly used anticholinergic agent for inhibiting bladder contractility ?
(a) Atropine
(b) Propantheline
(c) Methantheline
(d) Glycopyrrolate
(a) Oxybutineine
(b) Probanthine
(c) Disyclomine
(d) Flavoxate
9.115 “Trigger Voiding” is attempted to induce relex voiding in patients suffering from :
(a) Increasing intra-vesical pressure by blowing with the nose and mouth closed
(b) Tickling the posterior pharyngeal wall to induce vomitting
(c) Tying the gauge piece knot on a stretched indwelling urethral catheter to check venous
haemorrhage from the prostatic fossa
(d) Manual pressure in suprapublic region to induce voiding
9.117 “Crede’s manoeuvre” is used to induce reflex voiding in patients suffering from :
9.119 “Kegel exercises” are used to cure female patients suffering from :
9.120 “Triple voiding is one of the conservative methods used in the management of :
9.121 Oxybutinin chloride a commonly used drug in hyperreflexic bladder all of the following actions
(a) Anticholinergic
(b) Polysynaptic inhibitor
(c) Smooth muscle relaxant
(d) Local anaesthetic action
(a) Enkephaline
(b) Histamine
(c) Prostaglandin
(d) 5-hydroxytryptamine
9.123 The following drugs relax striated external sphincter EXCEPT :
(a) Diazepam
(b) Dantrolene
(c) Baclone
(d) Bethanechol
9.124 Which is the most common drug used for relaxation of the striated musculature of the pelvic
floor ?
9.125 How many percent of patients will develop bacteriuria, if a catheter is kept indewelling for 4
days ?
(a) 25%
(b) 50%
(c) 75%
(d) 100%
9.126 Which is the preferred form of treatment in the spinal shock phase of spinal trauma ?
9.127 Increasing intravesical pressure by sacral nerve stimulation is most effective when the
stimulation is applied to :
(a) S1
(b) S2
(c) S3
(d) S4
(a) Phentolamine
(b) Diazepam
(c) Propranolol
(d) Urecholine
9.129 The following meets the criteria of “Balanced Bladder” EXCEPT :
(a) 6 months
(b) 2 years
(c) 4 years
(d) 6 years
9.134 During which phase of sleep, the primary enuretics usually do bed wetting :
(a) Propantheline
(b) Imipromine
(c) Diazepam
(d) Ephedrine
9.138 Following are the mechanisms of action of imipromine in treating enuresis EXCEPT :
(a) 12 o’clock
(b) 6 o’clock
(c) 5-7 o’clock
(d) 3-6 o’clock
9.141 Which is the primary indication for external sphincterotomy ?
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
10.2 By which week of gestation, five groups of tubular form of lobes of the prostate appears :
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 18
10.4 There are how many clinically recognizable lobes in the prostate gland :
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
(a) Pudendal
(b) Inferior vesical
(c) Superior vesical
(d) Obturator
10.9 Which of the following arteries supplying the prostate gland should be dealt at the time of
prostatectomy ?
(a) 14 gms
(b) 16 gms
(c) 18 gms
(d) 20 gms
10.14 Approximately, what is the weight of muscular mass in the normal prostate gland :
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
10.15 How many percent of the prostate gland is constituted by the central and peripheral zone ?
(a) 65
(b) 75
(c) 85
(d) 95
10.16 Benign prostatic hyperplasia originates from which zone of the prostate gland :
(a) 5.4
(b) 6.4
(c) 7.4
(d) 7.8
10.22 Which is the most common gram positive bacteria in the etiology of prostatitis ?
10.23 Which of the following is most important in the pathogenesis of bacterial prostatitis ?
10.26 Normally, how many WBC per high power field ae present in the prostatic fluid :
10.27 Presence of which of the following in the prostatic expressate is most convincing sign of
prostatic inflammation :
(a) Leukocytes
(b) Macrophages containing fat (oval bodies)
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them
10.28 Which antigen specific immunoglobulin levels are raised in acute bacterial prostatitis ?
(a) IgG
(b) IgA
(c) IgM
(d) All of the above
10.29 Which antigen specific immunoglobulin levels are raised in chronic bacterial prostatitis ?
(a) IgA
(b) IgG
(c) IgM
(d) A&B
(a) Erythromycin
(b) Trimethoprim
(c) Fluoroquinolone
(d) Cephalexin
10.31 Treatment failure in bacterial prostatitis by trimethoprim is due to the following EXCEPT :
(a) Antibiotics
(b) Analgesics
(c) Urethral catheter
(d) Bed rest
10.33 What should be the duration of treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis to prevent chronic
bacterial prostatitis ?
(a) 7 days
(b) 14 days
(c) 21 days
(d) 30 days
10.34 Which is the best management of acute retention of urine in a case of acute bacterial
prostatitis ?
10.36 Which is the most appropriate therapy for infected prostatic calculi ?
10.38 Which is the most probable diagnosis in a patient with symptoms of prostatitis in whom
cultures and documented UTI are negative despite the presence of excessive leucocytes and
macrophages conctcining fat in the prostatoc expressate ?
10.39 What is the prostate growth rate between puberty to third decade of life ?
10.40 What is the prostate growth rate between the age of 31 to 90 years ?
10.41 What is the doubling time of hyperplastic prostatic tissue in men of 31 to 50 years age ?
10.42 What is the doubling time of hyper plastic prostatic tissue in men of 55 to 70 years age ?
(a) 6 years
(b) 8 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 12 years
10.43 The following preoperative investigations are mandatory in every case of benign prostatic
hyperplasia EXCEPT :
(a) Azotemia
(b) Hydronephrosis
(c) Bladder decompensation with overflow incontinence
(d) Bladder instability
10.46 A 71 years old man presented with the history of chronic retention of urine with overflow
incontinence. He had dysuria amd frequency of urination since last many years. His blood urea
was 100 mgs% and serum creatinine was 4.5 mgs%. There is no history of any systemic disease.
Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis :
10.49 After initial treatment, blood urea and serum creatinine returned to normal.
Cystopanendoscopy revealed moderate enlargement of prostate. Which is the preferable
method of prostatectomy :
(a) Transvesical
(b) Retropubic
(c) Perineal
(d) Transurethral
10.50 Which of the following is most important factor for deciding route of prostatetomy ?
10.51 Which of the following is a relative contraindication for transurethral resection of prostate ?
(a) Transvesical
(b) Retropubic
(c) Perineal
(d) Transurethral
(e) All of the above
10.56 In which type of prostatectomy, the incidence of stricture urethra is more common :
(a) Transvesical
(b) Retropubic
(c) Perineal
(d) Transurethral
10.57 In which type of prostatectomy, the incidence of incontinence of urine is more common :
(a) Transvesical
(b) Retropubic
(c) Perineal
(d) Transurethral
10.58 Injury to which of the following will give rise to post prostatectomy incontinence
(a) Gystometrogram
(b) Urethral pressure profile
(c) Measuring anal sphicter tone
(d) Uroflowmetry
10.61 What should be the duration of non surgical expectant theraphy following post-prostatectomy
10.62 Which pharmacologic agent is used for the management of postprostatectomy incontinence ?
10.63 In which of the following, the relsult of surgery for postprostatectomy incontinence will be
poor :
10.64 Which of the following is the commonest complication following surgery for post-
prostatectomy incontinence ?
(a) Infection
(b) Transient retention of urine
(c) Prolonged retention of urine
(d) Urethral erosion
(e) Osteomyelitis
10.65 The following drugs are used for the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia EXCEPT :
(a) Phenoxybenzamine
(b) Prazocin
(c) Urecholine
(d) Finesteride
(a) Alpha 1
(b) Alpha 2
(c) Both
(d) None
10.70 The post operative poor result of detrusor instability with bladder outflow obstruction can be
predicted preoperatively by which of the following :
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 50 percent
10.72 Which is the commonest cause of death by cancer, in men older than 55 years ?
10.73 Which of the following provide significant barrier for extension of carcinoma prostate ?
(a) Urethra
(b) Prostatic capsule
(c) Baldder
(d) Rectum
10.76 What is the incidence of incidental adenocarcinoma after open prostatic adenectomy ?
(a) Liver
(b) Prostate
(c) Platelets
(d) Kidney
(e) Stomach
10.78 In which of the following, there is lowest acid phosphatase content in the prostatic tissue :
10.79 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding prostate specific antigen ?
(a) It is a lipoprotein
(b) It is produced only by prostatic epithelial cells
(c) It hydrolyzes (lyses) the coagulum of the ejaculate
(d) Its funtion is related to male fertility
10.80 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding prostate specific antigen (PSA) ?
10.81 What is an overall average rate of PSA level rise for intracapsular cancer prostate ?
10.84 Following biopsy of the prostate, how long one should wait before measuring serum PSA level
(a) 1 week
(b) 2 week
(c) 3 week
(d) 4 week
10.85 Which type of osseous secondaries are most common from the cancer prostate ?
(a) Osteolytic
(b) Osteoblastic
(c) Osteolytic and Osteoblastic mixed
(d) Osteoporotic
10.86 How much of bone must be replaced by tumour tissue before it can be detected
radiographically ?
(a) 5-10%
(b) 10-15%
(c) 30-50%
(d) 70-80%
10.87 Which of the following investigation is most sensitive for detection of metastasis in carcinoma
prostate ?
(a) Oestrogen
(b) Progesterone
(c) Androgen
(d) Anti-androgen
10.89 All of the following can cause an area of prostate induration EXCEPT :
10.90 Which of the following is characteristic of transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate ?
(a) Obturator
(b) Hypogastric
(c) Illiac
(d) Presacral
(e) Para-aortic
10.92 Which of the following statement regarding metastasis of carcinoma prostate is TRUE ?
10.93 Which are the most common sites of haematogenous metastasis from carcinoma prostate ?
(a) Visceral
(b) Osseous
(c) Neural
(d) Lymphatic
10.94 Which is the commonest site for osseous metastasis from carcinoma prostate :
(a) 3rd
(b) 5rd
(c) 7rd
(d) 9rd
10.96 What is the incidence of lymphatic metastasis among the patients of carcinoma prostate in
whom tumour is contined to the prostate ?
(a) 10%
(b) 25%
(c) 40%
(d) 60%
10.97 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding lymphangiography for the diagnosis of
carcinoma prostate ?
(a) The hypogastric and obturator lymph nodes are not consistently visualised
(b) Micronetastasis can not be detected
(c) Small discreet ill defined defects are diagnostic of tumour
(d) There is difficully in differentiating between fatty infiltration and tumour
10.98 Which of the following group of carcinoma prostate cases have adverse influence on the
recurrence of desease, who have ?
10.99 Which is the treatment of choice for stage A1 adenocarcinoma prostate in a men of 70 years ?
10.101 What is the minimal dose of diethylstilboesterol required for the consistent suppression of
plasma testosterone levels to the range seen after castration ?
(a) 1 mg/day
(b) 3 mg/day
(c) 5 mg/day
(d) 10 mg/day
10.102 Following bilateral orchiectomy, there is an abrupt fall in plasma testosterone levels to :
(a) 200ng/ml
(b) 150 ng/ml
(c) 100 ng/ml
(d) 50 ng/ml
10.103 How long after definitive radiotherapy, prostatic biopsy be performed for accurate results ?
(a) 1 month
(b) 3 month
(c) 6 month
(d) 1 year
10.104 What is the incidence of impotence in patients of carcinoma, prostate undergoing definitive
radiotherapy ?
(a) 10-20%
(b) 20-30%
(c) 40-50%
(d) 60-70%
(a) Spironolactone
(b) Cyproterone acetate
(c) Aminoglutethemide
(d) Diethylstilboesterol
10.106 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding gynaecomastia due to endocrine
therapy in patients of carcinoma prostate ?
10.108 What is the treatment of choice for early transitional cell carcinoma prostate ?
10.109 A patient underwent transurethral resection of prostate and the histopathology revealed
stage A2 cancer. What time interval is recommended between TUR-P and subsequent radical
surgery :
10.110 In which of the following group of patients, radical retropubic prostatectomy for carcinoma
prostate is absolutely contraindicated :
(a) It can be done in conjunction with pelvic lymphadenectomy without alterin, the patients
(b) It gives view of pelvic anatomic structures
(c) It is advantageous in removal of large prostate gland with subvesical extention
(d) Vesieourethral anastomosis is easy with less intraoperative blood loss
11.1 In humans, on which aspect of urogenital ridge, an indifferent gonad capable of ovary or testis
can be identified :
(a) Ventromedial
(b) Ventrolateral
(c) Dorsomedial
(d) Dorsolateral
11.2 In humans, in which week of gestation, an indifferent gonad capable of developing in to either
an ovary or testis can be identified :
(a) Endothelium
(b) Coelomic epithelium
(c) Mesonephric blastema
(d) None of the above
(a) Endothelium
(b) Coelomic epithelium
(c) Mesonephric blastema
(d) None of the above
11.5 Which of the following element dominate if the gonad becomes testis ?
(a) Cortex
(b) Medulla
11.6 A testis develop when a Y-chromosome is present and an ovary develops when there is no Y-
chromosome. There are no exceptions to this rule. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
11.7 By which week of gestation, sexual differentiation become apprent :
(a) 4 weeks
(b) 5 weeks
(c) 6 weeks
(d) 7 weeks
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
(a) Hypothalamus
(b) Pituaitary
(c) Adrenal gland
(d) Testis
11.18 What is the average frequency of one pulse for GnRH release in to the portal circulation ?
11.20 In which month of development in utero, the intersitial (leyding) cells make their appearance :
11.21 The septa compartmentalize the testes into how many lobules :
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 400
11.22 What is the percentage of interstitial tissue in the total testicular volume ?
11.23 The arterial supply to the human testis and epididymis is derived from :
(a) 500
(b) 600
(c) 700
(d) 800
11.25 What is the percentage of leyding cells in the total volume of the human testis ?
(a) 5-12
(b) 12-17
(c) 17-22
(d) 22-27
11.26 During which week of gestation, peak level of testosterone occurs in the blood of the human
fetus :
(a) 6-12
(b) 12-18
(c) 18-24
(d) 24-30
11.27 Approximately how many millilitre of blood is provided per 100 gm of testicular tissue per
minute :
(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 11
(d) 13
11.28 During which decade of life, testosterone reaches the maximum concentration :
11.29 Approximately, how many days are recquired for the entire spermatogenic process in men :
(a) 54
(b) 59
(c) 64
(d) 69
11.30 What is the lenght of a convoluted seminiferous tubule, in feet, when fully stretched ?
(a) 1
(b) 1.5
(c) 2
(d) 2.5
(a) 0.05 cm
(b) 0.02 cm
(c) 0.10 cm
(d) 0.20 cm
(a) 30 micrometer
(b) 40 micrometer
(c) 50 micrometer
(d) 60 micrometer
(a) 80 percent
(b) 85 percent
(c) 90 percent
(d) 95 percent
11.38 How many microns per second is the average velocity of the ejaculated sperm ?
(a) 25 percent
(b) 50 percent
(c) 75 percent
(d) 100 percent
11.40 In which part of the epididymis , maximum, spermatozoa are stored in human :
(a) Caput
(b) Corpus
(c) Caudal
(d) Equally distributed
11.43 Which is the commonest site for the aberrations in growth and infections, within the sex
accesory tissues ?
(a) Prostate
(b) Seminal vesicles
(c) Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s gland)
(d) Epididymis
11.44 How many percent of the total semen volume is constitutedby the testis and epididymis ?
11.45 How many percent of the total galndular tissue is contained in the peripheral zone of the
normal prostate ?
(a) 65
(b) 70
(c) 75
(d) 80
11.46 How many percent of the typical secretary cells decrease in total number after androgen
ablation ?
(a) 75
(b) 70
(c) 85
(d) 90
11.47 How many percent of the typical secretary cells shrink in cell volume after androgen ablation ?
(a) 60
(b) 70
(c) 80
(d) 90
11.48 How many percent of the typical secretary cells decrease in cell height after androgen ablation
(a) 60
(b) 70
(c) 80
(d) 90
(a) 80
(b) 85
(c) 90
(d) More than 95 percent
11.52 Which of the following androgens has highest concentration in the spermatic vein ?
(a) Androstenediol
(b) Androstenedion
(c) Dihydroepiandrosterone
(d) Testosternone
11.53 Approximately, what is the mean metabolic clearance for testosterone every 24 hours :
11.55 How many percent of the total serum testosterone is NOT protein bound ?
(a) 2 percent
(b) 4 percent
(c) 6 percent
(d) 8 percent
(a) 5 ng/dl
(b) 10 ng/dl
(c) 15 ng/dl
(d) 20 ng/dl
11.57 The following are the sites of formation of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone EXCEPT :
(a) Prostate
(b) Seminal vesicle
(c) Liver
(d) Spleen
11.58 What is the level of dihydrosterosterone per gm wet weight within the prostate gland ?
(a) 1 ng
(b) 5 ng
(c) 10 ng
(d) 15 ng
11.61 After which age, the mean level of free testosterone decline in men :
(a) 30 years
(b) 40 years
(c) 50 years
(d) 60 years
11.63 Approximately, what is the average volume of the normal human ejaculate :
(a) I ml
(b) 2 ml
(c) 3 ml
(d) 4 ml
11.64 Which has the major contribution to the volume of seminal plasma ?
(a) Testis
(b) Seminal vesicle
(c) Prostate
(d) Cowper’s gland
11.65 How many percent of the total volume of ejaculate is provide by the prostate and seminal
vesicles ?
(a) 80 percent
(b) 85 percent
(c) 90 percent
(d) More than 95 percent
11.66 The first or preejaculatory fraction of semen comes from :
11.67 Very small volume ejaculate is due to the following conditions EXCEPT :
(a) Sperms
(b) Citri acid
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them
11.69 Which is the major source of citric acid presen in the human semen ?
(a) Testis
(b) Seminal vesicles
(c) Prostate
(d) Cowper’s gland
(a) Testis
(b) Seminal vesicles
(c) Prostate
(d) Cowper’s gland
11.71 Which of the following has highest concentrations in the seminal vesicle secretions ?
(a) Fructose
(b) Glucose
(c) Sorbital
(d) Ribose
(e) Fucose
11.72 Approximately, what is the concentration of fructose in human seminal secretion :
11.74 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding fructose in the ejaculate ?
11.75 Concentration of fructose in semen below 120/100 ml is due to all of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Prostate
(d) Seminal plasma
(a) Testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Prostate
(d) Seminal plasma
11.78 Which is the richest source of prostaglandins ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) E
(d) F
11.79 Which is the primary primary source of origin of zinc in human seminal plasma ?
(a) Testis
(b) Epididymis
(c) Prostate
(d) Seminal vesicle
11.81 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding zinc levels in seminal secretions ?
(a) K. Y jelly
(b) Keri lotion
(c) Saliva
(d) Pea nut oil
11.85 Which of the following calcium binding substances inhibit coagulation of human ejaculate ?
11.86 Liquefaction of semen may be induced by the addition of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Seminin
(b) Seminal proteinase
(c) Fructose
(d) Alpha amylase
(a) Prothrombin
(b) Fibrinogen
(c) Factor XII
(d) None of them
11.89 The following are the causes of absence of emission of ejaculate EXCEPT :
(a) False
(b) True
11.91 Approximately, how many percent of cases of male infertility are entirely due to male factor :
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
11.92 Which of the following is important in the family history of the infertile male ?
11.93 How many percent of male inferility cases are due to primary hrmonal abnormality ?
11.95 How many percent of men with bilateral cryptorchidism can have oligospermia ?
(a) 30 percent
(b) 40 percent
(c) 50 percent
(d) 60 percent
11.96 How many percent of men with unilateral cryptorchidism can have oligopermia ?
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60
11.97 In how many percent of inquinal or prescrotal testis, absence of germ cells is found :
11.98 In how many percent of intraabdominal testis, absence of germ cells is found ;
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
11.99 Which of the following statement is FALSE in relation to endocrine function of the testis ?
11.100 Which of the following are common degenerative changes of the testis ?
11.101 Normaly, testicular temperature is how many degree below the body temperature :
11.103 The prolacting levels in human blood are elevated with the following EXCEPT :
(a) Estrogens
(b) Tranquilizing drugs
(c) Stress
(d) L-dopa
(a) Impotence
(b) Ifertibility
(c) Either of them
(d) Both of them
11.107 For how many month, spermatogenesis may be impaired following a febrile illness :
(a) Spermatogonia
(b) Spermatocystes
(c) Dividing spermatids
(d) Mature spermatozoa
(a) Spermatids
(b) Spermatogonia
(c) Spermatocytes
(d) No difference
11.112 Which of the following is the most common cause of obstructive azoospermia in India ?
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
11.114 Approximately in how many percent of cases of male infertility, ductal obstruction is found :
(a) 7 percent
(b) 10 percent
(c) 14 percent
(d) 17 percent
11.115 Low testostemrone, FSH and LH level (a) Isolated germ cell depletion
11.119 Which is the most common cause for an abnormal result of the post coital test ?
11.120 Which of the following investigation is necessary to identify the site of obstruction in a
azzosperic man with normal spermatogenesis ?
11.121 The following solutions are used for preservation of testicular biopsy specimen EXCEPT :
(a) Zengker’s
(b) Bouin’s
(c) Formeldehyde
Match the Following in Relation to Testicular Histopathology :
11.123 Germinal Aplasia (b) Disappearance of all germ and sertoli cells
11.126 Pressure atrophy of the seminiferous epithelium after vasectomy in men is due to :
11.127 Approxiamtely, in how many percent of inferile males, varicoceles are found :
(a) 10 percent
(b) 20 percent
(c) 30 percent
(d) 40 percent
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
11.131 Which is the most common finding on semen analysis in cases of varicocele ?
11.133 in infertile men, ductal obstruction can be due to all of the following EXCEPT :
11.134 The following are the features, in congenital absence of vas and seminal vesicle patients
(a) Azoospermia
(b) Normal ejaculate volume
(c) Semen that does not coagulate following ejaculation
(d) Absence of fructose in the seminal plasma
(a) Cystomegalovirus
(b) Chlamydia
(c) Herpes
(d) All of the above
Diagnosis Treatment
11.143 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding human chorionic gonadotropins ?
(a) This is the most important branch of the internal pudendal regarding arectile physiology
(b) They are paired arteries
(c) They pass longitudenally within the corporial bodies in lateral position
(d) They give off tortous terminal branches known as hehcine arteries
11.149 Which is the primary vein draining glans penis and the distal portion of the corpora
cavernosa ?
11.150 Which veins drain base and helium of the corpora cavernosa ?
11.152 What is the cause of marked reduction in the vascular resistance during erection ?
11.153 Heemodynamic change resulting in normal penile tuinescence include all of the following
11.154 What should be the rate of blood flow into corporacaverosa to cause an erection ?
11.155 What is the venous outflow rate during the penile erect stage in comparision to that of
flaccid stage
(a) ¼ th
(b) Half
(c) Equal
(d) 7 times
(a) They are found along the posterolateral aspect of seminal vesicle and prostate
(b) They accompany the membranous urethra through the genitourinary diaphragm
(c) Terminal branches of these nerves innervate helicine arteries and erectile tissue within the
corpora cavernosa
(d) They are found along the lateral aspect of membranous urethra
(a) Ejaculation
(b) Erection
(c) Libido
(d) Orgasm
11.160 Which of the following is an important integration centre for sexual drive and penile erection
11.161 In which of the following, tactile stimulation of the external genitalia produces penile
erection :
(a) L-dopa
(b) Amphetamine
(c) Prazocin
(d) Deprenyl (Mono amine oxidase inhibitor)
11.168 What is the echogenic pattern of corpora cavernosum during flaccid stage ?
(a) Homogenous
(b) Variegated appearance
(c) Hyperechoic
(d) Hypoechoic
11.169 Which of the following can relsult due to androgen deficiency ?
11.171 What is the density of alpha-adrenergic receptors in human corpora cavernsal tissue in
relation to that of beta adrenergic receptors ?
(a) Equal
(b) 2 times
(c) 5 times
(d) 10 times
(a) 60 mg Hg
(b) 70 mm Hg
(c) 80 mm Hg
(d) 90 mm Hg
11.174 Tumescene (b) Pudendal arterial flow begins to increase and corporal
pressure remains unchanged
11.175 Erectile state (c) Pudendal arterial flow still increasing and corporal
pressure begins to rise
11.176 Detumescence (d) Pudendal arterial flow begins to decrease and corporal
pressure rises dramatically
11.177 Which of the following are the phase of process of ejaculation ?
11.178 The phenomenon of expression of semen into the posterior urethra is called :
(a) Erection
(b) Orgasm
(c) Emission
(d) Ejaculation
11.180 The following are the common causes of erectile dysfuntion EXCEPT :
(a) Vascular
(b) Endocrine
(c) Neurogenic
(d) Psychogenic
(e) Peyronie’s disease
11.181 The following antihypertensive drugs cause significant erectile dysfuction EXCEPT :
(a) Spironolactone
(b) Propranalol
(c) Methyl dopa
(d) Calcium channel blockers
11.182 The following end organ problems causes erectile dysfuntion EXCEPT :
11.185 The physical examination should relate to which abnormalities in erectile dysfuntion :
(a) Vascular
(b) Neurologic
(c) Endocrine
(d) All of the above
11.186 The following should be evaluated to rule out varuous endocrinopathies EXCEPT :
11.188 Which of the following is WRONG regarding nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) studies ?
(a) It should be considered in any patient whose etiology for erectile dysfuntion is not clear
(b) This study is 85-90 percent accurate
(c) It measures activity in the final common pathway
(d) It does not give a valid and reliable index of awake erectile capacity
11.189 Which is the indication of arteriorgraphy in erectile dysfuntion ?
11.190 Which is the investigation of choice for localization of corporal venous shunt ?
(a) Arteriography
(b) Infusion cavernosography
(c) NPT studies
(d) Testosterone estimation
(a) No erection
(b) Poor erection with early detumescence
(c) Excellent erection with early detumescence
(d) Excellent erection with delayed deturmescene
11.192 Classically the patients with corporal venous shunts should have the following EXCEPT :
11.196 The following treatments of erectile dysfuntion with documented organic dysfuntion EXCEPT
11.198 Which statement is WRONG about the effects of papaverine injection in a normal man with
no organic etiology ?
11.202 Severe psychogenic problems (d) Develops good erection but duration markedly
11.203 Who are the best candidates for self intracorporeal injection of papaverine and regitine ?
11.204 In which type of impotence majority of prolonged erections occur following intracavernous
injection therapy ?
(a) Neurogenic
(b) Vasculogenic
(c) Psycogenic
(d) A&B
11.205 Which is the most significant short term complication of papaverine injection ?
11.206 What is the treatment of choice in a young patient with local disease documented by internal
pudendal arteriography, sencodary to pelvic trauma on perineal straddle injuries ?
(a) Anastomosis of the inferior epigastric artery to the dorsal penile artery
(b) Arterialization of the penile venous system by the deep dorsal veins
(c) Ligation of deep dorsal veins at the base of the penis
(d) Penile implants
11.207 What is the treatment of choice in a patient who has abnormal venous drainage documented
by infusion cavernosography ?
11.208 Patients who are candidates for penile prosthesis should have the following EXCEPT :
12.1 At what age, upper limit of normal blood pressure 130/80 mm Hg reaches
12.4 The interrelationship of the following is essential for maintenance normal blood pressure :
(a) Renin-angiotensin
(b) Renin-aldosterone
(c) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
(d) Aldosterone-angiotensin
12.5 The theories about renin release postulates that it occurs as a result of :
12.6 Which mechanism control indirectly renin release from the juxtaglomerlar ceels ?
(a) Baroreceptor
(b) Macula densa
(c) Beta agrenergic
(d) All of the above
12.7 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding renin :
(a) It is an aspartyl protease with amolecular weight of 3/200 daltons containing 340 amino
(b) The major source in human is the juxtaglomerular (JG) apparatus in the kidney
(c) The half life of plasma renin is 60-90 minutes
(d) The major site of metabolism of renin is in the liver
12.10 Which is the most reliable finding in “rapid sequence urogram” in renovascular hypertension ?
(a) Delay in the calyceal appearance on the side of the involved kidney
(b) Disparity in renal size
(c) Hyperconcentration of contrast on the affected side
(d) Notching of the ureter
12.12 On demonstration of which of the following in the ischaemic kidney, the physiologic basis for
use of split renal function studies (SRFS) in the identifiction of ischaemic renal disease is based:
(a) Pyclonephritis
(b) Nonfunctioning kidney
(c) Hydronephrosis
(d) Bilateral renal artery disease
12.15 In how many percent of cases, atheromatous lesions occounts for reno-vascular hypertension
12.16 Which lesions give rise to the typical string of beads pattern renal angiography ?
(a) Atherosclerosis
(b) Intimal fibroplasia
(c) Fibromuscular hyperplasis
(d) Medial fibroplasia
12.18 Which of the following test is reliable for prediction of results of surgery in a case of
renovascular hypertension ?
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) More than 90 percent
(a) Renin
(b) Aldosterone
(c) Angiotensin I
(d) Angiotensin II
11.21 In a case of renovascular hypertension, after saralasin injection, renin level will :
11.22 Which of the following group of drugs are mostly effective in renovascular hypertension ?
(a) Diuretics
(b) Antiadrenergics
(c) Converting enzyme inhibitors
(d) Betablockers
11.23 Which of the following drug may be given to a patient for single dose captopril test ?
(a) Diuretics
(b) Beta blockers
(c) Converting enzyme inhibitors
(d) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
11.24 Which is the relative contraindication for percutanous transluminal renal artery angioplasty ?
(a) Essential
(b) Renovascular
(c) Pheochromocytoma
(d) Primary aldosterone
12.30 The following statements are correct regarding atherosclerotic renal artery stenotic lesions
(a) Endoarterectomy
(b) Patch plasty
(c) Bypass procedure
(d) Autotransplantation
13.3 Usually, what is the weight of the adrenal gland per pair :
13.4 Approximately, what percentage of the total adrenal gland is constituted by the adrenal cortex :
13.5 Approximately how many ml per grams of tissue per minute is the blood supply to the adrenal
gland :
(a) 1-2 ml
(b) 3-4 ml
(c) 4-5 ml
(d) 6-7 ml-
13.6 The adrenal arteries arise from the following sources EXCEPT :
13.7 In to which of the following the lymphatic of the adrenal glands drains :
13.9 During which week of embryonic life, mesothelial buds appear to develop into adrenal cortex :
(a) 2nd
(b) 3nd
(c) 4nd
(d) 5nd
(a) Kidney
(b) Coelic plexus
(c) Spermatic vessels and testis
(d) Broad ligament and ovary
(e) All of the a bove
(a) Ectoderm
(b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm
13.12 The primitive cell (sympathogonia) of adrenal medulla gives rise to :
(a) Sympathoblast
(b) Pheochromoblast
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the a bove
(a) 5th
(b) 6th
(c) 7th-
(d) 8th
13.15 What is the size of the adrenal gland during intrauterine life in comparision to adult life ?
(a) Smaller
(b) Larger
(c) Same
13.16 What is the ratio of adrenal gland to kidney size in adult life ?
(a) 1:20
(b) 1:22
(c) 1:25
(d) 1:28
13.17 Which of the following are congenital anomalies of the adrenal gland ?
(a) Full
(b) Half
(c) One third
(d) Nil
(a) Same
(b) Less-
(c) More
13.22 In general, disorders assciated with decreased adrenal secretion of cortisol show a low output
of 17 ketosteroids, but an important exception is :
13.23 What are the normal values of urinary 17 hydroxycorticoids in adult males ?
13.25 Which of the following is a highly sensitive methode for estimation of cortisol hypersecretion ?
13.26 What are the normal value of urinary 17 ketogenic steroids (17-KGS) ?
13-27 The plasma cortisol levels show diurnal fluctuations with the highest values :
13.29 What is plasma aldosterone level based on 100 m eq sodium 100 mEg potsssium intake ?
13.31 What is the range for urinary values for testosterone glucuronide in adults males ?
13.32. Which of the following statement is WRONG about chronic adenocortical insufficiency
(Addison’s) disease
13.34 Which of the following is the test of choice for adrenocortical failure ?
(a) 60 percent
(b) 70 percent
(c) 80 percent
(d) 90 percent
(e) 100 percent
13.39 The following are the common finding in primary and secondary aldosteronism EXCEPT :
(a) Hypertension
(b) Hyperkalemia
(c) Increased aldosterone secretion
(d) Decreased peripheral plasma renin activity
(a) Hyperkalemia
(b) Alkalosis
(c) Hypernatremia
(d) Hypornagnesemia
(a) Paraethesia
(b) Muscle weakness
(c) Paralysis
(d) Tetany
13.42 Which is the treatment of choice for adrenocortical adenoma causing hyperaldosteronism ?
(a) Observation
(b) Medical
(c) Surgical
(d) No treatment
(a) Chromaffinoblast
(b) Neuroblast
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them
13.46 The chromaffin cell show brown intracytoplasmic granules on treatment with :
(a) Sulphates
(b) Oxidants
(c) None of them
(d) Both of them
(a) 1:1
(b) 2:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 6:1
13.48 Tyrosin is converted into which of the following in the biosynthesis of catecholamines :
(a) Hydroxyphenylalanine
(b) Dihydroxyphenylalanine
(c) Tetrahydroxyphenylalanine
(d) None of the above
(a) L-dopadecarboxylase
(b) Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase
(c) None of htem
(d) Both of them
(a) Tyrosine
(b) Dopa
(c) Dopamine
(d) None of them
(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 80
(a) Metanephrine
(b) Normetanephrine
(c) Vanillymandelic acid
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the above
(a) Absent
(b) Increased
(c) Decreased
(d) No change
13.54 Which are the tumours of the adrenal medulla ?
(a) Sympathogonioma
(b) Sympathoblastoma
(c) Ganglioneuroma
(d) Pheochromocytoma
(e) All of the above
(a) Ganglioneuroma
(b) Neuroblastoma
(c) Pheochromocytoma
(d) All of the above
13.56 How many percent of cases of pheochromocytoma may be inherited as a familial autosomal
fominant trait ?
(a) 5 percent
(b) 8 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 12 percent
13.59 Approximately, in how many percent of cases phenochromocytoma develops the adrenal
medula :
(a) 50 percent
(b) 60 percent
(c) 70 percent
(d) 80 percent
(e) 90 percent
13.60 Which is the most common site for ectopic pheochromocytoma ?
13.62 The glomic tissue tumour (chemodectomas) secrete catecholamine. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
13.64 Glomic tissue tumours can be clinically distinquished from pheochromocytoma. This
statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
(a) 5 percent
(b) 10 percent-
(c) 15 percent
(d) 20 percent
13.66 In which of the following sites, multiple pheochromocytoma can occur :
(a) 5 percent
(b) 8 percent
(c) 10 percent
(d) 12 percent
(a) Bones
(b) Lungs and liver
(c) Spleen
(d) All of the above
(e) Only A & B
(a) Epinephrine
(b) Nor-epinephrine
(c) Dopamine
13.74 Use of which of the following results in low values of vanillymandelic acid :
(a) Reserpine
(b) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
(c) Thiazides
(d) Methyl dopa
13.75 Use of which of the following results in high values of vanillymandelic acid (VMA) :
(a) 50 micrograms
(b) 100 micrograms-
(c) 150 micrograms
(d) 200 micrograms
13.77 What is the upper limit of normal 24 hrs, urinary vanillymandelic acid ?
(a) 0.5 mg
(b) 0.7 mg
(c) 0.9 mg-
(d) 1.1 mg
13.79 Which of the following chemicals can be estimated for the diagnosis of pheochromacytoma ?
13.83 The preoperative work up for pheochromocytoma should include the evaluation of thyroid
and parathyroid. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
13.84 Which of the following drugs are used in the preoperative management of
13.85 Which is the drug of choice for the control of hypertension is the preoperative management of
pheochromocytoma ?
(a) Electrocardiogram
(b) Arterial blood pressure
(c) Central venous pressure
(d) Urine output
(e) All of the above
13.87 Which is the drug of choice for intraoperative control of blood pressure ?
(a) Nitroprusside
(b) Phentolamine
(c) Diuretics
(d) Methyl dopa
13.88 Which is the likely possibility if reduction of blood pressure fails to occur immediately after the
excision of pheochromocytoma ?
(a) Increased
(b) Decreased
(c) Remain same
13.90 Which is the drug of choice for the control of arrhythmias during pheochromocytoma surgery?
(a) Propranojol
(b) Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
(c) Nitroprusside
(d) Steroids
(a) Neuroblastoma
(b) Nephroblastoma
(c) Grawitz tumor
(d) Ganglioneuroma
(a) Head
(b) Chest
(c) Adrenal
(d) Pelvis
13.97 A left sided Neuroblastoma spreading upwards by lymphatics, giving rise to depostites in the
skull and proptosis due to orbital secondaries is known as :
13.98 In differentiating between Wilm’s tumour and neuroblastoma, all of the following favour the
diagnosis of neuroblastoma EXCEPT :
(a) Surgery
(b) Radiotherapy
(c) Chemotherapy
(d) All of the above
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 350
(d) 600
(a) 250
(b) 500
(c) 900
(d) 1300
14.3 In the lateral standing cystogram, if the bladder base is below the inferior rami of pubis, it is
known as :
(a) Normal
(b) Cystacele
(c) Urethrocele
(d) Vesico-vaginal fistula
14.4 If of cystogram, the angle of urethral axis is greater than 350, it is diagnostic of :
(a) Normal
(b) Cystocele
(c) Urethrocele
(d) Vesico-vaginal fistula
14.5 Proximal urethra and bladder neck have both alpha and beta receptors. The effect of
oestrogens on urethral pressure profile is :
14.7 All of the following are true about interstitial cystitis EXCEPT :
14.10 How many percnt of normal nulliparous women occasionally experience sress urinary
incontinence ?
(a) 0%
(b) 10%
(c) 25%
(d) 50%
14.11 In which of the following group of women, stress urinary incontinence is most common :
(a) Unmarried
(b) Nulliparous
(c) Multiparous premenopausal
(d) Multiparous postmenopausal
14.12 The following are true about stress urinary incontinerice EXCEPT :
14.15 Which of th followig test has the greatest value in diagnosing stress incontinence ?
14.16 What is the mean urethral (maximal) resting pressure, with empty bladder, in normal women?
14.17 What is the mean urethral (maximal) resting pressure, with the bladder empty, in women with
mild stress urinary incontinence ?
14.19 Which is the indisputable hallmark of a succesful operation for correction of stress urinary
incontinence ?
14.21 In a cystocele, all of the following descends in to the vaginal cavity EXCEPT :
(a) Uterus
(b) Urinary bladder
(c) Trigone
(d) Urethra
14.22 Which of the following is the most important factor in preventing bacterial proliferation ?
(a) Enterobacteria
(b) Gonococcus
(c) Trichomonos
(d) Pseudomonos
14.24 The following invade urethral defence mechanism EXCEPT :
14.25 The following are the clinical features of urethral syndrome EXCEPT :
14.26 Haematuria associated with urethral syndrome should be fully investigated to EXCLUDE :
(a) Malignancy
(b) Interstitial cystitis
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) All of the above
14.27 In a case of urethral syndrome, intravenous urography is indicated in the following EXCEPT :
14.29 Which of the following is the treatment of choice for urethral syndrome ?
(a) 20
(b) 25
(c) 30
(d) 35
(a) Caruncle
(b) Cyst
(c) Polyp
(d) Condyloma acuminata
(a) Children
(b) Yound age
(c) Childbearing age
(d) Postmenopausal
(a) Papillomatous
(b) Angiomatous
(c) Granulomatous
(d) All of the above
14.36 What is the treatment of choice for symptomatic urethral caruncle ?
14.37 Congenital periurethral cyst can arise from the following EXCEPT :
14.40 The lymphatics of the distal third of the female urethra drains in to :
14.45 What is the treatment of choice for female urethral carcinoma arising from the distal third of
urethra and limited to mucosa only ?
14.46 What is the treatment of choice for female urethral carcinoma involving the entire urethra ?
14.47 What is the 5 year survival for patients with distal third female urethral tumour, appropriately
treated with good surgical therapy ?
(a) 40-50 %
(b) 50-60 %
(c) 60-70 %
(d) 90 %
14.48 What is the 5 year survival for patients with entire female urethral tumour treated
appropriately ?
14.49 Which is the commonest site for malignant melanoma in the genitourinary tract ?
(a) Kidney
(b) Ureter
(c) Bladder
(d) Female urethra
14.50 Which is the commonest mesenchymal tumour arising from the female urethra ?
(a) Leiomyoma
(b) Lipoma
(c) Lymphangioma
(d) Haemangioma
14.51 Which of the following suggests urethral obstruction at S1 level in pregnant or parous women
on excreatary or retrograde pyelogram ?
(a) Tissue necrosis resulting from pressure between the head of the child and the pubis during
prolonged labour
(b) Due to gynaecological surgery
(c) Post-irradiation
(d) Malignancy
(a) Paradoxical
(b) Complete
(c) Urge
(d) Overflow
14.56 Which of the following investigations are advised in the diagnosis and management of vesico-
vaginal fistula ?
14.57 How many percent of sexually active women of childbearing age are bacteriuric on screening
surveys ?
14.58 The following anatomic and physiologic changes occur during pregnancy EXCEPT :
14.60 As compared to normal, the urea and creatinine levels in pregnant women are :
(a) More
(b) Less
(c) Same
(a) Increase in filtered load of glucose which is not accomplished by an appropriate increase in
the maximum tubular capacity for reabsorption of glucose
(b) Increase in filtered load of glucose with decreased reabsorption by the tubules
(c) Decrease in filtered load of glucose with decreased reabsoprtion by the tubules
(d) Normal levels of filtered glucose with reabsorption by the tubules
(a) Same
(b) Low
(c) High
14.63 During pregnancy, rise in serum uric acid level is a sensitive index of :
(a) Low
(b) High
(c) Normal
14.65 How much 24 hours urinary excretion of protiens is considered abnormal during pregnancy ?
14.67 The high incidence of urinary tract infection during pregnancy is due to :
14.68 Following are the consequences of untreated bacteriuria in pregnant women EXCEPT :
(a) Pyelonephritis
(b) Miscarriage
(c) Low birth weight babies
(d) High incidence of congenital nomalies
14.69 Which of the following decrease serum drug concentrations during pregnancy ?
(a) Some degree of dilation occurs during every pregnancy which subsides within two months
(b) Left ureter more ofter involved that right ureter
(c) In 10% the hydronephrosis presists following delivery
(d) The pyeloureterctasis is most marked during last trimester
14.73 All of the following are true about pyeloureterectasis of pregnancy EXCEPT :
14.74 In what percentage of cases, cateriuria is likely to recur in the next pregnancy, if bacteriuria is
present in one pregnancy :
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 30%
(d) 40%
(e) 50%
14.75 How long after pregnancy, should urine examination be continued in a patient with bacteriuria
during pregnancy ?
14.77 What is the average incidence of pyelonephritis in pregnant women who have bacteriuria at
the time of first antenatal check up ?
(a) 20
(b) 24
(c) 28
(d) 32
(a) 2 weeks
(b) 6 weeks
(c) Several short courses
(d) Thoughout pregnancy
14.84 The following are save and effective drugs during any phase of pregnancy EXCEPT :
(a) Penicillins
(b) Ampicillins
(c) Trimethoprim
(d) Cephalosporins
14.85 Which of the following drug should be avoided during the trimester of pregnancy ?
(a) Penicillins
(b) Long acting sulfa preprations
(c) Cephlosporins
(d) Trimethoprim
14.86 Which of the following drug should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy ?
(a) Trimethoprim
(b) Short acting sulphonamides
(c) Penicillins
(d) Cephalosporins
(a) 1 mg/dl
(b) 1.3 mg/dl
(c) 1.5 mg/dl
(d) 1.7 mg/dl
14.89 How many percent of amniotic fluid contributed by hte urine by 3rd timester of prenancy ?
(a) 60
(b) 70
(c) 80
(d) 90
14.90 Which is the major souce of amniotic fluid during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy ?
(a) Skin
(b) Gastrointestinal tract
(c) Central nervous system
(d) Urine
(a) Pyonephrosis
(b) Chronic pyelonephritis with severe parenchymal destruction
(c) Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
(d) Symptomatic hydronephrosis in children
15.2 The dorso-vertical lumbotomy incision is indicated in the surgery of following conditions
15.3 In which of the following condition radical nephrectomy is indicated in hte management of
renal cell carcinoma :
15.5 While doing radical nephrectomy which one of the following approaches is ideal ?
(a) Calculous disease with obstruction of the lower pole calyx with impaired drainage
(b) Tumour in a solitary kidney
(c) Polar tumour with normal contralateral kideney
(d) Segmental parenchymal scarring secondary to vascular injury causing hypertension
15.8 Following are indications of surgery in bilateral adult polycystic disease of the kidney EXCEPT :
15.9 Indications of surgery in renal calculous disease are all of the following EXCEPT ?
15.10 Which is the surgery of choice for removal of an average sized pelvic stone ?
(a) Nephrolithotomy
(b) Pyelolithotomy
(c) Partial nephrectomy
(d) Anatrophin nephrolithotomy
15.11 Which is the surgery of choice for statement of large inferior calyceal calculus with narrow
infundibulum and scarring and atrophy of the overlying parenchyma ?
(a) Pyelolithotomy
(b) Nephrolithotomy
(c) Partial neprectomy
(d) Anatrophic nephrolithotomy
15.12 Which is the surgery of choice for removal of branched calculus with small intrarenal pelvis ?
15.13 The following are the auxillary aids available for localisation and removal of residual stones
during surgery EXCEPT :
15.14 For coagulum pyelolithotomy, coagulum is prepared from the following EXCEPT :
15.15 Which of the following approach is preferable ofr exploration of the horse-shoe kidney ?
15.17 Which of the following are of vital importance for the surgery of ureteropelvic juntion
obstruction ?
(a) Dismembering
(b) Non dismembering
(c) Any of the above
(d) None of the above
15.20 The following statements are correct regarding intravenous urography in the assessemnt of
ureteropelvic juntion obstruction EXCEPT :
15.21 The following statements are correct for the mobolization ureter during pyeloplasty EXCEPT :
15.22 Which type of structures are preferable for the pyeloplasty repair ?
(a) Continuous
(b) Blanket type
(c) Interrupted
(d) Double layer
(a) 4-6 Fr
(b) 6-10 Fr
(c) 10-14 Fr
(d) 14-16 Fr
15.24 What is the internal caliber of intramural ureter in adults ?
(a) 3-5 Fr
(b) 5-7 Fr
(c) 7-10 Fr
(d) 10-12 Fr
15.26 The following statements are correct in the management of bilateral hyronephrosis EXCEPT ?
(a) In unifected hydronephrosis of equal degree either side can be repaired first
(b) In unequal and unifected but moderately advanced hydronephrosis with salvageable
kidneys, the more involved side should be repaired first
(c) In the better of the two kidneys is infected, it should be repaired first, after the infection is
(d) In salvageable, uninfected, bilateral hydronephrosis with calculi in one kidney, the other
kidney should be repaired first
15.27 Which of the following is a contraindication for use of stent and nephrostomy following
pyeloplasty ?
15.28 Which is the pyeloplasty of choice for correction of an obstructive high insertion of ureter in to
the pelvis ?
15.30 Which of the following is a contraindication for culp-deweerd spiral flap pyeloplasty ?
15.31 Which is the opertion of choice for correcting stricture of the lumbar ureter ?
15.32 After pyeloplastic when there is no urinary leak, drain should be left in place for a minimum of:
(a) 2 days
(b) 5 days
(c) 7 days
(d) 10 days
15.33 After Davis-intubated ureterotomy, the stent should be in place for about :
15.34 Which is the treatement of choice for a 3 cms size, spiky calculous in upper 1/3 of the ureter ?
15.36 The following statement are correct regarding transuretero ureterotomy EXCEPT ?
15.38 How mach lenght of ureter can be gained by “Psoas bladder hitch operation” ?
15.40 Usually how much lenght can be gained is “ Boari flap procedure “ ?
(a) Pyelonephritis
(b) Ureteral obstruction
(c) Neoplasm at the site of anastomosis
(d) Fluid and electrolity imbalance
15.44 Which type of urinary diversion is contraindicated in a patient af neurogenic with poor rectal
sphinster control ?
15.45 Which is a preferable long term supravesical urinary diversion in a child with normal upper
tracts ?
15.46 Which of the following statements is WRONG about diverticula of the urinary bladder ?
(a) The loop should be brought out through the rectus muscle
(b) The optimum placement of stoma should be determined before surgery, with the patient
placed in supine standing and sitting positions
(c) The stoma should be close to the umblicus
(d) The stoma should not be too close to a bony protuberence
(e) The stoma should not be close to a skin fold
15.48 What should be the preferable skin incision if ileal conduit diversion is planned along with
cystectomy ?
15.49 Which of the following statement is WRONG fot the prepration of ileal conduit stoma ?
(a) A button of skin and subcutaneous tissue approximately the size of a quarter is excised
(b) The skin edges should not be undermined
(c) The diameter of the excised subcutaneous tissue should be more than the diameter of the
excised skin
(d) The ileal segment should be brought through the rectus muscle
(e) The ileal segment should protrude 2 inches above the skin
(a) It includes removal of enblock of peritoneum atached and adjacent to the baldder
(b) Lymphatics from the bifurcation of the common iliacartery on either side to the inquinal
ligament distally are removed
(c) The prostate and seminal vesicles are removed
(d) The urethra is removed in all cases
(e) The dissection is bounded laterally by the spermatic vessels
15.51 Which of the following is a contraindication for partial cystectomy in the management of
carcinoma urinary bladder ?
(a) 500
(b) 1000
(c) 1500
(d) 2000
(e) 2500
15.53 Approximately how many kilo cycles per second is wave frequency for the coagulation in
transurethral surgery :
(a) 500
(b) 1000
(c) 1500
(d) 2000
(e) 2500
15.54 Which of the following should be the quality of the irrigating fluid for transurethral resection
of prostate ?
15.55 Which is the prefeable irrigating fluid for transurethral resection of bladder tumour ?
15.56 Which of the following statement is WRONG regarding continuous suction irrigation
resectoscope ?
15.58 What is the preoperative sedation of choice immediately before transurethral surgery ?
(a) Narcotics
(b) Diazepam
(c) Barbiturates
(d) Phenargan
15.59 Which of the following are the prerequisites for the transurethral surgery of the prostate ?
(a) Panendoscopy for evaluation of stricture urethral bladder calculi, tumour etc.
(b) Calibration of urethra
(c) Lubrication of urethra
(d) All of the above
15.66 Fluid absorption during transurethral prostatectomy will result in the following EXCEPT :
(a) Hyponatremia
(b) Increase in central venous pressure
(c) Increase in blood pressure
(d) Increase in pulse rate
(e) Mental confusion
(a) Coagulation
(b) Foley’s balloon traction
(c) Haemostatic drugs
(d) Hypotension
15.68 Which of the following substance is released at the time of transurehtral resection of
carcinoma prostate ?
(a) Streptokinase
(b) Urokinase
(c) Alkaline phosphatase
(d) Lactic dehydrogenase
(a) Vit.K
(b) Epsilon aminocaproic acid
(c) Glycine
(d) Glucagon
15.70 Which of the following should be done repeatedly fot the diagnosis of disseminated
intravascular coagulation ?
15.71 Which of the following drugs are used for the treatment of disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy ?
(a) Heparin
(b) Fresh whole blood
(c) Fibrinogen
(d) All of the above
15.72 During TURP, irrigant fluid can enter the sytemic circulation by the following routes EXCEPT :
15.73 Which is the most popular method of investigating the incidence of fluid absorption after
15.74 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding measurement of serum sodium
estimation as a method of investigation for fluid absorption ?
(a) 55 mnts
(b) 85 mnts
(c) 105 mnts
(d) 125 mnts
15.76 The following factors influence the extent of absorption of fluid following TURP EXCEPT :
(a) Haemolysis
(b) Water intoxication
(c) Due to absroption of products of the solute
(d) Hyponatraemia
15.81 Absorption of the isotonic irrigant results in reduction in the plasma levels of the following
(a) Sodium
(b) Chloride
(c) Potasium
(d) Bicarbonate
(e) Calcium
(f) Magnesium
(a) Bradycardia
(b) Hypotension
(c) Mental confusion
(d) All of the above
15.86 The following are the diagnostic features of fluid absoption EXCEPT :
15.89 Which of the following is preferable to induce forced diuresis, where 5% mannitol is used as
irrigating fluid ?
15.90 Which of the following is recomended for the correction of hyponatraemia following fluid
absorption ?
15.93 During endourologic procedures, fluid absorption can be prevented by the following EXCEPT :
15.94 How long before surgery, medical treatment for Peyronie’s disease should be tried ?
(a) 3 month
(b) 6 month
(c) 9 month
(d) 12 month
(a) Vit. E
(b) Potaba
(c) Inj. Steroid
(d) Radiation
(e) DMSO
(a) There is an inflammatory process in association with fibrotic changes in the elastic
connective tissue of the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa
(b) About 10% of patient’s have Dupuytren’s contracture
(c) The disease usually occurs in middle age but can also occur in young men
(d) It commonly also involves the urethra
(a) Balanitis
(b) Herpetic infection
(c) Phimosis
(d) Redundant prepuce
15.98 Which is the treatment of choice in a suspected case of torsion testis ?
15.99 In patient of stricture urethra with periurethral abcess and phlegmon, which is the first line of
treatment aling with drainage of the abseass :
15.100 Which is the ideal donor site of skin for one stage graft urethroplasty ?
(a) Scrotum
(b) Penis
(c) Abdomen
(d) Thigh
15.101 In which part of urethra, inflammatory stricture associated with urethritis are generally
located :
(a) Pendulous
(b) Bulbous
(c) Meatus
(d) Prostatic
15.102 In which part of urethra, iatrogenic stricture following TUR or instrumentation are located :
(a) Meatus
(b) Fossa navicularis
(c) Bladder neck
(d) Penoscrotal juntion
15.103 The selection of treatment for a patient with urethral stricture is depend upon :
(a) Lateral
(b) Anterior
(c) Medial
(d) Posterior
15.105 To define the full extent of the stricture urethra, which is the investigation of choice :
(a) 24 Fr
(b) 26 Fr
(c) 28 Fr
(d) 30 Fr
15.107 Id dilatation is to be the treatment of choice for the stricture urethra, eventually what shoid
be the frequency of dilatation :
(a) 3 O’clock
(b) 6 O’clock
(c) 9 O’clock
(d) 12 O’clock
15.109 Which is the treatment of choice for 2 cm, long impassable bulbomembranous traumatic
stricture urethra in a 25 years old male ?
(a) Waterhouse
(b) Sachse
(c) Blady
(d) Turner warwick
(a) 0o
(b) 30o
(c) 70o
(d) 120o
15.114 Which portion of small bowel may lie wihtin the confines of the pelvis and as such may be
exposed to pelvic irradiation and or pelvic disease ?
15.116 Which segment of the bowel has highest bacterial concentration per gram of fecal content ?
(a) Jejunum
(b) Distal ileum
(c) Ascending colon
(d) Descending colon
(a) Ischaemia
(b) Urinary leak
(c) Radiation
(d) Infection
(e) All of the above
15.118 Which of the following electrolyte abnormalities will occur when stomach is used in
continent urinary diversion ?
15.119 Loss of significant portions of the ileum results in to the following EXCEPT :
(a) Vit B 12
(b) Fat
(c) Folic acid
(d) Calcium
(a) 6 percent
(b) 11 percent
(c) 16 percent
(d) 22 percent
15.122 Which is the most common histopathologic type of tumour develop following
ureterosigmoidostomy ?
(a) Adenocarcinoma
(b) Undifferentiated
(c) Carcinoma
(d) Sarcoma transitional cell carcinoma
(a) Ureterosigmoldostomy
(b) Ileal condults
(c) Colonic condults
(d) Bladder augmentation
(e) All of the above
15.124 The following are advised to detect occurence of cancer after ureterosigmoidostomy EXCEPT:
(a) Colonoscopy
(b) Barium enemia
(c) Monitoring of blood in the school
(d) Cystologic examination of the mixed urine and faeces specime
15.125 The following statements are TRUE for continent urinary diversion in comparison to ileal
condult diversion EXCEPT :
15.127 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding orthotopic voiding operations for the
statement of bladder cancer ?
15.128 Which location of the catheterizing portal of continent catheterizing pouch is preferred for
the individual confired to a wheel chair ?
(a) Umblicus
(b) Lower quadrant of the abdomen
(c) Upper quadran of the abdomen
(d) Below the bikini line
16.1 All of the following are contraindications for cadaver kidney donors, EXCEPT :
16.2 All of the following are generally acceptable criteria for cadavar kidney donors EXCEPT :
16.3 Prenephrectomy management of a cadavar donor begins after declaration of death involves all
of the following EXCEPT :
16.4 The surgical goals of cadaver kidney retrieval are all of the following EXCEPT :
16.5 At the time of performing cadavar donor nephrectomy, the surgeon must also remove the
following , EXCEPT :
(a) 12 hrs
(b) 36 hrs
(c) 72 hrs
(d) 100 hrs
16.7 The intital objectives of flusing after removal of kidneys with cold solutions are the following
16.12 Glomerular disease, causing renal failure, has been shown to recur after transplatation in a
small percentage of cases. Which type of glomerular disease recurs most commonly
16.13 Pretransplant nephrectomy in the recipient is undertaken judiciously in all of the following
conditions EXCEPT :
16.14 The human lymphocyte antigen (HLA)system is composed of 5 series of antigens controlled by
gentic loci on which chromosome :
(a) 4th
(b) 5th
(c) 6th
(d) 7th
16.15 When classified according to their function and biochemistry, the class I antigens comprise the
following EXCEPT :
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D & DR
16.16 Class II antigens are distributed on the following cells EXCEPT :
(a) T-lymphocytes
(b) Stimulated T lymphecyte
(c) B-lymphocytes
(d) Monocytes
16.17 In the kidney, class I antigens are found of the following EXCEPT :
(a) Glomeruli
(b) Tubules
(c) Vasculature
(d) Interstitial dendritic cells
16.18 By matching which antigns, the best results are obtained in cadavar transplant :
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) DR
16.20 Which one of the following antigens is detected by mixed lymphocyte cluture ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) DR
16.21 In general, which cross match is more crucial for a succesful transplant :
(a) T-lymphocyte
(b) B-lymphocyte
16.22 Which of the following is the commontest cuase for hyperacute rejection ?
16.23 HLA-adentical sibling allografts defined as those that are identical genotypically for HLA-A,B,C
and DR antigens as well as being stimulatory in mixed lymphocyte culture (HAL-D) :
(a) True
(b) FALSE. It should be non stimulatory in mixed lyphocyte culture (HLA-D)
(c) FALSE. It should ne “non-identical genotypically for HLA-A,B,C and DR”
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) DR
(e) D
16.25 The presense of a malignancy in the recipient is a contraindication for renal transplantation.
Which of the following is an EXCEPTION to this rule :
16.26 Which is the single most important factor influecing ultimate cadaver allograft survival :
16.27 Which gruop of prospective candidates for renal transplantation should be given pretransplant
donor specific blood transfusiaon ?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 6
(d) 9
16.29 At wht intervais pretransplant blood transfusion involve transfusion of 200 ml of fresh blood
16.30 Cyslosporine cause immunosuppression by its potent, revarcible and profomtial action on :
(a) T-lymphocytes
(b) Myelosuppression
(c) B-lymphocytes
(d) All of the above
(a) Hepatotoxicity
(b) Gingival hyperplasia
(c) Oncogenicity
(d) Gastrolintestinal bloating
(e) Nephrotoxicity
16.34 Which is the usual route of adminitration of cylosporine ?
(a) Oral
(b) Intramuscular
(c) Intravenous
(d) Intrathecal
16.35 Which is the best method of distinguishing a rejection episode from a cyclosporine
nephrotoxicity :
16.36 In which order, the normal transplant arteriogram comprises of three phases :
16.37 How many seconds after completionof the arterial injection, maximum opacification of venous
phase occurs :
(a) 1 sec
(b) 5 sec
(c) 10 sec
(d) 15 sec
16.38 An arteriogram picture of acute rejection usually shows attenuation, constriction or occlusion
of the intra renal vessels and this appearance is called :
16.39 DYPA scan done in an anuric patient immedicately following transpalntation reveals a faint but
definite uptake of isotope by the graft. The most probable diagnosis is :
(a) 6 hours
(b) 24 hours
(c) 3 days
(d) 1 week
16.45 Where as the cadaver allograft survival is approximately 55% at one year, the allograft survival
rate in living related transplant patient at one year is approximately ?
(a) 40%
(b) 60%
(c) 80%
(d) 100%
(a) When used along with azathioprine and prednisone, antilymphocyte globulin (ALG)
sidnificantly decreases the number of early rejection episodes
(b) ALG can be used as the sole treatment for acute allograit rejection
(c) ALG is ineffective in patients having acute allograft rejection which is resistant to steroids
(d) The use of ALG has led to reduced cumulative dosages of steroids
16.47 The following areas are irradiated in “Total lymphoid irradation” EXCEPT :
(a) Midabdomen
(b) Lateral abdomen
(c) Lungs
(d) Pelvis
(e) Neck
16.48 Which of the following statement is FALSE :
(a) Franstionated total lymphoid irradiation is better than single dose therapy
(b) The effect of total lymphoid irradiation is permanent and does not dissipate with time
(c) Both mantle and inverted Y fields can be irradiated simultaneously
(d) Total lymphoid irradiation should be combined with pharmacologic immunos uppression for
long term maintenance
16.49 The variable influecing the results of a retransplantation in patients treated with total
lymphoid irradiation include :
16.50 In the post transplant patient, rising titres of blood urea can accur dur to all of the following
causes EXCEPT :
16.51 Foolowing renal transplantation, a rising titre of blood urea without a concomittant rise in
creatinine values can be caused by the following conditons EXCEPT ?
16.52 All of the following can cause hypertension in a posttransplant patient EXCEPT :
16.54 Approximately how many times greater is the incidence of cancer in renal transplant patients
on immunosuppressive therapy than in general population :
(a) 10 times
(b) 25 times
(c) 50 times
(d) 100 times
16.55 Which is the most common gynaecologic malignancy in renal transplant patients ?
(a) Ovaries
(b) Cervix
(c) Vagina
(d) Fallopian tubes
(a) Oral contraceptives constitude more risk to transplant patients than pregnancy
(b) For achieving permanent sterization tuballigation by laparoscope is the method of choice in
(c) In a pregnant transplant recipient. Azathioprime is not the preferred immunosuppressive
(d) There is an increased incidence of rejection during pregnancy
16.67 Which of the following qualities a urinary bladder must fulfill before it is adjudged to be
suitable for renal transplantation
16.69 Patients undergoing pretransplant nephrectomy usually required more number of blood
transfuntions than patients who have not had their kidneys removed : this statement is
(a) False
(b) True
16.70 Which one of the following statement regarding tranplantation in diabetic patients is FALSE ?
(a) A patient of angina pectoris is at a higher risk during chronic dialysis than after a successful
(b) Coronary artery bypass shouia antedate renal transplantation if the angina deteriorates
(c) A patient having myocardial infation during a dialysis programme can be taken up for renal
(d) Double tranplantation i.e. heart and renal transplant in a single individual cannot be done
16.73 In the post transplant patient, steroid therapy should never be instituted until sprecise
diagnosis of rejection has been made by either renal scan or renal biopsy : this statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
16.74 Acute rejection is characterised by all of the following signs and symptoms EXCEPT :
16.75 A successfully treated acute rejection episode is judged by all of the following parameters
(a) Multiple blood transfusions and remains negative in his reaction towards a random panel of
(b) Multiple blood transfusions and becomes moderately positive in his reaction towards donor
(c) No blood transfusions at all
(d) Only third party blood transfusion
16.77 During blood transfusion, on the surface of which cells the foreign antigen which tend to
‘sensitize’ a individual are present :
16.78 The ideal type of blood transfusion that could be given to a recipient prior to tranplantation
is :
16.79 Which “full house” donor recipient combinations stands the best chance of success ?
16.80 In chronic dialysis patients the risk of depression and suicide as compared to the general
population is :
(a) Same
(b) Less
(c) Slightly increased
(d) Very much increased
16.81 The commonest cause of proteinuria in a patient who is one year post-transplant is :
16.83 Cystomegalovirus lafection is common in the transplant recipient. All of the following
statements are true EXCEPT :
(a) It can occur because of reactivation of talent virus from blood transfusion
(b) Can occur from the renal graft from an infected donor
(c) Can lead to diminished graft funtion
(d) Reactivation of a previous infection is more harmfull than a primary cytomegalovirus
16.84 Which among the following statements about cytomegalovirus infection in the transplant
patient are true ?
16.85 In which of the following conditions, rejection episodes should NOT be treated :
16.87 Which of the following organism can cause opportunistic infection in the transplanted
recipient ?
16.88 A second of thrid rejection episode closely following the firsshould not be treated with drugs,
if the renal funtion has not be treated with drugs, if the renal funtion has not recovered
following the first course of therapy. This statement is :
(a) False
(b) True
(a) False
(b) True
16.95 Amongst the following, which is the most active agent in inducing transplantation immunity :
(a) Prednisone
(b) Anti-lympcyte serum
(c) Azathioprine
(d) Cyclosporine
16.96 Total body irradiation, total lymphoid irradiation, local irradiation of graft, thymectomy etc,
are various methods of :
(a) Immunopotentiation
(b) Non-specific immunosuppression
(c) Specific immunosuppression
(d) Treunent of acute rejection
(a) Platelets
(b) Kidney
(c) Lymphocytes
(d) All of the above
(e) A and C only
16.98 Which is the single most common cause for loss of an allograft ?
(a) Rejection
(b) Acute tubular necrosis
(c) Anastomotic blow-out
16.99 What is the preferred method of lowering BUN prior to renal transplatation ?
17.1 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding penetrating injuries of the kidney ?
(a) They can result from gun shot and stab wounds
(b) Injury due to high velocity missile is limited to the kidney only
(c) They are associated with high incidence of injury to other intraperitoneal viscera
(d) Exploratory laparotomy is indicated in most cases
17.3 The following disease make the kidney more susceptible to injury EXCEPT :
(a) Hydronephrosis
(b) Renal tumors
(c) Renalcystic disease
(d) Congenital ingle kidney
17.5 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding haematuria along with renal injuries ?
(a) The presence of gross or microscopic blood in urine requires exclusion of renal injury
(b) The absence of haematuria excludes renal injury
(c) The degree of haematuria does not correlate with the extent of renal injury
(d) Contusion or minor cortical lacerations may produce gross haematuria
17.6 The following are postive findings on excretory urography in a case of acute renal injury
17.9 Which of the following investigation is rarely indicated in evaluation of renal injury ?
17.10 The treatment of contusion or swallow laceration of the kidney includes the following
(a) Bedrest
(b) Analgesics
(c) Broadspectrum antibiotics
(d) Nephrostomy
17.11 After how many weeks of contusion or swallow laceration of kidney, the patient may be
allowed to return to active work :
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8
17.12 In how many percent of cases of non penetrating injuries of the kidney have contusion or
shallow cortical laceration ?
(a) 65%
(b) 75%
(c) 85%
(d) 95%
17.13 The following are the long term sequelae of conservative treatment of major renal cortical
laceration EXCEPT :
17.14 In which of the following operative procedure ureteric injury is most frequent :
17.16 Which of the following is unreliable in excluding surgical injury to the ureter ?
(a) Leakage of urine through vagina wound
(b) Abdominal tenderness and mass
(c) Absence of haematuria
(d) Inordinate and inexplained pain
17.17 The following are radiographic findings on exretory urography in ureteral injuries EXCEPT :
(a) Extravasation
(b) Hydronephrosis
(c) Nonvisualisation of kidney
(d) Delayed exeretion of dye
(e) Dilatation of ureter below injury
17.19 The technique of primary reanastmosis of the ureter includes the following EXCEPT ?
17.20 In which of the following situations, primary closure of ureteral injury is contraindicated :
(a) Contusion
(b) Extraperitoneal rupture
(c) Intraperitoneal ruptue
(d) Any of the above
(e) B and C
17.24 What percentage of cause of extraperitoneal rupture bladder are associated with fracture
pelvic ?
(a) 65%
(b) 75%
(c) 85%
(d) 95%
17.25 What percentage of cases of fracture pelvis will have extraperitoneal rupture of bladder ?
(a) 5%
(b) 15%
(c) 25%
(d) 35%
(a) Dome
(b) Lateral wall
(c) Anterior wall
(d) Posterior wall
17.28 Which of the following are principles in the management of rupture bladder ?
17.29 Urethral rupture can occur due to all of the following EXCEPT :
17.30 What percentage of cases of intrapelvic rupture of urethra are associated with fracture
pelvis ?
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%
17.31 Pendulous or bulbous urethral rupture permit extravasation within the confines of :
17.32 Bulbomembranous rupture of urethra results in urinary extravasation in the following EXCEPT:
18.1 Opposite which vertebra, the right renal pelvis lies on radio logical examination :
(a) D12
(b) L1
(c) L2
(d) L3
18.2 At which embryo stage, does the renal pelvis lie opposite 2nd lumbar vertebra :
(a) 5 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 13 mm
(d) 16 mm
18.3 All of the following factors hold the kidney in its position EXCEPT :
18.4 The normal amplitude of movement of kidney along with respiration is in order of :
(a) 1 cm
(b) 2 cm
(c) 3 cm
(d) 4 cm
18.5 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding movement of kidney along with
respiration ?
18.6 Which of the following statement is WRONG about surgical the anatomy of the kidney ?
(a) The lower border 2 or less above the highest point of the iliac crest
(b) The projection of the right kidney is on the whole ½ lower
(c) The male kidney is lightly larger than the female kidney
(d) The right kidney is slightly larger than the left kidney
18.7 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding anatomy of the minor calyces ?
18.8 All of the following can cause pain during percutaneous renal surgery EXCEPT :
(a) Direct
(b) Long
(c) Straight
(d) Of sufficient calibre
18.10 The following are the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of operative nephroscopy
(a) Tens
(b) Hundreds
(c) Thousands
(d) Millions
18.14 Which of the following LASERS are most commonly used in management of carcinoma
Bladder ?
(a) Ruby
(b) Co2
(c) Neon
(d) Nd-Yag
18.17 Which of the following is CORRECT regarding management of staghorn calculus via
percutaneous route ?
18.18 Which is the anaethesia of choice for one-stage percutaneous stone removal ?
(a) Prone-oblique
(b) Lateral
(c) Anterior-oblique
(d) Supine
18.20 Which is the irrigating fluid of choice for percutaneous stone removal ?
18.21 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding irrigating fluid for percutaneous stone
removal ?
18.22 Which is irrigating fluid of choice if diathermy is required during percutaneous renal surgery ?
18.23 Technique of stone manipulation during percutaneous renal surgery depends upon :
(a) Size and shape
(b) Position
(c) Number
(d) Chemical composition
(e) All of the above
18.24 The chance of mechanical extraction without fragmentation are good in in its largest diameter
the size of the stone is less than :
(a) 1.5 cm
(b) 2.0 cm
(c) 2.5 cm
(d) 3.0
18.26 Which of the following is currently not recommended is the management of a calculous in the
middle 1/3rd ureter ?
18.29 Who was first to recognise the segmental distribution of the renal artery ?
(a) Brodel
(b) Graves
(c) Boyce
(d) Gilvermet
18.30 Which of the following is a problematic stone for management by extracorporeal shock wave
lithotripsy ?
(a) Kidney
(b) Lung
(c) Liver
(d) Spleen
18.32 Which of the following is the treatment of choice for a 1.0 cm size radicopaque pelvic
calculous without distal obstruction ?
18.33 The following are relative contraindications for management of calculous disease by
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy EXCEPT ?
18.34 Which of the following anaethesia is desirable for second generation extracorporeal shock
wave lithotriptors ?
(a) Epidural
(b) General
(c) Local cutaneous and paravertebal
(d) High frequency jet ventilation
(e) None of the above
18.35 The following are complications of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy EXCEPT ?
(a) Colic
(b) Fever
(c) Residual fragincats
(d) Urinary fistula
18.37 Which of the following is the most serious contraindication for percutaneous nephrostomy ?
18.38 The structures within the retroperitoneum includes the following EXCEPT :
18.40 The anterior calyces are now many degrees anterior to the frontal plane of the kidney
(a) 30
(b) 50
(c) 70
(d) 90
18.41 The posterior calysces are how many degrees posterior to the frontal plane of the kideny :
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80
18.42 Which of the following renal segment is NOT supplied by the anterior division of renal artery ?
(a) Apical
(b) Upper
(c) Middle
(d) Lower
(e) Posterior
18.43 Opacification of collecting system for perutaneous nephrostomy can be obtained by delivery
of contrast material by :
18.44 What is the route of choice for contrast introduction into collecting system prior to puncture
for percutaneous removal of kideny stones ?
18.46 Which of the following route is NOT indicated for opacification for percutaneous puncture in
presence of impaired renal function ?
18.47 The following are the advantages of ultrasound guide fine needle puncture EXCEPT :
(a) The fluid dilated collecting system can be directly visualized without the need of contrast
(b) The depth of the required tract to the kindney can be accurately meansured
(c) A safe route avoiding other abdominal organs can be ensured
(d) There is no radiation exposure to operators hand
(e) Nondilated ‘spidery’ collecting system can be easily pucnture
(a) Anterior
(b) Posterior
18.49 Which of the following is the reason for approach through a posterior calyx for a nephrostomy
(a) Acces through an anterior calyx results in to a more difficult angle between the nephrostomy
tract and the calyceal infundibulum
(b) The length of the tract tract through the renal parenchyma is minimized
(c) Posterior calyces are usually more medial then anterior calyces, this reduces the chance of
violation of organs in lateral relationshio to the kidney
(d) All of the above
18.51 The following are the advantages of dilating a percutaneous tract with balloon catheters
(a) Speed
(b) Reduced trauma to the tissues
(c) Less bleeding
(d) Reduced pain
(e) Inexpensive
18.52 Which are the dilators of choice for dilating scarred of fibrotic tissue ?
18.57 The double puncture technique presumably carries with it twice the risk for complications as
does a single nephrostomy puncture :
(a) True
(b) False
18.58 Following are the advantages of stone removal through teflon sheath EXCEPT :
18.60 What should be the minimum distance between the tip of the probe and the tip of the lense
during electrohydraulic disintegration ?
(a) 1 mm
(b) 2 mm
(c) 3 mm
(d) 5 mm
18.61 What should be the minimum distance between the tip of the probe and the stone during
electrohydraulic disintegraion ?
(a) 1 mm
(b) 2 mm
(c) 3 mm
(d) 5 mm
18.62 Following are the drawbacks of electrohydrolic lithotripsy for kidney stones EXCEPT :
(a) If the probe is accidenly discharged on the renal pelvic mucosa perforation or bleeding may
(b) Due to use of hypotonic solution, absorption of the fluid may lead to hyponatraemia and
(c) The system dose not allow for simulatenous distintegration and removal of stone
(d) Larger calculi can be distintegrated
18.63 Which is the funtion of nephrostomy catheter aftet percutaneous stone removal ?
18.64 Which type of catheter can be used after percutaneous stone removal ?
18.65 The following are the advantages of balloon catheter after percutaneous stone removal
18.66 Which is the disadvantage of balloon catheter after percutaneous stone removal ?
(a) The balloon adds to the catheter profile and can make it difficult to introduce the catheter
through the tract
(b) The balloon may deflate and then dislodge
(c) There is risk of over distention and even reputuring a portion of the collecting system
(d) All of the above
18.67 Which catheter is commonly removed at the end of percutaneous stone removal ?
(a) Foley’s catheter
(b) Ureteric catheter
(c) Nephrostomy catheter
(d) Safety catheter
18.68 Post operative care after percutaneous stone removal invollowing EXCEPT ?
18.69 Which of the following investigation is usually not necessary in the evaluation of essential
haematuria ?
18.71 In case of essential haematuria, after basic radiographic and other diagnostic studies, which is
the most common lesion found during ureterorenoscopic exmination :
(a) Glomerulonephritis
(b) Papillary necrosis
(c) Pyelonephritis
(d) Vascular abnormalities like hemangioma or AV malformations
18.78 Successful disintegration of ureteral stones by ESWL in dependent upon the presence of an
expansion chamber. This statement is :
(a) True
(b) False
18.79 In comparision to native stones in the kidney the amount of necessary energery required for
disintegration of a ureteral stone pushed back into the kidney is :
(a) Same
(b) More
(c) Less
18.80 For successful ESWL disintegration of ureteral stones the aim is to create an expansion
chamber of at least :
(a) 3 Fr
(b) 4 Fr
(c) 5 Fr
(d) 6 Fr
18.81 In comparision to kidney stones for successful disintegration of ureter stones in presence of
adequate expansion chamber the amount of energy requir is :
(a) Same
(b) More
(c) Less
18.82 Success rate of ESWL disintegration of ureteral stones drops due to the following EXCEPT :
18.83 Which of the following group is considered a low risk to experience post-treatment
pyelonephritis following ESWL :
(a) Patients without history of infection a negative urinalysis and negative urine culture
(b) Patients without history of infection a postive urinalysis and negative culture
(c) Parients with history of infection a positive urinalysis and negative culture
(d) Parient without history of infection a positive urinalysis and positive culture
18.84 Which of the following statment is FALSE regarding treatment of infected stones by ESWL ?
18.85 Treatment of coice for a patient presenting with obstruction ureteral stones associated with
infection is :
18.86 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding treatment or radiolucent and semi opque
stones by ESWL under X-ray localization ?
(a) Uric acid stones cystine stones and fainly visible struvite stones are not primary indications
for ESWL
(b) They can not be readily localized with X-ray system
(c) X ray visualization is only possible after administration of contrast medium
(d) Fragmentation of these stones can be easily obtained
18.87 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding management of Bilateral renal stones by
18.88 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding management of bilateral ureteral stones
by ESWL ?
18.89 Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding management of renal calculi in children
by ESWL ?
18.90 Which of the following is not a contraindication for ESWL monotherapy for renal stones
assoctiated with ?
18.91 In a pregnant lady with renal calculi disease following treatment option available EXCEPT :
(a) Conservervative treatment with analgesis and antibiotics
(b) Percutaneous nephrostomy under local anaesthesia if there is unmanageable pain or
imminent urosepsis
(c) Extra corporeal shock wave lithortipsy
(d) All of the above
(a) Q wave
(b) R wave
(c) S wave
(d) T wave
18.95 Following are recquired for after care of ESWL patient EXCEPT :
18.96 The following auxillary aids are used along with ESWL EXCEPT ?
18.97 Which of the following statement is correct regarding the management of staghorn calculi
with ESWL ?